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    File : 1313756881.jpg-(51 KB, 900x675, kari_no_kitsune___oc_cosplay_by_kitsune_(...).jpg)
    51 KB OC Cosplay Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)08:28 No.4869141  
    What cgl thinks about OC cosplay?
    Hate it? Like it? Do it? Recognize it in a conv? What is the critere for a good OC cosplay?

    A friend wants to do an OC cosplay with me from Ouran high school, but in fact In don't really like OC cosplay (don't want explain every 5mn who/why/what is my cosplay). But why not one time?

    So OC cosplay thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)08:39 No.4869144
    I think that if you really want to do it, you should. I wouldnt be snarky about it, but I also couldnt help but think that all OC are a bit scary and mary-sueish, regardless of how nice you are.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)08:39 No.4869146
    Something about OC cosplay just sets off "Mary Sue" alarm bells in my head.

    I'm not really sure what it is, but few things will make me less interested in reading a story than the writer thinking their character is so great that they want to cosplay them. It seems that the more confident and proud amateur writers (especially fanfiction writers) are of their OC, the less well-written they tend to be.
    And going so far as to cosplay your character makes it seem like you see similarities between yourself and the character - which usually means the character is based on yourself - which is how so many Mary Sues come to be.

    But y'know, opinions and generalisations and all that.
    >> Zel !KRog59obk6 08/19/11(Fri)08:49 No.4869150
         File1313758173.png-(758 KB, 683x505, 1232783642464.png)
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    I don't see anything wrong with having a girl aged 16 being the love child of Zevran and Sephiroth with naturally occuring blue hair with pink and yellow eyes being Dumbledore's grand-daughter who is half witch half vampire half neko half demon half sparkle dog who learned how to snipe by Garrus Vakarian and is Miku's better looking sister and is going out with Scout, Donkey Kong and Zim.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)08:56 No.4869159
    I kinda want to do OC cosplay with my friend just for the fun of it since we roleplay our characters together.
    I don't assume people are going to recognize us or anything, I just want to have fun with my friends.
    But nobody likes Troll OCs. ): I don't want people hatin'.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)09:07 No.4869165
    If you're going to do it:
    Do it well
    Don't be an asshole
    Claim to be from an obscure series. People will automatically hate the moment the word 'OC' passes your lips.
    Feel free to ignore the last one if the asker is a fat, unwashed fourteen year old, like you obviously are.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)09:08 No.4869166
    My OC's are really tame. I put emphasis on their designs but it's nothing thats over the top and silly. They have legit flaws and shortcomings too, I find it hard to roleplay alot with other people because I find their characters are just too OTT.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)09:30 No.4869185
    What about OC's that aren't based in any series? Like, you designed a character for a RPG or an original story and like their costume enough to cosplay?

    Obviously you don't expect people to recognize you, but it's still a costume.
    >> Shortcake !qwYW/g1XDU 08/19/11(Fri)09:47 No.4869191
    My cosplay group did an OC group a few years back, but it was for an original fantasy story concept. So I think that went well, we put lots of effort into our designs, very intricate and each individual to fit the characters back stories, each with weaknesses and strenghs.

    It does annoy me though when I see some OC's that are just a mary sue created so the person can justfy them having thier face charas babies. Espesh when the OC they create would in now way be their 'husbandos' type.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)09:54 No.4869198
    Holy shit, I know the girl in OP's picture.

    I'm not so keen on OCs like lovechildren from major series, but generic Hogwarts student #26748 type things seem cool.

    I have this secret fantasy to cosplay from the fantasy RPGs I write with my friends.

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