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    File : 1314312332.jpg-(19 KB, 255x202, OMNOMNOMNOMNOMFATTY.jpg)
    19 KB whatca eat today Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)18:45 No.4891591  
    What do you east coast/Canadian faggots know about IN-N-OUT?
    >> Iris 08/25/11(Thu)18:47 No.4891594
    I never had it but all the West Coaster's rave about it. All I know is Five Guys. When I get to Cali someday, I'll get someone to take me to one to see what the hubbub is all about
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/25/11(Thu)18:47 No.4891595
    five guys is on par... if not better than in n out.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)18:47 No.4891597

    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)18:51 No.4891605
    Friend of mine in Cali likes it,
    but said the quality has been going down recently.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)18:51 No.4891606
    Five Guys is fucking terrible
    The peanuts you can take for free are better than the food
    >> o-slap 08/25/11(Thu)18:51 No.4891607
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    IN-N-OUT is all hype, no substance
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/25/11(Thu)18:52 No.4891608
    I had a double cheeseburger from a friend at school who didn't have enough room to eat. aww ya free food.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/25/11(Thu)18:52 No.4891609
    you're fucking dumb, I wish you had a trip so I could block it.
    >> Ukraine 08/25/11(Thu)18:53 No.4891612
    Made myself a chicken wrap with cheese, a bit of mayo, mustard, broccoli and cheese. Worked all day so it was my first real solid piece of food. So good.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 08/25/11(Thu)18:53 No.4891613
    I had my first In And Out burger last year at AX.

    I will happily pay someone big money to smuggle me a burger into Florida.
    >> Yukkuri !!pvtUF0vWDEE 08/25/11(Thu)18:53 No.4891614
    The arrow looks like a penis with the words "IN-N-OUT" under it.
    Not sexually suggestive at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)18:53 No.4891615
    burgerville's burgers suck compared to in-n-out, but their sides and fries are way better
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 08/25/11(Thu)18:54 No.4891618
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    >What do you east coast/Canadian faggots know about IN-N-OUT?

    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)18:55 No.4891621

    I never been to five guys before but I heard it was pretty good. A buddy of mine from hs works as a waiter at one of the five guys in the bay area so I might check it out.
    >> o-slap 08/25/11(Thu)18:56 No.4891625
    I can dig it. I love getting a side of their sauce shit and dipping fries in it, mmm
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/25/11(Thu)18:57 No.4891627
    Ive never had one... and I'm in Oregon.

    brb off to get one of those awesome seasonal Burgerville milk shakes~
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)18:58 No.4891630
    Grilled cheese (made with pepperjack).
    Also a yogurt drink.

    Waiting until dinner time to eat pizza (Garlic Jim's, I bet), chips, and soda at a friend's house.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)18:59 No.4891633
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    come be my pokemon and I'll treat you to some err'yday. we might have to share a coke tho cause my mom only giveme $10 for lunch :O
    >> Izusa !!Vaz8/47ruye 08/25/11(Thu)18:59 No.4891634
    Stop making me homesick for the West coast, faggots.

    It's hard enough that I'm reminded of how awesome it is regularly on G+ thanks to every /cgl/er being in Cali. Fucking Ohio. ;_;

    Fuck you, Five Guys is fucking DELICIOUS when made right. You must have had a fucking hotdog there.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/25/11(Thu)19:01 No.4891635
    Yeah, You should check it out. It's a bit pricy compared to other burger joints. Just get small fries since they pour a lot of fries into your bag.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 08/25/11(Thu)19:02 No.4891637
    I tried In N' Out, and I must say that its decent, but it ain't no Fatburger. Dat egg in a hamburger.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:02 No.4891638

    "The Counter" make some pretty good milkshakes.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 08/25/11(Thu)19:02 No.4891639
    I know nothing about In-n-Out, despite having been to the west coast twice. We even stopped right next to one and went to the Quizno's beside it instead. Oh well, someday.

    Five Guys though I have had. There is one or two in Toronto. I dunno much about beef burgers, I prefer chicken, but it tasted homemade which was pretty awesome.
    >> ThatGirl 08/25/11(Thu)19:04 No.4891641
    I do like Five Guys.

    However, I'm been stuck at home all day, so I've only eaten Pringles and a 'Wispa Duo', which my mother gave me with a host of other delicious British things when I picked her up from the airport. Aerated chocolate is pretty delicious. I'm heating some bake potato soup because i don't need to be healthy, godamn.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:08 No.4891646
    u mad
    come at me bro
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:08 No.4891647
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/25/11(Thu)19:08 No.4891649
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    I would say Five Guys = In-N-Out if they were the same price, but they're not.

    In-N-Out wins because you get more food per dollar


    Yup. And the triple king challenge
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 08/25/11(Thu)19:09 No.4891651
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    Kuma's Corner > every other burger joint out there
    >> ThatGirl 08/25/11(Thu)19:10 No.4891652
    Are you mentally retarded?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/25/11(Thu)19:11 No.4891655
    I am all in and no out, baby.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:14 No.4891664
         File1314314075.jpg-(245 KB, 1024x680, 5622622389_fa13cb9984_b.jpg)
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    Burger's Priest is the best place in Toronto

    <- The Tower of Babel

    grilled cheese sandwich
    beef patty with cheese
    cheese filled deep fried mushroom
    beef patty with cheese
    grilled cheese sandwich
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:15 No.4891669
    I miss it.Used to live in Arizona and get it all the time.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:16 No.4891673
    Made some curry and had a large glass of iced green tea. Earlier today I had a Nature's Valley peanut butter granola bar and some peachie-os.

    Greek yogurt with honey and some graham crackers later after I get back from class. Aw yeah.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:16 No.4891674
    >Not on the west coast
    > Still eat in n out all the time

    Thanks for moving into TX guys
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/25/11(Thu)19:18 No.4891679
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    You know what I love??? Any joint that serves up a good ABC Burger. Avocado, Bacon, (preferrably swiss) cheese.

    I also like tomatos lettuce and pickles no onions ok
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:19 No.4891685

    are those yam fries?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:20 No.4891691
    Yeah, I had it for the first time a few weeks ago and now I see them like everywhere in Dallas...I didn't have to drive all the way out to Allen like I did the first time. I like their fries and the sauce on the burgers and my milkshake was good too.

    Sage for being a fatty and already replying to this thread once (>>4891673) but fuck, I want In-N-Out tomorrow.
    >> Tarocchi !3vxnARAidE 08/25/11(Thu)19:21 No.4891693
    > was seriously under the impression that McDonalds was the only burger-based food joint in the U.S.
    > is now not even certain that you guys have McDonalds.

    /cgl/, you made my brain explode.
    >> o-slap 08/25/11(Thu)19:22 No.4891697
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    Vegetarianbros, assemble. I can't think of any other fastfood places that have veggie burgers aside from Burgerville which is good and Burger King which tastes like ass.

    oh my god the chocolate monkey shakes are so good. I really wish I had some money right now
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 08/25/11(Thu)19:24 No.4891700
    Im sippen on one right now bro.
    It's like chocolate heaven.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 08/25/11(Thu)19:25 No.4891703
    That does sound really fancy. I just like my burgers with close to nothing on them so kinda a waste for me to go to those places. I still would wanna go to that place though, just to try it I guess. I shall look it up sometime.

    Oh I do like Hero Burger though! They have chicken, salmon, and turkey burgers!
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 08/25/11(Thu)19:25 No.4891706
    In-n-Out has one. It's called the Grilled Cheese since all they do it not include the meat patty.
    >> o-slap 08/25/11(Thu)19:32 No.4891734
    Speaking of grilled cheese, I love going to Sonic and getting their grilled cheese kid's meal. It's a super good deal and is surprisingly delicious
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:37 No.4891753
    In-N-Out burgers + Five Guys fries + Burgerville milkshakes = the hypothetical god of burger places.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:41 No.4891768
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    brb getting a loan from the bank to open this place. waiters will be cosplay or lolita
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 08/25/11(Thu)19:46 No.4891798
    Animal style.

    Oh god I miss in and out. :(
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:50 No.4891820
    i get it every time we visit my demented sister in arizona. best part of the trip.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)19:59 No.4891848
    Ugh I hate In-n-out. There was one next to my uni and I had it ALL THE TIME. I never thought I'd get sick of it, but I have.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/25/11(Thu)20:06 No.4891865
    I had Hero Burger for the first time a few days ago, it was amazing.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)20:08 No.4891872
    I hear it's a really amazing burger place and that's about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)20:11 No.4891882
    I heard that there's a secret menu of items you can order.
    >> TL;DR 08/25/11(Thu)20:12 No.4891885
    In-n-out is pretty darn good, but I prefer Sonic.

    Also, we don't have In-n-outs in the Pacific Northwest, only Cali has them on the coast. We do have Five Guys but the true Seattle equivalent to In-n-out is Dick's Drive In.

    Mmmm... creamy milkshakes from Dicks...
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)20:16 No.4891904
    Never In-n-Out'd, or Five Guy'd, but I know the best burger experience of my life was Five Napkin Burgers and giant burgers with Manhattans are apparently part of the finer things in life.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/25/11(Thu)20:18 No.4891910

    gross, dude. Their drinks are okay, but not the food.
    >> Iris 08/25/11(Thu)20:29 No.4891951

    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)20:41 No.4892005

    Thank god someone in this thread has taste buds. Kuma's makes god-tier burgers. The wait fucking sucks though and I normally can't be bothered to wait 2-3 hours for a burger, even if it is amazing.
    >> shaynii 08/25/11(Thu)20:43 No.4892019

    but dem strawberry slushes, mmm ♥
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)20:48 No.4892041
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    >Drive in

    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)20:49 No.4892047

    I've pretty much given up going out for burgers except for Kuma's.
    >> piplup !s3PIpLuPVs 08/25/11(Thu)20:53 No.4892066
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    >creamy milkshakes from Dicks

    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)20:53 No.4892067
    When I lived in Vegas, two fast food places I remember were In-n-Out and Jack-in-the-Box. I don't remember the taste of either.

    I like Steak 'n Shake.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/25/11(Thu)21:00 No.4892097
    Steak n Shake is really bad cheap fast food. I am okay with it.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 08/25/11(Thu)21:02 No.4892106
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    FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU! I am now craving my double animal style protein style medium rare cheese burger, but I live in FUCKING IDAHO.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/25/11(Thu)21:04 No.4892113
    hmmm, I love white people food.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)21:11 No.4892142
    I've been craving animal style fries all week. But I don't have enough gas to go out that far.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 08/25/11(Thu)21:13 No.4892149
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