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  • File : 1315180131.gif-(497 KB, 242x228, tumblr_ljyu2dS2OI1qj60veo1_250.gif)
    497 KB Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)19:48 No.4928769  
    What's YOUR fetish, /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)19:54 No.4928790
         File1315180442.jpg-(135 KB, 800x600, 1314115535836.jpg)
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    I live with my 'Master' for free in return im not 24/7 'Pet'
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 09/04/11(Sun)19:54 No.4928791
         File1315180449.png-(26 KB, 110x211, how may i help you.png)
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    Accents are cool, foreign language in general. I've got a preference toward the rougher sounding languages though like German and Russian.
    Sage for off topic.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)19:57 No.4928801
         File1315180631.jpg-(105 KB, 431x600, 1315115375464.jpg)
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    I'm incredibly masochistic, nazis are just the embodiment of sadism. S-so my boyfriend and I r-roleplay..
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:02 No.4928826
    convincing traps
    men in drag
    anything focusing on thighs (thigh high socks, garter belts, short shorts)
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/04/11(Sun)20:04 No.4928831
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:04 No.4928834
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:05 No.4928837
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    Petplay, bondage (especially collar/leashes), and watersports. Both me and my girlfriend.

    Pic related, just not me.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:09 No.4928850
    Just the other day my Master put a buttplug in my ass and took me for a walk(collar and all). When i wasnt walking fast enough, he would kick the ass plug hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:13 No.4928862
    acting all kissy-kissy-guchi-guchi with him. My boyfriend is cute, and I like to pretend he's my baby. I love the hell out of it.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:25 No.4928916
    Fulfilling fetishes and orally pleasuring people.
    I am indeed a story-teller

    Can't say I'm much on personal fetishes though, I'm a parasite when it comes to happiness, I can syphon, but producing? So bothersome
    >> Aniki !2vlFukDhqg 09/04/11(Sun)20:34 No.4928959
         File1315182894.jpg-(94 KB, 623x700, 1309024945490.jpg)
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    Tearing apart clothes with my hands, domination, throwing around a girl as I want etc. Short girls are the best for this.

    Also I like romantic consensual sex in the missionary position.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:36 No.4928969
    hot damn...
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:37 No.4928971
    >Also I like romantic consensual sex in the missionary position.

    my favorite. with lots of kissing.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:39 No.4928973
    >> Aniki !2vlFukDhqg 09/04/11(Sun)20:42 No.4928986
    Sure is, especially the consensual sex in the missionary position. It is possible to combine in with the more fun stuff as well, the possibilities are endless.

    Indeed, it is very intimate compared to other things really.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:08 No.4929082
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:14 No.4929107
    (female) I'd like to be fucked by a (good) trap, but that's hardly kinky by cgl standards.
    Also inter-crural sex and woman on top sexual positions (again not really kinky...).
    >> RiceBowl !Akz323Zsy2 09/04/11(Sun)21:31 No.4929157
         File1315186273.jpg-(19 KB, 460x276, Benedict-Cumberbatch-007.jpg)
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    kissing, suits, and mustaches/facial hair. not creepy facial hair, but tasteful dandy types.

    Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock Holmes with facial hair is pretty much my ideal man.

    >pic related. I would bone him so hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:32 No.4929161
    force-feeding/stuffing and belly inflation.

    yep, I'm that chick.
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/04/11(Sun)21:38 No.4929181
         File1315186723.jpg-(42 KB, 949x639, aggwgwrergad.jpg)
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    reverse traps, maids, shimapan, glasses, collars
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:42 No.4929191
    i, too, would like to be fucked by a good trap.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:43 No.4929193
    I secretly want to be a trap
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:44 No.4929197
    well hello
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:45 No.4929200
    Suits, Holding in my pee (I don't know this is fucking weird), having my feet licked, monster girls, I LOVE very convincing traps and being dominated by them.

    I'm a very strange girl
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:45 No.4929202
    Belly inflation?

    Please elaborate. That's a fetish I'm not familiar with
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:46 No.4929203
    don't get your hopes up, I lack the guts to do it irl
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:47 No.4929205
    maybe not in public, but how about the bedroom
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:47 No.4929208
    The feeling of holding it in, or the feeling of immense relief when you finally go?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:47 No.4929209
         File1315187261.jpg-(200 KB, 640x480, 497918922ab530dbf664b45826af10(...).jpg)
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    it's uh, mostly fantasy focused; some people do it IRL with air or water or whatnot, but it's basically an arousal surrounding the swelling of the stomach, looking pregnant or larger, depending on the person.

    I like the pregnant look personally.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:48 No.4929211
         File1315187281.jpg-(114 KB, 400x300, tumblr_ljeg7e2rOV1qf7wgwo1_400.jpg)
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    I want Mell to post his fetish.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:48 No.4929213

    Both, but I like being forced to hold it in
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:48 No.4929216
    I've worn my Moms clothes before but that's about it
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:49 No.4929217
    And you like that look in your partner or you like puffing out your belly yourself?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:49 No.4929221
    I'm sort of like that. I like my boyfriend being in control of when I pee. Either I manage to hold it until he says or I end up wetting myself. He loves it when I can't hold it but we make bets on it so I try my best.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:50 No.4929222
    isn't mell horribly underaged?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:51 No.4929223
    hihi, so a long car-trip with no stops is good?:P

    Or would it be closer to being ridden before being allowed to go to the bathroom, being held down as you hold it in?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:53 No.4929226
    in myself is what's arousing; it's a bit of a submissive thing, being force-fed to the point where you can't move or being tied down and forcibly inflated.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:53 No.4929227
         File1315187639.png-(486 KB, 511x640, 1300022280.png)
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    I don't know and I don't care.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:54 No.4929230
    second one
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:54 No.4929232
    He's like 15.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:55 No.4929233
    I think you're more likely to find the first, though the image of someone tying you down, sticking a bicycle pump in your mouth, taping your mouth shut, and then frantically trying to inflate you is hilarious :-P
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:55 No.4929234
    Not the Anon you're replying to but good god that second one sounds hot. Telling my boyfriend about this one.
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/04/11(Sun)21:56 No.4929238

    mell actually doesnt like to trap apparently, hes done it once because a friend made him do it and still has the costume, sad since he really can pull it off too
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:57 No.4929241
         File1315187848.jpg-(85 KB, 332x500, 1304134942254.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:58 No.4929246
    Then I guess that'd be a fuck to save for showers, pressed up against the wall, slowly and teasingly penetrated as the cold ceramic lightly tickes the tips of your nipples and the sound of falling water makes you want to go so badly you bite your lower lip...
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 09/04/11(Sun)22:00 No.4929251
         File1315188031.jpg-(46 KB, 514x720, 1306649433068.jpg)
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    I get on /cgl/ at the worst times.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:02 No.4929256
         File1315188164.jpg-(29 KB, 450x315, 1052680897_Kaollatest.jpg)
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    I love you, so much
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/04/11(Sun)22:04 No.4929258
         File1315188268.jpg-(230 KB, 850x647, haruhisipping2.jpg)
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    Ahaha what is this.

    No, I'm not 15 (Shit, do I look 15?). Underage, but not 15.

    As for my fetishes, I enjoy skirts and thigh-highs.
    I like them. A lot.

    As for trapping, I'm fine with it I guess.
    I'll probably end up doing it again.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:04 No.4929259
    I guess I should have added the part where I styled my hair and put on make up
    >> Toastie 09/04/11(Sun)22:06 No.4929264
    I suppose it's not really a fetish, but receiving a massage is practically foreplay for me.

    Besides that, I guess I go for the whole being-dominated thing, probably not as far as a rape fetish, but being forced into giving/receiving is a turn-on for me.

    Also, hipbones. I like hipbones that stick out with well-defined stomach muscles, hnnngh.

    So yeah, guess I'm pretty tame compared to some of the stuff here.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:07 No.4929268
    I don't think I've got an actual fetish, because I'm the sort of lonely hambeast basementdweller who would never be able to get close to someone in a romantic or sexual way without having a panic attack, but I enjoy guro of several sorts, uniforms (...stupid sexy nazis...), light suffering ( tears are always good), tentacles ( a good old standby!) and my favourite, robots ( preferrably in conjunction with at least one other object of this list).

    I'm not even sick or depraved. I'm just a pathetic excuse for a womanchild.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:07 No.4929269
    And I think it's time to get off /cgl/ and go give my man a surprise blowjob in the living room. His TF2 buddies can just deal with it. See if he can make it to the end without tipping them off to what's going on.

    And yes, this is what we do. He sees how long I can last with a full bladder and I see how long he can last playing his games while I'm blowing or riding him.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 09/04/11(Sun)22:09 No.4929274
         File1315188568.jpg-(12 KB, 225x189, Hell Yeah.jpg)
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    Hah, I've said it once, and I'll say it again:

    Biting and rough sex.

    And I'm talking rough enough to break furniture.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:09 No.4929275
    Just guess why I come to /cgl/ not being a cosplayer myself...
    Skirts in general, specially schoolgirl uniforms (or the pleated skirts and thigh/knee high socks). Not real loli, weirdly enough.
    Also, oral. Receiving or giving it.
    Pretty standard fare.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:09 No.4929277
    My gal does this every now and then and there is absolutely nothing sexier than this. I love doing it to her too, just letting her play or watch TV as I go down on her.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:10 No.4929279

    getting a massage makes me nearly fall asleep, haha. so I kinda feel bad when my boyfriend does it intending to be arousing but then it just relaxes me so much I want to curl up and sleep.
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 09/04/11(Sun)22:10 No.4929283
         File1315188656.jpg-(40 KB, 500x371, 1314929970489.jpg)
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    You don't wanna know.
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/04/11(Sun)22:12 No.4929291
         File1315188730.jpg-(16 KB, 332x288, infinite-stratos-07_07.jpg)
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    If I do end up seeing you at Acen and you decide to be a trap then, make sure that you point out that it's you k? Because I honestly think i wont be able to tell youre not just some chick otherwise.
    >> Toastie 09/04/11(Sun)22:14 No.4929295
    I would try to do this to my ex-boyfriend whenever he was playing online/on xBox Live with a mic and he used to get annoyed with me...
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:14 No.4929298
         File1315188887.jpg-(19 KB, 305x315, 1302071580774.jpg)
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    I could wear skirts and thigh-highs forever if you want me to.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:15 No.4929303

    That's why your ex is an ex. Your ex was a sparklefucking faggot
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:17 No.4929305
    newfag here

    what's the big deal with mell?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:17 No.4929307
    he's small and asian.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:18 No.4929309
    He is the cutest little guy on /cgl/ ever
    And he is actually nice, not a stupid hater or anything. As far as we know, at least.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:20 No.4929313
    need some pics to verify this popularity then
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/04/11(Sun)22:20 No.4929317
    Sure thing!
    I'm still deciding what to wear to ACEN; I might decide to bring the Miku outfit.

    Hnngggg. ㅇㅂㅇ

    I'm pretty nice by default, I guess.
    I try not to get involved in vendetta shit because there's really no point to it.
    >> Toastie 09/04/11(Sun)22:28 No.4929345
    True that. He was so vanilla, and when he did agree to spice things up a little it was always me having to dominate, which I hate doing. I want somebody who will throw me against a wall or down on the bed and do whatever he/she wanted to me.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:30 No.4929351
    what your man suddenly came in the room, ripped off your clothes and started fucking you doggie style?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:31 No.4929355
    You say that like it's hard to find
    ... ok, it might be hard to find with other qualities you in particular desire, but as far as sex goes...
    >> Toastie 09/04/11(Sun)22:36 No.4929365
    Yes please.

    It is where I live, all the attractive guys in ny town are either taken, gay, assholes or my ex.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:38 No.4929372
    What's Blue's fetish ?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:38 No.4929375
    >taken, gay, or assholes
    And of course, taken, gay, and ashholes.

    Well, best of luck then, try moving to a bigger city?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:40 No.4929382
    he wishes to be the little girl
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:43 No.4929392
    Just to get this out of my curiosity.
    Do you like anal, Mell? When penetrating a girl, not asking if you'd like to be penetrated. Also, would you ever date a guy?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:44 No.4929394
    It would be easier to list what i'm NOT into.

    Which is:
    Daddy incest roleplay (brother/sister is fine, Mommy is... disturbing but i wouldn't say no)
    Girls gargling cum/not just fucking swallowing it
    Vanilla porn

    Other than that. i'm open to pretty much ANYTHING.

    i feel like of dirty being on such a vanilla board. but cosplay/lolita is cute.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:49 No.4929400
    Was meant for
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/04/11(Sun)22:50 No.4929404
    Anal? I am rather indifferent towards it.
    I would probably only partake in it if the female receiving party would enjoy it, as I'm assuming it's rather painful for most.

    As for dating a male, I'm quite sure I wouldn't.
    Unless I randomly turn homosexual within the course of my lifespan, that's a no-go.
    I have nothing against homosexuals, though.
    I have quite a few friends who are openly homosexual and they're pretty awesome people.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:54 No.4929415
         File1315191269.jpg-(79 KB, 1024x768, MisakaMikoto15.jpg)
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    This disappoints me.

    I liked to fantasize about you secretly being some kind of sexual deviant who enjoyed dirty things and was a bit of a nympho.

    It would of been so hot in contrast to how cute and adorable you always seem. But i guess my fantasies will never be fulfilled.

    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/04/11(Sun)22:57 No.4929424
         File1315191435.jpg-(143 KB, 1280x720, yuiguilty.jpg)
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    ...I-I'm sorry, Anon.
    I guess I'm pretty tame, both in terms of fetishes and sexual deviousness.
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/04/11(Sun)22:58 No.4929428
         File1315191489.gif-(2.07 MB, 378x239, 16876876543.gif)
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    >now super excited to have tons of thigh-highs and skirts
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:59 No.4929431
    You are. but its still adorable.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)22:59 No.4929432
    Name 4 people of cgl whom you would have sex with (not against their will) if given the chance.
    I don't know you but you seem like the kind of guy who will actually consider personality to be as important as looks. I don't really know though, answer?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:00 No.4929437
    I dream of consensually dominating and humiliating men. No, I'm not into switching places either. I also want to screw a guy with a strap on. I also have no interest in vaginal sex- anal or oral only.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:01 No.4929443
    do they need to be a trap too?

    also I feel left out, I must see what mell looks like
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:04 No.4929456
    not sure if serious?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:08 No.4929467
    I am very serious. I do not play around with either of those.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:09 No.4929469
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:09 No.4929470
    Come on Mell, lets make this a lot more interesting.
    Besides, I know most of the femanons are dying to know.
    Come one Mell. Besides, is not as if it was totally sexual, personality plays a big part too, right?

    Come on Mell, we are all dying to know.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:10 No.4929475
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:11 No.4929480
    Being dominated by a "weak" male. A skinny, shy, young guy, twink-like. Sex would be face-down, ass up, arms twisted behind me.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:13 No.4929488
    See, Mell?
    Come on.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:14 No.4929493
    thank you for alerting me to a fetish I wasn't aware that I even had.
    >> TL;DR 09/04/11(Sun)23:14 No.4929494
    Tell me the truth, /cgl/, you're only asking about my fetishes because you want to feel better about your own, right?


    I feel like I'm in an after-school special on peer pressure.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:16 No.4929500
    hi c:
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/04/11(Sun)23:16 No.4929503
         File1315192603.jpg-(122 KB, 396x394, 1312105180718.jpg)
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    quit bullying mell guys
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:17 No.4929504
    >read this thread
    >look down at pants
    Damn it, /cgl/, see what you've done?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:17 No.4929506
    Well shit. Ill fuck you right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:18 No.4929510
    >f consensually dominating and humiliating men. No, I'm not into switching places either. I also want to screw a guy with a strap on. I also have no interest in vaginal sex- anal or oral only.

    You had me till the strap-on
    Then you got me again
    Then I remembered the strap on

    If I have one major turn-off, it's anything to do with my own ass.
    I tried for my ex, and it's definitely not my thing.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 09/04/11(Sun)23:20 No.4929516
         File1315192824.jpg-(79 KB, 402x564, 1309572291216.jpg)
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    You caught us.
    B-but you don't have to share them if you don't want to.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:22 No.4929525
         File1315192970.jpg-(298 KB, 694x600, Doggy.jpg)
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    Bope, post a pic
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/04/11(Sun)23:23 No.4929527
         File1315192994.gif-(419 KB, 300x200, 146876434.gif)
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    Not gonna lie, I'm curious, but I don't wanna force him to say it...
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/04/11(Sun)23:23 No.4929528
         File1315192995.jpg-(67 KB, 320x504, 1313718963269.jpg)
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    Um, I'm going to replace 'have sex with' with 'date' because that is less weird.

    In no particular order:


    Both of the above are super awesome people who I've had the pleasure of talking to recently, I guess.

    I'd add Shaynii but I haven't really gotten to know her personally because she keeps forgetting to make an AIM.

    ...Right? 유ㅅ유
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:24 No.4929531
    If a guy would let me do it just once I'd enjoy that. Or maybe not, never tried it.
    >> Aniki !2vlFukDhqg 09/04/11(Sun)23:25 No.4929535
         File1315193119.jpg-(83 KB, 540x720, 1307353079530.jpg)
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    Oh yeah, I also have this weird thing for reversed traps (Naoto from persona 4 hngghh) Tender love would be exchanged.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:25 No.4929538
         File1315193153.jpg-(308 KB, 701x1024, THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:26 No.4929540
    So are you saying
    "Strap-on sex once, then, if not enjoyed, anal and oral 4 life"
    What an odd, tempting duck you are
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:27 No.4929543
    Who the fuck is lobitah?
    And isn't Shaynii a cute lolita? I don't know if I'm wrong but I think I've seen her around here a couple of times. She is cute as hell. Good choice.
    No idea who is anon-chan either, obviously.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 09/04/11(Sun)23:28 No.4929544
         File1315193285.jpg-(95 KB, 521x545, 1305855922623.jpg)
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    What in all the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:29 No.4929549
    >> OmenMachine !U9T1TX5Wno 09/04/11(Sun)23:29 No.4929551
    I... could prob'ly go on for a while...

    Wasn't there a Kink and Fetish Form Thing that was up here a little while back?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:30 No.4929554
         File1315193431.png-(133 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lgz9wehVh11qbz13mo1_500.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:31 No.4929555
         File1315193500.jpg-(314 KB, 733x1157, THAT IS SO HOT.jpg)
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    I have too many of these.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:34 No.4929562
    This, this.
    And more this.
    Love me some biting, scars, blood, fat lips, anywhere and everywhere. I loves to be bitten :3 I'm a masochistic kinda girl. I had an ex that didn't like biting me, he was a total wuss and I was disappoint man :(

    New guy though,
    he does dem bites.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:34 No.4929567
         File1315193698.png-(16 KB, 554x652, fine art.png)
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    I don't have a camera, so have an artistic representation.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:36 No.4929573
    We've robbed you of depth
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:36 No.4929574
         File1315193784.gif-(403 KB, 252x126, 1079874767.gif)
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    Feelin' the same.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:36 No.4929575
    Yes, pretty much. I am open-minded, but I'd prefer to stick only with activities that are enjoyable for both of us. I eventually need to move somewhere with men who are more open-minded sexually.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:39 No.4929583
    Girlish boys
    Long Hair
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:40 No.4929586
    One thing that I'm really interested in is dominating the FUCK out of a strong and/or muscular guy. Like the guy could easily just flip me over and beat the shit out of me, but he doesn't. Perhaps even rape-play or something rough/violent.

    Generally, everything is better rough.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 09/04/11(Sun)23:40 No.4929588
    >Read this
    >Took the popcorn I was eatting
    >Shoved a bunch in my mouth
    >Attempted to sing the national anthem

    I say I've got a shot at the next super bowl.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:40 No.4929591
         File1315194046.jpg-(31 KB, 273x228, Untitled.jpg)
    31 KB
    Well, best wishes
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/04/11(Sun)23:42 No.4929596
         File1315194156.png-(160 KB, 500x376, 1233513513.png)
    160 KB
    U-Uhm, who? ;A;
    Now I am super worried because forgetting people.

    An anonymous poster.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:44 No.4929600
    I think I've seen her a couple of times, don't know much about her though, she doesn't even seem that interesting anyways.

    Shay has a baby face and does both cosplay and lolita, I think. But I still find her pretty dull.

    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:44 No.4929601
    Any time. I didn't realize I had it until about a year ago. Can't seem to find that video anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:44 No.4929604
         File1315194294.png-(6 KB, 117x121, SO MUCH REGRET.png)
    6 KB
    Out of all of them, this one could actually be hot.
    >> Aniki !2vlFukDhqg 09/04/11(Sun)23:45 No.4929607
         File1315194339.jpg-(258 KB, 569x800, 1304252392081.jpg)
    258 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:45 No.4929608
    Is not as if I am mad or anything, but you have a terrible taste. I don't even know who those people are but I don't care you don't like me and now I hate you.
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/04/11(Sun)23:47 No.4929613
         File1315194460.png-(45 KB, 153x194, fancy.png)
    45 KB
    good heavens, this thread! You should all be ashamed, desu~

    but I have to agree with you.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:48 No.4929617
    May I request anyone to post pictures of Lobitah or Shaynii? I have no idea who those chicks/dudes are and I am fucking curious.
    God, Mell. You just broke the heart of 80% of the femanons on /cgl/ How do you feel?
    >> Abra 09/04/11(Sun)23:49 No.4929621
         File1315194580.png-(132 KB, 400x300, asd1342341.png)
    132 KB
    Hey, Piplup, how are yo- *Teleport*
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:50 No.4929625
    I have discovered this kind of threads give me hard-ons like nobody's business.
    I could read while someone is down there playing with me.. and... HNNNGGGGGG
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:50 No.4929626
         File1315194659.jpg-(21 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lqcnr4ZBTU1qiog4oo1_500.jpg)
    21 KB
    Technology getting sexual
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:51 No.4929628
    Motherfucker never finishes a conversation. Always gets the last word in.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/04/11(Sun)23:52 No.4929631
         File1315194741.jpg-(79 KB, 380x405, 1295930061885res2.jpg)
    79 KB
    >"I don't even know those people"
    >"You have terrible taste"

    Okay, Anon.
    I'd definitely appreciate it if you don't insult my friends, which is a sure way for me to NOT like you.
    What blows my mind about this is that you don't even know them. Please don't insult my taste when you don't even know the subjects in question, alright?

    I'm sorry I didn't add you to my 'list', which mainly just consisted of people who I've talked to personally and privately.

    If you're really that upset about something so trivial to the point of hating me, sure, if it pleases you I'll add you to the next one; just tell me the plan.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:52 No.4929635
         File1315194768.jpg-(84 KB, 869x865, Rule_34.jpg)
    84 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:53 No.4929641
    I thought I was the only one. Makes me feel a bit less strange to know I am not alone.
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 09/04/11(Sun)23:54 No.4929644
         File1315194889.jpg-(62 KB, 314x248, 1280890361776.jpg)
    62 KB
    >that reaction image again
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:55 No.4929645
    If you're talking about the parasitic bit, well you're not alone, but I hope you can see why we'd be a terrible match.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)23:57 No.4929655
    I want to know who are my rivals.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/05/11(Mon)00:00 No.4929666
         File1315195220.jpg-(98 KB, 720x720, 1267823682253.jpg)
    98 KB
    The bottom line is, I wouldn't date someone I don't know well.

    Of course, appearance does play a part, but I'm not completely superficial. Personality is a factor. If I haven't talked to you personally, then chances are you wouldn't be on there.

    I'm sure you're all fantastic people, but that's just how it is.
    If you want me to like you, then talk with me more and don't insult my friends please (LOL).
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:01 No.4929668
    I still have not seen a photo of Mell yet, and it's a huge tease because he seems to fit my fetish perfectly
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:01 No.4929670
    Oh yeah, not meaning I would be happy to actually hook up with another. We would be terrible partners that would get not very far. I just always thought it was strange to be this way. In most conversations people have with me about fetishes it's usually just as simple as, "Are you top, bottom, or switch?" I guess I would go with a switch since I do that but really I'm just filling a role. And I get off on the response to my role. It's basically a "I can be anything you want, baby~" kind of thing and as long as the other person is thoroughly enjoying it then I get off. That being said, if they are ones to be very quiet and still I feel a bit of a buzz kill since I am not getting that reaction from them. They don't have to be screaming and ripping sheets, but I like to know...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:01 No.4929674
    He mad.
    >> TL;DR 09/05/11(Mon)00:02 No.4929678
    My stuff might be kinda boring, I don't know. Pretty sure I've mentioned it before but my main kink is hair. Long, thick hair that I can pull, wrap my hands (and other things) in, or that she can drape across me during sex. Healthy, soft hair that I can gently caress as we lay there in the afterglow until she falls asleep...

    Apart from that I like that passionate, borderline frantic, up-against-the-wall, half-dressed-because-it-takes-too-long-to-get-naked sex like you see in the movies.

    I'm also interested in pegging and femdom but I've never tried either.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:02 No.4929680
    Mell post your picture and make that anon fall in love with you.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:04 No.4929682
         File1315195455.jpg-(47 KB, 482x480, nn.jpg)
    47 KB
    This is Shaynii for those who were asking. She is nice, and pretty cute. I'm jelly. I admit it.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/05/11(Mon)00:04 No.4929683
    I like my friends and I will stand up for them. ;_;
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/05/11(Mon)00:04 No.4929686
         File1315195496.gif-(468 KB, 220x160, 146876467.gif)
    468 KB
    >don't insult my friends
    People will insult your friends because you like said friends, not the insult-er.

    picture completely unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:05 No.4929687
         File1315195534.jpg-(13 KB, 200x250, 1305444194276.jpg)
    13 KB
    I think I love you...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:08 No.4929693
    Oh my. She is fucking beautiful. Also shee seems to pull of Nia perfectly. More pictures of her?
    So no one has pictures of the Lobitah girl yet?
    Btw, if you post pictures of Shaynii in a complete Nia cosplay I will love you forever.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 09/05/11(Mon)00:10 No.4929699
         File1315195833.jpg-(57 KB, 419x500, 1302704591003.jpg)
    57 KB
    Sh-she's gorgeous
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 09/05/11(Mon)00:11 No.4929702
    was in reply to >>4929682
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:11 No.4929703
         File1315195882.gif-(488 KB, 380x284, tumblr_lqibblK0qv1qc1tzt.gif)
    488 KB
    Here you are.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:12 No.4929709
    Oh my god I am in love.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:13 No.4929710
    Mell are you a virgin? You are pretty young.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:17 No.4929727
    I am so jelly.
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/05/11(Mon)00:17 No.4929728
         File1315196269.png-(332 KB, 635x355, 1283185730630.png)
    332 KB

    congrats, you've just earned bro status in my book mell
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:18 No.4929735
    Maybe the other girl is not as pretty.
    I cant even imagine some one prettier than her, lol. So I guess we still have a chance, anon.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/05/11(Mon)00:20 No.4929741
         File1315196436.jpg-(25 KB, 704x396, tamasalute.jpg)
    25 KB

    Well, shit.
    Also unrelated; I've said this before, too, but your gifs always make me smile.
    You rock.

    I dunno; doesn't seem like the best idea.
    >> Viral !RzYNC.KNwI 09/05/11(Mon)00:20 No.4929742

    On top of so many other things
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:24 No.4929761
    Is Mell a virgin?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:25 No.4929770
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:26 No.4929773
    Skinnyfag here. The tips of my hip bones have always protruded, I had no idea any girls found that hot. Wat.
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/05/11(Mon)00:28 No.4929780
         File1315196897.gif-(493 KB, 500x230, 17676437587.gif)
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    >appearance does play a part
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:30 No.4929789
    >more about personality than appearance
    That basically means the post you're replying to was already aware of what you're pointing out
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:31 No.4929795
    Mell never stated as to how much of a role appearance plays. Your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:33 No.4929800
         File1315197181.jpg-(34 KB, 757x501, foervaalone.jpg)
    34 KB
    Mell may I ask what is that you like about those girls you mentioned?
    I want to know what they have that I don't, maybe like that someday I will have an actual boyfriend, lol.
    >> Moose 09/05/11(Mon)00:33 No.4929802
    Lingerie. *q*
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:34 No.4929805
    Oh! And another thing.

    On behalf of men; what you think is attractive in a woman isn't neccesarily what we think is attractive in a woman. I mean, not that men are of one mind on this issue anyway, there's a huge amount of personal taste, but just because you think girl X is super pretty doesn't mean that we will.
    Especially when the person speaking is involved. Noone alive is a good judge of how attractive they are.
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/05/11(Mon)00:34 No.4929808
         File1315197272.jpg-(77 KB, 500x356, 1314500041413.jpg)
    77 KB
    Alrighty then.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:36 No.4929820
    This this this this. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:37 No.4929824
    I should change too

    Then, maybe some day women will stop treating me like a fuck toy and I can have an actual loving relationship :(
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:37 No.4929825
         File1315197470.jpg-(65 KB, 640x418, aha derp.jpg)
    65 KB
    Mell, are you a virgin? Answer already, god.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:39 No.4929834
         File1315197542.jpg-(36 KB, 500x654, tumblr_lj7uq7Uegn1qgfkseo1_500.jpg)
    36 KB
    What's wrong with being a fuck toy when you are a guy?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:40 No.4929840
    Changing for someone else is a sure path to misery. You can only change for yourself without becoming resentful.

    I learned that the hard way.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:40 No.4929844
         File1315197643.jpg-(106 KB, 562x377, shock.jpg)
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    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/05/11(Mon)00:40 No.4929845
    Well I'll be honest with you /cgl/
    Baseball caps.

    I'm not even kidding!
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/05/11(Mon)00:41 No.4929848
    .... I'm not Mell?...
    And I don't think he prefers to say, considering he hasn't answered. Pressuring him probably won't get him to do it, either. If he wants to say it, he will
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:43 No.4929857
    I liked my girl to act and talk all innocent, yet her actions be just a little surprisingly brave, as if discovering everytime what she is doing as she goes, and liking it to no end.
    Her attitude, a mix of being ashamed of what she is doing but so curious and horny she just can't help it, so horny of discovering the effect she can have over me and taking a little advantage of that... She would take her cute scarf smelling like the neck I was just moments ago kissing and biting and tie it over my eyes so I can't watch the naughty things she is about to do me and thus lose her innocent image. Then let herself go crazy on my body, until she finally had to speak softly in my ear like a little whore, literally craving for my semen in her mouth as if it was a huge favor I was conceding her...

    That has become my compound fetish. The cuteness. The soft smell of a woman's skin, the blindfold, the innocence turned into wild passion, my initial submission to her desires turned into her craving for my sex.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:45 No.4929863
    80% sure he is a virgin.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:47 No.4929869
    dresses, especially mermaid, ballgown, strapless, sweetheart top, maid, nurse, sundress, oh hnnng

    I also love smiles, especially latin girl smiles. If there's any latin girl anons here, I'd probably crush on you in a heartbeat
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:48 No.4929872
    does your bf play competitive tf2 if so alias? also you have pretty much the same fetish as me (first part) lol.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:50 No.4929879
         File1315198212.jpg-(64 KB, 1024x768, doratheexplorer.jpg)
    64 KB
    Hey there, sexy beast.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:51 No.4929883
         File1315198261.jpg-(221 KB, 1280x720, sshh you're a fag.jpg)
    221 KB
    My fetish,the look on men's faces when I flirt with them. Deep down it truly makes me turned on when they really start believing my act/secret.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:51 No.4929884
    ok stop being retarded
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:53 No.4929891
    "You're quite a nice person" said Mell, as he tenderly brushed Justin's cheek with his hand. "I-I-I t-think you're nice too, Mell" muttered Justin. Mell began to blush, but he knew he had to continue what he started. "I'm sorry Justin". He then penetrated SHami's tight anus. MOANS FILLED THE HEAVENS OH OD WHAT AM I WRIING
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/05/11(Mon)00:54 No.4929896
         File1315198455.jpg-(986 KB, 1000x1500, 16576737676.jpg)
    986 KB
    Aside from all other junk I've been posting, my top fetish would have to be accents. I just love them, especially British or Australian. I don't know why.
    >pic related, I am in love with Stephen Merchant's accent.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/05/11(Mon)00:56 No.4929900
    Oh, yeah, I am.
    wsup den

    (Captcha: condide I_ALONE)
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:58 No.4929906
         File1315198688.jpg-(94 KB, 800x1067, azusa_nakano_by_lobitah-d313mv(...).jpg)
    94 KB
    Isn't this the other girl Mell was talking about? I just had to google Lobitah to find her. God, anons, you disappoint me.

    Lol no.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)00:59 No.4929910
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:00 No.4929917
    If this are the girls Mell likes I think looks really do play an important part.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/05/11(Mon)01:00 No.4929918
         File1315198849.jpg-(16 KB, 400x300, ParappatheRapper1.jpg)
    16 KB
    Oh, haha,
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:01 No.4929919
    I want your children.
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/05/11(Mon)01:01 No.4929924
    >> Tim 09/05/11(Mon)01:03 No.4929927
    Stephan Merchant is just a really strangely attractive man.

    He just. Oh my swooning.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:03 No.4929929
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:04 No.4929933
         File1315199054.jpg-(53 KB, 300x562, 1313229267270.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:06 No.4929943
    What nationalities do these girls have?
    Azunyan looks pretty much asian and the other girl looks kind of...British? I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:07 No.4929946
    Glasses and accents.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:08 No.4929947
    azunyan is mexican bro
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:11 No.4929953
    So, how aboot it, eh?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:11 No.4929954
    Hell no.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:11 No.4929956
    "I'm sorry I didn't add you to my 'list', which mainly just consisted of people who I've talked to personally and privately."
    Maybe because he's talked to them >>>PERSONALLY AND PRIVATELY<<<? There is the possibility that Mell could like someone who doesn't look that good. Who knows?
    "Of course, appearance does play a part, but I'm not completely superficial. Personality is a factor. If I haven't talked to you personally, then chances are you wouldn't be on there."
    Sure, appearance matters, but he never stated which one took precedence. Stop assuming, for fuck's sake. If you really care, try talking to him and stop complaining? :|
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:18 No.4929982
         File1315199893.png-(263 KB, 850x478, sample_da3b524089005013afa3863(...).png)
    263 KB
    Maybe you guys should stop talking about Mell and get back on topic.

    I don't think I have any real fetishes..Being bitten but, I don't know if you would really say that's a good one...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:19 No.4929986
    Gingers. I don't know why. I just fuckin' love gingers.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/05/11(Mon)01:20 No.4929988
    I second this~.

    Also, you and Matt have the same fetish. :3
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:20 No.4929989
    pegging. especially if they're cosplaying a shota.
    too bad no guys are into this ;__;
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:21 No.4929993
    ..I am


    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:21 No.4929994
    What if Mell is my fetish? ;w;
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:26 No.4930011
    With such a pale skin?
    >> TL;DR 09/05/11(Mon)01:26 No.4930012
    Would yo mind expanding on this? I'm not quite sure what you mean.
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/05/11(Mon)01:28 No.4930018
         File1315200488.jpg-(17 KB, 300x225, 178224-_fm_parappa_large.jpg)
    17 KB
    I- I kinda want this t-too...
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 09/05/11(Mon)01:28 No.4930019
         File1315200527.jpg-(289 KB, 1010x573, 1313204518136.jpg)
    289 KB

    It's a good one to have.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:30 No.4930027
    so there we go, now she has you and me, two guys wanting to get pegged

    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:32 No.4930037
    Parappa is a girl... Either that or a really feminine shota.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:37 No.4930057
    >>4930037 I got two girls wanting to peg me?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:38 No.4930058
    Well... Sentient robots. Like GlaDOS or Wheatley or one of the cores, as long as they're not humanized... Also, monster girls, tentacles... Yeah, unlike >>4929268, I'm probably sick and deprived.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:38 No.4930063
    What the fuck? That can't be true.
    I've never seen an asian-looking mexican in my whole entire life.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:42 No.4930077
    >people thinking all mexicans are dark skinned

    so what, all Americans are light skinned?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:43 No.4930081
    My master raping me while I wear my maid outfit and serve him. Or maybe 2 masters haha<3
    Too bad my bf finds my maid too cute. Doesn't turn him on. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:49 No.4930100
    No. They are either white, pink or fucking orange.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:51 No.4930107

    I... I'm confused as to how that all works.
    Can't rape the willing and such.

    You just mean forceful and not "how is it for you, you like how I move in you?" and more "take it, I'm going to use you till I'm satisfied"
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:53 No.4930113

    i need guys like you in my life.
    seriously, every guy i have ever mentioned it to has been creeped out or refused because 'it's too gay'.

    wouldn't mind doing a reverse trap either.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:55 No.4930121
    If you peg a guy, should he be a trap? :3
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:58 No.4930127
    don't mind either way.
    hard to find a straight trap, though...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)01:59 No.4930131
    I'm bi-curious but that's about it
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:02 No.4930144
    I'm another guy who doesn't mind it. I'm really adventurous though. I draw the line at scat, violence to the point of serious injury, and anything involving other dudes.

    Other than that, fair game.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:06 No.4930156
    Hnnnnngh. Marry me. I'm up for anything excluding scat and other stuff in that territory.

    It's not a fetish as much as a kink but I have a big thing for tatoos and piercings as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:07 No.4930160
    I think I have a Mell fetish now..
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/05/11(Mon)02:07 No.4930161
    Scat is very therapeutic.
    Whenever I need to make a poopoo I just go to gurochan's /s/ and it helps me get in that poopin' mood.
    You should try it out.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:08 No.4930165
    I'm not >>4930144 I'm the other guy, but if he likes tattoos and piercings then he's the guy for you cause those things gross me out

    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:09 No.4930169
    Not that guy, but you made me think of something

    Turn offs

    I'm really turned off by piercings anywhere but on ears and tattoos are a turn off too. And area that just feels... untouchable anymore.
    That's another thing
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/05/11(Mon)02:10 No.4930172
         File1315203043.jpg-(38 KB, 633x603, 1267823585594.jpg)
    38 KB
    I have to ask, but
    ...How would anyone satisfy this fetish?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:11 No.4930176
    I have a fetish for mute girls.
    Mute anon, where did you go? ;__;
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:11 No.4930177
    No tats but I've thought about getting one. My biggest kinks are rough sex (but not all the time), dressup/cosplay/maid/etc, and analingus, both giving and recieving. Also I'm a long-haired skinnyfag.

    If that does it for you, happy schlicking I guess.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:13 No.4930181
    Jeez, you really do sound perfect.

    Too bad chances are a billion to one we'll never meet.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:14 No.4930185
         File1315203264.png-(192 KB, 576x324, azu-nyan.png)
    192 KB
    Well, uhm.
    I guess I am into bondage, but not the extreme kind, just, you know, tied hands/feet and blindfold I guess.
    I've never tried it but it seems interesting.
    Also thigh-highs ~ Not that I like men wearing them but uhm, I like wearing them myself. Of course that doesn't mean I get aroused every time I wear them is just uhm... I think I am not making any sense anymore lol.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:15 No.4930187
         File1315203316.jpg-(22 KB, 397x315, 2010-09-13-captainplanet[1].jpg)
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    ...nevermind, you're probably too young to get it.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:17 No.4930195
    You like light bondage and find that some clothes can be more stimulating that pure nakedness.

    What doesn't make sense?
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/05/11(Mon)02:18 No.4930197
         File1315203507.jpg-(94 KB, 578x555, 1312095997011.jpg)
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    i suppose by being tiny and asian, and a trap
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:19 No.4930202
         File1315203591.jpg-(37 KB, 640x480, kon11.jpg)
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    Oh, okay- When you put it that way it does make sense.
    I just kind of got confused with my own words, lol.
    I also think maid and schoolgirl outfits are pretty uhm, cool.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/05/11(Mon)02:21 No.4930205
    It's before my time, probably.

    Also, hi.

    Roko, I'm quite tall.
    Probably taller than you. ;A;
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:21 No.4930206
    Depends. Where, at least vaguely, do you live?

    Thigh-highs and kneesocks are really hot. Makes sense to me.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:23 No.4930211
         File1315203799.jpg-(53 KB, 322x640, 1305129290094.jpg)
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    Well that's because you understand that clothes can be evocative, bringing the imagination to bear. Nudity is just... finale, clothes promise the anticipation of slowly unwrapping the present that is you.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:24 No.4930213
         File1315203883.jpg-(165 KB, 960x720, azusa.jpg)
    165 KB
    Oh, lol. Hello Mell ~
    Enjoying your very own personal thread? Lol.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/05/11(Mon)02:26 No.4930220
    I-It's not! ; ;
    Shush, Lobi.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:29 No.4930226
    Fuck fuck fuck fuck

    Get in my life now. I'm pretty sure I live like ten minutes from you anyways,.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:31 No.4930229
    >Captain Planet
    >before someone's time
    Fuck, way to make me feel old...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:32 No.4930230
         File1315204324.jpg-(260 KB, 960x720, pic07.jpg)
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    Oh woah, it seems like people here have quite an obsession with you. Now you are also a fetish, Mell.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:37 No.4930241
    Mells fetish has arrived.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:41 No.4930255
    They're making a live action movie, bro!

    I bet it's gonna be trainwreck-delicious.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:41 No.4930256

    mell, please put a switch plate on your light switch, and burn the faux-collar tshirt.

    and comb your hair.
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/05/11(Mon)02:41 No.4930257

    well lets see, im 5'9, how tall are you?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:42 No.4930261
         File1315204963.png-(604 KB, 461x614, 1315204735696.png)
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    you can't escape the internet
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:43 No.4930262
    Mell is 5'11".
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/05/11(Mon)02:44 No.4930264
    Wait, what?
    >> Sugisaki !pyqet4E91I 09/05/11(Mon)02:45 No.4930266
         File1315205132.jpg-(23 KB, 280x290, 1313697344199.jpg)
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    you should really get a cover for those switches
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:45 No.4930267
         File1315205145.gif-(500 KB, 500x300, lozxnjB8Dz1qdqy0bo1.gif)
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    I only have two fantasy fetishes.

    You know that pretty boy that girls usually want to dominate during sex?
    I want a pretty boy who'll take control and dominate me instead.

    Second, I want a guy that'll play with my body while wearing leather gloves.

    That is all.
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/05/11(Mon)02:51 No.4930281
         File1315205491.jpg-(47 KB, 1280x720, 1313826196632.jpg)
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    oh god really ._. well I feel small now
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/05/11(Mon)02:54 No.4930295
    Shit; that's what happens when I keep shit on my facebook from forever ago.

    ugh, god, I hate the way I dressed back then. Like, hell, I wore a belt OVER a shirt. What the fuck.
    Also my hair was gross-long in that picture.

    I definitely changed for the better.

    Told you. ; ;
    It's part of why I don't trap much.
    Because tall.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/05/11(Mon)02:55 No.4930300

    This song is for you.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:57 No.4930306
         File1315205832.jpg-(34 KB, 640x480, coalguys-k-on-12-39e6f06701928(...).jpg)
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    Oh Mell! Stop saying that. You look just fine.
    But gosh, you won't listen to me no matter how many times I say it.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:57 No.4930309
    I don't know if it's a fetish, but i'm really into pumped sperm.
    Like, guys being milked/forced to cum via machine and then the cum pumped into some slave girl or whatever
    realistically I'm into being rough, biting, scratching, fighting for domination, that kind of thing
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 09/05/11(Mon)02:58 No.4930314
    at least you can still pull of looking like a girl ._.

    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)02:59 No.4930318

    i find that hot. not the cum being pumped into someone's mouth or anything, but the idea of something being on a guy's dick and he has no control over it

    also guys humping things that aren't other people
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:01 No.4930323
    "Unhun, dig your nails into my back, just tryyyy to hurt me, being in your arms I can take everything you dish out, being inside you, *deep breath and slow exhale as nails dig deep" I can make you forget the world"

    I gab far too much
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/05/11(Mon)03:02 No.4930324
    yep randy newman gets me wet.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:02 No.4930326
    I have a thing for blackmail, or otherwise just very hesitant sex. Not outright rape, but seeing a girl feel uncomfortable and having to put up with it. I fantasize about some woman reversing into my bumper while she's on probation or something. And hopefully talk her into doing it more than just once. I'd go out of my way to not shower or brush my teeth just so she'd look that much more disgusted.
    I guess a good alternative is finding some virgin jailbait who would do ANYTHING for a pretty, expensive dress or something. If only I knew where to find people like that...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:04 No.4930328
    I suspect some of the people in this thread other than me might be virgins, so I ask this; how do you know? I mean, we're on the internet, there's some things I find more appealing than others, but I wouldn't say they're fetishes. I don't really know what mine would be, if they exist.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/05/11(Mon)03:04 No.4930330
    College n' guchi
    Lolita n' brand
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/05/11(Mon)03:04 No.4930332
         File1315206299.jpg-(116 KB, 700x632, 1314061956434.jpg)
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    Reading through this thread ;_; god damn I wish I could have a sexual experience.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:05 No.4930334
    something just happened in my pants...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:05 No.4930335
    i think you can have a fetish even if you're a virgin?
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/05/11(Mon)03:06 No.4930338
    Did you lose your way on the way to /adv/? Its <--- that way dude
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:07 No.4930340
    One of my friends just randomly humps things. Like just to mess with people he'll grab a table mannequin or something and hump it. It's pretty lol.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:07 No.4930344
    welcome to middle school
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/05/11(Mon)03:08 No.4930346
    No, I don't go to /adv/ and nor do I want to. They hate women far too much over there.
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/05/11(Mon)03:09 No.4930352
         File1315206575.gif-(2.81 MB, 380x369, 18798465489.gif)
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    One more fetish I have (don't know why I didn't think of it before) is buzzcut hair. I love the feeling of rubbing the hair... Hopefully that doesn't sound dirty.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/05/11(Mon)03:09 No.4930354
    Well apparently not hating women hasn't got you very far.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:10 No.4930356
    >Pay a whore
    >Find a partner
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/05/11(Mon)03:10 No.4930357
    Mine feels pretty good right now. I agree.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:10 No.4930360
    for me, my fetishes are the only stuff that turns me on
    anything else is pretty much completely unarousing.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:11 No.4930365
    >I like pleasurable tactile sensations

    You sick fucks
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:13 No.4930371
         File1315206812.jpg-(36 KB, 500x334, 2ljpych.jpg)
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    Things good sex makes you do.
    >>picture related.
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/05/11(Mon)03:13 No.4930372
    I never expected it to get me anywhere, I don't get what you are trying to say.
    I wish I had the money to pay one and I would love to find a partner.
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/05/11(Mon)03:17 No.4930380
    Uhhh... You seriously wanna lose your virginity to a stranger that you paid?..
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:18 No.4930384

    VIRGINS 4 LY- wait
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:20 No.4930385
         File1315207225.jpg-(23 KB, 300x265, pegging.jpg)
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    'Scuse me, has any femanon mentioned pegging yet?

    I'm a really dominant female and I have this insane fetish fantasy where I peg guys with an insanely big, purple strap on.
    I have a few close guy-friends who would let me do this to them, but they live a few states away and more than likely it would never happen.

    But the weirdest thing about it is that I don't want to peg just "any" guy. I have a few exs that I admit I don't really like as persons, and they either show tendencies to be women (brolita), or told me that they've wanted to/experienced anal stimulation.

    I want to make these particular anons my "bitches." I just want to take out all of my sexual frustrations on them that I may have kept hidden in the past under the guise of the "sexually curious, yet tame girlfriend." I want to tie them down to a bed and just have my way with them. Hot wax, candlelight, oh...and my favorite...tickle torture.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:20 No.4930386
         File1315207226.png-(122 KB, 321x205, mell ss2.png)
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    For all you Mell lovers. This is his most recent image.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:20 No.4930387
    I tend to like Asian guys with slight to moderately built bodies, suits, and uniforms. Oh right, taller and hands bigger than mine, since mine are sort of big from playing instruments.

    I also have a thing for wearing pleated miniskirts, thigh highs/knee highs (I guess vaguely school girl-ish?) , and high heels... Although, since I am so tall, I can't really wear them that often ;-;
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/05/11(Mon)03:20 No.4930388
    Well I've been told that sex is nowhere near as good as I think it will be. If I have sex and see that then I could probably focus on other things.

    It's not an ideal choice by any means, but unless I happen to meet someone over the internet, it will probably be my only chance of a sexual encounter for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:21 No.4930391
    I find it really hot when the girl gets satisfied to the max despite any boundaries. it sounds simple, but I mean ALL boundaries. ahegao, beastiality, gangbang, incest, netorare, tentacles, occasional rape and of course happy sex.I don't wish for any of that, but for some reason they all equally turn me on
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:22 No.4930394
    whats with his eyes? Ones sorta looking somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:23 No.4930395
    this isn't a fetish necessarily, but i like chubby guys.

    not like obese, but.. pillow-mode oh mah gad
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:24 No.4930398
         File1315207485.jpg-(33 KB, 640x480, Harley (7).jpg)
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    I.... I like yandere
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/05/11(Mon)03:25 No.4930400
         File1315207530.jpg-(11 KB, 320x180, 16876765467.jpg)
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    If you're perfectly fine with just fucking anyone, then go have a ball. But I'd suggest thinking it through..
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:26 No.4930402
    Only virgins and betas put women on a pedestal. They deserve equal respect at best, or, in many cases, contempt.

    Also, only virgins think their first time should be special. In reality, for most people the first time sucks. Sex isn't even that fun until you know what you're doing and get better at it. So it really doesn't matter how or with who you lose it.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:27 No.4930411
    I love pegging too! I feel like I have something in common with this thread finally. Jeez.

    Also, I have this fetish about pumping enema into guys and making them hold it in with a butt plug. It's probably not good for them, but they don't seem to mind...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:29 No.4930414
    Hey Anons
    How many of you have 'cold' hands?

    I always find most girl's hands to be icy
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/05/11(Mon)03:31 No.4930420
    Well, I don't think "anyone" would give me a chance. Personally, I would love to meet a girl online, play vidya or something, have interests in common, after awhile maybe we could meet up and the only thing which would be on my mind is just wanting to cuddle up with her and play the vidya or something. That's what I really want.
    >> Viral !RzYNC.KNwI 09/05/11(Mon)03:31 No.4930423
         File1315207882.png-(103 KB, 800x829, fetish.png)
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    >with an insanely big, purple strap on
    This is the only questionable thing. I'm not too sure about insanely big.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:31 No.4930426
    i tend to have lukewarm hands, but sometimes they get pretty cold.

    fem here.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:32 No.4930427
    I wear women's clothing and like to pretend I'm a girl when having sex or masturbating. I don't actually want to be a girl, but fuck does it ever get me off.
    I like being dominated. But I also enjoy dominating. Other than that, there's not much I can think of. Those are my fetishes for myself. For others, I like tall girls. And muscular girls now that I think about it.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 09/05/11(Mon)03:32 No.4930429
         File1315207957.jpg-(37 KB, 367x512, 1249679024707.jpg)
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    Glasses, being dominated, hair-pulling....there's more, but I'll leave it at that.
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/05/11(Mon)03:34 No.4930438
    Ah, yeah well I guess I have a real problem, I find women to be above me, whenever I talk with a girl, she just seems smarter and better then me. But that can be said for just about anyone I talk to.

    I don't feel my first time should be special at all, I kind of just want to get it out of the way. But I have my hopes that it would be with someone I like.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:35 No.4930441
    I-... uh. i do this.

    ...But i'm a girl.

    I like to pretend i'm a boy and i have a penis when i fap(shlick), and i sometimes pretend i'm fucking my boyfriend while i do it. imagining the sounds he would make and how it would feel, my imagionary penis going in and out.

    ...I always felt ashamed of it though.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:36 No.4930447

    My ex was like that too. It was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:36 No.4930450
    Son, go find a whore

    And the next time you look at a woman and think she's a superior being, just remember this:

    I am the only superior being on this planet, and you're not likely to ever meet me.

    Go now, my son, and fuck a whore
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:38 No.4930458
    Lay down on your bf
    Have his cock between your legs, rubbing against you
    Start jerking it off, pretending it's yours
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:39 No.4930465
    i do it too.
    imagining you're the guy is always more fun.
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/05/11(Mon)03:40 No.4930468
    As I said before, if I had the money I would, but the escorts that are online are too expensive and I can't afford that.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:40 No.4930472
    horey shit why don't i have a boyfriend
    i want to try that so fucking bad.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:40 No.4930474
    I cant. hes across the country right now (but hes visiting this christmas) and oh god i've imagined so many things like this.

    My want for a penis slowly developed into a fetish for cock worship. since i can't have one, i would use someone elses for my own pleasure/purposes.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:41 No.4930479
         File1315208500.jpg-(130 KB, 800x1197, hello__azu_nyan_by_lobitah-d31(...).jpg)
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    I love this azunyan, she's so cute.

    I'd love to practice my Spanish with her if you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:42 No.4930482
    If you scroll up there's some mention earlier.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:42 No.4930483
    Because you have a foul mouth.
    Really, saying "shit" while we're talking about fucking.[/tongueInCheek]
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:45 No.4930493
         File1315208700.png-(627 KB, 822x560, mfw.png)
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    Glasses, seriously they turn me on way too much. It's pretty sad. If I find a guy attractive, if he takes off his glasses I get so turned on. That must sound weird.

    And uhm, Tall guys, (Though I'm tiny and I'm only 5"1) and guys who are dominant in bed.. But I dont think that's really a fetish.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:45 No.4930495
    if you are in western North america.....

    PS this is the anon who likes to pretend he's a girl during.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:46 No.4930499
    Teenage boys, virgins, boys in girl's clothes (not cross dressing, humiliation), nipple clams, dub-con.

    And I'm female.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:47 No.4930504
    >Guy looking down on you, stroking your hair before unzipping and forcing you to serve him
    >As he gets bigger and stronger inside your mouth, you look up at him and he takes off his glasses, getting ready to take you. The normally gentle face turning bestial with lust, as if the glasses were holding back years of suppressed instinct. He wants you tonight, and he'll take you.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:48 No.4930505
    pretend you're a girl? i think i missed that post
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:49 No.4930512
    At least specify that you're not the guy who suggested it.

    My sense of identity feels violated because you could come off as me. I am Anonymous, the one and only
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:49 No.4930515

    linked for you
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:50 No.4930518

    Fuck off Anonymous. Nobody loves you.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:51 No.4930520
    well hot damn. too bad i'm short and not muscly.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:52 No.4930523
    If you didn't love me, you wouldn't be using my name.

    I know it's tough, living underneath my shadow, but everyone else deals with it, you'll find your way
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:57 No.4930543

    I dig short as well. Not as a fetish, but in general prefer short girls to tall girls. and healthy is the main thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)03:58 No.4930547
    This is one of my fetishes too, shy virgins. I love messing with them, asking them if they're virgins to see how they react.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 09/05/11(Mon)04:00 No.4930552

    O-oh my God...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:01 No.4930558
         File1315209674.jpg-(14 KB, 468x264, reaction.jpg)
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    Hnnngggg. All of my fetishes combined in one. I hope to find a guy who will do this sort of thing one day lol.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:03 No.4930566
         File1315209798.png-(264 KB, 408x469, 1280092992924.png)
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    I do so love story-telling

    "Your reactions to my actions' what I want to see" type deal
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:07 No.4930578
    I love feeling facial hair on my clit/vagina/vulva while a guy is going down on me, makes me want to explode.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:07 No.4930580
         File1315210044.jpg-(37 KB, 640x360, Amagami-SS-13-18.jpg)
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    ....I think I have a new /cgl/ crush.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:08 No.4930582
         File1315210111.jpg-(10 KB, 198x255, 1299687980052.jpg)
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    Femanon here, this is the WORST thing.
    My hands (especially joints/knuckles/fingertips) are cold almost all the time. It happens with my knees and nose, too.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:11 No.4930592
    Ah screw it, I'll continue a tad.

    >He throws you against the bed and climbs on top of you, his tip light trailing up your leg, blazing with heat.
    >He pulls your head to the side and bites into your neck, softly but raging to bite hard. He licks the teeth marks, slowly, savouring your taste as his tongue slides up to your ear. A quick nip at your earlobe tilts you head towards him. He enters you slowly, inch by inch, feeling you completely as he traces the contours of your ear.
    Once inside, he loses all control, pounding into you furiously....
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:14 No.4930598

    I always thought you were a virgin.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:21 No.4930615
    femanon here, depressingly enough, I have generally warm hands from my dad :(
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:25 No.4930621
         File1315211137.gif-(64 KB, 320x229, tumblr_lo1gx3Hrhj1qktqch.gif)
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    Anon, your very good at this. You've totally made my night. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:27 No.4930625
    You're welcome anonymous stranger from the internet.

    Thanks for the response, I was feeling like I was writing to an empty room
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:34 No.4930640
    hm thread was alive and well until a few minutes ago
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:37 No.4930644
    I'm guessing auto-sage has done it's duty
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:44 No.4930655
    welll... are you cute?
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 09/05/11(Mon)04:45 No.4930656
         File1315212300.jpg-(119 KB, 650x628, 1687687654.jpg)
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    You mean that you're not the best at Spanish, and you would like her to help you understand and learn the language? It makes perfect sense!
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:48 No.4930658
    I've been called that, but I'm always wary of praise.

    But I lied to you. I live in Quebec, French is my mother tongue, but I took to English like a fish in the sea. I don't have an accent in English, I have a terrible one when I speak French however.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:49 No.4930661
    > I don't have an accent in English, I have a terrible one when I speak French however.
    sounds kind of adorable. we should be friends.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)04:51 No.4930665
    Well here, have a junk email account

    Keeping my filter up is a standard, don't take it personally

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