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  • File : 1313092093.png-(118 KB, 350x291, babypinkmoon.png)
    118 KB Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)15:48 No.4837508  
    Other thread reached maximum images, continue here:

    Macro's, demotivationals, meme's and other funny lolita pictures and gifs go here
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)15:56 No.4837524
         File1313092573.png-(226 KB, 639x469, 2h7klg8.png)
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    this secret.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)16:20 No.4837565
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)06:53 No.4840198
         File1313146384.jpg-(31 KB, 510x510, 251276_1994106764946_101172761(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)07:05 No.4840229
         File1313147151.jpg-(35 KB, 557x640, j7t35k.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)07:10 No.4840242
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)07:19 No.4840259
    Must be difficult to be a vegan lolita: no fur, leather or silk. :/
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)07:24 No.4840268
    The people who are offended by even fake fur are pretty dumb. Might as well boycott stuffed animals.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)07:25 No.4840269
    A friend of mine is vegan and she says lolita is a godsend. She says she never had so much choice of cute pleather shoes and bags before.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)07:26 No.4840270
    I never heard of anyone getting offended by fake fur.
    Also, let's not turn this into a fur-wank thread pls!!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)07:30 No.4840277
    I remember a couple people who didn't want to see fale fur because they were offended by the idea that fur is even seen as stylish.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)07:50 No.4840304
    Pleather and fake fur are both pretty convincing, but there's really no substitute for silk.

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