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08/08/11(Mon)01:24 No.4822383I think a big factor here is maturity: A
month back I decided to fill out a poll on /mu/, maybe I'm just an
idiot for expecting accurate results from a poll on a 4ch0n board, but I
looked at the respondents' age section and I'm 22, my age group was
really disproportionate to 16 - 20 or whatever. Between that and
browsing /soc/ this spring, it finally dawned on me that this site just
keeps getting older and while its userbase doesn't; I wonder if that's
the realization that drove away so many people who're my age.
this I'd thought that this site was just full of people who were
passive-aggressive or antisocial or some other thing that made them
think a different way from everybody else, and that this site was the
magnet for all those people scattered throughout the world, but recently
I thought back to all the forums/image boards I've posted on since high
school, and I realized I'm a very different person with a very
different approach to things I see posted here, which jive more with the
person I was 4-6 years ago.
OP, I'd bet that a noticeable population of internet cosplayers are still going through a phase (or two or three), which >you left behind so long ago that you forgot it happened >experienced a change so gradual that you didn't notice it coming or going >or maybe you're just a well-enough person that you never had to deal with it in the first place |