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  • File : 1312881578.jpg-(218 KB, 500x667, 1312880906929.jpg)
    218 KB Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)05:19 No.4827468  
    I was on a MLP thread on /b/ and found this. Obviously it's supposed to be Applejack.

    So I'm asking you, /cgl/. Who is it and is there more?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)05:23 No.4827476

    No. One of the worst gijinka I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)05:30 No.4827488
         File1312882243.jpg-(89 KB, 570x402, Applejack.jpg)
    89 KB
    Dear Applejack cosplayers.

    Could you at least TRY to make the hat look like hers? Her hat is specifically listed as a Stetson hat. Now, most cosplayers aren't going to go buy a genuine Stetson cowboy hat. Or necessarily even a wool one(but you can get one for less then $20)

    But if you're stuck with a straw one, can you at least paint it the right color?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)05:39 No.4827500

    >Her hat is specifically listed as a Stetson hat

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)05:45 No.4827513
    Right on the wikipedia page.

    Though I'm not finding where they actually get that information from. Most other places just list it as a brown cowboy hat.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)05:55 No.4827525
         File1312883730.jpg-(949 KB, 1331x738, 7243450abd39ef93492ebc5bdd1aa9(...).jpg)
    949 KB
    I also don't like when cosplayers cut the "hole" in the front, when it's just a stylized cowboy hat.

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