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  • File : 1313694451.jpg-(33 KB, 350x328, DragonConLogo_xlarge.jpg)
    33 KB Dragon*Con Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)15:07 No.4866073  
    Hello /cgl/ This is within the next two weeks and I've seen no discussion of it. Is nobody going to it anymore?
    Anyway who all is going and what as?
    Any stories about bad experiences?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)15:15 No.4866096
    nobody ever goes to dragon*con.

    If they do, they're lying. Dragon*con is a mysterious creature talked much of but never seen.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)15:16 No.4866104
    There was talk of a /cgl/ meetup

    I know for sure Freeman's going.. a few other tripfags too.

    There was a big thread a few days ago, but it 404'd
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)15:18 No.4866110
    This will be my first time to go and I thi...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)15:19 No.4866114
    well more like one week since pre registration opens up next thursday
    >> ampersand&; !!STE7QYkzkuW 08/18/11(Thu)15:20 No.4866119
    First D*C - don't have any good or bad stories to tell yet. I'm attending Friday and Saturday, but not sure if I'll be around for the whole day in those two days. I won't finish my costume in time (it's been busy at work), so I'll see about something else I can finish before then.

    I think the /cgl/ meetup plan was set for Friday at 10:30 PM at the fountains & then heading to Gladys Knight's Chicken & Waffles.

    As >>4866104 said, there was a big thread that 404'd earlier this week.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)15:27 No.4866147
    Wish i had seen that Thread, I've been going for 4 years and love it!

    I hope Hip Hop Stormtrooper is there again this year
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)15:41 No.4866183
    I'm going. It'll be my first time cosplaying at D*Con. I'm a bit scared since all I had time to finish were simple/borderline closet cosplays. But Hopefully I can just go and have fun~
    >> amethystcitrine !!R3vhLKRQ5pg 08/18/11(Thu)15:51 No.4866228
    let's go to the meet together! :x
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)15:57 No.4866250
    I wouldnt mind going to the meetu however there is a panel that I would like to attend about and hour after the meetup time.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)16:24 No.4866314
    My sister is going to Dragon-con. She told me about one of her cosplays, and I'm kind of worried (also a bit embarassed). She will be cosplaying as the hipster Ariel meme, with a shell bra and shorts. I guess it would be okay for a girl with a nice figure to do, but she is kind of fat. Don't know if I should tell her not to do it...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)16:27 No.4866321

    Eh, she'll just be laughed at behind her back. Dragon*con's an olderfan base. They don't even know what the hipster Ariel meme IS.

    She'd have better luck taking that to AWA.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)16:34 No.4866335
    I'll be there, will also be performing for my first time in the Masquerade! can't wait.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/18/11(Thu)17:01 No.4866412
    I am here, but too busy working my ass off on my costume.

    Coffee has the meet info.
    >> ampersand&; !!STE7QYkzkuW 08/18/11(Thu)17:15 No.4866442
    Sure thing!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)17:22 No.4866457
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    illl bbe there, ive been going and know everyone will get hipster ariel
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:28 No.4866612

    Don't encourage it, dude. No one likes memes at cons, and no one wants to see a fat chick in a shell bra and shorts.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 08/18/11(Thu)18:32 No.4866624
    going for the whole weekend.....still shitting out costume pieces though

    will there still be a sat meetup? i think i'm gonna be too pooped on fri to attend that one
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:39 No.4866646
    Non/cgl/ here. Does anyone ever try to have a Dragon Dildos(tm) stand as a serious prank?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:44 No.4866660

    Just for the hell of it. I love DCTV
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:04 No.4866720
    I have a question, why so many pirates at D*Con? is it apart of any track that they host?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:06 No.4866731

    Because you're in pirate country. There was a pirate party and I do believe there is now something along the lines of a "pirate track" now. It's the same thing as steampunk.

    At Dragon*con your costume doesn't need to be from something. It just needs to be worn.
    >> Nanase !!Ij/d0rEgeK3 08/18/11(Thu)19:35 No.4866834
    I'm going.... not sure if I'll actually sleep prior to getting there since my costumes have been deciding to fight back :/
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:37 No.4866848
    I wish I was going, it looks like mass amounts of fun, and it would be on my birthday to boot.
    Oh well, maybe next year.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:13 No.4867950
    bumping for the retard who can't search back 4 pages properly.
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 08/19/11(Fri)00:16 No.4867961
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    goin to drag con with new shoes and a doorag on
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:21 No.4867983
    Thank you good sir.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:29 No.4868023
    How hard is it to score some E at the raves at DC?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:32 No.4868045
    I'm going! I can't wait.

    Not too many bad experiences, aside from the LONG wait for registration, and last year's late-night issues in the Mariott. I also heard rumors of issues in the Hilton last year too.

    Apparently registration should be easier this year due to barcodes. They're restricting access to the hotels at peak times by checking for room keys/badges.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:36 No.4868062
    I'm going! There are always like a zillion people there so i guess it just doesn't have a big internet presence.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:41 No.4868088
    They claim it's a 40,000 person attendance, but I've heard that's a fudged number. That's how many registered people go, but it doesn't count all the onlookers and gawkers. They also supposedly can't say how many people attend, because it exceeds the fire code. On Saturday alone, you cannot move ANYWHERE without there being a huge crowd. It's the second craziest crowd I've ever seen, only surpassed by San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:45 No.4868106
    Not hard just find a friend who's into that shit and get the connect. There's a huge supply of molly downtown, hit up Inferno/Quad get what you need and get out.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:49 No.4868122
    Just find the most fucked up person there and ask them.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:00 No.4868188
    Yeah, i've gone for the past 3 years and i always wondered how on earth it was legal for so many people to be in the buildings at once. I guess now I know. I kinda like the bustle of the crowd, but the elevators full of 15 neckbeards get kinda tiresome.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:58 No.4868508
    I'm thinking of attending from another state and I have some noob questions since I've never been~
    1. What percent of the con/con-goers is aimed at anime? My impression is that D*C is more of a comic con so would cosplay seem out of place?
    2. What day should I go if I could only pick one day?
    3. I've heard lines to get in are crazy. Do they stay crazy all day? What if I went in during the afternoon - would that be better or worse?
    4. Where should one park? It seems like it would be impossible to find parking.
    5. Do you have any other tips for someone's first D*C?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)03:02 No.4868731
    when and where can you pick up badges on thursday? dragon*con virgin here.
    >> jerrysugarav !!ep9CTgjk5Mh 08/19/11(Fri)09:22 No.4869173
    1. There's an Anime-Manga track. Otherwise is various other tracks that are targeted from everything to literature to comics to traditional Asian things to who even know.
    2. Saturday
    3. If you buy an all weekend pass show up on Thursday before 5 to buy your badge. If you want a one day badge come as early as possible. On the website you can fill out a form and print a QR code that they will scan to get you through the line more quickly.
    4. Park at a Marta station outside the perimeter and rid in on Marta. Otherwise you'll be paying $20+ per day.
    5. Have Fun.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)09:25 No.4869180
    Thank you so much for the help!
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)17:57 No.4870286
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)19:17 No.4870559
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    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)19:52 No.4870679
    >1. What percent of the con/con-goers is aimed at anime? My impression is that D*C is more of a comic con so would cosplay seem out of place?
    I'll be honest. To me, DragonCon seems very heavily sci-fi/fantasy related. Yes, there is an anime track, but my general notion is that anime does not have a huge presence at DC. If you are solely going for anime and nothing else, you might consider just going one day to feel it out.

    >2. What day should I go if I could only pick one day?
    Saturday is definitely the biggest, craziest day. Monday is hangover day. Just be aware that Saturday is crowded beyond your wildest imagination. So when planning to cross the convention or attend a panel on a Sat, plan ahead!

    >3. I've heard lines to get in are crazy. Do they stay crazy all day? What if I went in during the afternoon - would that be better or worse?
    Honestly, it depends on the panel. Some panels, you can walk in no problem. Others you line up, but everyone fits. And then there are others where 200+ people are turned away because the ballroom is over-filled.

    >5. Do you have any other tips for someone's first D*C?
    Just really familiarize yourself with the layout of the hotels. It can be very overwhelming to find certain rooms or sections of the hotels (like the entrance to the International Tower). Fortunately, each track usually stays in its own section, so if you're just there for a certain track, that's easy to find.

    I have to say, aside from occasional 'smell' in the elevators, I'm always laughing or having a good time in the elevators at DragonCon. There's always somebody in a weird/inappropriate costume at the door to the elevator, it seems, so when you stop on the floor you get weird looks or laughs... then there's also the mad dash for the "shut door" button, because you get tired of saying "the elevator is full!" - literally full, because the overweight bell rings when one more person gets on.
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/19/11(Fri)19:55 No.4870691
    >I'll be honest. To me, DragonCon seems very heavily sci-fi/fantasy related. Yes, there is an anime track, but my general notion is that anime does not have a huge presence at DC. If you are solely going for anime and nothing else, you might consider just going one day to feel it out.

    As a fantasy fan, i can tell you that it's almost purely sci-fi with a smattering of somewhat worthwhile fantasy stuff.

    I just want to go to party and ish.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)20:11 No.4870757
    going for the first time in about two weeks. Dressing as Deadpool. super excited because I've only been to small cons before and never dressed up for one.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)20:19 No.4870794

    This is actually because the anime track is one of the newer tracks. I started going in 2003 and it was barely 2 years old at that point. Not to mention AWA is at the end of the very same month so there's not a whole lot of anime-only fans that'll go to D*C.

    But honestly, cosplay isn't just about anime. It's the term coined for dressing up in costumes and having fun. The guy who coined it was using it to talk about Trekkies after all.

    Don't expect to get the type of attention you would at an anime-centric con for showing up in the current popular thing. But it has it's own little niche. Just don't get pissed and start bashing the other costumers.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)20:45 No.4870887
    Oh no, I know this. I'm just forewarning the person I responded to that they shouldn't expect the wrong thing.

    And "cosplay" is a very wide category at DC, I noticed. There's a little of everything there. I think it's the only place you'll see Will Ferrel's Elf sitting with Batman, Superman, Strawberry Shortcake and a viking, having cocktails.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)22:37 No.4871328

    Yeah, that was more my rant on the other person implying that "cosplay" is only anime.

    It's not and never was and it irritates me when people still think that.

    To the point of wanting to write some form of article on the subject. But I am...le lazy.

    Though most older people refer to themselves as "costumers" to avoid being lumped with the weeaboos we all loathe.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)01:34 No.4872011
    Poor student here. Ive read that you can just hang out at the convention, sneak in to some panels, that true?
    Also told that you can usually get a badge cheap after the first day from someone selling fake badges.

    I want to go, just no cash. Any of this true?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)01:37 No.4872018

    Not anymore. After the shit that went down last year, D*c is cracking down like fuck on who is allowed where.

    After a certain time each day you're not even going to be able to enter the hotels without a keycard or a badge.

    Thank the douchebags just looking for a party and the LSU fans for that.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)01:43 No.4872045

    Suck. Anyone know where I can get a badge cheap then?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)03:17 No.4872305

    Buy a one day for 40 is the cheapest you can do.

    You're too close to con time otherwise you might've found someone who got a cheap badge for transfer.

    But that only worked until a month out.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)03:24 No.4872314
    Dragon con is a great time, this will be my 8th con (holy shit, I've been in Atlanta that long?)

    Really the only tips are: The age average is way older than stuff like AWA, and you can expect at least at some point to be invaded by idiots that are only in town for the Chick-fil-a bowl. Just roll with the punches, it'll all work out. While I hate suggesting this, pre-reg isn't really worth it, waiting in a 4-5 hour line to get into a con kind of sucks.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)04:05 No.4872375

    Nah, they got the new system this year, but I've never waited more than an hour. You just have to time it right.

    I get there around 9am, check into the hotel and then head over to the pre-reg line which is only maybe half way down the side of the building before they open the doors to get inside.

    One day I'll buy an Eternal Badge and never have to go through that shit again. One day.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)16:21 No.4873449
    would someone arriving at about 2-4pm thursday have a long wait time to get there badge? Pre- Reg of course
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)16:25 No.4873458

    Not sure yet. They using a new system with these scannable barcodes. Usually I wanna say by that time you'll be in line for quite awhile, but it really all depends on if this speeds up the process.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)16:58 No.4873528
    so how horrid is the pre-reg line on friday?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:36 No.4874177
    9 am friday right? I'm going to try to make it down there thursday night. My grandparents' old house is in ATL and they haven't put it on the market yet so I'm staying maybe a 15 min drive away. This will be my second dragon*con and I'm not too familiar with ATL. Is it fairly easy to get to the MARTA station?
    >> Bettan 08/20/11(Sat)20:40 No.4874196
    I'm going to the parade so I can see my friends and take some pictures, but I can't really afford a full pass. I hope I'll have a good time and be able to meet some new friends. I'm cosplaying one of Roxy Richter's outfits from the comic.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:42 No.4874202
    yep. i'll be there.

    going as a nyan cat lolita.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:47 No.4874237
    So, uh, how long is the line if you DON'T pre-reg? I don't get paid until like RIGHT before I leave for con.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:58 No.4874275
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    9am Thursday for me. You should have similar luck on Friday considering how many people go Thursday for their badges.

    It really all depends on where you are, but there is a Marta Station in the Peachtree center mall which is attached to all the host hotels.

    It's the stop on the yellow and red lines just above the big red dot. Hopefully the map will help you figure out the closest station to you.

    And there's also this. Just in case you need to ride a bus. It's interactive and all that.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:00 No.4874281

    Really depends. The line is all one big blob until it gets inside to the tape. But usually a couple hours after that. Whether you're paying cash or credit could speed up the process (Everyone pays in credit, take cash!)
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:07 No.4874504
    except for the long line to get in ther doors which can take about two hours depends on how many have pre, regged or not. Last year took about an hour in line and non prereg took litterally about 5 mins, while another friend took that plus 15 mins for pre reg. This was friday afternoon mind you.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/20/11(Sat)22:14 No.4874517
    I'm getting in line at 5am on Saturday morning. Should I be okay?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:40 No.4874570
    Yeah but you'll probably be waiting longer becuase they don't open til about 3-4 hours later. But in terms of line saturday will be the worst after the initial day.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 08/21/11(Sun)00:03 No.4874854
    hey all, quick question about the parade.....i missed the signup deadline that they announced on the D*C LJ...will they still have ribbons at the con? my friend who's been going for years and always wlaks in the parade said she's never 'signed up' for the parade early before...just showed up and got a ribbon from the group she was walking with....

    can anyone shed any light on this? just kind of curious as to how it works since I've never been before
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)00:08 No.4874878

    It depends. Usually they'll have a booth where you can sign up to march in the parade and they'll give you a ribbon and mark you down accordingly (You have to tell them what costume you'll be wearing). They like having everything orderly, all the Star Trek people march together, the Superheroes, the Disney people, etc.

    But they also have certain groups who run sections of the parade and one person from that group will pick up the ribbons for their whole group. (I know the Lord of the Rings group does this.) In that case, it's usually presign up.

    But you /should/ be able to get a ribbon from the reg area.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)00:15 No.4874901
    I'm not 100% sure of it, but I'm pretty sure they have Parade signups during the con. Keep in mind that I think the signups close by Friday afternoon, but I do believe they have a last-minute signup available.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)00:16 No.4874911
    how many cosplayers ride the train to the con hotels? i just found out the hotel we're staying in is in the business district and we have to take the train there. shit sucks, i hate going out in public in cosplay.
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 08/21/11(Sun)00:18 No.4874916
    i haven't heard of anyone riding marta to hotels, it sounds like a serious bitch. How far are we talking here?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)00:20 No.4874918

    It's probably one of the newer host hotels. I've honestly never gone near the marta except to ride the trippy escalator into hel-the marta station.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)00:20 No.4874919
    i'm not sure i haven't gotten the name of the hotel yet, and i live in florida and have never been to dragon*con before.
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 08/21/11(Sun)00:47 No.4875017
    You might want to find out ASAP, Atlanta is fairly large and can get complicated. Especially you don't want to walk in some areas late at night or even early in the morning.
    Just post in this thread or another D*C thread again and i'll try to work it out for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)01:01 No.4875078
    hey thanks a lot! i'll probably find out tomorrow which hotel it is.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)01:19 No.4875140
    it's embassy suites.
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 08/21/11(Sun)01:34 No.4875195
    There's one in Buckhead, and there is one near Centennial Olympic Park.

    I assume its the Centennial one? Now are you asking about transportation from the con center to your hotel and viseversa?
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 08/21/11(Sun)08:33 No.4875773
    thanks for the info! we're both walking with YA lit, so hopefulyy there'll be some ribbons left when we get our tickets early Fri AM.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)14:20 No.4876171
    this will be the first con I plan on dressing up for. But unfortunately the friends I'm going with aren't planning on dressing up as well.

    Is there some sort of faux pas I'm unaware of that would make me out to be tacky if i still dressed up?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)16:15 No.4876401
    This will be my first time at Dragon*Con. I'd be more excited if I weren't going with five unreliable and dramatic people, but I'm determined to have fun, even if I'm wandering around alone/drunk all weekend.

    ngl, I'll also be looking to get laid. Sexy /co/splayers, prepare your bodies.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)17:06 No.4876546
    This is relevant to your interests:*Con
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)19:08 No.4876937
    i'm not sure, he hasn't given me the address. he said it's a couple stops away by train. i'm just wondering how many cosplayers use the train going to the con. i'm picturing using the subway in new york in cosplay which is just an awful image to me.
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 08/21/11(Sun)19:36 No.4877032
    Its going to be expensive. Round trips are 5 dollars, and worst part is Marta closes at 1am. Always keep that "curfew" in mind.

    You don't wanna get stuck haha.

    I haven't heard of any one taking marta back and forth, especially because there are new over flow hotels, so you guys may be the guinea pigs for this year.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)20:34 No.4877383
    ugh, that sucks. thanks for your help though.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)23:51 No.4878240
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    1. Parade's not allowing anymore signups on site. They're full. Its as big as they can get.
    >> RedHood !XwHoDTvLHU 08/21/11(Sun)23:56 No.4878259
    Going as Henchman 21 and Red Hood. My helmet for Red Hood may not get done, but I have everything else.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/11(Sun)23:58 No.4878270
    fountains? what fountains?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)00:00 No.4878274
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    >> captn 08/22/11(Mon)00:44 No.4878439
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    lets see wat eachother will look like POST PICS
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)00:47 No.4878445
    There's really no limit to what you can dress up as at D*C.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)00:52 No.4878466
    Marta has a unlimited 3 day pass for I think anywhere from $10-15. That's most likely what well be using to commute since our hotel is a bit further away. And also about the Marta "curfew"...You can always catch it at 5 or 6 in the morning! Lol
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)01:06 No.4878527
    not everyone lives in georgia.
    oh awesome, thanks for the tip.
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 08/22/11(Mon)01:07 No.4878537
    refer to this post: >>4867961
    >> RedHood !XwHoDTvLHU 08/22/11(Mon)01:16 No.4878568
    The DragonCon app is available for iPhone, and the Android and Black Berry versions are coming.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 08/22/11(Mon)01:57 No.4878650
    hi again guys...sorry for the barrage of questions!

    was curious about shuttle services to the marriott host hotel. (i know i could take MARTA from the airport but i'll have too much shit to do it alone). i keep hearing there's some list of shuttle services and which hotels they go to, but i can't find it....can anyone link me or let me know which is the best/cheapest to take?

    many thanks!
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/22/11(Mon)02:06 No.4878670
    I'm arriving in Atlanta past midnight Saturday morning, and the cheaper shuttle to the Hyatt is no longer running. Will I really have to take a cab from the airport to the hotel?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)02:14 No.4878700
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    I have been going to D*C for years, so maybe I can answer a few questions.

    1. D*C is for all ages, but you will mostly see adults, you won't get a teenage event vibe at all.
    2. It's always been a sci-fi/comics/fantasy/horror/goth event, always as been, but there is a smattering of the japanese cartoon fans...all are welcome.
    3. The bums can be aggressive, so when walking at night, go in numbers, be safe about it. It's easy to forget you are in the downtown area of a major city, that has a healthy crime rate.
    4. This year,D*C is starting to lockdown all the hotels at night, so if you do not have a room key or con badge, no entrance. Thank the LSU fans last year for this.
    5. The parade rocks! A must see, if you can get up for it. This year will be my first year "marching" in it with the 501st Legion (Stormtroopers) The 501st is always the last group in the parade. You never know, if you run into me, I may give you one of my trading cards!
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)02:28 No.4878731

    If you're lucky, you'll get there in time to maybe catch the Marta before it stops for the night. It goes directly to and from the airport now. But it stops running at one so I don't think that'll do you any good.

    See if the Hilton or the Marriott are still going to be running shuttles?

    If not, yeah. I think you might have to take a cab. Or con a local with a car to come pick you up.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)03:38 No.4878881
    Here again.

    For those wanting to see what D*C is like, Ga PBS made a documentary about it called " 4 days at Dragon Con" and you can watch the whole doc here:
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)11:14 No.4879377
    This is a great video. It was really cool watching it and catching glimpses of myself and my friends.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)11:25 No.4879392

    How do I find this magical app?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)14:07 No.4879676
    facebook has link too it, look up dragoncon there
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)14:13 No.4879690
    oh god i'm in that, spokesperson-ing for a local bar in something trashy i'm pretty sure T_T
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/22/11(Mon)15:31 No.4879908
    Is the 501st in Atlanta any better than the 501st in San Diego? I mean personality-wise, not costume-wise. Are they generally friendly?

    I'm looking at the Marta site, and if I just land at 12:20am, and assuming picking up my luggage takes half an hour, I'm not going to make it. Also the Marriot and Hilton don't offer shuttle service...

    Dang, and the Marta fee would only be $1.75!

    Coffee, Volpin, want to make $15?

    Also, can we get some maps in here of layouts? The only one I've seen is the one listed in the CosplayDeviants twitter post...
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)15:33 No.4879919
    You only pop up for like a brief second.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)15:41 No.4879947
    Hey Mr. Freeman,
    I'm the 501st guy from above. To answer your question, the 501st Legion is a world wide Star Wars costuming club, and each state's chapter is called a garrison. And so, as when any group of 5,000+ members, personalties may vary. I will say that the members of the Ga Garrison are a great bunch of folks, nice and helpful, as are most member of the 501st. Dragon Con is a huge event for the 501st, since the Legion was basically started there back in 98, so we will be hosting members world wide.
    Did that answer your question?
    Feel free to ask me stuff, will help if I can.
    >> RedHood !XwHoDTvLHU 08/22/11(Mon)15:48 No.4879979
    Got to the iPhone app store and search DragonCon, and it should be the first app.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)15:48 No.4879985

    I've never seen any layouts online no. But the booklet you get when you register has layouts of everything in it.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)15:48 No.4879986
         File1314042539.jpg-(112 KB, 774x467, dcMap08.jpg)
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    501st guy here again,
    Not to sure if this helps, but here is a map used for the parade line up. Just a simple layout map of the area, but you can see the main hotels where the con is held.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)15:50 No.4879995

    Holy shit, old map is old as fuck. Registration hasn't been in the Hyatt in three years.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/22/11(Mon)15:51 No.4880000
    Thanks for the info! Most helpful. A good majority of the 501st I meet in SoCal are a tad egotistical and sometimes rude to other cosplayers.

    >captcha: ishenia drama.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)15:59 No.4880038
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    True the map is old...
    But the parade layout has not changed, and neither have they moved any of the buildings, lol

    @ Mr Freeman-
    The 501st is a mixed bunch, so within any costuming group you will have your elitists and your laid back types. I won't derail the thread talking about their reasons, as on some level I can understand their pride in their costumes. But more are laid back, so YMMV.
    If you run into me, I'll be glad to tell you ( or anyone) personally about the Legion. Here is a picture of what I will be in, pic is not me, but we all look alike anyway lol.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)16:10 No.4880073
    501st again

    The person above us is right, at registration you will be able to get your nice program book, and another little paper schedule book, inside are all the time tables for the events, and maps. And when in doubt, just ask folks.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)20:33 No.4880919
    dragon bump!
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:37 No.4881735
    Sorry, another question about the MARTA... I've only been to Atlanta a few times, and I've only used the MARTA once. What stop should I go to? Is there one right near the con or will a lot of walking be required (walking's fine, I just want to know). I'm very challenged, direction wise, but I'll be staying in Tucker at a friend's house so cheap parking is a must.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:38 No.4881742

    Peachtree center Mall. That's the stop you want. It's on the yellow/blue line.

    The Mall is actually connected to the hotels so you never have to go on the street.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/11(Mon)23:41 No.4881756

    Shit, meant yellow/red line

    >>4874275 there's a map here.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)00:01 No.4881850
    Thank you so much!!
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/23/11(Tue)09:40 No.4882879
    Page 7 bump.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)09:43 No.4882883
    Ok just when is the meet up? If it's not planned really soon other stuff at D*con is gonna crowd it out.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/23/11(Tue)09:50 No.4882898
    See >>4867961
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/23/11(Tue)13:41 No.4883264
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    I'm looking for maps like these.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)14:43 No.4883410

    Yeah, I've never seen those released online, but the little booklet you get at registration has it all in there.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 08/23/11(Tue)14:53 No.4883431
    I'll be there as She-Hulk on Saturday and I don't fucking know what else the rest of the con :( I would bring my Ariel tail if I knew where the fuck to set up at. I don't remember a fountain or anything...
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/23/11(Tue)14:54 No.4883433
    Really? That's a damn shame...
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/23/11(Tue)14:56 No.4883441
    Going to try to make it to this cgl gathering? I have a feeling its going to be much better than the sdcc one!
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 08/23/11(Tue)14:59 No.4883447
    If I'm less busy than at SDCC I'm going to try for it!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)15:40 No.4883576
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    501st guy again.

    For those used to SDCC, you will notice that SDCC is more commerical, with all the big name companys trying to sell their products, be it games, or movies. Dragon Con is different, it's by the fans for the fans. So you will not see huge corperate booths, or presentations. You will get to go to Q & A's with your favortie stars and artists, get autographs, and if you are 21 and over, may get to drink and party with them. It truly is for the fans. I would suggest eveyone watch that video I posted up in the thread.
    And awesome Lamma, She hulk will be awesome!
    I am only taking my TB rig ( bikerscout), but when not in armor, I will prolly have a black shirt on with a huge 501st logo back patch on it, so if any of you like, stop me and say hello, especially those in costume, as I would love to see what yall have come up with!
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/23/11(Tue)16:00 No.4883648
    You've been most helpful! If I do manage to find you, I'd like to thank you personally for your contributions to this thread.

    May I ask a little more about how the autograph sessions work? Leonard Nimoy is going to be there, but I can't find any kind of schedule online or the cost of autographs.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:01 No.4883653
    I thought he cancelled?
    >> voodoo !!qvvFuwM1gL0 08/23/11(Tue)16:05 No.4883668
    Im so excited / nervous about D*C!! Itll be my first time going. Ill have 3 different versions of Black Canary with me (fangirl, guilty) including her wedding special outfit. hopefully. XD Ill also be bringing a long some random ones like Rinoa, maybe an alt version of Meiko and maybe Poison Ivy.

    I plan on wearing my canaries most of the time though!

    I hope to see a bunch of you there and such!
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/23/11(Tue)16:08 No.4883677

    Sage because I sad
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:16 No.4883701

    Yeah, I sad. He and Shatner are hilarious together.

    Usually there's not "autograph sessions" perse. Not for media guests anyway (I know there are spots for the writers), they all have a booth at the Walk of Fame in the Hilton and it's there that you can usually get their autograph. When they're there. But there's usually always someone at the booth to answer your questions.

    They all charge their own prices, some of the lesser known guests are 25, some of the more famous are 50.

    The only thing that you have to buy now would be a photo with the stars, but I don't remember if you get an autograph with that. I don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:19 No.4883711

    where'd you read they were locking down the hotels at night?

    they attempted to do some shit like that last year, but i just walked right in the back of the marriot
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:24 No.4883726

    It's been talked about after all the harrassment by non-attendees last year.

    They're beefing up security and if you don't have a badge or a keycard they're turning you away.

    They did it last year too little, too late with not enough people to cover the entrances.

    I believe both D*c and the hotels are going to be working on it together this year and they've had a whole year to get this together, considering how many people went to hotel management to complain.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:25 No.4883733
    last year did seem like a massive shitstorm of fucking smelly kids on bikes and general douches just lingering, trying to crash parties and make fun of people in costume
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:32 No.4883757

    Pretty much. I don't think they were expecting that from releasing the documentary.

    There was also an upshoot in parents bringing their kids to take pictures with the costumers.

    Had a bunch of them with like 5 year olds wanting to take pictures with our Watchmen group and we were like "You have no idea what we are do yo?"

    But at least the families bought badges. The douches in the evening hours didn't. They also couldn't hold their liquor worth shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:41 No.4883783
    Woo I'm coming out this year, I'm probably not going to have any costumes ready for it though.
    I'm staying at the airport Hilton, is that decent as far as getting to the con goes?
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/23/11(Tue)16:53 No.4883815
    >some of the more famous are 50
    Are you serious? That's damn cheap.

    My dad paid $65 for Nimoy at SDCC... but it may have been $50 for the autograph and $15 for the photo...
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:56 No.4883824

    I'm just going by what I remember. Most of them were things like Firefly and stuff I wasn't interested in, so they might actually charge more.

    I will pay through the nose for Michael Rosenbaum's autograph though.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)16:59 No.4883839

    They have a shuttle that goes to the hotel, but it's at least a 10 minute drive. You could also take the shuttle to the airport and take the Marta out.

    Either way, you won't be walking.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)17:41 No.4883987
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    501st here again.

    You're welcome Mr Freeman, and anyone else who found something useful in my posts! It will both easy and hard to find me LOL, I may be hanging about the 501st table in the Marriot, or just wandering, but I will like a lot like the photo I posted the other day, with a leather shoulder brassard on the left with Ga garrison patches on it. Should be the only one with them too. So, yeah , anyone is welcome to say hello etc etc.
    And riding Marta is a good choice, it is very easy to navigate around Atlanta on Marta, and there is a direct train from the airport to Peachtree Center ( where the con is). And there will be shuttle services from the host hotels to other places, so you will find things easy.
    Pick up the map books at registration, easy peasy.
    Oh and yeah, D*C is now hiring an outside secruity firm to deal with entrances at night, starting at 7 pm, true story.
    Feel free to ask more questions, will help if able!
    >> allaghan 08/23/11(Tue)19:32 No.4884369
    Will the hotel shuttles be running at all times? Or will they shut down after a certain time as well
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:28 No.4885268
    Watch these too get a good feel of D*Con life. I really enjoyed these videos and Me and a friend are in the first one.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)00:03 No.4885374
    yea awesome vids
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/24/11(Wed)00:22 No.4885446
    Holy jesus... I'm like... literally crying with tears of happiness right now... they are flowing down my cheeks...

    That's all so amazing! I knew D*C was awesome, but wow.... that really makes me feel so inadequate. I mean, I barely even consider myself a cosplayer, and all that. Wow, that's intimidating....
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/24/11(Wed)00:22 No.4885450
    Was meant for >>4885268
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:00 No.4885602
    501st here

    I know right?!
    D*C is like no con out there. A lot of cons are more for those fans of japanese cartoons, and or video games. But, you will soon see, D*C is every damn thing you can think of!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:11 No.4885635
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    501 again

    I have yet to decide, but I may just have to show up at the meet up on Friday night. I am not really a /cgl/ poster, I am just a long time lurker and I have no idea what 98% of the japanese cartoon stuff is, but may swing on over and say hello.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:13 No.4885642

    Don't worry, dude. Dragon*con isn't known as the friendliest sci-fi con for nothing.

    You could show up as a ghost in a white sheet and people would love you. Dragon*con is the way all cons should be. One big happy party.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:21 No.4885665
         File1314163296.jpg-(141 KB, 600x600, 1282639227845.jpg)
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    501st here

    Yeah this will be the face of MrFreeman and all you folks who have never been to D*C.

    Pic very related
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:24 No.4885676

    Seriously, I am so freakin' excited for D*C. It always feels like coming home. Coming home to the biggest, bestest, most friendliest drunken geek revelry.

    I kinda want to go to the meetup, but regardless of con atmosphere, I'm still pretty shy. Eep.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:29 No.4885693
    Those videos made my face hurt from smiling so much. I cannot wait for this con. I really wish I could take my anti material rifle with me, but a revolver will have to do! NCR vets carried them all anyway so whatever !

    I rarely post here as is but so many of you seem so cool, especially you MrFreeman! Gordon Freeman is my husbando (and Boone) but....holy god. SO EXCITE
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:29 No.4885697
    man those have me so fired up. I'm starting to get cosplay fatigue but now I'm fired up to get back to work on finishing more tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:40 No.4885729

    I know right? Jeez I might just start playlisting con videos to help me stay motivated.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/24/11(Wed)01:42 No.4885738
    Excelent to hear! Sadly, I will be unable to attend the Friday night gathering as my plane doesn't get in until after Midnight on Saturday morning. I will definitely be there for the Saturday one.

    I guarantee you that even if you don't post a lot here, /cgl/ gatherings can make you feel like you have awesome anonymous friends. Trust me.

    Thank you! I do what I can, and I will look forward to meeting you in person!

    >cosplay fatigue
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)05:35 No.4886169
    Mr. Freeman

    I know your plane gets in late, but try to get some sleep in, so you can wake up early for the parade on Sat. I think the parade is a major highlight, and you will kick yourself for missing it, trust me I know! For years, i'd ditch the parade and just sleep in, thinking it must be just "meh", I was wrong! Just sayin :)
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)08:11 No.4886279
    Is it bad if I live near to where it happens, yet i have never gone?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)08:16 No.4886283

    I also avoided it for 3 or 4 years before & I moved away I decided to hit it up for shits and giggles. I am so sorry I EVER missed it all those years.
    Even when I moved I made it back every year since.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)08:50 No.4886317
    Wow. Those videos are incredible and making me seriously consider going next year.

    The only con I've only been to is SDCC on Saturday last month and I was probably going to buy a four day pass for the next one since it's only an hour drive, but now I'm thinking of saving that money, stick with Saturday again, and put the rest of it towards DC instead.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/24/11(Wed)09:24 No.4886347
    I really REALLY want to see it, but I'm not sure I will be able to. I will be in the badge line at 5am in order to pick up my badge. I hear Saturday is the worst day, so might as well get it out of the way first thing.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 08/24/11(Wed)09:38 No.4886359
    So excited, even though I have so much work left to do. I had to miss last year due to the case study. I had a plane ticket and everything and had to drop out very last minute. MAKING UP FOR IT THIS YEAR.

    For those who have never gone, you need to go. It's the most fun on a bun you'll ever have.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)10:03 No.4886370
    So pumped, can't wait to meet some new faces at the meet-up.
    And for all those on the fence, go to dragon-con.
    As a long time con attendee there is nothing like it. Great people, great attitude, great costumes, and the party goes on all night...
    I also perfer it over the tween
    Last year I had some drinks with Mike Mignola, had a chat with Stan Lee, got groped by the Iron-man chicks, and attended a drum circle.
    That was on Sat.
    Seriously, go.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)11:50 No.4886557
    I wish
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/24/11(Wed)15:39 No.4887422
    Page 11 bump...

    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)16:15 No.4887567
    Great article for the noobs:
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 08/24/11(Wed)16:30 No.4887633
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/24/11(Wed)16:44 No.4887688
    It's like my normal routine for SDCC but with several, better, twists!
    >> smalldietcoke 08/24/11(Wed)17:09 No.4887778
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    ill be walking around with my boyfriend in handmade torchwood "cult of the soulless" masks. just hafto drill, and paint. it will def not be my best work this year, since theyre just made from stuff i had leftover from other projects. but it was either awsome costumes, or awsome hotel room this year...cant have both. :(
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)17:55 No.4887960
         File1314222928.jpg-(28 KB, 480x352, star_wars_ride-11933.jpg)
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    501st here


    There is not cost for the parade, it's free to watch, lol Hell, watching the parade is an event unto itself, but I think it may be worth it, standing in line for an hour or 2 after to get a con badge. Up to you though.

    Me too Laam, me too! Just did some maintance on my helmet fans, so in a day or so armor tote box will be packed and and ready.

    Pretty much!
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/24/11(Wed)18:08 No.4888018
    Not long after the parade I need to prepare for the Valve gathering, not to mention I may need to let my body adjust from the flight over. Luckily, 5am will be 8am from me, so getting up at 4am to head over into the line by 5am will be like sleeping in for me!

    I'm also hearing various reports of anywhere from 4 to 6 hour badge waits for Saturday during the "day con" hours.

    This brings up a good point... if security is checking badges this year to get in the hotels after hours, and I arrive past midnight....

    UH OH!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:27 No.4888071
    I'm glad ya'll enjoyed those as much as I did.

    For those attenending the meetup I'd like to know if you wouldn't mind answering some questions from me for a school project? It's on cultures and teach said costuming/cosplay would be acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:31 No.4888087

    You should be able to call your roommate down to escort you in. Hopefully.

    My plan is to put those keycards I always end up taking home to use. I'll be getting into the Marriott no matter what.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)20:20 No.4888428
    501st here

    If you run into me, you bet, you can ask all the questions you like.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:14 No.4888689
    Clever bitch!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:21 No.4888732
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    Question: How early can I check into the Hyatt? According to their website Platinum members can check in at 9, and normal check in is at 11.

    But I'll be getting there around 8. Will they put up a bitchfest? Can I just stand in the lobby with my bags until they let me check in? I can't imagine them enforcing this policy for Dragon*con with all the people planning on checking in.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:28 No.4888763

    You can always ask when you get there. Sometimes they have the extra rooms. I've checked in around 9 in the Marriott even though their check in says "After 3".

    All the hotels will do a bag check for you though, so if nothing else you can put your bags with the bellhop and not be stuck there.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:44 No.4888838
    Augh oh my god. I swear if my friend is just fucking with me I am going to murder him. Slowly and horribly.

    8 days before the con and he sends me a message saying he and his girlfriend aren't going.

    And now he's not answering me back to see if he's serious or not.

    I cannot deal with this shit right now!
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 08/24/11(Wed)21:52 No.4888867
    8 days before the con friend and i decide to go, FUCKIN LAST MINUTE PLANING.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)21:57 No.4888887
    >All the hotels will do a bag check for you though, so if nothing else you can put your bags with the bellhop and not be stuck there.

    Good info to know for my next trip!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:06 No.4888911

    Haha, need a hotel room?
    >> Shady Negro !!jIcPNMSVBL3 08/24/11(Wed)22:31 No.4888985
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    I'll be there. So will A.r.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:51 No.4889054
    Keep in mind that there are other people staying in the hotel and there may have been people in your room right before you. You want your room cleaned and stocked, yes?
    Most hotels will do early check in. Don't just show up. Just call them and ask. It's prolly all cool, bro.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 08/25/11(Thu)00:23 No.4889477
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    how's everyone's costumes coming along?

    currently shitting myself, but i did just get the PERFECT fabric today for one of the more elusive parts of carlotta's gown. pic related....
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:44 No.4889565
    That's how I feel! I got invited back in 2005, and didn't make it until 2009 because I just couldn't afford it. Now, as soon as I come back from D*C, I start saving & planning for the next one. Now I cancel my other convention plans in order to go to D*C. It's just amazing.

    I look forward to security keeping the non-attendees out. I was so bummed when the Mariott party got screwed up because a couple idiots got too drunk and acted inappropriately.

    I was also shocked, because for as many people that go to D*C, everyone seems to be very laid-back, friendly, and mature/ can handle their liquor.

    So I'm really hoping this year's late nights are much better and much safer for everybody. It's one of my favorite aspects of the con- how it changes at night, and just drinking & people watching.
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 08/25/11(Thu)00:44 No.4889567
    I'm having a hard time trying to find time when I'm not dead on my feet, work's been crazy because of back-to-school. I have Friday off and I've got some errands to run, but the rest of that day I'm busting out cosplay. Got a few bits to tweak on some finished/revised costumes, and a little bit left to go on Meryl, mostly painting things. I'm trying not to stress, but it's hard. Part of me hopes work is closed due to hurricane on Saturday so I can work on fucking costumes.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:46 No.4889579

    Got a late start tonight do to hotel room drama earlier.

    Now I've gotta rush to get done what I needed to do today.

    I swear this is me every year.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:51 No.4889601
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    501st here

    All done with mine Pantsu, but mine is one I use year round, so I don't think I count, lol
    It's just a imperial bikerscout, so nothing fantastical like yours Pantsu. I don have some "special modifications" in it though, things like 2 fans in the helmet to get rid of lense fogging, a mp3 player and mini speaker to play a special sound loop, and I am about to rig up a hidden water supply, to keep hydrated for on Saturday. As anyone can imagine, wearing stormtrooper/bikerscout/Vader/etc etc gets really hot inside, and you sweat buckets in the Ga heat anyway, so hoping the hidden water tubes will help hydration. But, other then that, all done.
    I will be staying at the Westin, anyone else?

    Pic related
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/25/11(Thu)01:01 No.4889646
    Getting closer with Count Mecha. This should happen, but the fatigue from staying up past midnight every night and getting less than 5 hours sleep for the past week have taken their toll. I am going to bed now.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)01:12 No.4889677
    I will be in the Westin as well. Anyone know anything about it? In my few years of attending D*C, I have yet to set foot in the Westin at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)01:17 No.4889689
    About a week to get four costumes done from scratch? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. I'll have a good four days during which I can work non-stop, though, so hopefully it won't be too bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)01:18 No.4889694

    I walked in there all of once last year for the Superhero World Record attempt.

    All I know is it's the round hotel that had alot of windows blown out during the Tornado a few years ago.

    It's got all the really small tracks. I think the Alternative track is there.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)01:18 No.4889695
    501st here

    I have never stayed in the Westin, but I know it had some of the best views of Atl, being it is the tallest building and all. I hear they are famous for their super soft beds, but dunno for sure.
    They do have a revolving resturant at the top called The Sundial, very nice views and it revolves while you eat, so 360o views of the skyline while ya eat.
    I think they have a pool, and other such things.
    Umm, right across the street is Hooters and Hard Rock, and about a block north is the Hyatt.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)01:24 No.4889707
    Thanks. I'm happy it's the smaller, less-used 'official' hotel. I'm close to the action, but when I need a few moments of quiet, I should be ok. Or at least it will be quieter than the Mariott, lol.

    I'm just curious as to what the Westin's rooms are like; if they have fridge/microwaves or what. I tried doing research and everything is vague.

    One year, I'm determined to get into the Mariott. That hotel is awesome.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 08/25/11(Thu)01:36 No.4889735
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    YOU CAN DO IT!!! pic very much related

    keep powering along! I personally need to get 90% of my sewing done by monday so i can do jewelry, wig, etc next week.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/25/11(Thu)10:33 No.4890525
    Page 10 bump.

    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)16:58 No.4891309
    second year staying in hotels at Dragoncon (4th attending) and I got a king size at marriott. Want to downgrade to two twins though as we only booked that because was only thing available at time of reserving. I'm proud.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)22:42 No.4892600
    What costumes will people be bringing?
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 08/25/11(Thu)22:45 No.4892608
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    Of course a hurricane threatens NYC when trying to get everything done.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)22:45 No.4892609

    Provided I get everything finished. Amecomi Robin, Mystique, Kid Flash, and a classic Robin.

    Of course everything is trying to fight me the whole way through.
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 08/25/11(Thu)22:59 No.4892651
    Don't complain, it's making landfall either RIGHT where I live or about twenty miles north. FML. I need the power to not go out, I've gotta use these two days to finish my shit. Been through enough hurricanes that I'm not worried about anything else.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)23:00 No.4892655
    this is a longshot, but any wakfu cosplayers going?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)23:07 No.4892681

    You know it seems like every other year there's a hurricane hitting somewhere either right before, or during the con.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 08/25/11(Thu)23:08 No.4892687
    I lived in New Orleans for 15 years, so I'm certainly no stranger. Parts of Manhattan are under sea level and we are an island. The city is even shutting down public transportation. With the warm water, the current push, recipe for disaster.

    Stay safe! Good luck getting everything finished. At least from the looks of it, number 10 isn't going anywhere.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 08/25/11(Thu)23:08 No.4892692
    Huh, you're right. Almost forgot something similar happened last year too. You'd think it would want to wash away the debauchery AFTER.
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 08/25/11(Thu)23:10 No.4892703
    Hopefully it will have lost a significant amount of power from riding the coast for that long. You don't have very good luck when it comes to living in places below sea level, do you?

    Here's to finishing our shit and not dying.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 08/25/11(Thu)23:15 No.4892730
    The funny thing is.. I didn't even know Manhattan was under sea level until today. Heh. I figured Mother Nature is getting revenge for me skipping town a few years before Katrina hit..

    I raise my glass to you and everyone else riding this out.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)23:16 No.4892733
    If you knew anything about hurricanes then you would know that they lose a significant amount of power when they travel in colder water - as where New England is located, at the very worst NY will experience some storm surge at about maybe 5 feet in low lying areas, transit delays and any casualties will be a result of toppled trees.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 08/25/11(Thu)23:31 No.4892808
    More concerned about the 15 foot serge of water than the hurricane itself. Also not having the public transportation system for possibly three days. Also no power and what not.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/25/11(Thu)23:41 No.4892853

    Labcoat Freeman, Count Mecha, and possibly Californian Tourist, which will consist of a USC Shirt, boardshorts, Aviators, Zinc on the nose, boardshorts, sandals, and an Angels hat. Oh and a spray-tan.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 08/25/11(Thu)23:41 No.4892856
    They say that every single time a hurricane comes through NYC and the worst that happens is the MTA stops working, which is pretty much given whenever there's a lot of rain being thrown around.

    No power part is also not a big deal, NYC managed perfectly fine during the huge blackout that affected a good portion of the Northeast. There are emergency contingencies in place in case the power goes out and you need power to.. survive and shit.

    Here's a map of any possible flooding, find out where you are and if its not in a danger zone, you're good.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 08/25/11(Thu)23:43 No.4892863
    I spit my tea out.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 08/25/11(Thu)23:45 No.4892870
    Btw, when on Sunday are you wearing Count Mecha?
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/26/11(Fri)11:22 No.4894147
    If I'm going to do a shoot with you somewhere in your Maetel, I'd want to do it right after I put on the outfit so the costume is still "fresh", so I'll work with your schedule.

    I'm really worried about the costume getting dirty or damaged somehow. I don't even know how, but I'm still worried.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/26/11(Fri)11:24 No.4894151
    Also, does anyone know any photographers I could get for the Valve gathering? There are some special things lined up there, and I'd like to see if I could get a few people with higher-end cameras there. I can't pay much, but I can pay if necessary.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)12:03 No.4894208

    valve gathering time and place please?
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/26/11(Fri)12:06 No.4894213
    Marriott Marquis on the 10th Floor at 3:15 on Saturday.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/26/11(Fri)15:29 No.4894718
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:38 No.4894733
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    I have a new D3100 but I'm no professional.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/26/11(Fri)15:41 No.4894737
    Would appreciate anyone who could come out. Maybe the gathering could be a good testing ground for the new toy?
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/26/11(Fri)16:39 No.4894918
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    >Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport has terminal and concourse space totaling 5,800,000-square-foot

    Holy Jesus, would someone please elaborate on this place?! How easy is it going to be to get from point A to point B in there?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:41 No.4894926
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    >Maybe the gathering could be a good testing ground for the new toy?

    You've just described all of Dragon*Con. But yeah, I'll be there. With my Dispenser.. and Hardhat :)
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/26/11(Fri)16:52 No.4894958
    >You've just described all of Dragon*Con
    Point taken and well made.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)17:01 No.4894981

    Haha, welcome to the busiest airport in the world MrFreeman. Though it all depends on what two points you're going to.

    It's not that bad once you get onto the people mover train. Maybe 10 minutes from your concourse to the baggage area.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/26/11(Fri)18:43 No.4895253
    Well now, that doesn't sound too bad at all. Though, I wonder how long it will take for my luggage to get there.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)19:03 No.4895321
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    No longer able to go.
    Super bummed. Tuition rose over the summer and even with prepaid college, between the excess I still had to pay, along with rent and shit due all on the very same day, it's too much.
    One day, Dragon*Con. One day.
    >> Volpin !jKicgoGHZw 08/26/11(Fri)19:19 No.4895359
    Its odd, growing up here it just makes me think every other airport in the world is really tiny.

    Super easy to navigate though, just follow the signs. Have fun going through security on the way back though!
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/26/11(Fri)22:52 No.4896166
    Oh jeeze: TSA, here I come!

    Also, page 6 bump.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 08/27/11(Sat)00:07 No.4896466
    less than a week, folks!!!

    who else besides me is behind on costumes?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)00:10 No.4896482

    Oh god, me every year. And my partner had the great idea of waiting until she flies in on the 30th and down ALL of her costuming then. -_- So in addition to mine, I have 4 more to rush out in like a day and a half. Gonna murder her.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)01:03 No.4896688
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    2 costumes that are NOT rain friendly, so I'm hoping that Irene doesn't come on to atlanta or GA.

    Hyatt moving 100-200 random people to 5 blocks away and giving them a marta pass.. totally screwing them over, and I'm almost positive I'm not getting a double this year (3rd year in a row with only 1 bed for 6 people.) even though I requested it and I get there on Thursday before 10am.

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)01:05 No.4896699

    I thought they were moving them to the Ritz-carlton?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)01:56 No.4896976
    Wouldn't it be terrible if a hurricane came and wrecked people's lives and also your costumes?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)02:33 No.4897107
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    >irene, which is hitting right now, lasting until next friday
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)02:39 No.4897135
    I am way too excite right now.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/27/11(Sat)20:14 No.4899348
    >FYI: The maps in the Pocket Program PDF of Grand Hall East (p.65) & Grand Hall West (p.67) are swapped. We're trying to fix it for the print PP.

    Where the hell is this pocket program PDF? And is it really "Pocket" if it's more than 67 pages long? I guess if you read it on your iPhone/Android it is.

    Also, page 14 bump.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)20:15 No.4899356
    Thanks for saving the thread!!
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/27/11(Sat)20:16 No.4899358
    Nevermind, I should have tried looking with my eyes first...
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)20:30 No.4899400
    B-B-B-BUMP. Almost done with all my costumes, feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)20:35 No.4899416
    I feel so bad for the people who were moved. Hyatt should have had a plan way sooner, and not done this a week before the con. They also should have taken volunteers or started with the last-minute reservations, rather than just seeming to move people at random. There were people who reserved last October who were moved in this clusterfuck.

    This happened to me last year when the Baymont Inn decided to close in August and move my reservations to a hotel 8 blocks away. Not fun, not convenient.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)20:42 No.4899429

    They expected renovations to be done awhile ago, alas that's what happens with construction around here. Takes for fucking ever.

    Though I know they sent out an email around a month ago when they realized what was happening.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)20:55 No.4899467
    What did LSU do to Dragon*Con?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)21:05 No.4899484

    crash the con and act like general douchbags. Never before had there been so much of people vomiting because they couldn't hold their liquor.

    Not to mention they were just real assholes. Most of the trouble last year, happened because of LSU and other assholes who weren't actually part of the con.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)00:11 No.4900067
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    Getting some facepaint tomorrow, as well as the antenna from an RC car, and other supplies.

    Can't wait for the Tron Photoshoot, and I wonder if Yaya is going to the Game of Thrones photoshoot with her Danarys or whoever.

    I have a backpack Booze dispenser, I've seen others with them, but theirs are more discrete.. I'm tempted to do a Mario Sunshine cosplay but instead of water, I'll shoot Margaritas and Rum.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/28/11(Sun)00:14 No.4900079
    >Can't wait for the Tron Photoshoot
    Please give a report on that, because my god, the people who set up the gathering on coscom sound like pretentious jerks...
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 08/28/11(Sun)00:56 No.4900249
    FYI for anyone interested, the visiting team for the college football game this coming weekend is Boise State. one of my friends who also comes to D*C works at BSU and wrote a nice letter to their athletic dept about the fans and D*C (basically saying don't be like LSU). apparently BSU has an older, fairly chill fanbase that travels to games (especially this far away) i'm hoping there won't be issues like last year.

    i don't know who's running it...but 2 of the people in my room have tron costumes....will try to get the skinny.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)01:04 No.4900289

    I've met that girl too, I don't know where she got that pretentious attitude. Holy crap. I have a couple friends with Tron costumes so if they go I'm sure they'll have something to say.
    >> RedHood !XwHoDTvLHU 08/28/11(Sun)03:51 No.4900739
    My girlfriend and her friends finished their rule 63 Star Trek costumes. Now I need to put overtime into my Red Hood helmet.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)03:56 No.4900746

    She posted her schedule for D*C on her dA. Yeah, she'll be there.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)12:04 No.4901361
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    So.. does anyone else think advertising / handing out free shots on Thursday at one of the smallest and cramped bars at the Hyatt a bad idea?

    I'm still going, cause yeah, free shots, but damn it's going to be crowded fast.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/28/11(Sun)12:46 No.4901487
    >rule 63 Star Trek costumes
    Really? Really? Out of all the amazing races and all the amazing outfits they could have chosen for the females within the Star Trek universe, they had to go with generbends... lemme guess, Spock and Kirk?


    Anyway, I'm curious if anyone knows how weapons-check/peacebonding works at D*C? Is it the same through all the hotels, or does only one hotel handle this thing?
    >> RedHood !XwHoDTvLHU 08/28/11(Sun)12:51 No.4901500
    They are doing Spock, Kirk, Bones, and a red shirt.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)18:57 No.4902429
    >Dammit Ginny, I'm a nurse, not a mechanic!
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)19:14 No.4902484
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)19:16 No.4902488
    >>4901487 all my years going I have never gotten peacebound. Or had a weapons check, so I'm not really sure.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/28/11(Sun)20:22 No.4902726
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)20:27 No.4902750
    >> jiru-chan !!BGzIfEqmLpj 08/28/11(Sun)20:37 No.4902819
    I still can't decide what costumes to bring. I'm bringing Black Canary and Triana Orpheus for sure, but I can't decide if I want to change costumes mid-day or not, especially since I'm not staying at one of the on-site hotels. I really wanted to bring my Haruko costume, but I wouldn't know what to do with the bass when I wasn't wearing the costume. I could wear it without bringing the bass, but it's so central to the character. Other costumes I am considering are Ramona Flowers or Panty (Bunny Suit) because they would be easy to bring with me in a duffel bag. Gah, I don't know...
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)20:39 No.4902828
    I have to say, it's 4 days before the con and I'm excited. The one thing is, it's D*C's 25th anniversary, and to me, neither the guest list nor the currently-posted programming are anything spectacular. It might be the first con in a few years where I'm not spending most of my time going to and from panels. I'm hoping there's some last-minute changes.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 08/28/11(Sun)21:49 No.4903220
    dragon bump!

    also, there are far too many boning channels in this corset....
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)22:34 No.4903453
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    Costumes are finished.
    TF2 Engineer w/ Dispenser
    Tron Casual
    Steampunk Vest / Meh
    Harry Potter
    Star Trek
    Viewtiful Joe

    Tuesday we get to play the Car packing game, Wednesday I get to stop by the Costume shop to pick out a few nice accessories, and Thursday morning I"m going to head on over and check in and hope everything goes ok.

    After that, nothing will bother me till Tuesday the 6th. I've got my whole weekend planned out from 10 AM Thursday to Checkout on Monday. 2 Room parties, 3 meet and greets, 4 dealer room visits, 3 photoshoots, 2 concerts, 1 drum circle, and 1 rave.
    2 Bottles of Rum, 2 bottles of Vodka, 1 Whiskey, 1 Tequila, 1 Irish Cream, 1 Chocolate Liquer, and a suitcase full of various mixers.

    My body is ready.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/28/11(Sun)22:50 No.4903507
    See you at the Valve gathering, and possibly at the Saturday /cgl/ gathering.
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 08/28/11(Sun)22:55 No.4903524
    Meryl's almost done. Just waiting for paint to dry so I can finish some minor details, humidity isn't really speeding up the process at all. Working the next two days so I've gotta get this done tonight.

    Working the next few days, heading down early Wednesday and spending a day at Coffee's place beforehand, making sure we've both got everything in order and making our surplus store, food, and booze runs.

    So fucking excited. Ohmannnn.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/11(Sun)23:41 No.4903765
    Best place in downtown Atlanta to buy booze, within walking distance? I'm flying in so I can't BYOB.
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 08/28/11(Sun)23:53 No.4903806
    I think I remember Coffee saying there was a liquor store within walking distance of the hotels. I'm sure he or someone else will pop into this thread and post the location, or you could Google it.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)00:11 No.4903902
         File1314591089.png-(1.12 MB, 821x611, store.png)
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    only 2 liquor stores I could find within walking distance...the one on courtland street looks more legit

    29 Baker Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA


    186 Courtland St NE Atlanta, GA 30303

    welcome :)
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)00:15 No.4903925
    Thank you- I forgot about this one! I know of the liquor stores in the area, I was just curious if anyone knew anything more about them. The only one I could remember was small and really shady.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)00:19 No.4903941

    That's literally the only one I remember, the one that's right across from the front of the Hyatt. Tiny, shady, but it's got booze. And it'll be raided before mid-afternoon Thursday.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)00:21 No.4903954
    Crap. Well, guess I'm making a stop before the pre-reg line! lol.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)00:28 No.4903991
    really think so?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)01:07 No.4904173

    With how much alcohol is consumed at Dragon*con, you can bet your sweet ass.
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 08/29/11(Mon)02:14 No.4904540
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    Coming out from the Hilton:

    You will take a left down Courtland St. NE

    Pass Harris St SE, Keep walking

    Cross Andrew Young International blvd NE

    On your left is Sol's Liquor store.
    186 Courtland Street Northeast, Atlanta, GA 30303

    Damn straight stock up days before because that liquor store is gonna be dry as fuck.
    Fuck yeah there's a bar inside.
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 08/29/11(Mon)02:40 No.4904683
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    Its wide open, signs everywhere, and the bullet train "Concourse" will take you to A - G areas. Its fairly quick, and makes everything easy.

    MARTA is attached to the airport, so you should have no issue if you're taking that to the con center. If you need help just hit me up.
    Lol they give you these awesome pocket booklets at the con when you pick up your badge too.

    All the panels, floorplans to 5 of the main hotels, with multiple floors, detailed panel info, where guests are going to be and what times, and map of general location with guide points.
    Pic Related
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)02:55 No.4904756
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    OK pardon my get off my lawn-ness for a moment.

    I've been hitting up Dragon*con for 9 years now and I am looking forward to this new crop of grown up cosplayers who are now moving on to other cons. But I swear if you fuck this great con up with your cliques and holier than thou antics I will be tempted to tell you.

    Please be friendly, don't laugh at people having a good time, talk with lots of people, be courteous.
    This is a great con that is older than a lot of you.

    Ok, sorry about that.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)02:58 No.4904769

    Shit the Marriott's even got mobile bars. Everywhere I turned last year there was someone selling booze somewhere.

    I'm surprised the Domino's booth wasn't selling shots with their personal pans.


    Holy shit you just reminded me this is my 8th year going. My god.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:02 No.4904788
    40k people.. and a few congoers from /cgl/ are going to fuck it up? Really? Really. Come on now. I'm going to assume you're not posting this on every con page that you see.

    Most people didn't even feel the direct effect from the LSU antics last year while it was happening, I know I didn't. Surely that didn't "fuck up" the con. And surely some cliquey people, whom the regulars will ignore because they're generally more mature, won't ruin it either.

    Chill, homeslice. It'll be fine.

    But yes, I agree that being friendly and courteous for this con is a must.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:06 No.4904808

    Well, it effected enough people that they're cracking down on security this year. So a few bad eggs can ruin the party. But I doubt it's going to be anyone from /cgl/. Hell the weebs who attend Momocon would be far more likely to do that than anyone here.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:12 No.4904838
    Oops, I dunno how my sage got in there.

    More security is a good thing, actually.

    But a few whiny seagulls that want to keep to themselves and whine anonymously isn't going to ruin D*C.

    What LSU did was legitimately harassment and tomfoolery.. And from I heard, arrestable offenses. Those are bad eggs.

    Cranky costumers in a pile of jolly mature con-goers?
    Things will be fine with a few noobs. :)

    Weebs acting out? Yeah, that's a different story. That, I don't wish for.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:13 No.4904846
    >>4904788 vMost people didn't even feel the direct effect from the LSU antics

    Everyone feels the effects of LSU now. It is why you cannot walk anywhere without your roomkey and/or badge.

    Two years ago you could.

    >surely some cliquey people, whom the regulars will ignore because they're generally more mature, won't ruin it either.

    People said the same thing about anime appealing to a younger crowd. In 1999 you had trouble running into a congoer under 17. Now a vast number of them are 13. It changed the dynamic and it's now changed permanently.
    So a small number can grow and change the feel of a con. I just really hope it doesn't happen.

    I'm chilling. I just love me some freewheeling friendly D*C. You have my utmost apology if I am totally wrong.
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 08/29/11(Mon)03:14 No.4904850
    I'm going to this for the first time. I'm kinda excited. Haven't made for sure plans about costumes yet. I do know I am bringing Pris and Delirium though.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:30 No.4904925

    It won't happen, at least at D*c. Badges are too expensive. Even a one day badge will run you close to a weekend pass at AWA.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:43 No.4904961
    I suppose I should look up the new rules.. I was feeling that it was going to be more of a "after hours" thing really.

    Admittedly, I'd only been to D*C once, last year, and I didn't have a badge, but I stayed in the main hotel most of the time so I had no problems except when trying to LEAVE the Marriott on Saturday night...

    Also, I didn't see very many kids. But maybe that was just me. On Saturday, my younger sister's friend (18) showed up and said his mom had been bringing him for a few years and provided a badge. Otherwise, I'm sure he wouldn't have been able to go and none of his friends were there, for sure.

    This anon (>>4904925) is right. The badges are expensive. Kiddies are less likely to go, especially if they're going to be checking for badges of people walking around as you say. Not to mention room prices if they can find peers to room with.

    And the badge prices have been going up fairly often, right?
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 08/29/11(Mon)03:46 No.4904972
    breaking from work on carlotta to sleep....gotta teach, er, later today.

    bringing: carlotta, mustafar padme amidala, kendappa-ou, gryffindor robes, marie antoinette, one of my gaga costumes (hopefully telephone version), and maybe alice (superjail) or sakura (SF) this point it depends what i can cram into my luggage
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:52 No.4904984
    Where's the info about badges and room keys being checked?

    Sorry.. Having trouble quickly finding the information..
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 08/29/11(Mon)03:56 No.4904995
    Its gonna happen and you know it. It regulated well last year and its not an issue if you get your shit checked because you already have it.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)03:57 No.4904996
    Yes.. but I was wondering where the info was so that I can read up on other con related rules and regulations.
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 08/29/11(Mon)04:04 No.4905018
    The rules and regs are very lax. The only way staff will yell at you is if you get into a fight, smoke inside the hotels, or make a complete jack ass of yourself.

    For costumes, they can be as large as you want as long as you have people guiding you.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)04:15 No.4905035

    So far they've been going up every year.

    There was an increase in kids, but it was mainly younger kids brought by their families to see all the people in costume. They were adorable but they were usually gone by the end of the day before the night activities started.

    Most likely what's going to happen is they're going to be checking badges during the evening hours at all the major entrance and exit points. Supposedly they hired an outside security firm but I don't know the legitimacy of that.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)04:31 No.4905069

    I found the page I was looking for, I suppose I just had to Google it since there was no link on the main page.

    But I still want to know whether or not they'll be checking badges randomly during the day for people walking around. I want to know where that came from..
    >> Shady Negro !!jIcPNMSVBL3 08/29/11(Mon)05:42 No.4905151
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    >But I swear if you fuck this great con up with your cliques and holier than thou antics I will be tempted to tell you.
    You know as well as I do that these brats will be put to bed about midnight. We dealt with the stones, the seagulls won't be an issue. I wonder if any will get pass-pulled?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:39 No.4905457
    This info is directly from con staff. My BF's business works with the con to co-host some events and he was given this information directly from two separate track directors. This was a couple months ago and we all know how D*C is about changing it's mind but who wants to risk getting down there and being stuck outside the whole time because they couldn't afford a badge.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)14:46 No.4905631
    Sure, I know con staff myself, but I'm simply wondering if it's written down somewhere in black and white.

    Not "it was said so it's true".

    Really guys. You all keep telling me over and over that "yes, that's probably happening" but all I want is to see it in black and white. On the site, from a memo, anything.

    It likely is true, but I find it hard to believe that it's not written down somewhere to give non-badged con-goers a heads up that why may be kicked out. Not everyone knows the staff.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)15:38 No.4905662
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    >But I still want to know whether or not they'll be checking badges randomly during the day for people walking around. I want to know where that came from..

    Its a collection of rules that can be interpreted a certain way, but since the fights breaking out last year with people who did not have hotel keys or dragon*con badges.

    1. Hotel security reserves the right to remove anyone from their premises that does not have a room key. (They ignore this part unless you fail part 2, since there are 15 overflow hotels)

    2. You can't get into any convention activities unless you have a dragon*con badge. (which they will be checking first)

    3. Ignore the day time rule, most problems dont happen before 5 pm, and security has better things to do than check everyone's badges just to move from hotel to hotel, and they wont be in the lobbies checking badges because not everyone's checked in, and they can't man every entrance because there's simply not enough security forces.

    What they will do:
    1. Fire marshal can prevent anyone without a Hyatt Keycard into the hyatt due to fire codes. This has happened twice that I have heard.

    2. They can put security at the skybridge between mariott and hyatt, and check for badges, since anyone checking in would use the lobby entrance. They wont escort people out, but you will have to take the long way to get around.

    Of course I could be mistaken and there could be a guy in a chair with a stick at every entrance.. won't do much good though.

    Personally, I'd get a badge, but if you can't, the odds of getting checked are only good if you're drinking past 6 or 7 pm each night. Security will come down hard on room parties if there are complaints.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/29/11(Mon)16:11 No.4905728
    So, is it really supposed to thunderstorm this weekend? If so, I'm packing an umbrella.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)16:47 No.4905807
    Pack one anyway. <3
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/29/11(Mon)16:54 No.4905831
    Good point
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)17:04 No.4905856

    Georgia weather's notoriously whacky. And it looks like the most is 40% chance of isolated thunderstorms on Sunday. So if it does rain it won't be much. Or it'll be like a thirty-second downpour and then sunny skies.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)17:38 No.4905945
    Anyone who needs molly, or bud Friday night come to the cgl meet up. Meet up info is in this thread.

    10 bucks for a point of some good molly

    20 bucks for a g of dank
    >> Volpin !jKicgoGHZw 08/29/11(Mon)17:38 No.4905946
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    Page 2 of the pamphlet mailed out a few weeks ago.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)20:04 No.4906527
    >>4905946 just reminded me my pamphlet is missing.

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