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  • File : 1312532795.jpg-(6 KB, 183x275, images.jpg)
    6 KB Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:26 No.4810800  
    are there any good males crossplaying as female characters
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:29 No.4810811
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:32 No.4810819
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:34 No.4810821
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:35 No.4810822
    See Rofomet as an example of a male tripfag doing it right
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:36 No.4810824
         File1312533413.jpg-(98 KB, 600x338, pokemon-men.jpg)
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    clearly the best. They get more high fives, hugs and party invites than any other crossplayers
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:37 No.4810826
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:37 No.4810827
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:38 No.4810829
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:22 No.4811514
    I expect a lot of Touhou in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:12 No.4812043
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:36 No.4812272
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)23:25 No.4814344
    Something asians can do better then western I'm sure.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)05:05 No.4815506
    Moar cuties
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)05:17 No.4815523
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)05:41 No.4815542
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    my favourite <3
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)05:42 No.4815545
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    captcha: miterin challenge
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)05:43 No.4815546
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    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)05:44 No.4815548
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    I've been told this is a trap, I'm not sure whether to believe it or not.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)09:08 No.4815695

    very nice
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)09:20 No.4815704
         File1312636823.jpg-(21 KB, 395x508, 95tpn5.jpg)
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    Kayo Satoh
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)12:26 No.4815907
    But this guy is clearly the best and is white.

    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)12:45 No.4815966
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    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)16:58 No.4816627
    this one is really bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)10:50 No.4819314
    Very fuckable

    moar moar moar never enough
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)10:58 No.4819321
    well that's one reason i'm not posting anything in this thread. Fucking faggots
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:32 No.4819358
    i think it is not realy bad...
    not good not bad... avarage
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:52 No.4819385
         File1312732341.jpg-(99 KB, 500x642, kayosatohkayopolice007_1283723(...).jpg)
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    From wikipedia I read that she was only born male(I assumed he had undergone a surgery and hormone treatment) but other sources tell that he's just living as a woman and has had an plastic surgery.
    If first case is true, she's no longer a he, but idk anymore.

    here bigger cosplay picture
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)12:21 No.4819428
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)12:57 No.4819512
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    Hes been taking hormone treatment from a very young age. I'm guessing the plastic surgery could be snipping his penis. (he stated he has his penis)
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:11 No.4819540
         File1312737064.jpg-(759 KB, 994x1500, kayo.jpg)
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    Kayo police has said she's never had any form of surgery
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:19 No.4819562
         File1312737597.jpg-(257 KB, 426x640, 22901kayo10.jpg)
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    Sato Kayo :D She's got a blog and everything, it's pretty adorable. It's also kind of hard to believe how popular she became in Japan -after- people found out -- she was a model and some kind of fighting-game champion before, but after the secret came out she started popping up on talk shows, cooking shows, fashion shows, etc.

    I was also under the impression that she'd never had plastic surgery, though I don't know about the hormones.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:21 No.4819569
         File1312737686.jpg-(29 KB, 395x508, kayo-satoh-kayo-police-010.jpg)
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    She's known in the fighting game community as Kayo Police

    here's a video of here at EVO the biggest fighting game tournament in the world commentating
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:23 No.4819577
    Kayo Police isn't a trap, she's a she. She may have been born biologically male, but she's a girl, none the less.

    Also, yeah, she hasn't had surgery, but the hormones will give you tits after a while.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:23 No.4819578
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:24 No.4819582
    >no ovaries
    >xy chromosomes
    It's a dude. Stop being crazy
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:26 No.4819593
         File1312738015.jpg-(249 KB, 1067x1600, 1290222395666.jpg)
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    Not trolling, serious question -- what's the difference?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:27 No.4819596
    Thanks for schooling me in your gender binary wisdom. I've seen the error of my ways!

    Kayo's a girl, deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:29 No.4819610
         File1312738168.jpg-(88 KB, 803x720, 1312375754671.jpg)
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    Kayo is a man just because she feels that she better identifies herself as a woman doesn't change her genetic makeup
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:29 No.4819612
    Trap: Male identified person dressing as a woman.

    MtF: Female identified despite being born male. When a MtF person dresses as a girl, they aren't cross dressing, they are dressing in a manner that matches their gender, not their sex.

    I hope that helped
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:30 No.4819621
    Of course it doesn't change her genetic makeup. That said, sex=/=gender.
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/07/11(Sun)13:31 No.4819623
    This thread is dildos.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:34 No.4819634
    Whatever happened to Loran. He was the hots.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:36 No.4819646
         File1312738616.jpg-(42 KB, 468x702, 1291694775663.jpg)
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    I find it really colossally sad that we live in a world where boys can't be soft, beautiful and feminine without causing mass confusion among narrowminded segments of the population. When we see a girly boy I'd much rather people go "welp, I guess femininity isn't reserved for women" rather than "oh, I guess girls can have penises too!"

    Especially because this second definition makes someone a "woman" just because they look/act/feel feminine, and that makes no sense because there's plenty of XX people who aren't even slightly girly.
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 08/07/11(Sun)13:39 No.4819659
    Stop living in an anime fantasy world. The pictures you are posting are photoshop fantasies. Even feminine guys do not look like women.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:39 No.4819660
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:41 No.4819665
    What on earth are you going on about.

    >Especially because this second definition makes someone a "woman" just because they look/act/feel feminine, and that makes no sense because there's plenty of XX people who aren't even slightly girly.

    Gender is about identity. You can be a girl and be as "manly" as fuck. You can be a boy and be as "womanly" as you want. Being masculine and feminine doesn't make you a boy or a girl, but IDENTIFYING as a boy or a girl makes you a boy or a girl.
    >> Kankuro 08/07/11(Sun)13:43 No.4819681
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    Mmm, I disagree.
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/07/11(Sun)13:45 No.4819690
         File1312739139.jpg-(198 KB, 890x497, 1222454870055wi5.jpg)
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    >post-modern sociology.
    >> Kankuro 08/07/11(Sun)13:46 No.4819692
    Also, this is my roommate. He's not had any hormone treatment. He's just a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:46 No.4819695
    Is that supposed to be a counter argument?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:48 No.4819702
    And it shows!
    >> Kankuro 08/07/11(Sun)13:48 No.4819705
    No, just evidence that men can be feminine in appearance. He's a model for some company that makes him to Korea all the time.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:49 No.4819708
         File1312739383.jpg-(35 KB, 468x704, 1291692200883.jpg)
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    >>You can be a girl and be as "manly" as fuck. You can be a boy and be as "womanly" as you want

    >> IDENTIFYING as a boy or a girl makes you a boy or a girl.
    Nope. The idea of classing people as "girls" or "boys" based on what they FEEL is a relatively recent notion (1970's), as is the use of "gender" to mean people's own notion of their identity. I think it's damaging because it supposes that boys and girls all -feel- this way or that way. We're simply reclassing feminine men as "women" because we, and they, think that men can't be feminine in the same way that a real girl can. That's all.

    Oh, you're one of those. If you've never met a passable trap (I know several) you have my pity.
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 08/07/11(Sun)13:51 No.4819714
    Congratulations on finding a guy who has goofy hair, but no, your friend does not look anything like a woman.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:52 No.4819720

    It doesn't matter if i think/feel i'm an aardvark i'm still not an aardvark. You're talking about crazy people.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:53 No.4819726
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:55 No.4819732
    This thread is dildos. If they want to identify as women, let them identity themselves as women. If they want to identify as feminine women, let them identity as feminine men. Where's the skin off your nose?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:55 No.4819734
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    >> Kankuro 08/07/11(Sun)13:56 No.4819736
    He doesn't have goofy hair? It's long and red, and he traps well.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:58 No.4819746
         File1312739900.jpg-(15 KB, 394x489, 1290222582249.jpg)
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    If someone's a "woman" just because they like frilly dresses and long hair, and someone ELSE is a "woman" only because they have XX chromosomes and a vagina, the term becomes meaningless.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:00 No.4819754
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:00 No.4819757
         File1312740041.jpg-(70 KB, 600x800, Gender_is__Gender_is_not_by_sn(...).jpg)
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    >they, think that men can't be feminine in the same way that a real girl can. That's all.

    See, that's /your/ problem, then. Earlier we already clarified that men can be feminine and still be men. Being feminine doesn't take away from the fact that you are still a man. No one permanently "chooses" ones gender identity except ones self, so no one is defining their gender except for then. This makes it okay for a biological male to identify as female without stating that men can't be feminine, because it hurts no one. It simply goes on how the bearer of said gender feels.
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 08/07/11(Sun)14:00 No.4819758
    Not with that face he doesnt.

    It doesn't make them a woman. It makes them confused and homosexual.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:01 No.4819762
    And that affects you how? I'm gonna need to see your social police badge.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:02 No.4819769
    >Bullshit picture that ignores science because it makes people feel better about themselves
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/07/11(Sun)14:02 No.4819772
    Redefining gender is a dick-move. Sorta what shitty philosophers do when they can't prove their theory otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:03 No.4819776
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    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 08/07/11(Sun)14:04 No.4819778
    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:05 No.4819783
    What you call "redefining gender" I call letting people discover who they are and who they feel comfortable as.
    >implying psychology isn't science, too.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:06 No.4819788
         File1312740392.png-(539 KB, 1200x525, 1287803468235.png)
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    >because it makes people feel better about themselves
    If that sort of bullshit theory could help reduce suicide and physical/sexual/emotional abuse rates among trans and gender-questioning people then I guess you'll going to have to
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:06 No.4819789
    >implying Psychology isn't filled with hipsters who regularly contradict themselves
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:06 No.4819790
    In computer science we call that typecasting! HOLY SHIT MY- IS NOW A +
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:08 No.4819801
    Tell that to my doctorate.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 08/07/11(Sun)14:08 No.4819802
         File1312740499.jpg-(71 KB, 576x768, IMG_0118 (Medium).jpg)
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    Might as well deliver since >>4819660 posted one.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:09 No.4819805
    >regularly contradict themselves
    You lost me at moral absolutism. Have fun being a hypocrite all the time because you can't allow yourself to look at both sides and find middle grounds.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 08/07/11(Sun)14:09 No.4819806
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    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 08/07/11(Sun)14:10 No.4819808
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    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 08/07/11(Sun)14:14 No.4819826
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:14 No.4819827
    >has anything to due with morals
    Congratulations on pushing people to take hormones and have unnecessary surgery that mutilates their body! I hope you're fucking proud of your self.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:14 No.4819830
    Anyone remember this guy's name? I think he had a dA, but I can't quite remember what it was.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:14 No.4819831
         File1312740882.jpg-(97 KB, 740x308, 200806152330.jpg)
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    It's not an exact science.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:15 No.4819834
    He took it down because he was getting threats and stalkers.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:17 No.4819838

    >implying that giving people the OPTION to have extensive therapy and take hormones and possibly transition is pushing them to mutilate their body

    Giving people the option to do something doesn't push them to do it, it simply opens the door for them to have the opportunity to do it if they choose to do so.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:17 No.4819840
         File1312741070.jpg-(69 KB, 428x640, 1291698492195.jpg)
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    I see where you're coming from. I just can't stomach the idea that "gender" (which is highly subjective, apparently) and biological sex need to be referred to by the same terms, that gender supercedes sex (we can't say Kayo is male) and that now we suddenly discover that the M/F on our driver's license refers to that entirely internal "gender" and not biological sex.

    And you say that having a feminine man call himself a woman hurts no-one...but people are entirely opposed to using terms other than "male/female" for genders (like, I don't know, "masculine" and "feminine"?) because again, some people want to think that the girlish boy is a real genuine woman the same way that the XX person down the street is a woman. Because we have this major emotional attachment to the notion that "woman" means this and "man" means that.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:17 No.4819841
    Oh, that sucks. Anyone mind posting the rest of that shoot, then?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:20 No.4819848
    If you really want to play that card, then exact science doesn't exist. There is always room for new discoveries, changing views, and new information. What we think is true today could be false tomorrow if we find new information that changes what we know. Science has never claimed to have all the answers; it only strives to find them.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:22 No.4819863
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:25 No.4819872
         File1312741541.jpg-(168 KB, 682x1323, 1291692717422.jpg)
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    Just got this one image...
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:25 No.4819873
    It's okay, some people have a harder time with gender than others. In most societies, it's ingrained that sex=gender, no exceptions, when that is not truly the case.

    As for the male/female thing as opposed to masculine/feminine, I think it's because masculine and feminine are defined by presentation, while male and female are defined by how you feel.
    For example, a butch lesbian presents herself in a rather masculine fashion, but still identifies as female. Both masculine and female are part of who she is, but they are sperate (but similar) parts of her.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:26 No.4819874

    As the anon above me posted: Mathematics. Is truly exact. Which is why it's so pure.

    Aside from that - there's still a difference between the exactness of, say, Biology and Physics than that of Psychology.

    Except for on quantum levels, perhaps. Cus then it's pretty much everybody's ball game.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:29 No.4819882
    I'm going to give you that (or at least not argue it) because I'm awful at math, and any attempt from me to talk about math will be an utter failure.

    Although, two quick things.
    1) People created numbers, thus creating math. It was never some universal given.

    2) People don't identify as math, if you know what I mean.
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/07/11(Sun)14:30 No.4819888
    why not come up with another term? German intellectuals love/d doing that shit when usage of a common term would cause confusion or nitpicky bitchiness because laypeople still want to use the common definition.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:31 No.4819895
    2 rocks is always to rocks.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:32 No.4819897
    I would love another term (pronouns, too, please!).

    As soon as english gets it's shit together and finds a word for a third gender, I'll be all over that shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:32 No.4819898
         File1312741952.jpg-(56 KB, 560x556, cirnoexite.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:34 No.4819904
    Ah, an interesting side note. Did you know that there are places in the world where they have the words "one" and "two" but any number higher than that is simply "many"?

    I believe the first known case of this was in south america but I'm not quite remebering.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:37 No.4819919

    Two apples will always be two apples, even if no human is around to count them.

    Numbers may be made up by humans. But the values they represent have been in this universe long before we came into existence.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:38 No.4819922
    Yes and they also didn't have the wheel when the Spanish turned up.
    They would have come up with a better numerical system if they advanced i bet.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:39 No.4819925
    You have a valid point, so I'll give you that.

    (also, congratulations, you made math make a little bit more sense to me)
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:40 No.4819928

    Did you know that a little while back, people thought the sun revolved around the earth?

    And that the earth was flat?

    Silly people.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:41 No.4819932
         File1312742472.jpg-(34 KB, 209x213, [HorribleSubs] Panty and Stock(...).jpg)
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    The concept of math is a universal constant. We simply defined the words to describe the concepts.

    But back on topic, I've got a question. I recently did a crossplay and ran into some people who called me out and told me about how they were making it a point to call out any traps they saw. They said it was cool that I laughed along and didn't get salty trying to claim that I wasn't a man. So my question is, what percentage people who do crossplay actually want to Identify as being the opposite gender? While I'll admit that the feel of wearing a dress is pretty nice, I have no intention of wanting to actually be a girl. I just see a costume as a costume and I cosplay characters I like. It surprised me when they told me that most people were upset about being called out.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:41 No.4819934
         File1312742490.jpg-(80 KB, 467x708, 1291693109369.jpg)
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    It's fine to use a term for "how you feel" -- you seem to be missing my main point though, that if gender!=sex then why on earth are they called by the same terms? If we wanted to keep male/female as terms that solely referred to sex and use blue/pink or whatever to refer to gender, I would be fine with it, because all the ambiguity would be removed.

    But certain people want to keep the ambiguity, because they like to think that their lacy dress makes them female (sex), but when called on their fallacy they can resort to saying they were referring to their gender, which is non-falsifiable as only the person describing themselves can comment on it.

    I like this idea. Someone's gender is usually much more relevant to understanding them than their sex, but if you just tell me your friend is a girl and don't clarify if this is a personal feeling of theirs, or a statement about their chromosomes, I know very little about them.

    "Pink/blue" or "butch/femme" come to mind, but I'd like to hear other suggestions.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:41 No.4819935
    I wasn't trying to make any sort of point with that story, I simply thought it was interesting and semi related.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:44 No.4819937
    I do crossplay (fem!Anon here), and I take it as a huge compliment if someone mistakes me for a guy.
    Cosplay success, you know?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:44 No.4819938
         File1312742656.png-(39 KB, 344x517, 1309797200487.png)
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    Allow me to answer your question after holding a survey with liar detector tests in place around some of the biggest cosplaying events in the world.

    I hope to be able to return here with a number representing the percentage of people who actually feel that way within the coming year.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:44 No.4819939
    erm one's a person with a costume and the other is a person with a mental disorder? Cmon how many other types of people with disorders do we let indulge in their delusions?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:48 No.4819951
    First, let me be honest with you. I didn't create the english language (shocker), and I'm not an english major, so I don't know why male and female are used for both sex and gender, but the fact is that they are. If I had to guess it would be because sex and gender are similar (but not the same) and go hand in hand (most of the time, but not always. We aren't all cisgendered individuals).
    (I also posted >>4819897, so I'm with you on wanting to here more suggestions, but I don't think our thread can change the english language. Who knows, though, maybe someday one of the suggestions will take over for male/female when it comes to gender).
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:54 No.4819965
    That makes sense.

    I'm asking about general trends, and not really an exact percentage. You know what I mean. The fact that this thread generated the discussion that it did must mean that some people see this as more than just wearing a costume. Just curious what people are likely to assume of me when I do a crossplay.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:04 No.4819991

    >Just curious what people are likely to assume of me when I do a crossplay.

    Probably that you're either homo or a transsexual.

    Expect mostly accepting or positive reactions aside from that, though. Cosplaying crowds tend to be more open-minded towards these matters from what little I've seen.

    Then again, I've never actually been to one, so who am I to know.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:16 No.4820036
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    I guess we feel similarly about it then. I just think the deliberate confusion of sex and gender is because people put too much stock in the words "male" and "female" and there are feminine people with male sex (and masculine people of the female sex) out there wanting to call themselves a woman because they've been taught to believe that a woman is the most feminine thing ever, and so they redefine "woman" as a descriptor of some internal feeling (ie, their gender) so they can keep using that oh-so-special word.

    It's like me dyeing my hair black and eating only rice and calling myself Japanese on the basis of that, and when people call me out on my fallacy I say "well, when I say 'Japanese' I don't mean that I'm related to anyone born in Japan, it's just a description of how I feel inside." Which is fine, but jeez, call it something else.

    Originally "gender" referred to the masculine/feminine endings on words in some Romance languages. It was co-opted to mean how well one adhered to the biological behavioral requirements of one's sex (or of the opposite sex) back in the 1970's, by John Money.

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