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  • File : 1315217131.png-(1.59 MB, 983x772, weeaboo horror times.png)
    1.59 MB HORROR/DRAMA GENERAL!! Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:05 No.4930814  
    give me your sickfictions. (and bitch about your past/current drama!)
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:06 No.4930817
    op's pic is inspiring
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:10 No.4930826
    Stuck in an elevator with at least six weeaboos on Sunday of a convention. I'm pretty sure only one of them had showered. Who else has had this happen?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:11 No.4930833
    me. at every convention i've gone to.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:12 No.4930836
    Holy shit OP, that pic is so relevant yet so frightening.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:15 No.4930843
    Also, seeing decent wigs get ruined. I saw a girl with the most amazing Cloud wig ever. And then a weeaboo punched it. Why do you punch wigs?
    >> Isley ! 09/05/11(Mon)06:17 No.4930849
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    Even on /fit/ have I heard of this...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:18 No.4930851
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    >> Isley ! 09/05/11(Mon)06:18 No.4930853
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    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:20 No.4930857
    >he doesn't know /cgl/'s male rape stories are usually fake
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:24 No.4930867
    The story shall be set in fair Verona... Bollocks to that, this happened at school. At a public mixed sex school, at the fair age of 16, we have two seemingly star crossed lovers, Beth and Matthew.
    We met our troubled friend in the new year of the drama club society, it came in the form of a female, and it answered only to Kiwi-san, though her real name was Alexis. It was summer and the beginning of the club meets, to get ready for a play we rehearsed throughout summer, every Thursday and for serious people, every Saturday was available to use the school hall too, and through this our group of friends had discovered a new way to have some summer fun.

    We sat on a Thursday of the first meet, all in a circle with our teacher, one by one registering our names. She arrived. We knew it slightly before seeing her, as we heard a high pitched wailing from far away, getting louder just before she flew in dramatically. She cut the line and pushed through the few people to scribble her name on the sign up list, throwing her arms up and squealing again, then coming to sit down, getting out a ‘kaiwaii’ phone in a sticker and glitter covered phone with a million charms on it, and had a manga of Yu Gi Oh in her lap. Her looks said it all before getting out items to ‘show off’ or try to find friends.
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 09/05/11(Mon)06:28 No.4930872
    You really shouldn't assume that kind of thing, male rape gets laughed off enough as it is. I've known something very similar to this to happen to someone I know, some fatties are genuinely that desperate and crazy.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:29 No.4930874
    yeah man, sheeps was the first and the possible only real one. the other's are made up, but that sheeps was was defo real, there's been follow up threads about it too. learn2lurk
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:33 No.4930881
    I’ll green text from now on, or try to.
    >From the second she sat down, our group knew she was like us, a fan of anime and manga. She wasn’t a hambeast, but a little chubby, a muffintop overhung her trousers.
    >She could have looked good, though, if she didn’t try to fit into clothing designed for tiny Japanese women.
    >I tried to put my coat over my anime bag, but too late, she gasped and crawled over people’s things to come and sit almost on my lap. Oh, by the way, I’m Matt.
    >Beth, my just-friend at the time, didn’t look pleased.
    >”KONISHUWAH!” is how she prooly pronounced it, whenever we pointed out it was wrong she would say it was a cute lisp.
    >She said that, and then hugged me straight away, saying hello to our group, asking if we liked anime and Japan.
    >We bonded the whole of drama class, short story, she became our friend somehow, though we all knew she was annoying, a few girls in the group tried to make it work.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:34 No.4930884
    So, I knew this chick in high school. We'll call her L.

    She was your run-of-the-mill weeaboo. Wrote terrible self-insert fanfiction. Used to pretend she was Chihiro from Spirited Away for a while. Listened to copious amounds of JPop and made terrible AMVs to go along with her favorite aidoru songs. And then she decided she preferred KPop and became a rabid Koreaboo.

    The thing is, L always thought was a "gifted writer". She's majoring in English right now so she can become a ~writer~ but honestly, her writing reads more like bad fanfiction.

    And this is where she veers off from the rest of the weebs.

    She write real people fiction.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:35 No.4930885

    No, not about celebrities. Not about Jrockers, not about Korean boybands, not about actors playing fictional vampires.

    She writes "fics" about people she knows.

    And the thing is, they're sort of invasive. She speculated about the family/private lives of her classmates. There are also a few where she wrote kawaii uguu yaoi stories of some underclassmen boys.

    She didn't bother changing their names. And not only did she post them on deviantart, but she also linked them on her Facebook whenever she uploaded a new one.

    She's friends with these people she writes stories about. Stories involving school bathroom sex, love triangles, emotional abuse from uncaring parents. She's friends with them on Facebook. I don't know if she WANTED them to see her descriptions of their supposed sex lives.

    It wouldn't be very long until she was found out.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:36 No.4930890

    I didn't check her deviantart page for months so I decided to give it a look recently. And I found this longass rant about how one of the boys she wrote about found out and asked her to stop.

    Not so bad so far, right?


    She then goes on a sanctimonious tirade about how he violated her "artistic rights" and how much he hurt her with his words.


    Girl, you were the one writing crazy things about people's private lives.

    She still thinks it's perfectly okay do this. And that she wasn't the one at fault here. She thinks she was being artistically stifled and well maybe if her friends can't appreciate "literature", then they shouldn't be her friends.

    I don't get how a 19 year old refuses to understand that she can't use people's likeness and post it online without getting someone offended. Honestly, I hope someone takes some sort of action against her because she is being an entitled bitch.
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 09/05/11(Mon)06:37 No.4930892
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    >listen to this while reading weeaboo stories
    >suddenly 10x scarier
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:41 No.4930898
    fucking hell man.

    I started this thinking " I don't like where this story goes. I'm guilty of shipping TOP and G-drago-- THE FUCK IS THIS. THE FUCK WAS THAT."
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:41 No.4930899
    >She was always first to drama club, it only took two weeks for us to exchange MSN’S and phone numbers with her. She text me but nobody else.
    >We had one outing to the beach as we became good friends with her, and this is where the first drama happened.
    >Now, I’m training to be a lifeguard, we lived right next to the beach and I’ve been doing it for years, but as I turned 17 I won an award and levelled up in training.
    >I was showing off to Beth about this but kiwi overheard in the back of my car, as we gave her a lift, and she was trying to make Beth the third wheel, but I wasn’t allowing it.
    >She was wearing a skimpy cosplay of Sakura, by the way, a short skirt of hers and the top undone with a bikini, and the wig but she later took it off.
    >We, our group of eight or so, sat on the beach having a nice time, in and out of the sea throughout the afternoon.
    >This was when I and Beth were developing feelings for each other, so I was getting close to her all day, and Kiwi didn’t like this.
    >She would interrupt Beth, cut her off, take her seat with me if she ever got up.
    >The drama started however when we left our two non-swimming female friends to all go in the sea as the sun was setting.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:44 No.4930904
    Yeah, most people are like "Real people fiction? Oh, she ships those pretty Asian singers, right?"

    And then they all go "WAIT WHAT?" when I tell them what she really writes.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:46 No.4930905
    If we're allowed to talk about ourselves? I used to be a HUGE weeaboo. I wanted things from Milanoo, spoke in that stupid voice, draw KAWAII UGUUU characters, had mary-sues up the wazoo. . .
    And one day a guy came up to me.
    And he said.
    "You're a fat bitch. Your pants make you have a muffintop, and your eyeliner makes you look like a retarded raccoon. Even a pedo wouldn't rape you, wapanese bitch."

    . . .And he was right. SO I CHANGED MY WAYS. Happy ending.
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:49 No.4930908
    >”SO MATTU-KUN~” Her name for me, she yelled, while we tossed beachballs to each other, and I had my arms around Beth keeping her warm in the sea. “YOU’RE A LIFE GUARD, RIGHT?”
    >”Not yet, but I’m training to be one.” I said proudly.
    >”Well, come and save me!” She laughed, and began to move backwards, wading into deeper water. Baring in mind the sun is setting and the lifeguard weren’t around now, it would be stupid and dangerous to go out deep.
    >”Don’t go out deep.” I said seriously.
    >She just bit her lip in a ‘cheeky cute’ way, and started to properly swim out. Our group got nervous now.
    >”Kiwi, seriously, come back!” I let go of Beth, yelling at her to stop and return like the rest of our friends. She was way out past her and my depth now.
    >There is a back story to me becoming a lifeguard, and that is to get me over the fear of deep water. This was like a nightmare coming true.
    >She finally stops and looks truly worried, way, way out in the sea. She starts calling for help,s aying she can’t touch the floor.
    >We try to get her to swim back, but then she obviously starts pretending to drown, but we couldn’t just let her fake her death out there in an actual dangerous spot.
    >I start to wade out toward her, with complete panic in my chest, letting go of Beth’s hand reluctantly, swimming after her.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:50 No.4930909
    Also, quoting this bitch for maximum lulz.

    >And I hated being scared of writing, because writing is one of the biggest joys of my life. And I hate to say it, but I also hated you for that month and a half, because you were the one who took it away.

    >But now, I've come to realize that trying to hold onto whatever semblance of friendship we used to have is not worth giving up what I love to do. So I'm republishing those pieces, every single piece about you, about your brother, about people you know and people that I know. Because like it or not, they're some of the best writing I've ever done, and no one has the right to deny me that.

    > You were stung and offended, and for that I'm sorry, because that wasn't my intention at all. But I have a right to display whatever I like, wherever I like, and you have a right to not read it. If you hate it that much, just look away.
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:55 No.4930912
    >Soon enough I felt exactly how stupidly far out we were, the current was strong and it was getting dark, I was living my nightmare.
    >”Kiwi, come here!” I called, and she had the nerve to swim out further, laughing. She was perfectly fine.
    >I shouted at her, really did, that I would not follow her and I was going back with or without her, and she stopped, saying it was just some fun. Fun my ass, I was almost hyperventilating.
    >I grabbed her wrist and started swimming back, but she pushed me off and swam back just fine slightly ahead of me.
    >I began to slow down and stopped, I just froze up, it had happened a few times we were in the deep sea in training. I couldn’t seem to move, I was just thinking about the deep sea under me, what else could be under me, the current pulling me out to sea to die.
    >I freaked out but heard Beth calling me, she knew about my fear, and was coming out to get me, so I pulled myself together and swam back faster than Kiwi could.
    >I didn’t stop until I had Beth in my arms back in shallow water, and I almost punched Kiwi in my fury, I couldn’t stop my hands shaking for at least half an hour, I also refused to give her a lift home.
    >She sent me about ten texts that night after our friends told her about my fears and why I was doing lifeguarding, saying sorry and she didn’t know and all this bullshit, but then left me a voicemail saying she did it because she had a crush on me.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)06:56 No.4930913
    pls PLS post her DA omfg
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:00 No.4930917

    Please note that I also fucking hate her username.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:02 No.4930918
    Also, I dressed as Miki (Vocaloid) at a con recently and I had gotten a 3rd degree burn on my leg preciously, so I used the leg warmers to cover it up. I sat down for TWO minutes, pulling them down to relax from the discomfort, and this girl just. Jumps on my lap. It stung like a mother fucker.
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:04 No.4930920
    >A few days after I text back for some stupid reason, ignoring what she had confessed, and said sorry for freaking out on her, though I was mad at her for being so stupid.
    >I didn’t hear from her again until we had a Saturday meet, she acted like nothing had happened or been said.
    >Now, this is when we started doing a stupid thing that, as I can see now, set us up for failure.
    >Saturdays became an excuse for just our group to hang out at the unused, empty school. We were in the hall the first few times, realising that nobody else wanted to give up their Saturdays, and it turned into a place to watch anime together, and just mess around.
    >For the first few weeks we would get the trampolines out in the hall and use them.
    >But this week we stayed until 9 or so in the evening, and discovered that we could get to the rest of the school from the assembly hall we were permitted to use.
    >So, going to school where nobody knew we were, a whole, huge unused building, no lights just our mobile phones or torches, and with a psycho, kiwi? See how stupid we were?
    >We discovered it the first Saturday, my friend James and I needed the bathroom badly, and tested the ‘alarmed’ door to the rest of the school. It was open, the whole school had bluff alarm systems, we could get anywhere within the school that we wanted to, and nobody was around at night, though cleaners were during the day sometimes.
    >Our whole group came with us and we explored what rooms we could go in, finding we could go everywhere. From then on the media rooms became our home, and we had the idea of camping overnight there next weekend. And the weekend after.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:07 No.4930922
    f5 f5 f5 f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:08 No.4930926
    That idea is so monumentally stupid that its physically hurting me.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:09 No.4930928
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    fuck my english, but I'll give it a try

    >meet weeaboo guy in class
    >omg you like anime too? I love anime. And Warhammer. Let me tell you every tiny detail about warhammer and the various harem anime I watch
    >this goes on and on for weeks and gets really annoying
    >tell him many times that I'm not really interested in any of that stuff, no results
    >hey anon do you know what fanfiction is?
    >receive binder full of printed out fanfiction
    >starts with lame fantasy stories but gets very quickly to parts where the female protagonist masturbates in the shower, girls get drugged, raped, gang-banged or are forced to marry monsters and dragons and shit
    >almost all stories end with a hero saving the girl and she thanks him with sex, after getting brutally raped before
    >protagonists are described in detail, they're to 90% short girls with long brown hair, really pale skin and thick glasses
    Guess what I look like.
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:13 No.4930935
    >It became a usual thing to now sleep in the school as a group on Saturdays, bringing proper sleeping bags and films to watch on the massive media screens, even having different rooms to ourselves, whoever wanted to sleep with who. It was amazing, we would all tell our parents we were at each others, and it worked for a good month before something happened.
    >We met up at mine like usual, packed our sleeping things into my car and drove to the school instead of James, where everyone’s parents thought we were at.
    >By now we were sick of Kiwi causing drama within the group with the girls, she had also told James AND Eric, the other boy in our group, that she loved them. She was drama, so we didn’t pick her up this Saturday.
    >We unpacked our things and headed through the dark school hallways, now 11 at night or so, after getting take-out and wasting out time on other things, it was just about dark now.
    >We decided to all sleep in the library, though slept in different areas like always, James and Eric behind the main desk, like a little fort of their own, and three girls in another place between bookshelves, myself and Beth in the main reading area which was like a circle of space and chairs int he middle of the library, quite far from the others.
    >At this point, Beth and I were an obvious but unsaid couple, we weren’t having sex yet but actually sleeping together, as in just sleeping.
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:21 No.4930943
    >Just as we were building ourselves a fort of tub chairs to sleep within, we heard screaming from Eric and James. It was kind of humorous to hear Eric’s high pitched girl wail, but it disturbed us a little, and I left Beth to go check it out.
    >Eric flew into me, scaring the life out of me, and said that they saw some random man with a pipe stood in the hallway with somebody else, just watching them.
    >It couldn’t have been a cop, so it was some stranger that could be out to hurt us, we assumed a psycho murderer.
    >I told them to get the girls and ran back to Beth, only to find she was gone, just not there anymore. I wondered about calling the cops there and then, but we would surely get charged for breaking and entering, or squatting or something, so we didn’t. Again, stupid.
    >I ran back and nobody was there, Eric and James had gone to the girls, but I was worried where Beth had gone, looking for her. I began going back and forth slowly throughout the tall bookshelves, aware that this ‘man’ might be in the room with us.
    >I saw somebody the other side of the bookshelves, and slowly followed them to the edge, about to tackle them when I realised it was Kiwi, holding a cosplay staff.
    >I called out to the others loudly that there was no man with a pipe, it was Kiwi cosplaying sakura (apparently, poorly) and for them to come back.
    >We bitched at Kiwi was scaring us for a while, but Eric was still convinced there was a random man in the school, his build looked much bigger than Kiwi’s, though he had only been in a silhouette in the hallway.
    >Beth is still missing, so we wake up properly, the girls are in PJ’s, and so is Eric for some reason, but we decide to search the school for her, worried. Kiwi begs to come with me, acting weird.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:24 No.4930945
    Trying not to break f5 key
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:25 No.4930946
    Mine's fucked :(
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:26 No.4930947
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    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:29 No.4930949
    >Kiwi kept calling out ‘Beth’ in such a tone that she obviously didn’t want to find her, though I was franticly looking for her, and it was creepy, going around the school in pitch black with only my mobile and Kiwi’s light up staff to illuminate the halls, with the idea a random man might be here with us, though I was convinced it was Kiwi being a bitch.
    >We walked past the kitchens and I doubled back, noticing the door was open, where as all other doors had been closed. “Beth?” I called out, and it echoed, the kitchens were huge and had no windows, so no moonlight lit up in there, it was very eerie.
    >Kiwi said she didn’t want to go in there, so I left and went in on my own, but she tried to stop me and talk me out of it, then I got suspicious of her, asked her if she did something to Beth.
    >She paused, then shook her head. I ventured further into the kitchen but Kiwi didn’t, and soon enough I didn’t know where Kiwi was. I heard something bump into or move some pans on the side, knocking one over so loudly I flipped the fuck out.
    >Yelled FUCK and calmed down, continued looking for Beth. I then saw something on the floor, a mark that looked like a B, and I realised it was the black rubber that one can leave behind smudges of with the ankle of their shoes, like Beth had been here and tried to leave a sign that she had.
    >I raced through the black kitchens shouting for her, but to no avail, and Kiwi was gone too.
    >I ran out of the kitchens and searched the area but nothing, getting truly worried that maybe a man was in the school and maybe he had taken Beth.
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:36 No.4930959
    >Here’s where it got really scary for me.
    >I tried Beth’s mobile though she was rubbish at taking it with her anywhere, and heard a faint ring tone. I ran toward the sound, hopeful, and heard something before barging into a room and running directly into Kiwi, in a music room.
    >I say naively that I tried Beth’s cell and heard it, she said she hadn’t heard it. Acting suspicious.
    >I look down, shove her out of the way and see Beth’s mobile that’s been stamped on.
    >As Kiwi’s trying to get away from me I grab her by the shirt and thrust her onto the piano, asking her what the fuck she’s playing at, and where the Hell Beth is, what has she done to her.
    >Kiwi then lifts her fucking skirt up , parts her legs to be either side of me and gives me bedroom eyes.
    >”What the fuck are you playing at? WHERE IS BETH?”
    >Then she says this: “If you’re going to rape me, please call my name... My real name.”
    >Shove her away, pick the shattered phone up and grab Kiwi again, threatening to phone the police, and she changes her tune pretty fast.
    >She starts explaining that her and her friend Keith saw out car and came to ‘play a practical joke’ on us, to scare us and have pay back for us not inviting Kiwi. Psycho bitch.
    >I scream at her where Beth is again, and she says she lead her away in the library, and then Keith ‘got her to play along’ with the joke.
    >Also, to explain Keith, we also know of him, he was as bad if not worse than Kiwi.
    >He was a WOW fag and overweight, neck beard and generally unhygienic, he also had a thing for Beth, and hated me for being close to her, we almost were friends at one point but left him alone after him complaining about mine and Beth’s close friendship, and how jealous he was.
    >Call Kiwi a fucking idiot and ask where Keith has taken her, I assumed he had, and she said she didn’t know, somewhere by the library.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:37 No.4930960
    whoops, sorry for interrupting your story kiwi ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:40 No.4930965
    Could someone please repost the story about the wheelchair bound girl who got stabbed by a hambeast with a fork? I forgot to save it.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:42 No.4930966
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    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:43 No.4930970
    Thank you!
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:45 No.4930971
    >I throw her away from me so hard she falls over and starts crying, saying something in Japanese that means ‘ouch’ or ‘that hurt’ or something.
    >I run back to the library and run through it to the back entrance, that leads to a hallway that leads directly to bathrooms and the assembly hall.
    >I run down there and check the girls bathrooms, each stall, nothing, still yelling Beth’s name.
    >I check the boys bathroom and eerily the taps in there are running, just one set. I turn them off, check the stalls but find nothing.
    >I’m thoroughly creeped out and convinced this guy could be off raping Beth or something, and run down to the assembly hall. At this point my phone is running out of battery and has a really dull light, hardly illuminating anything, if only a foot in front of me.
    >”BETH!” I yell out and it echoes, and I hear something I’m sure.
    >I look around for a light switch but realise this could be seen from the houses nearby and they might call the police on us.
    >I move around the hall slowly and realise that there is indeed somebody in there.
    >”Keith I know it’s you! This isn’t funny, I will fucking beat your ass unless you come out right now!”
    >Hear female giggling. Kiwi.
    >I’m fucking furious now, and get all ninja. I sink low to the ground and listen for movement, hearing it by the corner where the trampolines are and the gym mats are stacked up high, it was like a storage space.
    >I move over quietly and hear more movement and noise, realising this is a sick game to Kiwi, and maybe Keith.
    >As I get over there I’m ambushed, somebody pulls one of the huge, heavy gym mats onto me. You know the one’s I’m talking about? The thick mattress-like ones used for high jump cushioning and trampolining? That, is pulled onto me, knocking me over, and I hit my head hard on the ground.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:48 No.4930974
    Can't f5 on my mobile so
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:50 No.4930976
    holy fucking shit
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:52 No.4930978
    no worries dude, sorry for taking so long!

    >This part is a little blurry, but I remember being dragged by my arms out from under the mat, and hearing Kiwi fuss and say sorry and fawn over me, saying thing in Japanese with a male voice, Keith.
    >I’m muttering where Beth is, still, and feel my phone vibrate. I finally snap out of feeling dizzy and concuss and force myself to sit up, answering my phone just briefly and hearing Beth saying she’s fine, she’s with everyone else, where am I?
    >Then Kiwi takes my phone away. I realise the whole thing was a trick. In the dark that’s lit up in pink by her wand, I see her and Keith.
    >”What’s going on?”
    >I’m scrambling backward now, watching Kiwi shut my flip phone and smirk at me, giving Keith the phone and staff to hold, and he just sits his fat ass down on the mat.
    >I realise that she lied about Keith having Beth, just to make me run into this trap, and that I’m in real trouble now.
    >I touch the back of my head where I’m hurting, feeling hot, sticky warmth. I’m bleeding, I must have split my head open a little. I kept getting double vision and felt weird when moving, like the room was spinning.
    >I was crawling away when Kiwi pulled me back by my belt loops and I collapsed, feeling her drag me across the gym floor.
    >I heard Keith say that it looked like a Silent Hill 2 scene, because I was leaving smears of blood from my injury. They weren’t serious, they were joking and laughing and I still thought they might be doing this as a ‘revenge trick’
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/05/11(Mon)07:52 No.4930979
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:54 No.4930982
    you poor thing anon :c
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)07:57 No.4930983
    i just went to my first con this weekend.

    after reading this shit im never going with anyone i m not super close friends with ever.

    im so sorry anon. that shit is fucked up
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:02 No.4930985
    >The next thing I know, Keith and her are sat by me, and have pulled me over by the stands, just on the floor. I was actually so injured I needed stitching later, but at the time didn’t know it, and tried to move, to push Kiwi away by shoving at her face, but I couldn’t pull myself up or keep my eyes open easily.
    >I remember feeling her kiss and lick my fingers as I tried to shove her, but then I didn’t have the strength to move my arms, so just lay there. To my horror I remember forcing myself to watch them to see what they were doing, and I saw Keith undoing my jeans, shifting them down.
    >Kiwi was moving my shirt up, and kissing, licking and sucking at my belly button, which was a horrible sensation, not a turn on for me, but for her apparently it was.
    >Again, I was not really with it, so this next part I piece together by things I could remember later on and what my friends told me when they found me, and they did find me, don’t worry.
    >Keith was the one touching me at first, but my friends found me with Kiwi riding my crotch area, though I wasn’t hard, she was just sat on that.. area, moving around. Before that however, I do remember one thing.
    >As she was sat on me like that, I remember Keith knelt by me, touching himself, jacking off as his hand was knocking into my arm at a high speed, and then he was fingering Kiwi whilst she was sat against my bare hips. He was getting her off whilst rubbing against me.
    >I was pretty much unconscious at this point, and do not remember what happened in the gap between then and suddenly being in my car, in Beth and James’ lap on the way to the hospital.
    >They told me they found them both on top of me, violating my unconscious body, but that when they burst into the hall they ran off, Kiwi putting her clothes back on quickly.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:05 No.4930988
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    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:06 No.4930989
    i demand pix of kiwi
    >> MatchaSherbet 09/05/11(Mon)08:08 No.4930992
    Oh dear god.What the fucking actual fuck.
    Seriously.What the FUCK?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:08 No.4930993
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    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/05/11(Mon)08:12 No.4930996
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    What in the actual fuck?

    I seriously hope these fucks are in prison.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:14 No.4930999
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    >> not as bad as other stories 09/05/11(Mon)08:20 No.4931003
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    my girlfriend and her friends like yaoi (17 and 15 at the time)
    my girlfriend thinks yaoi funny but her friends get off to this shit and read it in public a lot, embarrassing my girlfriend.
    17 year old friend leaves yaoi on girlfriends bed
    girlfriends super christian mother finds it, raging pissed flips out on friend, despite the anger and moral outrage my gfs mom gives the friend her yaoi back and asks her to never bring it over again.
    friend is super pissed at my girlfriend and gives my girlfriend shit for not dating a skinny yaoi looking boy. (im bi with the physique of a bear, but in a relationship we stay true to each other)

    >find out in the past my gf made out with her 14 year old girl cousin (when she was 16) who is gay [i think] but into shota and wants us to have a threesome

    [spoiler] mfw my gf is normal and has none of this shit now and her shitty yaoi not fun congoing friends can fuck off
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:29 No.4931009
    you kinda had me going there for a minute.
    you're good at this story telling thing
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:33 No.4931011
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    >They helped me walk into the hospital and got me through to get help right away by lowering me to lay on the floor, showing I was in such bad condition I skipped the waiting times in the A+E.
    >I remember being put onto a gurney and rushed through, assessed, x-rayed, and then stitched up.
    >We said not to call our parents, and I made a nurse promise not to or I’d walk out there without medical attention, so they didn’t for the time being.
    >They asked us what happened so I said a skating accident.
    >Got stitched p by very suspicious nurses, they wanted to keep me in overnight but I left against medical advice, having to sign a few papers stating that.
    >They got my friends to promise to watch me through the night for signs of serious head trauma.
    >We all sat in my car, Eric driving, and just pulled in a lay-by to talk about what the hell happened, realising that Kiwi and Keith had tried to rape me, Beth said it was rape, us boys said it wasn’t as it wasn’t anal. I think it probably was, but I’m denial of it still. We decided not to go back to the school until we had to Thursday, to see if Kiwi would show up.
    >I was in shock the whole time until Thursday, explaining to my parents when they saw the back of my head stitched up that we were using James’ skating ramp in his garden and I fell off, but I was fine and all. I got grounded, only allowed out for drama club, and no more Saturdays not that I would go anyway.
    >On the Thursday an hour before leaving to go to the meet, I got a text from Kiwi.
    >I still have this text, I printscreened it to not only prove that this story isn’t made up, but to show you what she had the nerve to say too. This isn’t one of those bogus fake stories.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:39 No.4931016
    Oh my fucking god, I don't even have a picture which shows my rage.

    I'm so, so sorry for what happened to you ;-;
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 09/05/11(Mon)08:39 No.4931018
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    Fuck, what IS it with female rapists unable to accept that what they did is fucking disgusting? I mad, I SO MAD.
    >> kiwi Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:45 No.4931020
    >As you can see, I didn’t reply. And yes, this did happen last year. I turned up Thursday and sure enough Kiwi was there, sat away from our friends. I didn’t speak to her the whole time we were rehearsing, and she said nothing either out of fear of us reporting her or something, though we were caught, if we did that it would all unravel that we had been staying there without permission illegally. So she got away with what she did, almost.
    >I overheard her talking with another friend, everyone was looking at the back of my head throughout class, but at the end I caught the conversation she was having with another girl.
    >”Matt’s head is gruesome, I wonder what happened...” Says normal girl.
    >”He split it open saving me.” Kiwi says, earning a gasp from the other girl.
    >”We were swimming at the beach, and you know he’s a life guard?” I’m not, I’m training, “I started drowning so he dived in and saved me, but he split his head open on a rock when he did.”
    >”That’s so brave, oh my god!” From several people. I can’t take it anymore, although I’d been avoiding her, I turned around and looked her dead in the eye, came over amongst the group and denied it loudly.
    >”Alexis is a fucking psychopath, and pathological liar, I split my head open skating at James’ on Saturday. Pretty much everything she says is a lie, so I wouldn’t trust her word, that didn’t fucking happen, and if she was drowning, I’d happily watch.”
    >Then I left like a boss.
    >This is pretty much the end of what happened, but we had drama with her for months where she would almost spill our secret of gate crashing, and we would almost spill her of being a rapist, but nobody ever found out, and won’t, touch wood. We just avoid her like wildfire, and only our group knows the horror story of what happened.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:47 No.4931022
    SHIT IS ANYONE PRINT SCREENING THIS KIWI ONE?? IT'S AN EPIC, IT NEEDS TO BE A REPOST FOREVER. omg matt i am so sorry that happened to you, but you shouldnt be in denial, you should try to recover and get over what happened to you.

    i know you told us the whole story, but what happened when you went back to school, there any other drama? D:

    but yeah is anyone printscreening this? if not i will?
    >> pickle Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:02 No.4931034
         File1315227734.png-(686 KB, 1360x4330, matt horror story.png)
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    i screened it for us
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:02 No.4931035
    Seriously that is so fucked up. I'm so sorry anon (Matt? I frel weird calling you that so anon you will be) I'm so disgusted at everything that happened to you
    I almost thought it was fanfiction but that text
    I'm so sorry. Please, try to get some therapy or groups in your life. Therapy imo wasn't that good on my part, I found I'm better with groups. I had to go into it for reasons I'd rather not say and I just felt safer with people who had the same problems
    I hope you aren't talking to her anymore anon.

    Stay safe, okay?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:04 No.4931038
    nope, gb2/adv/ with the rest of you neckbeards
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 09/05/11(Mon)09:08 No.4931045
    Okay, I can admit to enjoying /adv/ drama, but I'm female, and not a neckbeard. You don't have to be a misogynist to be disgusted by this shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:12 No.4931052
    So you are female and think females can rape? Are you stupid? You need a dick to rape.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:13 No.4931054
    i knew some of them were real.. ugh i'm sorry for what happened to you. i think also, that everyone is shocked and assumes the male rape ones are fake because they're so rare.

    but this is an anon board where anybody can say anything, i think the boys post here to get it off their chests, as they can't deal or talk about it irl. it seems most of the guys it happened to are rather disconnected and shy in life. either way, respect to all of them, and i hope they all get better, especially you matt. i hope kiwi gets hit by a truck 1 day.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:13 No.4931057
    You're a moron.
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 09/05/11(Mon)09:15 No.4931062
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    My troll is bigger than yours.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:15 No.4931063

    i cant believe people like this exist in the world. lost for words. and im so sorry to hear that something like this happened to you. kiwi is one truely fucked up girl.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:16 No.4931065

    would you mind posting up a pic of kiwi?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:16 No.4931066
    >neckbeard detected
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:18 No.4931069
    No, a well informed young woman who isn't a neckbeard. Do your self a favor and seriously do some research. Google is your friend.
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 09/05/11(Mon)09:20 No.4931072
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    >well informed young woman

    Is that what they call hambeast rapist scum these days? I never knew!
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:23 No.4931076
    I think you may have read that wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:24 No.4931079
    everyone calm yo tits.

    does anybody have reposts of the following:
    guy who got pulled off his bike on his exchange trip?
    weeb who was going to kill a kitten on halloween but a girl rescued it? and posted a pic of it how it is now.

    pleaaseee say somebody screened them, they were epics too!
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 09/05/11(Mon)09:26 No.4931083
    Oh derp so I did. Sorry anon. Female rape gets me all mad n shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:27 No.4931085
    It's alright. Rape period pisses me the fuck off. And when I hear something like this it makes me want to punch a puppy.
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 09/05/11(Mon)09:32 No.4931092
    Oh don't get me wrong, ALL rape is fucking disgusting, it just personally gets on my tits that women pretty much always get away with it. Even if it's a fucking KID, the attitude is all different. It's vile.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:39 No.4931098
    this one time, a weeaboo was bothering me and i turned 360 degrees and walked away
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:54 No.4931106
    If you turned 360 degrees, you'd have gone in a complete circle and walked right into said weeaboo. I believe you meant "180 degrees."

    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:55 No.4931108
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:58 No.4931112
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    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:03 No.4931116
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    >1.59 MB

    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:12 No.4931126
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    >> Alexweb !yLbltmDFMQ 09/05/11(Mon)10:18 No.4931135
    Holy crap that poor guy :(
    I hope that bitch got beaten up in prison.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:19 No.4931137
    jap class i needed creditz and so many different color hair and "im taking this class to watch lucky star with the subtittles off"
    oh and since everyone is weaboo in class I had to eventiully talk to them and it's so difficult cause im not really into anime like ive seen afro samurai beacause of samuel l and elfen lied cause i heard good thing about but all i could relate was "cool wel have you seen elfen lied explosions are pretty cool andmother fucking sam jackson but they keep switching topics japan this pocky that edible wraper i wanted to kill them not like anyone would miss them and so I GOT IN ONE LITTLE FIGHT AND MY MOM GOT SCARED AND SAID YOUR MOVING WITH YOUR AUNTIE AND UNCLE IN BEL-AIR
    >> fly me to the moon 09/05/11(Mon)10:39 No.4931177
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    Someone should make a video of this.

    I'll post what I have, which isn't much.
    >> fly me to the moon 09/05/11(Mon)10:44 No.4931187
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    >> fly me to the moon 09/05/11(Mon)10:45 No.4931190
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    >> fly me to the moon 09/05/11(Mon)10:48 No.4931204
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    >> fly me to the moon 09/05/11(Mon)10:53 No.4931218
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    >> fly me to the moon 09/05/11(Mon)10:54 No.4931224
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    And that's all I have, enjoy!

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