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    File : 1314230817.jpg-(148 KB, 768x1024, P1010205.jpg)
    148 KB Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:06 No.4888367  
    TF2 cosplay?

    Got pics from cons?
    Working on one now?

    Let's see'em
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 08/24/11(Wed)20:09 No.4888378
         File1314230997.png-(371 KB, 343x666, Medic 2.png)
    371 KB
    I'll start, here's my RED Medic.
    Wig could use a lot of work, but otherwise, I like the outfit fine.
    If it weren't so bulky, I'd wear it more often.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/24/11(Wed)20:12 No.4888391
         File1314231173.jpg-(96 KB, 720x540, spycrab.jpg)
    96 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:13 No.4888393
         File1314231192.jpg-(123 KB, 768x1024, P1010199.jpg)
    123 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:13 No.4888396
         File1314231224.jpg-(558 KB, 1920x1200, 1263599958413.jpg)
    558 KB
    not op, but bumping because I love tf2 :D
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 08/24/11(Wed)20:14 No.4888398
         File1314231247.jpg-(180 KB, 549x720, 1309845334122.jpg)
    180 KB
    And again, my Medic.
    The first picture was from ALA 2011, this is from AX11.
    I brought the look together better with an ammo pouch I purchased, since that was all I was lacking when I debuted it.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:14 No.4888400
         File1314231281.jpg-(111 KB, 768x1024, P1010164.jpg)
    111 KB
    Don't trust that man, you should instead come stand by this dispenser

    where it's safe.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 08/24/11(Wed)20:15 No.4888403
         File1314231310.jpg-(1.61 MB, 3264x2448, IMGP1419.jpg)
    1.61 MB
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/24/11(Wed)20:16 No.4888408
         File1314231361.jpg-(117 KB, 720x540, 1307986956239.jpg)
    117 KB
    Gosh you are right! I am best buds with the engie after all!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:16 No.4888409
         File1314231364.jpg-(113 KB, 1024x768, P1010169.jpg)
    113 KB
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 08/24/11(Wed)20:16 No.4888410
         File1314231373.png-(1.07 MB, 570x858, TF2 Shoot resize 4.png)
    1.07 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:17 No.4888413
         File1314231476.jpg-(162 KB, 1024x768, P1010172.jpg)
    162 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:18 No.4888418
         File1314231528.jpg-(122 KB, 768x1024, P1010195.jpg)
    122 KB
    What could possibly go wrong? just step a little closer.
    >> ThatGirl 08/24/11(Wed)20:19 No.4888426
         File1314231573.jpg-(70 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lnsp5yv0S91qjgqsko1_500.jpg)
    70 KB
    Here, I lost my few pics from Ota, but this was makin' rounds on tumblr.

    Also, I'd love to know if anyone has tips for putting together a Pyro costume!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:20 No.4888430
         File1314231621.jpg-(153 KB, 1024x768, P1010184.jpg)
    153 KB
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 08/24/11(Wed)20:20 No.4888433
         File1314231650.png-(858 KB, 720x480, TF2 chase resize.png)
    858 KB
    I don't think that's a good idea on your part.
    Remember what happened last time?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:21 No.4888436
         File1314231680.jpg-(138 KB, 1024x768, P1010174.jpg)
    138 KB
    that's a great shot!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:22 No.4888439
         File1314231767.jpg-(42 KB, 600x450, user3519_pic504_1233790116.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/24/11(Wed)20:23 No.4888441
         File1314231780.jpg-(95 KB, 720x478, 252871_656973269780_163900152_(...).jpg)
    95 KB
    >open the door
    >get on the floor
    >everybody walk the spycrab
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:24 No.4888445
         File1314231852.jpg-(123 KB, 760x760, tf2cosplay.jpg)
    123 KB
    Not from a con but saved this pretty neato photoshoot a couple of fellas did, pretty amazing stuff

    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 08/24/11(Wed)20:24 No.4888446
    Oh Greg Peltz, you will always be the best Soldier in my eyes.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:25 No.4888447
         File1314231907.jpg-(138 KB, 1140x760, tf2cosplay2.jpg)
    138 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:25 No.4888448
         File1314231938.jpg-(230 KB, 1024x769, shirt.jpg)
    230 KB
    So, how you doing Ms. Pauling? ;D
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:25 No.4888451
         File1314231942.jpg-(70 KB, 850x567, tf2cosplay3.jpg)
    70 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:26 No.4888456
         File1314231989.jpg-(91 KB, 640x1000, tf2cosplay4.jpg)
    91 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:27 No.4888458
         File1314232021.jpg-(109 KB, 691x1037, tf2cosplay5.jpg)
    109 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:27 No.4888459
         File1314232030.jpg-(106 KB, 465x700, tumblr_lqb4l4En761qcn852o1_500.jpg)
    106 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:30 No.4888473
         File1314232252.jpg-(232 KB, 851x1280, tumblr_lq7hzkDjkq1qa2yyk.jpg)
    232 KB
    >> ThatGirl 08/24/11(Wed)20:35 No.4888488
         File1314232516.jpg-(31 KB, 500x334, tumblr_lnseolz5pH1qjgqsko1_500.jpg)
    31 KB
    I really want to find the Sniper's info, he's just fab.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:36 No.4888493
    >> ThatGirl 08/24/11(Wed)20:40 No.4888510
         File1314232840.jpg-(151 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lp2jvaQpS11qbnsafo1_500.jpg)
    151 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:47 No.4888537
         File1314233229.jpg-(265 KB, 992x1500, 130804326643.jpg)
    265 KB
    I'll post my friend from Facebook. I hope she doesn't mind~
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 08/24/11(Wed)20:48 No.4888544
         File1314233324.jpg-(164 KB, 500x667, 1309749282622.jpg)
    164 KB
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 08/24/11(Wed)20:49 No.4888545
         File1314233366.jpg-(227 KB, 600x800, 1309749635497.jpg)
    227 KB
    dat bum
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:53 No.4888567
    I'm sorry, but I can't stand that Scout Mom's wig.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:01 No.4888623
         File1314234076.jpg-(111 KB, 1024x768, P1010179.jpg)
    111 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:04 No.4888644
         File1314234294.jpg-(126 KB, 1024x768, P1010166.jpg)
    126 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:21 No.4888733
         File1314235279.jpg-(337 KB, 1024x698, 6034755835_bde0bd191b_b.jpg)
    337 KB
    Decent Medic, Scout and Spy.

    But a hairy engineer, and a fat engineer....
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:25 No.4888754
    Ok! The gasmask is a russian GP-5. You should probably find one in black.

    Please tint the eyes with some tint that will let you see.

    MAKE A WAY TO STAY COOL! Seriously, I can't wear mine for more than thirty minutes because it gets so hot.
    You may want somebody as a handler, if you're worried about getting in some trouble while in it. You might even want to find some way to communicate without talking. Your speech does get muffled.

    Also, BLU or RED?
    >> ThatGirl 08/24/11(Wed)21:37 No.4888806
    Ah, I was wondering what the mask was called, thanks!! It looks like black is pricier, orz, but at least I've got a name now.
    I'm planning mine for Katsucon [I'll be DAMNED if I wear this to a summer con], and I'll probbly keep a friend in tow, but you do have a point. I'm not sure how to lenses though!

    And I reallly love BLU but I'll probably do RED. RED Pyros look snazzier.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:42 No.4888826
    A guide I had said to cut out circles of the tint to the size of the gasmask, to put it on the inside, but it's really difficult, and I hope there's a better way.
    >> ThatGirl 08/24/11(Wed)21:55 No.4888880
    Hmmm... I was looking on TF2chan awhile back, and I recall an extensive thread on doing Pyro... Can't find it anymore,, since the chan won't load for some reason.
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 08/24/11(Wed)21:58 No.4888889
         File1314237486.jpg-(888 KB, 2048x1536, 1309902300977.jpg)
    888 KB
    check my sextuplets
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 08/24/11(Wed)21:58 No.4888893
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:12 No.4888931
    bump for engies
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:45 No.4889027
    From Sakura-Con '11
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:46 No.4889032
         File1314240409.jpg-(72 KB, 720x480, 216253_10150179623784734_54517(...).jpg)
    72 KB
    Forgot my picture, dammit.
    >> Holden Caulfield !!m7XhxC+5SQm 08/24/11(Wed)22:48 No.4889038
         File1314240482.jpg-(1.71 MB, 2304x3072, Picture 203.jpg)
    1.71 MB
    Maybe one day I will do this seriously and not take a picture in a bathroom. Ooops
    >> TK-421 08/24/11(Wed)22:50 No.4889049
         File1314240626.jpg-(59 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110425_2.jpg)
    59 KB
    I have my Scout outfit, I'm currently in the works of making a Soldier and a Sniper cosplay as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:55 No.4889067
         File1314240923.jpg-(97 KB, 208x567, CIMG0481.jpg)
    97 KB
    I was a heavy at ACEN this year with a large group, it was my first con and costume, and a ton of fun. I don't really have any good pictures of it or anything.

    I'll be going again next year.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:04 No.4889103
    I suggest switching that light skirt out for a dark grey one.
    It looks very out of place.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:05 No.4889111
    I plan to dye it if I can before then.

    This was all literally thrown together in the space of about a week or two. We didn't know we were going until RIGHT before the event, and it was kind of a big deal for us (my fiancee and I) because we were driving down from Canada for the event and had a ton of stuff to plan in too short a time, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:16 No.4889147
    So many ugly people...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:22 No.4889171
         File1314242520.jpg-(9 KB, 210x240, 1301249945208.jpg)
    9 KB
    >expecting otherwise on /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:49 No.4889290
         File1314244180.jpg-(14 KB, 180x185, 202949_1076441108_5491442_n.jpg)
    14 KB
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/24/11(Wed)23:54 No.4889311
    >dat A-kon cropping.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:03 No.4889353
         File1314245003.jpg-(158 KB, 536x800, 1312341329503.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:12 No.4889401
         File1314245548.jpg-(1.24 MB, 1470x942, IMG_94923.jpg)
    1.24 MB
    View of Otakon's Valve shoot from the escalators. So much TF2...
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:17 No.4889433
         File1314245868.jpg-(359 KB, 1680x1260, 1310260826925.jpg)
    359 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:18 No.4889439
         File1314245933.jpg-(737 KB, 2304x1728, 1309626097967.jpg)
    737 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:19 No.4889445
         File1314245972.jpg-(97 KB, 720x540, 1309625788306.jpg)
    97 KB
    being a spy looks like so much fun
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)02:28 No.4889851
         File1314253681.jpg-(68 KB, 450x673, tf2-cosplay-9.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)02:36 No.4889894

    This is the best solider ever.
    I can die happy now.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)03:18 No.4890019
         File1314256707.jpg-(1.26 MB, 2048x1536, otakon 2011 003.jpg)
    1.26 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)03:31 No.4890038
    Dat Liz :3
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)07:21 No.4890350
    I've got some inspiration from this thread and i've been thinking about doing a scout myself.
    Now the con is in november, so it'll be pretty cold by then (think ~12°C). I'm worried of walking around in a tshirt all day. It's probably just going to be too cold. Are there any images that have a fitting alternative?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)09:59 No.4890478
         File1314280758.jpg-(61 KB, 528x720, heavy.jpg)
    61 KB
    I challenge you to find me a better Heavy.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)10:03 No.4890493
    Is it okay for me to cosplay Engineer without making it a Female variation? I mean, being just a chick in the entire Engineer getup?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)10:45 No.4890534
    Go for it anon! As long as you bind, hide hair, facial hair makeup yadeyadeyah
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)10:50 No.4890539
    >> Hoodoo !oCHsyMELEY 08/25/11(Thu)11:36 No.4890630
         File1314286582.jpg-(614 KB, 1460x1095, Scout Rainbow.jpg)
    614 KB
    TF2 Thread?v Always a good time.

    Bumping with some pics from January's SacAnime. Almost done with my RED Pyro for SacAnime next weekend
    >> Hoodoo !oCHsyMELEY 08/25/11(Thu)11:37 No.4890633
         File1314286643.jpg-(679 KB, 1416x1584, Sniper Heavy.jpg)
    679 KB
    >> Hoodoo !oCHsyMELEY 08/25/11(Thu)11:38 No.4890634
         File1314286699.jpg-(502 KB, 1460x820, Control Point.jpg)
    502 KB
    >> Hoodoo !oCHsyMELEY 08/25/11(Thu)11:39 No.4890635
         File1314286748.jpg-(537 KB, 1460x820, Engie VS Mewtwo.jpg)
    537 KB
    >> Hoodoo !oCHsyMELEY 08/25/11(Thu)11:39 No.4890637
         File1314286783.jpg-(462 KB, 1460x1095, Sniper Scout.jpg)
    462 KB
    >> Hoodoo !oCHsyMELEY 08/25/11(Thu)11:42 No.4890640
         File1314286920.jpg-(365 KB, 888x661, Engie VS Smoker.jpg)
    365 KB
    last halfway-decent one I've got

    see you goobers on the 2nd!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)12:06 No.4890683
    holy shit

    And all the self posts in here are awful. TF2 cosplay is getting worse and worse.
    >> ThatGirl 08/25/11(Thu)12:12 No.4890687
         File1314288735.jpg-(162 KB, 851x1280, tumblr_lq7i1qy5BM1qa2yyk.jpg)
    162 KB
    >TF2 cosplay is getting worse and worse
    Says you.

    Have more of my favorite Sniper.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)12:23 No.4890700
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)12:25 No.4890704
    Both decent and fail in the one pic. What con?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)14:19 No.4890943
    Uuuuuuh I'm average sized, have long hair and don't cosplay. I genuinely think that's the best Heavy I've seen.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)20:18 No.4891915
    like what they've done with the tentacles
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)21:03 No.4892109
         File1314320588.jpg-(1.26 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_20110825_205327.jpg)
    1.26 MB
    Here's a kinda crappy selfshot of my spy costume for Dragon*Con next weekend.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)10:09 No.4894057
    Nomcon 2011

    was shit
    >> Lithe-Fider 08/26/11(Fri)11:09 No.4894122
         File1314371353.jpg-(391 KB, 1280x848, EpicGroupShots_ALL.jpg)
    391 KB
    >>4889353 I proudly claim credit for this insanity

    Now I'm going to dump some epic group photos from Otakon 2011, that include Portal and L4D too. (Massive) originals are on the photographer's Flicker:
    >> Lithe-Fider 08/26/11(Fri)11:11 No.4894128
         File1314371518.jpg-(426 KB, 1742x624, EpicGroupShots_BLU.jpg)
    426 KB
    BLU Team
    >> Lithe-Fider 08/26/11(Fri)11:12 No.4894129
         File1314371549.jpg-(481 KB, 1655x771, EpicGroupShots_RED.jpg)
    481 KB
    RED Team
    >> Lithe-Fider 08/26/11(Fri)11:14 No.4894133
         File1314371669.jpg-(401 KB, 1931x472, EpicGroupShots_TF2.jpg)
    401 KB
    RED and BLU
    >> Lithe-Fider 08/26/11(Fri)11:15 No.4894134
         File1314371742.jpg-(442 KB, 1655x751, EpicGroupShots_Portal.jpg)
    442 KB
    Now for some Portal love (one big happy Valve family)
    >> Lithe-Fider 08/26/11(Fri)11:16 No.4894137
         File1314371795.jpg-(510 KB, 1655x739, EpicGroupShots_L4D.jpg)
    510 KB
    L4D last but not least <3
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)13:33 No.4894387
         File1314380023.jpg-(94 KB, 720x540, 224507_10150737189945181_59692(...).jpg)
    94 KB
    Me and my friends at GenCon this year. We did TF2 just for funzies.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)13:34 No.4894391
         File1314380065.jpg-(76 KB, 720x540, 262482_10150737191515181_59692(...).jpg)
    76 KB
    aaaand another
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)13:36 No.4894395
         File1314380197.jpg-(82 KB, 720x540, 263252_10150737190270181_59692(...).jpg)
    82 KB
    last one :)

    i looooved that red scout too. great cosplay
    >> Lithe-Fider 08/26/11(Fri)22:20 No.4896048
         File1314411615.jpg-(209 KB, 1209x843, Otakon 2011_Medics with hats.jpg)
    209 KB
    Vintage Tyroleans ftw. Also ARCHIMEDES
    >> the unicorn lord !4HLpXn8cJg 08/27/11(Sat)02:19 No.4897046
    .... how hard is it to find a blue ski mask?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)03:39 No.4897351
    Everyone looks so happy

    Ugh. I've wanted to cosplay Red Team Pyro ever since seeing the costume, but the actual game makes my computer crash like a blind ballerina.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)04:20 No.4897457
    your balaclava is legit

    howd the fuck you get the cut outs so clean/ and or, where'd you get that shit bruh

    ive wanted to do a red spy for a while now
    i'd like to do with the new turtle neck misc item and maybe the french beret and an ambassador
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)04:25 No.4897469
    It actually looks like a Trilby.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)04:34 No.4897483

    scouts the only class with a trilby, a flipped one more specifically
    so yeah no, it's a vint tyrolean
    i mean, not saying they could have used a trilby for their cosplay.
    it's very likely, as the in game model doesn't have such extreme indents and definition as it's real life counter part
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)04:43 No.4897493
    Has anyone cosplayed any of the NPCs? Aside from Scout's mom, of course. I'd love to see an Administrator or the Director, for example
    >> Agent of HYDRA 08/27/11(Sat)05:29 No.4897552
    there was a Pauling at Otakon
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)05:38 No.4897568
         File1314437932.jpg-(932 KB, 1728x2304, scoot.jpg)
    932 KB
    my scout WIP
    I need a bat and new shoes, also a tighter shirt.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)19:02 No.4899194
         File1314486157.jpg-(27 KB, 408x624, 63369271feb72e46.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)04:51 No.4900836
         File1314521463.png-(651 KB, 600x850, 63368916adcf37acf046355ddcfc1c(...).png)
    651 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)05:46 No.4900893
    I've been wanting to cosplay female heavy for some time, but I'm small and slim. I have a DD chest, but no ass or hips. Could I get away with it? Any good female heavies out there who aren't fat or big?
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)09:28 No.4901062
    For me, I don't mind slim heavies if the minigun is made really well. Like it compensates it all somehow.
    >> Logseux !kH8wjcKndo 08/28/11(Sun)09:56 No.4901119
         File1314539791.jpg-(66 KB, 600x765, 56.jpg)
    66 KB
    I'd love to see PT as Fem-soldier.

    I haven't seen anyone attempt it yet (at least, no attempt that bares any resemblance to it's male counterpart. Think red lycra bikini and an army helmet)

    I think the design's awesome; she could really pull it off with her facial structure. Pic related
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)12:45 No.4901482
    Who are either of these girls? They are both incredibly cute.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)12:50 No.4901496
    she could pull off a heavy if she wasn't so short
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)12:56 No.4901513
    Stfu about PT, will you? Go rub yourself off to her somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)13:15 No.4901577
    Any more fem medics?
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)21:40 No.4903169
         File1314582001.jpg-(147 KB, 685x1024, RefractorMedic3.jpg)
    147 KB
    Self-posting, and I know I can be a better Fem!Medic.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/28/11(Sun)23:13 No.4903616
    Sup Dok? Ready for D*C?
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 08/29/11(Mon)06:14 No.4905197
         File1314612853.jpg-(82 KB, 1024x768, 100_3373 (Medium).jpg)
    82 KB
    Thread Resurrection!
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 08/29/11(Mon)06:15 No.4905200
         File1314612951.jpg-(63 KB, 576x768, 100_8062 (Medium).jpg)
    63 KB
    Bit blurry but, you get the idea.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 08/29/11(Mon)06:16 No.4905204
         File1314613006.jpg-(41 KB, 576x768, 100_6553 (Medium).jpg)
    41 KB

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