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  • File : 1315163571.jpg-(64 KB, 450x675, Black_Butler_Sebastian_cosplay_by_BeBeli(...).jpg)
    64 KB Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:12 No.4927965  
    Why is it that all Kuroshitsuji cosplay I see is either horrible or photoshopped to shit?

    It's just victorian era clothing people, it's not that difficult a concept to grasp.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 09/04/11(Sun)15:13 No.4927969
    Because the show is awful.
    everything else is awful because of that.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:23 No.4928006
    >It's just victorian era clothing people, it's not that difficult a concept to grasp
    It's hardly accurate to Victorian clothing 80% of the time
    >> Kyo62045 !xbLGVERbvE 09/04/11(Sun)15:37 No.4928061

    I tried giving this show a chance. I'll never listen to show recommendations from those people ever again.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:40 No.4928074
    >not reading the manga

    Though to be fair it's also nothing outstanding
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:42 No.4928083
         File1315165377.jpg-(537 KB, 892x1300, 14.jpg)
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    Kuroshitsuji fan here...the show is indeed awful. The manga is 1000000x better and less obnoxious and probably more than half the horrible cosplayer weeaboos haven't even read it.

    It's actually fun to dress as manga characters now just because I've learned from experience that at least one of them that I meet at the photoshoot will have no idea who I am and either ask me or direct me to another photoshoot where they think I should be.

    I'm actually planning two manga-only costumes for next year. Undertaker from the memory slide and one of the zombie corpses from the same arc. Though for Undertaker I'm going to expand the mustache a bit to avoid the Hitler comparison even though it was probably meant as a Charlie Chaplin joke.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:53 No.4928109
    see, the beauty of manga is that instead of wasting 25 minutes on an episode you can breeze through shit in five minutes.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:59 No.4928123
    It's also not as QUALITY-looking as the anime with the only downpoint of it not having backgrounds much.

    It's like some series are better staying as manga, though I think Natsume Yuujinchou looks better as an anime than a manga because the creator isn't exactly a stellar artist.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)16:01 No.4928127
    I think you're just bring picky.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)17:56 No.4928422
    I'm a fan of both versions for different reasons. I like the look of the anime and some of the episodes. I like the characterisation of the manga and some of the arcs.

    I think the reason why Kuroshit cosplay can be so horrible is that most of the time its done by newbe cosplayers who aren't practised enough to master historic clothing. Victorian styles do require quite a lot of tailoring which most newbe cosplayers won't be familiar with.

    I'm a kuro cosplayer myself. Done Undertaker and Madam Red. I do plan to do more. I wouldn't say I'm a brilliant seamstress but have done tailoring and clothes making for about seven years.

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