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  • Infelizmente nós não acabar ficando juntos. Da próxima vez!

    File : 1313874080.jpg-(46 KB, 450x599, ryugyong-hotel-north-korea.jpg)
    46 KB Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 08/20/11(Sat)17:01 No.4873533  
    We've had 'progress' threads. How about a 'no-progress' thread?

    That one cosplay that you were never able to complete for some reason (time, money, other costumes, procrastination, etc.).
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/20/11(Sat)17:10 No.4873556
         File1313874607.jpg-(47 KB, 247x700, b61c8918faacf2e558b9c5accf1181(...).jpg)
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    Easy as hell cosplay friend and I planned last year, but my Black Rock Shooter never got her shit together, so I dropped it right before she finally decided that just a bra and boyshorts would suffice for a BRS cosplay. NOPE. If she wasn't gonna put any effort in that, then I wasn't going to even waste my time/money with the cosplay nor scythe for Dead Master.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)17:10 No.4873557
         File1313874608.jpg-(49 KB, 262x383, Chocotales2_shirma.jpg)
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    Pure procrastination. This costume shouldn't have taken more than a few hours but I just never got round to adding the red triangles.
    No idea why.
    Several times I got everything out to finish but have just been sidetracked.
    Thanks for reminding me, when I have access to my sewing machine again I might just finish her up.
    >> MalloMarsh !!jIcPNMSVBL3 08/20/11(Sat)17:10 No.4873558
    I've been working on Simon's Garlock jacket for about four months on and off but I can't be bothered to finish it because I'm stuck on how to make the flames and the symbol on the back look nice.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)17:37 No.4873633
    I am not working on anything but goddamn do I love OP's choice of picture for a progress thread.
    >> Potato 08/20/11(Sat)17:53 No.4873674
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    It's been sitting in a box half cut out because I keep bumping other cosplays up ahead of it. I'll finish it eventually.

    I also have a couple other projects that I've bought fabric for and then never done anything with it. I should go through my box and actually do something with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)17:57 No.4873687
    The Ghost!Rin cosplay that I wanted to do so badly.
    I found some fabric lying around that would work, so I started on the hood-thingy.
    During measuring, I completely forgot I have these things called shoulders.
    The fabric I found was *just enough*, so I can't go back and fix it.
    I'm so mad at myself for messing up that I just want to drop the cosplay altogether.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)18:01 No.4873703
         File1313877689.png-(110 KB, 398x565, archbishops.png)
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    archbishops from ragnarok online, ha...ha...ha...
    we've had wigs and fabric and craft foam for years.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)18:02 No.4873704
    My Fluttershy, I completely forgot about her.... Ah well, it'll happen I hope.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/20/11(Sat)18:13 No.4873738
    I started Howl about five months ago. In the time it's taken me to buy the wig, make the jewellery and buy the pattern for his coat, I've managed to complete my Saya, Fem!Brief, Panty, Anna and White/Hilda cosplays.

    Sorry Howl, but the diamond patchwork on your coat intimidates me.
    >> Kankuro 08/20/11(Sat)18:20 No.4873757
    The harkonnen. It's very large and daunting.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 08/20/11(Sat)18:54 No.4873813
    The pattern pieces for my velvet frock coat for my Eighth Doctor cosplay are all sitting in a bag somewhere, and half of it is sewn together. I just said 'fuck it' at one point and never finished.
    >> Iris 08/20/11(Sat)18:59 No.4873826
         File1313881144.jpg-(43 KB, 453x719, discprog.jpg)
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    I was just thinking about this actually

    Disc from Needless. I was wondering if I should make Iron Mountain version or this pink polka dotted one. This was the last progress picture I took of it. It was dated in April of last year
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)19:01 No.4873832
         File1313881294.jpg-(1.92 MB, 760x2082, 1302480479676.jpg)
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    Try this.
    >> Teh-Vee !BUNNY.UIU. 08/20/11(Sat)19:02 No.4873834
         File1313881320.jpg-(29 KB, 400x320, liru.jpg)
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    I keep pushing this back on my list.
    I just dunno why...
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)19:31 No.4873907
    Problems are: gotta lose some weight, no idea how to do makeup or wig, Social Anxiety Disorder being an asshole and fear no one would recognize it
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)19:37 No.4873937
         File1313883461.jpg-(37 KB, 340x545, thisbitch.jpg)
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    Dat wig.
    Dat. . . everything.
    >> Mstski 08/20/11(Sat)20:04 No.4874047
         File1313885049.jpg-(31 KB, 375x500, Shinobu.jpg)
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    I've been dying to cosplay her cause she's basically a female Afro samurai & i love her character, but I keep putting it off because I feel like people don't really care too much for No More Heroes anymore, I'm always low on money whenever I think about working in it, and that wig just seems impossible to find. I've seen other cosplayers use enlarge poofy wig but it just doesn't look right to me.

    >Maybe one day
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:12 No.4874073
         File1313885535.jpg-(26 KB, 300x450, 622104-yoko_portrait_large.jpg)
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    I bought almost all the supplies, I got a six foot long 2 inch dowel to use as the rifle barrel (back when all the other seven or so Yokos were using ABS pipe and all their rifles looked droopy).

    I procrastinated on the wig and shorts, summer ended and there was no way I was wearing it to any winter cons, other cosplays took precedence, I dipped into the supplies I purchased to finish those...

    Now it's just the half finished wig and the completed hairclip, taunting me.
    >> Mstski 08/20/11(Sat)20:13 No.4874081
    * a large, not enlarge
    >> TL;DR 08/20/11(Sat)20:15 No.4874093
         File1313885759.jpg-(71 KB, 320x480, 22eb.jpg)
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    He's my favorite character from my favorite game, I think I keep procrastinating because I'm worried it will turn out like crap.

    I have the bodysuit done, bought the wig and a bunch of material for the armor... and that's as far as I've come in [I'd rather not say how many] years.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:18 No.4874526
    Man, all of my costumes are no-progress currently, I just gotta get them out and actually work. I have no excuse...
    >> maryjane !zmlklASUKA 08/20/11(Sat)22:28 No.4874551
         File1313893700.jpg-(157 KB, 698x652, asuka-langley-by-shunya-yamash(...).jpg)
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    3/4 of the way done. Found a waifu, now I'm too busy getting dicked to sew.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:41 No.4874574
    Way too many costumes:

    Had no sewing skills when trying to make the costume, gave up
    Bought fabric and a reference book for the cosplay and waited for it to come in mail, it never came
    Series ended before I could start working on costume, reception for the series seemed to be quite low
    >Aria the Scarlet Ammo
    Bought fabric, series ended before I could start, lost interest

    There are probably a lot more projects that barely got off the tarmac when they were aborted, sitting in my closet now.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 08/20/11(Sat)23:51 No.4874812
         File1313898711.png-(411 KB, 807x791, HeartGold_SoulSilver_Team_Rock(...).png)
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    Dude, people still love No More Heroes. Wear it to a con and you'll find out.

    Most of the ones I haven't bothered to finish because I won't be wearing it with anyone, so there's no pressure on me to get it done. So I just keep pushing them back in favor of other costumes. That, or I can do everything except one part that always stumps me so I never get around to solving one problem when I know I can do the rest.
    Pic related; I've had it half-done for God knows how long now. It's so easy it's retarded, so why I haven't finished it, I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)00:01 No.4874850
    You bitch, I was looking forward to that.
    And then:

    >Yamashita Asuka for Animethon!
    >Derp, procrastinated too much to make it for Animethon - Yamashita Asuka for Cos & Effect!
    >Sewing sucks, screw Cos & Effect. I'll do it for Fan Expo!

    Yamashita Asuka where, MJ?!?
    >> Hatsuu !!+vbHxqaHFI4 08/21/11(Sun)14:20 No.4876170

    An answer to this is 90% of my cosplays, ahaha. I get started but because I'm terrible at sewing I get frustrated and toss it aside. That or I run out of fabric/need a certain piece.

    The biggest example is Jinana from DDS. Had perhaps 75%-80% of it done, but I ran out of the pleather I bought and couldn't find it. All I neede4d to make were straps and shoes. It was pretty frustrating, but since I still have it I think I've learned enough to make it better.
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 08/21/11(Sun)14:34 No.4876192
    Were you the one I talked about making DGA to go with?

    I've got three costumes not finished. Mostly due to time.
    Claudia Wolf - Just can't find the proper fabric for it. I have the pattern and the lining cut out and sewn, but the fabric I originally had looked really blue under certain light and I haven't been able to find another with the proper weave since
    Astrid - No time. Need better fabric for shirt.
    BB Hood - No time. Kinda been slowly working on this costume for a year. Original group bailed out on me, so made making it not as much of an investment anymore
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)14:51 No.4876223
    NOPE, you're going to cosplay that. That's all I have to say on the subject.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)15:50 No.4876337
    This is one of your better threads, EvaExpert
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/21/11(Sun)16:01 No.4876366
         File1313956867.jpg-(932 KB, 1180x2500, Sol Badguy.jpg)
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    Eventually. >/
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)16:07 No.4876379
    >implying you have skills to make a costume like that, or any costume for that matter
    >implying you have the body
    >> Ukraine 08/21/11(Sun)16:09 No.4876386
         File1313957355.jpg-(28 KB, 375x500, Huapo.jpg)
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    I've wanted to cosplay her for years now...and I just keep putting it off. Even now I could have done it but I ended up doing some group stuff (not that I regret that at all, because I'm so stoked for the groups I'm doing) but SOMEDAY.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)16:10 No.4876390
    But that isn't Luffy.

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