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  • File : 1315968712.jpg-(228 KB, 1099x1232, asdfghjkl;.jpg)
    228 KB Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)22:51 No.4963936  
    Gossip thread time. Gossip about fellow seagulls or just other cosplayers in general.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)22:55 No.4963954
    I heard the OP is a faggot
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 09/13/11(Tue)22:56 No.4963960
         File1315968963.jpg-(151 KB, 1280x720, Ore-no-Imouto-ga-konna-ni-kawa(...).jpg)
    151 KB
    i heard that tenleid girl is a bitch

    oh, wait.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/13/11(Tue)22:56 No.4963962
         File1315968980.jpg-(11 KB, 201x201, second.jpg)
    11 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)22:57 No.4963963
         File1315969043.png-(84 KB, 500x500, 1318220872129.png)
    84 KB
    You heard right.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)23:01 No.4963977
         File1315969265.jpg-(12 KB, 210x251, godwillsit.jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)23:07 No.4963995
         File1315969622.gif-(258 KB, 170x350, 1291544111283.gif)
    258 KB
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 09/13/11(Tue)23:08 No.4964001
         File1315969710.jpg-(43 KB, 600x338, stupidbitch.jpg)
    43 KB
    Word is that Pantsu chick totally is an attention whore, and she is somewhat of a bitch. Oh, and she likes to whore her godawful annoying voice around by making dirty vocaroos. I also heard that she's giving some seagulls shimapan for Christmas, along with her gift handout to her "bro trips".

    Whatever the hell that means.
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 09/13/11(Tue)23:09 No.4964004
         File1315969755.jpg-(37 KB, 634x351, 5u3jpj.jpg)
    37 KB
    Clever God
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)23:10 No.4964007
    >clever God

    I am... wow. Wow. This Macro.
    >> M3RC !M99////FLU 09/13/11(Tue)23:12 No.4964011
         File1315969950.jpg-(27 KB, 400x312, Haruko-5.jpg)
    27 KB
    I heard Smoker is probably going to cause a shitstorm of epic proportions in this thread.
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 09/13/11(Tue)23:13 No.4964012
         File1315969992.jpg-(35 KB, 500x382, 1313788999658.jpg)
    35 KB

    Holy crap Pantsu, are you gonna let that random girl talk about you like that?
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 09/13/11(Tue)23:14 No.4964015
         File1315970041.jpg-(262 KB, 640x480, supernaturals7bigbads_small.jpg)
    262 KB
    I have a lot of free time. :(
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/13/11(Tue)23:16 No.4964022
         File1315970212.jpg-(22 KB, 380x259, 115853863.jpg)
    22 KB
    I heard this is probably incredibly true.
    >waiting for it
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)23:18 No.4964024
    I found out what pantsu's full name means.... I blushed
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)23:21 No.4964033
         File1315970499.jpg-(20 KB, 426x304, 1314673143258.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)23:23 No.4964038
    >didn't read the spoilers for S7 about the new Big Bads
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 09/13/11(Tue)23:23 No.4964040
         File1315970632.jpg-(26 KB, 308x200, cm-punk-23.jpg)
    26 KB

    I heard Da0 beat Smoker to causing shitstorm and then he said in this thread 'You're all fucking retards, each and every one of you are worthless sack of shits'. Shitstorm.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/13/11(Tue)23:24 No.4964042
         File1315970673.png-(152 KB, 258x314, thankyouforsmoking.png)
    152 KB
    The fuck am I supposed to say in this fucking thread? You and merc are just fucking retarded if you think im going to start shit in a thread that isnt serous. Give me the lolita bitches that have no idea who I am. Give me the guy that its his first time on /cgl/. Not this. This is just a tripfag wank fest that has no feasible shitstorm capability. Fuck all yall.



    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 09/13/11(Tue)23:25 No.4964046
         File1315970755.jpg-(17 KB, 400x292, Misha_Collins_558666.jpg)
    17 KB
    I like to pretend I'm funny but I'm really not.

    In other news I heard that Misha Collins is still extremely attractive.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 09/13/11(Tue)23:27 No.4964054
         File1315970861.jpg-(67 KB, 960x720, K-ON%20-%2003%20-%20Large%2033.jpg)
    67 KB
    AWW HEEEEEEELL NAW. SHIT IS GOING DOWN. I'm gonna go all Z-Snap on her ass. Nobody talks that way about me.

    "I can take off my panties."
    I won't lie, I'm known to having done so on here quite a lot. Been there, done that. Haha.
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/13/11(Tue)23:28 No.4964059
         File1315970902.gif-(773 KB, 259x214, 1627865486710.gif)
    773 KB
    That was disappointing.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/13/11(Tue)23:29 No.4964064
    Again, you gave me nothing to work with. Go fuck yourself with a rake.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 09/13/11(Tue)23:30 No.4964071
         File1315971026.jpg-(55 KB, 281x657, K-ON!!%20-%2006%20-%20Large%20(...).jpg)
    55 KB
    It's not April of next year yet.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)23:30 No.4964073
    I heard todd was a cutie
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/13/11(Tue)23:32 No.4964080
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 09/13/11(Tue)23:33 No.4964087
         File1315971200.png-(9 KB, 400x400, i just dont give a fuck.png)
    9 KB
    I heard Smoker is a fucking loser faggot.
    ... ... Is that enough to work with?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)23:33 No.4964088
    Waiting games are so much fun hun.
    If you think asians with no since of style are cute.
    Come at me bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)23:34 No.4964090
    Wait wait wait, I haven't read the spoilers, are they seriously going up against the Loch Ness monster??
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 09/13/11(Tue)23:34 No.4964093
         File1315971273.jpg-(34 KB, 239x238, 1312318299873.jpg)
    34 KB
    just pwned

    Told [ ]
    Really told [ ]
    Star Wars: the told republic [X]
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/13/11(Tue)23:35 No.4964097
    Oh shit I dropped my trip. I was posting in /v/.
    At least I dont have jungle house hair and a vagina.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 09/13/11(Tue)23:37 No.4964107
         File1315971441.jpg-(43 KB, 258x479, K-ON!!%20-%2005%20-%20Large%20(...).jpg)
    43 KB
    Damn straight.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 09/13/11(Tue)23:37 No.4964108
         File1315971446.png-(69 KB, 209x309, shut up you.png)
    69 KB
    Says the guy who wanted to make a fort out of my hair a few weeks ago. ADMIT IT, YOU LOVE IT.
    >> KomaK !DU8.7nfCkU 09/13/11(Tue)23:39 No.4964116
         File1315971583.jpg-(61 KB, 500x500, 1314236498600.jpg)
    61 KB

    Well, look who dropped in.
    >> u want pray game? !QwkL8BZ.Ss 09/13/11(Tue)23:40 No.4964120
         File1315971607.jpg-(17 KB, 305x276, senor chang.jpg)
    17 KB
    ITT: everyone talks about themselves and only themselves.
    >> Queen N 09/13/11(Tue)23:40 No.4964123
         File1315971637.jpg-(49 KB, 271x234, N Okay.jpg)
    49 KB
    i heard nothing because i am not in the tripfag 'in-crowd'.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 09/13/11(Tue)23:41 No.4964131
         File1315971700.jpg-(20 KB, 361x299, Himeko_2.jpg)
    20 KB
    Those dubs will make the wait all the more sweeter, darling~. I expect something good for the wait, too. I mean, I'm giving you a prize, so surely I deserve something good in return.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 09/13/11(Tue)23:42 No.4964136
         File1315971742.jpg-(65 KB, 400x400, 18951367_p11.jpg)
    65 KB
    I heard that Boris thinks that Queenie is really sweet and awesome.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 09/13/11(Tue)23:43 No.4964144
    I heard Queen N, CakeMonster, and Pantsu are gonna have a Harry Potter tacofest viewing party this weekend, but it's really just a cover-up for a huge lesbian orgy.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/13/11(Tue)23:45 No.4964149
    So I heard that that one random called 'Mell' or something might be attending ACEN 2012.

    Anyone else going?
    >> lol spoilers Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 09/13/11(Tue)23:45 No.4964150
         File1315971942.gif-(495 KB, 400x225, tumblr_lr2b217bmu1qehyg7o1_400.gif)
    495 KB
    According to the E!Online interview, the new big bads are Leviathans. Like, biblical Leviathans.

    >"There are going to be multiple big bads. Big old big bads. Aka leviathans. And Castiel is the one who accidentally releases them into the world."

    And in the Bible they're described as gargantuan sea monsters, sooo naturally everyone's decided that it's going to be Sam and Dean VS. Nessie.
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 09/13/11(Tue)23:46 No.4964155
         File1315971996.jpg-(36 KB, 322x310, 1314947386365.jpg)
    36 KB

    So, guys... guys, listen. I heard that Queen N gal still has no trip, even though she's far more cool and known that certain trifags, me included.
    >> Messiah of Velociraptors !RApToRvvgQ 09/13/11(Tue)23:47 No.4964160
    somebody say something about trips?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)23:50 No.4964173
    I heard she bought 50 dicks on ebay and sucked them all.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 09/13/11(Tue)23:52 No.4964180
    i heard nothing because i have a job
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/13/11(Tue)23:53 No.4964182
         File1315972414.png-(969 KB, 1280x638, rainingbitches.png)
    969 KB
    I heard that roko kid has fangirls now

    I use the term "girl" loosely as well
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)23:54 No.4964190
    Holy shit, that sounds like it'll be really cool! At least it's sounding like it's going to be better than the first half of S6 was

    I did hear about Cas though, that's upsetting.. But hopefully they handle it decently
    >> Queen N 09/13/11(Tue)23:59 No.4964201

    the lesbian orgy is on saturday for the comic book store sailor moon screening. i heard that queen n is also forcing pantsu to go BECAUSE SHE'S DA BOSS ROUND THESE HERE PARTS.

    it's true, 4chan told me so.

    i also heard that queen n is in shock that people are nice to her.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 09/14/11(Wed)00:01 No.4964208
         File1315972883.jpg-(17 KB, 180x280, 429448205840.jpg)
    17 KB
    i hear that "Kuro" chick is a total bitch.

    oh wait a minute...
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 09/14/11(Wed)00:01 No.4964209
    WHAAAAAAT. THERE IS A SAILOR MOON SCREENING? You don't have to force Pantsu to go, she's going willingly.

    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/14/11(Wed)00:03 No.4964216
         File1315973009.jpg-(22 KB, 300x300, awesomeface.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 09/14/11(Wed)00:03 No.4964218
         File1315973021.gif-(348 KB, 250x141, tumblr_lr4ih38YcJ1qeaahko1_250.gif)
    348 KB
    Yeah, I'm thinking it's going to be a pretty good season! I'm hoping they don't humanize the Leviathans, but considering they did that for the dragon, they probably will. But I wish they'd depict them as legitimate monsters, it'd be something new as opposed to fighting more humanoids. Plus it'd make sense with how they keep talking about the boys being thrown into a new situation where their old methods of fighting monsters aren't going to work.

    I'm bummed about Cas but I'm hoping they give him a tragic ending (a la Jo and Ellen), or at least redeem him in some way before his presumed death. I'll really miss him on the show, though. Team Free Will was one of my favorite elements of the entire series.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/14/11(Wed)00:04 No.4964219
    Thats hardcore friendzoning hair.
    Who the fuck are you to tell me who came in where
    Lets pray game. Its called shut the fuck up.
    You ain't a tripfag and you have a boyfriend, why talk about it.
    You'll get what you deserve. Mostly blood.
    Are they still on namic?
    Fuck the police
    Bitches and whores, the whole lot of em.
    With a mohawk? Wow, selling your body must put a lot of strain on yah.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 09/14/11(Wed)00:07 No.4964227
         File1315973226.png-(153 KB, 479x409, 76513.png)
    153 KB
    Naw, I think I'll have the blood part covered already.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 09/14/11(Wed)00:08 No.4964233
    i also hear that smoker is a meanie.. for lack of a better word lol
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 09/14/11(Wed)00:07 No.4964234
         File1315973275.gif-(463 KB, 312x167, tumblr_lmoklmBqKH1qijd3mo1_400.gif)
    463 KB
    Season 7, Episode 1: Sam and Dean hunt the Kraken.

    They never left.
    >> u want pray game? !QwkL8BZ.Ss 09/14/11(Wed)00:08 No.4964236
         File1315973292.jpg-(12 KB, 442x414, kawaii.jpg)
    12 KB
    ok, i lost
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 09/14/11(Wed)00:08 No.4964239
         File1315973339.jpg-(63 KB, 268x507, 18358060.jpg)
    63 KB
    You don't have to love me to love my hair, silly.
    >> Cutesy !bloNd/iatI 09/14/11(Wed)00:12 No.4964254
         File1315973575.jpg-(18 KB, 640x480, Clannad-Kyou-Fujibayashi-anime(...).jpg)
    18 KB
    I heard that Shaynii and Claudie are so sweet that they have been hired to be the splenda representative~
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/14/11(Wed)00:14 No.4964262
    I heard they are haters and should burn.
    >> u want pray game? !QwkL8BZ.Ss 09/14/11(Wed)00:15 No.4964268
         File1315973737.jpg-(207 KB, 680x473, Stop-liking-what-I-dont-like.jpg)
    207 KB
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/14/11(Wed)00:15 No.4964271
         File1315973749.png-(72 KB, 250x317, tired.png)
    72 KB
    I lol'd.
    Although this could possibly be somewhat true.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 09/14/11(Wed)00:17 No.4964278
         File1315973837.jpg-(28 KB, 193x140, woah.jpg)
    28 KB
    I was wondering when you'd show up.
    I feel like I haven't seen in around in a while, weird.
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/14/11(Wed)00:17 No.4964279
         File1315973871.gif-(2.89 MB, 312x176, yougonnagetpenetrated.gif)
    2.89 MB

    sounds to me like someones already... penetrated your defenses

    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 09/14/11(Wed)00:18 No.4964283

    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/14/11(Wed)00:20 No.4964290
         File1315974012.gif-(427 KB, 500x373, tumblr_lmsczhtZgv1qj0krzo1_500.gif)
    427 KB
    Oh hello.
    Yes, I was gone for a few days. Doing things Piplups do.
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/14/11(Wed)00:41 No.4964389
         File1315975313.png-(47 KB, 300x312, qrwrtwfqddc.png)
    47 KB
    also I was visiting Todd.
    stupid doodle I just did related.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)01:06 No.4964485
    At least you know.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)01:07 No.4964491
    omg are you guys dating now
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)01:15 No.4964514
         File1315977314.jpg-(63 KB, 247x248, 1266120933424.jpg)
    63 KB
    >> Hatsuu !!+vbHxqaHFI4 09/14/11(Wed)01:17 No.4964518


    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/14/11(Wed)01:17 No.4964520
    i liek ffx <3
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/14/11(Wed)01:19 No.4964526
    Yeah. Best FF out of all FF.

    You know, besides Ehrgeiz.
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/14/11(Wed)01:20 No.4964528
         File1315977603.png-(433 KB, 837x810, 1315903856466.png)
    433 KB

    because square enix wants to cash in on it again since 13 and 14 were both SHIT
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)01:21 No.4964533
         File1315977696.jpg-(8 KB, 263x211, 1277764288775.jpg)
    8 KB
    >best FF

    Such an obvious troll, it's gone around the other end and made me wonder if it's actually legit.
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/14/11(Wed)01:25 No.4964541
         File1315977910.gif-(292 KB, 350x331, tumblr_lp70na3s3N1qml6eco1_400.gif)
    292 KB
    >obvious troll
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 09/14/11(Wed)01:26 No.4964544
         File1315977995.jpg-(84 KB, 600x435, 3ae789d78d43c89ca92ef6148e74c1(...).jpg)
    84 KB
    I heard Maguma did a line of Colombian cocaine prepared by S0ni done off Miyu's ass while she was fellating Mr. Freeman and having a cell phone conversation with Mika talking about why in God's name does Pixyteri love to give backrubs to Sushimonster using clogs made by Volpin

    It's true, because I'm anon
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/14/11(Wed)01:28 No.4964547
    Oh masa, I don't even have to talk trash about you, because erryone already knows it all.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)01:32 No.4964558

    piplup is avoiding the question, it must be true then
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/14/11(Wed)01:34 No.4964564
    Im so disappoint in Todd for not finding a gen 1 girl.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)01:36 No.4964572
    oooooh gurl don't even
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/14/11(Wed)13:50 No.4966076
    cute doodle.

    Gen 1 is wayyyy too hipster even for me, duder.
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/14/11(Wed)14:13 No.4966135
         File1316024007.jpg-(31 KB, 406x404, 69ee2af8-8100-4304-874c-76f8c7(...).jpg)
    31 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)14:31 No.4966175
    You want gossip?

    How about that faggot Matt and bitch Don Kanonji getting together.

    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)14:36 No.4966188
    ilu masa

    sage for no drama
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)14:54 No.4966207
    I called it since the cgl meetup! Spot on.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:08 No.4966242
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:39 No.4966303
    I'm calling horse shit.
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/14/11(Wed)15:45 No.4966327
         File1316029521.jpg-(90 KB, 500x354, Horse20Poop20sm.jpg)
    90 KB
    you rang?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:48 No.4966337
         File1316029680.png-(133 KB, 353x348, Shay.png)
    133 KB
    If Shay sees this.... this is for you! Because you are a really cute tripfag!
    >> KomaK !DU8.7nfCkU 09/14/11(Wed)15:53 No.4966353
         File1316030035.jpg-(16 KB, 336x358, 1308269287634.jpg)
    16 KB
    I actually heard smoker is a really cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)15:55 No.4966360
    Obviously you don't know them. They both admitted it. Derp.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)16:31 No.4966466
         File1316032288.jpg-(110 KB, 399x600, 1271299412169.jpg)
    110 KB
    You got me. fuck.
    >> Smoker !Umad72YCVU 09/14/11(Wed)16:40 No.4966505
    I just hope poor poolboy is ok with it. He deserves better.
    Naw that guy is a tottal faggot with bitch tits. What a fat asshole.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:46 No.4966723
    Were poolboy and don together?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:13 No.4966823
    Who was that girl I saw mr. freeman with at dragoncon? They seemed to he getting quite friendly with one another on sunday.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:18 No.4967104
    Haha I like that one :D
    And I agree they are both very nice
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:38 No.4967196
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:14 No.4967529
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/14/11(Wed)22:09 No.4967729
         File1316052548.jpg-(18 KB, 640x362, creepedoutryuuji.jpg)
    18 KB
    I heard no one's ever heard of this Enver faggot
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/14/11(Wed)22:11 No.4967738
    Only thing i've ever heard is that their a faggot.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/14/11(Wed)22:18 No.4967760
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/14/11(Wed)22:27 No.4967785
         File1316053641.jpg-(16 KB, 438x420, 1314962606203.jpg)
    16 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:48 No.4967863
    Ugh, Matt and Don?

    Fucking really?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:52 No.4967874
    He has a thing for girls that have a lot of experience.
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/14/11(Wed)22:52 No.4967875
         File1316055178.jpg-(18 KB, 288x302, 20355979-spongebob.jpg)
    18 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:00 No.4967903
    >> Tatsue !YsOjPxwORI 09/14/11(Wed)23:24 No.4968030
         File1316057054.jpg-(33 KB, 240x200, 1314830534878.jpg)
    33 KB
    I don't feel like they would dare just get rid of Cass in the second episode of the season. If they were going to kill off such a huge character, they would leave it for one of those horrible (read: wonderful) end of season cliffhangers that they so love. I think he'll be back. CW will get some strongly worded letters every single day if they get rid of beautiful Misha Collins.

    Technically it said Leviathan, but who knows?
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 09/14/11(Wed)23:29 No.4968051
         File1316057367.jpg-(76 KB, 1280x720, nn.jpg)
    76 KB
    You're so nice and pretty, ohgoshhh ♥

    Ahhh, thank you so much!
    That's really sweet of you, I wish I knew who you were, mysterious Anon. ♥ ; A ;
    >> Don Kanonji/Matt/Zal with Glasses !qQ0Wv/4eCY 09/14/11(Wed)23:33 No.4968071
         File1316057628.jpg-(63 KB, 640x480, bleach_kanonji0002.jpg)
    63 KB
    This is hilariously ironic. Believe it.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:42 No.4968102
    Why? Have you only been with one or two guys?
    >> Don Kanonji/Matt/Zal with Glasses !qQ0Wv/4eCY 09/14/11(Wed)23:46 No.4968117
         File1316058365.gif-(5 KB, 80x80, bleach_donKanonji2.gif)
    5 KB
    Man, all I know is, I'm so good, they named a restaurant chain after me. Real talk.
    >> Cutesy !bloNd/iatI 09/14/11(Wed)23:48 No.4968128
         File1316058483.gif-(111 KB, 100x80, Clannad03.gif)
    111 KB
    Guhh my cute sensors are overloading, so much want!
    >> Don Kanonji/Matt/Zal with Glasses !qQ0Wv/4eCY 09/15/11(Thu)00:22 No.4968267
         File1316060532.jpg-(38 KB, 640x436, bleach_kanonji0030.jpg)
    38 KB
    I will take that as a good reaction and continue on with my shenanigans. Believe it.

    May the spirits always be with you, Kuro <3
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/15/11(Thu)00:25 No.4968290
    or real talk.
    She also likes to say HELLA a lot.
    >> Siliconmage !!Q0aKb/ubkoa 09/15/11(Thu)00:26 No.4968292
    Still waiting for a picture of you.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 09/15/11(Thu)00:30 No.4968318
    lol, i don't think this is the place for it though.

    next time theres a relevent picture posting thread, i shall post one. sound good?

    i've noticed that lol. her posts are always amusing
    >> Siliconmage !!Q0aKb/ubkoa 09/15/11(Thu)00:31 No.4968320
    Alright, hard-to-get.
    >> octopus !mMEOWo4q4o 09/15/11(Thu)00:31 No.4968323
    She just posted one. She is a real life manga character.
    >> Don Kanonji/Matt/Zal with Glasses !qQ0Wv/4eCY 09/15/11(Thu)00:34 No.4968337
         File1316061261.jpg-(18 KB, 320x240, 51oZBQ-+PuL._SX320_SY240_.jpg)
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    I do try :3
    Why the hell else would I pick this trip? Real talk.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 09/15/11(Thu)00:34 No.4968338
         File1316061262.jpg-(24 KB, 225x350, heheheheh.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)00:35 No.4968344
         File1316061323.jpg-(39 KB, 300x443, 300px-Naruto360.jpg)
    39 KB

    do ho ho~ so you're naruto too eh?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/15/11(Thu)00:37 No.4968354
    haha, it's the first time I've seen you use :3
    that's weird.
    >> Don Kanonji/Matt/Zal with Glasses !qQ0Wv/4eCY 09/15/11(Thu)00:38 No.4968362
         File1316061523.png-(169 KB, 400x300, phpThumb.php.png)
    169 KB
    You better fuckin' believe it, bby <3
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/15/11(Thu)00:40 No.4968371
    Its like the worst taste in anime ever.

    Its like the black ranger went along and decided to move to japan, and along the way started producing anime. That would be what you watch don.
    >> Don Kanonji/Matt/Zal with Glasses !qQ0Wv/4eCY 09/15/11(Thu)00:42 No.4968383
         File1316061738.jpg-(61 KB, 640x480, bleach_kanonji0001.jpg)
    61 KB
    Got it from Maguma, actually.
    Just like how I use ";A;" now. Got that wun from you.

    Also, damn straight, yo.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/15/11(Thu)00:46 No.4968409
    >> Don Kanonji/Matt/Zal with Glasses !qQ0Wv/4eCY 09/15/11(Thu)00:52 No.4968447
         File1316062334.gif-(1.24 MB, 190x108, GoldenKan'onball.gif)
    1.24 MB
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/15/11(Thu)00:52 No.4968449
         File1316062346.png-(34 KB, 221x228, megusta.png)
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    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 09/15/11(Thu)00:54 No.4968461
         File1316062443.jpg-(12 KB, 300x288, 1313992263801.jpg)
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    >> Don Kanonji/Matt/Zal with Glasses !qQ0Wv/4eCY 09/15/11(Thu)00:54 No.4968468
         File1316062493.jpg-(78 KB, 640x480, bleach_kanonji0014.jpg)
    78 KB
    Uh..... I'm just gonna go now...
    Wouldn't want to get in the way of you guys or anything.... Real talk.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/15/11(Thu)00:55 No.4968474
    wow I hate u ;A;
    >> Queen N 09/15/11(Thu)00:57 No.4968481
         File1316062640.jpg-(6 KB, 156x159, N Concerned.jpg)
    6 KB
    i will never look at this face the same way ever again.

    fucking weird ass dreams.
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/15/11(Thu)01:02 No.4968506
         File1316062963.png-(20 KB, 236x193, wat.png)
    20 KB
    This thread just got all kinds of uncomfortable.
    >> Don Kanonji/Matt/Zal with Glasses !qQ0Wv/4eCY 09/15/11(Thu)01:07 No.4968534
         File1316063232.jpg-(45 KB, 640x480, bleach_kanonji0072.jpg)
    45 KB
    Wuuvvvv youuu~~~
    Oh god, that was obnoxious, even for me.

    YOU'RE telling ME.

    I respect that.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 09/15/11(Thu)01:10 No.4968554
         File1316063403.jpg-(96 KB, 600x500, 1312351753682.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)01:10 No.4968558
         File1316063437.png-(21 KB, 370x370, f.png)
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    Real talk. who's kawaii-er piplup or Zal with glasses/don ?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)01:11 No.4968563
    seeing as how don has a manly face-no joke it looks just like matts
    id say piplup
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/15/11(Thu)01:15 No.4968583
    Piplup. Hands down.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)01:16 No.4968585

    yea but no one seen piplup before cept todd. and tomboys are pretty hawt imo
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/15/11(Thu)01:17 No.4968592

    who's kawaii-er?
    who's cuter?
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 09/15/11(Thu)01:17 No.4968594
         File1316063843.jpg-(4 KB, 89x83, You rang.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)01:19 No.4968605

    now that you're here.
    Do you think Zal with glasses/don resemble Zal?


    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)01:19 No.4968606
    yeah don is a tomboy to say at the least
    >> Don Kanonji/Matt/Zal with Glasses !qQ0Wv/4eCY 09/15/11(Thu)01:20 No.4968612
         File1316064017.jpg-(62 KB, 640x480, bleach_kanonji0025.jpg)
    62 KB
    Zal with Glasses ain't even cute man. She's like, 5 people all at once. Gross. Plus, she's a skinny black man. Real talk.
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/15/11(Thu)01:21 No.4968615
    Thats the most real real talk you've ever talked really. REAL TALK
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/15/11(Thu)01:22 No.4968623
         File1316064160.png-(18 KB, 236x193, hmff.png)
    18 KB
    I never asked for this
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)01:22 No.4968624
    hmm so matt is into tomboys
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)01:23 No.4968625

    idk man if Zal with glasses look anything like Zal she mush be pretty hot.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)01:24 No.4968629
    I think he looks like a dyke
    >> pokemontrainermay 09/15/11(Thu)01:24 No.4968630

    shit son I guess you have to post your pic after all, you know to brush off all the haters.
    >> Don Kanonji/Matt/Zal with Glasses !qQ0Wv/4eCY 09/15/11(Thu)01:24 No.4968631
         File1316064277.jpg-(58 KB, 830x484, 830px-Rangiku_grabs_Kanonji.jpg)
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    Believe it.
    >> pun !oQBeagmO0I 09/15/11(Thu)01:26 No.4968640

    if he does I'd say he has got good taste to say the least.

    >tomboys > girly girls
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)01:28 No.4968645
    You would make a good Soi Fong from bleach
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/15/11(Thu)01:29 No.4968651
         File1316064571.jpg-(115 KB, 600x800, photo(2).jpg)
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    most recent
    >> pokemontrainermay 09/15/11(Thu)01:31 No.4968657

    how many piplus pushies do u own :o?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)10:12 No.4969575
    Men cosplayers if you wear spandex, or anything tight around the crotch area PLEASE TUCK THAT SHIT! If transsexuals, and Drag queens can do it you can too!
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)11:06 No.4969587
    Wear another pair of spandex underneath, I've seen alot of speed skaters do this. Use thicker material. idk do something.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/15/11(Thu)18:48 No.4970689
    how do you type without fingers?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:06 No.4970725
         File1316127970.jpg-(16 KB, 196x257, ken.jpg)
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    My friend was planning a homestuck group (no, we're not those crazy ones) and I originally said I wanted to be Vriska ( I wear glasses, I have long hair and appropriate wigs, and I can make things). Then she changed the plan and said this other girl (who told me to go kill myself after I failed, and I didn't even tell her I had at one point been suicidal) who doesn't have wigs, can't make shit, and has short hair and REALLY dark skin with no glasses.

    Oh well, not my problem
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:14 No.4970739
         File1316128467.jpg-(786 KB, 2048x1536, Bright_colored_Spandex_men_by_(...).jpg)
    786 KB
    Ops wear another pair of spandex. I guess I need to re-read more lol. Anyhow, this what I'm talking about.
    >> InvaderZim 09/15/11(Thu)19:30 No.4970772
    whats a seagull
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 09/15/11(Thu)19:32 No.4970776
         File1316129544.png-(72 KB, 324x215, facegrass.png)
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    with my face.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:34 No.4970778
         File1316129698.jpg-(15 KB, 320x240, 141-1.jpg)
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    >> The Postman !!DTw7vvt3ETo 09/15/11(Thu)19:44 No.4970798
    /v/ took me here. Why am I here? This board scares me. I'm going to stay and enjoy the threads about cosplaying. Oh wait, this is like /v/ so there is no talk about cosplaying just like /v/ doesn't talk about vidya.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/15/11(Thu)19:51 No.4970817
    anyone who posts on this board. /cgl/ kinda spells seagull

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