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    File : 1313798735.gif-(258 KB, 400x225, 1312001939547.gif)
    258 KB Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)20:05 No.4870731  
    Ok so theres a whole bunch of unfortunate people that had bad con experience(s).
    Is there anyone that had a moment at a con that was good? Or just pure luck?
    Post your good stories in here.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)20:09 No.4870751
    >implying people don't have tons of fun at cons

    Oh you.

    All of my convention experiences have been very fun. I go with friends, cosplay, meet new people, and have a great time. The horror stories or bad con experiences aren't that commonplace.
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 08/19/11(Fri)20:19 No.4870796
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    Con horror stories are fun to read/write because they don't happen very often. If cons were mostly awful with just a little bit of fun thrown in, no one would go.

    A repost of mine, but still cute:
    Once when I was dressed as Princess Bubblegum with my friend as Marceline at a con, and we were stopped for photos in the lobby of the convention center. As we were standing there I saw out of the corner of my eye a confused-looking couple with a young daughter. The adults were talking to each other and their daughter was talking to them about the people around her, she saw me and told her parents "look it's Princess Peach!" which I thought was adorable even if it wasn't my character, and then she went "oh no wait it's Princess Bubblegum!"
    I internally hnnnnnng'd so hard.
    "and there's Marceline the Vampire Queen!"
    My heart grew three sizes that day.

    Also off topic but I have so many Stocking reaction images that I thought OP was me for a second.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)20:30 No.4870826
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    >cosplaying as demoman
    >eye-patch snaps
    >have nothing to fix it with
    >girl running an art booth calls me over
    >she fixes it for me
    >give her a hug and takes pictures afterwards

    Good day
    >> TikkiTavi !TaigaVQ/9E 08/19/11(Fri)20:32 No.4870839
    >go to AX07
    >after getting autographs go support a friend doing a voice acting competition at the Funimation booth
    >girl behind her panics as her turn gets close
    >asks if I wanna take her spot
    >sure sounds fun
    > walk up & do her line for the audience
    > won the free video iPod

    Lucky as shit
    >> ThatGirl 08/19/11(Fri)20:35 No.4870847
    This year at Otakon I was hanging with a great John [Sis on Friday] who turned out to go to the same some school and live with [and, play DnD with] some of my best con-made friends. Then she called one of them and he came and gave me an AWESOME hug.
    I have very, very cool friends.

    And the girl I'm now great friends with who helped me when I was sad friday. And she gave me Gushers!
    >> amethystcitrine !!6IXk8cIKsk7 08/19/11(Fri)20:36 No.4870853
    One time I said "excuse me sir" to get a vendor's attention, and he was so touched by my manners he gave me a free collector's box for Infinite Ryvius that included the first DVD. I really like that series now, it gives me warm fuzzies.
    >> amethystcitrine !!6IXk8cIKsk7 08/19/11(Fri)20:37 No.4870857
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    holy fuck Gushers are literally the best
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)20:45 No.4870886
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    >Cosplaying as Naked Snake
    >Walking down hotel corridor
    >Suddenly, a random girl ahead of me shouts "snake!" and runs for me
    >She leaps into my arms, and says "Don't die, snake!"
    >I reply, in a raspy voice "They sent me because they new I'd come through alright"
    >She runs off after hugging me
    >My face for the rest of the con

    I'll probably never see her again, but whoever you were, you made my con.
    >> ei666shii !ZTjyeR9bsM 08/19/11(Fri)20:51 No.4870918
    >Drop my wallet at a con
    >Freaking out
    >Fully expecting all my money being used for a desperate yaoi fangirl's doujinji obession
    >Get tap on shoulder
    >Twelve year old girl in Tokyo Mew Mew cosplay
    >"Excuse, you dropped your wallet..."
    >simultaneously dawwwww and rejoice at her cuteness and honesty
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)20:57 No.4870946
    >excuse me sir
    >Got free stuff

    brb being polite to all vendors and artists
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/19/11(Fri)21:01 No.4870953
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    little kids say the best things sometimes
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 08/19/11(Fri)21:02 No.4870957
    In before the cancer girl story.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)21:04 No.4870965
    I usually go to cons with a wishlist of things I want to get. Last year, I had a long list of things to get, some of which I wasn't even sure if I could get. Sure enough, not only did I get everything I wanted + some bonus/fun things, it cost exactly how much shopping money I had.

    I had also been a fan of somebody [not really a hugely famous person, and I'd prefer not to name-drop] for awhile, and had been corresponding with them and helping them on some projects. I went to a con they were a guest at, and I got invited out with my friends to go hang out with that person & all of their coworkers from a show I really liked.

    I was really nervous to go, but we sat and hung out with them, and it turned out they were very down-to-earth and cool. We even had fun just talking about things we all mutually liked.

    That is definitely one of the coolest experiences ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)21:11 No.4870991
    I was at otakon for the first time this year, and saw the most fucking perfect Wang fire cosplay. When my brother and I approached him, he started quoting sokka, saying "you mightve seen my wife, sapphire fire around", of course we were dying. other than that, seeing a live version of Peter griffin chicken fight, a literal dancing banana peanut butter jelly clusterfuck, and a no face offering gold coins to passerbys while others shouted "no don't take them!!!", it was tons of fun. I'm going as ashitaka next year so I can run around yelling SAAAAAN
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)21:14 No.4871000
    >run around yelling
    >> ThatGirl 08/19/11(Fri)21:14 No.4871002
    Awww, pretty grey princess! That's so adorable!

    I know right? I'm telling my friends the only thing I want for Christmas is Gushers and fruit roll-ups. They instantly make me feel better.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)21:15 No.4871005
    I went to a con a few months ago. My cosplay was Ema Skye (Ace Attorney). As i was walking around looking to buy stuff, i spotted a group of AA cosplayers who had held an AA panel the day before. I went up and said hi, and they were like "Ema! Can i take your picture?" "I wanna take a picture with Ema!" "No, i do!"
    I'm not that familure with cons yet, and i don't know if my cosplay was amazing or anything, but that group just made me so happy and accepted. Whenever i think of that moment, i just feel really happy and i'm glad so many people who like what i like are so kind.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)21:18 No.4871013
    I was cosplaying as Alice from Heart no Kuni and had a Blood (mad hatter character) and Julius (clock master) with me and this little girl asked her mom if she could have a photo with us, she was like 6 and the cutest thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)21:19 No.4871016
    When I was in AnimeNext 2011 I cosplayed as Quote and people were really excited to see me. A bunch of people asked for my picture, which I wasn't expecting since the costume was literally thrown together the day before the convention started.

    It made being told I was a horrible Red bearable.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 08/19/11(Fri)21:25 No.4871040
    I was cosplaying Mario, listening to my boombox in front of Fanime when this little boy, couldn't have been more that 2 or three, starts dancing to the music, smiling that little kid smile and loving it. His mom asked if I would take a picture with him. I agreed of course, but he was so tiny (came up to maybe my knee) I had to kneel down for her to get a shot. Soon as I do this he hops onto my knee and is all smiles, posing and everything. I HNNNNNNNNNNG'd.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)21:27 No.4871049
    I don't know how relateable this is but seeing someone wave at you at and con then realizing it's an online friend you've only ever met once or never met in real life before then just running over to them and fast talking like 14-year-old girls makes me really happy. This is really vague but whatever it's an amazing con moment.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 08/19/11(Fri)21:36 No.4871074
         File1313804171.jpg-(153 KB, 979x734, 032.jpg)
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    >NYCC '09
    >Cosplay as TDK Joker alone ;_;
    >Suddenly bump into friend from High-School who just HAPPENED to be there in Scarecrow cosplay
    >Meet couple dressed as Batman and Harley
    >Hang out the entire con having oodles of fun
    >Start a conga line that lasts up to 15 people or so
    >After con, walk around NYC late at night
    >Drunk Mexican walks up to us and does the outstretched Superman "VWOOOSH" gesture

    I mean, what are the odds, right? Fucking awesome con.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/19/11(Fri)21:47 No.4871114
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    turn off the computer
    >> Joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 08/19/11(Fri)21:48 No.4871115
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    That's not cool.
    >> TL;DR 08/19/11(Fri)21:48 No.4871116
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    I get it.

    But I did not lol.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 08/19/11(Fri)21:51 No.4871130
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    Well that killed a good thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)21:52 No.4871136


    >> Mstski 08/19/11(Fri)21:53 No.4871140
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    Not cool dude
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)21:54 No.4871142
    meeting my current boyfriend at otakon last year was pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)21:55 No.4871146
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    Now we have to have fake stories about fake stories?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)21:59 No.4871161
    I remember the horror story that goes with this.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 08/19/11(Fri)21:59 No.4871164
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    Oh I remember this...
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)22:00 No.4871168
    Jesus so many responses to one 2/10 troll
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)22:54 No.4871426
    bump because that would be letting the terrists win.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)22:57 No.4871444
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    Oh, well, uhm.
    I met my boyfriend at a Convention, it was my first convention, actually.
    We started dating a couple of months after that and we are still together, after 2 and a half years.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)23:18 No.4871550
    I got laid.
    >> Twelve-Fifty 08/19/11(Fri)23:45 No.4871675
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    >San Japan 4TW
    >In the elevator with a random group of Hetalia cosplayers
    >Elevator stops and Ex-Shadow walks in in his Vash cosplay eating Pizza
    >Hetalia cosplayers pay him no mind what so ever while I'm back against the wall trying not to have a fangasm
    >Don't want to be a creeper but want to at least say "I'm a big fan of your work" or "Congrats on the engagement" but I just stay quiet
    >Get off elevator at the same time and part ways
    >Made my whole damn con even if I didn't get so say anything.

    I fucking love that guy, his Vash cosplay is so freaking amazing. Pic related.

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