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  • File : 1314341820.jpg-(30 KB, 431x339, starla.jpg)
    30 KB Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:57 No.4893628  
    ITT: Cosplayers you wish you could shoot in the head pulling stunts that makes you regret that choice simply because it's not painful enough.

    Very related: Starla.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:58 No.4893632
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)07:23 No.4893930
    This so much. Just seen this and what a waste of video space. Not sure what is the aim of the video other than to show how bad they are. Who is the Sebastian?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)07:52 No.4893956
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    I think my reaction would have been the same as the guy in the back....
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)07:57 No.4893960
    Ha ha ha. I agree. Thankfully, I don't have to put up with her derp face as I live in a different country.

    Have you watched the other videos? I don't get the one in the bathroom.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)08:06 No.4893967
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    >blows nose on hanky
    >passes hanky to toilet
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)08:13 No.4893973
    Really! so very bad. Has she done anything that has actually been any good video wise?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)08:49 No.4894003

    Prepare your
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)09:02 No.4894014
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)09:33 No.4894033
    Holy fuck! That's a part of my life that I'm not getting back.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)09:58 No.4894049
    i don't know her that well, but she's already annoying the shit out of me.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)05:35 No.4897562
    Believe me, she is very annoying. Thinks that everything she does is amazing when in actual fact its shit. Wish I could say that I have liked something she has done cosplay wise. Nothing springs to mind.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:13 No.4897912
    See, I don't really care about Starla, therefore I cannot really say she annoys me.

    But what annoys me here is the fact her little friends and herself are making fools of themselves in public places, and in cosplay..... Hence making cosplayers look like retards again....

    Their videos are not even funny, they are sad... They make me really, really sad.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)15:28 No.4898608
    I agree. I don't really care about Starla and her little band of friends. What bothers me is that she is filming this in public thus creating a bad reputation for cosplayers. Especially with them being such bad videos. I personally wouldn't do anything like this unless I planned it out well and had some kind of theme to it. I bet she didn't even get permission to film in the locations.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)15:46 No.4898646
    So why is she suddenly best friends with her bud who used to be her dead brother again?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)16:42 No.4898788
    Not sure but I did notice that. Maybe they were able to sort something out. Personally I think its great that they are able to be civil again. Not sure what happened between them but it must have been something pretty serious if she was going around telling quite a few people that he had died.

    Just watched the video. Holy Fuck! Can't believe how bad it is and that they think that its good.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)17:08 No.4898844
    Wait a sec, her brother isn't dead? Now is confused.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)17:12 No.4898854
    The Parle Productions idiots just for their fuckery with Demyx Time and Spoonychan/Arxaith before they broke up. They went into a Spencer's gift as Vexen and Zexion among other wtf.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)17:15 No.4898865
    Those two cosplayers who invaded that Japanese-American market.

    I wish I had the video to show you.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)17:18 No.4898872
    Tbh, I'm sure there are plenty of videos like it if looked hard enough. Quite frankly can't be fucked looking.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)17:21 No.4898885
    I know, but this one had a particular way of tugging at the ol' rage strings.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)17:32 No.4898925
    It dose. Not sure if I've seen the one you mean. Is it worst than this Starla one?
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)07:08 No.4900970
    Curious, who is this Starla and why are you posting a shit video from her? From what I've seen of the video is like most shit tier cosplay videos. Not much special there. Is she a famous cosplayer or something?
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)07:15 No.4900973
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    I would not go that far as saying I would shoot her in the head, but I cannot stand that girl, Bell/Calssara/Marino (member of Team Germany WCS 2011)

    To be honest, I don't know the girl personally, but her behaviour on the internet is really pissing me off... Reading her dA journal or her blog gives me the puke. She really is THE example of the spoiled little girl who cries whenever she cannot have what she wants. She looks like a horrible person to be around.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)07:18 No.4900977

    Not 'famous' as such, but northern european cosplayers know of her. But not because of her cosplay skills I'm afraid.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)08:57 No.4901047

    Crazy, Stalker, Cheat. These three words sum up Starla so well.

    Crazy because she thinks you can be a professional european cosplayer. (She gets bonus crazy points for also thinking her horse face could merit "professional" status.)

    Stalker because if you cross her, even unintentionally, she will follow your every move online and make blogs about you.

    Cheat because she blatantly cheated her way into the EC 2010 finals, and blatantly let her Dutch friend take one of the Belgian slots this year.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)08:57 No.4901048
    Ah right, wait a sec, is she one of the crazy Queen Esther cosplayers from Trinity Blood? I did a search on her and nearly all the pics are of those costumes. One of my friends did point out to me that she is mainly known for causing drama rather than her cosplays. Is that true?

    I was wondering why a random video was being posted. Didn't know she was in to anything else except Trinity Blood. Thanks for answering, anon.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)09:29 No.4901068
    I just. . . what
    there are no words
    what the fuck just happened
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)09:29 No.4901069
    lirin and genesis. awful cosplayers, persons and they are ugly and fat to top it all.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)09:30 No.4901070
    Really! Best stay clear of her then. Thankfully, I don't know of her.

    If this video is anything to go by then she isn't anything special.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)09:35 No.4901077
    Link to da? I want to see.

    Thinking the same thing.

    Yes she is. She does think she is famous. I did expect more when she did post them on her da journal. I was more like 'wtf'!
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)10:06 No.4901134
    Your lucky you don't know her or of her. One of best friends has had the misfortune to know her pretty well and end up getting attacked by her. Tbh, the video pretty much sums Starla up. She has no respect and is no where near as good as she thinks she is.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)10:23 No.4901154

    She's special alright, just not in the way she desires to be.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)10:56 No.4901211
    Ha ha, very true. Thanks anon. That did make me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)11:05 No.4901225
    Kind of for here, but very related:
    >> KodaK !DU8.7nfCkU 08/28/11(Sun)11:17 No.4901251
    Well, a friend of mine is good friends with Starla.
    Starla now comes to the UK to visit friend every single MCM expo to cosplay Kuroshit with them. I have met her a couple of times, seemed like another run-of-the-mill hyper kurofan until someone stated how old she was.

    Only bad encounter, however was in a hotel room, I let her see a buster sword I had made, [for another friend] and she started swinging it around like she was 'ttly in-game'. Needless to say, it smashed into the ceiling, and the tip broke off. She apologized afterward, though.

    She seems nice enough, and only as immature as the rest of the weebs you get at MCM.
    >> SA !5AiUJqw0GM 08/28/11(Sun)11:37 No.4901296

    Is this the one you meant?
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)11:52 No.4901331
    You are lucky. You got the nice version of Starla. Sadly, I've seen the crazy version. Yes, she is very much like the other weebs at MCM except for how old she is. Considering how she acts her age does surprise me.

    Now that is just retarded. I only watched the first few moments and that was enough for me to get the general idea. Why do weebs do these videos?
    >> KodaK !DU8.7nfCkU 08/28/11(Sun)12:03 No.4901357
    Jesus christ, that's just offensive. If those two tried anything similar anywhere else, they'd get beaten up.

    Define crazy...
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)12:06 No.4901368
    Wait-- how old is she?
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)12:22 No.4901407
    >kawaii, kawaii everywhere
    i laughed, but i lost my shit at the same time.
    goddammit man.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)12:23 No.4901409

    She outright attacked another attendee at MCM. She made a stalky blog about the same person. She made up stories about a deceased brother. She thought she'd get away with entering bought costumes into big comps.

    That enough of a definition of crazy for you?
    >> KodaK !DU8.7nfCkU 08/28/11(Sun)12:57 No.4901517
    Fair do's on everything else, but is the deceased brother made up, or legit?
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)13:03 No.4901544
    Hnnnggg thank you for that Jensen pic
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)13:21 No.4901599
         File1314552099.jpg-(188 KB, 600x1061, una_iterum_by_xxxstarlaxxx-d46(...).jpg)
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    but she does love his gay ass, but hey for a 31 year old,she gots to grab what she can
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)14:08 No.4901732

    The brother turned out to not be deceased... oh, and not actually her brother.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)14:20 No.4901754
    Francesca Dani is European and she's a professional cosplayer. She gets paid off wearing cosplay and has even made cosplay advertising in Japan. Being a professional cosplayer is possible, is just not for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)14:24 No.4901762
    All small time.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)14:40 No.4901811
    not exactly what you asked for, he isn't wearing cosplay

    still awesome though
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)17:52 No.4902293
    Dead bro ain't dead!!! He came back from the ground where he was reposing in peace!!!

    Man I can't believe now she makes the 'dead bro' reappear like nothin' eva' happened. He ain't dead, hurraaaayyyyy! No, seriously, I am curious to see how they will justify that
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:17 No.4902337
    Early 30s.

    Wtf! Strange people is strange. Why video a shopping trip for foam? Its ok to share with friends but not with the world.

    I did notice that she has disabled comments on the pic that >>4901599 posted. No doubt to stop the billion posts of 'Oh look, he's not dead. Explain that one'.

    Nope sorry, Starla, we're not fooled.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)19:33 No.4902541
    Who is she? Never heard of her. Wasn't aware that there were professional cosplayers outside of US/Japan. Possible to see pics please.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)02:53 No.4904750
    you can say that a thousand times and she'll still deny/hide/lie and then call people like a whiny bitch "oh no anon took it on me again" ilied.jpg i actually liked it!
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)06:31 No.4905219

    I wonder if ke knows though... 'hey Wardje, glad to see you're alive. Btw, I hope you don't mind, I told some friends you were my dead brother'.

    Seems like an awkward think to say hmmm...
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:02 No.4905279
    I don't think he is aware. I think if he was he wouldn't have gone back to being her friend again. Or maybe he does and they have discussed it. Who knows. You can find him on da and ask.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:18 No.4905299

    >>~Hauptsturmfuhrer Sep 9, 2009
    If you had faced her true appearance no words would cut u deep enough to understand what she inflicts to people. I don't intend to give examples here on the internet, like she did. I don't even want you to believe me. There is no energy left to be put in that woman.

    What he says about her is quite strong... Hope they worked something out
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)07:49 No.4905336
    Yes, I spotted that. I wonder what she did to him to make him post such a remark. Looks like they made up or something.

    Maybe she will calm down and stop upsetting other cosplayers or making such shitty videos.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)08:10 No.4905355
    Oh I see, the 'dead brother' is in fact a best friend she had a major falling out with and now they are back together. Why did she even state that he was dead and her brother? Some lame ass need for attention or something.

    I did hear that she dedicated her Rose Queen costume to 'her dead brother' at EC last year but didn't know that he wasn't real.

    So far the only reasonably decent video she has been part of it this one Don't think she actually made it though.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)08:47 No.4905395
    That video is much better than the one the OP has posted. But I have a suspicion that even though its on Starla's channel on youtube she didn't actually make it. Has she even credited who did?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:49 No.4905465
    what do you mean by "blatantly let her Dutch friend take one of the Belgian slots this year" ? The girl who won with her red dress at Antwerpcon is... Dutch ? and she can represent Belgium ?!!! O_o
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:53 No.4905470
    How can Starla not have made it when Starla's the shit Ciel?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)13:51 No.4905604

    Starla likes to bend rules to breaking point. There's no actual hard written rule about who a country sends, it's more of a "God, you have to be stupid not to understand that a country has to send one of it's own citizens" rule.

    Previous theory was that Starla's only done it so she can slime her way backstage to "help" the girl. It's pretty obvious though that the EC crew are trying everything in their power to diplomatically avoid her though, since they didn't give the event she cheated at last year the EC qualifier status. She just got around it though by shoving her horseface into another event. She seems desperate to be "Miss Eurocosplay", but it's not really working out as well as she hoped.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)15:37 No.4905659
    She's the most famous and remarkable female European cosplayer from the 90'-2006. She won WCS once too, and now she's a cosplay model and has a designer career on her own. If you like to take a peek at Japanese cosplay related stores, sometimes you can find her advertising circle lenses or wigs. She was bitched over here during a few years along with Kipi, is still invited as the main honor guest at events all around the world, and her photos are all over the internet. In fact, there's a thread here right now with her cosplaying as Chun Li as the OP post picture. She's the only cosplayer of the world allowed to have a wikipedia article due to her enormous influence not only in the cosplay scene, but the entire geek scene in all the planet. I remember her being one of the fist cosplayers doing it right back then, one of the few that didn't make me want to use bleach on my eyes. I find very weird you never heard of her I just thought you were trolling.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)15:39 No.4905667
    first*, ROFL.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)15:42 No.4905677
    herping my derp to the max, even the link is wrong:
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)16:40 No.4905792
    Just because she appears in it doesn't mean the video was made by her. I have appeared in videos that aren't mine but I do post them online. I always credit the camera guy and the people who edit it. Then again isn't Starla good at taking credit for someone else's work.

    I think the qualifiers have to have a passport in order to travel to the final. Pretty sure it has to be from the country you are qualifying from. No one from the EC seems to be confirming this though.

    Yes, she does seem to have a massive hard on for Eurocosplay. No idea why. It does appear that the EC is trying to make sure that she doesn't get a chance to appear at the final. I'm sure she will find a way though.

    I'm new to the anime cosplay scene. I'm from science fiction and fantasy costume scene. So I haven't heard of her. I did look her up and yes, I have seen her in images so I do know who she is even if I don't recognise the name.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)18:37 No.4906185
    Thanks for the information, anon. I did wonder whether or not she knew about this. I don't know her so wasn't aware what her current situation is with regards to her change in nationality.

    Personally, I feel that she shouldn't have gone through as it does mean that a Belgian has messed out on a place in the final that should be rightfully theirs. I didn't see all the other contestants there but I am guessing that there were a couple that could have gotten the place.

    I don't think its entirely her fault. She should have been made aware of the rules. The rules should have been made clear for all.

    I do think that this has ended up being some sort of game that Starla is playing. She should have been aware that sending a non-Belgian (at the time of qualifying) was a bit strange and that it may have angered the Belgium cosplay community. Therefore making her even less popular. She has competed before herself and would have been aware of the rules/guidelines.

    A few of my friends and myself do wonder if Starla is trying to get to the Eurocosplay through someone like Idromy. Its a shame as I think that Idromy's costume is good and I would like to see what she brings to the final. I hope this is all sorted for her in a way that pleases most people.

    Certainly goes to show that people like Starla should not have any involvement with any finals of a large scale competition. She should just stick to her little band of friends and silly videos as they don't really affect anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)18:40 No.4906200
    Derp! That should have read, "a Belgian has missed out on a place" not messed *facepalm*.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)19:54 No.4906484
    >But as for the principle, the fact she has been selected to represent 'Belgium' to the EC while she was not Belgian is a little bit weird.

    I'm living in France since 15 years ago, but I was born in Italy, and I feel myself french and italian. But I don't have french nacionality. It means I can't apply for WCS or Eurocosplay for only don't have a paper although I live here and love the country?

    I don't know if it's Starla case too, but I find ridicule you can't represent your country because you don't have a paper.

    Yeah, maybe I should take my french nationality, but family doesn't aproves it. Sorry if I sound rude.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)21:20 No.4906887

    well, sorry mate, but no, you can't. Just as you can't vote for French elections because you're not French. Just as not french persons cannot play in the national football team.

    But it's really not about feeling like you belong to a country or another but about respecting the rules. They are there for a reason, otherwise I might feel a little bit like belonging to Latvia and have a little more chance winning myself a spot at the EC next year
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)21:22 No.4906906

    + WCS strictly requires a French passport for French representatives.

    So if you want to compete, you'll be refused the subscription, you'll have to compete for Italy. Or if you really feel french, then you'll have to obtain the french nationality before competing. Just as you have to be a french player (of french nationality on the day of team selection) to play in the french team
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)08:39 No.4908668
    While I understand why you must be upset, rules are there for a reason. What's the point of having it as different countries competing if no one is actually from those countries. Might as well be just a regular cosplay competition. As Eurocosplay and WCS are competitions that are about the best in Europe/World then each country must have someone from that country to represent them. Part of that is to be able to prove it by papers/passport.

    I can understand the need for it. Put it this way. I was born in the UK and have French family ties. If I wanted to compete for the French place then I would have to apply for French papers. As, I know how much of a pain that can be I most likely won't. This means I can only compete in the UK selectors.

    Basically, by Starla letting a Dutch girl take the second Belgian place she has shown a disregard for those rules and what the competition represents. She has also upset the Belgium community who feel that someone who is actually from Belgium should have had that place.

    There is no guarantee that Idromy would get her papers in time for the final as they can be delayed for various reasons. Therefore, I feel she shouldn't be allowed to compete.

    Both her and Starla by doing this have shown a poor lack of judgement with this. Also they have taken an opportunity for a Belgian to be in the final.

    This is yet another reason why Starla will continue to be unpopular. She shows no respect to rules and no respect to the community she is part of. In fact the video the OP has posted shows her for exactly what she is, another weeb cosplayer with no real talent.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)09:20 No.4908713

    Maybe you or another anon could bring light on my question: what I don't understand is why the rush for Idromy?

    She got refused to the 1st Belgian EC qualifiers (roughly 1month before Starla's) because she didn't have the Belgian nationality, and they considered that planning to ask for the papers wasn't enough to allow her to compete and that she would have to wait maybe for 2012 when she would be Belgian (because as previous anon said, being a country's national is kind of the goal of EC/ECG/WCS contests). So surely she knew the principle must have been the same for the 2nd qualifiers 1 month later.

    So why didn't she just wait for 2012's qualifiers when everything would have been legit?

    I think the Belgian community likes her, it's not the problem. But why that rush to take part to 2011's EC qualifiers in Belgium, while she was still Dutch? You know what I mean, she could have tried the Dutch qualifiers for this year (there was one more last weekend) and then tried the Belgian one in 2012.

    So if Idromy or anyone who actually knows is reading: why did she choose to compete for Belgium so soon when she was aware there was a problem with her participating to a Belgian selection and not being of that nationality yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)09:26 No.4908720
    Maybe something has come up for her that means she can't compete next year. But have to admit now that you have asked it, anon, I am now curious to the rush to compete this year.

    I would have loved to compete this year but with several large commissions at work I can't. It hasn't bothered me since I figured I can compete next year. Plus, it gives me more time to make something even better.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)10:37 No.4908797
    Hang on a sec, so she knew she wasn't legit yet entered anyway. I thought it was an error on the organisers part (Starla).

    But entering when you know your not legit is a bit dumb.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)10:43 No.4908804

    it would make sense, anon. But she was still free to compete this year for the Netherlands anyway...

    So I wondered why Idromy is acting like she didn't expect it was against the rules when she got told she should wait to have her papers to compete for Belgium?

    Coz surely, Starla cannot always be blamed for everything, it's not fair. I think Idromy is equally in fault because she knew she could normally not compete for Belgium in 2011.

    But anyway, nothing is going to happen, Idromy is going to represent Belgium in London, whatever happens. I just think it wasn't fair from her part either, let's not always blame Starla who is a very easy target.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)10:44 No.4908805

    Maybe the 2nd organiser told her it was all right to compete? No idea...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)10:49 No.4908811
    1. She either didn't know and it was an error on the part of the organizers.
    2. She knew and is using it to build a fanbase and for public relations....look at those idiots from the American show Jersey Shore.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)10:55 No.4908813
    Now to defend Starla a little bit, I think Idromy was an obvious winner for the EC qualifiers.

    Her Carmilla is still not one of the best Carmillas ever. But she was up against

    a) the most horrible Mistress of Pain the world has known
    b) a cosplayer named Evangelyne who is not really nice and whose costumes are always a bit crap
    c) a cosplayer we don't even know dressed as Gisele from Enchanted
    d) Starla's matey mate Asten who pulled off the most terrible Gippel known on eath
    e) Mysteriousmaemi who never makes anything herself but basically wears costumes her seamstress mom is making for her and makes the accessories

    There wasn't anyone who had real EC potential amongst the contestants. Dinotiste, Paine, Muralu were busy getting ready for the ECG, and ShamanRenji, Saya and all those guys didn't have a new costume to enter.

    So I respect Starla's choice, because Idromy was by far the best of the bunch.

    And a lot of people didn't know Idromy wasn't Belgian until she mentionned it, so maybe Starla didn't know Idromy wasn't Belgian either
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)10:56 No.4908814
    Tbh, I think a lot of people are blaming Starla because they didn't know that Idromy knew she shouldn't really compete unless she was Belgian. Most understood it as that Idromy was refused from the first qualifier but was allowed into the second qualifier by Starla. Most believe it to be it was because Starla wants a way into the EC and Idromy is a friend. To be fair Starla hasn't been the most respectful of cosplayers and as a result people are blaming her for this. With Starla's history its easy for people to blame her even if something isn't entirely her fault.

    If Starla didn't want any blame she shouldn't have let Idromy compete. She should also be better behaved generally and be more respectful of the community that she is so desperately trying to be popular in.

    I was taught from a very young age that if you want to be seen then you must respect the audience/peers that you want to be popular with. I have no issue if Starla wants to be a popular cosplayer (everyone seems to want it these days) I have a problem with how she is going about it. Cheating, lying and stalking are not good ways. She needs to be more humble and respectful. Once she is then people might stop blaming her for things and start actually respecting her.

    Respect is earned not brought/stolen.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)11:07 No.4908820
    Fair enough, the selection wasn't great but one of those had more right to be selected than Idromy. Yes, she was the best in the selector but she shouldn't have been given the place if she wasn't legit.

    I agree that it might have been entirely possible that Starla and the other organisers didn't know that Idromy wasn't Belgian. But I'm not quite buying that as it is known that Idromy is Starla's friend. Therefore it stands to reason that Starla would have known of Idromy's nationality. To be honest, both are equal to blame for this. As a result of it they have brought drama to the EC and have demoralised the Belgians.

    While I agree that Starla shouldn't be completely blamed for this she should accept some of the responsibility as the organiser of that particular selector.

    Most likely the EC will run as is with Idromy taking place. It will be noted in judging about her status. Both will be told that they can't take part in future ECs.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)11:31 No.4908843

    Wait... you're saying that her wonky costume making skills have EC potential?... Sorry, all Idromy is getting is a free trip to London. It's pretty obvious that there's about a dozen qualifiers already announced that are way better makers, a couple of which are god tier.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)11:32 No.4908845
    Probably worth just setting up an Eurocosplay thread. Not sure anyone wants it related to the video derpyness posted at the top.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)11:33 No.4908846

    Go to the MCM forums, there's a sub forum with all this years announced qualifiers.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)11:40 No.4908851
    I have to agree here. Idromy is good but not great. I can see that several people have far better chance than her to place in the final.

    I think that she is just trying to build a fanbase. Either that or as a previous anon said, help get Starla in.

    I have to say I don't know much about this Starla. All I have heard is the bad stuff. Is there anything she has done that is good? What are her costumes like? She must have done something good otherwise she wouldn't have been allowed to run the second selector.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)13:03 No.4908934
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    pic related, that's mysterious.

    She has a collection of good costumes, but her maw made pretty much all of them (excpet for the crap Jasmin I believe).

    The cosplayer on the photo is no better, actually, she is as fake as fake can be. She will always tell people what they want to hear, play nice. She will tell you things in a sort of 'confession' manner, pretending she is your good friend. And then she will gossip about you with others.

    She really wants to build a fanbase, and she is desperate to get into the EC or any international contest. She also travels to a lot of country to built her fanbase and meet with 'famous' cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)13:08 No.4908949

    I do agree with you, anons. All she won is a free trip to London...

    And I bet she will be spitting blood on stage or something like that. It's her thing, it seems, she has been doing that for the past 4 events she attended.

    And as a general thing, this pisses me... People who think 'spitting blood' is actually a good skit... No, it isn't. It gets old.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)15:47 No.4909303
    What. A girl won the Belgian ECC and she is not Belgian? Pics of this girl please?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)16:01 No.4909336
    and how is her fanbase going? She has a very cold uninteresting look and looks kinda old, not sexy. Probably having a hard time building her fanbase I am sure.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)17:10 No.4909694
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    Sorry, which cosplayer do you mean? Mysterious, Idromy or Starla. I don't know Mysterious but I'm guessing she is as fame crazy as Starla.

    TBH, any spitting on stage I find crap. It doesn't look attractive and depending on the amount spat it can cause a safety hazard.

    Pic related - that's her in the costume she won the selector with.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)17:13 No.4909717
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    All I remember is that they're in Naruto cosplay. Terrible cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)18:39 No.4910053

    So sad they only show the cosplayers you better don't get in contact with
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)18:41 No.4910057

    I doubt MCM will let her. The stage has to be used for guest panels and other masq users. I'm sure people won't like wading through some dumbass's phlegm.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)19:11 No.4910163
    They wont. Rules are clear :
    " The safety of the audience, staff, and other participants must not be compromised. To this end, pyrotechnics and fireworks or any other methods of creating or causing a naked flame or explosion are not permitted; nor anything that may make the stage slippery or sticky that cannot be quickly removed. "
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)20:31 No.4910382
    i think some of you fags need to get some facts straight if you are Fazilet fans oh sorry i mean starla.
    like that she barely organized shit, and that some people already took distance from her. or even never liked her for real.

    not only was that the worst "con" ever, but a dark day for belgium for seeying her face on my tv...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)20:34 No.4910394

    And not only for showing Starla...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)20:36 No.4910401
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)05:18 No.4912140

    *sighs* Over-exaggeration... Not to defend her but Mistress of Pain was my first choice like many people... why? because despite the fact her costume seemed not-really-finished, the girl showed a huge outfit as she's new in the middle thus I respect her work, not like you... I talked with her and she recognized that her costume wasn't ready to show it on stage for this kind of contest but she was adviced by some people who asked her to enter this contest. She didn't but afterward agreed to please same people. It was her mistake I think.
    This is so easy to criticize, do the same and we will talk about it anytime ;)

    For Idromy, it seems she hurried to make her costume and botched it a lot! she admitted to have made it in... 5 days (I don't know if it was to boast or joke) sorry but I laugh: you want to enter the EC, give yourself the time to work fine on your costume then! Pleeeaaaaase!!! Her wig was nothing like the one of her character: in fact it was her real hair... cheap velvet... Collar missing... I love Carmilla but I hate the one of Idromy... Just take a look at Yayahan ;)
    No, I wasn't very satisfied about the result and in addition, she's not Belgian... What have you done Starla ?! OO"

    But as I think I'm alone thinking like that, we should cancel the second Belgian contestant this year as she wasn't Belgian at the contest moment... and support the boy ;)
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)05:48 No.4912158

    you are obviously the mistress of pain cosplayer or a friend of her, you are obviously a french speaker and obviously delusional.

    I am sorry, darling, but the mistress costume was very much a failure and is still lauged at. Dat crappy dress, dat cardboard headdress, dat saggy butt... That costume was nobody's 1st choice, people just tried to be nice with the girl. And the fact starla and leandro chose that costume as runner up shows they don't know shit bout costume making.

    Being a new cosplayer is fine, but stop believing you're a badass cosplayer and thinking you can pull off mistress. And that this costume was worthy of winning the ECC. Seriously.

    Made in 5 days, idromy's costume isn't fab, but I'd still choose it a hundred times over the crap spider girl. Sorry if you are her, anon, but you/she needs to realise she isn't good enough to be a favourite in those kind of contests.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)05:54 No.4912163

    >> huge cosplay so i respect her work

    huge cosplay poorly executed isn't good cosplay, anon. I have much more respect for smaller well finished cosplays than for huge crap cosplays.

    Obviously you're a new cosplayer. Try to start with something smaller and nicely done
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)06:49 No.4912223
    Pics of the Mistress of paine?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)06:53 No.4912227
    She has fans ?!?

    I didn't know that video appeared on tv. That is surprising as it isn't a brilliant video.

    I thought it was fine. Not bad for one of her first costumes. Contest worthy, not really. But she can improve for next time.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)07:20 No.4912249
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    pic related

    You recognise the character but it's poorly executed, most likely because of her lack of experience
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)08:02 No.4912282
    Definitely down to lack of experience. Kudos for her trying but it isn't up to competition standard.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)08:26 No.4912309

    I indeed agree. But I very much disagree with what >>4912140 said. I was there, chatted with a lot of Belgian cosplayers, and nobody thought that mistress costume was worthy of being 1st place. Good effort, but it's no ECC winner.

    The only cosplayers not badmouthing that costume in the girl's back said the same thing than >>4912282 and >>4912227 saying kudos for trying, but maybe wait to have more exp and try again.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)10:06 No.4912376
    I agree, its a good starting point but not for a major competition like EC. I do think she should keep practising and challenging herself. Then one day she might be really good.

    At least she actually makes her costumes unlike some people *indicates the Ciel in OPs pic*.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)12:09 No.4912620
    Not sure what can be said that is good about her. She certainly has enthusiasm for the hobby and that is pretty much it. I would say her costumes are okay but not accurate by any means. Would be even better if she made them herself rather than claim she did. Its common knowledge that they are someone else's work. She is pretty much your average cosplayer who thinks that they are something way more because she got to a final of an international competition.

    I did notice that she is planning to reveal a new project soon (via her Twitter). No doubt yet another costume that she didn't make but will claim she did. It may even be a video like the one the OP posted. While I'm not really that fussed by what she dose I am amused by the whole posting about it she does to make it sound 'OMG its so special'.

    Just curious. Dose she credit her Mom at all when it comes to the costume making?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)12:21 No.4912644
    about idromy

    Right now her nationality is still dutch.

    She has been living in Belgium for about 12 years ( in between she livid in holland i think about 2 months or so).

    I think the reason she enter for belgium and not the dutch competetion was ( as she says). Because she has been living here for so long she just does not feel dutch anymore.

    Her costume wasn't perfect just ok thats it. She knows it and was/is suprised she won.
    And please people we are all hypocrites here, if we don't think a persons cosplay is good just tell them, and not give them constant compliments.

    She isn't a good friend of starla or anything she is just nice to everybody.

    Before the antwerp con she was encouraging others to take part because if nobody did it then there would be close to zero contestants.

    She does make everything herself and she doesn't have twitter so i think your mixing up and making me/others confused.

    Whatever happens to her nationality i think she will be going to Londen. And i rather see her going then the spiderqueen but that is my personal opinion, even if she is still dutch i don't care.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)13:02 No.4912693
    I don't have a problem with Idromy. Clearly a couple of people do here. Just wanted to point out that I have no problem with her as a person or as a cosplayer. From what I hear she does sound like a nice person.

    I think the issue being raised about her nationally is a fair one and you can't expect people to ignore it if they think its unfair. Especially in a competition where countries are a factor. I do think the issue has been lost a little bit with some of the hatred of Starla. While I'm not a fan of Starla I do think some of the hate is too much. We get that she has done some nasty things but now is the time to move on cgl.

    I think whether or not Idromy will be going to London is a moot point. Chances are that by now everything will be booked and sorted. I, for one, will be interested to see what she brings to the final. I do wish her and the other finalists the best of luck.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)14:31 No.4912910
    Any news? Curious to know if she has heard anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)16:17 No.4913241
    Britfag here.

    I do find it mildly amusing that her 'big reveal' seems to be timing down to a certain date. As I am a friend of the cosplayer she attacked/stalked I can see that she might be doing this in time with that person's birthday (which is tomorrow). It is most likly just pure chance. But I wouldn't put it past her to use the opportunity for some attention. I guess she hasn't learnt by now that that person has now moved on and isn't interested any more. I do find the whole thing quite entertaining.

    I do agree with this. While I can see that Idromy is for the most part an innocent in this. I can understand the upset. Maybe folk did go a bit far and attack her skills as a cosplyer. That shouldn't have any reflection on whether or not she is the right nationality to be taking part.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)17:01 No.4913341
    hoshiakita self-centered bitch only cosplays for the attention too bad she's ugly and nerd love will never be enough to make her a good person
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)17:05 No.4913359
    Just had the x-files theme in my head. You make it sound like some sort of conspiracy, lol. I doubt that its that.

    I agree.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)17:18 No.4913419

    thanks anon. However, it's not about idromy as a person, people seem to like her. But the fact is that once again, Belgium didn't respect the ECC rules, and as unfair as they may seem, they are there to make everyone equal and should be respected by everyone in the same way.

    I personally don't like what she does and i think she isn't a very skilled cosplayer - srly, you guys have shamanrenji, kittycricri, dinotiste, they are much better to my eyes. But i liked her much more than the other contestants on that day.

    Sorry if this had upsetted idromy, that's absolutely not the point, the point is beyond the fact it is her, it could apply to anyone who didn't respect the rules per se
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)17:35 No.4913508
    Well said anon. I agree.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)19:54 No.4913947
    whoa stop right there anon,Shamanrenji aint half as bad as starla,i agree but you wouldnt put her at the level of dinotiste, and cricri has been taking a nosedive as well but below the radar i guess. everyone in belgium has drama from sairu to Paine etc, but they're all on diffrent levels,drama and cosplay skills
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)21:03 No.4914235

    erm, i think you misunderstood anon.

    Anon said he thought shaman, dinotiste and cricri were better than idromy. There was no mention to those ppl being on same cosplay or dramu level.

    Everyone in cosplay has dramu, this isn't what makes you a good or bad cosplayer. It just makes you more or less annoying ;)

    i gnuinely think belgium has a good overall cosplay level. Even idromy, even starla. It's just a shame it's dramaland because of some ppl not respecting simple rules. Be fairplay, folks. And stop bitching about eachother and focus on costuming and having fun.

    Btw starla is currently making apologies for the things she has done in the past and regrets. She is moving on and i think you should too, anons.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)06:51 No.4915918


    While its great that she has apologised and become civil its a shame she has yet to apologise to the one she attacked at Expo, Sephi.

    While I agree that everyone has drama, I find it interesting how public the Belgians seem to make theirs. I don't even know any of them yet I know all about it.

    Btw, Starla (yes, I know that you do occasionally come here) leave Sephi alone. She doesn't watch anything you do any more. So images like are going to be ignored. Its so obvious your trying to get attention by timing it with her birthday. Don't bother. Sephi has moved on with her life and so should you. You'll feel all the more better for it. Especially if what I read in your journal is true in that you have some projects coming up. Focus on them and stop trying to grab attention. Honestly it will do you some good.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)07:15 No.4915935
    Personally I think Belgium has some great cosplayers. Its a shame that the drama has overshadowed this. Mainly because the drama usually involves large scale events or international issues. If they didn't show such a disregard of the rules for such competitions then the drama would be less so.

    I agree that people need to focus on the enjoyment of cosplay. That won't happen unless people wise up and stop being drama whores.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)12:25 No.4916497
         File1314894337.jpg-(76 KB, 617x644, 85f6e731a9f807e3dec72cada0d46b(...).jpg)
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    Pic related

    My eyes are burning, I vomited a little. She looks a bit like a man in this.

    >>"Here we go! Sister Noelle BOR from Trinity Blood. I never EVER thought I would make this cosplay XD but hey I did and I'm happy about it ^^ I love the way that I look a lot like her and I'm so happy my photographer and I had a lovely time ^^

    This cosplay was actually planned as a suprice for someone's birthday (which is today) but I had cancelled for a while. Then I decided to do it anyway ^^ I'm so happy I did ^^ Now I have an extra costume and honestly Noelle suits me or I suit Noelle XD Oh boy"

    Er, no, she doesn't suit Noelle at all. This is quite bad. She should stick to being Esther.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)13:57 No.4916729
    I thought it looked pretty decent personally.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)16:03 No.4917048
    She is a great cosplayer regardless her shitty and crazy personality.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 09/01/11(Thu)16:08 No.4917066


    Just putting it out there, she's a damn sight better Noelle than some of the other ones I've seen.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)19:31 No.4917608
    It's a good Noelle. But I don't think it suits her. While I think >>4916497 is too nasty in their comments I can see where they are coming from. Don't like the pose she is doing. While Noelle is quite a sexy character she is still a nun and is very rarely seen with her legs wide open. Its a good costume but I have seen better. Noelle has a very curvy figure which Starla doesn't (well at least in some of the other pictures she doesn't). So I don't think she suits Noelle physically. There is just something oddly awkward about the picture but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe its because she is trying too hard to be sexy it doesn't come off right. It dose strike me as a picture that is clearly aimed at someone. Whether or not that is the case I'm not sure. not sure posting it on a public place was wise. Maybe it is too attention seeking but as cosplayers aren't we all?

    I do find it odd about the mention of doing it for someone's birthday. I often feel that cosplay should be done for your yourself. Surely, if it was done for someone's birthday you would want to send it to that person rather than post it on the web. Especially if it is a provocative pose.

    It does sound like >>4916497 has a vendetta but from what I have heard about her I'm not surprised that there are people who do. Quite often when a person is as horrible has she has been then the cosplay is over looked whether its good or not.

    Btw, any news on Idromy?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)19:33 No.4917612
    The only reason she is a great cosplayer because her seamstress is a great one.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)20:32 No.4917795
    Good yes, great, I wouldn't say so. What would make her great is if she did actually make things herself or actually give credit to those who do make stuff for her. She needs to stop being such a drama whore. Maybe if she wasn't so busy trying to grab attention she would actually get noticed for her costumes rather than for how batshit she is.

    I do think its great that she is apologising and moving on but will it be enough to redeem her. Sadly, I think she has messed up too much. I have a UK based friend who has mentioned that most of the UK scene doesn't like her. Certainly the core members don't. Even if she did try to fix what she did wrong I think that she has pretty much damaged herself as far as being popular over there is concerned.

    I find that the picture that >>4916497 has posted is okay. Not the best I've seen but its not bad either.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)20:58 No.4917932
    Hey, she is a convincing Noelle, she suits the black hair!!!!

    I'm not a big fan of the "spread legs" posing which isn't super sexy to my opinion (I would do Noelle more like standing, sexy and powerful, sexy must also be subtle, people don't need to see too much, leave some space for imagination)
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:11 No.4917986
    I agree she does suit the black hair. Isn't that her natural colour anyway?

    I agree, I would personally have done Noelle standing up in a stronger pose. I have never seen any pics where Noelle is in an open legged obvious sexy pose. She has been usually depicted in a stronger subtle sexy poses showing off just a bit of thigh rather than her whole legs.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:21 No.4918011
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    Following on from my above post, I got curious about other Noelle cosplayers (she's not a favourite character of mine so I don't tend to save pics of her) I had a look.

    Poses like this would have been better.
    Pic related
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:28 No.4918032
    Or if she did want to do something a bit more sexy (for the person she has promised the costume to as indicated in her da) then she could do a pose more like this. It still maintains the sexy without loosing the character too much. She is a nun so she would need to have some modesty.

    I'm not sure how familiar Starla is with Noelle. I'm guessing not really as she has done the costume for someone.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:28 No.4918035
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    Derp! Forgot pic.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:46 No.4918123
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    Nice Noelle. I personally really like this one (pic related). She looks great as Noelle and clearly has fun as the character based on her gallery. I think she is pretty and plays the sexy just right without being over the top. She is also a really nice cosplayer who doesn't have the drama baggage that Starla has.

    Noelle is one of my favourite characters. While she is quite a sexy character I don't like it when cosplayers over do it like what Starla has done.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)06:21 No.4919542
    I do like her. Her Lilith is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)09:26 No.4919837

    satin Noelle??

    Seriously, anons, sorry I'm going to tell the truth, but Starla looks pretty hawt as Noelle :-/

    Still don't like her spead legs, I think she is a small girl with short legs, so she should do more elegant posing to strech them. Or wear higher heels. Otherwise it looks good...

    Tbh, I think most of her costumes look good on her even though she doesn't make them. Just Esther doesn't really suit her, but if she's moving on to doing more Noelle/Lilith, some character that suit her, that will be good. She has a nice oriental complexion, so I think those charas a little bit sexy with darker hair and that slight oriental sparkle will look ace on her. You got to take advantage of mother nature's gifts.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)10:53 No.4920008
    Very true. While I'm not fond of her I agree that she has done a very good Noelle. She never suited Esther imo and going for the more darker look does suit her coloring more. I'm surprised by her choice to do Noelle though as from what I heard she doesn't like the character. Shame she probably didn't make it. That would have been better if she had.

    I agree that satin for Noelle isn't right at all but I do like the pose in anon's pic. I much prefer >>4918011 and >>4918123 they suit Noelle.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)10:55 No.4920010
    >Good yes, great, I wouldn't say so. What would make her great is if she did actually make things herself

    you know that all the great cosplayers don't make their cosplays and lie about it...right?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)10:58 No.4920018
    Regardless of the fabric (which looks good anyway), I love the high detailing on her cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)10:59 No.4920021
    Actually not all of them. Quite a few, yes. But not all.

    I have no issue with people who don't make their own costumes but please credit where credit is due. Some of the costumes, especially the Esther ones must have been hard work to sew.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)11:05 No.4920035

    If this thread had been posted a month or so ago then it would be filled with Starla hate. Especially judging by a couple of threads that were posted a while back (usually the EC ones). I have noticed that people are being nice about her and complimenting her on her costume. I don't think this would have been done a while back. There would have been general hate no matter what costume she did.

    I've gotta ask, what has changed 4chan's mind? Is it because she has made amends with some of the people she has hurt?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)11:08 No.4920041
    the few that are tailors themselves aren't that great, and I don't dare to talk about those who aren't. those are average at max. i mean yes the cosplays may be good or even awesome if they are tailors, but they lack of: good photography and photoshop skills, having a nice body and face.
    the great cosplayers are all models. they have impeccable bought cosplays, perfect photoshopped professional photos and look physically good (aka they aren't fat or ugly or if they are, they're fixed with shoop). ie: russian and asian cosplayers allowed in the internet are only the top notch models (and some of them aren't even nerds, they get paid to do that). the others aren't allowed to upload their photos. i remember the only shitty russian cosplayer i've ever seen got her photos deleted, probably reported by the other perfect russian cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)11:11 No.4920045
         File1314976272.jpg-(85 KB, 720x538, 47777_431750547487_584892487_4(...).jpg)
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    These girls LOVE to use public historic places for their "shoots".
    Thay also like to take pictures of themselves doing "yaoi" and "yuri". I'm talking about places that are packed with tourists and such every day.

    Pic related: It's them.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)11:13 No.4920048
    at least only two of them are fatties and the rest look average. not a scary photo by any means. that's more than you could say about the majority of hetalia cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)11:19 No.4920060
    They've been kicked out of that place several times lol. They even tried to do a cosplay picnic and were kicked out too. They just need to pick the places for their shoots and activities better.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)11:26 No.4920077
    > I have a UK based friend who has mentioned that most of the UK scene doesn't like her.

    I love it when one group have an opinion and it is supposedly becomes fact
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)11:32 No.4920089
    Doesn't that happen a lot here? Its nothing new. Not saying I agree with what the anon has said. I'm from the UK and I don't get all the hate.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:20 No.4920226
    I think think its quite nice that she has done it for someone's birthday. No idea who though.

    I agree, fabric choice is poor but the details are really nice.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:45 No.4920318

    To answer your question, anon, I personally respect Starla more for taking care of some of her drama. 'Old' Starla wouldn't have done that, she always kept her old 'enemies'.
    But this time, it is different, I think she realised she didn't choose the right path by always making enemies, and she regrets that. And a couple of persons she had a problem with agreed to start fresh with her, isn't that good? Drama solved in a mature way, that's maybe the 1st time I'm witnessing that regarding cosplay.

    So yes, in Belgium she still has some work to do, only warje and paine agreed to start fresh so far, don't know if she has talked to paine's BF or to the photographer yet. And in the UK, I don't really know.

    But it's still respectable. She is showing me change. I just do hope it will not all start over again, so I'll see what happens next.

    And as for her costumes, I think 4chan is just being fair. Her Noelle is good, then people say it's good. I still think Starla has a very bad taste for fabric as she always chooses cheap shiny stuff. But overall, her costumes aren't bad. Pretty average, she hasn't done anything spectacular, but it isn't bad.

    And I noticed that recently she isn't bragging that much about how pricey her items are and things like that. I didn't like that when she was lying about the fact she bought super expensive fabric and so on when in fact she was just using cheapy materials. But now she seems to have understood she has to cut the BS.

    So here, let's give the girl the benefit of the doubt, if she's learned from her mistakes, she deserves a second chance
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:47 No.4920321

    Not Paine's bf, u mean Allexiel anon. And I genuinely think he doesn't care about that story anymore. people move on
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:00 No.4920370
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    You know why there is not so much hate as a while ago against starla?

    Because someone is samefagging all over the place, probably her group of minions who are even uglier and worse of a cosplayer than starla

    Every sane person can see starla is not ok in the head, just look at her Noelle picture she looks like michael jackson in a dress and is not stylish or sexy at all. She is just, creepy.

    Dare to disagree with me anon, and of you do, I guess all hope is lost for you to be part of the normal world filled with succesful, beautiful and sane people.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:04 No.4920378
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    You idiot. How blind can you be?

    she "picks" shiny cheap fabrics because she buys them from ebay. Ever seen a progress picture? Don't know her history? Ciel dress anyone? She also didn't make her Esther. I remember her saying she sewed all the flowers on her esther dress, but I saw the exact same fabric in the shop...with flowers and all..... (just one of the numerous examples)
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:21 No.4920450
         File1314984078.jpg-(153 KB, 1018x1180, StarLJSept1st2011.jpg)
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    To be honest, I don't like her Noelle picture. Not because its a bad cosplay but because of what it represents. If you take a look at the lj entry about it (pic related) she is going on about someone who has banned her. The one person I can think of who has done it(yet where Starla has yet to make amends) is the British girl she stalked/attacked/made creepy blog about. I remember hearing all about that through here and through friends. There is just something unnerving about the poem. Not sure I want to like something that is clearly aimed at her 'obsession' (for lack of a better term).

    I have been stalked myself (ex-boyfriend) and can say that no matter how the person tries to make amends there is no real way to dull the experience of being stalked. Its a horrible experience and there is no way that dressing up as your 'soul mate''s favourite character (at guess) is going to make up for that. I think she has got to a whole lot more to even consider trying to get noticed by that person. That person might not even be aware of this so I am surprised that she is even trying.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:26 No.4920470
    Fair point anon, I do like that she is making some amends for some of the stuff she has done. That in itself is great. Very few people these days would do that.

    As to second chances, I'm not sure. I know it sounds harsh but she has done really horrible things and I think a lot more of the others she has hurt may take a while to forgive her. That is something she will have to expect and accept that it could take time to repair everything.

    I still expect that she will no doubt find something to cause drama about. Evidence in that in that she did cause drama as Ripje and then causes similar drama as Starla.

    As to her Noelle, to much make-up for my liking. Makes her look older. Other than that its good.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:28 No.4920476
    I actually can't believe that people still believe she made that Ciel dress.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:28 No.4920479
         File1314984535.jpg-(39 KB, 600x460, insane.jpg)
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    Starla is just badshit insane. If you take distant from the whole story, it is just ridiculous and even scary. She needs help.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:31 No.4920488
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    her noelle looks good? You think it is actually good?

    I am getting so tired of people kissing someone's butt while she is a complete nut, ugly and a bad cosplayer. What do you expect to win from lying to yourself and her?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:38 No.4920501
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    Why does anyone honestly care anymore, it's old news? Also why is everyone taking it so personally when they have nothing to do with any of the drama?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:42 No.4920520
    It is old news, yes, but that is no reason to just pretend she is an ok person.

    I ain't mad bro, I just can't take liars and blind people.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:52 No.4920548
    Make the boobs a bit smaller then the pic would be closer.

    I don't know why people are being so complimentary. The costume is meh. The nun dress and wimple themselves are quite straight forward if you know how to sew. The bling isn't exactly accurate. If I remember rightly Noelle doesn't have pearls all over the place. Just doesn't grab me. Especially as she had built it up so much over twitter at how amazing it is.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)14:48 No.4920714
    Thanks for answering my question anon. Not familiar with all the drama details but its good that she is at least trying to make amends.

    I agree that the Noelle is okay but nothing really special.

    I had no idea how old the news was when I posted my question. I was aware of previous threads but that's it. I just noticed the swing in attitude about her. I have since noticed that the posts have swung back to more like those other threads.

    That post is a little creepy, yes.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:52 No.4920935
    Said it before, Saying it again: it's pretty obvious she's trying to fix her past so she can be a part of EC again. And while having a goal is usually a good thing, having a goal where the requirement is being a nice person is ultra shallow.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)18:19 No.4921333
    hello samefag.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)09:42 No.4923539
    Yeap, its most likely part of her desperate need to be the 'Queen of Eurocosplay'.

    Fail anon, not the samefag. I posted >>4920450 and >>4920476 not any of the others. Are you hoping that it's just the same person hating on her or something. There is actually a few sorry to burst your bubble there.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)11:07 No.4923710
    I am amused. For someone who is obsessed with details she has gotten something quite important wrong (which definitely shows she doesn't know the character). On one of her costume profiles she lists her Noelle as being in the 'White Novice AX'. Sorry but 'novice' means new nun and she would in fact be in the blue if she was a novice in TBs universe. The dress is the White AX. No need for any more description than that. Also, Noelle is one of the longest servicing members of the AX (she is retired in the novel). It dose amuse me when someone who claims to be stickler for details would get details wrong.

    I also find it amusing that in all Starla related threads (be it ones for her or EC) there will be at some point someone claiming samefag to all of the negative posts.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)15:50 No.4924536
    I think its more likely that samefag is defending her.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)04:27 No.4926735
    Butthurt faggotry ITT
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)04:30 No.4926741
    All the cunts that think that they are actually awesome in life when pulling off good cosplays while their real life is in a dump.

    all of my mad
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)04:34 No.4926750
    Id still hit it and im 25.
    Same people sound jelly and whilst reading my comment, they now are mad.
    It should be a crime to be as awesome as me.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)08:12 No.4927016
         File1315138379.jpg-(57 KB, 600x437, DerpFace1.jpg)
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    Hit what, her or him?

    Pic from a previous thread
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)08:33 No.4927023
    Woah, nevermind yo.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)12:12 No.4927455
    I couldn't tap that if she was the last women alive.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)12:57 No.4927537
    Don't be that bad,seriously !
    It's clear that it's not a great pic of her,but everyone has bad pic of them !
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)13:03 No.4927551
    such an obvious samefag/whiteknight post...

    are you blind or do you just have that low of a standard
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)13:36 No.4927644
    While I hate that woman. I do think that is a bit nasty
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)13:39 No.4927656
    looks more like there is a hater samefag in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)13:46 No.4927685
    I'm absolutely not a whiteknight !
    It's just that >>4927455 is really mean,attacking someone about his physical appearance is really mean and that absolutely not proove your intelligence ! We are talking about cosplay not about ANTM or should I said Cosplay next top model !
    It's not because you don't like her that she is ugly !
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)14:32 No.4927827
    Not the samefag hater. I don't like her either. I wounldn't go as far to say that she was ugly though. She's not my type but I wouldn't say that in a horrible way.

    Clearly, >>4927455 isn't afraid to state an opinion even if they have done it anon and in a bad way. Not that I like it.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)14:48 No.4927877
    Actually I think you'll find that what >>4927455 is quite tame compared to some of the shit I have seen posted on cgl. After all, they don't state anything about her being ugly. They just say that they wouldn't sleep with her. No reason is given. You have just assumed that they mean ugly. They could in fact be commenting to her batshit craziness which quite frankly would make more since considering some of the stuff we have heard about her. Yes, its unfortunate that they have quoted the post that has used a very bad picture of her. No idea where the image comes from but I'm guessing its not one of hers. Its highly possible that English isn't their first language so they may have meant something else.

    Mind you, if you actually look at the rest of cgl you'll notice that most people do threat cosplay as a modelling contest. Its not great but sadly that is how most threads end up being. If you don't like it don't come here.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)18:09 No.4928469
    This was meant for someone she has the hots for right? Any one know if they have seen it and what their reaction is?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)18:37 No.4928559
    Don't fucking care. Can we just let the thread die already.

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