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  • File : 1315852607.jpg-(78 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lm3itfbW0L1qft8zfo1_500.jpg)
    78 KB MLP Gijinkas Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:36 No.4958610  
    Hey cgl, I'm looking for some Dr Whooves My Little Pony gijinka ideas. Hope you guys can help out. I'll post some other gijinka ideas to keep the thread going
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:37 No.4958613
         File1315852669.jpg-(68 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lkqobfF4ma1qfewofo1_500.jpg)
    68 KB
    even people wearing their renditions of Dr Whooves would be appreciated
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:38 No.4958616
         File1315852734.png-(943 KB, 712x1523, gijinka___mlp_misc_by_emlan-d3(...).png)
    943 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:39 No.4958617
         File1315852788.png-(530 KB, 900x619, gijinka___mlp_misc_ii_by_emlan(...).png)
    530 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:41 No.4958627
         File1315852870.jpg-(159 KB, 1351x592, 3ac36b47fe2326fa6d37a164f31088(...).jpg)
    159 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:42 No.4958628
         File1315852927.png-(161 KB, 500x292, tumblr_lmv8wt5tiW1qa0phd.png)
    161 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:43 No.4958634
         File1315853018.jpg-(145 KB, 800x518, 1298911574fiskjnhumans.jpg)
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    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:45 No.4958639
         File1315853112.png-(88 KB, 231x700, tumblr_ljs6hroQzB1qeh4h9o1_500.png)
    88 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:46 No.4958643
         File1315853204.jpg-(134 KB, 500x573, tumblr_liinxfbLsj1qi4f29o1_500.jpg)
    134 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:47 No.4958648
         File1315853261.png-(151 KB, 500x318, tumblr_lo027ePiK21qd8zdno1_500.png)
    151 KB
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 09/12/11(Mon)14:48 No.4958656

    chronos!!! just who I couldn't figure how to cosplay, THANK YOU!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)14:49 No.4958657
    just... go as dr who?
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:49 No.4958660
         File1315853370.png-(152 KB, 500x306, tumblr_lpxl9jlV531qj0klco1_500.png)
    152 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:50 No.4958666
         File1315853443.png-(163 KB, 500x597, tumblr_lqwguk2CNw1ql2duvo1_500.png)
    163 KB
    I want to do something different than just Dr. Who, and I love ponies
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)14:52 No.4958673
    Why not... actual Dr.Who, onyl with pony ears/tail/cutiemark?
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:53 No.4958683
         File1315853621.jpg-(361 KB, 989x1280, tumblr_lqmlk9VOm61qa9ipu..jpg)
    361 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:55 No.4958691
         File1315853749.jpg-(139 KB, 474x776, tumblr_lqkhsyZWaQ1qll4xq..jpg)
    139 KB
    Thought about that too, sort've like >>4958610

    Just seeing if anyone else has other ideas for how to do it
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:57 No.4958698
         File1315853856.png-(822 KB, 1084x736, tumblr_lq6bm38rv61qijf4o..png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)14:59 No.4958702
    Can I request some Pinkie Pie specifically? Please and thank you!
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)14:59 No.4958704
         File1315853983.jpg-(168 KB, 1200x502, tumblr_lpimgk6KJC1qincma..jpg)
    168 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:02 No.4958715
         File1315854149.jpg-(138 KB, 300x732, tumblr_lp7n1y2UsL1qeeoc7..jpg)
    138 KB
    a good chunk of the ones I'm posting have all 6 main characters, but I'll try and find more Pinkie Pie
    >> Logseux !kH8wjcKndo 09/12/11(Mon)15:02 No.4958716
         File1315854175.jpg-(15 KB, 191x214, 45.jpg)
    15 KB

    Isn't left the same woman who did that terrifying lesbian Invader Zim cosplay?
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:04 No.4958720
         File1315854262.jpg-(134 KB, 800x581, tumblr_lox4apVvoS1qbfyjb..jpg)
    134 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:06 No.4958724
    I suppose I mean if you have any JUST Pinkie Pie and not the whole cast could you please post them. I have a hard time finding gijinkas I like. Haaa.
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 09/12/11(Mon)15:06 No.4958725
         File1315854388.jpg-(42 KB, 640x480, 1314842640376.jpg)
    42 KB

    MLP + Adventure time style

    it's so...... perfect
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:06 No.4958726
         File1315854398.jpg-(76 KB, 480x640, 1795140.jpg)
    76 KB
    my little pony cosplay is horrifying
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:07 No.4958727
         File1315854423.png-(1.02 MB, 1080x1280, tumblr_lolsz2X3R71qkd4ag..png)
    1.02 MB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:09 No.4958729
         File1315854547.png-(526 KB, 600x1106, tumblr_loosh0S55R1qkd4ag..png)
    526 KB
    I'll try my best, right now I'm just dumping what I have

    isn't it? I love AT+MLP :3
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:11 No.4958731
         File1315854683.jpg-(824 KB, 1100x1100, tumblr_lnaxonxP9p1qfewof..jpg)
    824 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:12 No.4958735
         File1315854751.jpg-(146 KB, 794x1007, tumblr_lnkq4bYrOK1qjnwrp..jpg)
    146 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:13 No.4958740
         File1315854827.jpg-(580 KB, 683x1280, tumblr_ln3xn5a5NI1qkd4ag..jpg)
    580 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:14 No.4958742
         File1315854868.jpg-(102 KB, 1280x420, tumblr_ln9demhCyB1qfewof..jpg)
    102 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:16 No.4958750
         File1315855018.jpg-(111 KB, 1280x397, tumblr_llgtp28yJ81qha245..jpg)
    111 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:19 No.4958760
         File1315855147.png-(360 KB, 430x855, tumblr_llqbv1cSo61qcjrd5..png)
    360 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:20 No.4958767
         File1315855226.jpg-(102 KB, 500x560, tumblr_lkhq74aEfx1qia4d1o1_500(...).jpg)
    102 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:21 No.4958771
         File1315855268.png-(406 KB, 601x732, tumblr_lkp7mx6G4w1qj0klc..png)
    406 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:22 No.4958776
         File1315855337.png-(238 KB, 900x278, tumblr_lkxs88hcVY1qha245..png)
    238 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:24 No.4958787
         File1315855467.png-(226 KB, 465x831, tumblr_llamhde20V1qi9v1s..png)
    226 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:25 No.4958789
         File1315855551.jpg-(282 KB, 520x946, tumblr_llrxj2jKZi1qcwu03..jpg)
    282 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:26 No.4958792
         File1315855601.jpg-(218 KB, 1280x759, tumblr_llw5ixRF6j1qj0klc..jpg)
    218 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:27 No.4958797
         File1315855659.jpg-(280 KB, 1280x830, tumblr_llw5jzqpjh1qj0klc..jpg)
    280 KB
    So I guess no one has any Dr Whooves designs?

    That's cool

    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:28 No.4958802
         File1315855692.jpg-(524 KB, 700x550, tumblr_lnl6842kAD1qincma..jpg)
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    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:29 No.4958810
         File1315855770.png-(265 KB, 397x885, tumblr_lq6iiu51ym1qf0927..png)
    265 KB
    to the person looking for Pinkie Pie ideas, I've got a few that I'm going to try and post now.

    Should really organize my folders by characters :/
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:30 No.4958815
    Gimme fifteen minutes. I'll see if I can come up with something.

    You looking for a stand alone design or do you want a Doctor mixed in? If so which one?
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:30 No.4958817
         File1315855835.jpg-(235 KB, 603x884, tumblr_lppzwkYwBR1qcm7sx..jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:30 No.4958820
         File1315855859.jpg-(73 KB, 971x579, Adventuretimemlp..jpg)
    73 KB
    Has anyone tried to paint their skin to match the pony they're cosplaying as, the way homestuck fans do for trolls? Does it look decent?
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 09/12/11(Mon)15:34 No.4958830
         File1315856041.png-(72 KB, 319x233, 130653560608.png)
    72 KB
    I wish I could help you but I've got absolutely nothing. In fact, I wanted to attempt to cosplay him as well, but I might not due to the lack of ideas.
    I'm thinking of trying a gijinka crossplay of this pony instead.
    If I find something I'll let you know though
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:36 No.4958839
    Why not the cutie mark plus various identifying elements of the doctors? A long scarf maybe? Sonic Screwdriver?
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:37 No.4958846
         File1315856255.jpg-(626 KB, 1000x680, tumblr_lnlv2l5otA1qcuzdq..jpg)
    626 KB
    anything you can think of would be awesome. I'm thinking some of the newer Doctors
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:39 No.4958850
         File1315856374.jpg-(93 KB, 893x894, tumblr_lnowqxoqUJ1qj0klc..jpg)
    93 KB
    definitely having a sonic screwdriver with me. Wondering if adding elements from multiple doctors would confuse people. I'd like to mix a lot of them into the outfit
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:41 No.4958856
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:41 No.4958857
         File1315856484.png-(552 KB, 594x1280, tumblr_lntjnwP4pT1qbs4u5..png)
    552 KB
    thanks dude. Good luck with your DJ-PON3
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:42 No.4958860
         File1315856546.png-(917 KB, 1130x626, tumblr_lo5qeafoVE1qfewof..png)
    917 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:43 No.4958862
         File1315856582.jpg-(282 KB, 750x555, tumblr_lomd03R0VM1qedou1..jpg)
    282 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:43 No.4958865
         File1315856624.jpg-(192 KB, 660x877, tumblr_loukycKiFT1qinkd2..jpg)
    192 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:44 No.4958866
         File1315856679.jpg-(286 KB, 2000x688, poniesss.jpg)
    286 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:45 No.4958868
         File1315856704.jpg-(168 KB, 850x1089, PoniesEquestriaGirls..jpg)
    168 KB
    Thanks CGL... Now I have to drop work this other picture to draw one of Dr. Hooves. TO THE SKETCH BOOK!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:45 No.4958869
    I love how everyone draws ponies as skinny people considering they've always been chunky as hell. Plus ponies have potbellies in real life.

    Face it, the ponies are fat.
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:45 No.4958870
         File1315856723.jpg-(521 KB, 900x966, tumblr_lozrtxTR841qedou1..jpg)
    521 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:48 No.4958877
         File1315856921.jpg-(168 KB, 598x800, tumblr_lp0xac8VXM1qbfyjb..jpg)
    168 KB
    check >>4958660
    at least Pinkie is chubby, she eats enough cake
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:49 No.4958883
         File1315856974.jpg-(242 KB, 900x741, tumblr_lp4gih4su71qm2frq..jpg)
    242 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:51 No.4958898
         File1315857091.png-(257 KB, 395x592, tumblr_lp6bu17ayZ1qiqilyo1_r1_(...).png)
    257 KB
    can't stop thinking about this song when I see ponies

    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:51 No.4958899
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:52 No.4958900

    so pinkie is morbidly obese
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:53 No.4958906
         File1315857197.jpg-(317 KB, 698x800, tumblr_lp9gusHRhx1qbfyjb..jpg)
    317 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:54 No.4958911
         File1315857294.png-(367 KB, 1200x982, tumblr_lp196slWPx1qelh4h..png)
    367 KB
    I didn't say she was, I was just pointing out that people have drawn the ponies chubby.
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:55 No.4958915
         File1315857338.jpg-(128 KB, 1280x434, tumblr_lpazgiJjOC1qkh89i..jpg)
    128 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:56 No.4958921
         File1315857391.png-(336 KB, 800x700, tumblr_lpbl6lZO4a1qe347j..png)
    336 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:57 No.4958924

    actually they haven't. You're pretty much an idiot.
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:57 No.4958926
         File1315857462.png-(270 KB, 513x737, tumblr_lpdxv6KZiK1qincma..png)
    270 KB

    needs to be more Photo Finish
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)15:58 No.4958929
    Fuck. I have no scanner. My boyfriend's went kaput. If you have an email/im/facebook/dA or whatever you want to give me I can get draw this out with my tablet once I'm home and send it to you. I feel bad not being about to get it to you after saying I would.

    Also, I'm the same person who was asking for Pinkie so I'd like to return the favor.
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)15:58 No.4958930
         File1315857526.jpg-(168 KB, 493x847, tumblr_lpiuimJhcG1qcm7sx..jpg)
    168 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:04 No.4958945
         File1315857877.jpg-(234 KB, 900x675, tumblr_lpozhoZIDH1r0fpb3..jpg)
    234 KB
    sure thing! emails in the field
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)16:06 No.4958952
         File1315857993.jpg-(75 KB, 546x990, Dr Hooves Sketch..jpg)
    75 KB
    Here you go OP... my five-minute sketch of what I'd imagine Dr. Hooves to be. At least a heavily Tennant-inspired version.
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:07 No.4958954
         File1315858024.jpg-(202 KB, 547x879, tumblr_lppwrwACs61qcm7sx..jpg)
    202 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)16:08 No.4958963
         File1315858134.jpg-(45 KB, 415x433, wtfrudoin.jpg)
    45 KB
    I don't expect Dash and Applejack. With all the exercise they do.

    Pinkie, maybe. But she bounces around quite a bit, so slightly chubby?

    Rarity has dem hips.

    Twilight and Fluttershy are somewhat definite. If you think of Twilight as asian, they may not be so but Shy being the cute, fluffy girl fits her pretty well and holy shit I'm I really forming headcanons for ponies.

    Sage for fuckery.
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:09 No.4958964
         File1315858173.jpg-(167 KB, 637x857, tumblr_lpqcpmWefo1qcm7sx..jpg)
    167 KB
    aw man, thanks dude! I didn't expect anything this awesome. Do you have a Tumblr or DA so I can follow you?
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:11 No.4958971
         File1315858305.png-(429 KB, 800x920, tumblr_lpskbdXmI21qkibiv..png)
    429 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)16:12 No.4958974
    No worries. Usually willing to help a fellow brony/cosplayer.
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:13 No.4958975
         File1315858387.jpg-(118 KB, 1280x337, tumblr_lqkm7f9ccL1qj0klc..jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:15 No.4958983
         File1315858502.png-(1.01 MB, 1280x828, tumblr_lqky5usbT71qed6ln..png)
    1.01 MB
    50's ponies anyone?
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:15 No.4958987
         File1315858549.png-(262 KB, 600x900, tumblr_lqpd00GkrF1qmt1g9..png)
    262 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:17 No.4958997
         File1315858647.jpg-(123 KB, 500x516, tumblr_lqq7ga33A11ql7vjso1_500(...).jpg)
    123 KB
    anyone excited for Season 2?
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:18 No.4958999
         File1315858690.png-(1.07 MB, 900x663, tumblr_lqrg5t9WH31r0fpb3..png)
    1.07 MB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:18 No.4959003
         File1315858734.png-(190 KB, 401x660, tumblr_lqwgymjtRw1ql2duvo1_500.png)
    190 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:19 No.4959007
         File1315858795.png-(188 KB, 452x700, tumblr_lqwh1mcC7Q1ql2duvo1_500.png)
    188 KB
    creepy Pinkie Pie
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:20 No.4959010
         File1315858841.jpg-(214 KB, 1280x529, tumblr_lr0nz9m51c1qincma..jpg)
    214 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:21 No.4959015
         File1315858903.jpg-(144 KB, 1280x561, tumblr_lr2kmecpNv1qkibiv..jpg)
    144 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:24 No.4959025
         File1315859061.png-(899 KB, 1280x797, tumblr_lr8dr5XAfO1qibr2f..png)
    899 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:28 No.4959042
         File1315859329.png-(147 KB, 900x1000, tumblr_lr8ef5K3fu1qm70wg..png)
    147 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:30 No.4959048
         File1315859426.png-(353 KB, 900x755, tumblr_lr26c6lpLq1qj0klc..png)
    353 KB
    aaaaaaaaaand I'm done. I'll keep an eye on the thread.

    Thanks again guys!

    This is now an MLP cosplay general
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)16:43 No.4959088
    Is anyone else pissed off by all of this ~*omg diverse*~ pony art?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)16:43 No.4959089
         File1315860211.jpg-(469 KB, 672x720, 2546538.jpg)
    469 KB
    Any DJ PON-3 gijinkas?
    >> Biscuit 09/12/11(Mon)16:47 No.4959098
         File1315860439.jpg-(599 KB, 1200x719, 7893456456.jpg)
    599 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:54 No.4959113
         File1315860851.jpg-(460 KB, 900x1281, 04f54bced4c7026680ad02b7b0d959(...).jpg)
    460 KB
    posting some that I've found
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:54 No.4959116
         File1315860887.jpg-(50 KB, 600x450, 19536-218314.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:55 No.4959119
         File1315860954.png-(175 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ljg8zlZbmY1qfodpco1_500.png)
    175 KB
    going to keep looking for some more, but this is all I've got
    >> Biscuit 09/12/11(Mon)16:56 No.4959120
         File1315861013.jpg-(268 KB, 541x771, 1306916870870.jpg)
    268 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:57 No.4959122
         File1315861071.jpg-(84 KB, 456x700, tumblr_lnetejMc1s1qk3ielo1_500.jpg)
    84 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)16:58 No.4959125
         File1315861116.jpg-(136 KB, 500x653, tumblr_lnlisdtwiK1qkpurwo1_500.jpg)
    136 KB
    I really want to do a DJ-Pon3 cosplay too now...
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)17:00 No.4959128
         File1315861230.jpg-(130 KB, 1191x670, vinyl_scratch_human_plushie_ed(...).jpg)
    130 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:00 No.4959130

    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)17:01 No.4959132
         File1315861289.png-(420 KB, 799x784, dj_pon_3__s_gala_dress_by_neko(...).png)
    420 KB
    Gala Dress, love it!
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)17:02 No.4959134
         File1315861331.jpg-(129 KB, 900x678, dj_pon3_cosplay_by_twilight0sp(...).jpg)
    129 KB
    >> Biscuit 09/12/11(Mon)17:02 No.4959138
         File1315861368.jpg-(57 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lq9p23N0lb1qincmao1_500.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)17:02 No.4959139
         File1315861379.png-(19 KB, 221x672, dj_pon3_by_mewmew500-d49i53s.png)
    19 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:04 No.4959144
    You realize you are like the only faggot even posting content in your own thread right
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)17:06 No.4959150
    meh, people are asking for certain characters, and I'm delivering.

    Glad you're helping too anon, way to contribute to the board
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)17:10 No.4959161
    any other specific character requests?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:21 No.4959191
    >>Hey cgl, I'm looking for some Dr Whooves My Little Pony gijinka ideas. Hope you guys can help out. I'll post some other gijinka ideas to keep the thread going
    >>I'll post some other gijinka ideas to keep the thread going
    >>to keep the thread going


    that's all you. out of the gayass amount of replies to this thread that aren't you, only 1 requested pictures you lonely faggot.

    Also, Dr. Who combined with my little ponies is fucking retarded. I hope you get laughed out of the con.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:23 No.4959197
    I've got a request! How about Dr. Who pony?!?! So magical and shitty and full of faggotry!
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)17:25 No.4959201
    wow dude, what's your deal? You must really hate ponies
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:31 No.4959221

    yes I hate ponies, and also the fans themselves. Like those who wish to create an amalgamated hell pony out of Dr. Who, ass-sparkles, tape, and dildo lube.
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)17:33 No.4959228
    oh man! I forgot about the ass sparkles! Thanks for reminding me!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:36 No.4959235

    glad you already had the dildo lube on hand. I mean it would make sense considering you need it when you're ramming into one of your pony dolls you sick bastard
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:37 No.4959239
    we are not requesting them because he keeps posting them, they are really apreciated

    dr.whooves, disgregard the poor troll and continue on your quest please
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:39 No.4959246

    back to your samefagging? That is just sad.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:42 No.4959255
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:46 No.4959271

    now you're just delusional.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:49 No.4959277
         File1315864172.png-(134 KB, 292x360, 5YIH.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:53 No.4959284

    mad that you samefag? No. It's to be expected when you're the only one posting content in your own thread all day. Don't worry, you always have your jizz stained pony plush to comfort you.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:55 No.4959291
    Also jesus that animation looks like shit. No wonder you sad faggots draw human versions to faptasize too. I'm betting it's because you're all closet pedophile to some degree.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:57 No.4959297
    > Dr Whooves posting just artwork of gijinkas
    > new person posts only reaction images

    pretty sure they're not samefagging troll
    >> Biscuit 09/12/11(Mon)18:00 No.4959313
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    >Thinks every post is samefag
    >"Stop liking what I hate"

    It's okay anon, you want a hug? I'll give you a hug
    There there, you feel better?
    >> Giraffe !jOmV08dbbg 09/12/11(Mon)18:03 No.4959321
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    Jesus, it's a cartoon. Calm down.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)18:06 No.4959325

    hugs from a pedo? No that does not make ne feel better. You should be in jail.
    >> Frito 09/12/11(Mon)18:17 No.4959346
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    ingydis motives
    >> Biscuit 09/12/11(Mon)18:17 No.4959347
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    hahah okay
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)18:37 No.4959437
    Why is Twilight always gijinka'd as black or south/central Asian? Tara Strong is neither.
    >> Dr Whooves 09/12/11(Mon)18:41 No.4959458
    some people tend to make all of the main 6 white, but then feel bad that it isn't nice towards other races

    so Twilight Sparkle has been depicted more often now as brown, or Rainbow Dash is.

    Sometimes even Rarity is asian, which I'm okay with
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)18:50 No.4959489
    She has the darkest coat. I figured that was the reason at first.

    A show like FiM should preach diversity and such, right? Right?

    Her being Asian is a bit of "positive stereotyping."

    Tara Strong isn't Al Bhed, either. It's all about the headcanons.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)18:54 No.4959509
    Pinkie Pie in lolita always bugs me. To me, lolita is about being pristine with a lot of focus on having a cohesive look. I see Pinkie Pie as dressing more haphazardly, throwing together whatever suits her fancy regardless of how garish the outcome is.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)19:44 No.4959724
    Does anyone have a better picture of ALL the cast members on MLP? My friend asked me to draw some OC and I need ATLEAST 10 well known characters on this show. I think it's Friendship is Magic
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)19:58 No.4959782
    Thank you so much for this dump. My MLP cosplay folder is now looking better.

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