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  • File : 1312990778.jpg-(223 KB, 480x720, asuka_langley__are_you_stupid__by_mj_cha(...).jpg)
    223 KB GENERAL MARY JANE THREAD Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)11:39 No.4832412  
    lolwat? /cgl/ without a emjay thread? wat the shit.

    >General Very Merry Jane thread.

    lets hear them. tips & tricks on how to score a date with the ever so lovely EmJay - Chan :D<3 kawaii desu ughh~

    personally I think a movie then dinner would do the trick. Cuz u know, MJ is a classy lady.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)11:46 No.4832437
    leaving a path of weed to your room
    >> Meishi !rEseXGSL8M 08/10/11(Wed)11:46 No.4832438
    Isn't it her birthday today? I'm sure this is one hell of a present.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/10/11(Wed)11:46 No.4832439
         File1312991205.jpg-(12 KB, 225x189, Hell Yeah.jpg)
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    It's her birthday today, so don't be a dick.

    She gets a bad rep, and is just someone who doesn't adhere to every societal value, and continues to not give a damn.

    She's good by me.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)11:47 No.4832443
    I wonder what her snatch juice tastes like?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)11:52 No.4832458

    oh my gawd it's her bday :O:O:O:O:O:O?!

    Imma go buy her a chocolate / strawberry cake thn smash them together making it a strawberry-chocolate cake. thn I'll send it to her asfdfdfm,dfnmlsdn
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)11:54 No.4832469
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)11:56 No.4832477
    Happy birthday!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)12:17 No.4832559
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)12:18 No.4832560
    yay 21th birthday :3
    >> Justin = BFI !awN63bWuK6 08/10/11(Wed)12:19 No.4832563
    Happy Birthday, Mary Jane.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)12:49 No.4832639
    happy birthday marry jane.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:51 No.4832855
    Happy birthday MJ, I hope it's a good one :)
    Sending well wishes, and I hope you don't come on 4chan today. Go celebrate!
    >> piplup !Ebgln4OHzA 08/10/11(Wed)13:56 No.4832873
         File1312998963.png-(128 KB, 444x308, ohheyyyyyyy.png)
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    happy birthday MJ~

    you know, I always thought you were older than me.
    ...but you're not D:

    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:57 No.4832881


    >> TL;DR 08/10/11(Wed)14:20 No.4832964
         File1313000408.jpg-(27 KB, 420x465, ThatGuy (54).jpg)
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    Happy birthday MJ!

    Well said.
    >> Zel !KRog59obk6 08/10/11(Wed)14:27 No.4832994
         File1313000833.png-(664 KB, 801x521, 129765483635.png)
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    Happy Birthday.
    Hope you get lots of stuff and by your choice completely shitfaced.
    >> Felix !sjGeonZero 08/10/11(Wed)14:28 No.4833001
    Happy Birthday!
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/10/11(Wed)14:30 No.4833011
         File1313001006.jpg-(65 KB, 610x396, DYANMO.jpg)
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    Happy Birthday.
    Best I could get you on such short notice is a picture of a man walkin' on water.
    >> maryjane !zmlklASUKA 08/10/11(Wed)20:00 No.4834559
         File1313020844.png-(500 KB, 645x723, embarassed.png)
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    Awwwwe you guys~
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 08/10/11(Wed)20:04 No.4834568
         File1313021098.gif-(1.5 MB, 320x240, All my berry Juice (2).gif)
    1.5 MB
    Happy birthday <3
    I-i want to take you to dinner too!
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:11 No.4834587
    blue waffle.

    as for the date, I imagine hanging around with your dick out is a good enough reason for her to suck it.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 08/10/11(Wed)20:13 No.4834592
         File1313021597.gif-(1.6 MB, 198x292, 1306029532272.gif)
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    Happy Birthday MaryJane!
    I really enjoy your cosplays.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:17 No.4834605
    So this girl posts on /cgl/ or what?
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 08/10/11(Wed)20:18 No.4834607
    Happy Birthday MJ!
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:19 No.4834611
    mj I really do have a crush on you

    please have a lovely birthday today <3
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:22 No.4834616
    Still love your Asuka and I'd love to cosplay Rei with you! <3 Hope you had a wonderful birthday Maryjane!
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:28 No.4834634
    She's a talented cosplayer who posts here, yes. But she's also a histrionic attention whore. Anons give her a lot of shit, but she seriously just does not care. It's funny. And today is her birthday.

    Happy birthday, MJ!
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 08/10/11(Wed)20:32 No.4834651
         File1313022734.jpg-(157 KB, 698x652, 1297651962039.jpg)
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    YOU. Knock that shit off. Its her birthday for christ's sake.

    Happy Birthday MJ. I don't hate you. I just like to make fun of you :D
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:34 No.4834661
    >She's a talented cosplayer who posts here

    So, referencing the OP pic, we add to this info and can conclude that she's

    1. Very attractive
    2. Posts here.

    Those are the only two criteria required to get endless flames on /cgl/ from all the bitchy cunts who hate her for being more attractive/getting more attention then they do.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 08/10/11(Wed)20:35 No.4834671
    maryjane is not a board meme and attempts to troll in this manner just bring more animosity towards her.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:35 No.4834672
    Well I'de give her a poke.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:36 No.4834674
    Congratulations; that's very insightful of you. Now what did you get Mary Jane for her birthday?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:40 No.4834687
    ITT: eva expert/maryjane up to their usual bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:41 No.4834690
    I, for one, am being serious. I'm not going to say that I haven't found MJ irritating at times, but I don't think she's deserving of all the hate she's gotten in the past. I think that she's talented and refreshingly honest. I hope she has a happy birthday.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:42 No.4834697
    Eva hasn't posted...
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:44 No.4834708
    You are very naive.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)20:45 No.4834711
    >Now what did you get Mary Jane for her birthday?

    Well now that I know she's got a NAME and everything, I went and deleted her picture from my porn folder.
    >> Tanner !aaWI/nsBfU 08/10/11(Wed)20:58 No.4834817
         File1313024303.jpg-(138 KB, 640x480, Photo 222.jpg)
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    Step 1: Say you are going to fuck Maryjane. Best place to say this is /cgl/, but don't limit it to there. Proclaim it in image macro form and post that shit EVERYWHERE
    Step 2: Go to a convention where Maryjane is. DO NOT FIND HER BLUE BUTTON (this is not a euphemism)
    Step 3: Stay drunk for 5 days right around Christmas time, talk to MJ the whole time
    Step 4: At this point a year will have passed and she should be willing to travel over 1000km to come touch your penis.

    Congratulations, you have now fucked /cgl/ebrity, Maryjane. In related news, my dick now hurts from all that fucking.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/10/11(Wed)21:00 No.4834826
    okay that's all cool and everything
    now post your workout and where i can get that vest
    >> Tanner !aaWI/nsBfU 08/10/11(Wed)21:02 No.4834842
    Workout routine: 15mg amphetamines twice daily, sex with Maryjane 3 times daily.

    Shirt: Maryjane's TCC-tan cosplay.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/10/11(Wed)21:03 No.4834851
    okay cool thanks bro
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)21:07 No.4834875
         File1313024851.jpg-(137 KB, 640x360, eva_cake.jpg)
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    Have some birthday cake, MJ.
    >> SamtheGuy !!RGo3r6wYmea 08/10/11(Wed)21:11 No.4834893
    Happy Burtday guuurl
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/10/11(Wed)21:14 No.4834905
    Happy Birthday Maryjane. I hope your day is pleasant and filled with things you like.

    In lieu of a gift, I wrote you a haiku:

    A Maryjane Thread
    I am browsing /cgl/
    She thinks she's Asuka

    I still owe you a hug, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)21:30 No.4835010
         File1313026256.jpg-(21 KB, 266x285, 1294825258035.jpg)
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    >> maryjane !zmlklASUKA 08/10/11(Wed)23:42 No.4835429
         File1313034121.png-(415 KB, 1279x716, ohgodyes.png)
    415 KB
    Th-that was so beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)00:59 No.4835701

    my fixation with the lovely Emjay has nothing to do with wanting to turn her into a board meme.

    >or maybe it could be that you're just paranoid. just maybe.
    >> Cutesy !bloNd/iatI 08/11/11(Thu)01:00 No.4835703
    We needa party sometime soon!
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)01:06 No.4835725
         File1313039205.jpg-(8 KB, 183x251, 1241145859438.jpg)
    8 KB
    Hate to break it to you bro but you fucked a dude. Those 5 days of drinking must have really messed up your senses.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)01:07 No.4835728

    but are u 21?
    >> Cutesy !bloNd/iatI 08/11/11(Thu)01:08 No.4835734
    18, but she lives in Canada so I am pretty sure it's 18
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)01:11 No.4835742
    18 in Quebec, 19 everywhere else
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)01:12 No.4835746

    oh ya huh it's 18 for Canadians
    >> Cutesy !bloNd/iatI 08/11/11(Thu)01:13 No.4835748
         File1313039581.jpg-(7 KB, 316x202, sad_frog.jpg)
    7 KB
    >That feeling when you wont get to party with Maryjane for a whole another year.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)01:13 No.4835751
    18 in Quebec, Alberta and Manitoba*
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)01:13 No.4835752
    18 in Manitoba and Alberta too.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)01:13 No.4835753

    18 in Alberta as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)01:18 No.4835776
    bloody canadians r yankee's bitches mate
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)01:42 No.4835846
         File1313041337.jpg-(34 KB, 809x886, Untitled.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)10:02 No.4836717
         File1313071325.png-(455 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-3833115.png)
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    >that feel when i missed my chance for canadian citizenship
    >emjay threads remind me of that feel
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 08/11/11(Thu)10:59 No.4836812
         File1313074759.jpg-(46 KB, 500x500, memes-crumpets.jpg)
    46 KB
    She lives in Canada? Hmm...I happen to be going over there to see some family in the next year or so.

    Maybe we should get together...

    Drink some tea, have some scones and crumpets and you know, stuff.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)12:10 No.4836946
    >Implying Canada isn't a huge land mass, larger than the US, and the chances of you two being in the same place isn't minuscule
    >> Anonymous 08/11/11(Thu)12:47 No.4837014

    shouldn't be hard to spot mj's huge ass
    >> Storm Petrel !HQmqe0QeaQ 08/11/11(Thu)12:49 No.4837023
         File1313081392.jpg-(34 KB, 440x429, 1312824421415.jpg)
    34 KB
    Happy Birthday, Mary Jane!

    Here's a picture of an albatross!

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