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    File : 1314164576.jpg-(38 KB, 467x700, tumblr_li41x73usE1qcgltko1_500.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:42 No.4885739  
    Poison Ivy thread?

    Poison Ivy thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:45 No.4885752
    Oh god I have milk in my pants now :O
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:49 No.4885768
         File1314164990.jpg-(8 KB, 240x320, 1296093687825.jpg)
    8 KB
    Why would you put that there..
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:49 No.4885769
    Oh shit Im gonna water the plant soon...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:51 No.4885779
    Not only did you start your thread with that faggot sentence structure but that has nothing to do with Poison Ivy.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:53 No.4885784

    Post something better?
    >> piplup !Ebgln4OHzA 08/24/11(Wed)01:54 No.4885786
         File1314165254.jpg-(32 KB, 180x250, gc4129_small.jpg)
    32 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:59 No.4885805
    Blahblahblah thread?
    Blahblahblah thread.

    This aint >>>/r/
    You could have used something like this:
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:00 No.4885807
         File1314165622.jpg-(81 KB, 479x640, 2676322.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/24/11(Wed)02:01 No.4885809
    You must be fat
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:03 No.4885820
         File1314165808.jpg-(187 KB, 900x1344, green_with_evil_by_SydkneeBean.jpg)
    187 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:15 No.4885846
    Insta bono :D
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 08/24/11(Wed)02:20 No.4885855
         File1314166806.jpg-(32 KB, 431x720, 268629_10150260460001358_50243(...).jpg)
    32 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:21 No.4885859
         File1314166912.jpg-(116 KB, 333x500, 1308885898865.jpg)
    116 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:22 No.4885860
         File1314166952.jpg-(311 KB, 900x650, 1309193274615.jpg)
    311 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:23 No.4885861
         File1314166998.jpg-(94 KB, 500x522, tumblr_lkswfxXQRc1qj8fv6o1_500.jpg)
    94 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:24 No.4885863
         File1314167062.jpg-(73 KB, 467x700, tumblr_lkrjwmx66h1qfsn4o.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 08/24/11(Wed)02:27 No.4885867
    I remember that dress from the progress threads!
    It's so beautiful.

    brb being jelly forever.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:30 No.4885875

    Is that you? Holy boner, Batman!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:31 No.4885878
         File1314167501.jpg-(189 KB, 900x1355, midlands__poison_ivy_by_anaisr(...).jpg)
    189 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:33 No.4885881
    I WISH haha! No that is not me!

    But does anyone have more of those two? They're gorgeous
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:33 No.4885883
         File1314167628.jpg-(168 KB, 730x1095, Abby_as_Poison_Ivy_by_Insane_P(...).jpg)
    168 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:34 No.4885885
         File1314167684.jpg-(53 KB, 514x768, Arkham_Asylum_Poison_Ivy_by_Al(...).jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:35 No.4885889
         File1314167720.jpg-(390 KB, 513x700, beb5d39a40240299ce147100042eff(...).jpg)
    390 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:35 No.4885890

    Do you cosplay at all? You should post yourself up if you do!
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 08/24/11(Wed)02:37 No.4885893
    That'd be my girlfriend cosplayin' as Ivy, and her friend Avi as Harley.
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:37 No.4885894
         File1314167856.jpg-(209 KB, 730x1095, Harley__Batman_and_Ivy_1_by_In(...).jpg)
    209 KB
    >> Penny !CwVY/8O3DQ 08/24/11(Wed)02:38 No.4885898
         File1314167901.jpg-(434 KB, 600x900, Elemental-2236.jpg)
    434 KB
    Oh hi, Im that Poison Ivy and the Harley is Avi
    I moved all of my cosplay photos to my external, so I saved this one quick.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:40 No.4885903
         File1314168028.jpg-(212 KB, 618x768, ivyharls 251 copy.jpg)
    212 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:40 No.4885904
    I haven't cosplayed since my early teens (like ones that should not see the light of day), I'm just back into it now. But thanks(? I think) anon!

    You both are gorgeous! And your costumes are spot on!
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:41 No.4885906
         File1314168068.jpg-(155 KB, 731x1092, Harley_and_Ivy___On_the_Run_by(...).jpg)
    155 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:41 No.4885907
         File1314168081.jpg-(111 KB, 500x750, il_570xN.208464596.jpg)
    111 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:42 No.4885909
         File1314168160.jpg-(166 KB, 900x600, into_the_ivy_by_gillykins-d1ms(...).jpg)
    166 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:43 No.4885912
         File1314168191.jpg-(101 KB, 475x645, Poison-Ivy.jpg)
    101 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:43 No.4885913
         File1314168218.jpg-(165 KB, 728x1096, Ivy___by_smcose.jpg)
    165 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:44 No.4885915

    Absolutely gorgeous. Seriously.


    I lol'ed a little bit. You're welcome.
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:44 No.4885916
         File1314168263.jpg-(240 KB, 685x1167, May_your_hell_be_a_green_one_b(...).jpg)
    240 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:45 No.4885920
         File1314168305.jpg-(132 KB, 728x1096, midlands__poison_ivy_by_anaisr(...).jpg)
    132 KB
    >> Penny !CwVY/8O3DQ 08/24/11(Wed)02:45 No.4885921
    Thanks! I had so much... fun making it, and I was super thrilled to be finally cosplaying with Avi.
    It pretty much made my year.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:45 No.4885922
         File1314168322.jpg-(371 KB, 691x1156, poison_ivy_by_dollwithagun-d3l(...).jpg)
    371 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:45 No.4885925
         File1314168340.jpg-(102 KB, 480x720, my_name__s_poison_ivy_by_ladyg(...).jpg)
    102 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:46 No.4885928
         File1314168379.jpg-(233 KB, 900x1634, Poison_Ivy_by_Nilla.jpg)
    233 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:46 No.4885929
         File1314168401.jpg-(72 KB, 600x900, poison_by_toschs-d3841vr.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:47 No.4885932
         File1314168433.jpg-(564 KB, 536x805, Poison_Ivy__Two_by_walker1812.jpg)
    564 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:48 No.4885937
         File1314168491.jpg-(147 KB, 730x1095, Poison_Ivy_1_by_Insane_Pencil.jpg)
    147 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:48 No.4885940
         File1314168524.jpg-(174 KB, 658x1214, Poison_Ivy_2_by_Insane_Pencil.jpg)
    174 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:49 No.4885942

    You seem to have quite a collection of these.

    Favorite character much?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:50 No.4885947
         File1314168626.jpg-(407 KB, 900x1122, Poison_Ivy_by_TwilightNobody.jpg)
    407 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:50 No.4885948
         File1314168633.jpg-(139 KB, 629x679, poison_ivy_and_joker_by_ladygi(...).jpg)
    139 KB

    She actually is my favourite character! And I have a lot a really huge cosplay folder.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:51 No.4885950

    Do you use MSN or AIM?
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:51 No.4885951
         File1314168691.jpg-(108 KB, 900x683, poison_ivy_and_two_face_by_inu(...).jpg)
    108 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:51 No.4885956
         File1314168714.jpg-(138 KB, 510x768, 5565597190_df60dc5b12_b.jpg)
    138 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:52 No.4885957
         File1314168750.jpg-(257 KB, 765x1045, poison_ivy_by_inuyomi-d3bj83u.jpg)
    257 KB
    I haven't touched my msn in...??? I don't know how many years.
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:53 No.4885958
         File1314168799.jpg-(112 KB, 730x1095, Poison_Ivy_Cosplay_1_by_Virtua(...).jpg)
    112 KB
    >> CaptainAmerica 08/24/11(Wed)02:53 No.4885960

    Lame. I was going to ask if you were in the mood to chat.
    >> CaptainAmerica 08/24/11(Wed)02:54 No.4885961
         File1314168879.jpg-(46 KB, 319x458, 2982465.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:54 No.4885962
         File1314168889.jpg-(159 KB, 900x611, Poison_Ivy_Cosplay_10_by_Virtu(...).jpg)
    159 KB

    One day. I'll get something to talk to seagulls.
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:55 No.4885963
         File1314168919.jpg-(189 KB, 900x600, poison_ivy_ii_by_blasteh-d3ddj(...).jpg)
    189 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:56 No.4885966
         File1314169011.jpg-(156 KB, 503x755, 1080138-poisonivy_cosplay_anam(...).jpg)
    156 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:57 No.4885968
         File1314169036.jpg-(71 KB, 467x700, poison_ivy_preview_by_hopie_ch(...).jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Belladonna 08/24/11(Wed)02:58 No.4885972
         File1314169085.jpg-(128 KB, 730x1095, Poison_Ivy_Teaser_2_by_Virtual(...).jpg)
    128 KB
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 08/24/11(Wed)04:38 No.4886108
         File1314175097.jpg-(33 KB, 640x480, 1269412528824.jpg)
    33 KB
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:35 No.4886253


    i want to elope with it and make sweet love to it.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)12:16 No.4886620
    Love this thread. Back to 0 with you.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/24/11(Wed)12:21 No.4886636
    OP's ivy is a cutie pie and not because she has exposed breasts look at her fucking dungeon in the background she knows how to have a good time
    >> Potato 08/24/11(Wed)12:40 No.4886693
         File1314204002.jpg-(56 KB, 443x720, 1309192079931.jpg)
    56 KB
    This thread is making me want to cosplay Poison Ivy, holy shit. So many lovely ladies.
    >> Penny !CwVY/8O3DQ 08/24/11(Wed)12:51 No.4886727
         File1314204676.jpg-(33 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110403.jpg)
    33 KB
    This dress was a pain in the ass, but so much fun to make.
    Its got a corset lining, which Im thinking about changing because its not working quite right. You can see in >>4886693
    where the boning is collapsing on the side seam.
    I used a vogue pattern and altered it drastically for the bodice, and the skirts are two asymmetrical circle skirts.
    Theres a total of about 11 yards of hem. I created the stencils for the border and painted it with a sponge brush and Tulip Soft paints.
    pic related, one of the 4 mockups I made of the bodice.

    Umm... What else do you want to know?
    >> Potato 08/24/11(Wed)12:54 No.4886735
         File1314204869.jpg-(117 KB, 900x599, 1287524710903.jpg)
    117 KB
    >> Potato 08/24/11(Wed)12:56 No.4886740
         File1314204996.jpg-(235 KB, 900x900, 1291415643243.jpg)
    235 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)12:56 No.4886741
    Anyone know anything else about the girl in OP's pic? Name or anything?
    >> Potato 08/24/11(Wed)13:03 No.4886758
         File1314205382.jpg-(208 KB, 800x1200, 1298567536551.jpg)
    208 KB
    >> Potato 08/24/11(Wed)13:09 No.4886771
         File1314205755.jpg-(705 KB, 800x1200, 1305724765050.jpg)
    705 KB
    I'd love to do a proper TAS Ivy, with the va-va-voom hair and everything.
    >> Potato 08/24/11(Wed)13:10 No.4886773
         File1314205812.jpg-(64 KB, 480x720, 1305838778676.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 08/24/11(Wed)14:16 No.4887017
         File1314209800.jpg-(530 KB, 600x900, 888d11ece4c6503a76e283d3dc96c4(...).jpg)
    530 KB


    This one is probably my favorite. I think you can understand why :D
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)15:35 No.4887411
         File1314214558.jpg-(81 KB, 1162x930, ame-comi_poison_ivy.jpg)
    81 KB
    I'm planning on doing this version of ivy, but I'm having a dilemma on what materials to make it out of. And i was thinking either craft foam or the fake leaves you buy at the craft store. Any thoughts on this seagulls?
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 08/24/11(Wed)15:41 No.4887428
         File1314214899.jpg-(157 KB, 788x1024, ffffffffffff.jpg)
    157 KB
    >> Ivy !EihVUOzAKE 08/24/11(Wed)15:57 No.4887502
    Saved everything in this thread, god I love Poison Ivy.

    Oh my god everything is okay. I've been waiting for someone to do a good version of this.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)17:12 No.4887786
         File1314220342.jpg-(787 KB, 517x700, 66206-40861-a7492afe2255d4dee3(...).jpg)
    787 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)17:37 No.4887877
         File1314221850.png-(496 KB, 424x634, 4917944600.png)
    496 KB

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