>> |
09/03/11(Sat)16:55 No.4924744 File1315083318.jpg-(189 KB, 768x1024, Naga Cos.jpg)
 >>4924691 That's still not really brag-worthy.
It's been my opinion that the whole of 4chan has been going to shit, anyway. I typically visit here, /v/, and /co/.
- nonstop drama whoring and tripfag circlejerking. If PT isn't on front
page, someone isn't doing their job. THIS SUMMER, V FOR VENDETTA CHAN.
Maybe some cosplay if we're not busy.
/v/ - we hate games. RRRRRRRRRRANDOM THREAD ESK DEE! There is nothing more that can be said here.
- general thread general thread general thread. You WILL talk about
Homestuck or MLP. Also, /a/ and /v/ are migrating here, so expect a pile
of anime and game threads thinly veiled as "what if Sailor Moon/Mario
was a western cartoon? GENERAL THREAD!"
tl;dr - 4chan is going to
shit. We need some better mods. What the hell happened to that big
effort not too long ago to get a shitload more janitors? My guess is
they all got their stupid asses fired.
cosplay pic just because. |