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  • File : 1312836461.gif-(306 KB, 500x202, daddykins.gif)
    306 KB !xLln/MHtZE 08/08/11(Mon)16:47 No.4824371  

    Sooooooooooo am I the only one who was sorely dissapointed, not with the attendees who were, as usual, bar wetflame...(I mean what), wonderful.

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:50 No.4824386
    Nom was a complete dissapointment this year. After last year they were considered one of the best in Ireland but I guess they shouldn't have rested on their laurels
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:55 No.4824403
    so any photos who going to euro cosplay
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:00 No.4824422
    who won anyway? I couldn't stay in the closing ceremony as it dragged on for so long.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:07 No.4824440
    I think it was that guy who was cosplaying Jareth.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:10 No.4824451
    hentai panel was disgusting. Obviously to be expected but this was beyond anything that I could have imagined
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:10 No.4824452
    I see Team Giblets did they do a skit
    >> Hamstercheeks !L4oha2k39o 08/08/11(Mon)17:11 No.4824455
    It was Jareth, he was pretty accurate and amazing.

    Wow...that Sunday night party...was so hardcore!
    >> twistyfries !t7.Z/2Gt7A 08/08/11(Mon)17:14 No.4824459
    wasn't it just? Sitting on the floor for an hour being told to be quiet. What was it, summer camp?
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)17:17 No.4824467
    He made his costume himself, It was boss.

    NomCon was absolutely shit.
    Surprised people didn't demand refunds and that the hotel didn't just shut It down.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:20 No.4824474
    Aside from being his usual self, what did wetflame do?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:21 No.4824476
    So what made nomcon shit this year I dint go did think about it
    >> twistyfries !t7.Z/2Gt7A 08/08/11(Mon)17:22 No.4824480
    the hotel staff were fucking ridiculous. They were fine at nom2010 and arcade con so what changed?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.4824505
    Any pics?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:32 No.4824509
    completely unorganised, events were delayed for up to 2 hours, rescheduled or cancelled all together. Games room was tiny, like the size of a hotel room with very little consoles or supervision. Karaoke was advertised every day and was cancelled everyday due to them not having the proper equipment. Staff were rude and unhelpful and serious complaints were not treated seriously or respectfully at all. Con staff also broke hotel rules and their own con rules. Attendees were treated as brats at, as twistyfries said, a summercamp. The guests were also treated very badly. They didn't know if they were coming or going communication was so bad. Signings were changed time and time again.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)17:38 No.4824527
    I don't think that NomCon actually interacted with them and that was the problem
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:41 No.4824546
    Nom prom was fun :D Everything else was terrible and the waiting was total bullshit. Wetflame took a picture of me and said ''I'll see what i can do in photoshop'' but I think she was joking :P I can see why it was called ''queer-con'' too.. I don't believe I talked to a single straight person this weekend XD
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)17:45 No.4824560
    Actually, ArcadeCon was queer con haha.
    But yeah, Wetflame didnt do anything as far as I know. Least of everyone's worries and I have to say props to her for keeping things low key in comparison to previous cons.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:52 No.4824591
    Did anyone hear about the staff ken who called kerry a pedophile because she was with a 15 year old (she's 22) They burned his pass and banned him from all cons XD
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)17:54 No.4824604
    No they didn't? He still has his pass and he's not banned from any cons. What kind of derpface are you?!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:56 No.4824615
    he wasn't staff and he wasn't the one who called her a pedo. It was another guy. Get your facts right.
    >> Hamstercheeks !L4oha2k39o 08/08/11(Mon)17:57 No.4824619
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    That was out of line banning him, if he was saying lies, i'd get it, but not otherwise!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:58 No.4824622

    I am curious as to what I did at previous cons. I've only ever done anything on the forums really, and that's largely because I just hate the way most forums work, the effect they have on people and am pretty vocal about it. I think part of the issue is communication and it's much easier to come across better in person. I still talked about largely the same things I've been going on about with a few people, I'm not completely different in real life, it's just easier to see where I'm coming from and things don't tend to escalate in the same way.

    I'd also appreciate if people who know me even vaguely didn't use that name, I don't use it anywhere anymore and the only reason to pick it out of the myriad I still do use is to link me up with rather dodgily chronicled past events.


    This is really unfair. I'll agree the con was plagued with difficulties and it did make it hard to enjoy at times, but the staff were working flat out and trying their best. Simply put the Hotel were not being cooporative and the Con was faced with something like twice the number of people they'd actually expected.

    I knew a few people staffing pretty well, Amy, Fitzy, Fionn etc. and I could tell they were pretty swamped, the committee were even worse, at one point Liz came up to me drawing attention to the fact that she had coffee in one hand and an energy drink in the other. Sinead was lovely to me and always had time for a quick word even though I haven't always been nice to her in the past.

    While the delays sucked, the Hentai panel was great, Room 101 was great, Anime Hell was great, I can think of a few other things I enjoyed.

    It was difficult for myself and others getting back into town too, since it was crowded and a bit messy it was easy to get seperated from people, this is when I started to panic.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:59 No.4824629
    Those girls made me very uncomfortable being all over each other all the time in very public spaces but when I found out their ages I was truly disgusted
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)18:04 No.4824644
    I do apologize, I'm merely referring to the fact that people do tend to badmouth you and that you didn't do anything at this con so I am merely trying to defer attention from you being madmouthed in this thread dear.

    Actually he did and admitted to It.
    But uh.. yeah.. They were fucking gross anyway
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:04 No.4824646

    if they had been a het couple(before you found out the age difference) would you have been disgusted? Touchy feely couples can piss me off but disgusted is a strong word.

    Of course it's pointless asking this since homophobes tend to be "clever" about it these days instead of admitting to it, but this is 4chan...
    >> 7-up 08/08/11(Mon)18:06 No.4824650
    That Ken guy was staff, but I dont think he's banned from all cons or anything. I mean, he only got kicked out for calling it like it is, and thats calling a pedofile a pedofile, seems like a silly reason to kick him off staff actually!! I would've given him a medal!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:06 No.4824652
    I'm simply giving my point of view. I know none of the staff personally so it is an outsiders opinion. The numbers they had last year were 1200? I think and they should have expected at least a 200 person increase to 1400 just in case. Instead they presumed it would be smaller due to a small crowd at arcade con and did not make any preparations.

    also, equipment problems would have been easy to sort out far in advance. The gaming room last year was large and comfortable, this year it was hell.

    The panels I attended were fun which was mostly due to the people running them. However they were all delayed and moved which made them difficult to find. For 30 euros I would like to be able to go to events advertised without needing to go on a treasure hunt
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)18:07 No.4824655
    AHAHA of course.
    You do realize that most of the people complaining about them were gay or bi right?
    Oh but of course not, you know how they loved calling a gay member of staff at a previous con a homophobe for telling them to stop dry humping in the middle of the bar after them recieving a number of complaints
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:09 No.4824666
    that had nothing to do with it. If it was a guy and a girl all over each other I would be uncomfortable, if it was a guy and a guy I'd be the same. I used the word disgusted due to finding out that one girl was 22 and the other 15. Again if it had been a 22 year old guy and a 15 year old girl (or vice versa) I would have the same reaction
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:09 No.4824667
    People need to chill the fuck out. I thought it was amazing, and the guests just made it better.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:11 No.4824670
    most of the guests were beyond pissed off especially at that shambles of a signing on sunday
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:11 No.4824672

    I enjoyed the con overall but the waiting made it tiring. Again, not really the staff/committee's fault, though they could have been better prepared.

    I was wearing a corset for much of the time and when it started to get hot and stuffy it was uncomfortable.

    Hopefully they'll move to a better venue next year.

    Thanks to all of the staff for their hard work, just a shame things worked out the way they did. Still a good con overall anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:12 No.4824673

    Curious as to where you heard this.
    >> Hamstercheeks !L4oha2k39o 08/08/11(Mon)18:12 No.4824675
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    14 is under the legal age here, so it just feels wrong seeing an adult slytherin all over one.

    Feels bad man.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)18:13 No.4824679
    The guests left because they were treated like shit.
    Have fun trying to save the con after your special guests leave because they cant fucking stand the staff for being elitist dicks
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:13 No.4824682
    I didn't even know there was one. I just asked them to sign something when I saw them.

    Actually they are. If you remember how fucking awful the hotel staff are to the con goers, they have good reason to.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:14 No.4824687
    When did any of the guests leave? What are you talking about? They were all at the closing ceremony.
    >> 7-up 08/08/11(Mon)18:15 No.4824695
    Iunno, there's chilling out, but I find that hard to do in the presence of a pedofile, especially considering there is alot of kids present at these things. It's disgusting really.

    It's only giving cosplayers a bad name, and if conventions are going to let this kind of stuff go on, they are not helping the situation, and are going to only get a bad reputation for themselves.
    >> Hamstercheeks !L4oha2k39o 08/08/11(Mon)18:17 No.4824705
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    I was sitting at the bar and I heard them talking about it, apparently Kyle had left, but came back because Veronica was too nice to leave. So much ridiculous shit annoyed me this con.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)18:17 No.4824706
    You see, some of us actually asked the guests how they felt because we felt sorry for them for the shite they had to put up with.
    They left the con any time they had the chance.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:18 No.4824710

    Gonna be controversial here and point out that laws don't dictate morals, it should be the other way around, and that 15 years is the legal age in many countries.

    I guess I'm a bit sensitive over this given how badly the media handled the David Norris "scandal".

    "Think of the children" tends to get on my nerves fast since very often it involves dehumanising young adults and treating them like fragile vases. Yes, we should have done more to protect children from abusive priests etc. but being overprotective in this regard doesn't help.

    It's entirely possible the 15 year old initialised the relationship and that their emotional maturity is about equal. 15 year olds tend to be more or less sexually mature; calling someone a pedophile implies they're specifically attracted to children, if someone is physically the same as an adult, that's not really quite correct. While people tend to be stupid at that age, not everyone is and I think it's really unfair to write someone off as a pedophile, which generally implies kiddie rape, for being in such a relationship.

    I think people assign too many expectations to age.

    I'm not saying it was a good idea to sprawl yourself over a 15 year old in public, really, it probably isn't. But sometimes these things happen and I don't think someone deserved that kind of comment for it. For all you know they actually felt really guilty about it, people have weird ways of dealing with things.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)18:20 No.4824720
    > their emotional maturity is about equal

    Yes, that's why the girl spent most of the con crying, because she was emotionally mature.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:23 No.4824738
    Fucking steaming pill of shit con.... It was like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatiting and technical errors and blah! I'm never going there again. Roll on eirtakon and arcadecon and akumakon.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:23 No.4824739
    I agree with this.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)18:27 No.4824762
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    Dem cons
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:28 No.4824767
    Out of interest, would it help if Nom Con issued some kind of explanation/apology for the issues? Would it make people more likely to come back?

    Keep in mind it looks like they're changing venues next year, so I don't think the same issues will occur.
    >> Stanlay 08/08/11(Mon)18:30 No.4824777
    However you feel about the staff guys. They may have worked to the bone but it did not pay off. Shit was seriously unprepared. 3 Hour Waiting for skits? How can you justify that?
    >> Hamstercheeks !L4oha2k39o 08/08/11(Mon)18:31 No.4824782

    You there, I agree.
    Honestly that girl is younger than my little sister, and if a 22 year old went near them, there'd be war. If its love, let them wait the two years to be legal.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:32 No.4824786
    agreeing with this. And whats this I heard about staff being on the roof?
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)18:34 No.4824790
    That made me laugh so hard.
    Fucking idiots made it so that for the Sunday, every single person in a room had to literally check in with bouncers and loads of people just ended up leaving.
    The staff were total gobshites
    >> 7-up 08/08/11(Mon)18:34 No.4824792
    They would have to make some big changes and enforce the law for people to consider coming back it seems. I don't think people want to pay 35 euro to wait around for stuff, and while waiting, have to watch a pedofile and a kid make out all day.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:34 No.4824793

    I'm pretty sure 15 is legal for actual physical contact. Nobody said they were having sex.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)18:35 No.4824801
    Oh don't you worry they hinted at It heavily themselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:38 No.4824813
    Hi Declan.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)18:41 No.4824830
    Declan isn't posting here you idiot
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 08/08/11(Mon)18:43 No.4824837
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    Oh It's beautiful.
    >> 7-up 08/08/11(Mon)18:47 No.4824851
    The Games room was running well enough, it just needed a bigger room for less heat and more space, and perhaps a better timetable for their events. Lots of the grunts were doing excellent work all weekend.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)18:50 No.4824866
    It was so small... and Brawl got removed after a short while which was ridiculous.
    They set up laptops and 1 player games at a con with over 1000 attendees... Yeah great idea, encourage socially awkward people to stay in their shells. Nice.
    >> Hamstercheeks !L4oha2k39o 08/08/11(Mon)18:51 No.4824871
    I know, small rooms just displease me when it comes to gaming.

    Some of the staffs attitude was shitty.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:53 No.4824881
    The staff's attitude was even shitty last year, too, though....
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)18:54 No.4824883
    As someone who wasted three years of her life in a sexual relationship with a guy 7 1/2 years older, I do have to say I totally disagree, especially when I consider myself then and now.

    The chances that a 15year old is emotionally mature enough to be with an adult is slim to none. Unless they've been in a situation where they are forced to grow up fast, they're emotionally immature and easily taken advantage of. Since a majority of them are vulnerable, and can be manipulated, that's why the law chooses to protect all of them instead of a case by case basis. It happens frequently. That's why there is a law.

    Going through it, it really messes you up. Any adult dating someone under the age of consent with a significant age difference should know better, and know that someone that young isn't ready for a serious relationship or someone you just have a fling with. It's a breech of trust and shows a lack of respect.

    In b4 "Well, I wasn't that stupid when I was 15 that I would let an adult take advantage of me." Yeah. You probably were.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:55 No.4824890
    wtf was the deal with sunday? waiting around 3 hours for those fucking pisspoor skits. the girl with the guitar song was terrible and it wouldnt end. then everyone had the sit on the floor like retards and listen to people play the fucking ukelele.brilliant way to end the weekend. i didnt know i was five.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:57 No.4824893
    >Since a majority of them are vulnerable, and can be manipulated, that's why the law chooses to protect all of them instead of a case by case basis. It happens frequently. That's why there is a law.

    Why is that law different in different countries? Also the law only protects against intercourse etc. - not relationships. At 15 it's still legal to make physical contact.

    I think you're judging by your own situation. Again, you were a dumb 15 year old. I was a dumb 15 year old. That doesn't mean every 15 year old is. A lot of the time, too, people like to section stuff off they did when they were younger to separate it from who they are now. People often convince themselves they've grown up more than they actually have.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:58 No.4824896
    Diet, for god's sake as a con-goer even I can tell that the con staff and comittee were up the their eyeballs with stress. Their were overworked, hell I even helped out a little near the end because they were stressed, some of them hadn't even had sleep I would guess. The hotel staff were absolute dicks.

    Hell I even heard con staff and con-goers alike getting kicked out of their hotel rooms and various complaints from EVERYONE about the hotel being complete dicks and screwing the con-goers over and even I and my mates feared for being kicked out of our room. That I think barely got fixed, maybe?

    Also one of my friends covered their con badges and was grand for bringing in food that way. So that just goes to prove that the hotel staff were dicks and main cause of the issues.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)18:59 No.4824899
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    Oh God brb crying
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)19:01 No.4824913
    Oh I am well aware of this and I agree entirely.
    However, that still does not excuse the majority of the staff's behaviour.
    >> Hamstercheeks !L4oha2k39o 08/08/11(Mon)19:03 No.4824926
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    >Their staff were over worked
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:05 No.4824928
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    Maybe Irish people are just less mature? Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me, with the amount of hassle people got going to from and the hotel and the con.

    I don't like that people are ignoring this though. Ireland is hardly the country I'd go to for consultation on social policy. Acting all super offended when people are defending what happens in countries that are fundamentally more civilised than Ireland(the Nordic countries for example).

    That said, I don't think I agree with the age of consent being 13 either. But clearly, it's a debate to be had, rather than this reactionary bullshit which won't help anyone.

    I can guarantee that being branded as being part of a pedophilic relationship will hurt that 15 year old more than the relationship itself. The same as racists who bitch about multiculturalism but are largely responsible for segregation themselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:06 No.4824931
    That was my cousin.
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)19:12 No.4824958
    >People often convince themselves they've grown up more than they actually have.
    Um, there's this whole process you go through as you grow up where see and understand the world and relationships differently. It's not being "more mature" so much as the brain actually changes.
    >That doesn't mean every 15 year old is.
    Most are. That's why all are protect instead of treated as a case by case basis.
    >Why is that law different in different countries?
    The average law of consent in first world countries is 16. There is no solid answer to what the right age is, and some places thing that 15 or 14 is okay, but again, the common majority is 16. Places that have age of consent really young usually have it young for religious reasons or lack of woman's rights.
    >Also the law only protects against intercourse etc. - not relationships. At 15 it's still legal to make physical contact.
    Sex is the only thing that leaves evidence behind that can be used in court.You can't make a law you can't uphold.
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)19:20 No.4824986
    The relationship itself hurt more. It just when you realize that the adult in the situation took advantage of you being infatuated, totally trusting him, and should have known better. Like I don't doubt that he loved me, but if he'd cared about me and not hurting me, he wouldn't have done that?

    People are really forgiving when you're the younger person in the relationship, and there just reaches a point, "It was X years ago and everyone makes mistakes." I have been branded as a whore and slut by some people, but overall, most people feel the responsibility lies with the guy.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:24 No.4825004
    >People often convince themselves they've grown up more than they actually have.
    Um, there's this whole process you go through as you grow up where see and understand the world and relationships differently. It's not being "more mature" so much as the brain actually changes.

    Happens to different people to different degrees as different ages. I know 13 year olds easily more mature than half the people in this thread.

    >That doesn't mean every 15 year old is. Most are. That's why all are protect instead of treated as a case by case basis.

    Do you have anything to back up these statistics? And even if most were - why should it still not be treated on a case by case bases? Say a good 25% of 15 year olds were perfectly mature? Why should they have to wait 2 years?

    >Why is that law different in different countries? The average law of consent in first world countries is 16. There is no solid answer to what the right age is, and some places thing that 15 or 14 is okay, but again, the common majority is 16. Places that have age of consent really young usually have it young for religious reasons or lack of woman's rights.

    Common Majority means little, it's still a fact that civilised countries have a significantly lower age of consent than Ireland, not just ones with issues with women's rights. The point is that getting so offended by an arbitrary number which is up for speculation is ridiculous. You're basing your disgust on the FACT that 17 is the perfect age of consent, when it differs so readily from country to country.

    It, in of itself, is morally wrong because it puts reactionary thought on a higher level than rational discourse, which is why we can't have nice things.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:25 No.4825011

    Countries that have probably dumped far more money into research, child psychology etc. like Sweden have a lower age of consent. Until we at least exam how they came to this conclusion, getting offended by such a relationship is little more than dehumanising towards the 15 year olds that probably are mature enough for such a relationship.

    >Sex is the only thing that leaves evidence behind that can be used in court.You can't make a law you can't uphold.

    Actually if you look here -

    A couple of countries distinct between carnal and non carnal contact.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:26 No.4825019
    I actually liked her song. Sure it dragged on a bit and she didn't have the most amazing singing voice ever, but it sounded like she put quite a lot of effort into it.

    For the other skits, the dances dragged on a bit too long though they were entertaining. The Heartless guy was awesome, so was the Pope. I loved the Bronies, even if they could have done with more practice (definitely would have liked to talk with the girl cosplaying Rainbow Dash a bit more, she seemed like a great person). The DMC skit was godawful. I think thats all of them?

    The delays are mostly understandable. One thing like a projector fucked up and the whole day's timetable gets pushed back. After the Murder Mystery (only real thing I didn't like) was delayed along with Weakest Loli because of technical messes they didn't really have much choice but to delay the rehearsals/MC Nom setup.

    Hotel staff were horrible. There's no reason at all to not let someone bring a bottle of water inside when they just bought it from the fucking shop in the hotel.

    Games room was fun, just revolving around the 4 consoles slowly getting raped at every fighting game possible was fine.

    Overall I still loved the whole event. Maybe it's just because it was my first con and I have nothing to compare it to, or maybe it's because I wasn't sober for the whole weekend, but it was worth going to and I plan on doing it again next year.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:28 No.4825031

    You're not the one who's girlfriend is being accused of being a child rapist, and being personally accused of having no responsibility or maturity over their body.

    Whether or not the adult in question is taking advantage of the 15 year old is questionable, it's not a fact and assuming it to be so is insulting.

    Whereas it's a fact that this is going to be upsetting and distressing for her.

    This is why I don't buy this concern, at all. People just like to have something to make them feel wholesome over, whether or not it's actually right or wrong or it hurts someone, is secondary to that vaguely justified feeling you get typing shit about someone on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:33 No.4825058

    Best posts in the thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:36 No.4825090
    well your cousin is shit
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:42 No.4825123
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    Hold the fuck up.

    >>hotel didn't just shut It down.

    Really is that because the con staff were dicks or because the hotel staff shoudl've have tossed people out for having a good time. Hell I did(have a good time that is). Seems you agree and side with the hotel on this issue.

    >>I don't think that NomCon actually interacted with them and that was the problem

    It was obvious even to me that the hotel staff were standoff-ish. It seemed that everytime the hotel staff were doing something to the convention it was standoffish.

    >>The guests left because they were treated like shit.

    How would you know this actually considering the fact that I don't think you were on staff. Granted I don't know your name and I actually SAW Veronica and Kyle at the closing ceremony. I remember hearing them saying the they enjoyed it greatly, back when I was talking to her about the pokemon badges and giving Kyle a pair of magatama since we had extra stock. So... yeah.

    >>They left the con any time they had the chance.
    Really? Cause I saw them at the bar and walkign aroudn everytime I saw them.

    >>Dem cons

    Hold the fuck up. This seems like you may have been staff at one of these and I'd flat out call unfair bias on these posting of yours because of it.

    That was the htoel staff enforcing that actually as far as I'm aware I don't think the con-staff would actually have a chance to pull this sort of thing off.

    Case in point form last page reload you say you agree with what I posted and yet are being a total dick about it. And contradicting youself.

    TL;DR Version: Pic related.
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)19:43 No.4825132
    Yeah, but I was the one taken advantage of.
    To be blunt, the adult in the situation is the one responsible for putting the brakes on the situation. If you're really into an underage person and care about them, you fucking wait.
    My disgust is based on I've been a victim, and met other victims, and seen how badly they were hurt. Yes, some people can handle it. I'm not denying that. But from what I've learned through my college education is most can't. You wait because you can do that for someone you truly love. Either that, or you're mature enough that you can keep said relationship secret and not sic the law on them in revenge if it doesn't work out.

    In the end, it's a question of what's better as often the case in law, outlawing something that protects more people then it harms?

    Personally, I'm a fan of the age of consent being 16.

    Erm, my opinion of Sweeden aside, I find that interesting--I'm an American and didn't know about that. I wonder how they handle that legally.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:51 No.4825167

    >Erm, my opinion of Sweeden aside, I find that interesting--I'm an American and didn't know about that. I wonder how they handle that legally.

    Why you no like Sweden?
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)19:52 No.4825175
    Just the politics.
    >> Rebuttal YummyYumYumdrop 08/08/11(Mon)19:57 No.4825192
    Actually, The guests had a great time. Veronica Taylor i spoke with after the con when she made a fun late on sunday, She said everything was great.

    However, One thing that annoys me is how the nom-con staff get so defensive saying like." Every con has its delays." Yeh thats true. But not for THREE FUCKING HOURS. How can you justfiy that?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:58 No.4825195

    In what capacity? I don't know why anyone would pick Sweden to be offended at. If they were afraid of soshalism, they currently have conservatives in there, so the current situation isn't conductive to it.

    There's also the fact that Sweden just works better than the US overall, less poverty, better services, better protected personal freedoms, etc. and it's still easy to do business there. I just to tend to like stuff that works well, rather than having an allegiance to any particular political model. I can't understand the mentality of people who get upset over things that work.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:59 No.4825203

    Belgium is pretty great too. Here's a good article about it:
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)20:00 No.4825207
    ITT: Age is like RPG levels and when you get to level 16 you automatically get awarded the "Maturity" feat.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)20:03 No.4825228

    Exactly what I thought when I read:

    >15 year olds should always be judged as immature
    >Personally, I'm a fan of the age of consent being 16.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)20:12 No.4825261
    >implying that teenagers don't mature greatly between the ages of 14, 15, and 16
    >I hope you're not that stupid.

    No, you're not automatically mature by the age of 16, but 16 year olds are harder to dupe/take advantage of then a 14 or a 15 year old. They're a lot better at thinking for and handling themselves. 16 years olds still have growing up to do, but they're choice making capacity is considered better developed.

    And if you think that a year doesn't make a big difference in a teenage psych, I don't think you understand the psychology of the people you're debating that well.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)20:16 No.4825269
    I thought the law was there for a reason? Seemingly not these days..
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)20:24 No.4825297
    I don't feel like going into it, things I've heard from a family friend living in Sweeden.

    The teenage brain matures greatly in the span of a year. The idea with age of consent is to pinpoint the youngest age a youth can no longer be taken advantage of, and make the choice for themselves. 16 years old is when youth are fully able to comprehend what they're consenting to and the consequences of it. I agree with it because the research studies I've read about the development and choice making skills of the teenage mind.

    How age of consent law works-

    Course I'm starting to feel I'm arguing with a bunch of people who feel their sexual freedom is more important then all else. So I'm bowing out.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)20:24 No.4825298
    No, I have never staffed at a con so don't you dare put blame on the other cons because of me. Before this years con I had Nom-Con on a freaking pedestal, but this year I can honestly say It was the shittest con I have ever been to.

    >I saw them walking around every time I saw them
    Well generally, genius..

    I was agreeing that the hotel staff were being rude, yet I was also saying that there was probably a lack of communication between the 2 parties.

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)20:40 No.4825365

    Again, the law differs from country to country, and it only covers carnal, not non-carnal contact. They were doing nothing illegal.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)20:42 No.4825371
    >Course I'm starting to feel I'm arguing with a bunch of people who feel their sexual freedom is more important then all else. So I'm bowing out.

    Or just people who are trying to maintain a rational point of view as you're not really providing any evidence for the great majority of teenagers suddenly maturing in a year.

    Don't get upset when people call you out on having a flimsy argument, even if Irish law is on your side, as if that's meant to mean something.
    >> HexTex !oKQZQ6vSAw 08/08/11(Mon)20:47 No.4825400
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    This sums up the con for me
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)20:47 No.4825403
    Sure looked illegal from what I saw and others saw.. They were all over each other at Arcade con too from what I heard. Either way it's not something I want to see when I pay 35 euro to get in, legal or not, two people all over each other at a convention. I hope it doesn't occur at Eirtakon, the next convention in Ireland that Im aware of.
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)20:51 No.4825426
    I sorta thought that was common knowledge. Sorry.
    >> HexTex !oKQZQ6vSAw 08/08/11(Mon)20:52 No.4825430

    They were ridiculous at Arcade-Con , they were warned by staff and they just took the piss with it , the ate the face of each other for most of the con. Like this how argument about if its right or wrong is pointless I could support murder morally doesnt mean the law will change , she is a pedo for what she does and should be treated as such.
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)20:57 No.4825453
    Again, I never said they "suddenly matured" but that 16 is what I feel, and what is usually considered in most states here in America as the point a teenager understands the consequences of what they're agreeing to.

    But go ahead and put words in my mouth to make me sound worse. That's what I'm totes saying. I also never said anything about Irish law, especially as it's not on my side?

    I'm not sure how my argument is flimsy when the counter is >people only think it's wrong because they want to look down on someone!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)20:57 No.4825455

    "While these studies have shown remarkable changes that occur in the brain during the teen years, they also demonstrate what every parent can confirm: the teenage brain is a very complicated and dynamic arena, one that is not easily understood."

    Sigh. Nowhere does it mention the age of 16 as such an extreme turning point. I actually had to skim through those, please do so yourself in future before posting them. It happens pretty consistently up until the age of 18, and even then "maturity" is still different from overall development.


    That was bad form for them, but calling her a pedophile isn't going to help. A pedophile is someone who is attracted to children. If she's attracted to someone who is physically adult then she is obviously not a pedophile. It may still not be an appropriate relationship, but applying such demonising labels and trying to push them as fully as possible is bad form too.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:05 No.4825491
    Whomever was on about it should be dealt with on a case by case basis obviously forgets that doing so is very time and resource consuming, and would slow down their entire system of dealing with things.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:15 No.4825529

    Not really when these things have to be taken to court anyway eventually.
    >> HexTex !oKQZQ6vSAw 08/08/11(Mon)21:16 No.4825535

    I view Ryo as a child not as an adult , she doesn't even physically look like a mature adult yet alone act like one , and also Kerrie's previous boyfriend was also 4 years younger then him and I find it odd that when he reached the legal age of consent she dumped him? seems oddly like a pedophile
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:20 No.4825550
    It would slow down the process of actually taking them to court in the first place, there is no "not really" at all, it most certainly would make things more resource and time consuming and make each case drag out longer than needed.

    Also if it was dealt with on a case by case basis, then it wouldn't be fair, as then the same law couldn't apply to everyone and would be redundant.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:22 No.4825556

    But the same law can't be applied to everyone. This is the difficulty in dealing with such things.

    A lot of things need to change. But the idea of having a relationship with a 15 year old branding you as a pedo for life just seems horribly wrong to me and probably a lot more damaging to that person than the relationship would be to the 15 year old.

    There's such a mob mentality in this thread.


    Sorry, that's just fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:22 No.4825558

    But the technical definition of a pedo means they're attracted to prepubescent children. Young though she may be, if she's hit puberty it's not technically pedophilia. It's Ephebophilia.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:27 No.4825570
    Didn't one of the dudes who called her a pedofile previously date her? Or am I heavily mistaken here? If so, I figure he'd know if she was or not?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:27 No.4825572
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    Oh god! You're trying to use proper definitions of things! That stops us from being complete assholes and calling people pedos, trying to ruin their social lives while acting like we're somehow morally just! Where will we be if we can't complain about how a relationship is hurting a 15 year old while we make her life miserable through much more efficient means! No! it's too much!!!! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)21:30 No.4825584
    >also has read them thoroughly, you asked for proof that the teenage brain changes significantly within a year
    >points at article before about age of consent

    Teenage brain develops rapidity, 16 is when child psychiatrist think the brain's choice making process has developed enough to be able to comprehend the development. It's not a "sudden change", it's the point where the brain has developed enough.

    16 is not an extreme turning point and I did not say it was. I keep saying it's not. It's the point where has developed enough. Age of consent is about looking for the youngest point the brain has developed enough. It's 16 and not 15 because that sudden growth of gray matter produces significant changes all through the teenage years.

    There is nothing out there says X is the perfect age for law of consent, there is no one big turning point in the teenage development. Hence the "psychologists give their input for when is the best time" and why there is different laws of consent even in different states. There is no clear answer. I've even said, it's my _opinion_.

    Seriously, how can you be this dumb?

    When you're in the young 20's and if you only do it once, people get that people make mistakes when they're young.

    I just...can't believe none of you seem to realize how damaging a relationship like that is to a young person who isn't ready for that sort of thing.

    A lot of people grow up to realize someone they trusted completely breached their trust in one of the worst ways possible, there's a lot of confusion and pain to work through.
    >> HexTex !oKQZQ6vSAw 08/08/11(Mon)21:32 No.4825588

    I love how you explained your reasonings there


    Your a hero
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:39 No.4825616

    And honestly, hun, it's not your place to say whether some girl you have never even met is or is not ready for that sort of thing.

    You seem to be projecting what happened to you and how you felt about it onto a completely different situation and that's not cool either. Maybe the relationship is perfectly healthy, maybe it's not. Point is you're making brash judgments on other people because of something that happened to you.

    Perhaps you should bow out of the argument because you're not changing anyone's minds.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:40 No.4825624

    and only working yourself up about something that obvious still bothers you.*

    WTF stop eating my words.
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)21:44 No.4825643
    "They pretend that a 12-year-old can consent to sex with an adult, but some stupid law just pretends otherwise. Or they pretend that a 12-year-old can consent to sex with an adult, but we should keep the adults from taking them up on the offer because, well, it’s just icky.

    Too often, they don’t get the fact that the 12-year-old cannot consent to sex with an adult, period, and that any said “sex” under such circumstances is therefore rape. "

    Thread in a nutshell. Welcome to 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:45 No.4825648
    Yes, clearly the person who's actually providing reasonable logic and examples in this situation as opposed to just blindly defending something should back out of this arguement. Sorry Tommi, but your going to have to rethink that.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)21:48 No.4825657
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:53 No.4825673

    They're proving nothing. They even said themselves it's 90% their opinion and they keep bringing up personal experiences.

    And is now comparing a 12-year old with a 15 year old and is acting like there's sex going on.

    Who says they're having sex? Because they're making out? Statutory rape laws and age of consent involve sex, not making out in public.

    Skeevy? Maybe. But it doesn't make the girl a pedophile especially since it involves a teenager not a child.
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)21:54 No.4825677
    Oops wrong link, it's just a summery of the legal state of statutory rape laws basically.
    Please do not call me hun. That said, my stance has been researched and thought a lot about, I don't feel a 15 year old can legally consent and explained why, and I do think adults do need to take some responsibility and keep in mind what is best for their partner then acting on what they personally want. They are the ones with the best choice making capacity in the situation.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)21:54 No.4825680
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    So If a 40 year old touches a 16 year old It's perfectly ok?
    Oh right..
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)21:57 No.4825690

    >huurduur let me go to extremes cuz I have no argument.

    A 24 year gap is way different from a 7 year one.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:00 No.4825707
    isnt this thread supposed to be about how shit nomcon was instead of talking about this pedo girl?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:02 No.4825715
    There's a difference?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:02 No.4825720

    Again, opinions. YOU don't think they can but others disagree, including the age of consent laws in many first world countries.

    What about 15 year olds who have sex with 16 or 17 or even 18 year olds? Hell I could go younger than that 13 and 14 year olds doing the same? Or is it okay because they're all underage?
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)22:03 No.4825727
    Pedo girl ruined NomCon for people by getting others banned and her and her girlfriend bawwing the whole freaking time.

    >It doesn't make the girl a pedophile especially since it involves a teenager not a child.

    Oh oh wait what? What did you say again...??
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)22:04 No.4825738
    >never said 90% is opinion
    >said age of consent is decided by child psychologists who best understand how the teenage brain works
    >hasn't said anything about just making out

    And a 15 year old can't consent to sex either. They're not mature enough. It's as bad as taking advantage of a 12 year old. That's the whole fucking point. If they're just making out, that's really different.

    I proved everything you wanted to prove but a) none of you have reading comprehension b) none of you can think c) none of you can accept that such a lifestyle might be the slightest bit wrong.
    A 16 year old is more likely not be talked into or duped into a relationship or convincing that he's touching her to show he loves her, or just flat out taken advantage of.

    But if it's consensual. Weird, yeah, but if that's what they wanna do, that's what they wanna do.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:06 No.4825749
    >. I've even said, it's my _opinion_.

    If it's just an opinion, you can't judge someone so harshly on it because that judgement is itself another opinion. That's the point I'm getting at.

    Labeling someone a pedophile because they fiddled with an 8 year old is fine. Labeling someone a pedo based on an "Opinion" is not fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:06 No.4825751
    >>4825680 is if the 16 year old girl wants it and seduces him, didn't you read Lolita?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:08 No.4825768
    >. I've even said, it's my _opinion_.

    If it's just an opinion, you can't judge someone so harshly on it because that judgement is itself another opinion. That's the point I'm getting at.

    Labeling someone a pedophile because they fiddled with an 8 year old is fine. Labeling someone a pedo based on an "Opinion" is not fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:10 No.4825780

    A 15 year old can hold a job, a 15 year old can drive in some places. A 15 year old is nothing like a 12 year old and it's insulting to them that you would equate them to being the same.
    >> 7-up 08/08/11(Mon)22:12 No.4825796
    My problem is, even if it's opinion whether it's right or wrong or, it's still against the law and only going to give cosplayers and conventions a bad name if this sort of thing is allowed continue at conventions. Fact.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:17 No.4825826
    >And a 15 year old can't consent to sex either. They're not mature enough. It's as bad as taking advantage of a 12 year old. That's the whole fucking point.

    Oh, fuck off, seriously. 15-16: huge difference. 12-15, no difference at all. I would argue that if any year was the biggest change, it'd be 12, 13 or 14. Not 15 or 16.
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)22:17 No.4825829
    In America, we have age gap provision., so if there is an age gap, they are protected by the law. If you're not, wait. Underage sexual activity is discussion into the psych that is long and really not what you're interested in.

    I might point out that in the states, most states are actually 18.
    I'd be curious to see how many first world countries have what age of consent. I'm gonna go look at that know.

    Really,if you think differently cool. I don't care if you agree with me about what the exact law should be. I just get pissed when people think statutory rape doesn't haven't negative ramifications for the younger party and it's all about morality. It's more then that, people have more concerns that it being moral. I don't know why people care why I have my exact beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:18 No.4825834

    Sex is against the law. Besides if you look at them is one OBVIOUSLY of age an the other obviously not?

    We don't carry signs over our head with our ages on them and unless it is a 40 year old with a 16 year old you're not likely to look at a young couple and go "OMG that's illegal!".

    Unless, of course, homosexuality is illegal in your country.
    >> HexTex !oKQZQ6vSAw 08/08/11(Mon)22:22 No.4825846
    Easy way to solve this. If you see a 22 year old man feeling up a 15 year old boy on a train , would you sit there and go "yep thats cool" or report it?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:23 No.4825856

    How would you know their ages?
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)22:24 No.4825863
    Are you retarded? Like I mean are you actually special in the head?
    yes you following so far?
    her partner ok take it down If you think you'll forget
    this is illegal yes? okok I hope you're following, this is where things get difficult

    Okay I know that might have been a lot for you to take in, but If you need further explanation I will be more than willing to explain it to you.
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)22:25 No.4825866
    I never said the word pedophile. Just that I thought it was harmful to the younger party if there was sex.

    If it's illegal in the country it's happening, and there was sex, I am going to judge them for not making the choice to wait.
    I never said the two had the exact same mentality. Just the having sex with either is just as bad to me because neither is ready to consent to sex or understand what they're consenting to. I stand by what I've read of the brain in each stage and from child psychologists that 16 is when the human brain properly understands.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:27 No.4825876

    No, not "in America" statutory laws very by state. I live in America I know. That's not what I was asking. I was asking if YOU were fine with it.

    My problem is you're acting like everyone is a completely gullible dumbass up until their sixteenth birthday.

    There may be a significant amount of development in that time, but you know what? That doesn't mean that's when they mature.

    Maturity happens at different rates for different people and brushing them all with some generic brush is insulting for everyone involved.
    >> HexTex !oKQZQ6vSAw 08/08/11(Mon)22:29 No.4825886
    Well any who to stick to the topic , Nom-con one of the worst cons I've been too , and their excuses were simply a way of denying that face
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)22:30 No.4825891
    The girl spent a con crying and uses an anime name and anime pictures as her profile pictures on facebook.
    She's not mature by any stretch of the imagination
    >> HexTex !oKQZQ6vSAw 08/08/11(Mon)22:31 No.4825894

    Really dude? your posting in a thread that started over an Irish-con that you haven't even been too? Jesus...
    >> 7-up 08/08/11(Mon)22:31 No.4825896
    I have a question. What does the 15 year olds parents think of this situation? Do they know that the 22 year old is that age?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:33 No.4825901

    Hey, before you call anyone retarded perhaps you should read what I responded to. Which is "OMG this will give cons a bad name if people see this going on!".

    How would anyone besides the two parties involved actually KNOW the ages of the two involved to make judgments on a whole community without being told?

    Point being unless you know, you're not going to judge and it's not going to give a whole community a bad name.


    Yes, and so is h.n. elly. She's in America too. Making judgments about people at a con she wasn't even at.
    >> HexTex !oKQZQ6vSAw 08/08/11(Mon)22:33 No.4825904

    The 22 year old lied to the parents of the 15 year old saying that she 16 years of age
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)22:34 No.4825907
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    The 22 year old told a staff member who casually asked her how old she was in conversation that she was 16 even though she had been wearing a 18+ con badge all weekend.
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)22:36 No.4825916
    Typo on my end, I did post the law of statutory law by state, and what states have age gap provisions.

    That's not what I've been saying. I keep saying 16 is the youngest the brain has developed to the point of understanding what sex is and the consequences. But they haven't fully matured. Do some younger then 16 understand the consequences? Yes. Do enough understand for the age of consent be lower? No. It's unreasonable to make the age of consent for the youngest mature person. It's for the majority.

    Most states are 18 as they're considered adults, they can consent to make sure even if they're still emotionally immature, they're considered a adult.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)22:37 No.4825919
    Because our con scene is small, we're not America, we're Ireland. The most we'd probably get at a con this year would be 1200 attendees.
    Everyone knows each other here.
    >> HexTex !oKQZQ6vSAw 08/08/11(Mon)22:37 No.4825920
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    You know when Irish people are bothered about something its serious
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:38 No.4825931

    You really aren't following this very well are you?

    They were referring to people not in the community. Why would someone in the community judge the whole community when they obviously know it's not a common thing?

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:40 No.4825937

    Again with your generalizations. But then, perhaps we should leave the Irish con thread to the Irish people who attended the con.

    This isn't a place for either of us as we didn't go and we're just continuing to derail the thread.
    >> 7-up 08/08/11(Mon)22:42 No.4825952
    Well, since Irish cons are alot smaller than american ones, being roughly 1200 people in size at most, and generally alot of people know everyone, it's not too hard to say alot of people might know the ages of the parties involved, particularly if one is going around with an 18+ pass, and the other has an under 16 pass.

    Well then, obviously the person in the relationship knows it is wrong and has something to hide in this case, if they're lying to the other persons parents.
    >> Hamstercheeks !L4oha2k39o 08/08/11(Mon)22:42 No.4825954
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    Noun:A person who is sexually attracted to children.

    The age of consent in Ireland is 17 for carnal contact, with non-carnal contact being allowed at 15, regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender

    The law is the law, if they get caught doing the horizontal tango, there will be consequences, its that simple. It feels like they're trying to baw their way out of this.
    >> HexTex !oKQZQ6vSAw 08/08/11(Mon)22:43 No.4825959

    I respect you insanely for that post
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)22:44 No.4825963
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    I never said anything about the people, I was involved in and interested in the ethnics age of consent discussion until peeps decided to flip out because I had to disagree with their right to fuck young teenager.

    And then not one of you have any good argument or research to even back up your claims, so that was a huge disappointment just one big "HOW DARE ANYONE SUGGESTS THIS IS WRONG!"

    You're the one saying I'm judging them personally. I don't know enough to judge. If they're not banging, they're doing the responsible thing, if they are, considering the law, that's playing with fire. That's my judgment of them. Happy now?
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)22:46 No.4825978
    I do believe It is you that aren't following this well.
    Read over It again for God's sake.
    Why the fuck would anyone give a shite about what others think of the community in general anyway. We're a bunch of faggots that dress up as cartoon/game characters.

    The issue here is that there are 2 people ruining other people's con experiences here by being all over eachother in public and then crying when people tell them to stop. It's not an issue of homophobia, It's an issue of pedophilia, especially when a gay person tells them It's making them uncomfortable.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)22:47 No.4825985
    Hmm yes, If you do leave It would actually be better because I'm going to be honest here but we're the ones who know the full details of the events and also the person in question's history
    >> h.n. elly 08/08/11(Mon)22:50 No.4825995
    Well, here's the fact. The law doesn't have time to treat everyone like a special snowflake. Generalizations have to happen. I've said there are exceptions, but the law is to protect the general public.

    So I'm out, just if they're going to play 'I want the last word' so will I.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:54 No.4826017
    Sooo... how 'bout that Nom-Con?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)22:56 No.4826025

    One last time. It went like this.

    >only going to give cosplayers and conventions a bad name if this sort of thing is allowed continue at conventions.

    >How will people know just by looking that one is of age a the other isn't to make that type of judgement?

    And then you came in.

    That was the only point I was adressing. No one outside of the community is going to judge the whole community because you can't tell by looking.

    Knowing and being upset because it made you uncomfortable and ruined your experience is a different and quite justifiable thing, that's fine rage about that. Now that I've cleared that up, I'm out.
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)22:57 No.4826029
    Grand Job.
    >> Ponies DerpyDerp! 08/08/11(Mon)23:03 No.4826051
         File1312858987.jpg-(149 KB, 614x429, 1302654534248.jpg)
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    This is now a Pony Thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)23:06 No.4826060
         File1312859219.png-(247 KB, 550x631, 1302405235013.png)
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    I Love ponies!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)23:14 No.4826090
    Well yeah, that seems to be the case, person seems to know it's wrong for sure then.
    >> PCITURES Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)23:15 No.4826093
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)23:16 No.4826107
    this con has a real fetish for ponies :p
    >> DietCoke !qXDxhOSt2Q 08/08/11(Mon)23:18 No.4826119
         File1312859915.jpg-(6 KB, 186x230, 1306531635887.jpg)
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    Yeah actually there was a load of ponies.. Even poison cupcake pinkie pie in the Murder Mystery..

    Pictures of Ponies eh? I can deliver..
    >> What this thread has turned into Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)23:22 No.4826133
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)23:23 No.4826136
    Wow. Way to go and ban someone for saying the truth. Makes perfect sense..
    >> Hamstercheeks !L4oha2k39o 08/08/11(Mon)23:25 No.4826145
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    Not even ponies helped.
    That Sunday night, ohlord. Lets just say nomcon's off that pedestal I put it on, and now its time for some other cons to step up. They're gonna have their work cut out from them after how the Sunday went.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)23:27 No.4826153
         File1312860446.jpg-(33 KB, 500x346, my-little-pony-friendship-is-m(...).jpg)
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    I think Pinkie speaks for most of us about what went down at this convetion.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)23:27 No.4826154
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)23:29 No.4826163
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)05:57 No.4827530
    I'm interested in hearing more about Nom Con, rather then the judging of this couple...

    I couldn't get the time off work to make it down, and was severely disappointed. But by the sounds of things I may have dodged a bullet... But hey, for all I know maybe it's just drama llama making all the noise.
    I'd like to hear some good oul feedback, the good and bad aspects, to hear what I missed.

    But from the relevant comments above... it seems like they'll really need to pull it out of the bag next year to recover, cos they disappointed a lot of people.

    It's a shame it didn't live up to last year for some people, cos last year was amazing!!

    Also - we've other cons to look forward to here as well. Save some of your bitching for when they come round ;)
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)06:35 No.4827576
    I don't think nom ran as well this year as it did last year, but that doesn't make it awful, it's just that you'll hear 10 bad comments for every good 1. tbh i think the delays were the fault of whoever was in charge of events, they're probably responsible for that 'amazing' send off party after the auction. I did really like some stuff too though, like the rave and maid cafe, also blew all my money in the dealers hall on actual good shit.

    But please nom, fire who ever thought that after party was a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)06:56 No.4827595
    Handful of events (almost nothing on sunday!)
    All events ran late (skits 3 hours late sunday)
    Most events were fucked up and badly organised
    Shit games room (really small, no games, shit tournaments, starcraft wtf)
    Shit rave with shit music and shit sound
    Surprise theme party? Lawl
    No security, no age checks, kids running around all fri/sat night in a bar with ppl drinking everywhere
    Hentai panel was disgusting
    Guests treated like shit (a few attendees came up to kyle herbert and veronica taylor and apologised cos the committee were doing nothing)
    No staff, no organisation
    No karaoke despite it being advertised all weekend
    ONE small screening room, with a small shitty projector that wasn't even level, showing shitty fanservice
    Pub quiz was a mess
    Speed dating, musical chairs, 'nomopoly', murder mystery? This a kid's birthday party or wtf
    Whole thing an excuse for committee to get drunk on fri/sat nights

    Yeah fuck that! Wasted 35 euros! Won't be back!

    Glad we have other cons to do things right in ireland.
    >> NOM? WillyBum 08/09/11(Tue)07:13 No.4827605
    omgeee nom con was so amazing omg black butler yaoi ponies zomg maids pocky animeeeeeeeee!

    Jeez. Fucking glad I didn't go to this. Heard awful things. Their morals and legalities need to be questioned.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)07:19 No.4827612

    Can we please keep this to actual complaints, trolling gets nowhere and you just look retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)07:24 No.4827617
         File1312889043.jpg-(28 KB, 499x700, Trolling-You-re-doing-it-wrong(...).jpg)
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    Maybe this will help? Poor things, they must be new to the internet.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)07:26 No.4827621

    What about the dealers hall? Only thing you haven't complained about
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)07:30 No.4827623
    Dealers hall was cool lots of good traders but you can get that at any con
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)07:41 No.4827636
    You said that already
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)07:44 No.4827640
    I have to say I will never be going again!
    All the events that I went to were extremly poorly organised. With the exception of the photobooth. the woman running that was amazingly helpful, kind and great at her job. but she was the only one!
    All the other staff member i came into contact with were extremly rude and at one point i asked the ginger haired girl in the trade hall a question about the timetable and she snapped at me to stop bitching about things and just ask someone else~
    Waiting times were ridiclous! i mean i was at @rcade con and the latest something ran was 20 mins. we were waiting four hours to get into the skits! and if i had a penny for every "we're having technical difficulties" I'd be a fecking millionare!
    The trade hall was ok but it opened late and closed early~
    But yeah, not happy with the con atall~
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)08:23 No.4827699
    I gotta say, though I would normally be trying to defend the con scene and say that we should be supporting them and trying to give good constructive crit, I can honestly say it is useless in this case, as I know that there were complaints last year on the waiting times, and about the child porn too.

    And this year was worse, so if they didn't learn from last year (which was actually great despite the delays and cancellation of the wig styling that I was looking forward too that apparently went ahead the next day but I missed)

    I doubt it will be any better next year.

    Though I don't blame the convention for the hotel staff being Dicks, they were pretty bad at Arcade-con too, though I did see some of them getting a bollocking by the committee at Arcade, it was funny to watch.

    Oh also, I went last year... they didn't have 1200, they had I would say max about 800 but no more then that
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)08:32 No.4827708
    Maybe it was because it was only my second con but I thought the cosplay's were pretty good. No fatso's as thin characters or brand clothes on the costume.

    I saw several good T&B cosplays,Tohou, a cpuple a good vocaloids and a neat Ryoji cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)08:35 No.4827712
    They're old site said about 1000, not 1200 and they haven't given numbers about this one
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)08:47 No.4827725

    Because maybe through these complains, improvements and changes can be made in the future for the better?
    Well excuse us for wanting to see a convention improve on it's faults and thinking that after paying 35 euro we are entitled to comment on how it was and give critique. Clearly we can't do that.

    And I think the issue with that relationship is that it's possibly going to get a convention shut down if they don't learn how to keep their hands to themselves, I'd rather not see the community I'm part of get a bad rep, just because two people can't keep their hands to themselves until it's legal.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)08:49 No.4827729
         File1312894155.jpg-(235 KB, 1024x768, 80f96f794af5d3dc18b99a7d54663f(...).jpg)
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    LOVE YOU! Have some delicious happy coffee!
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)08:52 No.4827733
    Why the fuck are people complaining about a hentai panel being disgusting? Its a hentai panel. You should have gone in expecting to see tentacle rape and hoping to see loli tentacle rape.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)09:18 No.4827753
         File1312895918.png-(630 KB, 796x664, pedo2.png)
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    Ok lets get some facts out.

    22 year old girl- considered a person of "influence" in a 15 year olds life due to the mere age difference. By IRISH law, having any form of sexual contact, including kissing, is VERY FUCKING ILLEGAL! - fact

    Ken was staff, Ken was banned.- just from nom con- fact.

    The guests were pissed off and left as often as they can. There was only one guest Liason, who is legally considered blind, and he stayed with Veronica Taylor all times, leaving the others to do their own thing. Their panels/events often ran late or not at all. - fact

    There was a serious complaint made by a girl who felt she was sexually assaulted and Nom did nothing about it- fact

    The case of the paedophilia was reported to Nom 3 times on Saturday Morning, directly to committee members, who decided to ignore it out of fear of seeming homophobic. I'm sorry but this ACTUALLY pisses off the gay people a little, using us as your excuse NOT to deal with paedophilia.. - fact

    Cosplay Chick- Absolute Bitch. yelling, being abusive, in front of young cosplayers, also showing clear favouritism. Marking people off lists and then saying "Oh I wont mark them off, I know them so I'll make an exception." - don't deny it we were all there and heard it.

    Many people have complained to me about how committee member's were calling them furries all weekend, and took serious offence to this.

    The hentai panel.. I knew 16 year olds that got into that. Bravo at your security Nom. People working the from desk are not legally trained to check ID's, also, someone who was CLEARLY over 25 even, marked under 18 due to lack of ID, Christ, get trained security.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)09:18 No.4827754
    we all know it takes people a huge amount of time, effort and money to run a con and we appreciate that. However at the end of the day they are providing a service and charging for it. If you paid 35 euros for a game of laser tag and were provided with only 3 guns for 7 people and had your game delayed 4 hours would you not have complaints? We had this with the eirtakon threads as well. People are too scared due to our small community and fear of getting attacked to say things on forums so 4chan seems to be the only way for now to voice opinions. Nom con 2010 is still the best con I've been to and it is sad to see how badly it went this year. I paid money for it, I essentially was a customer looking to get what I paid for and I didn't.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)09:21 No.4827758
    Animated Child pornography may be legal in Japan, but in most countries in europe it is against the law. So showing Shota is illegal. and should not have been done full stop. let alone two years in a row
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)09:42 No.4827791
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)09:45 No.4827794
    I love that I get this.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:14 No.4827816
    OK, I was going to stay out of this, but I have to say something.
    First of all, any complaints about the con, LET THE STAFF KNOW. They will listen to you if you express your concerns constructively.
    And secondly, all this pedo stuff has to stop. I was with them enough to know that they were not being inappropiate at all. You're not thinking about how much what you're saying hurts them.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:16 No.4827817

    I'm sorry you think this, but legally what they were doing is wrong. They were kissing inappropriately, and due to the age difference and the laws in Ireland, it is illegal. Look into the law before you decide if it was ok or not, because it was not ok.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:16 No.4827818
    Don't know about all these comments but I had a great time this weekend and so did my friends. Sure the delays weren't fun but all in all it was a good weekend. Just look on the nom-con facebook sure at all the nice responses. What I see above seems to be coming mostly from the same ten people and I've noticed @rcadecon being praised even which comes off as bizzare considering I heard it was much much worse with only 400 people turning up. Is it possible there are some jealousies present? There does seem to be some problems and I'm sure the people running the con will try better for next year. Peronally I really hate these cgl threads as they seem to be mostly trolls saying cruel and untrue things so perhaps we can stop this shite and stop smearing our own anime con scene?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:21 No.4827824
    The pedo stuff is bollocks and coming from the same few people who obviously are either over sensitive or who had personal problems with one of the girls and are are looking to be bitchy and troll them. >=I I think I know those girls and I didn't see anything inappropriate.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:25 No.4827827

    My god, learn the damn laws in the country. That's all I'm going to say.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:26 No.4827829
    As far as I know, kissing in fine if the younger person is 15 or older, as it falls under 'non-carnal' contact.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:27 No.4827830
    Oh god its like with Eirtakon all over again! Shut the fuck up and stop trolling our anime scene. There's some legit issues but mostly I'm seeing exaggerations and lies. Has anyone tried talking to committee? They all seem very nice and I'm sure they'll take your complaints and try improve on next year. They're only vollunteers trying to give us a good con. Would people prefer they didn't run it due to stress and insulting comments? Seriously grow up!
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:29 No.4827832
    Also bear in mind it's still a young con and most people probably need some more experience which they will get over time.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:34 No.4827836
    Bullshit a load of their committee are ex eirtakon they should know better and they have eirtakon to take as a starting point when organising everything
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:36 No.4827839
    OP is clearly Declan or one of his friends. Must be tough running a flop and then seeing another similar event running a month later in the same venue being successful
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:38 No.4827846
    I only know the director is ex-eirta staff and one person with experience is hardly enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:44 No.4827851
    Everyone here needs to take a chill pill. I mean you spend more money in the pub in one evening than getting a whole weekend full of events. It's pretty clear they worked hard and should be getting praise here for a job well done.
    >> idiots Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)10:46 No.4827855
    your all wrong, if you don't know anything don't say anything please.
    >> sage sage 08/09/11(Tue)10:55 No.4827872
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)11:07 No.4827894

    Stop posting here
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)11:19 No.4827916
    If we can't complain here where can we complain.

    Nom forums have no feedback thread.

    Too much waiting, things being cancelled all the time :( why no Kareoke nom con?! WELL!?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)11:20 No.4827919
    So many events didn't run on time, or were cancelled at short notice. Scheduling was crap. So many things I wanted to do where on at the same time, while nothing at all happened Sunday. There was poor communication between the con and attendees, leaving people waiting around for hours for things which were cancelled at short notice. The bar was closed, but they still forbade drinks. And there weren't near enough showings to fill in the gaps in the day.

    Good traders. Decent enough cosplay attendees. And yet, it was fun to meet people again, and I still managed to have a good time. Funny...

    Giogrea Acting
    >> sage Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)11:21 No.4827921
    >> Fail Toast Lover 08/09/11(Tue)11:21 No.4827922
         File1312903312.jpg-(93 KB, 583x368, fail.jpg)
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    It saddens me to see Nom-Con disrespecting other conventions due to their own inadequicies and failures this year. I can only imagine that running a caonvention is indeed very stressful, and various unforeseen circumstances can make that all the more bothersome. However, the blatant trolling here by nom-con co-ordinators, accusations made against an anonymous OP as being a certain individual without proof (i don't know this person accused but feel sorry for him) leaves me with a very sour taste in my mouth for what nom-con represents and how appallingly their staff are representing their convention on this board. I have been to nom-con twice but i will no longer attend as the atmosphere that their committee has allowed to fester is rancid. You all, nom-con and some others need to wake up and save this from being your last con.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)11:29 No.4827936
    How is nom-con trolling? if anything they're getting trolled by people spreading rumours.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)11:38 No.4827957

    I was not at Arcade-con this year as I couldn't make it, but I had friends that went, and they said that Yes it was quiet, but it was well run, only one event got canceled (some starwars thing I think) and hardly anything ran late, and when it did it was only for a while or something...

    Just because it didn't get in as many people as Nom-con did this year, didn't mean Nom-con was better, or that Arcade con was a flop. It just meant that not enough people knew about Arcade-con, and nom-con was running off its reputation of last year... which it is clear to see, they failed to live up too... and people should stop comparing them to other conventions and perhaps let them address where they went wrong and possibly try to improve it for next year... because they have a lot to answer for.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)11:45 No.4827967
    There's one now actually.
    >> fail Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)11:50 No.4827970
    nom con just went completely downhill. i was there last year and enjoyed it and really had high expectations this year.

    but during the year all i heard was about how nom con were bitching about other cons and slyly hyping up their con while bringing down other cons because of personal issues between the committee and others

    Plus the pedo thing was awful. i couldnt look anywhere without those people dry humping infront of me... seems it runs in the con though haha
    sure the con director and trade liason of nom con are 10 years apart. which is pretty ridiculous.

    anyway.....definitely wont be returning to this con....EVER!

    bring on every other irish convention!
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)11:55 No.4827979
    Ryan stop posting
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)12:03 No.4828001
    I wish all other conventions the best for 2011 and 2012. Hoping that Eirtakon will rock socks and redeem nom-cons irritating failures.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)12:04 No.4828007

    Nom committee
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)12:35 No.4828056
    Actually, I'm the guy who was at the artist alley table selling all the pokemon badges, materia and ruppees thank you very much.
    >> Anomymous 08/09/11(Tue)12:37 No.4828058
    You know, I have to agree with a comment that was made much earlier. The people saying that there is nothing wrong with the 21yr/15yr old relationship need to back the fuck up and get their priorities straight.

    Would you guys HONESTLY support this relationship if it were two males? Likely not.
    I really dare anybody to say they would. Go for it.

    The whole debacle makes me wonder if anime/manga has blinded people.
    And I hate saying that, but, just because it happens in shoujo or Negima does not really make it ok under REAL LIFE written IRISH LAW and morality.

    And I'm not being gender biased. Gay, Lesbian or Straight. This sort of behaviour needs to be addressed and not ignored for the sake of avoiding someone bawling their eyes out. Again.
    Loli and Shouta are NOT ok.
    If it really is "love", then have some fucking respect and wait a few years as friends.

    And about the Con. Between delays, cancelled events, bitchy staff, it really seems like Nom just went "Ok, we had a fluke great year last year. So let's not give a damn as the sheep will follow."

    Just who the hell do the Nom staff think they are calling out people in this thread to stop posting? One or two of which I know aren't even posting, or were denied. Yeah, real mature.

    I'm not going to join the 'Never Again Brigade', but for the love of Christ, they need to get their act together and look internally, not just decide which staff to fire/demote and hope the problem goes away.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:11 No.4828109
         File1312909892.jpg-(326 KB, 533x2460, declan doody's facebook.jpg)
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    Speaking of professional, Yeah definitely not Arcadecon
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:16 No.4828114
    >22 year old girl- considered a person of "influence" in a 15 year olds life due to the mere age difference. By IRISH law, having any form of sexual contact, including kissing, is VERY FUCKING ILLEGAL! - fact

    No, it's actually perfectly legal. Non Carnal contact is legal for 15 year olds. Please do some fucking research.

    All this bullshit about protecting a young girl and all you've done is made her cry and not want to go to any cons again. Assholes.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:18 No.4828117

    Was this yesterday? I got into a big argument with them over the London riot bullshit, the Doodies were serious assholes especially Matt. I didn't realise they were Arcade Con people. I was going to go to Arcade con for sure this year but after reading that fuck it.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:26 No.4828127

    You ran the props panel? That was pretty cool, though now I feel scared to make props in case something explodes, haha.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:28 No.4828129
    Am I the only one who didn't notice this couple at all? I saw them doing a cool Shizuo/Izaya cosplay. I didn't see them draped over each other at any point. Maybe they acted inappropriately at some point but I think a small group of people are being spreading BS and being total cunts over this.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:29 No.4828131
    You should seriously go to him for tips, I've seen his work close up and the process to make it, it's amazing!
    I loved the materia too!
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:30 No.4828132
         File1312911005.jpg-(83 KB, 429x239, 2ijlx8l.jpg)
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    Yeah that was likely in regards to threats like THIS that they have been getting all year, as well as other shit like Nom committee members going around at other events trying to badmouth the con and its staff before it even ran.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:31 No.4828134
    Unless one of them was the girl crying her eyes out I never saw them once, didn't hear anyone talk about them either, expect for when that guy made fun of them
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:34 No.4828136
    No pic, didn't happen. try get some real evidence next time, not something anyone could have wrote or do you have facebook screen caps too?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:34 No.4828137
    Hoyl shit thanks! :D
    Glad you attended and yeah myself and Joe(the guy dressed as a FMA soldier not sure if he was doing Roy). have professional training in this and certainly won't be including resin in the next panel.

    It is dangerous but whatever you do make sure to do it with gloves, mask and goggles and in small amounts(like half a doyle cup). Granted I am not responsible in any way for if you injure yourself(just putting that out there as I need to cover my ass for that lol).

    So be very careful also look up online tutorials as there is a site called brickintheyard that is superb for this. Also check errm, fffff- I will put up the silicon tutorial video and such and all that up soon on my DA account so enjoy that it'll be up s I'm recovering from the con a little.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:39 No.4828142

    Ally didn't appear in that wall post, that has nothing to do with this situation, and you're talking shit about Nom Con.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:40 No.4828145

    Well I think I'll stick to smaller props for the time being. my staff was made out of wood, I got my dad to do it, and I used the green stuff to smooth it out. I didn't realise you could buy it in bulk like that though, in a shop, so I'm going to do that in future thanks. I use it for making figures too.
    >> Crest 08/09/11(Tue)13:48 No.4828158
         File1312912099.gif-(435 KB, 500x255, shauna 2.gif)
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    ...I hadn't been on 4chan yet but wayhey for whoever thinks I was. I think I was too drunk anyway to even have a valid opinion.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:50 No.4828163
    SHIT! Thanks for reminding me let me get you the actual address of that shop.

    RPM Supplies
    46 Western Parkway Business Park,
    Lower Ballymount Road,
    Dublin 12,
    Tel: 00 353 1 456 42 77
    Fax: 00 353 1 456 42 78

    And this is their dublin office:
    Babydoll Boutique
    3 Crow Street,Temple Bar, D2 Dublin, Ireland
    01 6336965
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:54 No.4828173
         File1312912462.jpg-(122 KB, 545x686, declan doody's facebook1.jpg)
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    speaking of badmouthing a con before it ran. This was just last week on declan's profile.

    Has anybody actually heard nom-con committee doing these things? I've heard arcade-con people doing it.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:55 No.4828176
         File1312912502.jpg-(225 KB, 764x682, strike_a_pose_by_roseweave-d3b(...).jpg)
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    Thanks, great help. If someone's down that direction I might get them to pick some up for me. Otherwise what's the best place to order it in bulk online?

    Also, do you know a good place to get Acrylic paints? I'm asking mainly for making models of characters. Games workshop stuff is expensive, and stuff you get in art shops tends to lack the glossy sheen. I'd like to buy some decent quality stuff in bulk as I'm pretty messy and tend to use a lot of it, and keep figures touched up.

    Here's some I made, though they've been repainted a bit since.

    Keep in mind these are mostly pretty small(though a good bit larger than Warhammer figures, so I guess I fail either way).
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:57 No.4828183

    I use Microman and Marvel Universe figures as a base, so only bits are actually sculpted by me, though some more than others. They're completely repainted though, you kind of have to.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:59 No.4828191
    Thought i'd never see it here.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:59 No.4828194
    As a member of non-committee staff, I just want to say something about all the complaints.

    Yes, there were SERIOUS problems, and yes, a lot of them were stupid and completely avoidable, which for such a large convention is a pity.

    On the other hand, and I'm not trying to make excuses here, when there are roughly ten staff trying to run a 1200+ con, shit is bound to go wrong.

    As a matter of fact, I added it up, and in 3 days, Friday Saturday and Sunday, so 72 hours, we worked over 40 hours. Might I mention that was often without breaks or other refreshments.

    We tried our goddamned hardest, I promise, and I hate that everyone is so unhappy about the con, but then again I myself am most likely on the never go back list!
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:00 No.4828196
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    I liked the bit about the ponies...
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:01 No.4828198

    >Would you guys HONESTLY support this relationship if it were two males? Likely not.

    Are you fucking morons? We're talking about Kuroshitsuji fans here.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:05 No.4828204
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    This isnt declan, but maybe some of you should take him up on his offer of tea and a natter! :)
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:06 No.4828210
    Well Art & Hobby actually have galeria(which is better than most) but sadly warhammer paint is the best fo r these sorts of things despite their price.

    Check out /tg/ actually then can give you well good advice on painting. ALso to the guy who commented on the materia, thank you lots we still have loads of the stock for next year or down the line.

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