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    File : 1314335038.jpg-(46 KB, 1024x768, positivitysmile.jpg)
    46 KB Positivity Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)01:03 No.4893190  
    /cgl/, I feel like a lot of you are under appreciated.
    Post yourself either in cosplay or out, and I'll tell you something I like about you! Or if you're too shy to self-post, just give a brief description of yourself and I'll do my best~

    And for some of you more well known trips feel free to just stop in and I'll tell you something I genuinely like about you. Anything goes! And others feel free to join in on the compliment giving.

    I want you all to feel a little better about yourselves
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 08/26/11(Fri)01:09 No.4893210
    I know I've said this before, but I enjoy all of you, anons, trips, I think you're all great talented people and always in awe of what you guys do.

    At work, I like the people there,but they don't know anything about my geeky hobbies, and it's nice to know there are people into this stuff. Otherwise the loneliness of not knowing geek people would drive me up the wall.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)01:09 No.4893212
         File1314335392.png-(264 KB, 457x288, mell ss.png)
    264 KB
    OP, I'll tell you what I like about you instead.

    Thanks for bringing some extra positivity to this board.
    This board has been all about bad cosplays / PT bashing / vendetta, and it's always nice to see someone like Johnny Bravo or you come in and make a nice thread.

    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)01:14 No.4893230
    Both of you are awesome for sharing the positivity, and from what I've seen you post you're always like that. Thanks for helping keep this board sane, you are just as needed as people like myself and Johnny.

    And Mell, since you posted your pic I have to say you have some damn good hair! It looks very healthy and not dull at all :)
    >> Queen N 08/26/11(Fri)01:16 No.4893241
         File1314335802.png-(26 KB, 226x165, N Mhmm.png)
    26 KB
    i think it's great that people make these kinds of threads, especially with all the vendetta in here. you so nice Shannon.

    i think you're a total sweetheart and i get excited when i see your posts. you're super helpful and positive too.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)01:20 No.4893256
         File1314336027.jpg-(803 KB, 2550x2427, gold-star-2-1.jpg)
    803 KB
    Positive threads are best threads!
    I've only recently started to notice you posting, but I can tell you are a very sweet person! You always have something good to say about others. Therefore I give you a gold star, may you wear it as a sign of your combat against negativity
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:20 No.4893257
         File1314336053.jpg-(242 KB, 1600x1200, awesome sad.jpg)
    242 KB
    Here, OP, I like this one better.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/26/11(Fri)01:21 No.4893260
    Op, your name is pretty and you have good intentions.

    Thanks brah.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 08/26/11(Fri)01:22 No.4893263
         File1314336136.jpg-(32 KB, 332x388, cm-punk.jpg)
    32 KB
    Bet you can't come up with something positive for me other than 'You exist'

    as for the rest of the cgl, I like a lot of you in here. Hell, I KNOW some of cgl in real life and I can say you're all half-way decent people, to say the least (you know who you are). The rest of you can go f...right right, positivity.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:22 No.4893266
         File1314336172.png-(968 KB, 1020x716, augh.png)
    968 KB
    It's nice because a lot of anons have low self-esteem
    /cgl/ can be really nice at times, and helpful, and stuff like this is nice.

    That being said, please don't make fun of me. This was when my haircut was really really bad, and also my grad night. I just made the comparison for a different thread. I wish my webcam was better I'd take a more recent and decent picture but it's so grainy and idk why
    >> Joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 08/26/11(Fri)01:23 No.4893271
         File1314336226.jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, 44574_418983182686_676307686_5(...).jpg)
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    Always makes me feel fuzzy when I see threads like this.
    >> Joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 08/26/11(Fri)01:25 No.4893277
    I don't see anything wrong. You're actually really cute.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)01:25 No.4893278
    Sorry, I don't know either of you two well but you both seem like really nice people.

    You have the STRONGEST SHADES.

    I usually smile when I see you post due to my strange offhand humor sense, albeit the fact that you don't seem to post too often.
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)01:25 No.4893282
         File1314336356.png-(654 KB, 720x555, Princess Peach.png)
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    Anon you make me a happy person. I love this community. I love how it's harsh, I love how it's funny, and I love the folks in it. Anon and trip alike. I cheer up pretty fast browsing through it. This place has proved to be pretty decent, and even when I come across a jerk, I come across 3 good people for every one of those ass hats.

    Thanks for starting this thread Shannon, it's sweet. You always bring a nice smile around here, its always appreciated.
    >> RiceBowl !Akz323Zsy2 08/26/11(Fri)01:28 No.4893291
         File1314336493.jpg-(142 KB, 1280x1024, Picture0026.jpg)
    142 KB
    I love these threads. Strangers helping each other always give me a warm feeling.

    fancy meeting you here, sir. don't you have work to get to?
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/26/11(Fri)01:28 No.4893293
         File1314336536.jpg-(141 KB, 675x553, hakuha.jpg)
    141 KB
    Mell, you're my favourite trip.

    You're cute!~

    Have a pic of me in my Haku cosplay
    Today is my birthday and it's been pretty much shit so far. I got a jar of peanut butter signed by some co-workers though. lol
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)01:29 No.4893295
         File1314336580.jpg-(98 KB, 720x720, 1267823682253.jpg)
    98 KB
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that you and I BOTH have work to get to.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 08/26/11(Fri)01:30 No.4893297
    pretty damn sure we'll get along just fine then (whenever we meet)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:30 No.4893299
         File1314336655.jpg-(56 KB, 500x282, 5291552394_31374ed70f.jpg)
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    It's great that there is a positive thread going on. I think I needed some positivity tonight.

    Cgl-ers, you are amazing and I love you all, Remember to keep smiling!<3

    I think you are adorable! And you have really pretty eyes.
    >> Queen N 08/26/11(Fri)01:30 No.4893300
         File1314336659.png-(36 KB, 199x327, N Yup.png)
    36 KB
    ffff you're so cute!

    your eyes are stunning!

    oh you! thank you so much. if i had my tablet i'd make N a positivity deputy, but i don't. :< next time.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:31 No.4893302
         File1314336678.jpg-(444 KB, 600x800, IMG_6338.jpg)
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    I'll put myself out there even though I'm mildly terrified. Please forgive the mildly-drunk overly-makeup'd photo, I'm not at home and it's all I have on my laptop at the moment.

    Thank you for such a well intentioned, nice thread. <3 It's great to randomly open CGL and see something positive.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)01:31 No.4893303
    I knew there had to be a picture like that! Thank-you for sharing

    Thank-you Smoker! On more than one occasion I can remember smiling at your amusing pick-up lines for the ladies. I'm sure you made at least one of them feel a little more confidant!

    While your posts may not always be positive, I feel that you often make comments for the sake of comedy. And by making people laugh, whether with harsh words or loving ones, that is keeping the smiles going! So thank-you!

    Anon you're eyes are lovely and you have some of the most evenly toned, soft looking skin I have ever seen! Don't worry so much about your hair cut, things like that can be changed with a quick trip to the hair dresser. But your eyes and healthy skin cannot simply be bought. To put it simply, you're gorgeous!
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 08/26/11(Fri)01:31 No.4893304
    i know you weren't talking to me but
    happy birthday!
    thats a great haku costume
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 08/26/11(Fri)01:31 No.4893307
         File1314336712.jpg-(122 KB, 600x456, 1289888767006.jpg)
    122 KB
    I may be an asshole, but I have a good sense to appreciate a birthday

    so this one's for you
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/26/11(Fri)01:32 No.4893308
    Wait are we talking about the ones with radiation on them or the exensive ones? Aviators or wayfarers? BOTH ARE STRONGEST. With them I can comfortably see as I light up the night.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 08/26/11(Fri)01:33 No.4893311
    Awwww, oh man, you're one of my favorite trips so I'm very flattered.
    I love seeing pictures of people. You all look so nice. I always find it weird when people say /cgl/ is ugly people, because judging by the pics I've seen of people, it's not true at all.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)01:34 No.4893314
         File1314336848.jpg-(782 KB, 1938x1938, Nutella-1.jpg)
    782 KB
    aw snap i don't think i deserve that

    Happy birthday, though! I can't exactly compete with a signed jar of peanut butter, but have some hi-res Nutella instead. :3
    (Also, there's really no reason for you to cross out your face each time. You look fine.)

    I like you a lot for reasons you already know.
    Thanks again for helping inspire me to get my once-shitty scene hair cut down to a much more comfortable style.
    >> sage RiceBowl !Akz323Zsy2 08/26/11(Fri)01:34 No.4893315
         File1314336860.gif-(499 KB, 300x188, 1312440986276.gif)
    499 KB
    oh....well....uh yeah...maybe i do have a bit of work...of the english variety....

    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:35 No.4893316
         File1314336900.jpg-(83 KB, 993x554, 23u113nti322122tl22ed.jpg)
    83 KB
    Wow! You are really pretty!

    Great Haku costume~

    ....I just wanna give you a hug...
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 08/26/11(Fri)01:35 No.4893317
         File1314336917.jpg-(160 KB, 568x480, lego_ironman.jpg)
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    Well, somebody has to be the cynic of the group.

    Besides, gotta love those toy reviews man.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/26/11(Fri)01:36 No.4893320
    My birthday wZ on the 24th I know that feel. Shitty birthdays are not bitchin.
    Smiling? Babe, when it comes to me your mouth should be open, because you and me would be jaw-dropping. Dohoho.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 08/26/11(Fri)01:36 No.4893321
         File1314336962.jpg-(77 KB, 720x540, 268785_10150302213091066_50616(...).jpg)
    77 KB
    oh. perhaps i'll post in here.
    this is me lol
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:36 No.4893323

    Thank you all so much!
    You almost made me cry.
    I really appreciate it, anons. I never thought of my eyes as anything special, and I worry a lot about my complexion.
    You are all the sweetest things. Thank you.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/26/11(Fri)01:36 No.4893324
    Thanks for the birthday wishes and compliments. I love you seagulls. <3

    You're really pretty too!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:37 No.4893326

    Thank you! [4893302 btw] - Makeup is amazing and I've fallen in love with my new wig so I keep wearing it everywhere.

    Btw what is with these captchas lately? D:
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)01:38 No.4893328
    They really need to get on that transferring hugs through the internet invention- But thank you dear anon : ) the thought is appreciated.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)01:38 No.4893330
    Kassi, you are super cute despite your random bouts of negativity. ("No.")
    Also go to sleep, love.

    You have excellent skin (Or you are just really good with makeup :3 ), and you pull off that wig nicely.

    ALL of your shades are the strongest.
    As a matter of fact, I remember one of my first posts on CGL, before I started tripping, was in a self-post thread.
    It was directed at you and was simply "You have awesome shades."

    Get to it. :3
    >> RiceBowl !Akz323Zsy2 08/26/11(Fri)01:40 No.4893333
         File1314337239.jpg-(20 KB, 625x476, 1312434398410.jpg)
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    its my bear cap isn't it. damn men are all the same. can't get enough of the hat.

    and tapdancing christ man, that 3 times youve thanked me. youre welcome!
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 08/26/11(Fri)01:40 No.4893335
         File1314337242.jpg-(80 KB, 400x248, 1314165895666.jpg)
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    Well I figure if it worked for CM Punk, why not me (aside from him being better than everyone, straight edge, multiple-time world heavyweight champion, etc etc). Besides, I've been nice all this time in cgl. Cynicism would just balance things out.

    While you're here, I might as well talk something nice about you. You're so fucking spontaneous and full of good humor you make hang-out times so damn fun. Not to mention if it wasn't for you I wouldn't been introduced to Mountain Dew Throwback.

    pic related to our hang-out time, you'll get the joke
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)01:40 No.4893337
    Oh gee, thanks : ) And happy birthday! I'm sorry it hasnt been going well, put on a smile, you seem like a pretty good person, hope everything turns to a better perspective.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)01:40 No.4893338
    This is an odd compliment, but I love your nose! Its very smooth, and a good size for your face!

    JillyBean, from what I've read you've been through some hard times. If I could give you a hug right now through my computer I would! Also, I've always loves your Princess Peach dress. And if I remember correctly, I think I told you this in person at Kumoricon?

    giiiiiirl you're smile just warms my heart! YOu are the cutest little thing~

    I love that you're a well-done Naruto cosplayer. I loved Naruto for quite a few years, and was very dedicated to it. It always makes me happy to see a well crafted costume like yours, and you may have an X over your face but I still think you look adorable!

    Thank-you for sharing the love!

    I LOVE you're makeup! Red lipstick is hard to pull off but you mastered it perfectly~ And I am definitely jealous of your adorable lolita style pig tail wig. You seem like a curvier girl, and I'm assuming that's why you were nervous about posting, but girl you are beautiful. And beautiful, curvy women are always loved!!
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 08/26/11(Fri)01:41 No.4893341
         File1314337289.png-(90 KB, 345x352, wutisthis.png)
    90 KB
    I could post I gu- OH NO STARLY WHERE ARE WE GOING
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:42 No.4893344
    You are one of the most helpful trips, and definitely not one of the annoying, over-posting, stupid ones. I love your cheeks and your crown is adorable and well-constructed!

    Don't be scared! You look great in that wig(?), it's adorable. Your outfit rocks and you should flaunt that body you got! I'd love to see you smile.

    Take the glasses off, gurl. I love your hair, and your lips are absolutely beautiful;
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:42 No.4893345

    Thank you Mell! I try really hard to take care of my skin but makeup helps, hah.
    >> Queen N 08/26/11(Fri)01:42 No.4893347
         File1314337357.png-(36 KB, 117x154, Screen shot 2011-08-25 at 10.0(...).png)
    36 KB
    running out of reaction images, so here you go.

    oooh pretty! i wish i could pull off avvies. and this is weird to say, but i like your chin and jaw line.

    you're freaking gorgeous. and dat wig. give it to me. unf.

    my shock. you have all of it.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 08/26/11(Fri)01:43 No.4893348
    d'aw, thank you!
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 08/26/11(Fri)01:43 No.4893351
         File1314337422.jpg-(353 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2011-07-18 at 19.25.jpg)
    353 KB
    I've been cosplaying since 2007. I had a 1/10 chance of becoming a Power Ranger. I'm really trying to get into anime to fit in better around here, but only certain shows catch my interest.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)01:44 No.4893355
    again I just have to give credit to the people with cute noses! Perhaps that's because I'm insecure about my own though hehe
    I also love your complexion, you are just the right amount of tan! And it goes very nicely with your dark hair.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 08/26/11(Fri)01:44 No.4893358
         File1314337489.png-(13 KB, 100x100, really!.png)
    13 KB
    haha, thank you.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/26/11(Fri)01:47 No.4893365
         File1314337639.jpg-(166 KB, 768x576, Picture 12.jpg)
    166 KB
    I cross out my face every time I'm not wearing make-up because I usually look pretty bad. Especially when I get all awkward about poses haha
    You're really sweet though! You deserve to be many people's favourite!

    Aw! Happy belated birthday! Maybe next year will be better? ^ ^


    I like your hair~ I'm so envious of people with long hair

    Thanks! I'm gonna try to make the best of what's left of today! ^ ^

    Thanks! I worked really hard to try to get everything piece together well. I'm glad people still appreciate Naruto! Especially more obscure characters. ^ ^
    >> Xanadu 08/26/11(Fri)01:47 No.4893367
         File1314337652.jpg-(433 KB, 600x800, IMG_6349.jpg)
    433 KB
    You guys are so, so nice. Here's another from the same night. I am a curvier girl [although I've been working really hard on my body] and it makes me really paranoid sometimes. I don't need to feel hatred for the way I'm shaped, it hurts me a lot more than I'd like to admit. I'm working on quitting smoking, DON'T do it. It's disgusting.

    Posting under a name since I'm replying so much. <3
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 08/26/11(Fri)01:47 No.4893368
         File1314337655.jpg-(18 KB, 591x360, asghjkl;'.jpg)
    18 KB
    Ehh, I'm not the best looking. But everyone here is beautiful!
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)01:49 No.4893372
    I'll be honest here SG, I smile whenever I see you post. You're everywhere, but you're never annoying, and you're never hateful. Don't worry so much about fitting in here, there may be a lot of love for anime, but I personally love nothing more than seeing fit guys like yourself cosplaying from comics and more western shows. And I can always trust that you will do the costume justice.
    >> RiceBowl !Akz323Zsy2 08/26/11(Fri)01:49 No.4893374
    guuurl, turn that frown upside down and take those glasses off and we got ourselves a smokin babe.

    that. is. adorable.
    >> Joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 08/26/11(Fri)01:49 No.4893376
         File1314337792.jpg-(88 KB, 850x566, kuuga_thumbs_up.jpg)
    88 KB
    Actually wouldn't be the first time someone's said something about my nose.

    For what it's worth I think you would have made an amazing power ranger. You have that look about you.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 08/26/11(Fri)01:50 No.4893379
         File1314337823.png-(19 KB, 380x380, Yotsuba Koiwai.png)
    19 KB
    and thank you as well lol :D
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:50 No.4893381
    sorry, im gonna be a shy anon.... but,
    >i''m 5 ft ish
    > short brown hair
    > blue eyes w/ glasses
    > pretty large bust and fairly small waist
    >pretty quiet most of the time
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:50 No.4893382

    This picture is ADORABLE. You are so, so cute.
    And no one should hate someone else for the way their body looks. I think your body is nothing to be ashamed of. Let's learn to love our bodies, ok?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:50 No.4893383
         File1314337859.png-(111 KB, 143x483, Screen shot 2011-08-26 at 1.38(...).png)
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    most recent picture not in cosplay/lolita/crap.
    I could totally go for some nutella right now.
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 08/26/11(Fri)01:51 No.4893385
         File1314337898.jpg-(83 KB, 960x1280, 0817110212a.jpg)
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    well this could be fun!
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)01:52 No.4893388
    Hard times happen, I didnt intend to them to leek out onto 4chan, but since it did I swear its been nothing but nice people. I have to thank all of /cgl/ for that. And thank you very much, and did you? I cant quiet recall but I thank you muchly for the compliment, I'm bringing a new peach dress to K con this year though. : ) And thanks again for starting this thread, it's full of very happy posts. You are a good person. We shall have to chill at Kumoricon.

    Oh thank you, I try to be helpful as best I can. Thank you very much, it was my first costume. The crowns actually made of mode podge, paper, and spray paint. But thank you again : ) You certainly made me smile.
    >> RiceBowl !Akz323Zsy2 08/26/11(Fri)01:52 No.4893389
    pfffffft. this is no place to be shy! post away, sis.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:52 No.4893390
    Not gonna selfpost, but definitely adding to the "thanks for not being shitty dramu vendettachans" sentiment in here. ILU all <3
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:53 No.4893393
    Both of you are absolutely adorable.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:53 No.4893394

    But how can we compliment you with just a description? I can say "I love blue eyes" or "Short girls are cute as hell!" but I can't say it about you.
    And what if you have beautiful hair, or skin, or hands or feet or bum or nose or chin or ears? We can't tell you that!
    Please don't be shy. Anyone in this thread who says anything mean is a disreputable troll, and can't be taken at all seriously.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/26/11(Fri)01:54 No.4893397
         File1314338047.png-(990 KB, 1227x677, Screen shot 2011-08-26 at 1.48(...).png)
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    I don't like your glasses -_-
    I reblogged a really funny picture from your tumblr. I like your sense of humor.

    oh piplup.

    I love your haircut.
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)01:55 No.4893402
    Gah thank you! I'm having a hard time keeping up with all these posts but thank you!

    Dear anon dont be shy, contrary to popular belief we dont bite around here. But you sound lovely, and already have some bravery for posting around here. Smile and never be afraid to raise your voice!
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/26/11(Fri)01:55 No.4893403
         File1314338126.jpg-(27 KB, 640x400, kon111.jpg)
    27 KB
    I love each and every one of you so dearly. Bros--you know who you are-- y'all make my days wonderful, and I'm so glad to have gotten aquainted with you/met y'all.

    That being said...

    Thank you so much for starting this! This is something the board was in dire need of! It's much appreciated!

    I see you posting quite frequently, and you enjoy my Vocaroos, too, correct? You are absolutely adorable, and I just want to hug you! You seem like a very sweet person, and a total bro to talk to!

    I really hope that you and I can get to know each other better. Hell, we live so close! I'd love to go shopping with you guys this weekend, it seems like so much fun! I know I've already told you before, but you are truely a very nice and beautiful, creative, fun girl, and I've heard nothing but good things about you from Cake! <3 Feel free to talk to me any time you like!

    Your eye colour is a beautiful shade, and I love your smile!

    You seem like a very spunky person with a bright personality!

    You make such a cute Peach! Aaaah! I see you posting around, and I'd just like to say that I feel you are a very nice person. Keep up the positive aura you seem to have around you, in your picture!

    You're so tiny and you seem so happy! Keep up the happiness! I love your smile, it's so warm and comforting!

    Happy Birthday! Your cosplay looks very nice!
    I hope it does get better for you, dear!

    I like your style! Regardless of that being a slightly-drunk shot, you seem to be composing youself well, and I feel like you have a rockin' attitude!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:55 No.4893404
    whoops, way to sound like a dick.

    such cute haircuts! I can pull that short off. :)
    >> Xanadu !AL97aQqgzE 08/26/11(Fri)01:57 No.4893410
    I'm totally jealous of how naturally cute you are. And your eyebrows are so nicely shaped. Sorry if that sounds weird, hah.

    unf nutella. I haven't had it in so long. I love girls in glasses, btw. so cute!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:57 No.4893412
    b-b-but i don't have any good pics of me cept im cosplay where i look a bit odd :/
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/26/11(Fri)01:58 No.4893415

    Thanks and you have nice style! I wish I knew how to dress well lol
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/26/11(Fri)01:58 No.4893417
    Hehe, Roko, well what can I say?
    I promise to cook for you and give you a big 'ol hug if and when I eventually see you! You're so adorable and you've been so nice to me!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:58 No.4893419

    Thank you! I'm so self-conscious of my smile. ♥
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)01:58 No.4893420
    Thank you Pantsu. And I just have to say your posts always make me smile, and often giggle. You seem incredibly sweet are just down right adorable. You are sweet and kind and part of what makes this board a nice place to visit.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)01:59 No.4893421
         File1314338384.jpg-(84 KB, 482x720, 168376_1898577464447_124194904(...).jpg)
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    I totally said some fusrodah the other day and told my bro who was raised abusively by jehovans how amazing and good looking he was. It was cool, the other person we were hanging out with threw in her own complement - I think really all it takes to get past that 'oh this is awkward he'll think I like him' thing is like being really really straightforward and maybe not having slept for awhile.

    Bro cried it out, told me he needed that, and today we went for Slushies.

    I didn't really come to get a complement, so I just gave myself one by rehashing my beautiful therapeutic moment.

    Thanks OP. You're a balla ass nigga through and through. Here is me being a faggato from like a year ago.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)01:59 No.4893422
    Thanks! i <3 secretary glasses.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/26/11(Fri)02:00 No.4893426
    Thanks! I'm so glad you like my eyebrows actually! LOL I spend a lot of time on them hahaha
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 08/26/11(Fri)02:00 No.4893427
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:01 No.4893442
    Now that I've said what I've said, I'm funsta complement niggas.

    You are exactly what I think my very good pal would look like if she put more effort in to making herself out to be more feminine.
    What I'm saying is, you are a very pretty person, and don't self hate on that hair. Youse straight wagglin' bout nothin.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)02:02 No.4893443
    Bro-tier asian with an excellent sense of /fa/.
    You rock.

    Piplup, your posts always make me smile.
    Especially your reaction pictures. <3

    Your vocaroos brighten up my day and give me my daily dosage of hnnngggg.
    Thank you, always. :>

    No excuses; post away. :3
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:02 No.4893444

    Love the steampunk, and I love your lips and your cheeks. Plus, it may sound weird, but I like your teeth
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)02:04 No.4893451
    I'm glad to hear your planning to quit. Definitely a nasty habit that has taken too many lives.

    your face is very even! No lines, or spots, and it looks like it's very healthy too! It makes you look much younger than you probably are, which you will be thankful for in the future! I also love your face shape, you could probably bull of just about any hairstyle!

    Take pride in your short-ness! At times you may feel inadequate, but in the cosplay/lolita world us short girls are perfect for those adorable young characters that others have a hard time pulling off. Also, dark hair and blue eyes is a very lucky combo! I am very jealous :)

    You may not see it, and you may not believe me, but underneath those glasses and your unstyled hair I can see that you have a lot of natural beauty, nice skin, even features, and a good body from what I can see! Just a little bit of makeup to accent your eyes and I think you would be drop dead gorgeous!

    Power Rangers are the best, and for a guy I have to admit you are pretty adorable!

    I think the blonde section that you dyed turned out very well! And I think it looks best the way it is as a small section and not over your whole head, so I hope you don't experiment too much. Also you are a very nicely dressed man, and you rock that hair cut better than anyone else I've seen!
    >> RiceBowl !Akz323Zsy2 08/26/11(Fri)02:04 No.4893455
    was it the tits thing? cause that was pretty popular.

    lol well i am short but im also wide so idk about tiny.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:05 No.4893456
         File1314338718.png-(543 KB, 1626x1272, 170Chinchou.png)
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    Chick's hard pretty, and I'd ask she forgive I don't go rambling for the sake of I can't help but find it hard to believe she doesn't get enough of that here and irl.
    That should be a complement within itself.

    Goddamnit Piplup, I wish I could be arsed to save a shit ton of pichu pictures so I could be a lesser rippoffy form of you. You're nifty as heeel.
    This is me, worst part is I'm basically not even a pichu, but I can fucking dream, okay.
    >> Joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 08/26/11(Fri)02:05 No.4893457
    You seem like a cool guy. All /m/ type guys I know are total bro. Love the t-shirt and figure collection.

    Neither do I. I really need a new pair. Any you would suggest?

    Thanks. I can't really say anything about you that hasn't already been said. Keep being awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:05 No.4893458
         File1314338728.jpg-(49 KB, 600x365, the-world-only-god-knows-2.jpg)
    49 KB
    I think YOU need to get to sleep. You need your beauty rest! And anyway, I had a stalking mission tonight I needed to do.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:05 No.4893459

    Thank you! If I hadn't just seen your picture I'd think you were an old friend. I used to act and dress very boyish/masculine (not in a cute tomboy way), and I think it's cause I was more self-conscious and unsure of myself. Ever since I met my boyfriend, I've been making an effort to look better.

    Make sure you tell your friend she is beautiful! She probably needs to hear it.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 08/26/11(Fri)02:06 No.4893465
    you are just all kinds of attractive
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:07 No.4893469
    Man, I needed that like my pal needed his.
    The Steampunk is thanks to the photog, and the rest I can contribute to my friend's makeup... but the teeth thing?
    I've been bullied as fuck my whole life over that shit, and to get a complement on it not from my boyfriend?
    Thank you so genuinely I'm not even lazily ghettoing up my prose.
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 08/26/11(Fri)02:07 No.4893470
         File1314338868.gif-(421 KB, 160x158, iloveyou.gif)
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    Thank you!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:07 No.4893472
         File1314338876.png-(164 KB, 450x253, onlyknow0106.png)
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    I...want to poke your hair.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:08 No.4893473
         File1314338887.jpg-(47 KB, 720x477, photo.jpg)
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    this anon here, i found a photo but its not my favorite >.<
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 08/26/11(Fri)02:09 No.4893476
    Thank you sir!

    Thanks! Also your freckles are really really cute!
    Thanks man. I don't feel so alone anymore!
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:10 No.4893481
         File1314339025.jpg-(14 KB, 196x176, 1293785021978.jpg)
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    Holy. T-Thanks!
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)02:10 No.4893482
    I'm sorry my posts are so delayed, I'm doing my best to get everyone! Thank-you to those of you who are helping out and giving each other compliments in the mean time :)

    I was hoping you would post Pantsu. You are one of the sweetest girls I have watched here on /cgl/. And as a fellow Mio-lover, I appreciate every reaction image that you post. You are one of the reasons that I wanted to make this thread, you are always positive and that needs to be appreciated! thank-you!

    That is so nice of you! I always try to give compliments when I truly appreciate something about someone irl but like you said I have fallen to the "that might be awkward" possibilities. I appreciate that you have the courage to tell it like it is, so thank-you! Also, I love your lips!

    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)02:11 No.4893483
    bah humbug you look fine. We all have room for improvement but the place to start with that is starting by having confidence in yourself. The rest comes with a little elbow greece and time. Dont be shy, if your shy for a reason you can throw out that reason. Youve already posted your picture, so open up a bit more to others : ) you seem nice, and I like the costume.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:11 No.4893485
         File1314339119.png-(121 KB, 500x500, 1296710592606.png)
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    Lurker here...these thread boogle my mind. /b/ is up the street, next door is /soc/ with people showing off their private parts. The pimps and hoes and sex shops are surrounding this city. And within this little city you have here there are furfags and brolitas <---seriously. And some vendetta weirdo.

    Have some anonymity and be cautious. THIS IS THE INTERNET!!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:12 No.4893486
    <3 thank you.
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 08/26/11(Fri)02:13 No.4893490

    gah! I'm sorry! I didn't know you do those threads too, I just started em as a way to liven up /cgl/ during the middle of the week ;~; i only do one once a week though


    hnnnngh pantsu, you're easily the cutest tripfriend i've made and I'm so glad we get to talk on a regular basis, don't ever change <3
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)02:13 No.4893491
    You werent replying to me but Green, wanted to say you seem really cool. You were one of the first trip's I noticed when I started posting here. Youve been funny, nice, and generally a help to this board. Dont force yourself to like anime, cosplay from whatever it is you like. Be that tv show, game, movie, whatever. I'm glad you post around here.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:13 No.4893492
    I have to say, seeing you pop up makes me mad...

    Mad at the person who made the 'shlicking' comment that other time you posted this picture, 'cause you're fucking heterosexual levels of adorable and that guy's such a cunt oh my gay.

    You're sweet. I'm happy as a button this thread exists.
    And yeah man, yeah. I'm all right up in there with the lack of the awkward filter. Feels good man.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)02:14 No.4893494
         File1314339265.gif-(142 KB, 400x400, 1273534679360.gif)
    142 KB
    It really doesn't get much better than this: >>4893483

    You're doing fine, girl. :3

    Go to sleep; you're done. :3

    And thank YOU for the PSA. :D
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:16 No.4893496
    Thank you for your concern. ♥
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/26/11(Fri)02:16 No.4893500
    You are also so pretty, and you make me smile.

    Your posts sometimes amuse me when I'm scrolling by them on here. You are quite attractive, if I do say so myself. Also, nice shades!

    You have such a cute facial structure, and seem like a person that one can be totally goofy and fun with!

    Smoker darling, do I have to tell you more to boost your ego? Sure I do. You are so ljhbdvkjnsdf nice to me. Like, seriously, you tall teddy bear. I've had such fun times hanging with you, and they've all been so amusing. Your sense of style is nice, and you are also so silly. You have made me laugh countless times for the funniest things ever, and you always seem to know what to say. Stay classy. Oh, and dat hair, man. I love your hair so much. Hnnngh I wish to run my fingers through it forever. I still owe you, so decide on something, brah!

    Oooh man, do you sure seem like you have some sassiness in you! That's totally good! You seem super confident in your picture, and that is what I love about it! You look good!

    Well, for that, I am glad! If you ever have a request for me to do/say a certain thing in one of my Vocaroos, don't hesitate to ask me!

    No problem, dear!

    Ehehehe, well, I'm glad.

    And with that, I bid y'all adieu. I've gotta go to sleep. <3 I'll post more if the thread is still up tomorrow.
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)02:17 No.4893504
    Dear anon. I said this earlier, but for each ass hat I come across here I find at least 3 good people to make up for it.
    Ive been stung by a vendetta around here not long ago, but what I learned from it were the people who posted after, defending me and and telling the person they were wrong. People can only hurt us if we give them permission to. It's easier said than done but it's true. Bad things can happen on the internet sure, but no furrys going to come up and do some one harm because they saw some ones picture on a feel good type of thread on /cgl/. Same with brolitas. The internet yeah always be cautious, but no one in here is giving away adress's or phone numbers. Just pictures and compliments.

    I admire each and every person who has posted themselfs in this thread. All are brave to do so, and the community catch's them and doesnt stab them in the back for it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:17 No.4893506
    >Thread for under appreciated anons
    >Same shitty summer tripfags post that overwhelm and suck attention out of every single selfpost thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:18 No.4893507
    In reference to this, there's also /sp/.

    They rocked my shit and dropped my dox once for really just about no reason.

    Saints preserve us, I'm dropping my trip just to say so.
    >> MalloMarsh !!jIcPNMSVBL3 08/26/11(Fri)02:18 No.4893509
    This thread makes me so happy! I have one photo of me ever that I actually like, so I won't participate in that bit, but
    You are one of my favorite trips. You are so positive and you seem to come into all those hateful threads with intentions of breaking them up.

    You are fucking cute! I love the glasses.

    Aww, move those fingers over. You look like you have a very cute smile.

    Beautiful! That is a very lovely dress and you have GORGEOUS eyes.

    What a cute hat! And you are very beautiful.

    I'll get the rest of you at some point!
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 08/26/11(Fri)02:19 No.4893511
    You know what still blows my mind about all this though?

    4chan, even /b/, may be the asshole of the internet, but yet even there (when I still went years ago) I have seen not just porn and jerkwads and personal armies. I've seen people united in anonymously sharing parts of their lives they might not even share with their therapist, and a touching amount of care shown for their fellow anons. It's freaks reaching out to other freaks. And even amidst the most cancerous boards, there's always something very human and oddly touching that can be found.

    And in before newfag. No, I'm not.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)02:20 No.4893514
         File1314339603.jpg-(492 KB, 1130x1136, tumblr_lntllq0JJ71qj7novo1_128(...).jpg)
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    I also wanted to take a quick moment to thank Nova and ampersand&; since they keep /cgl/ on topic with their extremely helpful reference and cosplay dump threads!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:20 No.4893515
    >Jealous and under-appreciated fatty.
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 08/26/11(Fri)02:21 No.4893518
    Thank you! This post gave me that really warm happy feeling that I've rarely felt in the past few months. I appreciate it! Also don't go down that dark ally in your pic.

    Thanks! I'm actually cosplaying!
    7/10 people at cons call me MacGruber when I'm wearing this costume though. It makes me feel old.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/26/11(Fri)02:22 No.4893519
         File1314339730.jpg-(13 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
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    Okay, I lied. Last post. I've gotta go to sleep now. I'll read/post more in the morning.

    W-what? You were hoping I'd post? Ahh, I'm blushing so hard right now. I didn't even think that people really paid any attention to me. I didn't know you were a fellow Mio-lover! Yay! That's so awesome! Thanks, again. <3<3<3

    Aww, you're so sweet, Roko. Thank you for being my friend.
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 08/26/11(Fri)02:22 No.4893520
    Don't forget Hatsuu too!
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)02:22 No.4893521
    In all honesty the anons would get more love if they posted more. I can't give credit to somebody doesn't at least pop-in and say hello :(
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 08/26/11(Fri)02:23 No.4893525
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    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:23 No.4893526
    Dude, that's right kind of you. It's good to hear that I can present myself that way, when it's really more of a front/buff to ease my own anxieties and such. But I like to think I'm getting to a level... less of sassiness, and more of upfrontness and rationality.

    By the by, complement is a complement, no way am I looking a giftseagull in the mouth.
    It's working, that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:23 No.4893527
         File1314339825.jpg-(55 KB, 509x572, youseemupsetanon.jpg)
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    try not to wreck this thread please.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:23 No.4893528
         File1314339831.jpg-(107 KB, 1280x720, kaminomi_08_03-39.jpg)
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    B-but...The guy woke up! I need to be there! I would fail as a stalker!

    If you sleep I will to! There I win.
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)02:24 No.4893529
    Shlicking comment? I dont quiet recall that. The only time I really remember getting mean words was not too long ago... perhaps I'm mistaken. But aaaww thank you. Your very sweet, I dont post my picture very often around here but it makes me happy that I get nice comments. Your a good person and I thank you dearly : )

    I'm sorry anon, I hope you feel better and less angry about things. It's sad you post here saying those things when all I see is anon, and trips, giving compliments to each other. And a lot of trips doing he complimenting. I hope you cheer up a bit and can enjoy a good thread. I really do.

    Good night!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:24 No.4893530

    Thank you! An anon once said they hated my glasses, and I was really sad because I love them. I can't imagine having any others, I've had them for so long!
    And cute is what I aim for, thank you!
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)02:24 No.4893531
    YES! And Hatsuu! I knew there was one more! Thanks!
    Hatsuu and all of her wonderful, WONDERFUL, collections of folders and endless amounts of references!
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)02:26 No.4893535
    No, it's totally fine!
    I just arrived late to the scene. Thanks for making them, though!

    Your gifs always make me smile.
    No joke.

    Hatsuu and Iris, too!

    You're always so nice to everyone, it really blows my mind.
    Good luck on your Klan cosplay; I'm sure it'll look fabulous. :3

    I am going to take you up on this offer sometime.
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 08/26/11(Fri)02:27 No.4893536

    You've got more balls than I have. I was supposed to go get a pair of glasses today and completely bailed because I was afraid I'd look derp in them.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:28 No.4893541

    This is a really great community here. I'm guessing the reason /cgl/ hasn't been flooded with weirdos is cause it takes some effort. And you all speak the same language, easier to weed out the fakes. Without the cosplay factor, /cgl/ would become /soc/ ver. 2. But yeah...
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/26/11(Fri)02:28 No.4893542
    Yeah... That was fucking weird... Glad I'm not the only one who thought it was.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:28 No.4893543
    Dood just said some really ambiguous crap I got all jimmies-rustled about, one line like "I bet a lot of schlicking gets done in that room".
    Not even necessarily insulting. Just felt like he shoulda been more respectful or something ffs.

    Also just realized you're mfin' jillybean. That's cool as hell I just basically talked to you.

    I am kind of tripping.
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)02:28 No.4893545
    Daaaw thank you! And btw your really awesome, Ive really just noticed you around but you seem very nice and when your not being helpful your being kind and funny. Keep it up : )

    Lol your welcome. And yeah I sense kuupas hiding out down that alley....

    YES and of course Hatsu. I loooove the tutorial threads so much. Nova always has good stuff to contribute and I love see'ing her post.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)02:28 No.4893546
    But you need your beauty rest, Kassi!
    I'm probably not going to sleep tonight because I have to design t-shirts for our Student Council after I finish this essay.
    Go to sleep! D:
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 08/26/11(Fri)02:28 No.4893547

    and Potato too!
    Glorious /co/ threads!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:31 No.4893552
    Aww, don't let the anons get to you, bro. You can never please everyone at the same time. :] Remembering this has made me a much happier and confident person.

    Thanks, Mell!
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:31 No.4893553
         File1314340285.jpg-(124 KB, 600x450, 333943893.jpg)
    124 KB
    Dude I knew I knew what I was talking about when I mentioned that just now.
    Awesome backing my faulty memory up on that, cool tripfag guy I've never seen before that has an awesome name and shit!
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 08/26/11(Fri)02:31 No.4893555
         File1314340303.jpg-(40 KB, 430x720, jack.jpg)
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    Kinda want to join in the love, seeing how I think everybody here is awesome and I've made some great friends here.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:31 No.4893556

    Don't be scared! At first, you'll think you look weird, but you'll get used to it! And you will definitely be able to find a frame that flatters your face.
    I mean, dat jawline. Dat forehead. Bro, you got it going on. You can't not look good.

    Plus, it's really nice to see clearly!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:32 No.4893557
    thanks i was kinda nervous posting but the reason i don't like it is cause of my skins weird red tone :/
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:33 No.4893558

    Oh and please don't think I'm being facetious! I really do like your forehead. I think it's handsome. Like, NPH handsome. I really do like it!
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)02:34 No.4893559
    Huh I must have missed that. I had to look up what that word meant actually.

    And lol you are talking to me, I'm just me btw nothing special. But you do flatter. : ) your very sweet.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:34 No.4893560
    A request, I implore so there;
    A shot of exposed arms, if you would so care.

    I've heard a lot of you. I just don't even.
    I have negative ranks in gather information, so for all I've heard of you, I know nothinggg.
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 08/26/11(Fri)02:35 No.4893563
         File1314340507.gif-(496 KB, 400x273, 1115858563.gif)
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    It makes me happy to know I make you smile.
    >> RiceBowl !Akz323Zsy2 08/26/11(Fri)02:35 No.4893564
         File1314340508.jpg-(11 KB, 382x284, ohgoshfinn.jpg)
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    You know this is the only board I go to that I don't get flack for being a tripfag? I love that about y'all. Also I like the brutal honesty and shameless trolling and its fun trying to tell those apart. Also the tripfriends in this board are so much kinder and more helpful than anywhere else!

    This is really my favorite board. <3
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)02:36 No.4893566
    Charizard, you always get complimented for your good looks and kind personality, and that's because it's all true! I like to think of you as the huggable teddy bear of /cgl/, and like Samurai Green, I love that you are a male /co/splayer doing those classic super heroes justice! Never change, because I think you are one of the coolest trips here!
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/26/11(Fri)02:36 No.4893567
    Are you the guy who always posts on /vp/? If not, my bad. lol The few times I went over there, there were several threads started by a "Charizard".

    lol no problem. I think your quote things got mixed up cause he actually said it about my pic. I think i replied with "whut?" and then got no response. lol
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:36 No.4893568
         File1314340605.jpg-(49 KB, 500x491, 1296114713149.jpg)
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    A hurr hurr I'm really getting all excitebike over talking to other people on /cgl/

    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 08/26/11(Fri)02:37 No.4893572
    D'awww thanks<3
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:37 No.4893573
         File1314340676.png-(225 KB, 617x480, 617px-ElsieSmiling.png)
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    Fine fine, I'll let you win, just for tonight though! I'm filling this thread up with non-related stuff anyway. Don't overwork yourself!
    Nighnight Mell~!

    And night Cgl! Remember what I told you! "keep Smiling".<3
    >> OmenMachine !U9T1TX5Wno 08/26/11(Fri)02:38 No.4893575
    Shannon, you are a cool bro both on G+ and /cgl/.
    This thread made me smile tremendously.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:39 No.4893576
    I've seen your posts and they're all cute as heel.

    But despicably enough I have little else to say.
    Aside from that I agree that it's cool how even though you're still subject to the gamut of hate for trippin', it's easily far better than most any other board.
    >> MalloMarsh !!jIcPNMSVBL3 08/26/11(Fri)02:39 No.4893577
         File1314340754.png-(26 KB, 100x96, Untitled.png)
    26 KB
    FFF Forgot my trip, derp
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:39 No.4893579
    Why is Mell so cute and seemingly nice?
    Aren't cute people usually assholes?
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 08/26/11(Fri)02:40 No.4893581
         File1314340839.gif-(498 KB, 320x240, 118978676445.gif)
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    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 08/26/11(Fri)02:40 No.4893582
    Nope :)
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 08/26/11(Fri)02:41 No.4893583
         File1314340880.jpg-(10 KB, 183x166, 302803_10150268246363460_72828(...).jpg)
    10 KB
    You're genuinely my hero.

    Thanks! But my forehead is way too big. Definitely a weak point on me. I've looked bald since I was a child. It's gotten better since then though!
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/26/11(Fri)02:41 No.4893584
    So I'm not an asshole!
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 08/26/11(Fri)02:42 No.4893586
         File1314340971.png-(57 KB, 197x181, oops.png)
    57 KB
    You're all so nice. :3c
    Why. Why are you so nice.

    I feel like I should post just to make us all even, but... then I wouldn't be a piplup anymore. You understand how these magical pokemon internet powers work, yes?
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)02:43 No.4893587
    thank-you! I'm glad it made you happy, giving other people compliments always makes me smile so I'm more than ok with sharing the love!
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:43 No.4893590

    I want you to know that can legitimately be hot.
    And I'm not just saying it because I have a larger forehead and would like to pretend that I'm naturally attractive.

    I also have a roomate who's got a 'fivehead' AND balding at 20 and he's a good looking chap as well.

    >fax encyeR
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)02:44 No.4893593
    It can be pretty dang cool. But the trips dont bite, mostly. You me laugh with the "mfin jillybean" bit, I dont think people notice me around here but it made me happy.

    And this thread has been a pretty nifty thing. Certainly made me smile.

    There is more than enough love for you to join in. Handsome and nice any one will throw some good words your way. Your a very awesome tripfag, I havent spoken to you... at all really, but when I see you post I'm always impressed.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:44 No.4893594
    where the heck did Mell come from anyway? I've been around for quite a while and I've never heard of him except for the past few weeks.

    Did he just pop out of nowhere and charm everyone or am i just really out of the loop?
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:44 No.4893596
         File1314341097.jpg-(29 KB, 388x454, 1311553080279.jpg)
    29 KB

    Was to this

    Threes are crazy man.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:46 No.4893598

    No, bro, it ain't. There are definitely girls out there who dig that stuff.
    I am shamelessly one of them. I honestly love it.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)02:46 No.4893599
    I understand piplup! I am definitely impressed with your dedication to posting with all those reaction images, I would hate for you to break your streak just because of me!

    You are another one of my favorite trips because you stand up to the occasional bully and you dish out the compliments like no other, so thank-you for being an awesome piplup!
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)02:46 No.4893600
    Yeah and you are one dang adorable piplup! Your cute and your funny and you make me laugh plenty. No need to post your picture for us to be able to appreciate you around here.
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 08/26/11(Fri)02:47 No.4893601
         File1314341226.png-(66 KB, 224x274, food.png)
    66 KB
    >Did he just pop out of nowhere and charm everyone
    Yeah, he kinda did.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:47 No.4893602

    ur seriously one of the only male trips on here ( that has a positive description and you totally deserve it!:3
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:47 No.4893603
         File1314341250.jpg-(30 KB, 600x796, 105913395-58b3f5e7127ac9c8bd78(...).jpg)
    30 KB
    hat smile for you now.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:48 No.4893606
    I don't do cosplay because I can't afford it and am not passionate about characters I'd be willing to cosplay. I like mori and dolly kei, but can't afford to build wardrobes for them, yet.

    Also, I have shitty pictures. :c
    I like the way I look in person way more than I do in pictures.
    I'm still afraid of getting ridiculed even if I'm just average.
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 08/26/11(Fri)02:51 No.4893612
         File1314341493.gif-(499 KB, 236x250, 93465340601.gif)
    499 KB
    You just make me happy in general. Is that wrong to say?
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)02:53 No.4893615
    I know the feel better in person than I do in pictures feeling. But never be afraid of being ridiculed. Words can hurt, words can hurt bad. But youve got nothing to lose and those mean things other's can say are meaningless if you have confidence in yourself. If you dont have confidence in your looks then gradually improve them, but as I posted in here before you need to believe in yourself before you can really start to shine outside and in. And in time youll have a cute dolly kei wardrobe, or cosplays, or what have you, to show off around here.

    That is a cool hat. Gotta say.
    >> TikkiTavi !TaigaVQ/9E 08/26/11(Fri)02:53 No.4893616
         File1314341601.jpg-(1.3 MB, 1536x2048, mefunny.jpg)
    1.3 MB
    Wait.. an actual nice thread on /cgl/...
    I LOVE YOU OP ^^
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:54 No.4893618
    I like the way I look in person. Sometimes a lot. Just in pictures, not so much. xD
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)02:56 No.4893621
    Whenever I see that list I always get a crack out of the secret superhero comment on my entry.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:56 No.4893623

    Nigga. Always making me incapable of thinking you're not Rikki Simons' wife/comic character cat Tavisha.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)02:56 No.4893625
    I loved that movie. So much. Ryan Reynolds is HNNNNNGGH so I'm honored you consider me on the same level. Also, assuming that is you in the pic, GIRL YOU ARE SO ADORABLE I CAN NOT CONTAIN MYSELF!
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)02:56 No.4893626
    Aww. Indeed, cosplay can be pretty expensive.
    Although it's frowned upon (over excessively), closet cosplay can be fun, too.
    My first con experience was a closet cosplay, and I had a great time.
    Also, pfft, everyone hates their own photos. The first step to improving yourself, though, is to have confidence in yourself.
    Besides, I'm sure you look fine. :3

    Nope! In fact, your happiness makes me happy as well.
    ...Which apparently in turn makes you happy which-- oh god endless recursion of happiness what do.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)02:58 No.4893631
    I personally loved it, but lol'd hardest at Broodmother's only thing and the fact I'm not there.

    Being under the radar is fucking dandy for me.
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 08/26/11(Fri)02:58 No.4893633

    He has no underage rules
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)02:59 No.4893638
         File1314341970.jpg-(713 KB, 1536x2048, DSCN2639.jpg)
    713 KB
    x .x I guess I'll post a picture. My hair in this is ughhh.
    Like I said in another post. Usually like how I look in the mirror. Just most pictures, not so much.
    Since I've been losing weight, I've been liking the way I look even more.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 08/26/11(Fri)03:00 No.4893643
         File1314342056.jpg-(63 KB, 640x480, Picture 4.jpg)
    63 KB
    I know this is a preeeetty shitty pic but... oh well.
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 08/26/11(Fri)03:01 No.4893645
         File1314342094.jpg-(62 KB, 480x640, 036.jpg)
    62 KB
    Uhh sure best I could do at the moment.
    >> TikkiTavi !TaigaVQ/9E 08/26/11(Fri)03:02 No.4893646
         File1314342132.jpg-(5 KB, 299x169, images45.jpg)
    5 KB
    I know this feel
    I hate how I look in almost every pic except a few cosplay ones
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:02 No.4893648
         File1314342174.gif-(496 KB, 122x275, 1005467109.gif)
    496 KB

    You're so cute!
    >> Xanadu !AL97aQqgzE 08/26/11(Fri)03:03 No.4893649
    you have such a great smile. <3
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)03:03 No.4893650
    Okay, that picture made me laugh (In a good way!)
    You're always super nice, and your Taiga reaction pictures always bring a smile to my face.
    Thanks for that, too.

    Hey, you look fine; dunno what you were being hesitant about.
    And I totally understand what you mean by the mirror.
    Since I adjust my appearance according to what I see in the mirror, sometimes a photo of me will make me :C because it looks so different.

    Finally, I'm glad you're taking measures to improve your appearance! However, with weight loss, too much loss can be extremely unhealthy.
    Make sure you're eating right and exercising, rather than starving yourself. :3
    >> o-slap 08/26/11(Fri)03:03 No.4893651
    Every time I see you post here I'm just confused
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)03:03 No.4893652
    you look cute, I love those glass's, they really pop and are adorable!

    I return the heart! Even if you cant see it I am attempting to make one! And you have a nice smile : )
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)03:04 No.4893653
    Glad to hear you're feeling better about yourself through weight loss! Becoming healthier physically and mentally is definitely an admirable journey! And my goodness /cgl/ you are just full of people with beautiful skin! I am so jealous of all of you, I truly hope you don't take not having acne for granted! And more specifically to you, anon, I love your glasses! They look amazingly good on you and fit in with your features perfectly! Definitely a good choice
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:07 No.4893659
    Pfft. Yeah. Caloric deficit is why I've been losing so much. I eat well rounded foods. Usually not processed, but everyone has cheats. Also a variety and lots of different colors, natural colors, not dyed stuff. And I'm still a bit chubby. Just not as much. I want to go for ten more pounds. I gained 1-2 back recently. x .x
    x3 Thank you, though.

    ; u; Aww, thank you.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)03:08 No.4893662
    I return your <3 with more <3!
    I love reading your posts and I can see in your eyes that you are a very kind person! Definitely a guy that you know you can trust. And dat v-neck looks great on you!
    >> TikkiTavi !TaigaVQ/9E 08/26/11(Fri)03:08 No.4893663
         File1314342495.jpg-(1.23 MB, 2048x1536, mefunny2.jpg)
    1.23 MB
    Don't worry man...

    I love your glasses, mind if i ask where you got them?
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)03:09 No.4893664
         File1314342566.png-(16 KB, 459x440, tumblr_lm16u2baWj1qkbb2yo1_500.png)
    16 KB
    Dude's all drigglywiggly.
    It's eccentric and projects a nativity, in an aesthetic, lure-them-chicks-in sort of way.
    Dude's a ladykiller.

    Confirmed for hot. Stacked ass looking guy. Built like a tank. Just the kind of physical appearance I like. Hope you don't mind me using the term Bear.
    Cause that's the shit, my good sir.

    But don't tell my boyfriend that. I'm waiting for him to fill out like his dad.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:10 No.4893666
    You guys make me feel like blushing. xD

    I need a new prescription. These are two years old and paid for by medicaid back when I had it, so cheap as fuck.

    I don't always have clear skin. I break out once a month because of that time when testosterone increases. D;
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 08/26/11(Fri)03:10 No.4893667
         File1314342606.png-(91 KB, 500x500, 1310837502179.png)
    91 KB

    Oh gosh, you guys!
    >> o-slap 08/26/11(Fri)03:12 No.4893673
         File1314342777.png-(147 KB, 445x445, 1314299734314.png)
    147 KB
    I don't know why you lumped me into the people giving you compliments, but I guess I will say that I've fallen in love with your eyebrows
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:13 No.4893675
    Cheap glasses from the area at one of those chain glasses stores that is covered by medicaid back when I had it.

    My newer prescription from over a year ago are in some frames I regret getting at an antique store. I also lost them. x .x
    They'd be like half tortoise shell and the wings out were blue. Or it was reversed. I forget.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:16 No.4893680

    Ma'am. may I congratulate you on your self-control. It's difficult to do, I know. I'm still struggling. But girl, it's paying off. You should be very proud of yourself.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 08/26/11(Fri)03:16 No.4893683
         File1314342991.jpg-(30 KB, 344x252, 1275604551903.jpg)
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    >my eyebrows

    I'm.... extremely self concious about them. I'm waiting to grow my bangs out so that I can get them thinner and more feminine, but until then, I'm stuck with a billboard brow and caterpillar eyebrows (I've been rereading my old Naruto trades...)
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 08/26/11(Fri)03:17 No.4893686
         File1314343053.jpg-(656 KB, 1368x1890, 394 - black_hair blonde_hair g(...).jpg)
    656 KB
    Shannon I'm so excited we get to be roommates you have no idea <3

    Once I posted anonymously in a "what's bothering you" thread about how fat and ugly I felt and that I was wondering why I even cosplayed, and you responded to it with so much love and support and I wonder if you knew it was me.

    I've wanted to give up stuff because I wasn't confident in myself but you always convince me that I can do it.

    Whenever we do costumes together I have the time of my life, even if our costumes are jacked up and don't match and are falling apart, we still have hilarious adventures. I'm excited to stay up all night at Kumoricon!

    Also this was the only sisterly pic of Panty and Stocking I could find so it'll have to do hahaha~
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 08/26/11(Fri)03:18 No.4893688
    you're next bby so just hold on~
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)03:18 No.4893691
    Brofistin' for v-necks!

    This made me laugh uncontrollably for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:19 No.4893692
    Fuck tripping for this, not secure enough for it and I'm a kind of useless one anyway. But what you're doing is good Op, keep it up
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 08/26/11(Fri)03:20 No.4893694
    You like tokusatsu, that makes you good in my book.

    you're also nice to my gf who posted here as anon before.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 08/26/11(Fri)03:20 No.4893696
    THIS guy... Got uniform emotion filled brows and hatin' like a champ...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:21 No.4893698
    It's easiest when you can't drive and don't have the stuff you want to snack on in the house.
    I had two bowls of cereal and a bunch of chips with homemade salsa today, which is cheating for me. Yesterday I had some fries.
    The other stuff I'll eat will usually be home cooked by my grandpa, yeah I still live at home.
    Like homemade beans, brisket, salsa. That's what we currently have left over. And a tiny of of roasted asparagus.
    When you have healthy left overs and a variety of foods, it's easier than you'd think. Also cutting out sodas and just eating less in general.

    Woops. Long post. x .x;
    >> o-slap 08/26/11(Fri)03:22 No.4893700
         File1314343337.png-(106 KB, 301x333, kaoru10.png)
    106 KB
    Ahahaha are you really the same MTL from /tv/? You seem like more of a silly cool guy here

    Yo girl, it's sad when you get self conscious and I just want you to know that I'm mad glad that we're friends. You're a true loyal buddy and always fun to talk to
    >> TikkiTavi !TaigaVQ/9E 08/26/11(Fri)03:23 No.4893702
         File1314343393.jpg-(3 KB, 120x75, small.jpg)
    3 KB
    you posted a gif of the best doctor, that is enough to prove you are a spectacular person & warrant love
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)03:25 No.4893707
         File1314343542.png-(56 KB, 155x192, Picture 5.png)
    56 KB
    I love you too man. I can't believe it took us this long to become cosplay bros, but now that we are I wouldn't have it any other way~
    Also, I think I remember that. I wasn't sure if it was you, but it did occur to me. I saw a little bit of myself in that post and just had to take action, girls are their own worst enemies at times.

    she has her ways of doing that~
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)03:27 No.4893711
    Pretty sure my first interaction with you was about your shades with your Sailor Stocking cosplay.
    It got a bit weird when Scarlet apparently told you that I have a crush on you when I didn't.
    However, after reading a lot of your posts (and bearing witness to your huge rack... of shoes, silly), you're really a nice person and definitely should continue to be that way.

    Both of you have no reason to be afraid!
    Contrary to popular belief, (most of) /cgl/ doesn't bite. :3
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:28 No.4893712

    My problem is that everyone around me eats... not the best. We're not a health-nut family. We have chocolate and cookies in the house. We don't buy way too many fresh fruits and vegetables.
    My skinny boyfriend eats out a lot.
    I don't eat a lot, but it's hard to find things that are good to eat. Unprocessed and stuff. And quickish.

    I just gotta keep trying I guess.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:30 No.4893716
         File1314343802.jpg-(32 KB, 439x568, rabi2.jpg)
    32 KB
    I don't like to selfpost much, but sure. I'm in a bit of a blue mood, some positivity sounds nice.
    >> o-slap 08/26/11(Fri)03:30 No.4893719
         File1314343850.jpg-(58 KB, 640x480, dokidokiraburabu.jpg)
    58 KB
    Oh Shannon, you are just such a steaming hunk of kindness

    this one's for you and MTL and all the other eyebrow afficianados out there
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 08/26/11(Fri)03:31 No.4893720
         File1314343889.jpg-(52 KB, 461x700, tumblr_lqbetzhPUU1qi110uo1_500(...).jpg)
    52 KB
    Thanks guys! Also SamuraiGreen pic related
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/26/11(Fri)03:33 No.4893724
    Your adorable! I love the cosplay, it looks cute on you and the wig looks pretty good. Im sorry your day has been blue, dont be blue, because you look super cute in pinkk!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:34 No.4893726
    Also, you're pretty. C':

    You live in a big city?
    Also, sandwiches. Easy as hell to make. You can throw on some quick sauteed veggie mix you cut up. Takes not a lot of time to dice up some onion and bell pepper and cut corn off the cob or chop up some squash or zucchini. Hell, could even put it in corn tortilla.

    Canned organic beans don't taste amazing, but they're not bad and can be seasoned up if you want. I added some to some Annie's mac I got on sale with extra cheese and some onion and bell pepper. Was a well rounded full meal for 2-3 people.

    Just try and pressure them into getting stuff for you to eat to be healthier or work on it when you can move out. Weight gain sucks, but is reversible.
    I've also tried a one day water fast before. It cleanses the body from all the processed gunk and I lost a couple pounds. You shouldn't do it more than once a month, though or use it as a way to lose weight. D;
    >> Xanadu !AL97aQqgzE 08/26/11(Fri)03:35 No.4893731

    Do itttt. :]
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)03:36 No.4893732
         File1314344178.jpg-(5 KB, 300x300, Heart-Blending.jpg)
    5 KB
    guuuuurl you are so cute! I have seen that character design before and always though it was adorable, just like you! You pull it off very well, and it looks very well made! I also really like the way you are posing, it's cute but not over done like some con hall pics. Very good job, and thank-you for being brave enough to post!

    I never got to tell you this but DAMN I love your hair, and as my fellow classy lady it fits in perfectly with your love of the 20's and 30's. We definitely need to hang out at some point in vintage-wear.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:38 No.4893735
    Aww, thanks! Everyone comments how much they like that wig. The color's just gorgeous, it was a lucky find.
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 08/26/11(Fri)03:39 No.4893737
         File1314344374.png-(203 KB, 421x353, stockingkiss.png)
    203 KB
    Bro you are so loyal and I love it, and I love your approach to so-called "drama" and I'm learning a lot from it. Hanging out with you and Shannon at Sakuracon was the most fun I've ever had at a con, even when we were all pissy and tired and hungry, the fact that we all realized what was going on and calmed down really impresses me.
    The three of us are the Dream Team~

    It only took us like... a year to become friends? Okay I guess that's a long time hahahaha.

    Hahahaha I'm pretty sure Scarlet was joking, the two of us and a few other Seagulls have become good friends on G+ and we do our own little video chats and we were chatting when you commented on my picture and Scarlet was like "OOOOH KA-SAN I THINK MELL LIKES YOU"
    But thank you very much! :D You're a pretty chill bro yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:40 No.4893738
    Thanks so much =D Rabi en Rose does have an adorable design, the outfit is so much fun to wear.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:40 No.4893739
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:43 No.4893746
         File1314344629.jpg-(22 KB, 359x346, 291829_1469367151916_176573324(...).jpg)
    22 KB

    I'm this poster. It was taken a couple weeks ago, and apologies for the brightness, forgot to turn my screen brightness down before I took it so I look like a ghost.
    >> o-slap 08/26/11(Fri)03:44 No.4893747
    When drama knocks on our door we punch it in the vagina

    it's what kiddos who post on cgl are called. cgl, seagulls, cgl get it? Took me a while too, anonbro
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 08/26/11(Fri)03:45 No.4893751
    bby I wish you were coming to the shoot tomorrow ;A;
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:46 No.4893753
    Awww. That's cute. I love seagulls, the actual bird. But then I love most all animals, including insects and arachnids.

    Awww cute c:
    >> o-slap 08/26/11(Fri)03:46 No.4893756
    ugh I know. I'm sooo afraid to drive again though, I need to get over it. At least KCon is soon, baby cakes!
    >> TikkiTavi !TaigaVQ/9E 08/26/11(Fri)03:47 No.4893757
         File1314344847.jpg-(7 KB, 299x169, images (54).jpg)
    7 KB
    HA we totally have the same glasses!
    ur super cute btw, nice eyes
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/26/11(Fri)03:52 No.4893762
    Aw, you look so cute in that outfit and pose!
    Mind telling me what character you were cosplaying?

    I'm not sure of if it's because of the brightness or not, but damn, girl, you have nice skin.
    Also your glasses look really good on you. :3

    Oh, LOL I see.
    I thought he was serious and was kinda :l about it for a bit but got over it pretty fast. :>
    >> OmenMachine !U9T1TX5Wno 08/26/11(Fri)03:52 No.4893763
    Ah! Thank you!
    /Not actually expecting compliments

    I kind of want to get in on the complimenting people, but I have no idea where to start, you guys are all so awesome.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)03:55 No.4893767
         File1314345304.jpg-(16 KB, 240x320, 1277156425111.jpg)
    16 KB
    oh /cgl/ why do you have to be so adorable? you're making it hard for me to pick out individual traits that I like! I love your eyes, and your jaw line is perfect for most anime-type faces so I think you're one of the lucky girls with a versatille face that can pull of all sorts of characters!

    I love you guys. Classy sistah's for life.

    Well /cgl/ I'm afraid I must say good night! My internet is crashing, and I don't have a chair or desk so I've been lying on my stomach this whole time and its starting hurt my ribs. Also I'm getting that classic headache from staring at the computer screen too much.

    I will definitely report back as soon as I wake up so don't be afraid to keep posting! I will catch you all in the morning ;) Sweet dreams /cgl/ you have made my night
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:56 No.4893771

    Thank you.


    The brightness really just lightened my skin tone by a few shades, I generally have really smooth skin. Also, thanks for the compliment on my eyes! They're what causes most of my self-consciousness...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:59 No.4893772
    I'm cosplaying Rabi en Rose from Di Gi Charat :3
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)03:59 No.4893773

    I don't feel so odd now, this makes two people that said they liked my eyes. I haven't been told that about my jaw though, that's a first, so thanks for the compliment. Now only if I did more cosplays.. haha
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 08/26/11(Fri)04:01 No.4893775
    OH pfft well I can never tell with him, either way I was pretty sure you didn't which is why I brought it up so casually haha. Sorry for any bad feelings!

    Both of those posts and the one I'm quoting now are all 7#7. IT'S A SIGN.

    Bby you're the sweetest and I'm excited for Londoncon when we can hang out in person <3 and for when I can see your lovely face in video chat! You should message me more on MSN~
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)08:59 No.4894012
    Bump I want this thread here after my classes
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)10:06 No.4894053
    this thread should live FOREVER
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)10:09 No.4894056
         File1314367767.jpg-(28 KB, 181x399, Artsy1.jpg)
    28 KB
    I love everyone in this thread for being poisitive.

    I was actualyl afraid to wear this costume on a con because I feel overweight. But I did and it turned out okay and I learned a lesson.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)10:17 No.4894069
    You've got a similar body to me only you're infinitely cuter looking!

    Wonderful costume btw
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)10:23 No.4894074
    Might be an odd question, but did you happen to attend to Närcon?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)10:28 No.4894078
    Yes I did, how so?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)10:31 No.4894081
    Thought I'd recognize you, but just wanted to check if I wasn't thinking of someone else :c
    Saw your cosplay and thought it was great!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)10:32 No.4894083

    Haha, thanks :)
    Yes I did, how so?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)10:38 No.4894087

    Ugh typo. Just "Haha, thanks". :)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)10:44 No.4894097
    Well, I'm glad you decided to wear it. You're cute and your costume is superb!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)10:52 No.4894104
         File1314370367.jpg-(52 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2011-08-25 at 17.39 #(...).jpg)
    52 KB
    i feel so shameless for self posts buuuuttt this is all i've got so might as well ha haaa
    karkat godtier wipppp
    >> ☆keekee☆ !!uNBKajMXAED 08/26/11(Fri)11:55 No.4894194
         File1314374133.jpg-(585 KB, 2048x1536, 190720111096.jpg)
    585 KB
    This thread needs to be on the first page of /cgl/
    more people could use with a bit of positivity .-.
    >including me
    >pic unrelated to thread
    (when I first saw it outside an ice cream place I nearly shat myself)
    >> Tarocchi !3vxnARAidE 08/26/11(Fri)12:11 No.4894217
         File1314375085.jpg-(53 KB, 336x336, awesome_face_boxxy.jpg)
    53 KB
    OP you're such a sweetheart for making this thread!

    -flings gold stars in your general direction-
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)12:56 No.4894288
    oh my goodness! I hope you get over that insecurity quick because you have a DAMN GOOD BOD. Sure, you're not stick thin, but you have a womanly shape, and everything is so smoothed out! I would kill to have that rather than my lumpy stomach! You are rocking that costume, and to top it off your beautiful :) Hold your head high girl, you should be proud.

    I don't know much about Homestuck, but you are adorable! Not a lot of people can pull off thick makeup like that, or if they do they can't apply it very well. But yours is very smooth, it looks real! And I love the darker color you used for your lips, it makes it look very natural. But seriously, I know I have said a lot of the people in here are adorable but you really are!

    agreed! I'm not sure how lose this thread is to filling up, but I definitely want to continue these maybe at least every few days! I hope someday you will post yourself so that I can give you compliments too!

    daww thank-you. I remember there used to be threads like this a lot more often. I miss those days
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 08/26/11(Fri)13:03 No.4894305
    Girls... y'all are adorable. I would mack on the lot of yous. No joke.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/26/11(Fri)13:34 No.4894392
         File1314380081.jpg-(103 KB, 450x360, 15b96fbb139ad680a1da1a39e18a42(...).jpg)
    103 KB
    It's worth a shot. Not feeling too great right now :<
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)13:39 No.4894400
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/26/11(Fri)13:40 No.4894405
    The way you take MJ's strap-on is glorious.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)13:42 No.4894409
    you are so pretty! I am absolutely in love with your hair! It looks so healthy and shiny, and you don't have any frizz at all but your hair still seems fairly thick! And I love how in this picture your cute pink cheeks match your pink wall behind you ;)
    >> ☆keekee☆ !!uNBKajMXAED 08/26/11(Fri)13:42 No.4894413
    pfft you are so cute! ; w ;
    I wish I had your skin! and your hair looks so healthy! ( mine is ruined ;A; )
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/26/11(Fri)13:45 No.4894421
    D'awww, that cheered me up a lot <3
    My hair is quite crazy in that photo, it's usually much more...Tame...

    Oh you! <3 Is part 2 up yet? *A*
    >> Kankuro 08/26/11(Fri)13:50 No.4894431
         File1314381056.png-(789 KB, 801x558, montage.png)
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    lol it'll be a contest for you, since I'm pretty hated.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/26/11(Fri)13:52 No.4894433
    Not yet, I'm actually working right now, posting stuff in between meetings. Just got a new car too so I have some stuff to take care of with that so it might have to wait til tonight or tomorrow. Also driving up to Reno tonight. It's coming along nicely though, hopefully I post the next part of all three stories tonight.
    >> Kankuro 08/26/11(Fri)13:55 No.4894439
    Mell you are the epitome of a lady, all packaged in a man. You're attractive, humble, and sweet.

    You're really helpful when you post, and you always have something interesting to say.

    I had no idea who you were til the room thread. You have a really nice room.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/26/11(Fri)13:57 No.4894441
    Guuuuurl, you cute as a button.

    Congrats on the new car, I got mine last week :D Looking forward to the new parts~
    >> ThatGirl 08/26/11(Fri)13:58 No.4894446
    I just wanted to say that Shannon up there is probbly a really sweet great person.

    I wish my steampunk Austria didn't look so horrible in the two photos of it I have. Everyone in this thread is so pretty or handsome and you're almost as really nice.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)14:05 No.4894460
    I don't know why people would hate on you :< I always see you post in the in/out of cosplay threads and even some cosplay suggestion threads. I think you are super cute and a really nice person, if I see anybody give you crap I will be sure to step in and put an end to that needless hate! I hope you continue to post, because I like knowing that you're still here and that the horrible anons haven't gotten to you!

    you are sweet :) thank-you so much!
    >> ☆keekee☆ !!uNBKajMXAED 08/26/11(Fri)14:07 No.4894464
         File1314382043.jpg-(274 KB, 1536x2048, 22082011038.jpg)
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    meh, I'll post a pic, but without the face..
    me and my 12 year old sister get often mistaken as twins, it's scary, and having a DFC doesn't help either..
    oh and I'm not always this tanned, my skin's normal colour is the one near the neck part.
    maybe I'll post a face pic .. someday
    >> Xanadu !AL97aQqgzE 08/26/11(Fri)14:10 No.4894468
    I like that this thread is still going.

    I hope you feel better. <3 You have really cute features, I love your eyes. :D
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/26/11(Fri)14:13 No.4894470
    Thank you! I don't usually wear that much make-up but I think it looks nice :)
    I know that feeling! People always ask if me and my 13 year old niece are sisters or even twins! They can't seem to understand why that offends me. But dang girl, I'd kill for dem legs!
    >> Justin = BFI !awN63bWuK6 08/26/11(Fri)14:14 No.4894473
         File1314382465.jpg-(844 KB, 2592x1944, Picture 47.jpg)
    844 KB
    But OP, I already feel good about myself.

    But since you asked nicely, Here's a pic from the other day.
    >> Kankuro 08/26/11(Fri)14:15 No.4894477
         File1314382508.jpg-(122 KB, 811x754, 1314097100527.jpg)
    122 KB
    :*D Thank you!

    You're so nice to me ;~;
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/26/11(Fri)14:18 No.4894484
    You look like the guy that worked at the hotel I stayed in in Kos. Except he looked more like Logan from Fable 3.
    Anyway, your beard is epic, good sir.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/26/11(Fri)14:25 No.4894495
         File1314383145.jpg-(474 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20110822_195233.jpg)
    474 KB
    Rate me

    This is a rate me thread right, I mean everyone's kind of flocking here for positive compliments this looks like a rate me thread
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)14:27 No.4894500

    face - 4/10
    body - 7/10

    not bad
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 08/26/11(Fri)14:29 No.4894507
    you look hobbes mode now
    but good ab progress
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)14:29 No.4894509
    I feel bad that you've spent so much time working out to look that awful.
    >> Mstski 08/26/11(Fri)14:31 No.4894510
         File1314383460.jpg-(20 KB, 375x500, shame946.jpg)
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    Eh, why not I'm havin a good day. Its Friday, I'm enjoying all my college classes & I just finished my first kandi cuff.

    I don't really post on here since I'm not a super special awesome cosplayer with vast knowledge, I started cosplaying back in april but the progress threads on here inspire me to learn how to sew & make props.

    I'm just you're average nerd who loves to meet people, have fun, & lives in Illinois

    OP, thanks for bringing some postivity to /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)14:33 No.4894517
    positivity thread turned /soc/

    well, i like 99% of you

    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/26/11(Fri)14:35 No.4894523

    You mean hobbes looks like me.

    I don't really care what I look like, as long as I can outperform you lot. L.A Marathon's in march. :0


    Don't care


    You're suggesting I'm doing this for looks. I take these pictures as another measure of progress, but I can already break a 7 minute mile so that's kind of cool.

    If I keep at it and break 5:30 I'm going to cosplay The Flash and challenge people to footraces at like SDCC for laughs.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)14:35 No.4894524
    you have a very cute figure! Your arms are very slender, along with the rest of the top half of your body, but you still got some hips and thighs on you don't look like a twig. I think you're adorable and your body works very well for just about any style of clothing!

    Confidant people need love too! AND NOT GONNA LIE I'M KINDA FREAKIN' OUT OVER YOUR WILD TIGER BEARD. You are awesome.

    I haven't seen a ton of pictures of you, so it's hard for me to tell but it looks like you've been working out more! You definitely seem more defined than before, but that could also be the better quality picture haha Good job to you, for keeping your body healthy!

    please pull up your pants though :)
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/26/11(Fri)14:36 No.4894529
    Face - 7/10, I feel as if you'd be a lot cuter if you were pulling a normal face.
    Body - 6/10, I'm more into ottermodes, sorry.

    Your hair looks so soft and shiny <3
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)14:40 No.4894538
    I'm glad the progress threads here are inspiring you! You may feel new to everything, but I know you'll catch on quickly. There are a lot of helpful people here, you just have to dig through some other things to find them. I know if you keep working hard you'll be an excellent cosplayer!
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 08/26/11(Fri)14:43 No.4894551
    and what would you consider him now?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)14:43 No.4894552
         File1314384210.jpg-(108 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2011-07-28 at 23.32 #(...).jpg)
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    Funny seeing you here :D But awesome and I really like your shirt!

    But anywho, me...and my kitty Kiwi.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/26/11(Fri)14:44 No.4894556
         File1314384251.jpg-(490 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20110803_205238.jpg)
    490 KB

    It's hard without a belt, help me pull 'em up. :o


    I make a lot of ugly faces, what you see is what you get unfortunately. :p

    Just seems like another thread so people can pander for attention. :0 MIGHT AS WELL RUIN IT

    Open. Cat. Wounds.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/26/11(Fri)14:48 No.4894566
    I've pushed a dog's eye back into the socket, that shit don't worry me ;) Are you an animal person? Still tallying up your personality rating.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/26/11(Fri)14:51 No.4894577
         File1314384669.jpg-(59 KB, 720x540, cats.jpg)
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    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/26/11(Fri)14:53 No.4894585
         File1314384781.jpg-(52 KB, 720x540, kitten newborn.jpg)
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    Im not
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/26/11(Fri)14:54 No.4894590
         File1314384858.jpg-(43 KB, 720x405, Black fuckin roger.jpg)
    43 KB

    not at all
    >> Justin = BFI !awN63bWuK6 08/26/11(Fri)14:55 No.4894594
    thank you

    and again, thank you.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/26/11(Fri)14:57 No.4894604
    8/10 personality then, your cat is adorable and your sarcasm amuses me :P
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)14:58 No.4894609
    I laughed so hard at your cat. omg so cute.
    I like that you have a black cat to match your cute black hair, and I love your glasses!

    kitties :< so. cute.
    You guys make me miss my own cats now..
    >> Mstski 08/26/11(Fri)15:02 No.4894617
         File1314385320.jpg-(3 KB, 126x72, when995.jpg)
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    Thank you <3
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/26/11(Fri)15:04 No.4894625
         File1314385452.jpg-(38 KB, 720x540, cat eye crusties.jpg)
    38 KB

    Brotip: ( >>4894590 ) and ( >>4894585 ) are the exact same cat

    Personality is what counts anyhow. Can't really fix a face and everyone will get old and wrinkly. Might as well age with dignity and stay thin but tough.

    Have some Luffy. (another cat)
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 08/26/11(Fri)15:07 No.4894635
         File1314385625.jpg-(71 KB, 601x798, kitty1.jpg)
    71 KB
    Damn it Masa. You and your kittens. I'm still trying to help my neighbor adopt one 3 month old kitten out because she done goofed and let her other cat get pregnant. :<
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:07 No.4894636
         File1314385625.png-(90 KB, 320x238, rei-smile.png)
    90 KB
    I feel so...soo...

    Thank you Shannon! (Kiwi feels the love too.)
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/26/11(Fri)15:11 No.4894645
         File1314385863.jpg-(37 KB, 720x405, black roger and scout.jpg)
    37 KB

    That cat looks like my Black Roger.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:11 No.4894647
    You keep bragging about your "personality". What exactly is so great about your personality? Being social or outgoing doesn't mean you have a good personality. Every indication shows you if anything as just being a loudmouth douchebag in love with yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:13 No.4894650
         File1314386002.jpg-(593 KB, 2304x1728, best.jpg)
    593 KB
    I don't feel right
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/26/11(Fri)15:15 No.4894655


    It's like you think you're doing something about it. :p

    My personality's better than yours, that's for sure.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/26/11(Fri)15:16 No.4894660
         File1314386167.jpg-(219 KB, 500x481, photo1.jpg)
    219 KB
    D'awww, bless :) I'm more of a dog person, pic related, is my Menace <3
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)15:17 No.4894668
         File1314386250.jpg-(71 KB, 406x528, fc87444_AhnoldGTFO.jpg)
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    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/26/11(Fri)15:17 No.4894669
    I feel like a cougar right now, I'm sorry but you do look quite young. I do like your hair though, and your skin looks lovely too,
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:18 No.4894671
    manure has a better personality than you.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)15:20 No.4894677
    you look super cute! and I like your cosplay, it looks very well put together, which can be really difficult to achieve with simplistic designs. Good job, and thanks for posting!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:22 No.4894682
         File1314386534.jpg-(701 KB, 2304x1728, 100_0460.jpg)
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    really? I am spotty, and no one told me when i took the photo, you guys are the only people i've shown these, i have more i can dump if you want...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:25 No.4894702
         File1314386748.jpg-(809 KB, 1728x2304, 100_0469.jpg)
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    thank you, i need a skinnier t shirt, and it is hard to line up the dog tags with the line of the shirt, as it makes it look baggy around the neck. Hopefully this should be sorted with the new t shirt.
    I have a few more i might stop here though
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/26/11(Fri)15:26 No.4894704

    Who is this manure, I must meet this person because they must be pretty gregarious

    I will be pretty disappointed if I found out that this person is not only revolting, but shitty too
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/26/11(Fri)15:27 No.4894711


    >> ☆keekee☆ !!uNBKajMXAED 08/26/11(Fri)15:27 No.4894712
         File1314386870.gif-(259 KB, 251x354, 327ef55062be6e987727c14a8f0270(...).gif)
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    I guess people don't think it's an offensive remark because some people do want to look younger after a certain age..
    aah I remember that few months I used to hang out with a friend who was the same age as me but looked older, nobody could have ever guessed we were the same age =_= and worst of all, she was constantly getting compliments (even from complete strangers) and getting hit on while I was just.. standing there, trying to ignore them. ( the only ones hitting on me where 12 - 13 year old boys AARGH )
    Last year I went to the mall with my sister, she was into bratz dolls so dragged me to the dolls section, and the clerk working there asked me what dolls I was looking for. and I stopped playing with dolls even before my sister did. lol
    But it isn't all bad! At least I can still get away with ordering happy meals!
    And thank you for the leg compliment ;v; sorry for the long/late response!

    thank you very much! <3 I've always hated my thighs but now I have a better opinion of them! you're a real sweetie Shannon!
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 08/26/11(Fri)15:31 No.4894720
         File1314387098.jpg-(112 KB, 600x450, 222995_1834610756294_157120608(...).jpg)
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    Welp OP I'll tell you this. I love girly things, being cute, kawaii etc. Pink and sparkles are the world to me-- but.

    But my tall, burly build doesn't suit that kind of clothing. I've had people tell me 'I dont look good as a girl', and frankly, I agree with them! My broad shoulders and jaw does not looks so... girly. Although it doesn't scratch the surface, I still push past the barrier and TRY to look cute anyway. I'm sure the MTFs out there have it harder than I do to try and appear feminine, so I feel for them. In any case, People should just dress how they want to, regardless if it looks good on them or not; Irl clothing isn't cosplay.

    Anywho, pic related etc etc sob
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:31 No.4894721
         File1314387102.jpg-(553 KB, 2304x1728, 100_0470.jpg)
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    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 08/26/11(Fri)15:47 No.4894757
    I think you are super cute no matter what your build is! It takes more than just height and stature to appear girly, it's all in your personality, the way you talk, and the way you dress. I think the blonde hair is a nice touch, definitely very feminine! I would recommend getting some extensions, and using some cute hair accessories like flowers or little bows! Nothing too outrageous but just enough to increase that feminine charm ;)

    you've already got the right attitude about liking what you want, now prove all those people wrong that you can pull off whatever style you want!
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 08/26/11(Fri)16:05 No.4894818
    I think a lot of the tuxedo breeds look alike. I really want to get it adopted out. I've been trying but I haven't had any luck. The owner thinks it's a girl. If we didn't already have too many cats, I'd just take her myself.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 08/26/11(Fri)16:12 No.4894843
         File1314389546.png-(14 KB, 100x100, 47.png)
    14 KB
    >Too many people to reply to individually
    >Everyone is so cute!
    >> ☆keekee☆ !!uNBKajMXAED 08/26/11(Fri)17:28 No.4895083
         File1314394117.jpg-(3 KB, 101x128, 1287146636167.jpg)
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    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 08/26/11(Fri)20:59 No.4895687
         File1314406742.jpg-(49 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lojunwNDLA1qdu3t8o7_500.jpg)
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