>> |
08/14/11(Sun)22:47 No.4849530>>4849414
>I do encourage, bump, and contribute to good threads, all the time. Before replying to you I did just that.
this thread and others like it cover the board and the good threads die
with less than 15 posts of helpful information/ non troll answers.
probably filled its purpose, or wasn't interesting. If you ask a
question and it is answered, it gets bumped off. This is one thread.
ONE. Use your hide thread option and you can stop worrying altogether.
when a few people call out shit like this the thread dies (I've seen it
a few times, not often but every saged to death thread is a victory...
until the continuation thread created the next hour)
thread wouldn't be bumped half as much if people stopped moaning about
FLORIDA DRAMU, UGHHHH. A sage is still a post, still a draw, and still
attention given to the people that created it. Saging doesn't kill a
thread. Not responding to a thread at all kills a thread.
>The drama that happens here does bleed into RL
it doesn't. And if your IRL con time is spent worrying about what
someone on the internet says about you, the problem isn't /cgl/. You
need new friends, new priorities or a new attitude.
This is
/cgl/, where hot chicks are called ugly, skinny girls are called
anorexic, healthy girls are called fat, nice people are called fake,
outgoing people are sluts, award winners bone the judges and everyone
sucks a plethora of cocks. It is the great equalizer where we ALL suck,
therefore no one sucks.
Convince the OP of this thread that you're pulling your hair out, and they'll repost all day erryday. Don't fuel it with U MAD. |