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  • File : 1316069707.jpg-(6 KB, 184x184, cat.jpg)
    6 KB Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)02:55 No.4968920  
    Why are most of the users of this board... female?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)02:57 No.4968925
    Because more women like cosplay stuff than guys, I'm guessing.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)02:58 No.4968926
    most "females" are actually guys wanting to be girls.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)02:59 No.4968929
    Women love gossip.

    /cgl/ is the gossip mecca of the cosplay community in America
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)03:06 No.4968948
    Also 99% of lolitas are female.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)03:08 No.4968955

    Lol the gossip isn't just from the US, silly girl
    We have just as much down here in Australia
    Though I do agree with you on woman loving gossip :3
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)03:09 No.4968960
    girls like sewing and shit more
    whoda thunk it?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)03:27 No.4968981
    Because cosplaying is an opportunity for attention whoring
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)03:30 No.4968989
         File1316071810.jpg-(41 KB, 346x559, tumblr_lr0py7uLnG1qlki04o1_400.jpg)
    41 KB
    This, completely.
    Just look at all the tripfags on this board.

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