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    File : 1313973218.jpg-(38 KB, 425x640, 2209229.jpg)
    38 KB Self-Post Cosplays Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)20:33 No.4877377  
    We all have a favorite cosplay that we've done, or a particularly flattering picture of one, so let's see 'em!
    Share the best cosplays that you yourself have done!

    Now, I know that a lot of you will be hesitant to participate due to some negative feedback that seems to permeate this place, so lets try to keep this as positive as possible so everyone can post without fear!

    I'll stat off with my first costume that ever won anything, Riddler!
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)20:43 No.4877438
    C'mon man how dare you
    do a failrly well done costume ,
    Post it to show others that you genuinely enjoy this art form.
    and then start a post with dubs no less.
    >How fucking dare you do anything great justice.
    >> Potato 08/21/11(Sun)20:48 No.4877474
         File1313974124.jpg-(331 KB, 1024x1542, flickr-marvel_03sm.jpg)
    331 KB
    Aw hell, you're going to make me pick just one? I am shameless when it comes to selfposting.

    I'll have to go with this picture of Hellcat, partially because I thought it was so cool to get to go up on the Throne of Asgard and partially because I fucking love Patsy.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)20:54 No.4877502
    You don't have to show just one! Show off all your awesomeness!
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)09:07 No.4879218
    Does no one else want to share their cosplays?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)09:38 No.4879251
         File1314020312.jpg-(909 KB, 4608x3072, DSC_0024.jpg)
    909 KB
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 08/22/11(Mon)10:21 No.4879295
         File1314022909.jpg-(164 KB, 1043x699, batbreath.jpg)
    164 KB
    I fucking love this cosplay. I love wearing it. I dunno, it was the first one I really made by hand, and I wanted it so badly. So when I finally finished, I was just like "FUCKYESSSSSS"
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)10:58 No.4879343
    Wow, that is really awesome! I love the cape, and the boots, and the buttons and the helmet. Its all perfect!
    Fantastic job!
    >> Not OP 08/22/11(Mon)11:27 No.4879397
         File1314026834.jpg-(289 KB, 478x720, -3.jpg)
    289 KB
    I'll bite.
    >> Tatsue !YsOjPxwORI 08/22/11(Mon)11:33 No.4879404
         File1314027223.jpg-(686 KB, 855x642, personal_victories_by_tatsue-d(...).jpg)
    686 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)14:59 No.4879830
    Wow, /cgl/ has some amazing talent!
    I'd love to see more of your works!
    >> Ukraine 08/22/11(Mon)15:46 No.4879968
         File1314042385.jpg-(139 KB, 480x640, 2656200.jpg)
    139 KB
    Kay Faraday is probably one of my favorite costumes, but I really need better photos of her.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)16:26 No.4880148
    That is cute! Also that Gumshoe!
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)16:52 No.4880264
         File1314046374.jpg-(355 KB, 1024x683, lightning___flowers_by_crystal(...).jpg)
    355 KB
    I'm inlove with this picture because of the colors... and this is by far my favorite cosplay so far!
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)17:14 No.4880331
         File1314047687.jpg-(58 KB, 428x640, safeforcgl.jpg)
    58 KB
    Not me, but this is my bf. I love this picture of him, and I think he pulled off Germany really well. He just naturally has the look so I'm glad I encouraged him into this costume. Having a great photographer as a friend doesn't hurt either.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)17:18 No.4880340
         File1314047905.png-(853 KB, 798x1040, 1306891898431.png)
    853 KB

    And this is me as Medusa from AN 2011. My favourite cosplay photo of myself ever. Having the ball python booth there was pure coincidence, and a perfect compliment to my cosplay.
    >> Ukraine 08/22/11(Mon)17:19 No.4880343
    Thank you! She was awesome with a sticky bun and even let me eat some of it after the photo!
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 08/22/11(Mon)17:25 No.4880357
         File1314048325.jpg-(77 KB, 482x720, selfpoast.jpg)
    77 KB
    It's probably my favorite costume simply because it is comfortable to wear. Not to mention, the ladies love it.
    >> sour9 !Xz32tYSYNE 08/22/11(Mon)17:25 No.4880361
         File1314048357.jpg-(118 KB, 720x480, mininori.jpg)
    118 KB
    inb4 datwig. the colors of my leotard are amplified due to the incredibly bright sun, and i am aware that it is not the exact color.

    i'm in love with this picture and the is by far, my best costume to date.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)17:32 No.4880390
         File1314048754.png-(838 KB, 422x762, ARISU.png)
    838 KB
    Me as Alice at a convention last summer.
    In pedobear's lap.

    Not my best costume, but meh.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)17:41 No.4880422
         File1314049284.jpg-(91 KB, 540x720, killercroc2.jpg)
    91 KB
    This is me. Worked with a seamstress friend of mine to make the shirt and cowl. Wore it for maybe an hour before overheating so need to invest in underarmor and a cooling vest. Didn't get a chance to get the oversized cuffs on or my contacts. Ah well, next anime boston.
    >> Yellow Arrow 08/22/11(Mon)17:48 No.4880442
    ... that is fucking awesome.
    >> TempusDominus !!9WYNJxcCb3V 08/22/11(Mon)17:49 No.4880451
         File1314049777.png-(952 KB, 697x834, snapecosplay.png)
    952 KB
    This is the cosplay I had always wanted to do since before I even knew what cosplay was all about, finally getting it put together and getting to do it was a lot of fun.
    >> Tarocchi !3vxnARAidE 08/22/11(Mon)17:49 No.4880453
         File1314049797.jpg-(204 KB, 900x602, caterpillar 003.jpg)
    204 KB
    I love this cosplay. It's pretty much an OC, so I never get to post it anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)18:26 No.4880558
         File1314051993.jpg-(354 KB, 700x682, Impguard.jpg)
    354 KB
    Me two years ago being cannonfodder (Imperial Guardsman) from Warhammer 40K. No awards back then, but a year later I scored first place for best costume at a traditional gaming-oriented con instead.

    I considered uploading me in a Touhou-cosplay instead (Inubashiri Momiji), but only thing I did myself on that one was the hat, so I thought naaah. Also, five-o-clock-shadow of doom ruining even the slightest chance of pulling off a passable crossplay in my opinion. D:
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 08/22/11(Mon)18:29 No.4880570
         File1314052198.jpg-(69 KB, 478x720, miwa.jpg)
    69 KB
    Miwako is really fun to wear, and even though I'm not crazy about how I look in the costume, I love how this shot turned out.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)19:00 No.4880680
         File1314054026.jpg-(340 KB, 681x1024, 239042.jpg)
    340 KB
    I think Momo is still my favourite, purely for all the awesome Avatar fans I got to meet while wearing it.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)22:19 No.4881314
         File1314065965.jpg-(104 KB, 369x600, _DSC9565_369x600.jpg)
    104 KB
    My Baby Jane thuggish splicer costume from Bioshock is one of my favourites. Since this photo was taken, I have added weathering and damage to the costume.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/22/11(Mon)22:21 No.4881322
    I love it.
    >> Martyr !7zWLMSsaJI 08/22/11(Mon)22:22 No.4881330
         File1314066173.jpg-(248 KB, 685x1024, anime-expo-cosplay-madness-201(...).jpg)
    248 KB
    My boyfriend and I as splicers. I made both of them, including the masks. It was the first time I've made one by myself so, yay for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)22:24 No.4881342

    *more weathering and damage
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)22:24 No.4881343
         File1314066262.jpg-(439 KB, 1024x682, MOLTO BENE.jpg)
    439 KB
    This is the best picture that has ever been taken of me, anywhere.
    (I'm the tall la Volpe, but everyone else is so beautiful they deserve to be stared at, too)

    Also you are a beautiful Riddler, holy shit, I just want to hug you.
    >> Ukraine 08/22/11(Mon)22:25 No.4881350
         File1314066337.jpg-(255 KB, 667x1000, IMG_2317.jpg)
    255 KB
    You were a fantastic La Vople, I was gushing over your costume!
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)22:27 No.4881365
    Thank you! You don't know how much that means to me, oh man. You are the AC queen.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)22:34 No.4881408
         File1314066894.jpg-(52 KB, 426x640, magent_miku_by_rinchansflower8(...).jpg)
    52 KB
    did you get a bad nose job or something? it looks way different now then in the old pictures
    >> Ukraine 08/22/11(Mon)22:35 No.4881412
    T-Thank you ;--;
    Do you know what other con's you might be going to?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)22:37 No.4881426
         File1314067036.jpg-(39 KB, 453x604, 16658_1266924190042_1137916332(...).jpg)
    39 KB
    Hey, OP you look like this dude I know.
    >> Ukraine 08/22/11(Mon)22:37 No.4881430
    Haha nope. It's just a slightly different angle I guess. Both photos are from the same year.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)22:39 No.4881435
    Dragon*con definitely, maaaybe AUSA, that is iffy though because it starts the day after school lets out.
    Also Otakon next year, I am always at Otakon!
    >> Ukraine 08/22/11(Mon)22:49 No.4881486
    Hopefully I'll see you at AUSA, I'll be wearing Claudia again!
    >> Hoodoo !oCHsyMELEY 08/22/11(Mon)23:55 No.4881824
         File1314071736.jpg-(540 KB, 682x1024, zzzz.jpg)
    540 KB
    I'm really proud of this one, but I know in my heart that It'll be damn difficult to make anything this awesome again
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)00:14 No.4881907
    Haha oh my god, it's beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)00:21 No.4881934
    !!! More incentive for me to go! If I do see you, I will give you the stealthiest hug.
    >> Courier !HT3F39A6T6 08/23/11(Tue)00:33 No.4881973
         File1314074010.jpg-(571 KB, 1184x1784, Talifullshot.jpg)
    571 KB
    I really liked being able to do Tali.
    Even though I wasn't really 100% happy with the results, it was one of the most fun costumes I've ever done.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:09 No.4882082
    Looks awesome!
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/23/11(Tue)01:13 No.4882099
    ffff dat harley.

    You faggots have already seen all my pictures.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/23/11(Tue)01:15 No.4882106
    id post my todd if i could find any pictures of it
    >> Nyan 08/23/11(Tue)01:33 No.4882163
         File1314077596.jpg-(99 KB, 450x720, 317281_136625869763382_1000024(...).jpg)
    99 KB
    I still need to work on shoes for this, but my favorite cosplay ever.
    >> 黒い月★ 08/23/11(Tue)01:38 No.4882191
         File1314077920.jpg-(1.78 MB, 3264x1840, 2011-07-08_22-07-03_977.jpg)
    1.78 MB
    My Leafeon cosplay.
    Not the greatest pic I know, but it's all I have.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:39 No.4882197
         File1314077986.jpg-(150 KB, 683x1024, 8662376_29fea32add_b.jpg)
    150 KB
    Probably Ansem.

    I was impressed with how well it came out given that I wasn't SUPER experienced in making things. I drafted all the patterns and everything, and won Best in Show at the con I debuted it at.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:40 No.4882202
    How much money would I have to pay to suck your dick?
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 08/23/11(Tue)01:43 No.4882209
         File1314078194.png-(22 KB, 100x100, cwudt.png)
    22 KB
    Thanks! I put a lot of work into the little details! Glad to see it paid off.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:48 No.4882224
         File1314078486.jpg-(49 KB, 400x598, 284094_171211989616449_1631209(...).jpg)
    49 KB
    I love my Euphemia costume so much. Wonderful memories and that wig is just my favorite thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:49 No.4882228
    Way to go. Losers like you are the reason I'm embarrassed to say I enjoy KH.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:50 No.4882232
    Should have expected that.
    Care to explain exactly why?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:54 No.4882241
    were you at otakon?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)01:59 No.4882254
         File1314079193.jpg-(52 KB, 340x512, Medusarawr.jpg)
    52 KB
    Medusa all the way. It's a bitch to put on because it takes a considerable amount of effort to completely wear. But still...I usually don't play villains so this was so much fun to be evil
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 08/23/11(Tue)02:06 No.4882269
         File1314079590.jpg-(172 KB, 540x800, MommyEle7.jpg)
    172 KB
    Mommy Fortuna is probably my favorite costume. Put so much love into it.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)02:08 No.4882272
         File1314079693.jpg-(95 KB, 440x600, stocking.jpg)
    95 KB
    Favorite? Stocking, though I don't have any good pictures of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)02:08 No.4882273
         File1314079702.png-(998 KB, 475x445, 1297463253718.png)
    998 KB
    I love this one everytime I see it, definitely a fan favorite :)
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 08/23/11(Tue)02:09 No.4882277
         File1314079746.jpg-(92 KB, 533x800, EleDahliaG5OTP.jpg)
    92 KB
    But Dahlia is my favorite to wear...

    And that's my selfpost for the week
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/23/11(Tue)02:11 No.4882283
         File1314079884.jpg-(411 KB, 680x1024, 5907386634_c3294e2c24_b.jpg)
    411 KB
    yeah, I know it gets posted a whole lot, but it's a great pic.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 08/23/11(Tue)02:13 No.4882287
         File1314079998.jpg-(37 KB, 600x338, oreimo05_08..jpg)
    37 KB
    ..girl those sparkles aint cute. shame, because you've got a great body and your swords look like you put effort into em.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)02:13 No.4882288
    I like the part where you set an example by being modest.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)02:13 No.4882289
         File1314080019.gif-(152 KB, 500x280, oh my gob.gif)
    152 KB
    livin' the dream
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/23/11(Tue)02:18 No.4882299
         File1314080317.jpg-(7 KB, 135x196, Got Your Back.jpg)
    7 KB
    You're damn right
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/23/11(Tue)02:20 No.4882302
    why be modest when he literally set the bar for other kaminas? if his shit is good he should flaunt it
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)02:21 No.4882305
         File1314080467.jpg-(92 KB, 731x1094, azu_nyan_by_lobitah-d3144lp.jpg)
    92 KB
    Well... I really like my Azusa Nakano cosplay.
    I know its super simple and stuff but I really, really liked it. I did not used a wig, but I thought I didn't really needed it to pull of Azusa.
    So yeah pretty cheap and simple cosplay, but I really, relly like it...
    >> Sugisaki !pyqet4E91I 08/23/11(Tue)02:31 No.4882324
         File1314081062.jpg-(8 KB, 276x183, 1308465881530.jpg)
    8 KB
    one sec

    Can't wait to see your Fan cosplay!~
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)02:36 No.4882342
         File1314081414.jpg-(88 KB, 774x1032, azusa_nakano_by_lobitah-d313mv(...).jpg)
    88 KB
    Oh thank you, thank you so much! It will take a while though, I still have to make Azusa Nakano Listen! version for a group, good thing is is pretty simple and I only need to make the shirt and I'm done. As soon as I finish that I'll start with my Lin, I promise.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 08/23/11(Tue)02:37 No.4882345
         File1314081458.jpg-(404 KB, 1024x637, 1092384754910238.jpg)
    404 KB
    >Extremely comfortable
    >Character has the best choice of props in the history of existence

    It's Shizuo or Ukitake, honestly. Ukitake is a bit more comfortable but the swords are awkward. I got to be very loud in this costume.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)02:37 No.4882347
    Really? Did he literally do it? Literally?

    Being modest has numerous advantages. For example, it lowers the average level of douchebaggery, but I get the impression that's an idea that would take a while to explain to you. So instead, let's just say it makes everything more pleasant.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)02:38 No.4882348
    So cute! How did you do your pigtails? I cant tell if theyre clip in or what!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)02:40 No.4882353
         File1314081611.jpg-(17 KB, 459x307, 1308714472757.jpg)
    17 KB
    Aw, It's in fact my real hair! So no clips.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/23/11(Tue)02:41 No.4882356
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/23/11(Tue)02:43 No.4882360
         File1314081834.jpg-(16 KB, 240x195, Mhm.jpg)
    16 KB
    No need to get upset. A joke is a joke.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)02:50 No.4882377
         File1314082233.png-(71 KB, 500x500, 1305360138263.png)
    71 KB
    Oh, you again.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/23/11(Tue)02:52 No.4882379
         File1314082320.jpg-(30 KB, 239x261, Oh yes.jpg)
    30 KB
    Have I done anything to slight you?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)02:53 No.4882381
         File1314082400.jpg-(42 KB, 1151x655, kida.jpg)
    42 KB
    Don't you have any other decent pictures of you?
    >> Matt !LYRJy0IxTc 08/23/11(Tue)02:59 No.4882389
         File1314082750.jpg-(590 KB, 1184x1784, 233749869730a5f84ad019a7df414d(...).jpg)
    590 KB
    >> Matt !LYRJy0IxTc 08/23/11(Tue)03:00 No.4882392
         File1314082818.jpg-(34 KB, 327x717, 1 (3).jpg)
    34 KB
    And a Fanime pic, just for you.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/23/11(Tue)03:01 No.4882394
    Maaaaat let me bang her.

    Shell love my leather jacket. Hell, I'll let you wear it.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:01 No.4882396
         File1314082906.png-(34 KB, 200x200, 1311397029691.png)
    34 KB
    Yay! Now I can love you <3
    Thank you. How old are you, btw?
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/23/11(Tue)03:05 No.4882402
         File1314083132.jpg-(209 KB, 1920x1200, 190837.jpg)
    209 KB
    Hah, thanks!

    And 20~
    >> PiggyNukka 08/23/11(Tue)03:21 No.4882432
         File1314084062.jpg-(73 KB, 456x640, 2915492.jpg)
    73 KB
    Defiantly Ramona, I think I pull her off better then most of the costumes I do and I really love wearing it! My hammer is also muh babby and I'm proud of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:21 No.4882439
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:22 No.4882443
    You have a girlfriend, you fucking tool.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:23 No.4882444
         File1314084201.jpg-(50 KB, 500x500, 1305360969198.jpg)
    50 KB
    Good enough.
    I'm 18, so I'm legal.
    I am not even kidding.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/23/11(Tue)03:23 No.4882445
    Obligatory, damn girl i wanna be in-between dem thighs.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:24 No.4882448
    So is the basic idea here that if you hit on every girl, eventually one will say yes?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/23/11(Tue)03:26 No.4882451
    piggy is married to ikuy.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:27 No.4882453
         File1314084440.jpg-(115 KB, 731x1094, hello__azu_nyan_by_lobitah-d31(...).jpg)
    115 KB
    Oh! I remember you! You are my favorite Ramona cosplayer ever. I love your shape and legs.
    Oh my, and the hammer( I don't know if I can call it hammer, sorry for my bad english ) looks great!

    I am the Azunyan posted before, I don't know if you remember me, lol. But I really love that cosplay of yours!
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/23/11(Tue)03:27 No.4882456
         File1314084475.gif-(245 KB, 400x227, ummmm.gif)
    245 KB
    Doesn't mean I can't be kind and cordial. Being nice and kind with the opposite gender is simply how I am.

    Perhaps when I'm single, my dear.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:28 No.4882458
    Woops Matt, you got caught.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/23/11(Tue)03:29 No.4882461
    Clever girl!
    I just said it because someone always complements her thighs.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:29 No.4882462
    Stay beta.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:29 No.4882463
         File1314084571.png-(147 KB, 477x350, tumblr_ljvxrvvKpc1qbsjmq.png)
    147 KB
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/23/11(Tue)03:31 No.4882469
         File1314084660.jpg-(112 KB, 700x393, Kamina.jpg)
    112 KB
    Terribly sorry
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:34 No.4882476
    > Perhaps when I'm single

    Way to make your girlfriend feel like she's number one, genius.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/23/11(Tue)03:35 No.4882478
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/23/11(Tue)03:37 No.4882482
         File1314085032.jpg-(23 KB, 278x330, Losin it.jpg)
    23 KB
    Actually, she means the world to me.

    Simply put, I jokingly said if things do not work out, then I would do it.

    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:38 No.4882486
         File1314085134.jpg-(45 KB, 640x360, SparkleRarity..jpg)
    45 KB
    I will wait forever for you to be my Kamina.
    Just out of curiosity, how -big- are you?
    I dare you to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:41 No.4882488
    Hahahaha. Oh God, you can't make this shit up. Matt, Matt, Matt, I'll stop giving you a hard time. This here is worse than anything I could do to you.

    I'm dying, Squirtle.
    >> Matt !LYRJy0IxTc 08/23/11(Tue)03:46 No.4882498
         File1314085602.gif-(476 KB, 400x200, WWWWAAAAAT.gif)
    476 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:49 No.4882501
         File1314085743.png-(202 KB, 528x317, rarity_twilight-(n129588110597(...).png)
    202 KB
    Oh darling, please.
    Why won't you answer? I bet you are really proud of that drill of yours.
    Why not say it loud and proud? Come on Matt.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:55 No.4882510
    Are you seriously doing this.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)03:57 No.4882515
    I feel like I never have to troll you again, Matt.

    Troll on, brave femanon. Troll on.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:01 No.4882524
    10 inches. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:03 No.4882526
    I guess Matt is not as happy as I thought about his drill.
    What a turn off that is indeed.
    You should be proud of what you've got, darling.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:04 No.4882527
    Holy shit, that's a cosplay I never thought I'd see anyone do. Awesome! I love it!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:04 No.4882528
         File1314086652.png-(232 KB, 530x432, 40128393.png)
    232 KB
    Oh Matt, darling. You made me sad indeed.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:05 No.4882529
         File1314086700.jpg-(87 KB, 339x360, 1308122770755.jpg)
    87 KB
    I'm reading all these in Rarity's voice.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:06 No.4882532

    >watches my little pony

    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/23/11(Tue)04:07 No.4882533
         File1314086827.jpg-(9 KB, 168x155, What was that.jpg)
    9 KB
    Ill say it once. And only once.

    10 inches.

    Done. Done posting tonight in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:12 No.4882541
         File1314087159.gif-(886 KB, 640x444, 6a23647b1883153388ccb4047df513(...).gif)
    886 KB
    That was exactly what I intended, darling.

    Oh my! Oh my! Now the whole world knows about your drill! Oh darling you are impresive, not because of your penis but because of your bravery! Oh glorious dear!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:13 No.4882542
         File1314087215.jpg-(326 KB, 480x720, remisakuya.jpg)
    326 KB
    Oh boy, here goes!
    I really like wearing my Remilia cosplay. It is very comfy to wear, so I give you this photo of my Remilia cosplay, along with this awesome Sakuya I was with.

    Looking through this thread, I just want to say that you guys are all kinds of amazing!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:16 No.4882544
    You really didn't have to tell them if you didn't want to.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/23/11(Tue)04:18 No.4882545
         File1314087484.jpg-(189 KB, 377x600, DOUBLE_K___Rad_shades_by_capta(...).jpg)
    189 KB
    It's a matter of pride, really.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:18 No.4882548
    what, your junk? we know you're proud of it. you've mentioned it over 9,000 times.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:19 No.4882550
         File1314087580.gif-(20 KB, 256x256, mlp-rarity-clop-5344_preview.gif)
    20 KB
    Maybe he felt threatened by my glamorous voice, dear.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)04:21 No.4882553
         File1314087684.jpg-(8 KB, 241x209, images.jpg)
    8 KB
    Yes darling! That's the spirit!
    It's kind of disturbing to know that your girl takes so much drill. Oh my, oh my!
    >> sonteen12 !c/Bmteb9h. 08/23/11(Tue)04:48 No.4882610
         File1314089322.jpg-(389 KB, 683x1024, 6069438426_8639e61b47_b.jpg)
    389 KB
    Ok, I was laughing shitless just now coz of the trolling ponies and Matt's drill.
    Here is my Tidus cosplay I wore at Ramencon, probably one of my most complicated costume, lots of feelings attached to this cosplay. This is the only pic I got back from my photog now and it's the one I forgot to smile. (grumpy Tidus much?)

    I love this cosplay of yours!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)05:10 No.4882637

    Very nice. Are you just open chest binding or do you have a airbrushed bodysuit on?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)05:12 No.4882639
         File1314090771.jpg-(183 KB, 730x1095, a253.jpg)
    183 KB
    Not my favourtie costume, but one of my fav pics.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)05:14 No.4882643
         File1314090861.jpg-(673 KB, 600x900, Elemental-2508.jpg)
    673 KB
    Sure, I'll play.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)05:14 No.4882646

    Wow, your costume is awesome! I love your wig, that razor cut looks so natural and Ramona-ish.
    And Anon is right your legs are just perfect for Ramona <3.
    >> Yumi-chan !mB1RIla5jU 08/23/11(Tue)05:20 No.4882656
         File1314091223.jpg-(115 KB, 536x800, 033.jpg)
    115 KB
    Lacus Clyne. I am still looking for the perfect wig but the costume is my favorite by far.
    >> BellyDancer !B3CMbEoo4o 08/23/11(Tue)05:35 No.4882676
         File1314092101.jpg-(18 KB, 493x402, 1307228256500.jpg)
    18 KB
    Hooo boy... I gotta say, I lol'd.
    >> Kamui !hMk3cortn2 08/23/11(Tue)05:36 No.4882678
         File1314092185.jpg-(383 KB, 667x1000, Aion Costume 1.jpg)
    383 KB
    This is one, Asmodian Gladiator from Aion, is not really my favourite one, but I guess it's my best one so far. I really learned a lot but creating it and it helped me to get my dream job.
    >> sonteen12 !c/Bmteb9h. 08/23/11(Tue)05:46 No.4882682
    Thank you. I did open-shirt binding and spray-tan my body. Took about 5 hours overall to do makeup and get dressed in this cosplay. Hopefully, my time will improve the next time I wear this..
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)05:49 No.4882685

    Ah. If you don't mind me asking your bust size? I want to do open chest binding, but I'm a C cup and I have no idea if that would be successful.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)05:56 No.4882688
    Dayum! /cgl/ can walk the walk.
    >> Ash !!/PBda20Hmwn 08/23/11(Tue)05:57 No.4882690
    ahhhhhhhhhhh you look fuckin' awesome as Tidussssss
    >> sonteen12 !c/Bmteb9h. 08/23/11(Tue)05:58 No.4882691
    I literally have no I'm probably not a good person to go for advice. But I've seen ppl with B-C bust size pulled of open-shirt binding before. This link maybe helpful: And recommended binding tape:
    M2JBZB3V2Y (It's pricey, but this stuff is awesome) You might need some sort of residue remover when you try to pull these tapes of though, because they're very sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)05:59 No.4882692

    Bookmarked, thanks~
    >> valhallis 08/23/11(Tue)06:17 No.4882703
         File1314094646.jpg-(109 KB, 589x591, 1.jpg)
    109 KB
    I´am still a cosplay rookie. but i think my second one is my best one :D
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/23/11(Tue)06:32 No.4882719
         File1314095553.jpg-(64 KB, 424x640, luffy zoro nami cosplay.jpg)
    64 KB

    >> PiggyNukka 08/23/11(Tue)10:38 No.4882942
    Oh jesus, thanks for the nice compliments people! It's always nice to know that other people dig my Ramona as well.

    Holy shit Sonteen, you look absolutely fucking perfect. I'm at a loss for words.

    And I wanna comment on everyone elses shit but I need to get ready for work. You all look fantastic. Keep it up /cgl/ :3
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 08/23/11(Tue)10:59 No.4882964
         File1314111573.jpg-(307 KB, 435x650, Receiving-Transmission.jpg)
    307 KB
    Miss Martian is by far my favorite! Of the characters I cosplay she's the one I relate to the most, plus my YJ group is so much fun to hang out with~
    >> Kenmichi !!lT9Ulp8FHEs 08/23/11(Tue)11:23 No.4883016
         File1314113018.jpg-(76 KB, 720x540, Monster Trio.jpg)
    76 KB

    I approve! Though, simply as a suggestion, would you be able to make the mustache out of a more hair-like material? It looks accurate as is, but using hair from a wig, or something, would definitely add an amazing dimension to an already good costume.

    Contributin', myself as Sanji and one of my best friends as Zoro. I wish we could have used a better background but when my friend and I found a good Luffy for the shot it was late at night and the BCC lobby was still pretty crowded.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:37 No.4883261
    You absolutely positively look hagtastic. :D
    Excellent work, Mommy. I'm so tempted to work on the Harpy Celaeno costume sometime in the distant future.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:50 No.4883278
         File1314121820.jpg-(357 KB, 1200x1600, ZZ091835.jpg)
    357 KB
    Lower half is crap, but this will always be my fave costume
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)13:56 No.4883297
         File1314122195.jpg-(286 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1815.jpg)
    286 KB
    I fucking love Cheryl Heather Mason. I've made costumes that were more complicated, but this is my favorite.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:00 No.4883303
         File1314122435.jpg-(362 KB, 682x1024, takagi_saya_h_o_t_d__tease_by_(...).jpg)
    362 KB
    Not necessarily my favorite costume but I love this picture so much. And it's reminds me how much fun this shoot was.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:32 No.4883382
         File1314124328.jpg-(45 KB, 478x720, 247966_213550435351565_1749298(...).jpg)
    45 KB
    I was really happy with this picture of my Slade cosplay.
    >> Tofu 08/23/11(Tue)14:34 No.4883387
         File1314124452.jpg-(300 KB, 532x800, 5794048499_38a68b1069_b.jpg)
    300 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:34 No.4883390
    The beard, man.. At first I though "Awesome!".. But then the beard.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/23/11(Tue)14:37 No.4883398

    She's holding a cone, what a slut :o
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:38 No.4883399
         File1314124700.jpg-(22 KB, 400x300, Slade_Wilson_COTE.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:39 No.4883404
         File1314124793.jpg-(45 KB, 640x426, cj.jpg)
    45 KB
    Selfposting eh?
    I have yet to give my CJ much time and have only worn it to 2 tiny cons. It's fun to wear and the rope gives me endless possibilities.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:52 No.4883426
    I know right? :) and apparently I need to eat a sammich too
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/23/11(Tue)14:53 No.4883432

    Says who?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:56 No.4883438
    Says the anon I thought you were referencing from a previous thread.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 08/23/11(Tue)15:06 No.4883463
    ..are you who i think you are!? the ridiculously hot kanji from AN!?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/23/11(Tue)15:40 No.4883577

    Nah, I was just making a brand new novel joke, which apparently was neither brand new or novel. :l

    But w/e, that anon's wrong. Fuck 'em. (not actually fuck them, I just mean fuck what they have to say)
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:31 No.4883753
    Heh I figured. And sorry to rain on your parade of a new and novel pun.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:32 No.4883758
    Bump for dem cosplay
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:33 No.4883761
    Lol, Thnx for saying so Tenleid!
    Also Yes.
    >> Sa Bir 08/23/11(Tue)16:53 No.4883816
         File1314132830.jpg-(102 KB, 427x640, AngelSanctuary_5613.jpg)
    102 KB
    I wouldn't call it my best, but -definitely- my favorite: Lucifer (right) from Angel Sanctuary.

    Love your Remilia!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)19:56 No.4884434
    Thank you kindly!
    Absolutely love your cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)20:07 No.4884467
    I am literally upset that I missed you at Otakon and couldn't take a picture of you.

    Costume is good, pose is there but the composition and background is so shit I cry a little whenever this photo is posted. The guy looking into your armpit and the other peeking over your shoulder, your finger being barely clipped up top. You need a better picture.
    >> Potato 08/23/11(Tue)20:54 No.4884625
         File1314147277.jpg-(46 KB, 469x448, thumbsup.jpg)
    46 KB
    /cgl/, you so talented. I'm proud of you.

    I'm not even circlejerking, either. I really do think we've got some great cosplayers here.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)21:18 No.4884717
    We do indeed have some amazing talent on this board!
    I'm also very impressed that we got this far without any real insults or general 4chan hate. Good on ya, /cgl/!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)21:39 No.4884830
         File1314149951.jpg-(81 KB, 480x720, Tomoyo-Hime 1.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 08/23/11(Tue)22:06 No.4884951
         File1314151570.jpg-(313 KB, 480x720, mommy_fortuna_by_rdauterman-d3(...).jpg)
    313 KB
    Thanks guys! And I'd love to see that Harpy :3
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)22:46 No.4885074
         File1314153969.jpg-(8 KB, 200x200, The-Harpy-the-last-unicorn-173(...).jpg)
    8 KB
    When it will be done, you'd best not cage me. Otherwise I will escape once more and make a meal out of you. >;)
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 08/23/11(Tue)23:00 No.4885123
    Awwww, you did a really great job on Tomoyo! Did a lot of people ask you if you can pick up radio stations with your headpiece? I...kinda got that a lot when I cosplayed her.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:06 No.4885146
         File1314155166.jpg-(87 KB, 434x640, luna.jpg)
    87 KB
    I couldn't find the bigger version of this photo I swore I had somewhere, sorry :(

    This is def the prettiest costume I've ever made.

    I'm curious to see if someone here recognizes the character!
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/23/11(Tue)23:06 No.4885150
         File1314155192.jpg-(1.33 MB, 2592x3888, IMG_9791.jpg)
    1.33 MB
    This one is pretty dramatic.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:14 No.4885193
    That's so pretty! Do you have more photos?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:46 No.4885322
         File1314157562.jpg-(55 KB, 496x640, luna.jpg)
    55 KB

    here's a derpy one I took at the otakon photo suite :)
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:48 No.4885332
    My friends made me take a picture with you Saturday morning because I was too shy to approach you. I still think you're super pretty.
    >> GenGerard !!FRGAXQ7aZ6e 08/24/11(Wed)00:52 No.4885575
         File1314161540.jpg-(60 KB, 540x720, metabee3.jpg)
    60 KB
    This costume is a total pain to put on and wear but I love it oh so much.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)05:35 No.4886168
    I recognise it, but the name just keeps slipping away!
    Gorgeous cosplay, however!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)06:46 No.4886214
         File1314182782.jpg-(113 KB, 720x540, SDCC11.jpg)
    113 KB
    Absolutely loved wearing this last month, I was sore everywhere the day after but it was jus too much fun to care. It was my first con I cosplayed and the first time I wore it so I have some stuff to fix up before LongBeachCC and Halloween.
    >> derpyhooves 08/24/11(Wed)11:43 No.4886535
    Did you talk like an angry black man to get into character?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:33 No.4888248
         File1314228783.jpg-(254 KB, 775x933, Stalker-Fandungsplakat.jpg)
    254 KB
    this is my Stalker-cosplay from the game metro 2033.
    took me about 3 weeks to get all the stuff and put it together.

    This is a Wanted-Poster that I made, so that my friends could find me at the gamescom in cologn
    >> Spike !lnkYxlAbaw 08/24/11(Wed)19:43 No.4888277
         File1314229380.jpg-(46 KB, 432x720, ABSOLUTEAWESOME.jpg)
    46 KB
    Only Good pic of this thing I have,

    Mainly because I rushed like a madman to get some parts done in time, and mostly becouse Im not in it, as I have yet to have a pic taken where I dont look like some sort of super rapist.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:45 No.4888289
    Never see any good Weskers around anymore..

    Well, that's a lie, some people get it somewhat right, but what I really would want to see at least once is someone who gets both the looks and the *voice* right. Good god, that'd be awesome.

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