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    27 KB Anonymous 08/15/11(Mon)14:54 No.4851921  
    Annoyances thread, /cgl/. One about cosplay/cosplayers, one about lolita/lolitas, and one about /cgl/ itself.

    /cgl/: When we have weeaboo threads, and people replace the names with letters. Just call them by a pseudonym, or pick a theme (animals, vegetables, minerals, ANYTHING). It's make it a lot easier to keep things straight.

    Lolitas: When lolitas say "I have no problem with fat lolitas as long as they're dressed according to their shape," and then we post someone that fits those constraints and they say "BAWWWWW BUT SHE'S FAT SO NO MATTER WHAT SHE WEARS IT'S HORRIBLE"

    Cosplayers: Actually, this goes for lolita too, but when someone says, even in passing, "I don't like x cosplayer" or "I'm not a fan of this person's costume" they're jumped on with cries of "YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS." That mentality needs to be eradicated.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/11(Mon)15:15 No.4852041
    cosplayers: Cosplayers make me rage because they think their drama is real. Drama is real if you REALLY KNOW SOMEONE, have personally spoken to them online or IRL. Some person you've never met halfway across the country fighting with their boyfriend is not cosplay drama, it's just fucking drama you're being a creepy voyouer about.

    lolita: I get annoyed when people mistake pretty for a good coordinate. Some girls are so naturally damn beautiful that can wear a sack and look great. Don't look at the face, look at the clothes.

    cgl: If there's a thread of something you don't like that's board relevant, scroll the fuck past it. I get so annoyed when there's a loli thread or whatever and someone feels the NEED to post LOLITAS GTFO or whatever else.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/11(Mon)16:12 No.4852280
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)03:08 No.4855298
    cosplayers: telling me what series they like & don't like. Bitch, I didn't ask and I don't care. I just wanted a picture because you looked nice, I don't need to make friends.

    Lolitas: So much detailed discussion about the tiny details about shades of pink and shoe decorations and things that shouldn't matter. Your candy corn world will never come true, stop sweating the details. Sometimes lolita looks nice, but not for OTT fabric ice cream cones.

    /cgl/: degenerating into lazy ad hominem attacks. come on, anonymous should mean we can get beyond petty personal attacks and get some real discussion done. instead every thread turns into threadshitting trolls.
    >> Tim 08/16/11(Tue)03:17 No.4855339
    /cgl/: Off-topic threads, tripfag circlejerks/shit that needs to be taken to AIM. Sandy vags who always have to clarify shit or explain things or elucidate why they are an exception to a generalizations someone has made and therefore that generalization must not be true because I'm the special snowflake who overturns it.

    Lolitas: I just can't wrap my head around the idea of spending so much money for pretty dresses, but I think in general, they've gotten better. Or I haven't been paying attention.

    Cosplayers: In general, people seem so...fake. And it's such an attention-whoring hobby, which I realize is redundant and stupid for me to be so invested in it. I know there are people out there who really cosplay because they enjoy a series a lot, but I hate the fact that I almost always doubt that and wait for their passion to be "proven" to me. It's silly because anime in general is kinda trendy and people are always jumping onto the next big thing. I guess I just have to detach myself from this cesspool somehow.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:01 No.4857317
    You haven't been paying attention. We actually pay more now because the exchange rate is shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:07 No.4857345
    > When lolitas say "I have no problem with fat lolitas as long as they're dressed according to their shape," and then we post someone that fits those constraints and they say "BAWWWWW BUT SHE'S FAT SO NO MATTER WHAT SHE WEARS IT'S HORRIBLE"

    Those are probably two different groups of anons, though. Not every single person on /cgl/ shares the same opinion. I think the fat/chub hate is stupid and irrelevant, but some people on here think your body type makes the outfit no matter what, Idk.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:11 No.4857371
    /cgl/: jesus why is everyone so obsessed with pixyteri?

    lolita: posting a vendetta thread, labelling the picture as ita, and influencing any number of newbies to think a perfectly reasonable outfit is ita. is there not enough bitching WITHOUT misleading newbies?

    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:21 No.4857422
    /cgl/: The 'stay classy, /cgl/ ;D' post that pops up into almost every thread. It's not funny when it's this often.

    Cosplay: Cosplayers who constantly ask for votes for what they should cosplay, or the ones that seem to need a suggestion for every convention. Suggestions/votes are great here and there when you really can't decide, or want to expand you skills further, but think of a character yourself from time to time.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:29 No.4857460
         File1313522942.png-(19 KB, 100x100, haterstothaleft.png)
    19 KB
    /cgl/: Why is everyone so mad over shit that doesn't affect them? I don't know where a lot of the posters find the energy and drive to care so much about a ugly person wearing a crappy cord or some speg with a love for whatever series/game is popular right now. If you don't like someone, ignore them and then they go away and die. Nothing cuts a person to the core like this, be it a some air-headed attention whore or manatee wearing too much race. I don't understand why I'm the only one who gets this.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:29 No.4857466
    /cgl/: Tripfag circlejerking.

    Cosplay: Attention whore-cosplays. The whole point of going to a con is to talk about anime and whatever. It kills the point if you haven't watched whatever-anime-you're-cosplaying.

    Lolita: The obsession with clothes. I mean, I get it and all, but it's scary/annoying when girls are putting lolita ahead of everything else.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:31 No.4857480
    Cgl: the tripfags that seem like they got lost on their way to /fit/ or /soc/ (I think some of them don't cosplay at all (, vendetta threads

    Loli : DUNNO LOL

    Cosplay: Jesus Christ do more characters from older manga/anime AND SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT YAOI
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:35 No.4857497
    /cgl/: When every fitness thread devolves into trolling basically going "lol, stupid fatties, you were fat so HA!" Even when these girls have made amazing progress and are working hard, some troll always has to try to troll.

    Lolitas: How "clubhousey" they get, or when they act holier then thou. "Oh, well yes, I'm here in /cgl/ and posting in a drama thread, but YOU all should be ASHAMED of yourselves for participating in drama." Bitch, calm yo titties, you're here too.

    Cosplayers: My major annoyance is "cosplayers" at conventions that are a hot topic dress and some ears. Generally they are the most annoying little shits and they aren't even dressed as anything. No, being a "neko" does not count you twit.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:38 No.4857507
    .... I wanted to wear a panda gijinka to my next/first con.... Will I be spurned?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:43 No.4857520
    If you actually look good, no.
    Anon was complaining about the cheap, hastily-put-together cosplays that look like crap.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:44 No.4857524
    /cgl/: Vendetta-chan threads. These seem to be popping up a lot more lately.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:47 No.4857534
    Hot topic neon shirt, a droopy tutu, leggings, and a ton of plastic jewelry they had to have stolen from their little sister's dress up closet. Put all that together and you've got someone "cosplaying" a Harajuku girl.

    I see them a lot here. My rage as gone beyond rage into cold nothingness that makes them oblivious to how hard I want to smack them when they see me taking pictures of actual cosplayers and go "Hey! Get a picture of us!"
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/16/11(Tue)15:49 No.4857537
    i feel like you guys deserve a shoutout when im on my way over to /fit/ consider it a blessing
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)15:51 No.4857543
    /cgl/: When anons shift from confidence to arrogance, but that applies to everyone.

    Lolitas: No annoyances, my heart goes out to them when they deal with crazy itas

    Cosplayers: The source of all my rage right now. When males think "I have a dick and I'm thin" means they are automatically the best cosplayer of that character without makeup and buying off ebay. I'm dealing with two of them right now irl and both of them are douches in terms of personality who think they're perfect to cosplay my favourite characters because they "look bishie". Same to girls who think because it's a male, he's automatically better, I got an argument with someone when they insulted PL in favor of a shit-tier male Link.

    Very mad.
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 08/16/11(Tue)16:13 No.4857624
    /cgl/: Tripfags being hated as a collectives instead of on an individual basis. You can't really say that Hatsuu and Carry Grant are on the same level. However how quickly and often we as tripfags comment on each others antics and make threads glorified AIM posts needs to ease up a lot.

    Lolitas: Too ignorant on the subject to comment

    Cosplayers: People who take this thing waaaay too seriously. We're a bunch of nerds, wearing silly costumes and looking like fictional characters.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)16:28 No.4857679

    It always seems to be fat, greasy girls dressed like whores. Harajuku girls don't have their tits and ass hanging out everywhere. Actually, they're surprising covered up.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)17:10 No.4857881
    /cgl/: Tripfag circlejerking. Some trips are super helpful, some are just fags who aren't even relevant to the board.

    Lolitas: How quickly the useful threads (coords of a certain color, help/question threads, price checks) drop off the first few pages, but shitty vendetta-chan ones stay forever.

    Cosplayers: I love when they work super hard and make their costumes, but damn it annoys me when someone spends almost no effort nor time on their cosplay but it's excused because they are pretty. Generally see this more at conventions, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)17:11 No.4857886
    My annoyance: Lolitas existing.

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