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  • File : 1315804934.jpg-(468 KB, 765x990, Darkstalkers_Morrigan_Aensland_costume_v(...).jpg)
    468 KB Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:22 No.4957018  
    Hey /cgl/
    I thought this would be the best place to ask...
    Well, here's my issue;
    I have a problem with cellulite.
    My question is, what is the best way to get rid of it?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:23 No.4957021
    Work out more. Eat less shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:26 No.4957031
    I've heard ingesting lots of semen helps that.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/12/11(Mon)01:27 No.4957032
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:27 No.4957034
    deep tissue massages from a swedish masseur

    and if you're lucky you'll get a good calorie buring exercise too

    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:28 No.4957035
    >Implying you can get rid of cellulite
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:40 No.4957058
    Same way you get rid of other fat, I reckon.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:42 No.4957062
    It's more of a "combined" effort really OP, there is no sure-fire way to get rid of cellulite with just one process.

    Long term techniques:
    >drink lots of water (only water really)
    >stay away from fatty foods, raw fruits and vegetables
    >exercise to shrink the appearance of cellulite
    >give yourself massages in affected areas, the increased blood flow is good to help reduce the appearance
    >avoid alcohol and cigarettes

    Short term fixes:
    >cellulite creams (however, all these do is moisturize your skin, making it bloat outward to reduce the wrinkles and dimples, once you stop using these your cellulite will return)

    Just to add, I once heard that you can reduce the appearance of cellulite if you wrap the affected areas with used coffee filters/rind? The idea is that the caffeine will stimulate the skin and reduce the appearance of bumps. But I imagine you would have to continue this process the same if you would have used the creams anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:43 No.4957067
    >stay away from fatty foods, raw fruits and vegetables
    Just to be clear this was meant to say -eat more- raw fruits and vegetables.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:48 No.4957075
    I know a girl who exercises hardcore for an hour everyday, is vegan, weighs 115 pounds and still has cellulite. So... how about some good advice?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:52 No.4957082
    >Still doesn't know that you can't get rid of cellulite in 2011
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:54 No.4957086
    I'll just throw in my two cents and say that vegan =/= eating right and healthy.
    I would listen to >>4957062 OP, since the best you can do for yourself is reduce the amount of cellulite you have since you cannot get rid of it anyway.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/12/11(Mon)01:57 No.4957098
    >hard core

    Sounds like she isnt doing it right.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:01 No.4957106
    sounds like a plan to me
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:02 No.4957110
         File1315807361.png-(11 KB, 410x284, 1310958499999.png)
    11 KB
    You're just typing whatever comes into your head, aren't you?

    Cellulite happens when the elasticity of your connective tissue is weaker in some areas than others and so your subcutaneous fat starts to bulge (think of tiny hernias of fat under the skin.)
    Yes, less fat means POSSIBLY less cellulite but that's usually not the case.

    Also, anybody citing diet as a cause needs to read a book.

    Hate to say it, but the best way is laser treatment. Some medical plans (like my own) cover cosmetic surgery and you can have the laser work done for just a few hundred...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:16 No.4957164
    I have good news and bad news for you. You can make it less noticeable through exercise, but it will always be there in some capacity. The trick is to understand what cellulite actually is and then keep your expectations in line with what is normal and achievable.

    The bad news. Cellulite is actually primarily caused by the amount of estrogen in your body. Not really fixable.

    In the human body there is a layer of connective tissue between your skin and the fat and muscle underneath. The connective tissue looks somewhat like a woven net. In males the "net" of the connective tissue is tightly woven so to speak, so there is almost never any appearance of cellulite. In women, estrogen and a number of other female hormones make the connective tissues of the net spaced further apart (imagine a net with a loser weave). The layer of fat beneath the connective tissue in women bulges between these spaces and creates the appearance of cellulite.

    More bad news. Nothing you can do (diet, exercise) can make that connective tissue tighter spaced. Your female hormones control that. The prevailing medical opinion is that a small amount of cellulite is merely the normal condition of many women. The term cellulite didn't even really appear until the 1960's. 80-90% of all women after puberty have cellulite to some degree.

    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:16 No.4957169
    The good news. You can reduce the amount of fat underneath the layer of connective tissue, but it is impossible (and unhealthy) not to have any fat whatsoever on your legs. And what ever tiny bit is there will create the impression of cellulite to some degree. A women has to have at least 8-12% body fat to maintain reproductive functions. Basically you can reduce its appearance but it will always be there to some extent. Unless you have exercised and starved yourself to the point you don't have periods any more, and then you have much MUCH bigger problems.

    I'm not saying don't diet, exercise, and eat right. By all means, be as healthy as possible and aim for a healthy toned body. But If you are already at a medically appropriate weight, eat right, do regular exercise everyday but still notice a little bit of dimpling at the back of your thighs and's not going to go away.

    If you are overweight and don't exercise, and it is all over however, it can be improved.

    Just keep your expectations realistic.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:23 No.4957207
    >have little cellulite
    >very little female hormones or just really fat
    >can't tell.

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