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  • File : 1314682180.png-(298 KB, 654x610, aaaaa.png)
    298 KB Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)01:29 No.4907981

    Crazy nigger on a Korean bus going apeshit at old Korean dude.

    Still want to promote race mixing seagulls?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)01:31 No.4907986
    Black and proud!
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 08/30/11(Tue)01:31 No.4907988
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    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/30/11(Tue)01:33 No.4907991
    Dumb. Learn the language before going to a country. Niggers.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)01:35 No.4908002
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)01:41 No.4908026
    That's the black race.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 08/30/11(Tue)01:43 No.4908033
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)01:44 No.4908035
    I don't see why liberals dispute black violence. Blacks commit a grossly disproportionate amount of rape and homocidie. 'Poverty' can't account for all of this as many of these crimes has no financial motive whatsoever. Nor can 'culture' be blamed as it was blacks that made black 'culture' in the first place.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 08/30/11(Tue)01:47 No.4908043
    First prove that 'blacks' exist.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)01:49 No.4908048
    There are readily identifiable clusters of points, corresponding to traditional continental ethnic groups: Europeans, Africans, Asians, Native Americans, etc. (See, for example, Risch et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet. 76:268–275, 2005.) Of course, we can get into endless arguments about how we define European or Asian, and of course there is substructure within the clusters, but it is rather obvious that there are identifiable groupings, and as the Risch study shows, they correspond very well to self-identified notions of race.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 08/30/11(Tue)01:53 No.4908063
    Prove 'readily identifiable clusters of points' exist.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)01:56 No.4908073

    Already done, there's the clustering study.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 08/30/11(Tue)01:58 No.4908086
    But science can't prove anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)02:01 No.4908095
    Let me guess, the old Korean guy was looking at him like he was some sort of a zoo exhibit, and nobody on the carriage helped the old guy (read: all the younger people) because they were secretly embarrassed about the zoo exhibit stare.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 08/30/11(Tue)02:04 No.4908106
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)02:04 No.4908107
    >Justifying nigger savagery

    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)02:37 No.4908192
    Fucking Negro piece of shit. Let his black negro ass do that to North Korea and see what would have happened to him. Let me find out where this was so help me god if I was in that bus I would have murdered that fucking gorilla monkey piece of shit and I would have been happy to do it again and again. Why didn't they do anything this is just fucking retarded they were outnumbering him they could have all jumped that stupid negro easily but no they didn't. Makes me sick that they have same blood as me.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)02:40 No.4908200
    Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)02:45 No.4908212
    why is this nig­­­ger in korea in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)02:51 No.4908220
    Fucking roody-poo
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)02:55 No.4908224
    Oh. This story.

    The Korean guy said something that sounded very very close to a Korean racial slur and that's why he went off like that. It doesn't make it okay though and honestly it's embarrassing as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)02:58 No.4908228
    so the nig­ger speaks korean?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)02:58 No.4908230

    That's the black racee.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/30/11(Tue)03:01 No.4908238
    In a way, I can't blame him. The Koreans might have deserved this.
    Koreans treat foreigners like shit. Especially foreigners who aren't white.
    They stare at us and make really rude comments.
    They all assume that foreigners don't speak Korean and will talk shit real loud right next to you.
    And what really amazes me is so many Koreans speak English, and no one even tried to calm the guy down.
    They'd rather pretend like nothing was happening because they only care about themselves. Koreans are greedy, and if they aren't profiting from stepping in, they don't care.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:02 No.4908240
    >Koreans treat foreigners like shit.

    Deal with it.

    Maybe if white countries treated foreigners like shit we wouldn't have all these ethnic interests groups campaigning for special privileges and mass third world crime from immigration.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:03 No.4908241
    This. Give the fuckers an inch and they'll take a yard.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:07 No.4908247
    A comment on the video says

    "The old korean said the word "니가" which sounds "nigaa" and means the pronoun "you" in korean language. and that guy thought he was called nigger (nigga') so this all happened."

    So maybe he didn't know Korean after all
    But Korea is horribly racist-both Korea and Japan have issues about foreigners being in their country. Whether you're black or white you'll have people muttering about you, the difference is some black men have very low tolerance for it and will usually make a scene about it instead of sitting there and letting it slide. The more urban looking black men are really aggressive like that. Average American Obama'esqe black man would never do that though. This guy honestly looks like he's from Jamaica or a really ghetto area of New York.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/30/11(Tue)03:07 No.4908248
    Okay but if someone treats me like shit, they better expect to get the same treatment.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:09 No.4908254
    What race are you?
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/30/11(Tue)03:09 No.4908255
    Police said that wasn't true.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/30/11(Tue)03:10 No.4908259
    Why does it matter?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:11 No.4908260
    They're Homo Sapien and so are you.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:14 No.4908266
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/30/11(Tue)03:15 No.4908269
    No, I hate everyone. There are just varying degrees of hate.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:20 No.4908275
    What color are your eyes and hair?

    I spent a couple of months there and never got any crap from the natives
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:25 No.4908279
    >first day of school, 20th century world history class
    >professor walks in, is jewish as fuck
    >whines what seems to be pre-rehearsed rants about conservatives and "right wing extremists"
    >entire class then goes into a frenzy for ten minutes bashing the right
    >prof finally hands out syllabus
    >out of 20ish total classes, some issues are deemed important enough to warrant an entire class each
    >civil rights
    >christian terrorism
    >george bush's presidency (I'm pretty sure this wasn't 20th century)
    >gender stratification

    What the fuck is happening to this country.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:28 No.4908286
    My boyfriend is half-black and he's very sweet. People who judge individuals before getting to know them are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:29 No.4908290
    Homo Sapiens Sapien is a species, not a race/subspecies.

    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:31 No.4908294
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    >My boyfriend is half-black

    Enjoy your fetishistic relationship.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 08/30/11(Tue)03:31 No.4908295
    That makes me very...very sad.
    And I'm nothing close to right.

    Stop the bashing.
    we might not be a shitty nation.
    (yes, I wanted to shout something about Captain Planet.)
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:33 No.4908299
    >fetishistic relationship
    You're wrong.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/30/11(Tue)03:35 No.4908303
    Brown for both. I get shit here more than when I was in Japan...
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/30/11(Tue)03:36 No.4908304
    You're all fucking dumb, stop posting.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/30/11(Tue)03:37 No.4908306
    Why do the white people have such strangely coloured eyes?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:37 No.4908307
    ITT: people don't know the difference between black people and niggers
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:37 No.4908308
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    god, korean men are so docile and PUSSIFIED. has something to do with circumcision FOR SURE (since theyre all j e w slaves, since korean war of terror. never forget or forgive the eternal snake)
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:39 No.4908311
    no u.
    About 30,000 women of european descent are raped by men of african descent each year.
    0-10 women of african descent are raped by men of european descent each year.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:39 No.4908312
    Because we are the real people of color.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:41 No.4908313
    That doesn't have anything to do with us.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:42 No.4908316

    Your black boyfriend is a nigger. All blacks are niggers. Your children will be niggers too. You will see nothing of yourself in them. He will leave you because black men cannot be husbands or fathers. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:43 No.4908317
    lol stfu just butthurt
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:45 No.4908327
    Stop being so hateful. He'd make a great father.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:48 No.4908336
    A black guy Asking for a Korean girl phone number.
    She walked away from him.

    Why are Asian girls so smart and White girls so dumb? Is it just the propaganda?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:49 No.4908340
    >He'd make a great father

    Remember when Tiger Woods was the clean-cut family guy who was different from all the other nigger sportsmen out there? Liberals actually thought, "maybe this is a black man who is different". Then they found out that all niggers are the same.

    Well your boyfriend is the same. Don't ever forget that he is a nigger, and niggers don't know how to be fathers or faithful husbands.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:52 No.4908344
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    So if the US fragmented along racial lines, you'd stay in the black part, right? Or would you just wait until it turned to shit (as anything blacks run does) and then come knocking at our doors? That reminds me, why are there so many white girls with brown babies and no fathers around, just a coincidence right?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:53 No.4908345
    You forgot that my boyfriend isn't Tiger Woods.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:55 No.4908348
    >So if the US fragmented along racial lines, you'd stay in the black part, right?
    I'd move to another country.

    >That reminds me, why are there so many white girls with brown babies and no fathers around, just a coincidence right?
    That's because they made bad decisions and picked the wrong men.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:56 No.4908350
    >I'd move to another country.

    A White country, not an African one, right?

    I wonder why that would be?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)03:56 No.4908352
    >That's because they made bad decisions and picked the wrong men.

    So often that it becomes a recognizable trend? Why do you think that is, why do you think illegitimate, fatherless children are so much more common when black men are involved? Coincidence, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:01 No.4908356
    A country with people that weren't totally insane.

    I really can't explain, I'm no expert on the subject so I'll refrain from drawing conclusions. The only thing I know is that my boyfriend is great and that's enough for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:02 No.4908358
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:02 No.4908359

    You seem to have forgotten that your boyfriend is a nigger. It's in their blood to inseminate and then run. Stop coal burning and preserve your race.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:02 No.4908360
    >A country with people that weren't totally insane.

    So that rules out Africa.

    If black people make shit countries, why do you want to make white countries more black?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:03 No.4908364

    So you are saying niggers are insane? Yet you are dating one? That is just ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:04 No.4908368

    I'm not even particularly racially minded but I agree with this. The sheer stupidity and emotionally driven nature of white women is embarassing to a lot of us white guys. And the fact they actually consider dating these apes is even more humiliating, I don't think I've ever met a single Asian girl, or even Middle-Eastern (the good, levantine kind) girl who would touch a black dude with a pole. They find their whole mentality disgusting.

    Then again the media pushes black male/white female relationships and women tend to base their behaviour off of popular media.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:07 No.4908371

    jewish cultural subversion. Women are easy to indoctrinate, that's also why they try to emasculate men: to make them more prone to brainwashing.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:08 No.4908372
    Nope he isn't like that. Don't act like you know him.

    How am I trying to make white countries more black? Black people are part of this country just like you and me.

    No I'm not saying that.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:09 No.4908373
    >How am I trying to make white countries more black? Black people are part of this country just like you and me.

    I'm European, I sure as shit don't want my native land, or those of my European neighbours overrun with the niggers you moronic white girls seem so intent on hooking up with.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:10 No.4908374
    Yes it does. Africa is not a country.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:11 No.4908377
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    white women make me sick
    you know the original term caucasian originated because whites come from the caucus mountains? and in the caucus mountains they had sex with any animals they could get a hold of

    imagine a white mountain woman having sex with 3 rottweillerrs at once. disgusting

    thats what they did, though

    and they continue to do it to this very day. you can see lots of videos on mother less dot com if you want

    never, EVER, trust a white woman who owns a dog. she is definitely, positively, 99% for sure having sex with him
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:11 No.4908378
    Well, ok then. Still it doesn't mean I'm doing such thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:12 No.4908379
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    >Nope he isn't like that. Don't act like you know him.

    That's what all women say.

    >How am I trying to make white countries more black? Black people are part of this country just like you and me.

    You procreate with him = spawn little niggers = making America even blacker.

    >No I'm not saying that.

    You are avoiding the question. All sane countries are either asian or white.
    >> The Coal Burner's Lament: 1 Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:13 No.4908380
    "The Coal Burner's Lament"

    When a white girl marries a negro,
    her sun of life goes down.
    And glaring spots of sin
    appear on her white wedding gown.
    And white and black men stand aghast,
    while viewing this range role:
    And mutter, "they will wreck themselves,
    and damn each others' soul".

    We know a carnivorous bug
    has crept into her brain
    And gnawed away her self-respect,
    which left her half insane.

    Now all her racial pride has flown
    beyond redemption's fold
    And she begins life's saddest tale
    that ever yet was told.

    Three days and nights she felt black lips
    press smug against her own.
    And on the fourth, her troubled soul,
    let out a frightful groan.

    And so the weeks and months flew by,
    and then a baby came;
    She looked at it with tear filled eyes,
    and hung her head with shame.

    And then she dreamed of other days,
    sweet girlhood days gone by,
    And of the white friends left behind,
    and so we hear her cry;
    >> The Coal Burner's Lament: 2 Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:14 No.4908382
    "O, could I turn life's pendulum
    backwards a few short years
    I would not bear this cross today,
    nor shed these bitter tears".

    "My baby would be white as snow,
    and sleep upon my breast
    Like a little fledgling robin
    that slumbers in its nest.

    While now, O God, my mongrel child
    just whimpers through the night
    Till in my sleepless dreams I scream,
    not white, O God, not white!"

    And so I stagger through my days
    far from God's love and grace,
    Till now, I know, no black man lives,
    can take a white man's place.

    My offspring shall be mongrel bred,
    their hue-skin shall remain,
    For even God with all his power,
    cannot remove the stain.

    I sold my birthright for a mess,
    I mixed my white-born blood
    With black blood, so I languish here
    like one bogged down in mud.

    Though God may grant a pardon,
    I never can retrace
    My footsteps down life's narrow road,
    back to the white man's race.

    So now I groan, "It might have been",
    had racial pride been mine.
    Today I'd hug a pure white child,
    and call him half divine.

    I'd lift him up before the world,
    and praise his father's name,
    While now, my baby's mongrel face,
    reminds me of my shame.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:14 No.4908383
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    >> The Coal Burner's Lament: 3 Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:14 No.4908384
    All other crimes may be forgiven
    when prayer its power fulfills;
    The scheming crook may find new hope,
    and even the man that kills,

    But all my prayers can never clear
    my baby's mongrel skin,
    Nor make him white as driven snow,
    nor cleanse my soul of sin.

    I was my father's future hope,
    my mother's joy and pride
    But I got lost on life's dark road,
    and there my spirit died.

    I smeared my all-white heritage
    and left the white man's track,
    Now my descendants for all time
    shall be forever black.

    I try to hide from all the stars,
    the moon and the setting sun;
    For all mankind of my white race,
    condemn what I have done;

    I tremble and my teardrops flow,
    I pray, but pray in vain;
    For nevermore shall I be
    one with my white race again.

    And so dark clouds above me roll,
    deep waters crash below,
    I sink, and reap what I have sown,
    and drink my cup of woe.

    My mother sleeps deep in her grave,
    my dad lies at her side,
    For both were crushed when I became
    a negro's common bride.

    Now, should I decide to leave him,
    where could I choose to go?
    My misspent life will follow me
    like footprints in the snow.
    >> The Coal Burner's Lament: 4 Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:15 No.4908385
    Before me lie dark jungles
    where paramours seek a prey:
    Behind me death keeps whispering,
    "I am the only way".

    This black and white, prenuptial mess,
    this racial suicide;
    Must be forbidden by the law,
    men must find racial pride!

    Then, never again, forever,
    shall tales like mine unfold,
    With all its shame, the saddest tale,
    that ever yet was told.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:18 No.4908386
    >That's what all women say.
    I'm not "all women". I'm an individual and so is he. If you like statistics so much why don't you get that people aren't all the same?

    >You procreate with him = spawn little niggers = making America even blacker.
    It's his country too. Whites aren't the sole owners of this land.

    >You are avoiding the question. All sane countries are either asian or white.
    I'd move to the best country available for us.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:18 No.4908387
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    When, long ago, the gods created Earth
    In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
    The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
    Yet were they too remote from humankind.
    To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
    Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
    A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
    Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

    - H.P. Lovecraft
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:20 No.4908389
    >I'd move to the best country available for us.
    >Implying they'd take you

    What do you have to offer them, apart from little nigglets talking in rap-speak? Stay in the mess you've created. If you want to experience black 'culture', you move to a black neighborhood with your ape of a boyfriend. Don't live amongst white people, if you choose to marry a black man and have his children, then why would you want to live a white neighborhood? It makes you a hypocrite.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:22 No.4908392


    Statistics tell us he will leave you as soon as you are pregnant with his devil spawn. Enjoy ruining your chances of leading a relatively good life.

    >His country

    heh. no. They were taken to America as slave labour against their will. It's not their country.

    >best country

    once again, the main point is being avoided. Of course, any sane country would undoubtedly consider his presence undesirable. Niggers are... well... the niggers of the human species. No race, whether arab, white or asian like them.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:22 No.4908393
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    This is some great insight into the thought process, or lack thereof, of the African "mind". William Calvin wrote a book titled The "Ascent of Mind: Ice Age Climates and the Evolution of Intelligence". He writes that those peoples that moved out of Africa had to use their brain more in order to survive harsher and harsher climates.

    Intelligence does not evolve by sitting on a tree limb and eating bananas all day. A couple of palm leaves for a roof, no need for engineering a toilet. That is about all they have done for thousands and thousands of years.

    Africans have never developed any kind of morality. Basically, they have never left the ape stage of human evolution. When European explorers went to darkest Africa, they considered Africans some kind of missing link. These early explorers were a lot closer to the mark than the politically correct "intellectuals" are today. Along the way, a lot of naive people who noticed some kind of semblance to homo sapien began calling them "negroes", French for black. As in black person.
    >> Kawaii desu ughh~ !.nfu5zdw/6 08/30/11(Tue)04:24 No.4908395
    aww I want to go to s korea :<
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:24 No.4908396
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    Without realizing it, these people started a dangerous trend where normal people began thinking of Africans as actual people, but just black. This is called "anthropomorphism": the attribution of human characteristics to non-human animals or non-living things, phenomena, material states and objects or abstract concepts. Eventually, the word negro was shortened to "nigger". Although considered a derogatory word, "nigger" still gave them an elevated status above ape.

    When we see a wild animal kill another animal we do not call it homicide. We call it the way of nature or the way of the wild or whatever. When we see what many today call a "black" or "nigger" killing another of it's kind, it should be considered the way of nature, not homicide. However, when we see a "black" killing a developed species ( humans ) we should do what we do with wild animal attacks and that is to find and destroy the beast. Additionally, just like we cage dangerous wild animals, so we should cage the missing link type creature that is erroneously called "black" or "nigger".
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:26 No.4908400
    >Implying they'd take you
    I said available for us.

    Again, you don't know my boyfriend, he's not some stereotype you see on MTV. I don't really experience the black culture you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:27 No.4908401
    >can't defend yourself
    >spam race data to cope

    another day in a /new/ invasion
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:27 No.4908402
    Your ancestors whose hard work and self-sacrifice allowed you to have such a comfortable life must be so proud...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:27 No.4908403
    1. they're all women on the bus with the exception of 3 boys who look high school aged. Of course nobody did anything, what are they gonna do in a single aisle bus, where are they going to pull the guy on/off to?

    2. there is some fat girl sandwiched between the nigger and the old man who's telling both of them off and slapping the shit out of the nigra lol.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:28 No.4908404

    once the revolution comes, no white country will take in your niggers boyfriend or his coal burning race traitor girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:29 No.4908405

    What does he do for work/school?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:30 No.4908406
    The black race has an average IQ of 70.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:31 No.4908409
    >Statistics tell us he will leave you as soon as you are pregnant with his devil spawn. Enjoy ruining your chances of leading a relatively good life.
    Nope, statistics say that SOME black men do that.

    >heh. no. They were taken to America as slave labour against their will. It's not their country.
    Yeah well, I(and most people) disagree.

    >once again, the main point is being avoided.
    Once again, I'd move to the best country available for us. Be it France, Indonesia, Brazil or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:31 No.4908410

    since when did facts and superior rethoric not count as "defending yourself"?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:32 No.4908411
    old news, but normal people don't know or care
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:32 No.4908412

    My family likes him.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:33 No.4908413

    BUT YOU CAN'T MOVE TO A NIGGER COUNTRY. Know why? Because they are brutal and savage animals who can't uphold a functioning society even if their life depended on it. And yet you choose to procreate with a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:34 No.4908417
    >Nope, statistics say that SOME black men do that.

    Do you really think blacks are all like they're depicted on retarded Jew TV series like House or The Wire?

    Black people are not middle class doctors and cops. Only a tiny proportion of blacks are middle class, and those that ARE middle class usually got there through affirmative action.

    >Yeah well, I(and most people) disagree.

    Sure is argumentum ad populum around here. If a majority of people agree on something, does that make it true?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:34 No.4908418
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    Well guess who owned the slave ships?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:34 No.4908419
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:34 No.4908420
    >superior rethoric

    lol really? and i'm referring to those who are probably bullied by blacks, yet they are too cowardly to fight back, so they resort to the internet as a coping mechanism. Standard racist behavior.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:35 No.4908421
    >My family likes him.

    Your family are typical white liberals who worship non-whites.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:36 No.4908422
    So black people are bullies then, and pick on those weaker than them? Are you trying to prove their point in your defense against it or something?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:36 No.4908423
    > tiny proportion
    Better than none, not to mention there were blacks in the middle class even before AA gained popularity. Small portion, but again, better than none.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:36 No.4908424
    >France, Indonesia, Brazil
    Oh yeah. Please do this.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:37 No.4908425
    Why are black children so repulsively ugly?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:37 No.4908426
    No, I'm pointing out that you'd rather be a coward(internet appeal) than to fight back.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:37 No.4908427
    >Do you really think blacks are all like they're depicted on retarded Jew TV series like House or The Wire?
    Of course not. It's you people who think all black people are the same. I know there are very bad black people out there.

    >Sure is argumentum ad populum around here. If a majority of people agree on something, does that make it true?
    And what makes your agument true? I think the country is theirs too.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:38 No.4908429
    Asian women: Feminine, never date blacks, cute, don't bash their own men.

    White women: Increasingly unfeminine, fat, date blacks, bash white men all the time.

    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:39 No.4908432
    Yeah, and those blacks were probably mixed to hell and back.
    Slave owners fucked all their female slaves.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:39 No.4908433
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    its da BBC, bruh

    why would i want a shrivelled little dry white dick in me, when i can have a huge throbbing uncut mandingo slab of meat hit me in the face or cervix, giving me bruises

    women live in the moment, guided by passion and fuelled by raging horemones

    not like you with your little nerd statistics. why dont you go make a pie chart about all the reasons why no one wants to fuck your cracker honkey nerd ass peace of shit
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:40 No.4908435
    >I think the country is theirs too.
    I think the housing projects are theirs.
    After all all blacks can do is rape and kill
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:41 No.4908438
    Niggers claim that their shitty existence in Africa is whitey's fault. Whitey stole all the natural resources of the land (as if it's possible to 'steal' the earth's ability to grow crops) and split the continent up to cause niggers to fight each other all the time.

    Even on their own continent, niggers blame whitey for their failures. But the fact is that no matter what situation niggers are in or what part of the world they are in, niggers consistently fail. This fact has remained true throughout history and is evident by the present-day status quo. No matter where they are or what their present condition, niggers will invariably FAIL. They do not improve or advance at all. In fact, when niggers get together they destroy and denigrate and they do not stop until they have beaten down their existence to the point where they are crawling in the dirt and living in crude straw huts.

    Can anyone reading this prove me wrong? Can anyone show me ONE single area in the world or in history where a dominant population of niggers have created a living situation that is better than a toilet bowl? No.

    This nonsense that niggers are equal is a LIE.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:42 No.4908441
    If not all black people are the same, you'd be cool living in a majority black neighborhood right?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:42 No.4908442
    When you spawn your half breed niglets, they will have a very hard time growing up. Raised by a single white mother, their own colour being black. Unable to relate to their black and white heritage, they will be torn apart. All thanks to you and your selfish craving for black dick.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:44 No.4908443
    >If not all black people are the same, you'd be cool living in a majority black neighborhood right?
    As long as it's a good one, I have no reason to move to a bad neighborhood.

    Say whatever you want. My boyfriend is great.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:45 No.4908444
    >As long as it's a good one

    Such as?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:45 No.4908445
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    >when i can have a huge throbbing uncut mandingo slab of meat hit me in the face or cervix, giving me bruises

    Do you realize how disgusting that description sounds?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:46 No.4908446
    People don't go ape shit on someone for no reason. that old dude must of said something to set him off.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:46 No.4908447
    I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:47 No.4908448
    How odd, it's almost as if good majority black neighborhoods are extremely rare or something!
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:49 No.4908449

    Fuck you and your nigger sympathy.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:49 No.4908450
    You said he's half black, which one of his parents is white? I bet it's the mother.
    And where did you meet him?
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 08/30/11(Tue)04:49 No.4908451
    Or maybe they just don't KNOW any.

    It smells like /b/ in here. It's sickening.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:50 No.4908452
    so mad
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:51 No.4908454
    Yeah... ok

    His mother is black and she's a great woman, we get along very well.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:53 No.4908456

    >nigger sympathy

    it's more of a I been in his shoes before kind of thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:53 No.4908457
    If you are of european/white descent: Be proud, respect your ancestors, try to bequeath a better life to your european/white descendents, don't buy into the leftist self-loathing shit but also don't hate other people unless they give you cause to do so.

    I am against interracial relationships and especially BM/WF ones because most of them are shit tier. I don't hate the people involved in them like some of the people in this thread, but I don't think they're a good thing given how much of it seems to be based off of media fetishization.

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:53 No.4908458
    Oh I forgot to mention I met him on a mmorpg. Yeah I know it's kinda weird but this is a board for nerds after all.
    He was killing a bunch of people for fun and spared me because he liked my nick, it was almost romantic. Because of that I started to send him messages and we became friends.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:55 No.4908460

    I hate ppl that get into other ppl's relationship
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:56 No.4908461

    >rofl afdffsdagsdgasgfdsdags

    which mmorpg was it?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:56 No.4908463

    wait let me guess. was it pwi?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:57 No.4908466
    Lineage 2.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:58 No.4908467
    Let's be realistic, stormfags are not interested in White/European history as much as making other races look like shit. White pride being about hating other races isn't the fault of liberalism or leftist, it the fault of White Nationalists/Supremacists themselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:01 No.4908468
    Somewhere along the line the tune changed from "despite our differences" to "BECAUSE WE'RE ALL THE EXACT SAME!", most likely when certain points became indefensible either because of their implications or because liberals are shitty debaters.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:03 No.4908471
    Whoa this thread...anyway, I'm a mixed person. Half Black, Half Latina although I'm oddly mistaken for Vietnamese most of the time. I think race mixing is fine since in the end we're just all humans and we're going live then die-nothing special about any of us for the most part.

    When it comes to black men. Hmm. This is risky. They're not all the same just like all white men arent the same. Not all of one race is the same. The problem is that most of them-MOST! seem to act a certain way. They all wear the same style and talk with that same 'accent' regardless of where they live. For example, I live in a very nice area. Everyone's friendly, there is no crime, no troubles and no one is poor. Despite that, there are STILL black guys who walk around in sagging pants rapping to themselves in the hallway about how hard their lives are and fucking every female they can get their hands on like they're some guy on the Maury Show. Even though they live in such a nice area this is still the way they behave. I don't understand it. But I know it's not everyone. Just a lot of them haha
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/30/11(Tue)05:05 No.4908472
    ITT: racists with genetic defects and lower incomes than their projected white superior stereotype

    Seriously, imagine what these keyboard jockeys actually look like. Weak, blame the environment and other circumstances around them for their own personal shortcomings, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:05 No.4908473

    Pretty retarded of the girls to be sleeping with them too though.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:05 No.4908474

    one of their relative is probably a famous rapper
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 08/30/11(Tue)05:06 No.4908476
    You know...

    I grew up in a conservative, christian, white household.
    And I was told, I don't know how many times, that hating someone based on the color on their skin is shitty and whoever does it is a shitty person.
    I doubt my family would object to an interracial relationship.

    That said- I probably wouldn't have one anyway.
    And there's a difference between proving that there are issues with a race with statistics, and being a horrible racist who hates people who probably have done nothing wrong based on the color of their skin.

    Learn to have some tolerance, people. Try to HELP the numbers instead of being shitty and just adding to the hate. No one needs the hate. It does nothing and just adds poison.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:08 No.4908479
    Obviously the old guy said something to make Dreadhead angry. I'm not trying to excuse his behavior or anything but, rude mannerisms only beget rude mannerisms. Case in point.....I'm black and I think that this guy is pretty dumb for letting his emotions rule him but, saying this a "black or "nigger: type of action just isn't true. People of every skin tone and/or place of origin have people who act like this.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:16 No.4908484
    Damn this thread disgusts me. Specially the white whore defending her ape boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:16 No.4908485
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    Are you really letting this pussies get to you? I'm proud to be white and all, but the vast majority of white pride types are just utter morons that make the movement unattractive. I'm pretty sure they have the same IQ as the blacks they're so angry about.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:17 No.4908487
    deal with it, faggot
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:20 No.4908489
    For a culture known for martial arts, they sure are pushovers.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:20 No.4908490
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    Op's pic reminds me of the zombie attack I had yesterday while playing gary's mod :O
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:29 No.4908493
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    /new/smen represent.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:32 No.4908495
    It is, but they don't seem to care at all. They're almost proud of it. And it's not just black girls it's any type of girls-all ethnicities. They all have that urban vibe to them that suggests their favorite channel is BET and they walk around in super tight Apple Bottom jeans [boots with the furr, etc]. They have this "I'm getting mine/I'm gettin it in" mentality that makes them almost not see the type of person they're dealing with until something very bad happens-like for example! A white girl had a consensual gangbang with half of the football team and one of the guys recorded it. She was very boastful about it until the video spread and she was removed from our school and area. I still don't know the full story on that, but it was just a huge what the fuck moment. The guys act terribly and then the girls love it. Maybe that's why they're that way? I don't know

    To my knowledge there are no famous people here, just average American middle class workers. They walk around dressed like they're in a gang rapping about the streets but they have the latest iPod phones and most expensive basketball shoes around even though they don't even play basketball. Shit makes no sense.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:35 No.4908499
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)05:36 No.4908501
    Chinks lost and got mad. Typical barbaric Asians.

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