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  • File : 1315952024.jpg-(466 KB, 1210x857, Untitled-1.jpg)
    466 KB Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)18:13 No.4962773  
    I made you a new banner... just thought I'd post it.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)18:17 No.4962786
    >PT nude
    do not want
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)18:24 No.4962806
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    It's optional.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)18:26 No.4962817
    Needs more bloody miku
    Wind chime is a nice touch tho
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)18:29 No.4962825
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    This is fucking disgusting.

    Job well done.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)18:55 No.4962918
    I don't care about PT drama, but her boobs are so unfortunate. ;___;
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)19:52 No.4963155
    Stories GO! please with sugar on top.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)20:01 No.4963177
    Alright guys, I have a really big one. I'll be typiing it out after I get something to eat.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)20:04 No.4963190
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    my reaction when I saw pic
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)20:14 No.4963238

    My friend sent me this picture yesterday and I practically shat myself when I opened it because I knew this girl. She's the most psychotic person I know. So let's begin the horrible story about Jamie.

    I met her my first yer of highschool. She was new, came from a different state, and had absolutely no friends whatsoever.
    An old friend of mine (who was into anime and vidya like I was) met her in gym class. She began to casually talk about me, and Jamie was interested.
    A few days later, during my lunch period, she sat next to me and chatted with me. She seemed ok at first, a little loud and hyper but she seemed sweet. she really liked me because of our common interest, so I thought "well what the hey," and let her be my friend. Biggest mistake of my life.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)20:19 No.4963253

    Which girl? The mare or the stallion?
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)20:21 No.4963257
    Since we had lunch period together, this was the time she talked to me the most.
    At first our chats were tame, just about anime and the like. She knew I liked drawing manga, so as soon as she got the chance, she showed me her own drawings. (mind you she had the drawing skills of a 5th grader at best)
    I knew she was some closeted furry by that point... or something I don't even know the name of. She was obsessed with big buff half demon men. She had at last 100 OCs she drew religiously and tried to tell me their backgrounds. Strangely, she was also obsessed with horror film characters. She'd draw anime style Jason Vorhees and Micheal Myers. I kindof just shrugged it off as her own thing, because honestly it didn't bother me.
    (The one bending over) The stallion is actually a boy.
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 09/13/11(Tue)20:26 No.4963289
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    weeabo stories time, FUCK YEAH!
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)20:28 No.4963301
    Again, another one of our lunchroom meetings. After she'd get done talking about her O.Cs
    Well, as embarrassing as it is, When I was a Freshman I was really into the game Kingdom Hearts. (I was weening off of it, since my obsession used to be far far worse in middle school) I decided to talk to her about it. When I described the game she was immediately interested, although, she said she had never played it herself.
    We called it a day and after that I didn't talk to her again.
    The next day at school, she discussed with me her new found interest in Kingdom Hearts. Over time, she became obsessed with Xigbar and Xaldin (two of the characters). I don't know what possessed her to like them so much, but again I shrugged it off.
    A week later, I invited her over to my house. As soon as she came over she was glued to my PS2. (Playing KH2 of course) She got frustrated when she didn't see her husbandos, and played all night until she did. I just ignored her the whole time. Though, I was upset she ate all of my Ravioli.....
    She came over to my house until she beat the game.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)20:32 No.4963322
    The next week she came over to my house again. Still eating me out of house and home.
    That week I went to go pick her up from her house. If you could call it that... Her house was some vacation mobile home. I chatted with her father outside, and he was obviously insane. (He was talking about how he caught a giant fish in the retention pond and was going to cook it for dinner) Anyways, she took me inside (It was very crowded and we couldn't fit in easily) and she showed me around. She started telling me how her dad was a horrible person, and how he would hit her and yell at her.... I didn't know how to respond but I felt very guilty. And suddenly she was going through her belonging and pulled out a trunk from under her bed...
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)20:34 No.4963339
    F5, F5!!!
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)20:36 No.4963350
    I was standing in the middle of her camper when she took out the trunk, and she put it on the table. She opened it and started giggling. Inside of the trunk was her entire porno collection. I didn't know how to respond so I stayed quiet. Then she took out her own "self made porn" (which was her Male OCs having gay sex, her furries fucking each other in horrible ways, and a new stack, which was Xaldin and Xigbar, her new husbandos fucking each other in various ways.)
    She forced me to look at them, but her dad called her and we were hurried out.
    I think that day opened some sort of beast within her.... on the car ride to my house she made terrible, terrible sex jokes to my parents, I was so embarrassed. But still, I didn't say a word against it.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)20:36 No.4963351
    >Not using 4chan X or 4chan Plus
    Guys, seriously I hope you don't do this.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)20:38 No.4963362
    I'm on a iPhone, bro. It's my only option
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)20:41 No.4963374
    Since she already beat KH2, coming over to my house was a whole different thing from now on. She didn't have working internet at her camper so she used mine. She would obsessively check her DA and talk to strange people on chatrooms. Moreover, she forced me to watch Naruto AMVs with her (Her husbando was Kisame) It was linkin park shit and those awful "randum flashes" God, I just wanted to leave, but she'd throw a shitfit if I didn't watch them with her. This was daytime at my house.
    At night, we'd both retire to my room. Usually we'd stay up and talk about stuff. This was usually good, since she was a sweet girl before... But like I said, after she showed me her porn, she changed. Suddenly, the only thing she wanted to talk about was sex and men fucking. I humored her, for the moment. (I was a teenager too, and sex was interesting and funny) But it became really creepy really fast.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)20:45 No.4963396
    Fortunately, she never showed any sexual interest in me. (I assume because I was a feminine female) That didn't stop her from being lewd and disgusting around my family and I. She sexual comments from her to my parents and sisters was becoming a bit too much, She talked about anal sex with my younger sister. (Who was about 10 at the time) and I got pissed. I scolded her and told her to not be so disgusting around my sisters. She agreed. But she would still let it slip every now and then, to which I would scold her again.
    She began drawing porn at night in my room. (on my desk) while we were talking.
    Piping up saying "Teehee look what I drew!" and shoved in my ace a horrible monstrosity of weaboo gay sex art. I laughed it off. (I never encouraged her to draw anything). But she did.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)20:45 No.4963397
    I have no weeaboo stories. Everyone I know is cool as shit.

    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)20:50 No.4963423
    I was a budding artist myself. I drew better than her (and not to toot my own horn, but was known in my highschool for being such a great artist). Aside from her being my friend, I was also friends with a group of boys. (Gamer guys, if I could describe them, and my two other girlfriends, who liked drawing with me as well, but weren't as mental as her)
    People often praised me for my talent and asked that I draw them things. I did, because I was a nice person.

    She started getting jealous.
    She would openly insult my art, and at the same time, request enthusiastically that I draw shit for her. She also scared off one of my drawbros, who she later told me, that Jamie insulted her art and mocked her. For some reason I felt that it was my fault.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)20:54 No.4963436
    That whole fiasco died down after about a month.
    Now she had something entirely different to concentrate on.
    Our school started funding this "foreign exchange" program. (basically you adopt a French kid for few weeks during the summer)
    Jamie was obsessed with the thought of adopting a "hot french male" And I knew it. But I also knew it wouldn't ever happen. She began to lie and said she already had a French exchange student.... but even that got creepier as the days went by.
    She said he was absolutely gorgeous. She said he would dress up as Xaldin and fuck her. That he would come down once a year to have crazy sex with her in cosplay. Eventually this story was carried onto her other husbandos. She had a French kid for every anime boy she had a crush on.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)20:56 No.4963450
    >Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
    >> u want pray game? !QwkL8BZ.Ss 09/13/11(Tue)20:58 No.4963458
    >passive aggressive is passive aggressive
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)20:58 No.4963461
    She stopped talking about her numerous cosplay boyfriends less and less because I never humored her.
    Well, at this time, I was really into DDR (I was always a DDR punk) and my local library was holding a competition.
    She tagged along with me. While I was playing she found these group of guys she tired (and failed) to hit on. She resorted to screaming out how much she loveeed yaoi. (the boys finally left her).
    Well, needless to say, I won the competition. It was easy as fuck. I didn't know there was a "final" competition at the Museum in town. It was a week away. She decided she wanted to come with me.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)21:05 No.4963492
    The museum was holding a Renaissance festival that week as well, so we decided we would go there the day before the competition. She was pretty well behaved there, to my surprise. The only issue was that he yelled "I love yaoi!" To some middle aged man with his children in the parking lot.
    I had fun that day.
    Fastforward to the next day. The day of the competition. We had 2 hours to kill at the museum before it started, I kinda let loose and we both acted like hyper children running around (since no one was there). We got drunks and watched some movie in Imax.
    Competition: weaboos everywhere.
    She saw this as an open target. I was signing up for the competition and she began hitting on all of the boys there.
    I didn't know it at the time but inside of her backback she had kept her porn collection. I shit you not, she began showing off her self drawn porn to every single male in the place, giggling like a maniac. I tried to keep myself fr away from her.
    We stayed there for a few hours. (there was a guitar hero competition in the hall adjacent to ours) She hung out there because there were more males.
    I got 4th place overall, btw.
    When we were about to leave, she refused. my father had to practically force her to come back home with us. She stayed the night because her father was no where to be found.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)21:09 No.4963516

    But why?
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)21:09 No.4963518
    Things died down since then. I invited her over to my house less and less.
    I began started making plushies as a new hobby, and as soon as she found out, she was all over my dick.
    I was doing a project for school (a video one) for my English class. She asked to help to I caved. I started filming it, and every time I would she'd take my dolls and squee with them obnoxiously throughout the film.
    Well, I couldn't waste all day perfecting it... so I had to take it to school as it was. I had to stand in front of my class as the movie began to play. I was shaking in front of my classmates, I almost had a panic attack.... then the scene, where was a scene I missed, she made the plushies hump eachother while squealing I began to cry in front of my English class.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)21:11 No.4963528
    I couldn't contain my immense embarrassment and by the time it was over I took the tape out and sat in my chair as my class looked at me silently. I felt like I wanted to die. But, my embarrassment at school would just get progressively worse from then-on, because of her.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)21:13 No.4963539
    why didn't you just edit it out....or tell her NOT to fuck up a school project like that
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)21:16 No.4963552
    I confronted her about it, and yelled at her to stop making a fool of me and stop acting so childish around my peers and family. She sincerely apologized and I believed her. She said she wanted to make it up to me, so I let her come over one last time.
    It was good. She was finally back to her old self, just talking and making jokes in my room, I had forgiven her. We both started drawing in my room again (not porn) having fun.
    Then she asked me to draw porn for her. I was shocked.
    I've only ever drawn hentai once in my life, and that was for a good friend.
    I declined over and over, but she kept harassing me, so I finally did. She wanted me to draw Sora being raped by pyramid head. It took me a while, but I did it. She took it from me and I never saw it again.
    I didn't know it was on there at the time. The project was due the next day, and TBH I'm probably the only one who saw it since the scene was so short and off to the side.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)21:29 No.4963610
    the next day at school, I saw Jamie in the morning.
    I saw her talking to a group of kids I didn't even know.
    I walked up to her, but before I confronted her I saw what she was doing. She took around my Sora picture and began showing it off around school. God. The amount of embarrassment I felt cannot be described with words. When she saw me she walked over to me cheerfully as though she was doing me a favor. I yelled at her for it, and asked for the picture back, she said no, but I finally got is back after reasoning with her.
    But by then, the damage was done. rumors started buzzing throughout school that I was a massive pervert. Everyone looked at me and made fun of me, It was so terrible, and I hated going to school from then on out.
    I know it was my fault, and I beat myself up for it every day...
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)21:30 No.4963620
    I stopped being her friend then, no more talking to her, no more trips to my house. I just cut off all contact with her.
    She moved in with her mom. And Sophomore year, she left state to go to a military reform school.
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 09/13/11(Tue)21:35 No.4963635

    holy crap! well at least she didn't harm you (physically anyway), and from what I can see her way to be probably had to do with her crazy dad, I even feel a little sorry for her, she seemed like a really awkward person instead of some psycho. Kudos on you for putting up with her all that long.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)21:36 No.4963639
    I heard from her on deviantart still, because I forgot to take her off of my watch list, and curiosity overcame me.
    I remembered her youtube account and I browsed it that day. Holy whit was I in for a surprise.
    Those guys on the chatrooms she was with, were all probably 40 year old men. Almost all of her uploads were fetish videos. Videos of her rubbing her feet dedicated to random men, videos of her dancing without a bra on, of her documenting all of the shit in her room, and talking sweet to people I knew she didn't know.
    It was horrifying. That, plus she had 500 MSpaint animation videos she uploaded. She made her own "fanime" with her and her OCs.
    They had sex in the videos, horrifying, she even voice acted it to my horror. I checked back recently to see if she'd done anything new, but her youtube was taken down.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)21:44 No.4963669
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    She just recently added me on facebook for god knows why, and I was introduced to her new DA account.
    Still the same old horrifying porn. But now she's learned how to trace and steal art. I'm beyond getting upset over anything she does at this point, so I don't particularly care.
    She's got a boyfriend now, too ( so I will make a backstory for that homestuck picture)
    He lives in Canada. he is a furry, he draws gay fur art. A cosplayer and ... he dresses up in mascot furry outfits as well. His mother hates him for it, so he writes journals about his HARD FURRY LIFE NO ONE UNDERSTANDS HIM on his D.A every other day.

    recently they hooked up for a convention. She has uploaded photos of them making out all over her facebook and it's heart stoppingly repulsive.

    the only thing I know of her now is that she's having some falling out with her sister since she stole her PC tablet.

    here is her and her boyfriend. unfortunately (or fortunately) she's taken down all of the makeout photos.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)21:48 No.4963680
    ohh.. its such a hard life being a fur. :/
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)21:49 No.4963684
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    I gradated highschool this year but my reputation has been shit ever since.
    Apparently, when she left she threw all of her old pictures in the school garbage, some punks found it and accused me of drawing it, too.
    The week before school ended I was harassed by a group of black guys who made fun of me for drawing "nasty pictures" trying to force me to draw them porn.
    And still, boys would touch me and when I pushed them off they would call me a "freak who likes it anyways"
    I was made fun of constantly. constantly. I became so shy and reclusive I didn't know what to do with myself. My grades started failing...But I still mangaed to graduate.
    I remember once I had family issues and I had to be escorted from school via police car to see my sister.
    When I came back everyone said that I had been arrested for drawing child pornography.

    Here is an example of her recent art. Mind you that When this all happened about 4 years ago she was even worse.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)21:50 No.4963685
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)21:55 No.4963702
    >my local library was holding a competition

    Fuckin SHHHH!
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)21:56 No.4963709
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    >mfw this thread
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)22:00 No.4963724
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    Nope. Here's my certificate.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 09/13/11(Tue)22:02 No.4963736
    >Tarzan Danger Powers
    I want to beat you up.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/13/11(Tue)22:02 No.4963741
    I didn't choose the name, she did ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)22:03 No.4963745
    My library has ddr tournaments
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)22:05 No.4963757
    Oh para..bro I am so sorry. If it helps, this anon right here loves you very much and doesn't think you're a pervert. You're probably better off than she is, huh?
    >> Alpharius 09/13/11(Tue)23:01 No.4963984
    This is honestly the first time following an interesting looking image on the front page has led me to an interesting storytime. On /cgl/ even! I didn't know you people existed until now! Today has been an awful day, but this has made it a more interesting one at least. Thanks for sharing, dude. Chick? Chickdude.

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