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    File : 1314061765.jpg-(7 KB, 194x259, images.jpg)
    7 KB Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)21:09 No.4881051  
    /cgl/ did you ever have a emo/scene phase growing up in middle in high school. i was cleaning out my room and came across some old photos of myself 10 years ago and i looked like shit... anyone else went through this
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)21:10 No.4881053
    *or high school
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)21:12 No.4881062
    I did go through a moderately emo stage, but I never dressed like it. I found that pointless.
    >> Sue-Doe-Nim !!L6ScjMJugfO 08/22/11(Mon)21:12 No.4881063
         File1314061968.jpg-(24 KB, 322x242, 1648173643a3914448999b31053978(...).jpg)
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    I went through a "punk/goth special snowflake" phase, pic related
    >> Kankuro 08/22/11(Mon)21:23 No.4881096
    sure did. wanna see my fat lil atrocity?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)21:29 No.4881113
    oh god don't remind me. I still need to get rid of my striped arm warmers, rainbow socks and kandi jewelry
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)21:29 No.4881115
    Nah, I didn't. Older sister was a hairdresser who'd give me hand-me-downs and wouldn't let me do any shit like that. I kind of associate that scene hair style with mullets anyway so I wasn't that interested, plus I never really got into emo music either.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)21:30 No.4881117
    You missed >>>/soc/
    >> Sunbeemz !!zH68YZBImON 08/22/11(Mon)21:38 No.4881155
         File1314063535.jpg-(62 KB, 400x533, ___DA_ID__Lolwhut____by_Umika.jpg)
    62 KB
    omg yes! I was such a loser. arm warmers & invader zim shirts galore. i'm cringing right now haha
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)21:46 No.4881183
         File1314063985.png-(273 KB, 463x405, Screen shot 2011-08-22 at 9.45(...).png)
    273 KB
    totally, if you call attempting to wear every pattern possible. I sort of missed the scene kids by about a 3 year difference.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 08/22/11(Mon)21:59 No.4881231
    I wish...
    >> Mstski 08/22/11(Mon)22:32 No.4881393
    I don't even think you could call what I did scene or emo, I always wore my hair over my eye and had tons of black eye makeup on, black lip stick ,tight shirts with dinosaurs, elmo, invader zim, wrist bands, & hot topic.

    O jeez I thought I was so cool, I even wanted to be some popular black emo/scene girl on myspace... Ugh what was I thinking
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 08/22/11(Mon)22:36 No.4881420
         File1314066985.jpg-(48 KB, 453x604, photo-9..jpg)
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    ..i... wish i was joking.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)22:45 No.4881469
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)22:47 No.4881476

    You seem nice and cute. Would totally have been your friend during high school :D
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)22:48 No.4881481
    I had that scene mullet thing. I was late for school every goddamn day because it took 45 minutes to style and then I looked like a fucking tree
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)22:56 No.4881516
         File1314068187.jpg-(51 KB, 600x800, 1.jpg)
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    Sweet jesus, what was I thinking.... >.>
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:03 No.4881551
    I didn't, really. I would fuck around with makeup but I never wore it out like that in public. I was more into romantic goth than emo or scene, bur they're not that dissimilar.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:06 No.4881567

    >see door
    >see walls
    >panic attack
    >see floor
    >feel better
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:33 No.4881716
    haha, LRHS ring a bell?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:35 No.4881727
         File1314070536.jpg-(61 KB, 350x268, CD.jpg)
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    But seriously, my school had like, metal meat-locker-esque doors just like that.
    Scary ass school it was.

    And also yeah I was emo but the pictures are way too fucking embarassing
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:39 No.4881743
    Oh hell yeah I did. I would post the pictures but I deleted them so no one would ever find them a year ago. It was in my high school days though, I was a sceenie weenie and I went to shows/concerts all the damn time like a cool kid. Looking back, I did have a lot of fun back then so I don't regret it. I just regret the stupid fucking makeup and bigass hair. Ugh.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:39 No.4881744
    Wasn't me but A LOT of my friends wanted to be that ~ kawaii edgy dark scene gurl ~. But at the same time, they wanted to be mainstream popular girls and they also had strict catholic parents and they were really just looking to rebel.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:41 No.4881753
         File1314070891.jpg-(100 KB, 600x795, 712440694_l.jpg)
    100 KB
    This is probably the oldest picture I have of myself on this laptop, I think I was 14-15 in this picture?

    I never died my hair any crazy colors and I grew out of this phase about less than a year later.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:44 No.4881770
    >>never died my hair.

    Shit, I think I need to go to bed. I can't even get my homophones right.
    >> Storm Petrel !HQmqe0QeaQ 08/22/11(Mon)23:53 No.4881816
         File1314071612.jpg-(59 KB, 453x548, emo2.jpg)
    59 KB
    Oh god, I was emo. I try not to think about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:54 No.4881821
    May I ask for a more recent picture?
    You seem pretty damn atractive.
    >> Storm Petrel !HQmqe0QeaQ 08/22/11(Mon)23:58 No.4881834
         File1314071888.jpg-(701 KB, 1800x965, shot2.jpg)
    701 KB
    This is my current FB and G+ pic.
    Thanks for the compliments.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/23/11(Tue)00:01 No.4881847
         File1314072093.jpg-(30 KB, 351x397, learntoshave.jpg)
    30 KB
    this was me in high school

    >> OUTRAGEOUS 08/23/11(Tue)00:04 No.4881861
    When I was in middle school we only had goth. God I'm too old to be here.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)00:04 No.4881865
    oh my god marry me
    >> TheCaptioner !!D3z/916TtSA 08/23/11(Tue)00:07 No.4881879
         File1314072472.png-(1.03 MB, 661x864, storm.png)
    1.03 MB
    >> Storm Petrel !HQmqe0QeaQ 08/23/11(Tue)00:09 No.4881885
    Hey, Captioner. Nice to see you still around.

    Even after seeing the emo in me? Are you sure that's a wise decision?
    >> TheCaptioner !!D3z/916TtSA 08/23/11(Tue)00:11 No.4881893
    so long as there are people who deserve to be made fun of...then so i shall be here...
    >> Storm Petrel !HQmqe0QeaQ 08/23/11(Tue)00:17 No.4881918
    If you want to make fun of me, use the emo pic. 'cause, damn, that's bad.
    >> TheCaptioner !!D3z/916TtSA 08/23/11(Tue)00:20 No.4881930
    no its ok,
    i think its pretty bad now too
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 08/23/11(Tue)00:20 No.4881931
         File1314073257.png-(37 KB, 500x461, 1311995447091.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)00:22 No.4881939
    Awesome! You could probably deal with my social awkwardness. I'm so glad I'm not that heavy anymore.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)00:23 No.4881941
    but you've improved vastly
    >> Storm Petrel !HQmqe0QeaQ 08/23/11(Tue)00:35 No.4881978
    Fair enough. You ever go emo, Captioner?

    Well, thank you very much.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)00:39 No.4881989
    I thought this was Shane Dawson when i first saw it.
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 08/23/11(Tue)00:52 No.4882027
         File1314075125.jpg-(128 KB, 785x1173, 2004 age 17.jpg)
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    I had no idea how to dress myself. At all. SO BAD. This was taken in late 2004, I was 17 and about to make a string of really bad decisions starting about six months after this photo was taken.

    I have no good explanation for this outfit.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)00:53 No.4882033
    no problem, attractive anon.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/23/11(Tue)00:53 No.4882035
    >i was seventeen
    >i have no good explanation for this outfit
    this is a decent explanation
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/23/11(Tue)00:56 No.4882041
    It's true when I was 17 I wore T shirts in public. Pffft. Only gaggles do that now days.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)00:58 No.4882047
    you're the girl? you look fine in that pic i think, how do you dress/look now?
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 08/23/11(Tue)01:05 No.4882068
         File1314075910.jpg-(94 KB, 540x720, groupshot1.jpg)
    94 KB
    I'm the girl. I wore dresses over jeans or pants (always bootcut, skinny jeans hadn't really caught on at that point in time), studded or bondage belts, collars (sometimes cat collars...with bells...), always with Chuck Taylors. Trust me, this is one of the more acceptable ones. There aren't many photos from that era. I pretty much bought the weirdest thing I could find at Goodwill and wore it with jeans and my Chucks, usually the ones with flames on them. Never did anything with my hair. Eye makeup was always black raccoon eyes. My boyfriend at the time, in that photo, wore a shitload of guyliner most of the time. He wore less in that photo because we were going to a holiday dinner with my family.

    This is pretty much how I dress now...usually some sort of modified tee-shirt with a shorts/tights combo or skinny jeans, and almost always boots. I exist in boots.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:08 No.4882079
    i'm old so none of that shit was around when i was in high school, still think the little scene girls are hot as fuck though, like the kinda girls on that's what i'm into
    >> Storm Petrel !HQmqe0QeaQ 08/23/11(Tue)01:10 No.4882090
    You look good in both pics, Shibby.

    And boots are a way of life. Back in highschool I wore a pair of army boots down to death.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:11 No.4882092
         File1314076288.jpg-(43 KB, 600x450, l.jpg)
    43 KB
    OH JESUS I just revisited my 6 year old myspace to get this picture. This was only the early stages of my scenequeendom. I seem to have deleted my more ridiculous pictures.

    Taken in 05. I was 16 and thought drinking was SO COOL AND EDGY.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:17 No.4882111
    I went through an emo phase when I was in middle school. To be fair, thats when my dad passed away though so maybe it doesn't count
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/23/11(Tue)01:19 No.4882118
    i dont think ive worn shoes that werent boots in at least seven months
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/23/11(Tue)01:28 No.4882143
    Dood I got new boots. Ariots are the shit.
    >> piplup !Ebgln4OHzA 08/23/11(Tue)01:30 No.4882151
         File1314077423.png-(29 KB, 277x234, um.png)
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    I had the hot topic goth/punk phase?
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 08/23/11(Tue)01:30 No.4882152
    Ariats? Like the riding boots?
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/23/11(Tue)01:31 No.4882154
    idk man i just rotate between dress boots, shitkickers and army boots
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/23/11(Tue)01:35 No.4882167
    Yee boy. Only size 14 they had, my old boots are walking ariots. But the new ones have a square toe. Woo!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:43 No.4882208
         File1314078180.png-(401 KB, 580x496, wtfman.png)
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    I don't know what the fuck I was doing. Awkward 13/14 year old.
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 08/23/11(Tue)02:10 No.4882279
    Ohhh sweet. I've ridden horses for about fifteen years and my mother owns a tack store, I've been through a few pairs of Ariat paddock boots and field boots over the years. It never occurred to me that they made non-equestrian boots as well!
    >> Yumi-chan !mB1RIla5jU 08/23/11(Tue)05:27 No.4882669
         File1314091644.jpg-(162 KB, 600x800, 1 1461.jpg)
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    I was...retarded. God dammit.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)05:32 No.4882673
         File1314091943.jpg-(11 KB, 352x288, SOANGRYEMOhurhur.jpg)
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    Oh god, yeah I remember that time. Sadly I thought I was soooooo cool then. I look back on it now and really wonder wtf was going through my head.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)05:50 No.4882686
         File1314093048.jpg-(62 KB, 480x640, sogothishitbats.jpg)
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    all my friends were scene kids but I was always just... strange I guess. I really just wanted to be an 80's goth ;C

    I had scene kid hair for a day and a half before I sacrificed it for a mohawk
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)06:22 No.4882706
    I wasn't cool enough to belong to any fashion 'subculture'. Most of my friends were gothy but it didn't suit me (still doesn't, but I love the aestethic so fuck it), so I was always the weird normal kid who hung out with the goths. Emo seemed more my thing and I was just starting to get into it when several actual emo/scene kids transferred to my school. They were a few years younger than me and absolutely insufferable. Not wanting to be associated with that lot I reverted back to being a muggle, then slowly started getting into lolita.
    My run-in with the emo/scene kids has somewhat traumatized me, and I know for a fact that at least two of them are now into lolita. I mostly avoid my local comm for this reason.
    >> M3RC !JGdaYVQfJM 08/23/11(Tue)12:08 No.4883112
         File1314115684.jpg-(480 KB, 2142x2856, lololololol.jpg)
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    I've always been a Rudie, but I couldn't find a pic that shows it well...

    Here is a ridiculous Christmas picture.
    >the shame.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)12:25 No.4883146
    Yes, I was so into it. My parents had just split up and I thought my life was so bad.. Despite being from a comfortably middle class family. Then there were some pretty serious bullying incidents at school and my dad put me into a private one. There the emo phase ended and I discovered "Scene"
    I could use my dads nikon and pro editing software to edit shit out of my pictures. And do the same for people who sucked up to me. Some even paid me to do custom myspace layouts.
    Enjoyed being flooded with compliments because i was still insecure as fuck only i hid that under a lot of bitchyness amd fake vanity..I became fairly well known on myspace and bebo. I was even in regular contact with Alex Evans for some time.
    I see how ridiculous I was now. I'd go back and give myself a good slap.
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 08/23/11(Tue)12:34 No.4883155
         File1314117258.jpg-(91 KB, 600x800, neena21.jpg)
    91 KB
    Oh god, I did, overexposed pictures and everything.

    Before this I was ~*gawth*~
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)12:39 No.4883168
         File1314117590.jpg-(58 KB, 630x476, tehevie.jpg)
    58 KB
    I have scavanged a few pictures from vanity groups. Believe me, I don't keep this shit.
    I did get much better at photoshop. I'm only 13/14 here.. I don't know why I photoshopped my eyes blue
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)12:42 No.4883172
    Made my nose smaller too ._.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)12:45 No.4883179
         File1314117934.png-(736 KB, 1166x431, gross.png)
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    ah yes.. disgusting
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)12:52 No.4883185
         File1314118339.jpg-(36 KB, 500x376, 370596009a7229179596l.jpg)
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    bit ashamed..
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)12:57 No.4883195
    Never did. Too poor for it as a kid. Best I could do was hot topic teeshirts, and those were usually only the invader zim ones.


    Fuck me that's bad enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:04 No.4883206
    I had more of a hippy/70's phase. Really long frizzy/wavy hair. Looked like a total pothead even though i didn't smoke. Colorful shirts or pattern shit with jeans. These days my style is more of a Jim Morrison type thing. I looked so fucking blown/wasted back then.

    sorry for shity pic...its the only pic i got from those times
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:05 No.4883208
         File1314119145.png-(50 KB, 159x256, pot.png)
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    fuck forgot shity pic
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:13 No.4883215
         File1314119590.jpg-(44 KB, 499x666, az7028.jpg)
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    and this doesn't even look like me
    >> nemu 08/23/11(Tue)13:17 No.4883224
         File1314119827.jpg-(550 KB, 1024x768, DSCN7238.jpg)
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    i was pretty anti-emo/scene around the time it was popular. i was just EXTREMELY happy every single day and tried to cheer up everyone I met. i am pretty happy now but how i pulled that off in high school is unfathomable to me

    this did NOT exempt me from stupid ass haircuts though!!! look at this bullshit! do you have any idea how long it took to grow that out
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:35 No.4883256
         File1314120950.jpg-(17 KB, 325x240, smallgoth.jpg)
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    I was goth for about 6/7 years, with disastrous forays into what I thought was gothic lolita and 'FRUiTs' fashion when the first book came out (I guess it was decora, but there wasn't much about it online then). And actually.. I don't regret it. I looked completely ridiculous most of the time, but I also looked like I was having a lot of fun in most of my pictures (er, attached scowly webcam photos excluded) and I remember having a lot of good times going to charity shops, putting together these awful outfits, and then running around with my friends taking dozens of photographs of ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:46 No.4883271
    lol you're adorable
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:48 No.4883274
    I never had any of those phases. At the time I went to school there was only one "popular style" to follow, but I don't know how to call it in English. Can't even find a pic to save my life.

    On any case, through middle school I always wore blue things, every day. On high school I abandoned the idea of wearing pants and started dressing like a whore without make-up, including mini skirts, leather boots and shirts that showed my belly.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:49 No.4883277
    Why did you stop? c;
    Your quite gorgeous in that picture.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:50 No.4883281
    you look great, anon

    my story is pretty similar to that one
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:52 No.4883284
    Why did you stop op? Geezus what I would give to be with girls like you ._.
    Im still scene/emo looking.
    But ima guy so I dont really know if I count.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:53 No.4883285
    I may get backlash for this but I think that your hair in this picture is adorable.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:53 No.4883286
         File1314122011.jpg-(36 KB, 500x376, loloool.jpg)
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    Idk I had the weirdest style.. just a hint of emo really.
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 08/23/11(Tue)13:53 No.4883290
    Pics like this make me wish Goths weren't so crazy and liked better music
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:54 No.4883292
         File1314122080.jpg-(27 KB, 320x481, 6969665a4802134744l.jpg)
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    then a sceney year
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:03 No.4883309
    I listened to Sunny Day Real Estate, Mineral, etc. in high school and decided that everyone that looked scene (think Kiki Kannibal) were stupid posers and I was the REAL emo.
    I deleted every picture, but I basically looked like a strange, female version of Conor Oberst with too short pants.
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 08/23/11(Tue)14:10 No.4883327
    Started modeling about 2 months later, so I had to stop. When I do quit modeling I will cut it off and dye my hair black, maybe eventually I'll go back to dreadlocks again, I really did love that!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:17 No.4883345
    Sage sage for no relevance
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:44 No.4883416
    A lot of you actually look kinda cute
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:49 No.4883421
         File1314125344.jpg-(31 KB, 375x500, 9720_139490784689_571319689_26(...).jpg)
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    scene girl, and it lasted for like a total of three days, I shit you not. and ff i don't even like the rolling stones haha that wristband...

    Sadly, it was the hottest I've ever looked. :( which doesn't say much
    >> Izusa !!Vaz8/47ruye 08/23/11(Tue)14:54 No.4883434
    In comparison to how you dress now? Let's see that.
    >> Queen N 08/23/11(Tue)14:55 No.4883436
         File1314125758.jpg-(5 KB, 193x161, N Wat.jpg)
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    yeah, i did.
    i'm glad i'm out of that. though my friends still make fun of my hair.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)15:00 No.4883450
         File1314126053.jpg-(43 KB, 243x720, 185257_10150262076439690_57131(...).jpg)
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    Yeah, but I dress like shit now, mainly because I feel fat and refuse to buy new clothes anymore. i really need to get over myself.

    also, I hate my haircut. It's impossible to get them to look right. I want to go get the a razored scene hair cut now actually.
    >> Izusa !!Vaz8/47ruye 08/23/11(Tue)15:05 No.4883457
    >Refusing to buy new clothes.

    No one is above using the thrift store. ever. Take the time to check one out, you might be surprised.

    also your figure isn't that bad, although i am a bit taken back by how giant your breasts are. I'm going to assume your hair is naturally curly though, which isn't a bad thing, it really isn't. The only thing holding you back is just the clothing.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/23/11(Tue)15:06 No.4883461
    you look super familiar
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)15:10 No.4883474
    >giant breasts
    >>" I figured they were normal. But uh, thanks?
    Ahaha, I've been to the thrift store (well, its goodwill here) a few times, and everything I've gotten falls apart. So, I stopped.

    I selfposted in that "cosplayer compared to IRL you" so maybe from there?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)15:10 No.4883477
    >No one is above using the thrift store. ever.
    Thrift stores are only useful if they are in areas with wealthier people that have decent clothing they're willing to throw out. If not they are complete shit when it comes to clothes.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)15:10 No.4883478
    You're curvy. Proper curvy, not 'curvy' as an excuse for being fat. If you could play that up and do something nice with your hair (dem curlz, I jelly) that would be awesome.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/23/11(Tue)15:13 No.4883487
    no i know that and you still looked super familiar maybe you just have "one of those faces"
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)15:18 No.4883498

    I find all of these hot. But I guess my goth phase isnt a phase and I didnt do anything like stupid emo stuff to my hair and myspace photos.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)15:19 No.4883501
    I don't live in a very wealthy area (unless middle class is considered wealthy now) but I recently found a very nice Burberry trenchcoat for 25 euros. It had to be taken in a bit and there are a few buttons missing, but it's still a damn nice coat. Sometimes you get lucky. There are also some thrify/vintage-like stores around here who have great quality control and are not at all expensive. Most of it isn't my style but there are some real gems here and there. Thriftstores are an adventure, anon!
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/23/11(Tue)15:21 No.4883507
    how old is the coat? if its a vintage coat then you got your money's worth and im jelly because that shit will last you sixty years or longer
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)15:57 No.4883636
         File1314129430.jpg-(152 KB, 909x614, jerrys1.jpg)
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    Never at any point in my life have I know what the fuck I was doing with fashion. It's not even that I picked a stupid fad or had a phase, I have just never even had a defined style. It's been like..I like that, I will wear it. Fuck if it goes with anything of if it's flattering or appropriate etc. Doesn't help that I was VERY fat until I was about 19. Then thin, then kinda fat again...

    I'm going to be 25 in a month and only NOW am I learning what the fuck to wear.

    pic related, it's me when I was a senior =/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)15:58 No.4883646
    I was never emo, but I was a weeaboo in middle school. I grew out of it when I was about 14 (so it only lasted a year and a half).
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:41 No.4883787
    I was too lazy to bother trying to dress any way it all, whether it be like a faggot or actually fashionable. I just wore jeans and a sweatshirt every day. I doubt I would've really delved deep into anything like that had this not been the case, but who knows. I was certainly angsty enough, it just didn't really influence my appearance.
    I had my hair dyed a relatively bright shade or red/burgundy for a while, but I still dressed conservatively enough that it didn't make me look edgy, and I only did it because I thought the color complimented my eyes.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:49 No.4883803
         File1314132575.jpg-(51 KB, 525x700, l.jpg)
    51 KB

    I did have thick rimmed glasses though, which made for an easy 1-piece emo halloween costume (dashboard confessional sweatshirt) junior year. Oh, and I had no idea how to wear makeup, and didn't even try until I was about 22. I'm 24 now.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:54 No.4883817
         File1314132861.jpg-(302 KB, 373x544, PIC 131.jpg)
    302 KB
    IDK what the fuck I was thinking.
    Especially with those pigtails, also I was anorexic. =/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)17:12 No.4883888
         File1314133977.jpg-(21 KB, 337x450, rc37ko.jpg)
    21 KB
    hahaha, are you me?

    my phases were:
    11-12 "hard rock punk-goth" with huge bondage pants. favorite band: system of a down
    13-14 "emo" (not scene omg don't you dare compare me to a scenester!! i would rather slit my wrists!!) favorite band: sunny day real estate
    15-17 "fruits" in which i discover japanese street fashion and the magic of layering awkward skirts from the back of my closet over jeans. eventually i got better. favorite music: indie allsorts
    18-present "lolita/vintage" and i finally figured out how to flatter my figure.

    picture is from "fruits" era because i ~*omg hated the camera so much*~ when i was younger.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)17:16 No.4883899
         File1314134160.jpg-(15 KB, 240x320, 8D 001.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)17:22 No.4883917

    In all honesty I think you look adorable, not overdone or anything
    Makes me wonder what you look like now
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)17:24 No.4883924
    Pretty cute ;D
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 08/23/11(Tue)17:25 No.4883929
    Freshman-Junior year, I was Geek Girl and proud. Pokemon, Star Wars and other fandom related t-shirt that fitted very snuggly and I wasn't ashamed of nothing. At least to my credit I really was hardcore into the things I said I said I was into.

    Then junior and senior I was too depressed to care how I dressed myself.

    Now I put a lot of effort into looking nice, although I miss my teenager body.
    >> Izusa !!Vaz8/47ruye 08/23/11(Tue)18:06 No.4884086
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)21:02 No.4884665
    Did anyone else mess up when dealing with guys all the time?

    I was really inadvertantly slutty at that age. I regret it.
    >> Potato 08/23/11(Tue)21:09 No.4884683
         File1314148187.jpg-(146 KB, 768x1024, blatant narcissism 025.jpg)
    146 KB
    I was a huge prude and nerd. I wanted to be goth but I was too chicken to wear all black. I did dye my hair all kinds of colors, though, that was fun. I wish I could still do that. Stupid grownup job thing.

    I think the worst I really did was myspace angles and wearing stripey armwarmers and socks. I'm kind of an oldfag so emo was just barely becoming popular by the time I graduated high school. I can't find anything earlier than 2004, so I had to be a freshman in college in this pic.
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 08/23/11(Tue)21:20 No.4884725
         File1314148810.jpg-(39 KB, 640x480, Photo75.jpg)
    39 KB
    I tried to be decora because I was too fat to be scene. I ate up the Fashion & Lifestyle thread on Gaia and was one of those dumbasses who was LOL SO CLEVER on the GD.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)22:37 No.4885056
    Emo and scene wasn't around when I was in school.

    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)22:44 No.4885071
    Wow. Whether she's you or not, this is a good example of a 90s poster child.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)22:48 No.4885081
    * 3*

    If you were going for the Nana look, I'd say you pulled it off quite well.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)22:53 No.4885097
         File1314154429.jpg-(87 KB, 626x834, gothy.jpg)
    87 KB
    I was a Hot Topic goth back in middle school and the first 2 years of high school. Emo and scene didn't really exist at that time. I was also weeaboo who wore cat ears and a cat bell to school back then because it was ~tottemo kawaii desu ne~

    I still own the dress I'm wearing in this picture (I was 14 at the time, I'm 22 now) but I don't think I'd wear it to anywhere besides the local goth club.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:01 No.4885128
         File1314154894.jpg-(173 KB, 892x604, liberty spikes.jpg)
    173 KB
    Here's another of me at about 15. I don't actually know how to play bass, I was just posing with it to look extra XXXhardcoreXXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:09 No.4885175
         File1314155375.jpg-(27 KB, 384x512, P1010024.jpg)
    27 KB
    me too, this was my "fruits" stage:
    >> goo 08/23/11(Tue)23:16 No.4885197
         File1314155778.jpg-(35 KB, 600x450, l.jpg)
    35 KB
    Me when I was... 16 I think. I wasn't a goth kid, emo kid or weaboo. I basically almost through high school. Still couldn't afford to go to conventions or materials for cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:21 No.4885226
    >wearing dark lipstick and fishnet tights with lepord mini skirt
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:26 No.4885259
    >regular contact with Alex Evans
    dude that's so fucking emo its actually ridiculous
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 08/23/11(Tue)23:28 No.4885266
    But that's not my drug of choice! It's seizure meds and vitamins!

    Like high school did for a lot of people, it sucked for me. Partially because my school is terrible, though there are some good teachers.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:31 No.4885281
    >> Dr. Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:31 No.4885282
    That's not you.
    theres no grls on the intrnet
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:40 No.4885301
    i was worse than an emo/scene, I was a full blown hipster. My typical clothing was: fedora, thick horn rim glasses, a scarf, some band tee that no ones ever heard of, girl jeans, and flip flops. I even talked hipster, if i saw someone looking at my shirt i'd always say something smart like "don't bother you've never heard of them they're an underground band from Canada"

    god i got rid of every picture i had of myself in that type of clothing...i was like a typical 16 year old girl taking like 20 pictures of myself from a million different angles and plastering them all over myspace
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:41 No.4885308
    man 4chan has corrupted me, I can't tell if you're a girl or a trap...
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/24/11(Wed)00:25 No.4885464
         File1314159953.png-(766 KB, 1280x500, dadf.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)00:32 No.4885492
    girl. that was me at 18. actually, now at 25 i rather look more or less like this again...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)00:39 No.4885520
         File1314160746.jpg-(28 KB, 480x640, pirate_dance.jpg)
    28 KB
    Posting one more because GODDAMN my fashion sense was terrible. Also I didn't know how to makeup.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 08/24/11(Wed)00:44 No.4885544
         File1314161094.png-(235 KB, 265x392, a25.png)
    235 KB
    You are so much better looking now.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/24/11(Wed)00:46 No.4885549
    nice sock -_-
    >> Kawaii desu ughh~ !.nfu5zdw/6 08/24/11(Wed)00:51 No.4885573

    whay do girls go into the guy's restroom to take pics? :o
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)00:58 No.4885593
    At age 16 I was doing it because I thought it made me look BADASS and EDGY!
    >> Kankuro 08/24/11(Wed)01:32 No.4885705
         File1314163968.png-(1.49 MB, 1004x832, edgy desu.png)
    1.49 MB
    I was so edgy.

    I grabbed some of these from myspace... oh man.

    Wolves and mychem.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:38 No.4885724
    >wolves and mychem
    oh god my stomach hurts hahahahahahaah
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:41 No.4885732
    no, but I did dye my hair black and apply eyeliner the wrong way(I thought you could only put black liner on your bottom lid. oh to be 13 again) . At one point I had orange and pink in my hair, but I wasn't scene at all. I hated that shit. Then at 14/15 I had blonde on the end of my bangs, but my hair colour(s) is as emo/scene as I got. That and emo and goth, they were all annoying as fuck in my school so I didn't associate with any of them
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:41 No.4885735
    Oh god I would have unprotected sex with the majority of you hot girls <3
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:51 No.4885773
         File1314165069.jpg-(164 KB, 640x480, 02120015002.jpg)
    164 KB
    not really but i loved editing my shit
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:54 No.4885788
         File1314165298.jpg-(23 KB, 370x498, IMAGELZOVC.jpg)
    23 KB
    Ah yes, the days of eyeliner only!

    Why could I not learn how to use other makeups such as mascara or conceiler? Why!?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:55 No.4885789
         File1314165312.jpg-(6 KB, 251x251, 1303169417167s.jpg)
    6 KB
    GO DREADS! Aren't they just super fun?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:57 No.4885797
    Know what I wore when I was in middle school and high school?

    Jeans and a fucking t-shirt, you faggots.
    >> Kankuro 08/24/11(Wed)01:57 No.4885798
    I know right? I embarrass myself.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:58 No.4885803
    You don't look any better now
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:10 No.4885838
    do you remember anyone named kitty princess janet
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:17 No.4885851
         File1314166660.jpg-(57 KB, 456x608, l_3ae1357bf4f4d2219989123fbc38(...).jpg)
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    i lost a lot of weight around age 15 so I decided to go all out and be the ~*~true hxc j-rocker american~*~ that i believed that i was... i was really proud of myself for being featured on Refuse to be Usual's little slideshow on their ebay page too... dear god
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:42 No.4885910
    Lucky for me, I was very aware what my future self would think if I got into the whole emo/scene stuff, so I took a pass on it. Never got into any fads or styles really, since in HS, of all places, I didn't feel the need to impress or fit in with anyone. Did my time, made awesome grades, got out and moved on.
    >> Logseux !kH8wjcKndo 08/24/11(Wed)05:07 No.4886144
         File1314176847.jpg-(363 KB, 469x700, pic04.jpg)
    363 KB
    in 7 years time, you'll all be saying the all same things about yourself.

    >what was I thinking
    >I thought I was such a badass
    >why did people let me go out like this

    Rinse and repeat.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)13:03 No.4886759
    I think most if not almost all /cgl/ are,was,is fashion victims at some point
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 08/24/11(Wed)13:05 No.4886763
    >>4886144 old do you think people are here?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:34 No.4888093
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:41 No.4888115
         File1314225682.jpg-(53 KB, 720x540, Pose.jpg)
    53 KB
    and now.
    A lot happier these days
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:42 No.4888117
    Thought you used a nikon?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:31 No.4888779
    Well, not for silly everyday myspace photos I was churning out. But later on I always had a few nice quality photos as opposed to loads taken in my darkened room
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 08/24/11(Wed)21:36 No.4888801
    I find the "scene/emo" look hot. However, I do not find the "scene/emo" personality/lifestyle to warrant anything other than contempt. Quite the conundrum.
    >> SpaseCace !8CSsCd1fk6 08/24/11(Wed)21:38 No.4888809
         File1314236284.jpg-(47 KB, 453x604, whatthefuckwasieventhinking.jpg)
    47 KB
    sweet jesus did I ever, then suddenly I stopped giving a shit and chubbed the fuck up.
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 08/24/11(Wed)21:42 No.4888827
    You got way hot. Seriously.
    >> Kagami !6FK967Ta9w 08/24/11(Wed)21:42 No.4888830
         File1314236575.jpg-(9 KB, 170x226, lolravekid.jpg)
    9 KB
    Oh, I did. Even got called a troll and to cosplay a scene fag when I posted once. I was such a stupid little rave kid.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:45 No.4888841
         File1314236729.jpg-(281 KB, 821x600, cheer up emo kid.jpg)
    281 KB
    This is so embarrassing, but I went through a huge emo/scene phase when I was younger.
    This is also when I started getting into anime... I think my eyes here were inspired by Hinata.
    Ahaha, I laugh every time I look at old pictures of me, it's just ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:50 No.4888864
         File1314237054.jpg-(66 KB, 320x240, blah2.jpg)
    66 KB

    I was 15-16 in this picture.
    I'm now 22, and look pretty normal. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:51 No.4888866
    Thanks! I know.. I mean, I'm not vain but it's really nice to be happy with how I look for once.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:53 No.4888872
    I think this is actually pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:23 No.4888956
         File1314239035.jpg-(37 KB, 453x604, loll.jpg)
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    LOL Of course I did!
    I have tons of photos somewhere. More of a scene/emo/wannaB jrocker.
    Fuck yeah, it was just something most of us did. No shame.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:29 No.4888977
    Oh my god the claw
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:44 No.4889019
    Some of you actually looked really cute (even in a stereotypical Angsty Alt Teen way) and I don't even understand your woes.

    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:48 No.4889040
    Despite it being mostly dead, I still think the scene look is pretty hot. For girls anyway

    Guys haven't had good fashion since 1948
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:54 No.4889065
         File1314240898.jpg-(2.35 MB, 3264x2448, ghjk 077.jpg)
    2.35 MB
    More goth than anything else. A lot of my friends at the time were scene, though.

    Pics taken in the reflection of an old-fashioned milkshake mixer. xXxHaRdCoRexXx
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:58 No.4889079
    Wow, I love you hair now! So cute. Really complements your face.
    Too bad that I have a square face, because I'd be all over that cut.

    Are you going to stay blonde for a long length of time? Since I think it'd be worth it to dye your eyebrows too.
    >> bombcat 08/24/11(Wed)22:59 No.4889085
         File1314241157.jpg-(35 KB, 462x451, 21 blonde and brown.jpg)
    35 KB
    oh man those days.
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 08/24/11(Wed)23:08 No.4889117
    Girl, lookin' like that, be vain as hell, you deserve it!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:19 No.4889159
         File1314242345.jpg-(45 KB, 425x515, 261388_1947169481142_129970775(...).jpg)
    45 KB
    still goth at 23, I'm in this for the long haul
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:20 No.4889164
         File1314242427.jpg-(61 KB, 600x600, 1303342435685.jpg)
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:30 No.4889207
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:32 No.4889220

    Go back to Gaia.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:38 No.4889243

    You look great now. Really attractive.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:44 No.4889266
    Look like the waitress from Always Sunny.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:51 No.4889296
         File1314244291.jpg-(12 KB, 319x237, SOEMO.jpg)
    12 KB
    I don't know why we all do it... Trends. OMGZ POKEMANZ ARE KOOL (well they still are but shh)

    My advice for any young cuggles, DON'T ever repeatedly dye your hair black for 5 years
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:52 No.4889304
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:54 No.4889309
         File1314244443.jpg-(426 KB, 1536x2048, whatisthisidonteven.jpg)
    426 KB
    What is this, I don't even know...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:54 No.4889315
    Fuck, don't do it once. I ruined my natural golden honey blonde hair.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:00 No.4889338
         File1314244810.jpg-(53 KB, 637x295, Shavejob.jpg)
    53 KB
    Because then you have to resort to this because no Salon is going to dare touch your fried, frizzy hair that has soaked up so much colour and home jobs do not do any justice
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:03 No.4889356
         File1314245030.png-(60 KB, 320x320, 1231746102746.png)
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    oh my gosh i wish I could touch your head!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:06 No.4889371
    It felt... Odd. When it got to that length it felt nice when other people stroked or touched it. The best feeling is coming out of the shower, the air around you feels so cold against your bare scalp. That and it takes a second to dry. Won't deny I miss it but dang... I will never dye my hair again
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:07 No.4889375
    is that you?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:07 No.4889378
    ...I have no idea why I find chicks with buzz-cuts so hot.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:07 No.4889381
         File1314245274.jpg-(65 KB, 604x394, youngme.jpg)
    65 KB
    Before it went black, what a silly girl. Also check out dem tiger striped denim flares
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:10 No.4889392
    That is me after
    And some god awful shade of red
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:19 No.4889443
    >>4889338 dye doesn't damage your hair like bleach does?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:19 No.4889449
         File1314245990.png-(602 KB, 810x720, oldme.png)
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    I wasn't exactly "scene" but I did want to look like a boy for some reason.

    yes, I did go to school like this.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:23 No.4889479
    You'd be surprised how much dying your hair can cause damage. That and what do you think they'd be using to lift the black out of my hair? It also depends on how long you have dyed your hair for, 5 years is a long time and the process to get it any where near what I would call a light brown would be forever and cost extortionate prices at a salon not to mention the amount of money one would have to dump on heavy duty conditioners and hot oil treatments to keep your hair somewhat 'alive'
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:24 No.4889482
         File1314246262.jpg-(14 KB, 254x336, 1577500545_330_1.jpg)
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    Yeeeah hair damage sucks.

    I've dyed my hair near to every 6 weeks for the past 7 years. Bleach jobs were frequently included, but I have never had my hair so damaged I had to shave it all off or a salon refused to go at it.

    I can see shaving it off just because you're frustrated with its low quality and want to start anew but jeeze, I've had my hair go elastic and come back... I can't imagine a fried where you HAVE to shave it off - unless it starts falling out in big clumps or some crazy shit.

    Polite sage, picture unfortunately related to thread topic.. hurr durr looks like I'm going to suck a dick.
    >the shame
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:35 No.4889534
    It got to the point where I did experience a large clump fall out, that and I was into the whole "what would I look like during this hair transition" idea after seeing some girl with half brown half black hair from where she was growing hers back out. I don't think I could have dealt with that. This sounds extremely rude but, it looked trailer trashy to me

    Shaving it was just a quick answer, I'm an impatient girl. That and it was a great chance to experience short hair and styles as it grew out again

    Also lol, your hair has the green tinge
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 08/25/11(Thu)00:38 No.4889543
         File1314247105.jpg-(96 KB, 600x450, punkchar.jpg)
    96 KB
    Went from a Punk phase to a Rockabilly phase when I was younger
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)01:05 No.4889663
    then came the odd cyber goth (?) modelidontknowwhat phase
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)01:07 No.4889666
         File1314248834.jpg-(74 KB, 254x514, dsc_03 (2).jpg)
    74 KB
    le whoops, forgot pic.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)06:59 No.4890312
    emo chicks give me raging bonos up the ass :D
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)22:02 No.4892389
    emos! woot woot :D
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)22:28 No.4892542
    i'm not sure scene even existed when i was in high school. maybe emo did, but i never saw it until years later. i feel old.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)13:27 No.4894369
    lick lick lickity lick lick
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)22:51 No.4896157
    > 666

    dat post

    Also holy shit fucking hot!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)18:06 No.4899027
    Gotta love dem emos mang :D
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)18:15 No.4899060
    i didnt go through anything. it was just messy conservative dweeb clothes. i wish i learned to style my hair in a flattering way and do makeup
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)18:37 No.4899123
    None of that existed when I was in high school. You were either a punk, skater, stoner, goth or prep. Sometimes a combination of things. I was a cross between skater and goth for most of high school, but only because of how I dressed.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)18:53 No.4899170
         File1314485582.jpg-(40 KB, 450x600, l_beab099ea7c6492db5e4f51ffff7(...).jpg)
    40 KB
    This is me in a mall.
    I apologize to the brave men and women stationed in that bath and body works on that faithful day.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 08/27/11(Sat)19:11 No.4899209
    Aw man I have that hoodie..

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