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!kH8wjcKndo 08/24/11(Wed)15:28 No.4887388 File1314214108.jpg-(18 KB, 460x276, 3.jpg)
 Pokemon gijinkas; a great idea in theory, but in reality you will never look like a (somewhat magical)12-year old anime girl.
work on paper because each gijinka's facial features resemble that of
the pokemon (large, glistening eyes for Clefairy; cat-shaped mouth for
Meowth etc), features that are irreplaceable from a 2-d animation.
inb4 HURR THATS ALL COSPLAY; gijinkas need to be followed by a stricter visual criteria.
essentially dressing as an amplification of an idea. You're emulating
those features, and without the ability to fully mimic these nuances,
gijinka cosplays tend to end up looking like a hot mess.
course, this is just my opinion and if anyone wants to prove me wrong
with some shining examples of gijinka cosplay, go right ahead. |