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  • File : 1314566928.jpg-(161 KB, 407x405, Weeaboo-Advice-Inu-I-KNOW-THREE-JAPANESE(...).jpg)
    161 KB Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)17:28 No.4902240  
    It's been about three whole days since we had one of these!
    Weeaboo HORROR stories
    Self horror stories/con horror stories are welcomed as well.
    >> Volley 08/28/11(Sun)17:33 No.4902252
    you know... a good way to start this thread off is to post a tale of your own...
    >> adakun13 08/28/11(Sun)17:42 No.4902272
    Okay, I got a story. I'm at AZ and I'm hosting a panel. It's a panel about people discussing animes that they hate and other people like, or they like while everyone hates. I called it "Anime Guilty Pleasures". I make it very clear at the beginning what the panel is about. The first person to raise their hand is some Asian guy wearing a Pedobear hat. Already my internal alarm goes off, but I let him speak anyway. He talks about his darkest, most perverse, porno lemon sexual fantasy involving almost every disgusting fetish imaginable. He talks about taking Naruto's Rasengan up his cock, taking it up the butt from Akamaru, I think he threw in something involving Orochimaru and Necrophilia. By the time he was done, I could only just sit there with a horrified look on my face and say "Good for you." And I'll remind you that this was a panel at 8 in the morning.

    So yeah, I'm gonna try the panel again.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)17:46 No.4902281
    Not to long ago me my boyfriend and a few friends all went to a con together, my friend John had just gotten his License so he insisted on driving us all there, Which was fine because he was obviously excited (he was the youngest out of all of us at 17) The ride was about 45 minutes so everything went smoothly, and we were having a fantastic time at the con. This is where the horror comes in. As I was walking towards the bathroom I heard this Horrible screech, Literally it was so loud the majority of the lobby went quite, (this consisted of over 170 people) I turned to see the origin of the noise and I am greeted with a gigantic hambeast raven cosplayer literally charging , her rolls of fat were swinging as she ran towards me with the force of A rhino, her costume was a Wal-Mart one piece bathing suit (the ones that have the ugly spandex folds over the stomach to conceal pudge) and a literal BATH TOWEL safety pinned around her neck as a cape.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)17:55 No.4902299
    She ran a little too fast so by the time she was close to me she bent over and started wheezing really loudly, For some reason (I’m not to familiar with the raven character but I pretty sure she wasn’t blue) she had Blue suntan lotion slathered all over her body, but it was streaked with sweat so it was more blue/wet/white paste color She looked up at me and smiled Her teeth, were the worst fucking teeth I have ever seen in my life, (I am currently working as a dental assistant so I have seen some bad fucking teeth, but none were as bad as hers, they were black at the top and all messed up like there was a fucking earthquake in her mouth) also obligatory terrible B.O smell.
    “Y-…you *huff*….”
    “I’m sorry what?” I said
    “Me….*huff,* remember?” So it went on like that until she caught her breath, and then explained to me that me and her went to high school together and were in art club.
    “Oh I’m sorry, I have a really bad memory, and I do terrible with faces” I said laughing.
    Suddenly her face contorted into a disgusting shape.
    “I remember you this whole time” She said with obvious resentment
    “I’m really sorry” I said. And this is where I FUCKED UP.
    “Are you here alone, you can spend the day with me and my friends” She got really happy and nodded, and I felt it was harmless. I was wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:04 No.4902310
    So I introduce her to my friends and my boyfriend, including my friend john. Immediately she starts uncomfortably hitting on john. (He’s Asian and very thin so immediate OHMYGODBISHOUNENYAOI) This is what she says word for word.

    Fat Raven: KU KU KU KU
    John: um, what
    Fat Raven: it’s a Japanese thing old men say when they are turned on by cute little girls,
    John: oh ha-ha, why did you say that?
    Fat Raven: Don’t be coy with me you baka! I will be your Seme and you will be my Uke.
    Everyone is laughing really fucking hard except John (he’s really shy and is also a virgin, so he tends to get uncomfortable when people talk about it) so the rest of the con it was just her making really vulgar yaoi/hentai references to him and her. He seriously looked like he was about to cry, so I told her to stop and she just laughed it off.
    I Mad
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:10 No.4902327
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    >Weeaboo thread
    >Has a fanfiction account with fanfiction including a self-insert OC
    >posts with a name that he uses as a handle on everything else he has on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:14 No.4902331
    At this point it was late in the day and John said he can’t drive very well in the dark she we decided to leave, So I told fat raven we needed to go and she suddenly started FUCKING SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS,
    “YOU LEFT ME IN HIGH SCHOOL NOW YOU’RE LEAVING ME AGAIN” (still don’t remember her.) So she sits on the ground and starts screaming and crying (this is a 22 year old woman were talking about) I was mortified, so yet again I fucked up.
    “Uh it’s ok! We can drive you to your hotel if you want” So she stood up pouting.
    “I want to stay at the con”
    “Well I’m sorry John can’t drive in the dark very goo-“
    “OH JOHN IS DRIVING I WANT TO SIT NEXT TO HIM” I look over to John who looks like he was just given his death sentence, but he smiles at her.
    “Uh yeah ok, Just be careful I’m new at this” so we get to the car and pile in, I felt bad for John because he was forced to sit next to this gross B.O smelling ham beast, and all of her sweaty blue sun block was getting on the seats of the car. We start to leave and it all seems ok, but then it’s starts raining really badly.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:19 No.4902342
    This is very early in a weeb horror thread to be f5ing like this.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:23 No.4902347
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:23 No.4902348
    John is panicking a bit so I tell him to pull over, and we do, next to a primarily farm owned road. (It was basically empty and no one was driving down it.) I was surprised how calm Fat raven was, so I leaned to her.
    “Are you ok?” (He was being really quite the whole ride.)
    “Mhhm” she said back. She had a blanket over her the whole ride that john had under the seat.
    “Are you cold?”
    “Ca-Can you just leave me alone?!” she snapped at me.
    “Oh I’m sorry.” I said back I was fucking confused but I was also too tired to say anything. It was quite in the car while we waited out the storm, Except for Fat Raven who made a grunting noise every so often. I assumed it was because she had trouble moving due to her weight. Then the rain let up. We all cheered, including fat raven.
    “Oh John your so brave”
    >shit got real.

    She pulled her hand from under the blanket and put her fingers in John’s mouth.
    “Taste me!”
    Fat Raven was fingering her self under John’s blanket for the last forty five minutes. Then she stuck her Sunblock/ Vag juice covered fingers in John’s mouth.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:24 No.4902353
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:25 No.4902355

    I mean, blatant fiction but ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 08/28/11(Sun)18:27 No.4902357
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:27 No.4902359
    tell me more, tell me more
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:30 No.4902364
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:33 No.4902367
    It was obvious when she did that, she also pulled the blanket off her thighs to show john her “work”
    Words cannot describe what happened next, John Immediately Vomited; Projectile vomited with her fingers still in his mouth all over the seats the car, her everywhere. Vomit sunblock and vag juice everywhere. EVERYWHERE. She starts crying and we are all screaming and gagging at this point, My boyfriend runs out of the car, opens Fat ravens door And pulls her out,
    “DON’T HURT ME PLEASE.” she starts yelling. My boyfriend runs around to the drivers side and pushes John over “My boyfriend is covered in vomit) we are all still screaming and now my other friend is throwing up. Boyfriend locks doors. Revs up engine.
    “NO JOHN MY LOVE!!!” She screams and trys to open the door, Boy friend yells:
    “YOU’RE FUCKED UP YOU SICK PERVERT” John is in a half –Coma and is crying
    >we drive away leaving fat raven.
    >Never see her again
    >I hope I never do.
    John will never go to a Convention again. Car still smells.
    That is my horror story /cgl/
    I wish it was not true. Be careful if you see a fat raven at a New york con.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:34 No.4902370
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:37 No.4902377
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    Goddamnit, now I feel nauseous.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:41 No.4902385
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:42 No.4902386
    holy fuck. words cannot describe how horrified i am. I'll think twice now before being nice to fat, ugly and fail at cosplay yaoi fangirls.....
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:43 No.4902390
    >I wish it was not true

    lol oh you
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:46 No.4902396
    Originality: 6/10
    Believability: 3/10
    Overall concept: 6/10
    Decent show anon.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:51 No.4902410
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)19:05 No.4902450
    Your story has made such an impact on me and my associates that now we are planning to start pointing two fingers towards our mouths and saying "taste me" in kawaii-desu voices when we see weeaboo hambeasts @ cons from now on
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)19:07 No.4902460
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    fake or not, WHAT THE SHIT
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)19:19 No.4902501
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)19:38 No.4902560
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    Screen caps,
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 08/28/11(Sun)19:39 No.4902564
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    Pretty tame and more annoying than anything, but a story all the same.
    I told you guys that eventually I'd have some stuff to tell you guys about my Japanese class.

    So there's this kid, and he starts talking about cosplayers. He starts talking about how stupid they are and how they're an embarrassment to anime fans. As a cosplayer, I take offense and calmly explain that it's not as bad as he thinks it is, and then proceed to correct his misconceptions. The next class session, this fucker comes to class with a raccoon tail on. What does he say to justify it? "HAH HAH IT'S NOT COSPLAY SO IT'S OKAY".

    During our break, he's got the nerve to ask me "Hey Boris, you're not mad at me are you? Because you look mad."

    Goddamn right I mad, you weeaboo sack of shit.

    Also, people in the class like to shout "FOOLY COOLY!!" in the middle of class. Gets old fast.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)19:43 No.4902578
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    >During our break, he's got the nerve to ask me "Hey Boris, you're not mad at me are you?
    >"Hey Boris, you're not mad at me are you?
    >"Hey Boris,

    I love that name
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/28/11(Sun)19:43 No.4902579
    He sounds like a hot topic scene kid too.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 08/28/11(Sun)20:25 No.4902742
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    if it's not cosplay, then what is it? Shit ain't normal
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)20:28 No.4902759
    I don't feel sorry for you, Boris. You at least have a choice when it comes to whether or not you could have taken that class.

    I pity your poor teacher.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 08/28/11(Sun)20:29 No.4902764
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    O-Oh my.

    He dresses like one, and he compensates not being able to read and count by throwing extra random Japanese terms into his speech when we have to practice new vocabulary which only proceeds to throw us all off.
    He's a real piece of work.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)20:34 No.4902793
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    Speaking of we have any updates on Lin-chan/neoclassic neko?
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)20:34 No.4902797
    >Also, people in the class like to shout "FOOLY COOLY!!" in the middle of class. Gets old fast.

    >Show about growing up and leaving childhood behind you
    >Yelling it out during class to be randum

    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 08/28/11(Sun)20:35 No.4902802
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    I quite enjoy the class, so it's just a small price to pay.
    But I feel sorry for her too, she just seems to laugh everything off though she always has this underlying annoyed look on her face.

    People were petting it and he'd react as though it were really a part of his body.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)20:44 No.4902846
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    >Black gangstas
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)20:47 No.4902855
    My high school contained one weird asian kid who would always tote around his notebook full of hardcore dragon-furry pornography. Throughout the entire day. As for cons, i have no horror to speak of.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)20:47 No.4902856

    This seriously sounds like a troll fucking around on DA. I just can't bring myself to believe this is real.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)20:48 No.4902864

    so that's who keeps posting dragon dildos on /v/
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)20:55 No.4902891
    It is. They also start threads here pretending to be some anon, write a few outraged replies to themselves, and then watch /cgl/ rage for 200 posts. It kinda pisses me off.
    >> NeoClassicNekoChan Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)21:04 No.4902957
    ~NeoclassicNekochan~ deleted that account of hers like three days ago.

    :C right as I started watching her. She said something about finding a different websites to put her art on that wasn't full of racists bakas.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)21:49 No.4903215
    I think she probably made a new LJ and DA. Can we find it?
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)22:01 No.4903275
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    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 08/28/11(Sun)22:14 No.4903351
    I have one. Lemme see this happened a week after I started senior year of highschool....
    >School is over for the day, don't have a car so I had to take the bus home
    >Really bad storm starts rolling in just as the buses are leaving
    >Didn't think anything of it, this shit happens all the time in Illinois
    >Half way through route I get a call from my dad
    >"Hey, there's a tornado warning!"
    >Deathly afraid of tornadoes
    >Bus driver says we have to evacuate to the elementary school down the road
    >When we get to the school, other buses are evacuating
    >Get into hallway
    >Get told school is also on LOCKDOWN due to an armed robbery that took place on a property next door, the dude have semi automatic weapons
    >While all this is going on, I am seated next to a furry weaboo
    >I say no
    >Shows me it anyway
    >It's a wolf jacking itself off
    >Lights go out from tornado
    >Weaboo furry has flashlight for no reason
    >"Wanna see more?"
    >Screaming "NO! Shut the fuck up!"
    >People start laughing
    >Get in trouble for swearing in front of little kids

    Fuck that guy. There was a tornado and dudes with guns outside
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)22:52 No.4903512
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    > 2009, First con, I thought anime conventions were totally awesome magical places filled with nice anime-loving people who you could nerd out with.
    > I'm cosplaying Russia, because back then there wasn't as much Hetalia hate and I was young and fairly ignorant. It was a really bad cosplay, cheap wig and made of broad cloth but I was proud.
    > I find out about a Hetalia cosplay shoot so I'm hyped for it and really excited.
    > During the shoot there's a group photo for the Allies so I get up there and pose, not paying attention to my surroundings.
    > I hear a gasps and some of the posing cosplayers were scattering away from the shoot.
    > I wonder why, was this some sort of convention thing that I didn't know about? A new pose?
    > Suddenly I hear "AXIS INVASION!!!!!!~~~~~~~~"
    > I look to my left and a Germany (who was average weight) and Japan (Chubbier than average) are barreling towards us.
    > I am shocked and instead of doing the smart thing and running I stand stock still. At the last second I stop and drop, curling into a little ball as if I saw the flash.
    > I Germany cosplayer narrowly misses me, instead glomping into a few Chinas.
    > On the other hand the Japan cosplayer, due to her bulk and the law of inertia, cannot change her direction in time.
    > The top of her foot collides with my side/stomach and I let out a sharp 'eep', while she falls like a Hindenburg, big, round, and dangerous.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)22:54 No.4903520

    >She initially lands on top of me and I take it like a man by crying, then she rolls off me onto the carpet.
    > My side is hurting really badly and my back is really sore, I feel like the wind is knocked out of me, and I hear footsteps.
    > A really nice Hungary that hung-out with me for the rest of the day helps me up, asks if I'm okay, and hands me a napkin to use as a tissue. I'm fine, later there was a bruise at my side but nothing big. It just felt a lot worse at the time.
    > The Japan cosplayer picks herself off the ground, I think she might've been crying but I don't quite remember.
    > Japan, "What was that for! That really hurt y'know!" etc. etc.
    > I am 1. a pussy, 2. 15 (18 now), 3. a head shorter, and 4. really scared of her so I just keep blubbering out, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
    >Luckily Hungary cosplayer steps in for me and verbally bitch-slaps her.

    I'm not really into Hetalia anymore, and I more took the good part (Some people at cons are a super nice) more than the bad part so I kept going to cons. Still, I make sure to be completely aware of my surroundings at shoots now.

    It's not as bad as some others but I have a few more stories for later.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)22:56 No.4903528
    Watch her show up on FurAffinity or SheezyArt now.
    >> Queen N 08/28/11(Sun)22:58 No.4903537
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    i started japanese class last monday. apparently, i'm a weeaboo magnet. it's embarrassing, but nothing severely awful has happened yet. and hopefully nothing WILL happen because i am keeping my distance. these threads have shown me the beginning warning signs for weeb disaster.

    there's one girl in particular who has;
    >yells out on breaks how, "KAWAII DESUUU" i am. i'm flattered and all, but i don't really care. i want to sit in my corner alone.
    >wears an anime shirt every day.
    >"mah parents are CHRISTIAN and they think anime will take over your soul SO I WATCH IT ANYWAY TEEHEE BLOOD AND GORE TRIGUNNNN HENTAIIII."
    >she loudly tries to teach the language to me in the middle of class. bitch. i am HERE because i am learning the language.
    >instantly attaches herself to any asian in the class. there are barely any where i live, so she fawns over them like they're gods.

    there are more instances already. i have had two classes of it. i am surrounding myself with normal people next class, even if it means i have to sit up front.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)23:07 No.4903589

    say what you will, but I'd put a bag over its head and enjopy the fuck out of that primo thick white girl. It's a rare genetic gift to look like that at that poundage, and I love me a big smooth ass.

    Doggy style was invented for a reason and no I ain't sticking around to talk about cosplay or whatever
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/28/11(Sun)23:09 No.4903599
    Its cause your hot.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)23:32 No.4903707
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    >while she falls like a Hindenburg
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)02:39 No.4904676
    I'm back with a new tale to tell you all.
    As I've mentioned before, my friend Sarah is an event coordinator for a medium-sized convention. Our group of friends helps her out each year by running events, doing security and other tasks. Essentially, this particular convention has mainly been a time for work for us, rather than a time for fun. Every year has its own tale of drama and horror, but the one I am going to tell you now is one that stands out the most clearly in my mind.

    This story will be called 'Pass the Josh'.

    Now, this story starts nearly a year prior.
    My friends were at a small out-of-state convention to visit some of our long-distance friends. It took place during the holiday season and because I work a retail job, I was unable to attend.
    When they returned from this particular con, all they did was tell stories of this guy named Josh, who they met for the first time.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)02:45 No.4904711

    Apparently, Josh was an awkward young man that knew our long-distance friends and constantly hung around them, even though nobody was quite fond of him. As soon as he met Sarah and the others, he quickly took to following them around all day long, even though he was supposedly security for the convention and had work to do.

    Josh had poorly-dyed red hair and a spray-painted messenger bag. He said he was cosplaying as Gaara from Naruto, which apparently explained his black T-shirt that said 'Suna or Bust'.
    He followed them to events. He wouldn't leave their Artist Alley table. He followed them back into the hotel room when they had to change. They followed them into a private area when they had to rehearse their skit and then proceeded to join in. The next morning, our friend David was late to the rehearsal and Josh said he'd take his place in the skit.
    "It's okay, I'll do his lines. I have them all memorized."
    They told him no.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)02:48 No.4904720

    Josh followed when a few members had a room party and got drunk. The next morning, he was bragging about how our friend Becca was 'totally all over him', even though no such thing had happened. He was also completely in love with another one of our friends, Chell and was constantly asking for her phone number. While all of this was happening, the other staff members were getting angry and yelling at him to be on duty.

    After everything had ended, he was going on and on about how he was everyone's best friend and an 'honorary member' of our group.
    When I was told these stories, all I could do was laugh. I wasn't there and nothing completely bad had happened. Josh sounded like an awkward aspie and that's all I pretty much thought of it. At the time, it was just a funny story to me. But of course, just like every other story I tell, nothing stays funny for long.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)02:51 No.4904740

    Did you ever finish that one 3 part story that you were posting on dA?
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)02:53 No.4904749

    Months later, Josh revealed that he was taking a Greyhound bus to our state so he could come to our local convention and hang out. He also said he had no money for a hotel room, because most of it was going towards his bus ticket and he needed a ride from the station. Nobody volunteered to get him.
    The convention arrived and we are all running around like crazy, putting up tech supplies, helping set up tables and doing all sorts of checks. Then, suddenly out of nowhere, this guy starts following us around.

    When I saw him, the first few things that came to mind was Grimace the Menace. Or a Christmas tree. Or a Goomba from the Super Mario Brothers movie. He had a tiny head, oddly-shaped shoulders and a very wide torso and legs. He had snake-bite piercings, short unkept hair and wore a stained tank-top and shorts. The most noticable trait about him was his shoulders and back. They were completely covered in a thick coat of hair that would make Teen Wolf run for his money.
    My friend Mia informed me that this was Josh. And he was following us everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:03 No.4904793

    Oh. Well can I get your dA again? I lost the link when I had to nuke my comp.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:04 No.4904801
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    Posting bloody miku comic by glorious Yuutew for great justice.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:05 No.4904807
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    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:06 No.4904809
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    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)03:06 No.4904813


    For probably the first time ever, the horror did not follow me within this particular story. Rather, it began happening to the rest of my friends.
    At this convention, groups of staff and volunteers are given free hotel rooms. Our group (who they referred to as 'Sarah's Army') got two large rooms because of how many people we had with us. We were very thankful for them and were excited that we didn't have to pay, but on the otherhand, we had a strict set of rules to follow if we wanted free rooms in the future.
    Rule #1: Don't be noisy.
    Rule #2: Only members of Sarah's Army were allowed in the room. No friends or strangers.
    Rule #: No minors.

    Because I had two friends staying with me that weren't part of the SA, I decided to reserve my own room for the weekend. This was fine with me and the others were fine with the only three rules they were given.
    Unfortunately, not even within the first day of the con, the rules were broken.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:07 No.4904817
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    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:08 No.4904822
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    Oops, missed one.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:09 No.4904829
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    Annnnd original greentext.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)03:13 No.4904844

    Josh practically sat at that tech booth the whole weekend. He still did not have a place to sleep. He didn't shower, bathe or even change out of his clothes, which had become so rank and stained that nobody dared hang around him for long. Each time he heard a member of the SA was going to their room to change, he offered to go with them. Everyone strictly told him no, though, because we weren't allowed to have strangers in the room.

    Josh didn't really seem to understand this rule and he continued to pester someone about what rooms we were staying in. At one point, he tried follow Mia to my room. But I shut the door on him when he walked up. Back and forth he went, from Sarah's Army to our long-distance friends (who were used to his antics by now, seeing as how they lived in the same state as him). Long-distance friends turned this into a little game, which they called 'Pass the Josh'.
    When our friend Diego would run into Josh, he was always asked if he was going to his hotel room. Diego would avoid this question by grabbing the nearest member of Sarah's Army, dragging Josh over to talk to them and then vanishing completely. Josh had no idea what was going on the entire time.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)03:17 No.4904860

    Chell, meanwhile, was still struggling with constant stress. It was really wearing down on her and she was especially getting sick of fighting with the other girl about her underaged siblings napping and eating food in Room #2. To top it all off, Josh was flirting with her more than ever, even though she declined his advances every single time.
    She eventually just gave up and began to do her own thing, ignoring all the drama and troubles and trying to focus on the tasks at hand.

    On the very last day of the convention, she returned to the room and immediately stripped down into her underwear and climbed into bed. She was sick, tired and exhausted from fighting with the other girl. As she lay curled up in the sheets of the bed, Chell felt close to tears. She would have started to cry...if she didn't notice that there was a light on in the bathroom and the shower was running.
    Chell immediately sat up. Her eyes snapped towards the corner of the room, where the two children were sitting and eating a cup of ramen noodles.

    "....Who is in the shower?" she asked them, uncaring of her lack of clothes.

    The two siblings looked at each other.

    "I don't know," said the 13 year-old. "Some guy knocked on the door and said he was part of the group, so we let him in."
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:21 No.4904877

    oh shit, things about about to get real
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:23 No.4904887
    not con related

    >out blading in the city with friends
    >Friend took a hard fall on a rail and we were waiting for him to recover
    >group of people approach us
    >OMG are those from air gear?
    >insert 5 minute convo amongst themselves
    >something about photos
    >30 flashes go off
    >deny all knowledge of anime to them
    >further screeching
    >more flashes
    >they take off in a slow jog

    the hell just happened
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)03:28 No.4904910

    As if those two sentences weren't horrific enough, the door of the bathroom slowly creaked open. Chell, still clad in her underwear, stared in absolute shock as Josh's head poked out of the door. This visage was followed by his fucking Teen Wolf shoulders and equally hairy chest. The rest was obscured by the door, but it was more than obvious that Josh was completely naked.

    "Oh, hey, Chell." he said casually. "I hope it's okay if I take a shower in here. Do you guys have any towels?"

    Chell looked from the kids, to Josh...and then she fucking snapped. She let out an ear-piercing shriek and pointed a finger at Josh.

    "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. RIGHT NOW!" she roared.

    He was gone in an instant, hastily throwing his now-gray wife beater over his shoulders and covering his bare lower-half with the same dirty shorts as before. The kids had also fled, fearful of Chell's rage. They left her alone as she dialed up Sarah in tears and told her what had happened.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)03:32 No.4904932

    He was gone in an instant, hastily throwing his now-gray wife beater over his shoulders and covering his bare lower-half with the same dirty shorts as before. The kids had also fled, fearful of Chell's rage. They left her alone as she dialed up Sarah in tears and told her what had happened.
    The other girl and her siblings never came back into the room. Josh still followed us around, making faces like some sort of fat puppy that had been kicked.

    "Guys, I think Chell is mad at me...."

    Nobody said a word to him until the rest of the convention.
    His antics continued, much to our displeasure. The other tech guys that weren't Gabe became bros with him because he had 'worked so hard' all weekend at the booth. They gave him a free meal at a local buffet as a reward.
    Josh also had the gall to brag in front of Becca about how much he had done and how little Gabe had done, which nearly sent her into a shitstorm of her own (Gabe practically ran everything because the other guys were so incompetent).

    We were so glad when he left.
    That was the last time we saw him, but I have a feeling he will cross our paths again.
    The whole story has become somewhat of a joke now. Chell is often teased with quotes of, "Hey, Chell, do you have any towels?" and Diego once put his name into Journey lyrics during a karaoke party (One day, Josh will find you...Break those chains that bind yoouu~)
    The end.
    >> Volley 08/29/11(Mon)03:38 No.4904950
    i took a class in high school, i was lucky, my high school didnt have anime weebos, not even in the japanese class. on the other hand...i moved to a new high school in my 10th year...there was no japanese class, but a shit ton on weebos! i was unable to make friends at that school...was not worth it. And when ever i did bring manga/comics to school, they would not shut the fuck up about how much they love animu desu. One day, some chick started talking to me about ouran host club, i told her to stop talking to me, and i disliked that show. So she called me a homophobe and ran off...
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:43 No.4904963


    ...Please tell me that this isn't a coincidence.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)03:47 No.4904975

    Haha it's not. I use false names in my stories and those two happen to love and cosplay those characters. So I used those names for them.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)04:16 No.4905036

    We were more creeped out by the fact that they were completely alone with him naked in the next room. There was a reason why they gave us a 'no minors' rule.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)04:18 No.4905038
    Can somebody post some screen-caps? I want to show my friend the Ursula and Rock-chan story.
    >> Yellow Arrow 08/29/11(Mon)04:19 No.4905042
    That too. My god this is why we all agreed before ACen no strangers.

    Then of course one of our group later on pitched a hissy fit because we wouldn't let a bunch of people in our room and "ACen could have been so much more fun". The same bitch that was about to blow up because she felt she was entitled to a bed, so I ended up sleeping on the floor even though my shoulder had been fucked for a week beforehand and that made it worse.

    But if these threads have taught me anything - cut away the fat. Not going with her, or the other girl next year
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)04:20 No.4905044
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    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)04:40 No.4905082

    Oh my God.
    Oh my fucking God.
    ....No. This can't be real. No fucking way.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)04:45 No.4905089
    I've got one if you'd like to hear it. I'm not sure how it would rate.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)04:46 No.4905091

    Post it! Mine wasn't very exciting, either, so don't worry about that.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)04:50 No.4905093

    I know, right?! I think I may have woken up my upstairs neighbors with my (rather embarrassingly loud), "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

    I'm friends with some people who are not... socially adept? (For lack of better words) But how is there anyone who can even begin to think that doing that is ok?
    >> LacksABetterName 08/29/11(Mon)04:51 No.4905095

    So the other semester I had to take public speaking. I fly under the radar as far as power levels go, so I rarely have the issue of weeaboos coming up to me, but damn, can I spot them. Day one, I show up to class and I'm looking over my fellow classmates and I see a group of 3 and my weeb senses go off. They were all clean and not a obvious scrap of anime contraband on them, but sure enough I'm right. As class papers are being passed out, they keep on talking about the Japanese options on the giant list of possible speech subjects and various animu they love watching.

    Now heaven knows I try to distance myself from this shit, but three days in a girl who was previously sitting by them sniped my former seat, and my eyesight is bad enough that it wasn't worth fighting over a damn seat. So I end up in the east corner of OMG central. The breakdown was simple, you had Mary and Josephina, two BFF girls that I learned could not function without two things in their daily life, each other and Jesus. Oh and there was Puck, this is not a name change, this was his preferred moniker as he was the reincarnation of said mythological character. His words, not mine.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)04:53 No.4905099

    Maybe not "exciting" to you, but absolutely engrossing to the rest of us :) Please tell me you have more stories like that!
    >> LacksABetterName 08/29/11(Mon)04:53 No.4905100
    Class goes as usual day in, day out. Puck is studying his magic books and talking about how he can steal souls. While Mary and Josephina won't shut up about themselves and the Harry Potter fanfiction they wrote. (Still not sure if it was gay or straight, but know for damn sure it was underage.) Josephina did a piss poor speech on Japanese tea ceremonies. Mary threw a fit any time you went within 50 feet of Catholicism with anything less than blind devotion, Josephina would back her up. Puck would try to drag my into conversations about the magic abilities he had and whatever fandom he currently had a hard on for.

    Now for the most part, things were fine, but every so often I had pull damage control and get them to shut up. Mainly because I didn't want everyone in class to think that I was exactly like those three. The worst of this was when I did a speech on the comic book legal defense fund, and if you didn't know, one of the last cases they were involved with dealt with child porn and the guy ended up going to jail for it. Immediately after I finish my speech, those three are freaked out. They are asking me questions, even though they know I have to go talk to the teacher about my speech. When I get back they are all over me with questions about that last case, what types of porn are going to get them in trouble, what they should do to cover their ass legally. They were honestly worried that the government was going to arrest them and throw them in the clink because they (heavily implied) read and own child porn. And every single damn eye in the classroom is on us.

    I was so damn happy when that class was over, I haven't seen the Jesus twins since then, and at least Puck doesn't cross my path that often.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 08/29/11(Mon)04:57 No.4905103

    I do! Two of them were actually posted in screen-caps under the Hipster Ariel story, haha.
    I also post some on my BlogSpot and DeviantArt.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)05:01 No.4905105

    ... Well shit, I guess I'm just not sleeping tonight then.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)05:12 No.4905115

    I don't know why, but I imagined them having the voices of the two unicorns in Charlie the Unicorn....
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)05:17 No.4905118
    Holy shit this thread is terrifying. I was pretty obnoxious in high school, but I calmed the fuck down. Nothing crazy has happened, nor did I ever do anything really bad.

    Keep posting them, guys.
    >> Sue-Doe-Nim !!L6ScjMJugfO 08/29/11(Mon)05:21 No.4905121
    >weirdos freaking out over having drawn CP
    >tell them the govt is scanning computers and the only way to erase all trace is to delete system 32
    >when they go "my computer died!" tell them that they were too late and the govt has seized all their files and the fbi is tracking them down
    >lol as they flee to mexico and you are left in peace
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)05:37 No.4905140
    Keep 'em coming, /cgl/! Less obviously fakes though, please.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)05:50 No.4905161
    What happened? Is she okay now? Did the fat beast who stabbed her with a fork end up paying for all the medical bills, ect?
    >> Ash 08/29/11(Mon)05:56 No.4905172
    K I got one, pretty much met this psycho weeb when I was getting fostered with her. I was the foster child, she was the biological child. It got so bad I did a bunch of things to get placed with another family, which is a shame because her parents were lovely. Want the story?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)05:58 No.4905176
    Why the hell not.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)06:42 No.4905233
    So, I was taken from an abusive home at 11 and put into the childcare system, been a trouble kid all my life. I’ll not get into it but I was sexually abused which is why I was taken from my home. I’d been moved around from home to home but removed often from bad behaviour, couldn’t get on with other kids and got into trouble at school, just acting out and overreacting to sexual jokes most of the time. So I got pulled from my last family for beating the shit out of some kid, I was 15 at this time, the kid I beat up was coming onto me, calling me a fagot etc, so I broke his fucking nose.

    But the school said I had deep anger issues, and couldn’t handle me, so I was moved again. I was in a mass capacity home for two months before a family came to view me, we sat down together and they told them straight up I needed special care, therapy and a lot of love and attention, worried because they already had a daughter.

    They said something along the lines of ‘our daughter has learning difficulties, so we know how to handle such a child.’ So it was arranged I’d go and live with them, and I actually liked it at first.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)06:42 No.4905237
    They lived in a lovely home and let me on the internet all the time, the mother, Catherin, was a bit.. Off, like a bit sharp with me, treated me like a very young child and she treated her daughter the same, but the Dad I really got on with, John. Now when I moved in they gave me a lot of special treatment, it was summer and the daughter was away at camp for a month, so I didn’t meet her at all at first.

    I should have known right off what was in for me, now obviously I was 15 at the time and not that into cosplay, never been to a con as I never had any friends with how much I moved around, but when they showed me the girl’s room it was covered in anime posters, plushies and jrock stuff. I hadn’t met her but got to go in her room the one time when I explored the house with the parents, and thought she must be the coolest ‘sister’ ever, at the time.

    Then she came back.
    >> Sue-Doe-Nim !!L6ScjMJugfO 08/29/11(Mon)06:49 No.4905253
    F5 F5 F5
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)06:51 No.4905258
    >Then she came back.
    Go on..
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)06:54 No.4905265
    I and John helped take her camp bags in as she hugged the mother in her return, the mother will be called Jane for this lol. We drag her stuff up into her room, and then coming down the stairs I see her for the first time. She’s ridiculous. I had no problem with fat girls but she was huge, she told me later she weighed 23 stone, I don’t know how much that is in pounds... Anyway, she was wearing these horrible shorts, showing her fat legs, unable to tell where her knees were, and stretching these black and green stripy socks that went up to her shins, meant to be thigh-highs, also these terrible purple fluffy leg warmers over her socks with Japanese sandals on. Her top was some jrock thing, but I know and remember the outfit so well because she ALWAYS wore it, like every day until her mom made her put it in the wash. So stiffly, I let her hug me and said hello.

    Despite her looks, we actually got in really well at first. We’d sit in her room on the internet for hours, or play pokemon together; the family really thought we made a good brother and sister. I stayed there for the whole summer, four months before school started, and it was going okay, only slight creepiness, like a hobby of hers was reading me fanfiction but I stopped her with the sexual ones, couldn’t handle it. But at school, that’s when things took a turn for the worse.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)06:57 No.4905272
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    >I and John
    >mom will be called Jane


    >the mother, Catherin
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)06:59 No.4905274
    23 stones is 322 pounds.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:01 No.4905277
    Well my bad, CATHERIN/JAN0E, W/E both not her actual name.
    So we caught the bus together and she turned into a real ‘mom’ to me, like telling me the route to school and all these things, where to go, showing me to the principal’s office. I noticed that her friends were the same as her, rather overweight or just greasy-haired with anime backpacks, I noticed they were getting laughed at a lot too. So she dropped me at the principals and got settled in, found my new locker and got on with a few of the guys in gym. I was actually making friends quickly, everyone seemed to think I was alright, and I got on with a rather popular girl, who when I revealed anon was my foster sister, said she felt sorry for me.

    She told me a few psycho things she’d done like apparently touching herself in class, getting into a fight over a fictional character and playing pretend in class and stuff. I put it down to rumour because she’d acted fine with me so far, but it was another warning sign.
    >> Sue-Doe-Nim !!L6ScjMJugfO 08/29/11(Mon)07:01 No.4905278
    >a hobby of hers was reading me fanfiction

    Oh no I think i know where this is going and I hope I'm wrong =/
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:09 No.4905288
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    I bet this current story is the same anon who wrote the story about the boy getting raped.

    I bet it ends up with the boy getting naked in some way.

    I bet it's all fanfiction again.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:11 No.4905290
    I was obviously still struggling at school to fit in socially, surprised at how well it was going but then people started asking where I’d come from, why I was in foster care, and a few of the guys sort of jokingly but harshly teased me about being a foster kid, to which I almost lost it and went for one guy, but the girls actually liked me, I made two female friends right away who kept telling me to calm down at their remarks, and then I became good friends with them and their group. I saw sisterchan about school and had lunch with her a few times but all in all had completely different classes, the school placed siblings apart on purpose. But anyway, it was all a bit awkward with her but I was actually getting on okay, and because of this, sisterchan got jealous and started acting different, like cockblocking me from getting attention from her Mom whenever she wanted to do things with me or give me a hug.

    So I started feeling detached from the family, getting my anger issues back and falling behind in school, becoming antisocial. All because, and I didn’t recognise it back then, she was doing these subtle things to not help me, and to distance me.

    But then the issues with her at home came up, inappropriate things. I was sat on her bed as shee was on the computer one night, me playing her ps2 and her reading me fanfiction. She tried to read me some yaoi inuyasha thing, but I got uncomfortable, sighed and asked her to stop reading that. But she continued, started describing the sex. So I got up and left, went to my room without saying anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:18 No.4905298
    She then gets mad at me saying my issues with sex were just ‘annoying’ and I should get over it. It wasn’t anything too horrible, just these little things like bringing sex up all the damn time, or trying to show me yaoi manga’s. I spoke to John about it saying after one particular bad time with her that I wanted to leave because of it, and he spoke to her about it in front of me, explaining that they needed to get through this with me slowly, not this way, thinking she was trying to help me in some way.

    Things got worse over the year I was there, I won’t get into detail, nothing like rape happened, she was just being a bitch trying to push me to recover overnight. Then when I had a good female friend she made me keep my door open when she was here as though we were having sex together, when we really were just friends, said girl was a lesbian. On my 16th birthday she made me a card from my ‘original family’, she’d cut up a photo I secretly had stashed away of my Mother and stuck it on a folded piece of paper with glitter and shit, basicly ruined it. I was distraught, it was one of only four pictures I had. After that, I didn’t put up with her shit, and she kept pushing sexual things at including trying to make me watch porn with her.

    In the end I ran away for a few hours to get social workers attention, and acted out at school until they rehomed me from there. It was a shame but worth it. I have a much better life now.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:24 No.4905303
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:28 No.4905306
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    Some more capp'd stories
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:30 No.4905309
    does anybody have the one of the guy who posted a pic of himself wounded? he got pulled off his bike by some psycho bitch while on a trip abroad or something? anyone remember that?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:30 No.4905310
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    I remember, it was like a massive friction burn.

    Don't have it though.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:32 No.4905313
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    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:33 No.4905315
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    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:34 No.4905316
    /cgl/, where anyone who writes anything remotely related to child abuse is accused of being a yaoi fangirl making it up to schlick to.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:47 No.4905331
    Does anyone remember the story with the guy who stalked a girl because he believed she was his "elf princess"
    It was because she had a FB account full of LARP or LotR cosplay pics and he thought she was a real elf or something

    It was really disturbing, I've been looking for it forever
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:49 No.4905335
    the 'two guys on underage guy' rape story was fake, your point?
    >> akentin 08/29/11(Mon)07:54 No.4905341
    noo the 15 year old one was real
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)08:02 No.4905351
    You're a horrible, horrible person.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)08:10 No.4905357
    >leave dumb bitch in the middle of nowhere instead of putting up with her shit

    THAT'S how you treat these people.
    I'm also a huge weeaboo magnet despite looking (and acting) normal. I swear the next time some nerd gets on my nerves, it's bitchslap time.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)08:11 No.4905358
    Did you know there's no entry for "gullible" in the dictionary?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)08:18 No.4905364
    >enduring dumb bitch all day despite how uncomfortable good friend is and then offering to give her a ride (in unfortunate friend's car whilst he's driving) and only getting rid of her when she literally induces vomiting.

    No, that's not how to treat these people. Should've shunned her halfway through the con.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)08:24 No.4905373
    >>4905358 "there's no entry for "gullible" in the dictionary"
    what's up with that, I keep reading it on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)08:29 No.4905378
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    >glorious evil thread
    >> JoeAconite !iZduQelv5w 08/29/11(Mon)08:31 No.4905380
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    Tales of Weeaboo Horror

    This is worse than the worst Tales from the Crypt.
    I wont be able to eat tuna for a month.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)08:45 No.4905392

    Unfortunately similar shit happened in my high school class all the time. We have a classmate, let's call him "Anime Fan" who really loves anime and enjoys cosplaying and all that stuff. Fine, whatever. Except instead of listening to our teacher trying to teach, he'd either fall asleep or type up fanfiction on this little mini laptop that he carries with him around all day (the type you play with when you're a little kid) ALMOST EVERY SINGLE DAY. So, he never learned jack shit and when he was actually awake he wouldn't stop asking really silly questions because he slept through all the notes. However, here's the weeaboo moment- One of my best friends who was the captain of the Asian Culture Club got approached by "Anime Fan" and criticized for not talking about and showing anime at the club.

    "No one cares about Asian culture outside of anime, Jesus Christ. That's why my Anime Club is so cool."

    "Uhh. We talk about J-pop and k-pop in addition to discussing festivals. Usually there's snacks or games. It's just an excuse for us to goof off. Why would we show anime when there's your club?"

    "Yeah, well, my Anime Club is better. I bet ACC will die next year once we're graduated."

    I kinda wanna punch babies thinking about that kid. Not everything is about motherfucking anime and manga.
    >> JoeAconite !iZduQelv5w 08/29/11(Mon)08:51 No.4905400
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    We tried forming Anime Clubs in my high school, but met with drama much like the Gunshow Anime Club.

    The fucking Drama still haunts me to this day.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)14:44 No.4905623
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    Hey guys, I'm worried about my friend who moved over to San Antonio for college might have a crazy weeaboo on his hands. He's a nice dude so I'm scared he won't know how to deal with it until it gets even weirder. Can I have some college examples of weeaboo cases to show how crazy these people get? I want to tell him to back away from this girl with some of the examples.

    In return I'll give you his side of the story. Names changed.

    >So yeah, these past 3 days, this crazy anime chick, Kaley has been following me around and texting me. IDK WHY Apparently, she thinks asian guys are the “all around guys” and that anyone race will date an asian person. Well, I DON’T GIVE A SHIT

    >So one night, I was hanging out with Michael and some other people and this Anime gurr texts me outta nowhere and is like, “HEY PHIL! IM COMING TO YOUR APT.!!!” It was my fault for saying “yes” for her to come… So she came and Michael and I were watching the Slender Man Documentary. At first we’re talking and then she gets all touchy and shit on me.. Like seriously nigguh… why?… Apparently she liked me during UTSA orientation.. fkin muthuh futhuhh…

    >Yeah so we start watching the movie then she gets close to me and tries to hold me cause she’s scared. I look at Michael and is like.. “The ffak bro?” Yeah so awkward night.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)15:42 No.4905676
    Your friend sounds like a retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)15:43 No.4905679
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    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)15:57 No.4905698

    Whoa, I didn't hear about any of this. More details, please?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/29/11(Mon)16:03 No.4905718
    Every year for AX, we decide on Day Zero to pregame and get either really blown, or really drunk, or both and then go to Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles in Hollywood. The following has happened in various years:

    * - The only person who knew how to get there one particular year was the most trashed, so we had to rely on the most messed up person to get there. After a few detours we actually manage to get there.

    * - Cosplayed as Luffy on two separate years blown as hell going into a black establishment. The interesting glances and the Huck Finn comments never get old, they get as much of a kick out of it as I do.

    * - Dymatrex forgot to take his meds one year when he rolled with us so while we were all gone, he was hyper so that was pretty hilarious. In a sudden inspiration of funny, he decides it's a good idea to sprint out into the middle of a downtown LA street for the lulz when there was no cars doing god knows what, meanwhile we're all drunk and or stoned going "DUDE COME BAAAAAAAAACK, NOOOOOOOOOOO" But it was pretty funny.

    * - Someone eventually needing to piss on the way there and no available bathrooms means a parking lot is the next best thing. Happens all the time.

    * - The 8 or so of us singing whatever song comes to mind, like a drunk human-amoeba group being loud and obnoxious.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)16:33 No.4905776
    That is not a horror story.

    That is you boasting about how omg awesome your friends are.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/29/11(Mon)16:38 No.4905789

    Oh, that's prolly 'cause we were pretty light hearted about it all. Anyone else would've shat themselves being in a bad part of Hollywood dressed like a Tom Sawyer looking person.

    Nigga we ARE the horror story.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)18:43 No.4906216
    bump because I can't let this gem be on page 4
    >> JoeAconite !iZduQelv5w 08/29/11(Mon)18:56 No.4906267
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    Still repulsed and laughing at all these nightmares.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)21:36 No.4907004
    In response to the Asian Culture Club thing, I actually have a club of my own by the same name at my school. I, as well as at least a few of the members, have a genuine interest in Asian culture. Then there's the idiots. The worst being Pete. No names changes, because I fucking hate the name Pete, and it is his name. Shall I tell?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)21:42 No.4907033
    jesus christ, don't ask, just tell.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)21:45 No.4907049
    Let me get onto my laptop. iPod is annoying.
    Due to the delay, I'll include Pete's sister and her boyfriend who believes he is the badass of his own anime.
    >> UrDollyAssasSIN 08/29/11(Mon)21:55 No.4907103
    >I am the Grorious Presudente of the school's Asian Culture Club. [I teach them asian culture whilst actually just setting up entertaining situations for myself]
    >Usually, I call everyone Club Member, since there is quite a few who I just don't care to remember the name of [also, note many are weaboo-ish]
    >Then there was Pete. I will forever remember, and hate, Pete.
    >It started off with that puppy dog thing. I was going to cook steamed buns and other steam-treats that are typical chinese/japanese/ and misc. fare.
    >Me: I need someone to carry the--
    >Pete: I WILL HALP!!!
    >Me: Kgo.
    >instead of actually helping, Pete fumbles around with things in the home ec. room we are BORROWING, with the teacher still THERE. He repeatedly drops things, all belonging to the teacher, and playing with the oven.
    >Teacher is DEATH GLARING.
    > Me: Pete cut your shit out or so help me god I will put you in the oven.
    >Pete: LOL you're so funny madame president *continues fucking around, more death glare*
    >Teacher: Imokaywiththis.jpeg
    >Hurry to room when done, Pete follows me around non challantly during the rest of the meeting. I wtf, but shrug it off as him wanting to be overly helpful.
    >> UrDollyAssasSIN 08/29/11(Mon)22:08 No.4907166
    I forgot to describe Pete. He's an akward boy, slightly shorter than me and one grade my junior. Fire acne like the Great Chicago Fire is forever remembered by his face. Poof brown hair like an 80s nerd and that hunched over back that distinguishes a beta.
    >few days, weeks pass. Pete continues puppy dog following and eventually finds my lunch table.
    >OHAI president! How are you? Whatcha doin? [eating wtf?] Whatcha eating? [LOOK DAMMIT] We having a meeting soon? [ANNOUNCEMENTS, PETER]
    >This continues for a few days, I get increasingly annoyed,
    >Then... he begins following me around after lunch. One particular day, he seems to want something.
    >Asks me yet another one of his famous barages of questions, which I ignore as usual or shrug off, aswer idk, etc. I turn to my friend Alex, seeking help and talking to him so that Pete gets hint.
    >Alex: Umm... yeah?
    >Alex: Uh... okay....
    >Me: So? He stays. *He just walks in between me and good-buddy Alex* At least Alex is still here....
    > *Unseen by me, Alex walks off in the wrong direction without my guidance, now alone with Pete*
    >Pete: Can I ask you a question, Allie?
    >Me: I don't see why not, you asked me like 20 in the past 3 fucking minutes.
    >Pete: But this one is better! Its not stupid I swear!
    >Me: Hurry up, I don't have all day for another of your damn questions.
    > *small squabble ensues of him being hurt, I tell him I don't even wanna hear the question anymore*
    >Me: I'm going to the bathroom! *duck into nearby restroom, fix hair and pee and stuff, Pete almost followed me in since he was on my heels*
    >> UrDollyAssasSIN 08/29/11(Mon)22:15 No.4907210
    When I finally came out like five minutes later, Pete was nowhere. Thank the gods! But good-buddy Alex had apparently come looking for me. Apparently, he saw Pete stay drinking at the water fountain for a good 3 whole minutes, stand around akwardly, and finally leave when the bell rang. This guy I barely knew was waiting for me.... for a stupid question? This question was finally asked at my next meeting, while we had a relaxed "lets play videogames" day.
    >While everyone was playing Mortal Kombat, Pete walks over.
    >Me: why do you ask to ask a question? we all know you're going to ask anyway.
    Please note that during the many club meetings, I constantly yelled at him because he behaved like a 5 year old and always screwed things up.
    >Pete: Well I've known you for a while now, and you're always really mean and yelling at me...Since you're so Tsundere with me, will you go out with me?
    >I literally envision beating down Pete to a pulp right then and there.
    >Me: REALLY PETE? I yell at you because I FUCKING HATE YOU! You are a waste of space and annoy the living fuck-tits out of me on a regular basis. You are scum.
    >Pete: ....So you don't want to go out? You sure? You act like you like me.
    >Other club members still playing MK, no one really minded me yelling to Pete

    And not another fuck was given that day.
    >> UrDollyAssasSIN 08/29/11(Mon)22:26 No.4907253
    There was also this one guy. Shaggy blonde hair about mid-length to shoulders. Face and nose look like he had been punched. Had to sit next to him due to bad luck in computer class.
    >"Hey Dolly, Hey, have you ever seen [insert lame anime such as naruto here]" and would always whisper random ass weaboo comments into my ear.
    >I don't like to listen if I'm annoyed, begin to ignore his existence completely.
    >"Hey Dolly"
    >......"bitch" *in a very very very low whisper*
    >Me: Excuse me?
    >*remains silent*
    With the lack of him whispering all the time, I got to hear his 'inner thoughts'
    >*him murmuring to himself* The demon inside of me is growing... darkness swallowing me. My true power will be unleashed. [shit like this would be rambled throughout the day, he seriously had this little plot in his head of him as some mega-super-badass character in some anime he created]
    >Me: *talking to his gf another time* Err... your boyfriend talks to himself a lot.
    >Her: He's so cute sometimes! I asked him the other day if he would be jealous if I saw a super cute boy dressed as Link [LoZ] at a con and ran up to him, hugged him, and kissed him. He said he would be jealous, how cute!!
    >Me: umm... no fucking shit? [Also, you're as pizza face as your bro, you would be some poor Link's weaboo horror story if you did that and dragged your creepy bf into it]
    >her: Look at my super kawaii drawings of us!!

    And this is why I am glad those two graduated.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)22:39 No.4907301
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    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)22:39 No.4907302
    Oh God, I had shit like that in my Asian Culture Club (weird, I thought my school was the only one that had a club with that name) and my brother is named Peter and is that fucking stupid.

    I also have a couple stories about my ACC. One of them basically goes:
    >Friend gets elected to VP at the end of his freshman year
    >Has lots of stuff planned for next year to do
    >Over the summer becomes obsessed with trolling
    >Next year comes, he literally just makes power points that sometimes have mean jokes about people in them (example: he put an embarrassing picture of me from middle school in it for no reason other to troll)
    >Gradually does less and less while doing shady stuff like telling everyone to go buy prepaid debit cards if their parents don't like what they want to buy for a gift exchange
    >Outside of club he also starved himself to get a girl to like him, mentioned he's interested in selling drugs (but not doing) for money
    >I'm secretary and tired of him not doing anything, start picking up a lot of the stuff he's been doing
    >Been doing a lot of that since the beginning (organizing AND hosting a party at the last minute, organizing a trip to a con, sending out emails, ect)
    >Notice that the topics of our meetings are rarely interesting for members since we do whatever officers come up with due to none of the members being vocal about anything
    >Be sick, but ask VP to ask the members what they want to do
    >> UrDollyAssasSIN 08/29/11(Mon)22:46 No.4907337
    Ours runs pretty smoothly, but because I am President and founder, and don't have to listen to anyone [even the teacher who is our advisor lets me stay in charge]
    We have done shit like me doing a cooking demonstration and sharing homemade asian food [even made sweet bean paste bread, super good], asian game show day, and soon after we elect our new officers [through a battle of course] we will begin our first meeting of this year learning bushido code, then whacking eachother with foam swords in a samurai roleplay.
    Basically, whatever I come up with that is both informative and fun. Usually its a short but funny lecture by me that leads to an activity.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)22:46 No.4907340
    >Find out that all the members just wanted to goof off and watch anime... despite already doing nothing but that as is
    >Talk to the president (who was also annoyed for the same reason) about it, we give a big speech basically telling them to stop being weeaboos and how insulting it is to call ourselves an "Asian Culture Club" by only looking at a small part of one culture
    >VP looks annoyed for the rest of the meeting
    >VP still doing stupid stuff like telling us "calm down, don't worry about it" with problem members (random senior who only likes Naruto and just comes to hit on girls, annoying hambeast yaoi fangirl who once broke off a desk and pissed off the sponsor with a youtube video so much that she banned anime for a while, and lastly a kid who constantly tried to troll and shout racist shit to piss off everyone)
    >Elections come up, VP comes up with shit to try to disqualify anyone else from running for president
    >Throws a shitfit
    >Steals our sheet with the year's points (we had a point system - get points for doing good things, lose them for bad things. Whoever has the most at the end of the year gets to get stuff like a manga, an anime, a game, or a bunch of pocky at the end)
    >Threw a fit for the year after until he graduated, screaming that everyone voted for their friends
    >Whines that one of his friends didn't want to vote for him and should have because he was his friend

    Goddamn, that shit still haunts from from high school
    >> UrDollyAssasSIN 08/29/11(Mon)22:47 No.4907341
    Gods damn it all, I lol'd.
    You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)22:48 No.4907348
    Ah. Ours was basically anime one week, roundtable discussion led by officers (or anyone really interested in leading) the next week
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)23:05 No.4907435
    Oh, thank you for bringing up this thread, OP, and for once, for not being a total faggot. I'm planning on running a brand spankin' new anime club (actually, the old one died because the original founders graduated and no one else gave a shit). I want to be prepared for any encounters of extreme weeabooism.

    I don't know what the original club did, but I'm making sure that the folks aren't just dicking around and watching anime (mostly discussions about anime/Japanese culture, and run charities at school functions).
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)23:09 No.4907462
    My advice: if anyone seems to REALLY REALLY want an officer position (like they want it TOO much), keep an eye on them. They start sooooo much shit
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)23:29 No.4907553
    I am so glad that I rarely have to deal with shit like that in my club. The worst thing I have to deal with slightly members who don't know how to tell me what they want changed, or what they want in the first place. That and a guy who after he lost the president position now spends a lot of his time badmouthing me and club to whoever will listen.

    It's funny that he thinks I give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)23:35 No.4907575
    Thank you very much for the heads up. As far as I can tell, it seems like organizations that attracts those kinds of people do need to exercise a good amount of control.

    I'm partly doing this because I'm studying public relations and need some experience in event planning. Even if it's something geeky like an anime or gaming club, it would be fun and worth trying in my opinion. Who knows if it would be a group of awkward aspies or a bunch of cool bros who want to geek out once in a while.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)23:42 No.4907599
    >anime club
    >not watch much anime

    Sorry, I don't think that's going to work out very well for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)23:44 No.4907608
    The guy's face literally started twitching the second he didn't win president. The rest of the meeting he just stood in the corner crying to himself. I honestly felt really bad for him, so I told everyone to give him a hug. Later when me and my friends were walking home, he came up to us and started talking about not winning and how he was pissed. Turns out, HE FUCKING TOOK THAT AS AN INSULT FOR SOME REASON.

    I also suggest that if there are any people who seem incredibly enthusiastic and don't know that they're crossing any lines (eg, a member basically acting like the vice president) just politely remind them that they aren't. Might sound crazy, but happens more than you think.

    This depends on how you're running the club, but generally it's good to regularly remind members to approach you with any ideas, that it's just as much their club as it is theirs and it's your job to make the club as good as possible. A lot of members forget this and expect officers to do everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)23:52 No.4907641
    You'd be surprised how boring it gets to do literally nothing but watch anime.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 08/29/11(Mon)23:57 No.4907657
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    That reminds me, I heard that the anime club on my campus is overrun with rabid Hetaliafags.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)00:03 No.4907676
    Yeah, Apparently after the guy didn't win president (but won vice) he bitched me out to whoever. I didn't learn about this till half way through the semester when he finally stopped showing up for club instead of just being unhelpful from the back. I had to deal with that behavior again from some chick who was secretary the next year. Neither of them liked the fact that I had the club members decide what we do instead of just showing whatever each meeting. Can't recall which of the two referred to me as Hitler.

    We've decided to change formats from Asian pop culture to general nerd and geekdom. I have no idea how this semester is going to work.
    >> JoeAconite !iZduQelv5w 08/30/11(Tue)00:07 No.4907683
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)00:10 No.4907691
    >Dymatrex forgot to take his meds one year when he rolled with us
    Rolled as in on M?
    Shiiiiiit I hope he doesn't take anti-depressants.
    >lots of personal experience, shit ain't right
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)00:17 No.4907715
    Wow, sounds even more like my guy. I remember writing some stuff down and packing up after that meeting and saw him talking to two members while pointing at me and making a Hitler mustache. He noticed that I could see him and suddenly stopped.

    But gah, this guy is STILL pissed from what I'm told and still basically says "THE ELECTION WAS STUPID BECAUSE EVERYONE VOTED FOR THEIR FRIENDS. Also, fuck that one guy because he didn't vote for me even though I was his friend!"
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/30/11(Tue)00:19 No.4907723

    Picture Ace Ventura on uppers
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)00:22 No.4907739
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    I'm ready for it.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)00:28 No.4907772
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    The thing with my guy started a few years ago. He's still on campus and he's still pissed at me. He tries to drive everyone away from club like he's then going to be able to sweep in and save the day. Like everyone doesn't know what a douche he is.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)00:44 No.4907839
    >Be President of anime club
    >Socially awkward freshman girl joins
    >Girl has no friends, doesn't even care for anime. Just joined because she wanted to be in something
    >She's incredibly bipolar, flips out over watching an anime she doesn't like
    >Acts like every guy who doesn't hate her = her boyfriend

    >Girl comes to con with us
    >Does a terrible closet cosplay of L
    >Upset that no one takes pictures of her cosplay
    >We freak out, try to deal with her, get help
    >She's fine when everyone gets back
    >Gets all happy now

    >Later is cuddling with some random neckbeard guy
    >Talks about how much she loves him
    >Can't find the guy an hour later
    >Is freaking out
    >Same thing happens

    Turns out, she fakes fainting just to get attention from people.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)01:27 No.4907973
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    >Faking a medical emergency for attention
    This girls' going places when she grows up
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)01:33 No.4907993
    >implying she ever will
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)04:41 No.4908437
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    >Pete: Well I've known you for a while now, and you're always really mean and yelling at me...Since you're so Tsundere with me, will you go out with me?

    i saw that one comming, still, WTF
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)10:25 No.4908778
    I'd have called an ambulance the second time she threw that shit and forced her to go in it. Passing out twice in one day with only stress as a trigger could be the sign of some pretty severe medical condition - so off the the ER for the rest of the night for her.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)12:12 No.4908876
    >Since you're so Tsundere with me, will you go out with me?
    I ran my HS anime club with an iron fist, and my first year was a dictatorship, but people loved me for it because I brought order. I had several confessions over my 2yr reign.
    First was from a guy who thought he was part of the Russian military, was always interrupting me, and one day asked me to speak in private right in the middle of a meeting. He wanted me to look at the anime he was making, and how a character was based off of me, and oh will you go out with me? Told him no, very bluntly, never saw him at another meeting.

    Second guy, lets call him Dave, had some sort of disability. He was in special classes and his face was disfigured, but was a really nice guy and was even my treasurer second term. It was that second year he started getting loopy - wore Naruto gloves all the time, and a headband to meetings. We'd pass each other going to classes, and one day he gave me a paper, then ran off. It was a (traced) drawing of Chii. I said thanks, and that I hadn't actually seen Chobits yet, but I did love her design. Next day, I get another paper. Same traced drawing, except this time she was purple and blue. Then again the next day. Green. Next day, a girl in my science class gives me a note - I got excited, 'cause I'm a lesbian and knew no others, I thought this could be the start of something. But no, it was from Dave. He "wanted to take things to the NEXT LEVEL!!!" because we had "SO MUCH in common!" . Dave was a nice guy, really, and when he wasn't fawning over me, I liked talking to him. I was a shy, awkward thing in high school, I didn't know how to let him down gently and I had a tendency to be very blunt. So I gave him a note: "Dear Dave, I'm a lesbian" . He then started hanging out with Russian kid and they'd kind of stare at me and glare...thinking back, I wish I had handled it differently. Not much of a story, but it's all I got
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)12:44 No.4908908
    We were all pretty nice to her, because we had no way to call her on her weird bullshit without hurting her feelings. Usually when she brought it up we’d just sorta brush it off and change the topic. That night, Mari was all excited because there was a new moon out. She wanted us to go outside and scream our transformation phrases for our fan characters, because she was sure we would turn into magical girls. Kassy, Blue and I are pussy footing around, trying to tell her that won’t happen without hurting her feelings. After a few minutes of this Brunhilda steps in with “Girl, that is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Are you five years old? It’s a cartoon, not reality.”
    Mari was butthurt for days because someone didn’t support her fantasy. Brunhilda was the coolest person in the world at that moment. Does anyone want to hear about Mari’s psycho vampaboo boyfriend?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)12:49 No.4908914
    >Does anyone want to hear about Mari’s psycho vampaboo boyfriend?

    you're on /cgl/ do you need to ask
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)13:05 No.4908943
    I lol'd irl.
    >> DerpyIsMaiWaifu !wf5JJ352J. 08/30/11(Tue)13:47 No.4909010
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    I dated Mari for about a month before I wanted to break up with her. We were together for a while, because I was afraid she would go insane if I broke up with her. When she was a freshman in high school she met Cameron (his real name) and broke up with me for him. I was pretty thankful to the dude, cause he’d taken a large burden off my shoulder. Then I actually met him.
    Mari did some stupid shit, but it was all at least well meant. She was just completely and totally socially inept. This guy, though…I got no excuse for his shit.
    Mari introduced me to him, and he told me he was a vampire, that he had an eye disorder that made it look like everything was on fire, and that he was a thousand years old. I asked by he was still in high school, he called me a pathetic human, and a wonderful friendship was born. Except, by wonderful friendship I mean a mutual desire to poop in each other’s shoes like angry house cats.
    >> DerpyIsMaiWaifu !wf5JJ352J. 08/30/11(Tue)13:48 No.4909012
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    Cameron started hanging out with our social circle, trying to be impressive. We almost never saw Mari without him, which made spending time with her about a thousand times more irritating. Mari believed every word this fuckface said and hung onto it like it was cotton candy spun from gold. He was a ninja, he was born in Japan, he had a demon living inside him, etc. it would be tedious to recount every encounter with this dude, so I’ll give you the top 3 weirdest. The first incident occurred when I had just met him. He, Mari, and I were hanging out with Kassy in his back yard. Cameron starts using his “x-ray vision” to look at Mari’s underwear. She’s squealing and all “eeps, baka hentai~teehee”. Kassy asks him to guess what color her undershirt is. Of course, he couldn’t. He said that was because Kassy’s mind was too dark for him to look into. He was always pulling stupid things like that. He was just sort of a mid tier piece of crap, generally not even worth getting worked up over.
    >> DerpyIsMaiWaifu !wf5JJ352J. 08/30/11(Tue)13:55 No.4909023
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    The second incident was when he and Mari came over to my house. My mom is fairly strict about cleanliness and noise levels, so I usually don’t have people over for very long, because I don’t wanna annoy her. For whatever reason Mari and Cameron won’t leave, so I bring them out into the back yard. Cameron sees my cat and starts meowing at her. She doesn’t respond. Cameron looks up at me and says “Your cat says she hates you.”
    “Wat. No. No, my cat didn’t say anything. She’s a fucking cat.”
    He keeps meowing at Sirius, who keeps…laying there enjoying the sunshine. Apparently my cat was really a demon trapped as a housecat, she was in love with Cameron, and if I loved her I would let him take her home with him. Keep in mind that all I saw of this was some greasy dude going “meow meow? Meeeooowww…mow mow. Nyan? Nya meow meow meow meow” to a sleeping cat who clearly didn’t give a crap. Sometime around then my mom comes out onto the porch to say hi. I introduce Cameron, who interrupts with “Actually, that’s just my American name. My real name Useki” (or something like that). He didn’t look even a little bit Asian. Not the least. Like, if looking Asian is a sheep, he was a pile of dirty laundry. I know that’s a bad metaphor, but I can’t think of anything less similar. Anyway, Mom asks him to say his Japanese name again. He does, and she repeats “wait…your name is You Sucky?” That was the name that stuck for the entire time we knew him.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)13:57 No.4909029
    This is so fucking funny, I want to be your friend now.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)14:04 No.4909038
    Don't let this thread die.
    >> DerpyIsMaiWaifu !wf5JJ352J. 08/30/11(Tue)14:11 No.4909050
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    Now we get to the stabbing!
    A few months into Mari and Cameron’s relationship, he decided she wasn’t allowed to see any of us any more. If he hadn’t been so crazy this would have probably been fine with us, but we were all worried. Even though Mari was a little out there, we were all basically friends (all of us being me, Blue, Kassy, and Brunhilda). She stopped talking to us. We were uneasy, but thought maybe it was for the best. Surely Mari would realize this guy’s idiocy on her own. Over the summer, Cameron started staying in the woods behind Mari’s house. He had a tent, would sneak into her house for food, and…that was it. He was there for two weeks before the stabbing occurred.
    I lived at the end of the neighborhood, and Blue lived near the entrance. Kassy was right across from Mari, whose house was between mine and Blue’s. One evening Kassy, Blue and I are walking up to Blue’s house. Mari and Cameron are sitting on her front porch. We all do the dumbest thing possible and waved at them. We go into Blue’s house, get whatever we were there for, and start back over to Kassy’s. Cameron was standing at the top of Blue’s driveway, holding his hands behind his back. The three of us are kinda “oh shit…” when he says he wants to talk to us. All four of us walk the rest of the way to the neighborhood entrance. We live out in the boonies, so once you leave the neighborhood you’re on this side road that no one ever uses. There’s an empty lot, some farmland, and an elementary school within walking distance. My point is, it was a poorly lit semi-secluded area. I notice he’d been walking strangely, keeping his back to us and keeping his hands behind his back. We get out of the neighborhood, and Cameron started talking about..something. I don’t really remember. We passed under a streetlight, and I hear Kassy shouting. “He’s got a knife!”
    >> DerpyIsMaiWaifu !wf5JJ352J. 08/30/11(Tue)14:22 No.4909076
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    You know how in action movies, when something dramatic happens everything slows down? That’s not what happened. I hear screaming, and next thing I know Blue had decked Cameron in the face, Kassy is on the ground, and I am standing there like an idiot. Cameron did indeed have a knife. He swings and Blue and like a boss I scramble over and bite his arm. /cgl/, have you ever eaten a hot dog that has been in the innards of a dead possum? Neither have I, but I imagine that’s what it was like. I bit him hard enough to draw blood. He drops the knife, which Kassy grabs, and the three of us hike our skirts up and haul balls back to Blue’s house.
    I feel really sorry for her parents. They’re just minding their own business, watching some late night tv, and suddenly three screaming girls burst into the house in various stages of hysterics. I have blood on my face, Blue has it on her hand, and Kassy is just crying. Apparently Cameron really had tried to stab her. Blue’s dad gets us calmed down and her mom calls the cops. When they show up we give them the whole story. They didn’t really do anything, but they did go over to Mari’s house and explain to them about their squatter. Mari’s dad flipped his shit, from what I understand. The next day Cameron’s tent was gone. Mari came to my house later to beg with me to understand Cameron. She said he had a demon inside him and couldn’t control his actions. He had only tried to stab Kassy because he was a vampire and needed blood. She then pulled up her shirt and showed me the places where she had cut herself to feed her boyfriend her blood.
    >> DerpyIsMaiWaifu !wf5JJ352J. 08/30/11(Tue)14:35 No.4909098
    I’m fairly certain I shut the door in her face. I like reading about things like that online, but I wasn’t even a little interested in deal with it in real life. At that point I understood I couldn’t help Mari. She was going to do whatever stupid, crazy thing she wanted, and I was not able to change her mind. Cameron apparently moved before school started back up, because we didn’t see anything of him again. A few months after the stabbing fiasco, I get a note from a stranger on DA. I can’t remember the name, but the account was later deactivated so it’s a moot point. The message is something like “You should really see this” and links to some things in this person’s gallery. They were nude pictures of Mari, with cuts on her body. The account belonged to Cameron, and he was posting Mari’s pictures on it. These weren’t artistic in any way. These were straight up porn of a teenage girl. The rest of his gallery consisted of shitty notebook paper drawings of his “true self” a hermaphrodite demon. I had no clue what the correct response to something like that was. So I wrote down the url, got my mom, and we walked up to Mari’s house. I showed the link to her mom and apologized for causing trouble. This is probably the most awkward conversation I’ve ever had. “Uh, sorry to bother you, ma’am. I’ve got this porn of your kid that I thought you should see.” But I honestly had no clue what to do. This whole thing was way outside my realm of expertise. Her poor mom looked so ashamed. Cameron deleted that account on DA, made another, and sent me a note with links to the same nudes. This time I just printed them out and stuck the sheet under the windshield wiper of Mari’s mom’s car.
    >> DerpyIsMaiWaifu !wf5JJ352J. 08/30/11(Tue)14:40 No.4909109
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    aww man, I forgot my image. I guess you can live without an extra Derpy picture.

    Anyway, that was pretty much the last I heard from either of them. I saw them in the artist alley of a local con. I smiled and waved, and when I went through the artist alley a few hours later they had packed up and left.

    I really hope they broke up and that Mari found someone sane. She had this whole thing about saving cameron from his darkness or whatever, but he was just a fucking lunatic.

    Moral of the story: The police don't do shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)14:41 No.4909115
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    >Now we get to the stabbing!
    Oh my!
    >“He’s got a knife!”
    Aw shit. Glad you three got out of there...
    >She said he had a demon inside him and couldn’t control his actions.
    >He had only tried to stab Kassy because he was a vampire and needed blood.
    >She then pulled up her shirt and showed me the places where she had cut herself to feed her boyfriend her blood.
    >showed me the places where she had cut herself to feed her boyfriend her blood.
    >cut herself to feed her boyfriend her blood.
    > feed her boyfriend her blood
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)15:00 No.4909156
    Days late in replying but that's just utterly a freaky way. I've been hosting panels at AZ for three years so far and never got that level of crazy before. I think I'm actually jealous.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)15:52 No.4909314
    Well, it was a pretty good sized con with actual people there (can't think of the right word for some reason. Paramedic? Doesn't sound right for some reason) and the second time they said she was fine and just thought she tripped or something, which is how we found out she was faking it all
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)20:13 No.4910326
    >Now we get to the stabbing!
    Sweet Jesus

    Any particular stories that need to get capped?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:59 No.4911352
    chanarchive needs 3 more votes.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:19 No.4911582
    Needs more.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:35 No.4911618
    >anime club at school
    >expect weaboos
    >well augusted people who happen to like anime show up
    >everything went better than expected
    >> Mr Kroot 08/31/11(Wed)01:45 No.4911633
    HFG?! Is that you?!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:12 No.4911717
    archive please!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:19 No.4911747
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    >This thread

    That Raven story was some fucked up shit though.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)04:48 No.4912100
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)05:33 No.4912152
    Trying to think of any horror stories that I haven't posted already.

    I guess I could always just post about a now very casual friend of mine that's been a weeaboo on so many levels since the day I met her over ten years ago.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)05:44 No.4912157
    Taking my time to type as I go since it's pretty slow this time of morning.

    I met Kate (name changed) when I was in middle school. At the time I didn't know hardly anything about anime and instead watched Nickelodeon and old shows like M*A*S*H and Little House on the Prairie. I ended up having to sit beside her on the bus one morning and we started talking and our friendship was struck.

    She was older so we didn't share any classes and only had our time on the bus together. She pretty much introduced me to anime and unfortunately made me an anime fan in her image...but thankfully not to her extent of weeabooness (though I didn't know that term at the time).

    She would go on and on about the anime that was on Cartoon Network and Toonami at the time, and I remember one time we sat behind the bus driver and she would pretend to channel anime characters like some bizarre psychic medium and begin talking like them without ever once controlling her volume so that the bus driver kept giving us irritated looks in the mirror. Of course even I was embarrassed by it but played along anyway because she was my only friend at my new school and I was completely in awe of her knowledge of anime and Japan, a place I had never even given a second thought about before meeting her.

    Well, eventually I began to hang out with her after school as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)05:53 No.4912161
    It was only after I began to really hang out with her that I began to notice how odd she really was. Her room was filled with items like dreamcatchers, crystals, books on Wiccan and spells and stuff. Of course she also had manga and numerous Japanese items like fans, posters, bonsai trees, etc.

    She was completely shameless about her body and felt no problem about walking around nude or nearly nude...even at conventions as I would later learn. She would dress as characters that revealed skin and thought nothing of having her breasts exposed under see-through tops with only pasties on and at one convention created her own fem version of a Bleach character in a skimpy outfit and wouldn't listen to any of us when we tried to tell her it was too revealing and then got huffy when staff made her change.

    Of course, this was just the tip of the iceburg when it came to her uniqueness. She was obsessed with Sailor Moon for the early high school years each of our friends was assigned a Sailor Scout persona and we would roleplay them in my backyard or at one of their homes. It's very embarrassing to think about now.

    Though I barely remember the details, I do remember a time where she claimed to have a demon inside her or something similar but that was around her Wiccan phase as well. She would cast spells on the people at school that angered her and was getting into fights on the bus and even bit one person that made fun of her.

    Of course, I always assumed she'd calm down as she got older and found a boyfriend. Nooooope.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)06:00 No.4912167
    Her boyfriend was well...I think the term here is neckbeard. Stubble and days growth on his face and neck, always greasy hair that made me wonder if he ever bathed, and he always wore worn down clothes and a long trench coat.

    By now, we were the Saturday mall crowd. They would all get together and go to the book store to play Yu-Gi-Oh and read the mangas and be loud and obnoxious. I didn't play but I joined them because they were my friends even though by then I knew I wasn't as odd as they were. Kate wore clothes she often bummed off me because they were black or gothic looking, her boyfriend would sit beside her and work on this D&D style game he created, and another girl that was Kate's friend would play cards or write her hetero fanfiction. Both Kate and her boyfriend were into vampires by now and her boyfriend seemed to think at times he was one and when we were at Kate's house, they would play with her dagger collection and even press the blades to each other and pretty much act like they'd go at it right in front me.

    By the time I slowly began to edge away from her as a friend is where her weeaboo stage peaked...but not in the usual way. At least she managed to be classy about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)06:10 No.4912173
    Kate was into anime and manga but she was a true Japanophile. She learned barely any Japanese (spoken or written) but acted as if she had taken courses on it. She put kanji on everything and held a massive collection of Japanese pottery, fans, umbrellas, anything she could get her hands on.

    She began buying kimonos even though she could barely afford them because they're so expensive and wore a pair of too small geta with regular socks that had stretched between her toe because they weren't the Japanese socks you wear with geta.

    She began to dress and act like a geisha, became obsessed with geisha culture and dressing in kimono and how to do tea ceremonies and how to bow and stuff. She would go to conventions in her kimonos and act like she was superior whenever she passed culture guests and pestered the Japanese clothing dealers by chatting to them nonstop. She made 'geisha jewelry' out of cheap plastic beads and wire and sold them under a Japanese name she came up with herself (on actual business cards).

    By then I rarely saw her since I moved out of state and sort of fell out of the information loop. She's probably still the same though.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)06:18 No.4912183
    Lol Derpy. You wouldnt happen to live in Florida wouldja? I may know this guy.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)06:23 No.4912190
    /k/ here

    First time here.

    Who gives a shit who likes what and what you dislike for someone else liking something?

    No srsly, who gives a shit? Anon? Do you give a shit? /cgl/ is more boring than i thought.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)06:25 No.4912195
    I believe your board is that'a way.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)06:46 No.4912221
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    Well, i don't get what's so interesting about /k/ neither, you know.
    /o/ is even worse, cars ... come on, they're just used to drive with, don't jack off to them.
    >> CaptainCrippleArm !yvOvBhb4F2 08/31/11(Wed)07:01 No.4912234
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    I'm not sure you're trolling or just being an idiot.
    >> SunshineMcHappy 08/31/11(Wed)07:36 No.4912258
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    I thought I was a bitch before I met this particular weaboo. I'll call her L

    We met each other through a mutual friend on the school bus. She was really into Naruto and wore her head band to school everyday. I had one too, but I don't think I've ever sat through an episode of Naruto in my life. She also wore socks on her arms to look like that girl from Bridge to terabeithia. Her bedroom wall was covered in all these characters she "created". Most of which looked exactly the same just with different hair styles and clothes. We were both really into drawing, which I thought was really cool at first. But she got scarily/ borderline batshit crazy competitive as the years went by. In art class we used to joke around by saying things like "mines better" but we were never being serious (at least I wasn't). When we got into high school, she started going fucking crazy. Every time we had art class she would go on loud rants about how I was trying to 'steal' her style, even though it was just a mix of disney and anime. I once made the mistake of telling her that I didn't really want to be an artist, I wanted to be a singer/ actress.
    >> SunshineMcHappy 08/31/11(Wed)07:37 No.4912261
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    TANGENT: we had a mutual friend who was a pretty good musician and L went from being a close friend to her to absolutely batshit insanely obsessed with her. She even made a shine dedicated to her "music goddess" complete with fan art, fan fiction and everything.

    Back on track. So one day we were sitting in art class and L LOUDLY tells everyone in the class that it was my dream to be a singer/ actress. L than pulls out a CD of our friend recorded and puts it on full volume in the class CD player. She then tells the whole class how I'm trying to steal our friends spot light and that I'll never amount to anything. I should also mention that this was final project time. She then grabs her paint palette and slams it paint side down on my artwork. She starts screaming at me: "YOU WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS I AM, YOU'RE A CRAZY COMPETITIVE BITCH. YOU'RE TONE DEAF AND YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL ME AND RUIN OUR FRIENDS REPUTATION. I HATE YOU. STOP TRYING TO BE ME".
    >> SunshineMcHappy 08/31/11(Wed)07:39 No.4912264
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    I thought it would have ended there because I left the school pretty much the next day. But no, as luck would have it we both signed up to do the same college course which was animation. When I saw her again, she was really friendly and I figured she'd just gotten over it. Wrong again. I had numerous people telling me after the first week that L was spreading rumors about me to other students (really? I thought college was for grown ups) and going on YET AGAIN about how I was trying to steal her style and that she was going to kill me if I looked at her sideways. So, I left that college and now I'm studying acting and singing. I still see her post things about me on deviantart and her blog about how she thinks I'm plotting to kill her and take credit for her "distinct style of drawing".

    To this day, I still don't know what I did to make her so angry.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)07:42 No.4912265
    Links. Provide them.
    >> SunshineMcHappy 08/31/11(Wed)07:49 No.4912268
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    delicious screencap good enough?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)07:52 No.4912270
    Can we see some of her art?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)07:54 No.4912271
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    They would be...if they were real. All I had to do was Google the blog entry name.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)07:56 No.4912275
    Oh, and I hope you learned to wear and brush out your wigs since then. That one looks tangled and like it's about to fall off your head.
    >> SunshineMcHappy 08/31/11(Wed)08:03 No.4912283

    god damnit, I was hoping I had you guys for a second there
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)08:05 No.4912288
    It was a bit of a stretch after the last part about destroying your art and you leaving school the next day. Good try though!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)22:04 No.4914534

    Saw the blog and she seems really cute and nice sweet person
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)23:31 No.4914970
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    Georgia, actually. ;-; I hate it here. If you've got any good stories about the dude, post 'em!
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)06:11 No.4915862
    Georgia has a lot has a lot of "you know whats"
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:45 No.4918119
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    you already know
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:49 No.4918142

    I'm surprised that this thread is still in existence of its original posting date. Thank you, anons, for your advice. Keep 'em coming if you will.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:56 No.4918160
    Ah, shat. Entered too soon. Most likely, I'll run it and has the assumed position as president and then towards the end of the semester when everyone knows each other better, and hold an election as well as appoint office positions for those who are actually capable of handling an aspect of running the club. I will definitely keep in mind of clear guidelines and what I expect to happen and not happen in the next semester.

    I will definitely make sure that people aren't just there to dick around and watch anime at every meeting. If they want to do that, go home, because the club is meant for socializing and taking part in school charity events.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:16 No.4920202
    archive this shit!
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/02/11(Fri)12:17 No.4920207
    It already is. :l
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)19:46 No.4921592

    awesome then well carry on...

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