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  • File : 1315603458.png-(140 KB, 600x600, lolita_stereotype_1_of_9_by_wolfypuppy-d(...).png)
    140 KB Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:24 No.4947612  
    Things that make you giggle thread?
    I need a laugh or two, seagulls. It's healthy.

    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:25 No.4947616
         File1315603527.png-(162 KB, 600x600, lolita_stereotype_2_of_9_by_wo(...).png)
    162 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:26 No.4947627
         File1315603601.png-(116 KB, 600x600, lolita_stereotype_3_of_9_by_wo(...).png)
    116 KB
    Eh, no more numbering.
    This one is my second favourite.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:27 No.4947633
         File1315603661.png-(114 KB, 600x600, lolita_stereotype_4_of_9_by_wo(...).png)
    114 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:29 No.4947641
         File1315603747.png-(138 KB, 600x600, lolita_stereotype_5_of_9_by_wo(...).png)
    138 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:30 No.4947646
         File1315603844.png-(119 KB, 600x600, lolita_stereotype_6_of_9_by_wo(...).png)
    119 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:31 No.4947654
         File1315603904.png-(122 KB, 600x600, lolita_stereotype_7_of_9_by_wo(...).png)
    122 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:32 No.4947659
         File1315603960.png-(105 KB, 600x600, lolita_stereotype_8_of_9_by_wo(...).png)
    105 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:33 No.4947661
    >Do you even know the correct way to wear wrist cuffs?
    >Only wearing one of them

    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:33 No.4947666
         File1315604034.png-(128 KB, 600x600, lolita_stereotype_9_of_9_by_wo(...).png)
    128 KB
    All courtesy of wolfypuppy of DA.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:35 No.4947673
    life styler sounds like my kind of girl tbh
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 09/09/11(Fri)17:37 No.4947685
    Awh. I like this gal. (And her outfit is cute.)
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:40 No.4947690
    >the typical "I don't want to categorize myself with any of these negatives so I'll make a more normal, positive category to say I'm a part of" answer
    Figures the last one wouldn't be a real stereotype.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:56 No.4947753

    . . . huhuhu.
    I didn't notice that.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:57 No.4947761
         File1315605468.png-(46 KB, 475x1368, 1312927904292.png)
    46 KB
    Thanks for posting them. I got a kick out out of them. In return I'll post what I can find
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)17:59 No.4947773
         File1315605566.png-(53 KB, 475x1368, 1312929252080.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:00 No.4947778
         File1315605656.png-(56 KB, 475x1368, 1312929827882.png)
    56 KB
    Sorry that I have nothing new to add.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:03 No.4947789
         File1315605799.jpg-(71 KB, 517x562, 1311790764152.jpg)
    71 KB
    This one always makes me giggle.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:03 No.4947792
         File1315605828.png-(89 KB, 477x1801, 1287496248898.png)
    89 KB
    I have some!
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:08 No.4947804
         File1315606133.png-(272 KB, 638x361, 2h32yoh.png)
    272 KB
    Commencing HUGE dump, as I have nothing else to do on a friday night...
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:11 No.4947809
         File1315606297.gif-(53 KB, 639x479, 2ms3sex.jpg.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:14 No.4947816
         File1315606463.png-(153 KB, 640x480, 2s1rtop.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:19 No.4947828
         File1315606740.png-(373 KB, 900x1428, 1311546054644.png)
    373 KB
    Every time I see that image being posted up, I need that bag even more.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:19 No.4947830
         File1315606774.png-(204 KB, 569x640, 55gnxv.jpg.png)
    204 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:21 No.4947833
         File1315606869.jpg-(124 KB, 360x360, 1311642315168.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:22 No.4947837
         File1315606943.jpg-(110 KB, 620x877, GET IT RIGHT BITCH.jpg)
    110 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:22 No.4947839
         File1315606970.png-(193 KB, 510x966, 1312993472603.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:24 No.4947842
         File1315607041.png-(103 KB, 443x750, wat.png)
    103 KB
    A reaction image is fine too.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:25 No.4947846
         File1315607132.jpg-(213 KB, 594x1006, 1313005730678.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:26 No.4947848
         File1315607193.jpg-(77 KB, 396x700, furz7q.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:27 No.4947851
         File1315607263.png-(99 KB, 500x375, m75o41.jpg.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:28 No.4947853
         File1315607280.png-(112 KB, 293x275, Untitled.png)
    112 KB
    Anyone remember that thread about the loli street gangs?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:29 No.4947858
         File1315607345.jpg-(44 KB, 500x562, mjqtmo.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:30 No.4947863
         File1315607456.jpg-(450 KB, 1574x947, Sparkle grandma.jpg)
    450 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:31 No.4947867
    >reddit crap
    >Le le le le le
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:33 No.4947879
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 09/09/11(Fri)18:35 No.4947885
    Yeah I do have it. Let me pull it up.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:35 No.4947886
         File1315607714.jpg-(77 KB, 638x638, 21jpzrn.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:38 No.4947901
         File1315607903.png-(253 KB, 640x482, 142t0gh.png)
    253 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:38 No.4947904
    All my love, anon. All of it.

    And the resulting forum/webcomic/roleplaying idea?
    Of course.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 09/09/11(Fri)18:40 No.4947908
         File1315608006.png-(177 KB, 1006x850, -cgl- - Cosplay & EGL_1315(...).png)
    177 KB
    Here's a piece of the saved thread. I'm going have to upload it to my site.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:40 No.4947911
    Stop using reddit reaction images, seriously. It's lame and annoying
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:42 No.4947918
         File1315608132.jpg-(44 KB, 500x444, 241wivd.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:43 No.4947923
         File1315608229.jpg-(68 KB, 639x567, 295r60i.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:45 No.4947929
         File1315608349.jpg-(58 KB, 633x512, 2070oja.jpg)
    58 KB
    Inb4 noone cares what you think

    oops, too late
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/09/11(Fri)18:48 No.4947933
    Oh look, it's a newfag in there wild habitat c
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:48 No.4947934
         File1315608518.jpg-(148 KB, 1024x775, 1275432353963.jpg)
    148 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:49 No.4947937
    Anyone know who drew this?

    polite sage for no contribution
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:49 No.4947938
    Man, I must be a special snowflake because I don't completely fit in to any of those.

    Guessing the maker is a part-timer? That's why it's the only sane person in the bunch.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:50 No.4947940
    No, but they need to make the next egl banner
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:50 No.4947942
         File1315608649.jpg-(156 KB, 1041x789, 1279873486194.jpg)
    156 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:52 No.4947948
         File1315608760.jpg-(210 KB, 696x618, 1281237611628.jpg)
    210 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:55 No.4947958
         File1315608932.gif-(79 KB, 660x538, 1286801107449.gif)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:59 No.4947965
         File1315609171.jpg-(114 KB, 800x650, 1286851026594.jpg)
    114 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:00 No.4947969
         File1315609201.png-(58 KB, 236x218, 1311915478581.png)
    58 KB
    It's a newfag thing now to think comics that consist of "LOL LOOK AT ALL THESE WACKY FACES" and "LE LE LE LE LE LE" aren't as fun as something like this >>4947778
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:03 No.4947975
    Everyone stopped posting there. Very disappointing. I check in every once in awhile but there is less and less to reply to.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:05 No.4947977
         File1315609508.png-(241 KB, 800x650, 1286858267673.png)
    241 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:08 No.4947986
         File1315609690.jpg-(163 KB, 1024x946, 1296085380130.jpg)
    163 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:11 No.4947993
         File1315609895.jpg-(134 KB, 1263x800, 1296252435427.jpg)
    134 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:13 No.4947998
         File1315609990.png-(625 KB, 1024x776, 1296673245180.png)
    625 KB
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 09/09/11(Fri)19:13 No.4947999
    Here's the archived thread that >>4947853
    requested. Enjoy:
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:15 No.4948005
         File1315610159.jpg-(166 KB, 1024x775, 1304896627345.jpg)
    166 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:17 No.4948008
    That was me, I still feel bad, I have never had anything react that poorly to a simple hand washing.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:18 No.4948011
         File1315610299.jpg-(35 KB, 500x376, 1312992243179.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:18 No.4948012
    Very first thing I noticed too.

    Dumb bitches gon bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:19 No.4948020
         File1315610378.jpg-(70 KB, 400x400, 9045161.jpg)
    70 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:21 No.4948025
         File1315610503.jpg-(79 KB, 400x400, 9047405.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:24 No.4948035
         File1315610669.png-(85 KB, 400x400, 1311589015219.png)
    85 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:27 No.4948047
    oh lawd.

    people are always asking me why i look upset or angry

    but that's my normal face
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:28 No.4948052
         File1315610885.png-(83 KB, 400x400, 1311589874492.png)
    83 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:29 No.4948056
         File1315610950.jpg-(92 KB, 400x400, 1311589997382.jpg)
    92 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:29 No.4948062
         File1315610993.png-(349 KB, 375x500, 9unn06.png)
    349 KB
    Never gets old for me.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:30 No.4948063
         File1315611004.png-(86 KB, 400x400, 1311590880879.png)
    86 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:33 No.4948076
         File1315611185.jpg-(99 KB, 400x400, 1311602138109.jpg)
    99 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:34 No.4948078
         File1315611241.png-(113 KB, 288x410, Screen shot 2011-09-09 at 6.31(...).png)
    113 KB

    Ruin-HCI of Deviantart. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:35 No.4948089
         File1315611313.jpg-(90 KB, 400x400, 1311602395586.jpg)
    90 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:37 No.4948103
         File1315611441.jpg-(81 KB, 400x400, 1311645983144.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)20:21 No.4948250
         File1315614068.jpg-(87 KB, 400x400, 9607050.jpg)
    87 KB
    I'm not gonna post my whole rori meme thread, just my favorites.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)20:22 No.4948252
         File1315614120.jpg-(140 KB, 600x400, 1296630738167.jpg)
    140 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)20:23 No.4948258
         File1315614198.jpg-(71 KB, 491x577, 1315084463042.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)20:25 No.4948266
         File1315614305.png-(347 KB, 420x593, 1308966267215.png)
    347 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)20:25 No.4948271
         File1315614340.jpg-(70 KB, 500x611, funny-captions-come-on-ladies-(...).jpg)
    70 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)20:25 No.4948272
         File1315614347.png-(296 KB, 844x584, sailormilanoo.png)
    296 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)20:26 No.4948276
         File1315614417.png-(501 KB, 1250x483, teamloli.png)
    501 KB
    Okay that's all for now
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)21:13 No.4948412
    i'm a sparkle grandma.
    >> Alexweb !yLbltmDFMQ 09/10/11(Sat)07:11 No.4950020

    I just sang that...Out loud...
    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)07:46 No.4950049
    I was so singing it in my head...
    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)08:02 No.4950058
    r u loony-b

    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)08:30 No.4950070
    oh c'mon. Brandwhores do exist.
    But many keep them to themselves, or let it out in small doses
    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)14:32 No.4950764
    Sometimes I just want to steal convertibles in my loli. IDK

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