Macro's, demotivationals, meme's and other funny lolita pictures and gifs go here
Still one of my all time favorites.
>>4828757This makes me fucking happy.
I'm going to dump a bit. Can someone PLEASE point me to the image that was on this board in the first few pages that says a cartoon cat saying "I just want to hug every human"? Thanks in advance.No idea what thread it was in..
>>4828922i read that in the guy's voice even before i recognized the commercial it was fromhow is this possible
why do I have so many loli picsI'm not even a lolitaI just lurk here too much :c
>>4829051I can one-up you, I made >>4828754>>4829019>>4829051and I didn't self post.
>>4829045what... what IS this?
>>4829075lolol, they're good ones.
>>4829086kawaiibabyboo aka amacupcakeaka that 20+ year old who got banned from the comm sales for begging and then cursing people out when they wouldn't give her free brand.
>>4829045I have to see this person in real life at meets.Why can't my internet be free of her?!??! I just can't escape.
>>4829129It's ok. You didn't know.Here, have a bunny as a sign of forgiveness.
>>4829297There is a sweet one to go with this set... do you have it too?
Almost forgot to finish posting the series there for a moment hahaDarned captcha and 'flood detector' mixed with "oh, what's on this side of the internet??"
>>4829330lol! I have a distraction problem lately too, thanks for posting though.
>>4829222I often tell people "I also have a secret pony" when I'm getting to know them.
>>4829473Was good until..>/gcl/
Bump for more !
>>4828993Come on, it's better with text
>>4831480Version two, and I'll dump what else I have.
>>4831485Helps if I actually post the picture herp derp
Making image macros is the best use of lolita fashion photos. Seriously.
>>4831480Sure is, but I didn't have any. So I posted it. Thanks for posting.
>>4831744I'm a kuro/gothic lolita, but oooooh that doughnut tower is mighty tempting...