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  • File : 1314968621.jpg-(3 KB, 116x126, ill488.jpg)
    3 KB Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)09:03 No.4919785  
    Can there be a thread with Hispanic or black lolitas. I'm looking to get into the fashion & I want to see what colors go best with darker skin tones.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:02 No.4921642
    yeah why not?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:04 No.4921648
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:04 No.4921650
         File1315008292.jpg-(70 KB, 600x900, 1308331738349.jpg)
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    I think red goes well with tanned chicks and black girls look good in white or yellow for the most part.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:04 No.4921651
         File1315008299.jpg-(70 KB, 400x534, tumblr_lgwjwjQ8Lu1qf0ogoo1_400.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:05 No.4921654
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:06 No.4921655
    I'm in the same boat, I have really warm skin that looks awful in pastels.

    Classic is probably the way to go since a lot of it can be in neutral colors, I guess.

    It just sucks because the only colors I look good in are brighter, more saturated shades which often seem to be completely lacking in a lot of lolita styles (although please, prove me wrong).
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:10 No.4921674
         File1315008650.jpg-(64 KB, 400x300, tumblr_lhj03yWNgv1qhwkkto1_400.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:11 No.4921676
         File1315008687.jpg-(53 KB, 400x320, tumblr_lhyqniwOlv1qfi9c9o1_400.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:11 No.4921677
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:12 No.4921681
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:13 No.4921682
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:14 No.4921690
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:15 No.4921693
         File1315008946.jpg-(52 KB, 384x512, maturesweet.jpg)
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    not sure about this girl, but she's darkers and her coord is so beautiful and amazing, morem ature sweet
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)20:19 No.4921707
         File1315009189.jpg-(758 KB, 711x1067, icicletea_chesschocolatebonnet.jpg)
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    I love icicle_tea in Dream Sky
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/02/11(Fri)20:47 No.4921794
    This is off topic, but I saw a cute black girl today.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)21:35 No.4921945
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)21:43 No.4921963
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)21:49 No.4921985
    What. Can asian guys not like black girls?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:14 No.4922288
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    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 09/02/11(Fri)23:15 No.4922293
    Nobody likes black girls.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:22 No.4922324
         File1315020172.jpg-(134 KB, 467x700, mariedauphine.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:24 No.4922328
    I think she looks kinda cute, actually.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:27 No.4922343
         File1315020424.jpg-(108 KB, 409x650, shibahime.jpg)
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    Anon, if you are a medium-dark skin tone go for rich jewel toned dresses. Royal blue, scarlet, deep chocolate, gold, black and emerald green will make you look downright gorgeous.

    Combining these rich colors with muted grey tones would be suitable for a more toned down look as shibahime in my picture.

    If you are into OTT sweet, stay clear of pastel yellow or mint, but lavender and baby blue will look great on you.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:33 No.4922369
         File1315020806.jpg-(59 KB, 467x700, pastelblue.jpg)
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    An example of dark skin and pastels.

    It's girls like these that rekindle my love for lolita every day. Thanks for reminding me OP
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:34 No.4922374
         File1315020898.jpg-(88 KB, 336x448, DSC00499a.jpg)
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    selfpostin' like a boss
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:37 No.4922380
         File1315021030.jpg-(67 KB, 400x567, tumblr_lj37eyFHqd1qgjcweo1_400.jpg)
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    I'm a white girl who likes black girls.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:39 No.4922389
    can we make a list? i want know who to look out for on d_l


    who is >>4921677
    and >>4922369
    >> Choleric! !IHLbs/YhoA 09/02/11(Fri)23:40 No.4922392
         File1315021206.jpg-(94 KB, 420x720, 227999_902515090545_18418717_4(...).jpg)
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    My skin tone is weird. ;-;
    Too dark for pastel pinks, and most light colors. But I honestly think it depends on the color you pair it with. My fav accent color is red. :3

    inb4 "fatty", yes, I am aware I am FAT. :3
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:40 No.4922393
         File1315021225.jpg-(64 KB, 400x534, tumblr_llvyxzhixY1qfi9c9o1_400.jpg)
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    It would look crap on me because I'm super pale and a redhead.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:42 No.4922396
    Aw thanks!
    >> Choleric! !IHLbs/YhoA 09/02/11(Fri)23:42 No.4922401

    But green would look hnnnnnnnnnnng on you.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:45 No.4922409
         File1315021527.png-(85 KB, 270x548, tumblr_ll20sudrQG1qhbddko1_400.png)
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    dream coords that would work on both skintones now arriving. Also, be my waifu?

    Welcome doll.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:46 No.4922416
         File1315021601.jpg-(69 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lorqklfgTL1qewm1bo1_500.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:47 No.4922419
    My skin tone is like that too. It took me a while to realize that pastels generally used in styles like sweet lolita and fairy-kei just don't flatter me well (which is sad because I like baby pink and once had a closet full of pink stuff). Muted/dusty pastel that's generally used in classic lolita seem to look great against my skin.

    Btw, red looks great on you as an accented color. Even if you are a "fatty", at least you know how to work the colors and pieces right. I think one color I'd like to see on every skin tone would have to be purple. We need more purple in lolita T_T
    >> Choleric! !IHLbs/YhoA 09/02/11(Fri)23:47 No.4922420

    C-Captain America lolita? O_O
    If not, I apologize, but thats fuckin amazinging.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:47 No.4922423
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:49 No.4922426
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    I luff it.
    >> Choleric! !IHLbs/YhoA 09/02/11(Fri)23:50 No.4922429
         File1315021807.jpg-(100 KB, 478x720, 292696_986093009725_18418717_4(...).jpg)
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    Thank you. :3

    Agreed with the purple. This blue is the lightest colored dress I own. D:

    I have a love/hate relationship with that wig.. somedays I think my skin tone can pull it off, at others... eh....
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:50 No.4922430
         File1315021824.jpg-(51 KB, 400x400, tumblr_lqrubyz9Ib1qfo72no1_400.jpg)
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    This is my ultimate dream coord. Fuck, I love Morrigan.
    >> Choleric! !IHLbs/YhoA 09/02/11(Fri)23:51 No.4922436

    If you made these, I know who you aaaaaare. XD OHAITHURR.

    My fav is the link one. Fffffffffffffffffffffffff. <3
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:51 No.4922438
         File1315021910.jpg-(19 KB, 300x225, yellowmp.jpg)
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    I think yellow looks good on cool toned darker skin.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:54 No.4922448
    Where do you buy your dresses? Do you sew them yourself? They're pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:56 No.4922458
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:58 No.4922466
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    Black and White + Dog
    >> Choleric! !IHLbs/YhoA 09/02/11(Fri)23:59 No.4922468
         File1315022342.jpg-(53 KB, 720x479, 253315_898928179168_60716643_4(...).jpg)
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    Yellow is pretty sweet on dark tones. I never considered it until I wore it at Otakon during the show. I love that dress to pieces because I dont see alot of yellow in Lolita. D: (Also, Fluttershy colors wut wut)

    I sew them myself. ^^; And thank you! Except for the yellow one in this pic, it's from Corzaon de Caramela. :D
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)00:00 No.4922477
    this is going to sound bad but your smile makes you look like a chubby cheeked misako, not in a bad way.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)00:01 No.4922484
    That dress looks so cute on you, I really like your legs better with out socks.
    >> Choleric! !IHLbs/YhoA 09/03/11(Sat)00:02 No.4922486
    This picture is so cute. So so cute.

    I'm too scared to ever wear pale pink. I wore a pink wig once, and never again. >_<; But you have changed my mind about it. o.o
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)00:05 No.4922494
    Pale pink hair rarely looks good on any one.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)00:25 No.4922602
    Aw thanks, I find wigs are too hard to pull off. I'm glad my picture helped!
    Aw thanks, I wear lolita almost everyday, but never take picture, hows this silly school project picture, do you like tights more?
    Aw thanks, don't worry my smile makes my face really scrunched up I'm glad you think its cute >.<
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)00:27 No.4922615
         File1315024043.jpg-(1.09 MB, 1064x2448, DSC05338.jpg)
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    Lost my pic...
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)00:43 No.4922690
    Eh I rarely like tights or socks on any one unless they are thigh highs or the person has really thin legs.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)00:47 No.4922707
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)00:49 No.4922720
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)00:51 No.4922729
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)02:13 No.4922996
    I love darker skinned lolitas hnnng.

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