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  • File : 1315265513.jpg-(294 KB, 499x750, KoishiCosplay1.jpg)
    294 KB Touhou Cosplay Thread Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:31 No.4932923  

    Because apparently there's been problems with lack of cosplay threads lately, I am here to change this.

    I am going to make a thread for almost every series I like with tons of cosplays, for 2 reasons. One, I need to restock my folders, two, /cgl/ needs more cosplay threads.


    Post Touhou cosplays here, talk about Touhou cosplays here, get advice on how to make Touhou cosplays here, all of that. I'll dump what I have.

    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:33 No.4932931
         File1315265589.jpg-(46 KB, 292x327, dowant.jpg)
    46 KB
    I liek you.
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:33 No.4932934
         File1315265602.jpg-(182 KB, 531x800, YukaCosplay1.jpg)
    182 KB
    >> Sage Sage 09/05/11(Mon)19:33 No.4932936
    > am going to make a thread for almost every series
    i will cut you
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:33 No.4932938
         File1315265629.jpg-(103 KB, 525x350, 1299715008896.jpg)
    103 KB
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:34 No.4932945
         File1315265696.jpg-(680 KB, 800x1200, SatoriCosplay1.jpg)
    680 KB
    A cosplay thread. To post pictures of cosplay in.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:35 No.4932952
         File1315265740.jpg-(85 KB, 398x600, 1313785864567.jpg)
    85 KB
    I fail to see how having cosplay threads on a cosplay board is a problem.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:36 No.4932960
         File1315265809.jpg-(145 KB, 509x765, 1299722067188.jpg)
    145 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:37 No.4932962
         File1315265844.jpg-(106 KB, 640x428, 1303511477689.jpg)
    106 KB
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:38 No.4932971
         File1315265891.jpg-(321 KB, 737x490, YoukiCosplay1.jpg)
    321 KB
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:39 No.4932976
         File1315265940.jpg-(432 KB, 640x426, YukaCosplay2.jpg)
    432 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:39 No.4932979
         File1315265957.jpg-(138 KB, 700x467, 1303512907324.jpg)
    138 KB
    Bettan, is there anybody in particular you're looking for?
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:40 No.4932987
         File1315266026.jpg-(87 KB, 366x550, 1313786083206.jpg)
    87 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:41 No.4932993
         File1315266077.jpg-(216 KB, 771x1195, 1303514268878.jpg)
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    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:41 No.4932998
         File1315266118.jpg-(39 KB, 272x426, MedicineCosplay1.jpg)
    39 KB
    Depends, how much Ten Desires is out? I can't get on cure right now, forgot my account information, and the site I'm getting my stuff from has barely any.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:42 No.4932999
         File1315266126.jpg-(67 KB, 400x600, 1313936805141.jpg)
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    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:43 No.4933007
         File1315266188.jpg-(117 KB, 565x850, 1313885707784.jpg)
    117 KB
    All I've got is from previous threads (mostly from you and Golem, I think), but I can post what I've got.
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:43 No.4933009
         File1315266193.jpg-(239 KB, 700x465, SatoriCosplay2.jpg)
    239 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:46 No.4933032
         File1315266413.jpg-(79 KB, 460x614, 1313885801170.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:47 No.4933037
         File1315266462.jpg-(96 KB, 430x647, NueCosplay2.jpg)
    96 KB
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:48 No.4933044
         File1315266522.jpg-(200 KB, 620x930, ShingyokuCosplay1.jpg)
    200 KB
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:50 No.4933049
         File1315266600.jpg-(174 KB, 350x526, YuyukoCosplay2.jpg)
    174 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:50 No.4933051
         File1315266618.jpg-(160 KB, 600x896, 1313885843838.jpg)
    160 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:51 No.4933059
         File1315266714.jpg-(208 KB, 499x750, 292a067454a070c0363e6905c28074(...).jpg)
    208 KB
    Oh, what the hell. Time for a quick Cure raid.

    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:52 No.4933064
         File1315266756.jpg-(354 KB, 843x555, KaguyaBigEyes.jpg)
    354 KB
    "Help me Eirin!"
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:52 No.4933066
         File1315266771.jpg-(117 KB, 499x750, 8993b51f4e2e90b7d4e663125cecb9(...).jpg)
    117 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:54 No.4933071
         File1315266846.jpg-(152 KB, 565x850, 036eab866862077c78a66f1ca39927(...).jpg)
    152 KB
    I want to take all of the Kyoukos home with me.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:55 No.4933078
         File1315266924.jpg-(192 KB, 533x800, 36027dac7118f209b7da7ca1debe37(...).jpg)
    192 KB
    Help you with those scary ~uguu eyes? Sorry Kags, nobody can help you with those.
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:55 No.4933080
         File1315266938.jpg-(213 KB, 600x398, YukariCosplay1.jpg)
    213 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:56 No.4933090
         File1315267006.jpg-(225 KB, 533x800, a291ed5dbf62072c53a6cb474a8d80(...).jpg)
    225 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:58 No.4933098
         File1315267089.jpg-(179 KB, 700x933, cc88be2db44f4009482c4e8d5b50da(...).jpg)
    179 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)19:58 No.4933102
         File1315267132.jpg-(230 KB, 700x933, 2d46313939c327e88e786dc1dcd906(...).jpg)
    230 KB
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)19:59 No.4933104
         File1315267187.jpg-(34 KB, 640x480, NueCosplay3.jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)20:02 No.4933118
         File1315267326.jpg-(357 KB, 700x933, lettywinterbush.jpg)
    357 KB
    Big floppy ears.
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)20:02 No.4933121
         File1315267341.jpg-(47 KB, 400x600, MokouCosplay1.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)20:04 No.4933134
         File1315267444.jpg-(132 KB, 566x850, yukaobsession.jpg)
    132 KB
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)20:06 No.4933149
         File1315267612.jpg-(309 KB, 562x847, KoishiCosplay2.jpg)
    309 KB
    Alright, trying to get back on cure now.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)20:07 No.4933154
         File1315267661.jpg-(120 KB, 566x850, alicezen.jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)20:10 No.4933175
    wtf is touhou?

    seriously, I dont know
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 09/05/11(Mon)20:12 No.4933194
    File deleted.
    Dudes in frilly dresses.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)20:14 No.4933205
         File1315268066.jpg-(155 KB, 700x438, lunphotoshopfilter.jpg)
    155 KB
    No penis?
    Not touhou!
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:16 No.4933222
         File1315268192.jpg-(107 KB, 427x640, 3cd4da5538f07141c8ea8c39db7863(...).jpg)
    107 KB
    I love them so.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:19 No.4933241
         File1315268345.jpg-(227 KB, 532x800, 07ce2b855e2da15a56dc23a1857cf3(...).jpg)
    227 KB
    It's a vertical-scrolling bullet hell video game series. Think Midway 1944 but with little girls in frilly dresses instead of airplanes.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 09/05/11(Mon)20:19 No.4933242
         File1315268348.jpg-(522 KB, 1000x667, 2011.Fanime-1554.jpg)
    522 KB
    I don't know what happened. Here's some life back on that shot.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:20 No.4933255
         File1315268445.jpg-(69 KB, 532x800, 26a457c8218b6072736935bec2a869(...).jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)20:20 No.4933258
         File1315268455.jpg-(158 KB, 599x900, marisaneon.jpg)
    158 KB
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)20:22 No.4933265
         File1315268520.jpg-(109 KB, 640x512, Touhou.jpg)
    109 KB
    It's a series of doujin shoot-em-up games made by an alcoholic named ZUN where all the characters are lolis in frilly outfits, basically. Here is a picture. The thing is is that it's created such a huge fanbase there are various song remixes, videos, etc etc of it. Have you ever seen Marisa Stole the Precious Thing or Bad Apple!!? They're based off of Touhou.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:23 No.4933276
         File1315268624.jpg-(287 KB, 700x933, 479d33eae5b84303a1717579313a2b(...).jpg)
    287 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:24 No.4933282
         File1315268671.jpg-(160 KB, 700x933, 5169f379d139f452893d9aa1d2dbe5(...).jpg)
    160 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:26 No.4933296
         File1315268773.jpg-(143 KB, 480x640, 1313885920278.jpg)
    143 KB
    I don't see any other Tojiko, Seiga, Miko, or Mamizou yet on Cure. Give it time, I suppose.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:27 No.4933303
         File1315268859.jpg-(126 KB, 500x667, 1313886051845.jpg)
    126 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)20:29 No.4933317
         File1315268944.jpg-(84 KB, 599x900, mokouthatsaniceeverything.jpg)
    84 KB
    Eh people are still working on imperishable night.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:30 No.4933328
         File1315269031.jpg-(179 KB, 500x667, 1313886255054.jpg)
    179 KB
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:31 No.4933337
         File1315269096.jpg-(136 KB, 700x933, 1303524793776.jpg)
    136 KB
    Seeing as how it's, y'know, the best game and all.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:35 No.4933361
         File1315269320.jpg-(277 KB, 663x1000, bab3548fae78433828fcb785e47e2b(...).jpg)
    277 KB
    This was labeled as Sanae.

    Really, at what point do you have to put your foot down and say "creative liberty is great and all, especially with Touhou, but CUT THAT SHIT OUT"?
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)20:37 No.4933374
         File1315269423.jpg-(146 KB, 700x467, reimublueflowersofsomekind.jpg)
    146 KB
    I'm partial to PCB myself or any game with master spark.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 09/05/11(Mon)20:39 No.4933390
         File1315269569.jpg-(73 KB, 716x685, cute_flandre_by_xmisuzu-d3614r(...).jpg)
    73 KB
    I dunno, mang. That looks like a slut. Totally works.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)20:40 No.4933395
         File1315269654.jpg-(123 KB, 450x676, yukarieyballsoup.jpg)
    123 KB
    Yeah it should be somewhat recognizable. All i see is green and boobs.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)20:41 No.4933399
         File1315269714.jpg-(110 KB, 700x467, flanandmrbigglesworth.jpg)
    110 KB
    Oh no the "LOL SLUT" gremlins got Kayuga!
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:42 No.4933403
         File1315269744.jpg-(126 KB, 1000x667, isthatso.jpg)
    126 KB
    A PCB is fine too.

    Pic related.
    I need an "OH YOU" macro just for your sorry ass.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)20:44 No.4933417
         File1315269883.jpg-(133 KB, 531x800, flancantijusteatpeopletoday.jpg)
    133 KB
    Wait wait aren't you some kind of artist? You can handle it!
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:49 No.4933440
         File1315270180.jpg-(109 KB, 700x525, 1226090408175.jpg)
    109 KB
    Pssssh, you think I'm willing to make the effort? YOU SO SILLY. I'm way too fucking lazy to go through all my photos and try to decide just which one has the perfect "OH YOU" face.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)20:57 No.4933476
         File1315270653.jpg-(244 KB, 633x950, 1303512370999.jpg)
    244 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)20:57 No.4933477
         File1315270657.jpg-(127 KB, 493x537, OHyou.jpg)
    127 KB

    That's try hard talk.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)20:57 No.4933480
    >> noisecontroller 09/05/11(Mon)21:03 No.4933502
    Ooh, this is perfect.
    How do you make Reimu's hair bow thingy?
    I have a headband, and red fabric and all, but how do I do this?
    Complete sewing noob here.
    >> Potato 09/05/11(Mon)21:08 No.4933536
         File1315271330.jpg-(98 KB, 450x600, 1303512181850.jpg)
    98 KB
    >> Bettan 09/05/11(Mon)21:11 No.4933545
         File1315271480.jpg-(629 KB, 863x1600, OrinCosplay1.jpg)
    629 KB
    And now I must make my next thread on my endeavor to spread more cosplay on /cgl/. I'll pop in here and dump more when I can get back curecos, but for now, good luck and I hope this survives a while.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)21:13 No.4933558
         File1315271629.jpg-(362 KB, 750x500, a_m____by_midorirequired-d48vl(...).jpg)
    362 KB
    Learn to sew first.
    Then learn to make a bow.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)21:14 No.4933559
         File1315271650.jpg-(75 KB, 466x700, sakyualolart.jpg)
    75 KB
    lol crusader
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)21:31 No.4933643
         File1315272698.jpg-(225 KB, 700x1050, kageating.jpg)
    225 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)21:32 No.4933648
         File1315272754.jpg-(86 KB, 700x466, tewiwhat.jpg)
    86 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)21:33 No.4933650
         File1315272799.jpg-(108 KB, 400x601, youmuhahafuckyouleaves.jpg)
    108 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)21:50 No.4933750
         File1315273805.jpg-(224 KB, 642x968, yukamodrode.jpg)
    224 KB
    Speaking of mods...
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)21:52 No.4933762
         File1315273942.jpg-(145 KB, 700x565, remimodlolita.jpg)
    145 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)21:53 No.4933775
         File1315274023.jpg-(311 KB, 700x934, remilolitathemoddest.jpg)
    311 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/05/11(Mon)21:55 No.4933787
         File1315274141.jpg-(480 KB, 700x1052, yukarimodpurptunnel.jpg)
    480 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/06/11(Tue)07:10 No.4935603
         File1315307441.jpg-(163 KB, 612x681, alicemarisamodwdoll.jpg)
    163 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/06/11(Tue)07:13 No.4935606
         File1315307613.jpg-(176 KB, 700x577, reimumarisamodlivingoldhouse.jpg)
    176 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/06/11(Tue)16:33 No.4936716
         File1315341215.jpg-(322 KB, 700x947, flanhellhole.jpg)
    322 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/06/11(Tue)16:34 No.4936718
         File1315341251.jpg-(202 KB, 700x1052, sakyuavaniabasic.jpg)
    202 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)16:56 No.4936761
    I am in my mid-20s. Average age guesses for me honestly range from 16 to 26, and vary depending on the photograph and/or what makeup I'm wearing. I am also extremely white. I really want to cosplay Remilia like burning; I love the Scarlet Devil Mansion crowd like nothing else, I'm not Chinese at all so Meiling is out of the question, and red and pink and that weird color her hair is are all some of my absolute best colors.

    Would my age and race make this a very very bad idea? No photos, I don't want to post any.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/06/11(Tue)17:14 No.4936810
         File1315343691.jpg-(160 KB, 700x933, ransukiatruebros.jpg)
    160 KB
    It's not a problem. Remilia is European. So is Alice, and those Eientei people are from the moon. Really race/gender shouldn't be stopping you from cosplaying anyone.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/06/11(Tue)17:16 No.4936823
         File1315343809.jpg-(154 KB, 555x528, remivaniabrosforlife.jpg)
    154 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/06/11(Tue)17:32 No.4936888
         File1315344732.jpg-(176 KB, 535x807, chinasakyuasummerday.jpg)
    176 KB
    See look! White people!
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)19:36 No.4937291
         File1315352186.jpg-(79 KB, 640x427, 2882343.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 09/06/11(Tue)22:58 No.4938095
         File1315364312.png-(591 KB, 476x623, KAWAIIKAWAIICHEN-N-N.png)
    591 KB

    >thread needs moar chen
    >> Spazz !XRU7yGHqkM 09/07/11(Wed)00:45 No.4938485
         File1315370738.jpg-(88 KB, 500x706, new touhou.jpg)
    88 KB
    I always want to cosplay the Touhous but no one ever wants to do a group with me, and a Lone Touhou is a sad Touhou.

    Also, oh god Mamizou is so fucking cute, next cosplay decided.
    >> Potato 09/07/11(Wed)00:48 No.4938494
         File1315370919.jpg-(274 KB, 1066x1600, 1303513382318.jpg)
    274 KB
    The nice thing about Touhous is that it doesn't matter what game they're from, if you see a Touhou in the hall at a con you go "TOUHOU!" and then everybody's happy. Most of my favorite group shots are totally random assortments of characters from totally different games.

    And I agree, Mamizou is HNNNNGHH. I kind of want to cosplay her, but I'd really like to avoid making any more tails, haha.
    >> Potato 09/07/11(Wed)00:50 No.4938498
         File1315371022.jpg-(343 KB, 600x800, 1303685428946.jpg)
    343 KB
    It's not a bad idea at all. Go for it.

    Sure, there are people who think "ASIAN COSPLAY ALWAYS SUPERIORRRR," but screw 'em. They shouldn't stop you from having fun.
    >> Potato 09/07/11(Wed)00:52 No.4938506
         File1315371159.jpg-(396 KB, 768x1024, 1214991572824.jpg)
    396 KB

    I recommend ironing some stiff interfacing in between your bow layers so that the bow will stay standing up.
    >> Potato 09/07/11(Wed)00:53 No.4938511
         File1315371220.jpg-(30 KB, 240x400, 1216321368358.jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Spazz !IeO80NFwHA 09/07/11(Wed)01:05 No.4938547
         File1315371941.jpg-(8 KB, 180x206, 15232.jpg)
    8 KB
    True. Hell, I'm gonna do it anyway.

    Also, is that Chen you? If so, you are fucking adorable!
    >> Potato 09/07/11(Wed)01:08 No.4938552
         File1315372080.jpg-(164 KB, 700x525, 1226090201684.jpg)
    164 KB
    Go for it! The most important thing is to have fun with it.

    And oh goodness no, I only wish I was that cute, haha. I'm just posting Chen.
    >> Spazz !IeO80NFwHA 09/07/11(Wed)01:15 No.4938570
         File1315372504.jpg-(383 KB, 825x1275, team 9.jpg)
    383 KB

    So what tail did you make? (I unknown to the world of making tails)
    >> Potato 09/07/11(Wed)01:18 No.4938583
         File1315372683.jpg-(77 KB, 375x500, 1229247396776.jpg)
    77 KB
    Way back in the day I made a tail for Squirrel Girl from the Great Lakes Avengers. It was totally worth it because I love SG, but it's hard to store and I don't have a very big house, so I don't think I want to make another one.
    >> Potato 09/07/11(Wed)01:18 No.4938584
         File1315372723.jpg-(160 KB, 601x735, 1228301683260.jpg)
    160 KB
    >> Spazz !IeO80NFwHA 09/07/11(Wed)01:24 No.4938596
         File1315373087.jpg-(240 KB, 1163x930, mamizou touhou.jpg)
    240 KB
    heh, I'm kinda sorta working on making my roommate a Squirrel Girl. Yeah, that's gonna be a hell of a lot of fur.
    >> Potato 09/07/11(Wed)01:28 No.4938609
         File1315373291.jpg-(91 KB, 400x598, 1229268849357.jpg)
    91 KB
    Fuck yeah, SqueeGee!
    The more the merrier, especially with the increased amount of attention she seems to be getting lately.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/07/11(Wed)08:42 No.4939309
         File1315399370.jpg-(167 KB, 535x807, nitoriihavereturnedfromtheothe(...).jpg)
    167 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)10:18 No.4939403
         File1315405129.jpg-(88 KB, 384x576, Medi.jpg)
    88 KB
    Aaah, these Touhou-threads make me so sad. Why? Because 99% of them don't have the details right, because "me japanese, me buy cosplay and don't bother to modify it" or "lol nobody actually looks reference from ZUN's pictures".

    So posting this just to show what Medicine SHOULD look like. (Ugly face, but the costume is right, can't fault me there!)
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/07/11(Wed)21:50 No.4941398
         File1315446610.jpg-(108 KB, 403x600, yukashesmine.jpg)
    108 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/07/11(Wed)21:51 No.4941403
         File1315446716.jpg-(162 KB, 400x600, yuyuyoumunowitsaparty.jpg)
    162 KB
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/07/11(Wed)21:54 No.4941413
         File1315446862.jpg-(115 KB, 398x600, yukaawaywego.jpg)
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    touhou is all about being creative with the original idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)22:22 No.4941488
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    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)23:50 No.4941697
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    Oh good, a Touhou thread! May I ask your opinions on a fabric I have for my Yuyuko cosplay? I have so much extra of it and I want to use it for something, I just need to know if it would work.
    >> Potato 09/08/11(Thu)02:36 No.4942197
         File1315463781.jpg-(132 KB, 401x600, 1282945042841.jpg)
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    I think one of the good things about Touhou is that you CAN change details to be more flattering. You definitely have to draw the line somewhere (and I think >>4933361 is waaay past that line), but it's not like Final Fantasy cosplayers where "SHE DOESN'T HAVE THE RIGHT KIND OF BEADS FOR ____" is cause for a major fault. It's also fun that there's wiggle room and room for creative expression within those designs.

    I personally try to stick to ZUN's designs as closely as I can, but I will definitely change details to make them more flattering on my body, e.g. Shou's tiger wrap and Letty's vest.

    Fire away! I'd like to see it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)13:04 No.4943192
         File1315501464.png-(88 KB, 251x247, 98__8.png)
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    Alrighty, thanks Potato~!

    Anyway, here is the color of the fabric (pic related). Seeing as my camera died, I can't take a picture of the actual fabric, but it's just a plain, basic fabric type.

    Is this color suitable? I'm thinking it's sort of close to her new Ten Desires outfit, but yeaahh, very unsure.
    If not for Yuyuko, is there any other Touhous you think I could pull of using this fabric for? My other thought was Patchy, but even then, only certain artwork has the more purple color than her usual pink.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)13:36 No.4943301
         File1315503396.jpg-(71 KB, 535x800, krautti.jpg)
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    The colour fits Satori's shirt.
    But I think it fits Yuyuko well.

    But cosplay is about trying to look like the character, not make "something like it, but with a personal twist! 8D"
    >> Spazz !XRU7yGHqkM 09/08/11(Thu)13:38 No.4943308
         File1315503510.jpg-(312 KB, 1000x750, patchi2.jpg)
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    Speaking of fabrics, anyone ever seen a good one for Patchouli?

    The white and lavender stripes?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)15:57 No.4943731
         File1315511869.jpg-(32 KB, 387x349, tumblr_lpmj5vZzoc1qaz6er.jpg)
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    I'm not asian, not even close to being asian, and I have two Meiling cosplays planned. What the hell are you talking about.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)19:04 No.4944275
    Derp, can't believe I didn't think of Satori.
    Anyway, I'd like to get most of the fabric used up, hence why I chose a bigger costume such as Yuyuko's. Glad to know the fabric can work~ Thanks a lot~

    If anyone else wants to throw in their thoughts, please do!
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)20:01 No.4944476
         File1315526474.jpg-(166 KB, 850x680, sample-bf568525951e1dfd260210d(...).jpg)
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    Meiling is a tall redhead with blue eyes and big tits. All of the good cosplays I've seen of her have been white chicks.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/08/11(Thu)20:09 No.4944500
         File1315526995.jpg-(75 KB, 126x254, 1-Th06meiling.jpg)
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    Could someone point out the enormous tits in this picture?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)20:13 No.4944513
         File1315527206.jpg-(380 KB, 500x750, alice_margatroid___sewing_by_u(...).jpg)
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    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/08/11(Thu)20:15 No.4944523
         File1315527349.jpg-(176 KB, 640x426, chinasalutepond.jpg)
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    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/08/11(Thu)20:17 No.4944534
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    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/08/11(Thu)20:22 No.4944557
         File1315527759.jpg-(121 KB, 700x462, chinareimujuststop.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)20:33 No.4944595
    It's in every fan interpretation. She also has visibly larger tits in Hisoutensoku which is canon and Zun-approved.

    Her tits are not shown in her portrait in Bohemian archive because she has her back to the camera.

    She has visibly larger breasts in the canon Touhou manga.

    Zun can't draw boobs.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/08/11(Thu)20:37 No.4944609
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)20:38 No.4944613
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    Those are big bazoongas by Touhou standards.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/08/11(Thu)22:57 No.4945149
         File1315537025.jpg-(143 KB, 700x467, ereinKNOCKITOFFRETARDS.jpg)
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    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/08/11(Thu)22:58 No.4945152
         File1315537099.jpg-(158 KB, 480x640, tewilookwhatthefuckarethosthin(...).jpg)
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    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/08/11(Thu)23:00 No.4945160
         File1315537221.jpg-(156 KB, 640x425, marisagaggleoftouhous.jpg)
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    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/09/11(Fri)15:16 No.4947203
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    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/09/11(Fri)15:17 No.4947206
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    >> Potato 09/09/11(Fri)15:32 No.4947241
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    I definitely think it works for Yuyuko. And if you've got any left over, you can do Satori next.

    I definitely agree, but Touhou's kind of a special case, where there's so little canon material that you do have the freedom to expand upon it more than with other series.

    I wonder who's going to be declared the boobinite of TD. My money's on Mamizou.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/09/11(Fri)18:24 No.4947843
         File1315607065.jpg-(294 KB, 634x900, 1274967927426.jpg)
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    Touhou designs get modded all the time. Take it easy. Cosplay really isn't something that needs strict rules.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/10/11(Sat)10:43 No.4950260
         File1315665829.jpg-(201 KB, 682x1024, aliceteachingshanghaitosew.jpg)
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    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/10/11(Sat)10:44 No.4950262
         File1315665864.jpg-(174 KB, 532x800, marisathiswillendwell.jpg)
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    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/10/11(Sat)11:07 No.4950308
         File1315667223.jpg-(264 KB, 641x855, yuyuglowing.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)12:41 No.4950471
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)12:51 No.4950498
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    she's gonna get gangbanged
    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)13:00 No.4950520
    My specific request is more non-asian touhou cosplayers. Asian's fine and all, but we've seen enough of them, methinks.

    What I really want to see is a huge black dude cosplaying Rinnouske. MANOUSKE IN THE HOUSE
    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)15:01 No.4950811
         File1315681274.jpg-(220 KB, 685x913, nukkis.jpg)
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    And WHERE is the line set?
    If ZUN's art clearly has frills and it's replaced with lace it pisses me off. Or adding lace/frills in places there never were any.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)15:25 No.4950896
    Basically we have to wait for alphes to draw a character before they get a canon bust size

    He is why Yuugi is a titty monster
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/10/11(Sat)21:20 No.4952141
         File1315704013.jpg-(105 KB, 700x466, hinacontainingrage.jpg)
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    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 09/10/11(Sat)21:21 No.4952144
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)21:38 No.4952219
         File1315705124.png-(1.21 MB, 795x750, kiss.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)01:57 No.4953264
         File1315720628.jpg-(383 KB, 1200x1600, CIMG5615.jpg)
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    I like this alphes guy.

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