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  • File : 1315720599.png-(2.09 MB, 1500x1507, 17521086.png)
    2.09 MB OP 09/11/11(Sun)01:56 No.4953260  
    So /cgl/, I have a question for you.
    How do you feel about:
    >Cosplaying Genderbent versions of characters
    >Latino Cosplayers Cosplaying non brown skinned charcters
    I'd love to do Genderbent Madoka or Mami, but I'd be afraid of getting hate
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)01:59 No.4953275
    If you're latino and going to cosplay genderbent mami or madoka you are going to get hate
    if you're latino and you're giong to cosplay mami or madoka, you are going to get hate

    chin up and ignore it. don't do a shitty job and there will be plenty of people who will compliment you.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:00 No.4953283
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    >Cosplaying Genderbent versions of characters
    don't mind as long as it is done well and recognizable as the character (i.e. a tough, armored male isn't rule 63'd into a bikini-clad chick. she should also be similarly armored)
    >Latino Cosplayers Cosplaying non brown skinned charcters
    Don't care as long as it looks good and the wig doesn't clash with your skin color.

    Generally most Madoka cosplayers are pretty okay. They can be a bit snobby, but it's a pretty female dominated fandom in terms of cosplay.
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 09/11/11(Sun)02:01 No.4953287
    >Cosplaying Genderbent versions of characters
    Interesting if done originally and creatively. But most of the time it's just stupid.
    >>Latino Cosplayers Cosplaying non brown skinned charcters
    Beaners are second only to blacks in terms of how stupid they look in cosplay. They're also notoriously bad at it.
    >> Pantsu 09/11/11(Sun)02:06 No.4953306
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    Ah yeah, now that i think about it, Mami or Madoka might look bad, i'm kinda dark. Maybe Homura-Dawg instead?
    well, way to look like an ass and just make a racist comment and not give any worthwhile commentary or advice
    >> Zahirus 09/11/11(Sun)02:08 No.4953318
    >Cosplaying Genderbent versions of characters
    as long at it is well elaborated I'm ok with it
    >Latino Cosplayers Cosplaying non brown skinned charcters
    I don't like people cosplaying charactes that differ too much from their race/body type
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:09 No.4953322
    >replying to KB

    Pantsu come on now
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:09 No.4953323
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    Homura or Kyoko would be better choices, yes.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:10 No.4953325
    Mami would be fine, I think.
    I would suggest Kyoko.
    I think Homura could be done well by someone with darker skin.
    Stay away from Sayaka, though, I can't see anyone who isn't lily-white pulling her off well.

    Genderbent is fine but honestly you already have one thing working against you. I'd go with doing normal versions UNLESS you are actually a guy.
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 09/11/11(Sun)02:12 No.4953333
    I'm sure you were just looking to hear "Oh no, don't worry! Just cosplay what you want! You'll do a good job! ^_^" Unfortunately that's not reality. You'll look retarded. Nobody wants to see a mexican guy try to cosplay magical girls from puella magi madoka
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:13 No.4953338
    Op, unless you're ottermode and attractive this will fail horribly.
    I love these designs. They're original and creative but still instantly recognizable
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:14 No.4953345
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    Yeah, I'd say for Kyoko just make sure you have a slightly darker shade of red for the wig.

    HomuHomu is pretty classy. Just go with short hair and make sure the costume is properly tailored/fitted. I've seen a rule63 Homura that looked sloppy because it was all baggy and he didn't use a proper wig.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 09/11/11(Sun)02:15 No.4953349
    White people are the devil.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:16 No.4953353
    be that as it may OP is still going to look bad
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:17 No.4953360
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    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 09/11/11(Sun)02:23 No.4953376
    Look 'bad' to you maybe.
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 09/11/11(Sun)02:23 No.4953377
    wpww son
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 09/11/11(Sun)02:26 No.4953388
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:27 No.4953392
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:28 No.4953397
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    >> Pantsu 09/11/11(Sun)02:29 No.4953399
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    Sorry, I' pretty new to /cgl/
    I am indeed a dude.
    I'm not ottermode, but I'm getting there. Any Cosplay I would do would be a while away, so I'd have time to get there
    I was seriously considering Kyoko as well. The outfit would be pretty simple and easy to do for a first time cosplayer. And the wig color would be easy to find. Madoka is my favorite character, I identify with her a lot and love her puella magi outfit, but I don't really know how I'd look with pink hair
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 09/11/11(Sun)02:33 No.4953417
    no one can tolerate your bean antics
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:35 No.4953427

    If you're dark skinned, I don't think any shade of light pink hair will look good on you.

    Kyoko would be cool to see. Maybe try having her spear weapon thing and QB, as well as some taiyaki or fake apples.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:37 No.4953436
    Probably wouldn't look very good unless you're good-looking to begin with
    >> Pantsu 09/11/11(Sun)02:38 No.4953439
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    How hard do you think her spear thing would be to make?
    Also Apples.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)02:40 No.4953442

    Not too hard. A pvc pipe, some rigid board, and a good paint job. It's very geometric.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 09/11/11(Sun)02:41 No.4953449
    >> Pantsu 09/11/11(Sun)02:44 No.4953456
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    hmmm. I think you guys are making me lean a lot toward Kyoko. I'm starting to like her more after playing as her in Grief Syndrome and listening to Drama CD 3

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