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What have I done?
!YG.DdnIWg6 08/17/11(Wed)23:21 No.4863545 File1313637663.png-(145 KB, 400x225, 1304905895072.png)
had never been so turned on in his life. Surrounded by all these
familiar, hated faces. Todd, Blue, Pantsu, Claudie, Masao, Hobbes, Mary
Jane, Itaqueen and her...what was he again? So many faces! He couldn't
keep up with names, or details. Just all the mixed emotions he had for
these people. For some of them, extreme hatred for being fat, or a
whore, or a newfag, or what have you.
Some were holding him down
by the arms, their grubby little hands wrinkling his good suit! His
green face scrunched up with disgust. They were all masturbating in a
circle around him. Some stroking themselves, some stroking each other.
The sound of wet flesh filled the air. Anon-kun tried to turn his face
away from it, but there was just too many tripfags! Every which way he
turned there was a penis in his face, being jerked, and leaking
It wasn't long before the circle jerking group came,
each one taking turns to spill themselves wherever. Some came on his
blank face, others on his nice suit. Some forced themselves into his
hands,coating them in their seed. Some even forced his mouth open,
cumming inside of that and making him to swallow. When the front was
coated, they rolled him onto his back and let those who hadn't come yet
have their turn. Not one inch of Anon-kun's noble form went without
sperm. It was hot, and sticky, and Anonymous felt a mixture of shame,
and hate, and arousal. Mostly shame and hate though.
When they
were finished, the tripfags stood up, laughing and taking pictures with
their cell phones. "What a slut!" One laughed, throwing a few dollar
bills on top of Anonymous's spent form. Then they left him there to
wallow in his filthy mess. Anonymous knew they would be back tomorrow to
do the same all over again. Next summer, there would be even more
joining the circle.
His body was so ready. |