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  • File : 1312494532.jpg-(33 KB, 650x432, podb33_73.jpg)
    33 KB Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)17:48 No.4808001  
    Why can’t it just be considered a size? Why do sizes for bigger girls and women have to not only have a different name, which singles them out and shames them, but also have to cost more, and depending on the store, can be ill-fitting, not in the same pattern/color as the lower sizes, and let’s face it, just not as nice? Some “plus size” clothes aren’t even available in store. We have to search high and low for stores that not only carry our size but have decent clothes that fit well and look nice, and are sold for a decent price. What the shit is that all about? Is it that larger women are second-class citizens, and therefore we have to pay more at stores that clearly cater to skinny white girls and we feel shamed whenever we go into them, like, “Oh geez look at all these girls I feel so big I just want to get out of here why am I even shopping.”

    Zero body acceptance policy by the clothing industry these days, friends.

    Men’s sizes run by measurements and inseams. Women’s run by sizes. I don’t know how to change it, but I know that we should. There’s a disparity here, and what I do know is that it’s because of issues within our patriarchal society that have to do with controlling women and our body image.

    We can’t let them do it anymore. I won’t let them do it to me, and you can’t let them do it to you
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)17:52 No.4808010
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)17:53 No.4808011
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    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/04/11(Thu)17:54 No.4808015
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)17:55 No.4808017
    inb4 299 replies and 162 image posts omitted. Click reply to view.

    /cgl/ is full of fatties
    >> The Monster Hunter !PqK3XJWyYA 08/04/11(Thu)17:57 No.4808026
    Why not lose the weight and be done with it? Also I realize this is a troll thread so sage to go.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)17:58 No.4808033
    Because you're fat.

    Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)17:59 No.4808036
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    would not troll again.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)17:59 No.4808039
    Sizing wasn't really an issue until recently. Before people had their clothes made for them.
    But if you're going to complain about not finding bigger clothes in stores... The problem isn't the clothing stores itself. Think about it, they want to attract a certain clientele, the people who they believe will spend more money. Clothes for bigger people take more fabric and time to make, therefore a higher cost.

    This isn't about body acceptance in a store, this is about making money. Why do you think there are specialty stores that cater to a whole range of different people. If you're so angry about how you feel "treated" go lose some weight or make your own clothes or do something productive instead of complaining. And in the USA where the average (not saying it's healthy) size is a 14, there's a problem and it's not just about clothing size.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:00 No.4808041
    More cloth, manufacturing time, shipping weight. More cost. IIRC, guys XX and XXL are more expensive too.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:00 No.4808043
    Stop being a fatty.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:00 No.4808044
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    >that feeling when you have a small waist size and a large ass
    >should fit into a size 9, but ass begs to differ.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:03 No.4808051

    Gonna have to see proof of that.
    >> Agent Sofaccu !!6eQywq8ltJN 08/04/11(Thu)18:05 No.4808064
    Do you want to know why most stores don't carry sizes for fat people? It's simple. They know most fat people are in denial about their size and obsess with numbers, so instead of losing half of their stock to loss prevention due to ripped/distorted clothing since some people will try to squeeze their fat rolls into a size 14 instead of the size 22 the should be wearing. It also has to do with fat people generally being unhygienic. Do you know how much stuff they'd have to write off because some greasy, unwashed, BO reeking fat ass tried on a shirt?

    Fat people are treated like shit because they deserve to be. Unless somebody has and actual documented health condition in which obesity is a symptom or they are a fatty going /fit/ I don't think they should be treated any better.

    >inb4 not being able to put down the fork is a health condition
    >inb4 fat acceptance and sizist bs replies
    >inb4 skinnies are jelly of my big boobies n butt
    >inb4 you just mirin
    >inb4 dieting and exercise is so hard and too much effort
    >inb4 I am on a diet, I mean I just had a diet coke and a yogurt parfait with my x large fries and 2 big macs

    10/10 Yes I mad.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:06 No.4808071
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    had same problem when i gained 30 lbs.
    (I was 180-189 lbs after weight gain)

    only solution is to lose weight.

    put your mind to it and don't overeat.

    And there shouldn't be any tolerance for excessively overweight peopel, hands down. Are you blind or haven't you noticed how sizes have changed? Unless you're a land whale, you shouldn't have trouble finding cute clothes. If you are a landwhale, stop trying to make it seem as if you're a victim of society's
    "Zero body acceptance policy" and accept the truth : You're a victim of the choices you have made, of your own volition.

    If you're at an unhealthy weight range your priority shouldn't be finding stylish fashion to fit your newly attained blubber.
    >> OUTRAGEOUS 08/04/11(Thu)18:07 No.4808073
    I'm more annoyed that the industry likes to assume that all women are 5'5". My petite friends tell me that petite clothes are often ill-fitting and still too long for them. Meanwhile I've got a 34" inseam and most stores have a really limited number of Talls options for pants, if any at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:08 No.4808077
    i've already worn all my jeans 2+ times, they're all stretched out.
    time to do laundry!

    Just rest assured i have a decently sized 41 inch booty.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:09 No.4808079
    pics or it didn't happen
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:09 No.4808081
    Really the big issue with plus size clothing for women is fatties are all shaped differently. Skinny girls all tend to be the same. So when you manufacture a piece of clothing for a fatty, you might be only hitting 1/6 of that fatty population at that particular size. So sales will be down a lot. Produce for the skinny girls and chances are it'll fit most of them. So sales would be up. Everytime you pay more money for a piece of clothing, you're paying for all the other fatties that the clothing won't fit.

    You think it is easy for a guy to get the right clothes? Well everything works for me pretty much, but only cause I'm not fat. At the same time I'm right in between a medium and large for shirts. If I buy a medium it might fit perfectly then shrink and not work. If I buy a large it might not shrink and not work. WTF! Then it's like, oh there goes $10-20.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:09 No.4808082
    >inafter for food today I had a banana, peach, 2 diet shakes and a bowl of rice with asparagus
    >inafter I showered this morning
    >inafter I wear a size larger than I should because I'm uncomfortable with my layers of fat being squeezed into clothes

    Oh, hello, fat human being here.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:10 No.4808084
    piss off summerfag.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 08/04/11(Thu)18:10 No.4808086
    I'm 5'5" and most pants are too long for me. The bottoms get all damaged and scruffy. I either have to wear a size 0, which is impossible with my hips, or go digging for "short" labels.
    But I've general found/heard about how pants/jeans are a pain in the ass for most women to buy, no matter what size.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/04/11(Thu)18:11 No.4808088
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:12 No.4808093
    This. Finding clothes for short girls sucks.

    Also finding clothes for big boobs. I'm a size 8 in my waist and a size 16 in my tits. And have you ever noticed how no matter what size dresses with breast cups sewn in are they never make the cups any bigger? Even the XL sizes would barely cover me.

    Fatties should stfu and just wear sacks, no one wants to see you dressed up anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:12 No.4808094
    Yeah, I hate having to wear special sizes. It's really hard to find petites at cheap places like Wal-mart.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:12 No.4808096
    oh yeah for all you bitching about pants, get them tailored. Shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:14 No.4808099
    Or tailor them yourselves.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/04/11(Thu)18:14 No.4808100
    Bcuz fatties are gross.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:15 No.4808102

    Or just wear cute one piece dresses or skirts and a cute blouse. Feminine and adorable, and rather comfortable too.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:15 No.4808103
    go be fat somewhere else
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:15 No.4808105
    This. I'm five foot two and I have to wear a 00 or 0 so the bottoms don't drag against the floor and get all scuffed.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:16 No.4808106
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    >size 8
    >whining about fat people

    Hate to break it to you, but...
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:16 No.4808109
    >/cgl/ why don't retailers act the way that is convenient for me instead of in the way that is in their best interest

    In capitalist society, you can't expect people to not be rationally self interested

    Except this is a troll thread so nvm
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:16 No.4808110
    jfc thiisssssssss
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:17 No.4808111
    >implying size 8 is plus size
    >implying size 8 isn't average
    Nice try.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:17 No.4808112
    The irony quickly seeps into these threads. It doesn't take long
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:17 No.4808115
    >implying American average is anything but fat
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:19 No.4808119
    ITT: fatties, fatties everywhere

    so stop complaining about being fat and not fitting into clothes and complaining about clothes not fitting in general and just fucking do something about it, jesus christ
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:27 No.4808139
    You poorfags still aren't getting your clothes tailored?

    >hurrdurr i wear clothes right off the rack! I don't even wash them first!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:28 No.4808141
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    Your clothes use a lot more fabric, they should cost more. With the rare exception of people with pre-existing medical conditions, being fat is a lifestyle choice. Most of you cheap out on the types of food you eat, but indulge yourself in gluttony. You should have to pay for this. You're gross, and should be singled out as disgusting.

    What clothes designer enters school saying, "I want to design clothes for people who will never look pretty no matter what I make for them to wear!" You're all around unpleasant.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:29 No.4808144
    *Amorous intrigue*
    Whoever calls you fat is a jealous, string-bean beetch. You like good.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:30 No.4808148
    As a guy I have the opposite problem. All the clothes are made for fatties. Pain in the ass for me to find slim fitting shirts and pants as I'm 6'3 and fit. Pants are the biggest pain ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:33 No.4808154
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:34 No.4808158
    I know this isn't nearly the same but i'm tired of having a busty chest and a small ribcage. Everything either hangs off you like a curtain or is skintight on your chest.

    What's that? You want a swimsuit? Better be prepared to pay 100 dollars or more at expensive swimsuit shops to find something that's flattering and fitting.

    And bras? Same deal.

    Oh and they won't have any cute colors/prints in your size, all that fun shit is saved for small breasted girls.
    >> Agent Sofaccu !!6eQywq8ltJN 08/04/11(Thu)18:35 No.4808159
    I wasn't talking about fatties who do things right, since yes there are those who do exist. I was mostly talking about the ones who bitch, whine, moan, and complain about how nothing fits or they're fat but yet do nothing about it. If a fat person is honestly trying to better themselves or at least put effort into their appearance, I have no qualms about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:36 No.4808164
    seriously sizes don't even exist anymore because of vanity sizing, I can be a 0,2,4,6 or even 8 sometimes depending on where I go and there really isn't a standard anymore. So shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:36 No.4808165
    It's funny because it's actually been found that for the most part, obese eat the same amount of calories as normally sized people.

    Read: Good Calories; Bad Calories
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:37 No.4808168
    I'm sorry the world doesn't cater to your standards. The world is so insensitive to bigger people. While we are at it we should change the supersize combo at mcdonalds to medium because it makes me feel fat every time I order
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:40 No.4808174
    >Men’s sizes run by measurements and inseams.

    Just gonna say that men's sizes lie too, which is a load of crap.

    >You complain about sizes not being big enough
    >I complain about how I'm too small for adult clothes but too big for kid's clothes.
    Fuckyou America.
    >> wiki 08/04/11(Thu)18:40 No.4808177
    This is sadly not true... I'm a size 6, but I have a 14 inch difference between my hips and waist, and an 8 inch between my bust and waist, with a super long torso. Jeans and dresses just don't fit right so I have to alter pretty much everything I buy! I am not SUPER SKINNY, but I'm pretty average, so all non-fatties are not alike :(
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:44 No.4808188

    I agree, I'm a size 4, but I have a 10-11 in difference between my hips and waist and only a 5-6 in different waist to bust. I can't wear dresses, I look stupid because I'm two very different sizes.
    >> wiki 08/04/11(Thu)18:48 No.4808196
    A littler hipster-y of me, but H&M actually makes some clothes specifically for smaller hourglasses (size 8 and below is what I've found) so I can get some things that will fit on my curves! Usually 'curvy' clothing means giant, and I have to take everything in by several inches on all seams before wearing it out T^T
    >> TikkiTavi !TaigaVQ/9E 08/04/11(Thu)18:50 No.4808199
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    Nothing about this thread makes sense

    This is a problem for small sizes as well, and the ill fitting thing runs across, all sizes. Stores now cater to the "average" size which hovers at abt 12 in women's atm (which is a plus size). If it bothers you so much learn to tailor your clothing to fit you right. Men's clothing is done by SML... as well unless you're talking about clothing that's been pre tailored anyway.

    You're only imagining the disparity of this mythical patriarchal clothing beast.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:51 No.4808203
    butbutbut I'm not hourglass. I'm a giant pear!

    I have no boobs (AA)
    And back is REALLY curved so I always end up looking bigger than I am unless I put I belt on I guess but that's lame.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:51 No.4808205
    you can believe that if you want, but actually what they've found SINCE those old-ass studies that just said "how many calories do you eat?" is that fatties BELIEVE with all their hearts that they're eating normally. They are more likely to underestimate size of portion, calories eaten, etc. Also more likely to forget about what they ate (done by comparing end-of-day recall in food diary to actual observed eating).

    So basically, every time a fatty says OMG I ONLY EAT 10 CARROTS PER DAY BUT I'M FAT - they are a liar. A fat one.
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/04/11(Thu)18:55 No.4808215
    Most men have no real guide as far as style goes. Especially bigger guys.

    The only tip I've heard is "wear polos"
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:56 No.4808222
    This is true. I've always been chubby, even as a kid... but when I was in High School I used to tell my friends that it was just the way I was and I didn't eat any differently than anyone else. I've been working actively at losing weight now (I've gone from 175 to 150 in the last few months) and I've realized that I was wrong. I snaked way too much and when my family would go out to eat every week I didn't make proper restaurant choices and sometimes ended up eating two days worth of calories in one sitting.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:58 No.4808227

    Snaked = snacked
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:00 No.4808238
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:01 No.4808240
    I have got to say though, ever since I moved out of my house and got away from my family I've been losing weight.
    HW: 264 at 5'7
    CW: 146

    My family calls my diet and exercise routines "weird" and "stupid." I was a fat girl in high school and I never knew why. I'd always eat the same amount as my friends and family. That is until I found out that my family actually ate garbage food (coupled with high cal "nutritional drinks" such as milk and juices) that made me gain weight like crazy. And my "friends" at the time always encouraged me that I was normal even though on the inside I wasn't content with how I looked.

    Sometimes the denial isn't within you--it's within your environment.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:01 No.4808242
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:04 No.4808250
    that's a terrible excuse. in past decades when fashion was considered gay and men weren't supposed to give a fuck men still figured out how to dress neatly and masculine. now we have tons of magazines geared towards being a fashionable male but men still want to be lazy as fuck and dress the same way they did when they were 12 in cargo shorts and a striped polo.

    I fucking hate people with lazy hearts, lazy minds, lazy bodies and lazy souls. They don't see or hear anything. Their minds are full of a constant buzzing, a valueless hum that means nothing. They go through their lives swaddled in an invisible layer of cotton, having no real connecting to anything at all. The real living dead.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:05 No.4808257
    >Just got back from shopping.
    >Went to a store where you have to be skinny and titless to fit into most clothes
    >90% of my wardrobe is XS, S, 00 or 0.
    >I ate junkfood like, 4 days this week.
    >Still 5'5 and 95lbs.
    Titless, Buttless and Small.


    I mean really. If you want to wear pretty clothes and shit, try getting a healthy/pretty/slim body and stop victimizing yourself
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:09 No.4808276
    I'm kind of surprised such an article was published in France (presumably, but then again it could be another French speaking country). Don't they absolutely despise fat people?

    On a related note, I think regularly browsing /cgl/ has lovingly nurtured my fatphobia and made me 10x more prejudiced against fat people. And tbh, idk if I want to be a hateful bitch, even if 99% of the time fatties are fat because they eat wayyy to much.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:13 No.4808288
    It's ironic that you're telling people to get healthy when you treat your body like a dumping ground.

    Just because your metabolism hasn't hit you in the face yet doesn't mean that you're healthy.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:17 No.4808304
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    I don't even care if you're a troll. You probably are.

    But I couldn't get my dream wedding dress in a size that fit me because, instead of fucking bridal sizes (which I am a 6 in), my dress came in "modern fit" sizes. EVEN THE FUCKING 0 IS TOO BIG FOR ME. And now I have to tell my family that I need to get my size-fucking-zero dress taken in when they already think that I am dying of starvation.

    YES, I MAD.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:20 No.4808312
    Let's discuss:

    Is being fat a moral failure? A character flaw?

    How fat is TOO fat? Do you draw the line at being even slightly overweight, or when your BMI is seriously out of line?

    Do you think all women should strive to attain an ideal, model-like appearance, or the body best suited for them? (I ask this bc I legit think some people look better with a little bit of weight on them than not.)
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:20 No.4808313
    You sound like a Bridezilla. The worst thing that happened to your wedding plans is an ill-fitted dress that is -too big- to say the least? You didn't plan ahead and get backup plans like every other normalfag getting hitched? Go cry some more, faggot.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 08/04/11(Thu)19:21 No.4808318
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    >cost more

    Clothes for bigger people require more fabric, and fabric costs money.
    It wouldn't be fair to thin people if they were paying the same for a shirt as a larger person was, and the larger person got three times the fabric.
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 08/04/11(Thu)19:23 No.4808324
    At least you can get the dress taken it. It's easier to remove fabric then add it. I lucked out and got a two piece that fit me just fine for my wedding.

    Besides, most brides have to get their dresses altered to fit them properly anyway. So it's not that big of a deal.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 08/04/11(Thu)19:24 No.4808327
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    Seconding this.
    Bragging about how small you are is great and everything, but weight and size aren't the only determiners of health.
    An overweight woman can be healthy, whereas you don't seem to be at all. Try eating less junk food.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:25 No.4808331
    Yeah, I'm sure meals consisting of McDonalds and pizza pockets have the same amount of calories as a side of vegetables and a baked chicken breast.

    Calories are what make you fat. Someone lied to you.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:25 No.4808332
    This has nothing to do with back-up planning or not planning ahead (my wedding is not for a year and I have plenty of time to do alterations and what not).

    It's more that I am upset that bridal designers feel they have to switch everyone's sizes just to make fat people feel better about their numbers. I think it's unfair to me to not have a size small enough for me just so someone can pretend they fit into a 10. It also upsets me that now I have to deal with my family looking down on me, making snide comments, constantly talking about my weight, what I eat, what activities I do for fun because of a number in my dress that I cannot help.

    tl; dr, lol jealous fatty detected

    It's more I
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:25 No.4808333
    >>didn't clarify measurements
    >>HURRDURR fatties ruined mah weddin'!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:25 No.4808334
    >Do you think all women should strive to attain an ideal, model-like appearance, or the body best suited for them?
    A body best suited for them. Any other answer is retarded. You can have something besides the model look and still be perfectly healthy. Hell, half the time models aren't healthy. I have a friend who's box shaped, and no matter what she does she will NEVER reach the hourglass, petite figure. She just has too wide of shoulders/hips.
    Something similar with me. I will never reach size 0 not because I'm fat and unhealthy, but because my hip bones are wide. I could be anorexic and still not fit in a size 0.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:27 No.4808338
    Or you're just severely retarded for not checking the actual measurements of the dress sizes.
    Stop blaming fatties for your stupidity, bimbo.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:27 No.4808339
    Why do you need to tell your family that it's too big and needed to be taken in? If you're that stressed out about it, go get the alterations done by yourself and if they wonder where your dress is, then just make up some other minor problem that a seamstress would need to fix, i.e. too long or something and tell them that. If it will save you all that stress around your wedding day, a white lie is fine srsly.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:27 No.4808340
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:28 No.4808341
    Not the anon you're replying to but wat? Where did she say the dress was the worst of her wedding plans?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:28 No.4808343
    People wear clothes that they like and think are comfortable and you call them a zombie for not wearing the clothes that someone else says looks good? This is why I dislike male fashion. Looking good is simply based around having money and buying into a formula. There is no style or creativity involved.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 08/04/11(Thu)19:28 No.4808344
    know that feel bro, I have to wear my pants with a belt, lest the back of my pants stick out in the back and expose my underwear. I think most of the clothing I try on is for girls with a smaller ass to waist difference.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:30 No.4808349
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    You should see what I normally eat.
    One week of splurging doesn't show a habit of diet.
    Normal diet consists of fruit, salad, nuts, and some fish.

    Hurp durp, one post is all of me!
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 08/04/11(Thu)19:33 No.4808357
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    Why would you make a post about eating junk for a week, then expect us to magically know what your day-to-day diet consists of.

    We aren't psychics, Anon, durr.
    >> sage 08/04/11(Thu)19:40 No.4808382
    Metabolism has nothing to do with whether a person is fat or skinny.
    Fat people have higher metabolisms than thinner people and, even then, the difference is mostly insignificant.

    Sorry to nitpick, but so many people believe this myth.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)19:41 No.4808384
    Also, hurr durr
    >learn to sage
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)20:33 No.4808569

    Double standard? Realize the double standard is because of other women. Women are the ones who notice all the little things with what a girl is wearing. A guy won't put much thought into it. If you are poorly dressed, who makes the comments? Women. A prime example, this forum.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)20:43 No.4808619
    I'm very average size and I have the opposite issue.
    I cannot find clothing in my size half the time because the only sizes left in a store will be L and XL and at best M; none of which I can fit into.
    On a good day I MIGHT find an S, but almost never an XS.

    On the occasion I can find XS or S tops, they're always horribly cut for stomach fat.

    Then if I want to buy pants I can't find shit because of wide thighs, which does fucking suck, so I understand that. In order to not fall off me though, I need a size 3 - it's almost impossible to find a size 3 pair of pants.

    So, I end up mostly wearing shirts a size too big and skirts.

    I don't know where the fuck you live, OP, but everything here is all for fat people; I can't wear anything and I'm not even that thin. I can't imagine what it's like to be a size 0.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)21:25 No.4808778
    OP, you're fat because it's your own fault. Also, fat means you have to wear a size bigger than you normally would. Fat means you eat a little too much and don't get quite enough exercise.

    Actually you're not just fat. You are OBESE. You have DONE THIS TO YOURSELF because YOU HAVE NO MENTAL CONTROL. Go on a diet, get some exercise, and stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)21:35 No.4808828
    Well fuck you OP. do you know how hard it is to find petite clothes in stores? Ones that aren't actually juniors or look like they're made for your grandma? I want to try on stuf that will possibly fit. I want affordable petite clothing.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)21:35 No.4808831
    Stop complaining OP. You just have this problem because you aren't normal.

    Try being under 5 feet and having feet less than size 5. You can't find clothes OR shoes either.

    Hell, I haven't even been able to find a bra that would fit EVER because I'm too small.

    Its a matter of what sells, not discrimination.
    >> TikkiTavi !TaigaVQ/9E 08/04/11(Thu)21:36 No.4808841
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)21:39 No.4808858
    I don't understand how people can bring themselves to eat that much. Don't they get sick?
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 08/04/11(Thu)21:45 No.4808895
    The body adjust to the increased food intake over time.

    You won't get sick to your stomach, but other parts of your body suffer.

    My mom's went up to 320 pounds. She had SO many issues. She's dropped to 140 now, but the effects took a toll on her body. Also add in the fact that she's over 50 years old.
    >> Gilgamesh, God-King of Uruk !!HtYpFD3adbf 08/04/11(Thu)21:49 No.4808905
    Buying clothes sucks ass when you're fat.
    Which is one of the reasons I'm losing weight. I hate having to shop at the goddamn big and tall men's stores.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 08/04/11(Thu)21:51 No.4808911
    Buying clothes sucks when you are skinny. Vanity sizing is the worst thing ever. I have a pair of womens jeans from the 70's that are size 3 and tight on me. I fit in a 0 in Juniors now.

    I know OP is a troll, but the obesity problem in America is why I can find proper clothing. I am getting tired of wearing baby Ts and jeans all the time.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 08/04/11(Thu)21:51 No.4808912
    I always have a hard time finding clothing because the pants are either all size 0-3 somewhere, or something crazy like 22. :( I'm a size 14-16 depending, and going down. But it's either too small or too big.
    And shirts are crazy. I either get a tee-shirt or spend hours and hours, swearing at designers who keep all the chest areas in shirts in tiny-sizes, no matter how high a size I go. Come on, now. That's just irritating. I don't want to wear a bag, but I'd like to not be crushed by clothing.
    The sad part is, I know as I lose weight, I'll still have this issue. I'll never be a tiny digit size, because it's just never going to happen. I'll always be stuck looking for hours and hours for a single set of pants or a single shirt.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)21:53 No.4808922
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)21:53 No.4808923
    Why can't fat people just accept that they ARE unhealthy? And why can't they shut up and stop making excuses?

    It is your problem and it is your business to handle like an adult. Accept it and shut your mouth, or do something about it... and shut your mouth.

    Get made fun of, even skinny people do, for other reasons.
    Cry more and eat your bathtub of ice cream, fattybawww.
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 08/04/11(Thu)22:00 No.4808948
    Because they don't have the willpower or drive to change.

    Or they've grown up in a household with an unhealthy lifestyle and have been taught it was okay.

    Hell, when I was growing up, my parents told me that when I wanted to play soccer. "No, you're klutzy and we can't afford the health insurance!" I still look back at it and wonder what the hell my parents we're thinking.
    >> h.n. elly 08/04/11(Thu)22:04 No.4808960
    I wonder if anyone runs into the same thing I do...

    I'd fit into small clothes...except I'm a 34D. When I'm trying clothes on, size small will fit until I get to the boobs. I end up buying large or extra large and doing alternations because girls my height (5'1'-5'2') only have chest room is they're fat, otherwise they're suppose to be A or B.

    The first time, I was embarrassed, now I don't care anymore. I just want to know if I'm alone.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)22:08 No.4808973
    >be a size 3/4 American

    Yeah, most petite stuff nowadays fits me. Idek, it seems to be getting bigger.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)22:10 No.4808983
    I do. I wear mostly button downs and t-shirt because of this.

    34D and 5'0" with a 28in waist. Sucks butt man.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)22:10 No.4808984
    More Fabric = Cost More
    Less Demand for really big sizes = they don't sell them cause it isn't profitable
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)22:29 No.4809069
    >have large ass
    >be 5'10"
    >try going to mall to find pants
    >look in women's section
    >all pants are either too short or too tight on the ass
    >fuck this shit.jpg
    >go to men's section
    >find cheaper pants that fit
    >haters gonna hate.jpg

    I find that I'm an "XXL" in the ass and a "L" to "XL" in tops because I don't have DDD tits like all fat girls should have (feels bad man). It sucks finding pants, not just because I'm a fat as fat ass, but because I am tall as well.

    And I wouldn't mind buying some fashions for the extra cost if they offered them.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)22:37 No.4809105
    I wear size 0 to 2, shops do have my sized clothing but there are way too less selections compared to the other size, 3 and up has waaay more selections. I shop at second hands store too and that happens every time. it sucks, I wish I was about size 3
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)22:37 No.4809109
    Holy fuck.

    I feel fattys' general pain, only on the opposite end of the spectrum.

    I need 00 pants, 00 dresses. I ain't even anorexic, just short and petite. I need shoes in a size 1 - 2 kids, or a petite women's 5.

    I hate the difficulty I have in finding shoes, but I save huge amounts of money by buying children's pants.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)22:40 No.4809120

    ah yes! this is exactly how my life is.

    Every time i go into a store the only thing they have in my size is in the window. I was talking to this one employee who said they get one extra-small to sell and they have to put it on the mannequin
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)22:45 No.4809143
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    Prom dress shopping made me want to cry.
    Almost all dresses fit me like a bag, or were twice the length of my legs. I am a 30AA, so if they were short enough for my legs, the boob area was huge and baggy. I ended up having to shorten a dress tenfold, and wear boob padding.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)22:48 No.4809157

    You sound like my ideal woman. Care to selfpost?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/04/11(Thu)22:51 No.4809177
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)22:54 No.4809194
    I'm not sure, but is that pie or cheesecake?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/04/11(Thu)22:55 No.4809200
    cheesecake with peaches and blueberries
    >> Katushka !!MMwVgUrCHqf 08/04/11(Thu)22:57 No.4809208
    Somehow I haven't had trouble finding clothes for a while, I'm 6' tall and wear a size 10, it's just sometimes I have to take in the tops of dresses due to my intense hips.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)22:57 No.4809212
    I see. Does look pretty good. I had a nice cheesecake before. It had blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries on it. Was pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:01 No.4809237
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:03 No.4809246
    Holy shit this thread. I was freaking out because I went up to a size 4 after giving birth, BUT NOW I FEEL SKINNY AS FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:47 No.4810007
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    This thread is now a food porn thread
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:48 No.4810021
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:49 No.4810033
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    Im ok with this
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:50 No.4810037
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:53 No.4810057
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:55 No.4810060
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:55 No.4810062
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:57 No.4810075

    Nah, I'm not the exactly the most fit person. Kind of skinnyfat actually. Just really petite and it sucks.
    >> Tae !!FET/wqSOx3X 08/05/11(Fri)00:57 No.4810076
    As a larger girl I wholeheartedly admit that to find one simple pair of pants that fit me decently I need to drive for a half hour or more is bull, but the stores need to either be specialized for specific sizes to prevent loss.

    Imagine if you were running a business that, for one reason or another, had sizes to accommodate even the largest of customers to the smallest. The larger customers would try to cram into smaller sizes to feel better about themselves and damage the merchandise. What does that leave you as the owner? An inventory fully stocked with large clothing, while anything meant for "average" or "petite" is destroyed by disillusions.

    And yes, I suffer from horrible self-esteem. Especially in regards to my physical appearance. But I don't let people walk over me. If someone wants to comment on me, I take two seconds to tell myself that I'm working on losing weight for myself. For cosplays and my own enjoyment. Not for some jackass that needs to throw his two cents everywhere.

    The thing is, larger women think that because they don't lose weight automatically, that they never will. No. It takes hard work, mentally and physically, to get there. It's healthier, you feel and look better, and you can do things you couldn't before.

    In short: Hush your mouth. Lose some damn weight for your health's sake. Things are the way they are because obesity is not natural, being active is.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:58 No.4810081
    Plus size clothes are more expensive because they use more material. Basic logic.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:59 No.4810085
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:00 No.4810092
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:00 No.4810094

    Good luck! I'll be rootin for ya!

    As someone I know in medschool said:

    Weight loss doesn't happen overnight. It took a lot of time to get to that point, it'll take a lot of time to get it off.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:02 No.4810100
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:03 No.4810105
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    >> piplup !Ebgln4OHzA 08/05/11(Fri)01:03 No.4810107
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    >> Tae !!FET/wqSOx3X 08/05/11(Fri)01:04 No.4810117
    I admit I haven't been the best at eating the healthiest of foods, but I didn't have a paycheck until recently so my choices were eat what my parents bring home, or starve. I'd rather have a metabolism so I ate regularly portioned meals of whatever they brought and worked out when I could.

    Now I have a paycheck, so I'm going to be getting more fruits and veggies in my diet and am gonna save up for some exercise equipment (lifting bags of books helps, but is an absolute pain on your hands).

    I know that effectively halving myself will take a long time, but I'm willing to put in the work because I want to be healthy once. I was always large, even as a child, and always fought with my weight. Now I have people who are actually supporting me rather than going "you're too big to do ____" or "why can't you be skinny like ___?".

    Thanks for your support as well :)
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:05 No.4810122
    44-37-48 here. I don't know what you guys are talking about. It's not that hard for me to find clothes. I'm losing weight for my health, not because I don't have options. There's Torrid, Yesstyle, Wetseal, Deb, and Old Navy. And I can find my top size EVERYWHERE. It's just bottoms and dresses for a pear shape that can be a pain. If anything, I wish that more clothing designers would go the curve ID route and offer pear or or v-frame items a bit more.

    This is the hard part. Try finding a skirt that hits at a work/school/around your mom appropriate length that is not a maxi in a store if you're 5'8". Goddamn. Every skirt is meant to hit at mid thigh or higher on a woman who's around 5'5", and that kind of shit usually makes my ass hang out or just looks like I threw on a smaller girl's skirt even if there's room enough for two of me in the waist band.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:06 No.4810127
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:06 No.4810131
    Fat people, just like sluts, deserve all the shame they can get.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:07 No.4810135
    >Why does large cost more?

    >Because it takes more fabric to shroud your hamrolls.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:08 No.4810139
    Try being 6 feet. It's even worse.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:08 No.4810140
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    we need some meet in here
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:09 No.4810141
    I'm just gonna say I'm tired of being judged as worthless based on my weight.

    Nobody takes into account that I'm under so much stress I'm about to snap, or there's a lot of shit happening around me, or that I physically do not feel well on a daily basis and don't know why.

    No, it's "oh she's a fat lazy bitch who just eats junkfood 24/7", its "oh here's a diet for you to try", its "oh you're not sexy anymore".

    It's funny, at a better time in my life I lost about 50 lbs. I got so much more attention, and my attitude didn't really change nor did I get any less shy. All everyone could say is, "oh you're so skinny!".

    I guess this is just one of many reasons I avoid contact with people as much as I'm able to.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:12 No.4810156
    Are the dresses at Forever 21 intentionally made for girls who are four feet tall or are they supposed to barely cover your ass? I hate being 5'10".
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:13 No.4810158
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    No, we need vegetables.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:14 No.4810165
    fucking wide ass but smaller waist = no pants fit me EVER. get huge caps at my waist but tight ass fit.
    I wear a 29 (so what, like a US 8?) but I could go down (27) if it weren't for my ass. oh well.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:14 No.4810166
    >implying skinny people are never under stress and always feel well on a daily basis

    everyone's stressed out most of the time & doesnt feel well for some reason or another its not a justification for letting your wight get out of control
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:15 No.4810171
    Forever21 designs are basically the same as the generic asian fashion designs you can get on eBay/from seedy wholesale sites for the most part. So yeah. They're geared towards short people.

    Hell. I'm 5'5" and half the dresses and skirts I've tried on from them had my ass hanging out.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:18 No.4810187
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    Oh god these sound so good right now
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:19 No.4810195

    >On the internet
    >Can't find a diet.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:22 No.4810212
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    >Why do sizes for bigger girls and women have to not only have a different name, which singles them out and shames them, but also have to cost more,
    >cost more

    It costs more because your clothes use enough materiel to make three or four normal-sized clothes.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:22 No.4810214
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:26 No.4810231
    Proves my point.

    It felt good to vent. I'm not going further into personal details about my life.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:30 No.4810242
    Gonna go eat some cake and bawww
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:35 No.4810263
    4' 10" here.

    ...I think I need to shop at forever 21.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:35 No.4810265

    So much angst. How 'bout you stop moping and start improving your body image? Better self-image of yourself = less sad tiems. And none of that 'I can't lose weight because of my conditions, don't you understand?' shit. No excuses, ever.

    I lost weight during the most horrible times in my life, because I WENT AND DID IT instead of merely dipping my foot in. So no 'I tried it before', okay?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:37 No.4810278
    Very much a possibility! lol
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:42 No.4810307

    Because as much as PEOPLE don't want to believe it, America(at least) is still sexist.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:43 No.4810310
    I eat cake once or twice a year, and feel horrible afterwards because of all the sugar. No thanks.

    I spend all day on my feet, resulting in my feet and back hurting to the point where I don't want to move. So you try running a mile while it feels like pins are being shoved into the base of your spine.

    I do exercise, but the days where I'm feeling well enough to do so aren't enough to see results.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:44 No.4810315
    You're supposed to be singled out and shamed. You're a fucking fatass. Look at yourself. Doesn't it disgust you? I used to be fat. Three years of anorexia fixed me up and now I'm happily a size two.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:44 No.4810318
    Which is weird because all the models are supposedly, on average, 5'9".
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:46 No.4810325

    Are you a fucking idiot?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:49 No.4810345
    There's nothing good about being overweight. That's a fact.

    But it does become a problem when girls within a perfectly healthy range begin to feel like shit about themselves because of the clothing sizes.

    I'm 5'5 and 120lbs. I shouldn't have to buy a Large, because I'm not fucking large.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:50 No.4810349
    I wish I could just stop eating. Wry must I have no willpower?!
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:53 No.4810369
    I'm 4'11" and ooooh golly Forever21 is heaven when it comes to sizes for shorter girls. That place and pacsun. I have yet to buy a pair of jeans from either that have been outrageously long, or a skirt/dress that was stupidly long. Perfect lengths.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:53 No.4810370
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:54 No.4810377

    No. Translation: I will not deprive my body of the shit that KEEPS ME ALIVE for the sake of losing weight.

    Starving yourself is taking the lazy way out of being healthy, because you'd rather twist your innards into knots because you don't want to be healthy THE NORMAL, HEALTHY WAY.

    Anorexia and bulimia are cheap, dangerous ways to get around exercise and a healthy diet.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:01 No.4810401

    Crystal meth also helps with that whole "will to eat" problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:04 No.4810415
    So does not buying crap and cooking more.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:15 No.4810441

    Cooking food at home: Good.

    Eating nothing: Bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:18 No.4810450
    ITT broads bitch and moan about their/other people's weight

    Come be homosex with us on /fit/, maybe you can stop being a candy ass and make some progress.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:20 No.4810455
    >Still think 'health' is a virtue
    >Skinnyfags think they care about other people's health

    Oh skinnyfags, just own up to it. Stop trying to hide your insecurity-laden posts under the guise that you give a shit about the health of fatasses.
    >> MMillen 08/05/11(Fri)02:20 No.4810456
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:20 No.4810457
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    Ooo, thanks for the tip.
    >> ei666shii !bhQGZrdAAA 08/05/11(Fri)03:19 No.4810612
    I fucking love this tripfag lol
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:28 No.4810637

    This tripfag is a genius. I fucking love you, brah
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:36 No.4810661
    ...this explains so goddamn much.

    All the people in the thread talking about how forever21 sell baggy shit was making me WTF so hard.

    I'm 5'8, 135 lbs, 32-26-34 and EVERYTHING in forever21 is too short on me, or too tight (i'm a medium-small usually, but i have to buy large or xlarge in there, and i'm a fucking a cup) maybe its just my store or something, but the stuff there is tiny.

    the shorts/pants/skirts run true to size though, always fit me nice, but the shirts/tanktops mang...
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:36 No.4810662
    welcome to the board, sir.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:44 No.4810689
    they cost more because they have to use way more fabric.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:48 No.4810697
    Vanity sizing needs to die. i don't care what the number on the label is. I want it to be standardized and accurate. Clothing companies just want to sell more clothes by convincing women they are smaller than they are.

    What's next vanity sized shoes?
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 08/05/11(Fri)03:50 No.4810706
    I wish woman's sizing took a lesson from men's sizing.

    Fuck vanity sizing. Men's pant size tell you specifically what the waist size and inseam size are. My husband can go, search specifically for his numbered size and find it, I have to sit there guessing if it's going to fit me or not.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:51 No.4810709
    Why should something that affects your health and appearance negatively should be "accepted", "tolerated" and supported? Should we also support anorexics by making jeans with the diameter of a toothpick, so we tell them "look, it's fine to slowly kill yourself, we even make the fitting clothes for you so you can look good while dying!" Being fat is not something admirable, it is bad for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:54 No.4810721
    God i know that feel.

    My boyfriend can walk into a store, grab a pair of jeans and have them fit. but i have to try on six different pairs to see how they fit, if the cut is flattering, is it too long/short? is the waist too tight? and then i have to do a series of idiotic areobics to see if anything is out of place. like the squat, the leg lifts, jog in place, lunge. etc.

    Its ridiculous
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:55 No.4810728
    so would you rather have fatties parading around naked because their size isn't sold anywhere?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:00 No.4810739
    if anything it would motivate them to lose some weight, when everyone looks away in disgust.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:00 No.4810742
    I would rather have fatties so embarassed and shamed by having to wear a bin liner that they return to normal size ASAP.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:04 No.4810750
    Yeah sure. Why do I care about the life choices of someone else? Might as well let them live it up until they die.
    >> Melonpan !DhME1c6Sqo 08/05/11(Fri)04:12 No.4810771
    If you don't mind me asking, what makes you wear a size large? Is your body particularly long or curvy?

    Also, I hate the way people are put into 'small' 'medium' and 'large', size is subjective. I'd much rather having them based on bust or waist measurement or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:15 No.4810778
    My god what the fuck is wrong with you people.
    >> Sue-Doe-Nim !!L6ScjMJugfO 08/05/11(Fri)05:11 No.4810876
    I'm not gonna comment on the whole "plus sized" issue because it's just trolls trolling trolls at this point...

    But I will say that I wish women's clothing (and underwear/bra) sizes would be more standardized- Men's jeans/pants at least are standardized so why can't women's be ?
    I think it's a conspiracy to make us waste time trying on loads of clothes and then thinking "I've spent this long here so I might as well buy something"
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:11 No.4810972
    >implying that i said there shouldn't be plus sized clothes at all

    OP complained that plus sized clothing is named differently, costs more and is not available in normal stores. what i said is, yes, it's fine this way, because otherwise people might start to think it's normal and fine to be overweight and ruin your health.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:19 No.4810985
    All you bitches- if you're still awake, get your asses into the /fit/ thread running concurrently on the front page.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:46 No.4811021
    All clothing shoulb be, I´m very petite so I usually en up buying in the children´s department, and it´s a mess...I have no idea wich is my size
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:27 No.4811094
    Thanks to heroin chic runway models, clothes are made for shapeless stumpy midgets. I'm an extreme hourglass (42-29-42) and can't find shit that fits right anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:30 No.4811101
    You sound bitter and fat. You should fix that.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:35 No.4811113
    >> Sue-Doe-Nim !!L6ScjMJugfO 08/05/11(Fri)07:40 No.4811118
    I know that feel, I've grown up a bit though and can now wear small/medium but they're always gone and there are ALWAYS one million Large/XL tops left on he rack - I always see people wearing stuff that's too small for them. Why don't people wear what fits them? I don't try to squeeze myself into smaller sizes and deprive others of clothes when a bigger size fit's better why do you have to ?!
    >> Sue-Doe-Nim !!L6ScjMJugfO 08/05/11(Fri)07:42 No.4811120
    Pics ?
    Not being creepy that just sounds impressive and I wanna see
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:57 No.4811133
    Unless you are well over 5'6" that is a bit chubby, sorry. nothing wrong with being chubby, I am too, but the whole "heroin chic models" is bollocks. That is just catwalk, all the 'normal' shops have a good variety of sizes.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:20 No.4811176
    I'm around 6'.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:43 No.4811222
    Oh you womenz. It's not enough to complain about every fucking thing, you have to be know-it-all bitches to boot.

    Men's clothing is also subjected to vanity sizing. Large clothings stores (such as Gap) label men's pants two sometimes THREE inches smaller than the actually pants measurements.

    Please, for the sake of our gender, stop bitching and make your own clothes if your so inconvenienced.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:12 No.4811258

    hate to tell yah that usually runway ≠ retail.

    and stumpy midgets? have you not read this thread? if anything all clothes are made hulking giants.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:46 No.4811313
    Haha, girls are so adorable when they're catty!

    Just remember who you stay in shape for girls, it's for us guys, so we can admire your delicious thin, petite bodies :3

    God I love women.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:50 No.4811326
    Because you're a disgusting hambeast fatty and need to be purged from this Earth with fire and iron.

    People are dying from world hunger and your body ingests Hostess products through osmosis.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:54 No.4811341
    I lost 100lbs and still have 20 to go until 120.

    There are no excuses for 300lb monstrocities. Jesus Christ, how the hell can they live with themselves? They're walking stereotypes. They're disgusting to look at, disgusting to be around, and an all-around plague.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:56 No.4811346
    Truth, though vanity sizing in men's clothing is a more recent phenomenon. I found this out when I purchased a couple pairs of pants for my boyfriend.

    Also--it's not just fat people that have hard times finding clothes or have to spend a ridiculous amount of money on what they do find. I'm a very petite person, about 5'1" and 95 lbs. I recently had to return a pair of size 0 pants to American Eagle because they were too big. Not just 'oh, I have to wear a belt' big, but like swimming in them, can pull them off without unbuttoning them big. I was pretty pissed off, because I'm usually pretty safe shopping at teeny bopper stores. If I want clothes that fit properly (children's clothes aren't properly proportioned, and I'd rather look like the almost-30 year old I am than a child) I have to go to more upper-scale stores that I really can't afford at the moment, or have everything altered. Department stores are right out. Fuck you, fat people. I make do hitting up the thrift stores in affluent neighborhoods. $50 pants from Express that fit me and are brand new, with the tags still on, for $3.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:10 No.4811666
    fat clothes = need for more fabric = higher cost. It's basic economics.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:14 No.4811677
    While I'm a fatty and I'm fairly comfortable in my skin, I do find it odd when people are 300+... I mean, when I hit 200 (I've always been massive, got raised on bad food because my mother and sister have a naturally tiny build), I was already busy getting a membership to the gym, eating less junk food/switching to fruit and vegetables, I just wasn't all that up to date with what was and what wasn't healthy (I didn't know that bread was all that fattening, I always assumed whole grain bread was great).

    When I see programs of 300+ pound people shoving whole turkeys down their throat for breakfast, I... just get the urge to vomit. I can't even look at mayonnaise without losing my appetite because of all the fat in it.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:31 No.4811745
    I'm close to 6' and recently became interested in Mori Girl fashion... it's funny because the clothes are supposed to be long and flowing, but at all the specialty webshops that cater to this style everything seems to be made for women who are a foot or more shorter than me. The dresses that are below knee-length on the tiny Japanese models would be shirts for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:05 No.4811833
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:15 No.4811866
    the funny thing is, I really, REALLY hate the color teal. I could go on a rant about it. Mainly because teal and aqua seem to be the only colors that department stores think teenage girls like. That, and zebra print. Does that make me obnoxious and overoffended?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:16 No.4811869
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:19 No.4811874
    Holy shit this.

    Why is it even in question?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:20 No.4811878
    Aqua/teal/turquoise is one of my favorite colors. Derp.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:30 No.4811905
    I agree. I used to be 295 lbs, and I've lost 130. I used to be all about fat-acceptance and that bullshit, but now I realize how disgusting it is when someone is that heavy.

    If you're making a conscious effort to change, great. No problem. But the massive people that I see shoveling food down their throats makes me want to vomit. Yes, losing weight was hard but not fucking impossible.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:36 No.4811922
    Grats on the weight loss! I'd love to know how you did it!!
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:42 No.4811947

    No one still posted this?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:44 No.4811952
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    I find this thread funny.
    My mom falls into the pre-existing condition and is unable to lose any weight. Yet she still tries her best.
    She used to be about... a size 1-3? But now she's about a 16.
    She facepalms at all this "size-ist" bullshit.
    Anyway. Why not just learn to sew? Then you can start your own line of "plus sized" clothing, and see how hard it really is to cater to such a crowd. I personally don't think that we should encourage people to waste such resources on being fat, but if you can somehow give back to society and justify it be my fucking guest.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:04 No.4812018
    5' 2" 115 pound guy here. Don't worry, fatties. I feel your pain. it's impossible to find a button-up shirt. Even small is too big and they don't make shirts or jackets in xs in most department stores. I have to buy them in the young men's area.

    It did introduce me to my favorite store whose owner is short so he makes and stocks sizes from xs to xxl because he realizes the range is so wide for his particular target demographic. Even the 28 inch pants he makes are still too big, sadly.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:07 No.4812028
    You're a 5'2" male?

    That kind of sucks, man.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:58 No.4812182
    small AND skinny? ooh, please be cute and submissive.

    sage for complete and utter irrelevance to the thread
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:48 No.4813340
    I regret to inform you that I'm probably not in most people's "cute" catagories. The latter is correct.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)23:42 No.4814418
    Do agree with you OP but some fat girls do have mega chips on their shoulders too with their attitude.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)23:51 No.4814445
    I have a 45'' bust, 33'' waist, and 47'' hips and it's nearly impossible to find shirts that don't hang off of me like a sack. The more I lose the worse it gets because after losing 40 pounds my hips are still about the same.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)00:14 No.4814539
    story of my fucking life
    >> Murrie !/rMxiN97Dw 08/06/11(Sat)00:20 No.4814569
    For all those people who know how to sew. Why dont you turn to your talent to fix your clothing woes
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)00:22 No.4814583
    The sewing skills and supplies required for something you plan to wear a few times and wash by hand are different from the ones required for something you want to wear quite often and machine wash.

    If I had a serger maybe.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)00:27 No.4814603
    I'm sorry, but the clothing industry is already far too lenient regarding people who are too fucking lazy to take care of themselves.

    If it were up to me, I'd have "LAZY SACK OF SHIT" emblazoned on every single plus-size piece of clothing available.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)02:12 No.4815001
    >"skinny white girls"

    yea thanks buddy, because now by trying to support your audience of heavy girls you alienate other women, like me, who happens to be a "skinny white girl"

    I'm sick of being singled out for my weight and body type simply because you're heavy and i'm not. Being called "not a real woman" really pisses me the fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)02:54 No.4815172

    This kind of shit is unproductive, assholes.
    You know why we have so many fat people in the western world?

    Because we evolved to live in a world where food was hard to get, and we were programmed to seek out high calorie foods because they would keep us alive.

    It's only been in the last two generations or so that having a weight problem was even POSSIBLE for most people, instead of a sign of extreme wealth because you could afford to sit on your ass all day and eat big meals.

    Now we suddenly live in a society where walking, which humans are fucking designed to do almost constantly as a means of transportation (before cars, people walked several miles a day as a norm, people in larger cities and some european countries still do, which is why they can lol at how fucking fat we are.) is seen as a sign of poverty and being too low status to own a car. I chose not to buy a car, because I'm kind of a less well off college student and because walking is the only reason I'm only kind of fat and not a hambeast, and you would not believe how hard it is to live as someone who doesn't have one. Not because it's that hard to get where I need to be, but because of people's attitudes. Public transport, which encourages people to walk a bit more and which has been shown to increase health and decrease weight in regular users, is also nonexistant or a joke in huge chunks of america.

    So, we have that, then we have most people sitting or standing around all day at their jobs, instead of doing the hard physical labor most people did for millions of years to stay alive. Many people can't afford a gym membership or make much regular time in their day for workouts, and it's not normal for people to need to.

    Then when they do, people laugh at them.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)02:55 No.4815174

    Then, when they go to the supermarket, all the inexpensive and/or easy to prepare foods have added high fructose corn syryp. Whether or not you believe the studies that suggest that it's even more liquid diabetes than regular sugar, sugar is not meant to be in those levels in everything we eat. Then there are all kinds of "bad fat" additives and the cheapest fats are often used in high quantities to make up for a lack of flavor. And some people seriously can not afford what it takes to eat healthy, or have never received proper information on what eating healthy really should be, since the food pyramid and all that was designed back when people were doing physical jobs to make sure children were not being underfed for those times. Plus, we have an entire industry using lies to convince people to buy shitty diet products that don't work, who may even want to keep them fat so they can sell them the extra large extra cheese pizza and then the pill that's supposed to purge it.

    If you want to see less fat people in the world, stop fat shaming, which doesn't work, and start doing something productive to solve the problem. Or, y'know, go back to bitching and feeling superior to others for stupid, superficial reasons.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)02:55 No.4815179

    oh god
    it's so hard being a skinny white girl
    it's not like there isn't a million of you all over every magazine ever or in every TV show ever
    god, you are so fucking oppressed, how do you possibly make it through each day??

    inb4 jelly fatty, because I'm a skinny chick tired of other retard skinny chicks like you acting like victims. fuck off.

    yeah, fatties playing the victim is annoying, but hey, they actually are ridiculed daily. people making fun of you are more than likely doing it out of jealousy. and you know that. stop being a stupid cunt.

    / rant
    >> Pixyteri !hdRngH8VxU 08/06/11(Sat)12:42 No.4815952
    fuq u
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)12:52 No.4815984
    It's because of vanity sizing. Fat girls don't want to face the fact that they're fat, so manufacturers cater to them and lie in order to make the larger sizes "look" smaller on the tag. Strangely enough, guys don't have that problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)13:08 No.4816034
    I refuse to buy a car, too. People think I'm crazy because I have no interest in driving but I get around on public transport pretty well. If I need a ride to somewhere the trains/buses can't take me or need to get somewhere in a hurry, I get a friend to give me a lift if we're headed int he same direction and I pay them for the gas they used. I haven't had any pressing emergency arise where this won't work, but if that ever happens I can just call a cab.

    I read an article that said that one of the reasons Southerners are so overweight is because they're dependent on their cars and seldom walk anywhere. I refuse to be part of that group so that's one of the reasons why I don't drive. I'm the only person in my family that isn't overweight, too.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)13:16 No.4816048
    Where do you live, though? Some cities' surrounding areas just do not have a reliable public transport. I live in a suburban area and in order to get downtown, I would (according to the metro system) only be able to do so super early in the morning and before 7pm at night via the commuter buses. The other bus stops in my area don't even GO into town, but just travel parallels around the main streets in my area.

    So if I want to go to a gig or do something in town, my only options are to a) drive, b) have someone else drive, c) drive to a friend's that has a connected busstop (which ... I don't), park, then take public transport or a cab from there or d) not go. I once looked up the bus route I'd have to take to go to a gig in midtown, since I didn't want to be the DD for the night. The site told me that I couldn't even plot the route, due to the fact that it would require "more than ten transfers" and at least three hours on the bus. Pretty fuckin ridiculous shit right there.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)13:28 No.4816072
    I live in metro Atlanta. Our rapid transit is apparently one of the better transit networks in the Southeast, but it's obviously still not as good as it could be. Even still, unlike people who live out in the suburbs, I have stations plenty of stations that are close to where I live.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)13:35 No.4816086
    It seems like the Southeastern cities do better in general. Somehow, you manage to keep relatively together while the rest of us sprawl out and lack proper planning. Houston is balls for public transportation, so unless you live AND work within the downtown/midtown area, it's practically impossible to get everywhere you want to go without a car (my job is beyond the suburbs to the west, I live in the 'burbs between that and the city, which is to the east; connections between where I work and the city itself are few and far between. Our highway system sucks like you would not believe, so driving isn't really much of a step-up from the non-existent bus system).

    I miss living in the midwest, actually. I walked everywhere in college and taking the bus or metro trains wasn't a bit deal at all. The suburbs had connecting stations that ran more than ten hours a day, too. I miss that part the most.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)13:36 No.4816088
    You two are lucky. I live in the middle of no where in the hot sun. The closest walgreens is about a 30 minute walk. The closest supermarket is a 3-4 hour walk depending on the weather. A bike ride is much quicker obviously though. The closest bus stop is 3-4 hours away too. I'm moving into the city in a week though, so finally I will be able to get around.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)13:38 No.4816092
    I do too! Whereabouts, if you don't mind me asking? I'm in Atlantic Station.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)13:59 No.4816156
    I hope most of you realize that vanity sizing did not start because of some obese people. Fatties don't like going into a store and finding out that XL is really a medium either. Its also because that size 2 girl wants to be a size 0, or that that size 0 girl wants to be a size 00 just like the models. Its a media problem in my opinion. People are literally having images shoved in their faces of what they should look like (take a look at /cgl/ and compare it to /soc/) and its corrupting everyone. Then people think that ridiculing others is actually going to help them? Is it fun at times, yes I admit, cruel world. Does it help? No. I know there are delusional people out there, but even if that fatty loses the weight they will still probably be ridiculed because they're still easy vulnerable targets.

    So instead of bitching, people need to actually take action against our shitty food industry that literally runs the whole damn country. Not only that, but do something about our shitty ass government that is also greedy and corrupt. I swear people are being blinded by the individuals, when there is something much bigger we need to be battling that will solve a shit load of our problems. People are to afraid, people are to uneducated for this to happen though. But by god will I use my education and wealth to fight against this damned evil.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)14:10 No.4816186
    Choose a salad instead of a double Quarter Pounder meal, IMO.

    You're not doing yourself any good by saying "fuck it, they should just make a 50" waist a size in stores!".

    Go for a walk, eat healthier and spend less time on /cgl/ and I guarantee your life with improve as well as your waistline. Worked for me!
    >> Martyr !7zWLMSsaJI 08/06/11(Sat)14:14 No.4816199
    I just want to comment in on this because I can. Fat shaming doesn't work. It actually makes the situation worse. When it comes to the fatty spectrum, I'm lucky because I have a shape that isn't just round. My waist is smaller than my hips and bust and I'm 6 feet tall. Also, I don't get the spare tire effect, my fat is distributed evenly. That being said, I understand I need to lose weight. I'm not saying that I'm happy with being a fatty, oh no. I'm going to be working on losing the weight once I get back to school because I'll be in more control over what I eat than I am here at home with my mom always cooking. Plus, my boyfriend will be around as my support, which will help me a lot. But, the whole argument about plus sized clothing not being readily available I don't think is an argument. I'll agree that a lot of it is buttfucking ugly. The issue is that they're of shit quality. Most places you buy plus sized clothes just make shit quality. It's impossible to find good quality clothes unless you get them custom made, which I personally think is bullshit. I deserve quality items if I'm willing to shell the money out. I realize since it takes more fabric and such to make plus sized clothes, it will cost more money, but at least make them well. I can't count how many times I've bought something that fit or was a little big and something had happened to it within the first week of wearing it because of shitty workmanship... My random but somehow on topic 2 cents.
    >> Martyr !7zWLMSsaJI 08/06/11(Sat)14:18 No.4816205
    Oh, also, plus sized girls CANNOT wear the same styles as stick thin girls. Draping and the general way it looks is too fucking different.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)14:19 No.4816208
    Thank you for saying this. I feel like I'm ramming my head into a brick wall trying to explain this point sometimes. Different bodies fit different clothes. You can't just "size up" the same garment that looks good on a twig and expect it to look good on an hourglass figure, much less a diamond, obese or plus-sized girl.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)14:28 No.4816234
    This is a nice look on how things are sized up:

    Also, I want to know what stores you guys are shopping in that have a lot of L/XL clothes left on the rack. I never see any left on the rack when I go shopping.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)14:41 No.4816271
    Pretty much and it's ridiculous no one fucking understands it. Just because you're a "reel woomang" doesn't mean that you get to bitch and moan about wanting clothes in a size 2 from Hollister and all you can get is a 28 from Torrid. It's ridiculous. Also, horizontal stripes need to stop showing up in plus size stores. Just... Just stop it.
    >> Martyr !7zWLMSsaJI 08/06/11(Sat)14:47 No.4816285
    Thank you for posting that. Also, hnnnnngh, some of those clothes are so fucking cute.
    >> This_is_a_trip_→ !0UBfLMfYzg 08/06/11(Sat)15:06 No.4816349
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    The more recent scientific opinion is that horizontal stripes make you look taller and vertical stripes make you look wider.

    But realistically it hardly makes a difference, so wear whatever the hell you want. Particularly someone who is, as you mentioned, plus-sized has little to gain or lose from such illusions. If you're fat, you'll look fat in anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)15:09 No.4816355
    Did you learn that from QI?
    >> This_is_a_trip_→ !0UBfLMfYzg 08/06/11(Sat)15:12 No.4816363
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    I might have.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)15:13 No.4816365
    I love QI. <3

    Sage, 'cause that wasn't me with the horizontals vs. verticals remark.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)15:17 No.4816371
    You are a beautiful soul.<3
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)15:39 No.4816421

    I'm a 6'3" man who's fit, and I run into the same shit. You know how many stores carry their inventory in XLT? I don't, because I haven't found shit! I have to get XXL for my shoulders not to make me look like a Wafish Brit, and the only place I bought clothes that fit my bodytype without any shit was GERMANY!

    Oh, and fuck fat people. You chose that shit, now live with the ridicule. I'm perfectly accepting of fat people who are trying to get fit and live healthy lives, but if you're not changing anything, you don't deserve my respect.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:54 No.4819112
    I'm glad I live in a city where 95% of the girls are size 6 at the most.
    I, myself, am a size 2-4, and consider anyone over size 8 a fatty.
    Fucking America.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:02 No.4819127
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    Brb, crying forever because I'm too small to wear this but too big to find anything close to it in a regular store.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:05 No.4819136
    I have a question for everyone

    Who's hungry?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:34 No.4819191
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    >>4816421 the only place I bought clothes that fit my bodytype without any shit was GERMANY!
    Yeah thank god Germany has good and accurate sizing.
    >mfw when I bought jeans from US ebay sellers and they were way too small thanks to 'vanity sizing' bullshit
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:39 No.4819197
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    I have zero understanding for fat landwhale whores who sit around in the house doing nothing but eating greasy food and sweat.
    Disgusting people like them should not be confused with the rather pitiful kind of person with a disease or genetic defect that forces them to be overweight.
    If you are fat because of your unhealthy lifestyle, deal with the fact that people will look down on you and you have to pay more for the extra amount of fabric to cover your fat.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:42 No.4819202
    idk, if you are super tall you can get away with being up to a 10 or 12 max, but you have to be like 6 feet tall.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:14 No.4819215
    I'm a tall, underweight male.

    I actually have the opposite problem to most people; I can't GAIN weight. I can eat and eat and eat and it just burns straight off.

    No, I don't have thyroid problems - have that checked twice a year. No, I don't have worms, check that too.

    I have problems finding clothes that fit - or rather, that fit well. Everything is loose there, pinching here. And business jackets? Forget off the rack - though those are always One Size Fits Nobody anyway. Those that are long enough in the arms are far too large in the chest.

    Being underweight is ok in summer - but I'm always cold, and I'm always tired, and I have to eat regularly or I get lethargic. I'm also mildly allergic to caffeine, which sucks fucking balls.

    So it's not just you plus sizes; If you're tall, male and underweight, you can have just as much difficulty finding good clothes. Most of the time, I have to wear female skinnies - male trousers just bag up or fall off.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:17 No.4819218
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    Same here. I fucking hate that I can't gain weight. 5' 11" 146lbs.

    I am! I might have one of these for lunch.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:25 No.4819221

    ~5.11, 55kg (~119lb). BMI 16.6.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:26 No.4819223
    Damn you have it much worse than me.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:27 No.4819224

    Also, it pisses me off that there's so much health advice and support and shit for people who've made themselves fat, and precisely FUCK ALL for us underweight types who can't gain anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:28 No.4819225
    Because skinny is desirable. You're fucking privileged, stfu.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:29 No.4819226

    I've been told I look like a drug addict. It doesn't help that I have high, defined cheekbones.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:33 No.4819230

    But I'm not just skinny; I'm underweight.

    Perhaps you don't know what that means, so I'll explain; I have a shortened life expentancy. I'm always cold. I am at risk for osteoporosis, anemia and hairloss. Thankfully, I have an incredible immune system, but being underweight makes you more susceptible to infection.

    Being underweight is just as deadly as being overweight. Yet we get little to no support - quite the opposite, people are encouraged to be like us.

    I'm always cold, always hungry - I literally cannot satiate my hunger. I can eat till I'm retching and still feel hungry. I have aching hands, probably the onset of arthritis. I'm 21.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:33 No.4819232
    Pretty sure it's from the mentality:
    Eat more and you'll gain weight.

    But yeah, your body's not a magical black hole. You eat 4000 calories daily when your calorie intake to maintain weight is 2000, you will gain 4 pounds a week.

    If that's the case with you, then there is something wrong. Because if you're a healthy human being with no worms, thyroid problems, something preventing you from absorbing nutrients, etc check yourself to a science lab, you're responsible for matter loss in the universe. But 100% of the time, you have something up with you. A high metabolism isn't an explanation
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:35 No.4819235

    In addition, because I have practically no fat reserves, it would not take long - perhaps a couple of days - without food before my body started cannibalising itself.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:36 No.4819240

    I have no idea where it goes. Perhaps my brain is burning it all....

    But in seriousness, I'm probably just shitting it out.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:37 No.4819243
    >Because skinny is desirable. You're fucking privileged, stfu.
    Not for males, smartass.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:38 No.4819245

    And yeah, I'm aware there's almost certainly something wrong with me to cause it, but buggered if I know what it is, and buggered if my GP knows.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:55 No.4819259
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)10:01 No.4819264
    Try saying that in Somalia.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)10:07 No.4819271
    no1curr about niggers
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)10:11 No.4819274
    >Wear size 36 in the local stores, which is usually the smallest size
    >Convert to US size
    >Size 10
    >Well, I guess I'm pretty fat then
    >Go to US
    >Wear size 1-2
    >What is this I don't even
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)10:18 No.4819284
    >wear size 0-1 pants
    >work at target
    >need tan dickies
    >smallest size in every fucking store in alabama is 7
    >makes sense
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)10:27 No.4819293

    As I opened it Flight of the Valkyries came up on shuffle. I couldn't have planned this better. Thank you seagulls for the laugh.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)10:31 No.4819301
    Assuming you're European, a 36 is actually(officially) a 4 in the US. Vanity sizing accounts for the difference you experienced.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:24 No.4819347
    brb, getting fatter so I can wear those clothes.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:44 No.4819371

    Being from /fit/ I have this strong urge to tell you to eat more and better and start lifting...

    But this is neither here nor there, so I'll only leave it at that and in the meanwhile enjoy the hilarious posts in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:53 No.4819387
    I have a far worse problem when it comes to sizes in trousers. Male, 12 stone 3, quite fit. I have a 30inch waist. No word of a lie there is zero to little crotch space in that size trousers for men, the butt is fine, but round the front they are expecting me to be a woman or something!
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/07/11(Sun)12:00 No.4819396
    another alabamamian. Wager you're in the northern part, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)12:23 No.4819432
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    >> Kankuro 08/07/11(Sun)12:25 No.4819435
    I just looked down and holy crap i never noticed before!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)12:33 No.4819450
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)12:35 No.4819456
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)12:41 No.4819472
    Ohmygosh best idea i've seen all day
    Gotta try this.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)15:41 No.4820120
    People assume I'm fat from overeating. I'm not. I'm fat from taking medicine that I was told if I quit taking it I would have a grand mal and die. I ballooned from a 140 lb regionally competitive martial artist to a 360 pound person in three years, changing NOTHING about what I was eating and still working out four times a week for three hours a day so hard I thought I was going to puke. I was GAINING fat when careful monitering of my intake (writing everything AS I prepared it and weighing EVERYTHING) and a calorie-burning monitering device (like bodybugg) said I was burning more than I was taking in. A normal body would be burning pounds and pounds of fat per week at the rate I was going, but I just kept gaining fat.

    Looking at me? I was little different from any other large person, albeit perhaps a little cleaner because I showered twice a day on workout days.

    At my biggest, my size was in the mid 30's. No, I'm not proud of it. Just fact.

    Losing my job and thus my health insurance turned out to be a boon for me--I enrolled in a university for a second degree and the doctor at the free on-campus clinic weaned me off the expensive medicine and put me on less expensive meds that so far have been as effective as the others at keeping me alive, and aren't nearly as "ballooning". Plus, I couldn't afford the birth control shot any more, which, it turns out but was never explained to me, can balloon a healthy woman into a fat one PDQ.

    Without much trouble I got down to a size 20-22, and am now struggling to get smaller. When I read or experience hate about my weight and the simple "Eat less move more" mantra I seriously want to beat someone with a 15 pound weight about the head. Why hadn't I thought of that before! My 1000 calorie intake and average of 3000 calorie output must not be severe enough!

    Fuck ALL of you who think it's that simple.
    >> sage 08/07/11(Sun)15:43 No.4820130

    Without knowing what the story is in my life people assume I wolf down Big Macs and drink hollandaise as a beverage. They don't know how much I've worked and struggled to keep from getting to the 400 pound mark, to lose about 100 lbs since the medicine change., to fight my own damn knees that grind with pain I can't afford to treat and slow down my running.

    TL;DR: It's not always the fatty's fault they're fat, medical science will fuck the human body over in the name of keeping you alive or not pregnant. I'm tired of being called lazy.

    FUCK, now I'm pissed off. I'm getting off the internet for a bit.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:11 No.4820209
    Maybe one in a million people are fat because of some medical issue they can't control. Nobody ever said ALL fat people are lazy shits.

    You can never assume that someone is overweight because of something that's beyond their control. Every fat person has an excuse, and it's usually bullshit.

    You should not take offense from criticisms of fat people who eat too much if that's not you. If anything, you should be right on board with taking them to task. You have a medical problem yet you have to put up with people thinking you're a pig because the vast majority of obese people are just that.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)16:51 No.4820342
    I'm fat. I stuff my face and don't exercise(well actually I've lost 10 lbs because I'm trying to lose weight, but lets act like that never happened). However this has nothing to do with anything else about me besides not caring about my health. I am not lazy in other areas. I go to school, I have a job, I contribute to the world. I like to write and draw, which I have been practicing and reading and using sources the best I can to improve. I'm starting to learn the bass too, through out all this. I also volunteer on top of all this. I'm working my damn ass off. I'm not saying being fat is a good thing, nor am I saying you need to be attracted to everyone. Its not, but you guys need to stop judging people as worthless based off of appearances. Because believe me, if you take out all the fat people in America, this country would be ass deep in problems. That includes the entertainment industry. You think "fat shaming" or whatever the fuck you call it, is going to actually help people? Yeah, maybe like 10% of them. The rest will crumble like humans do. If you truly wanted to help, you all would be forming together to fight the food industry. You would fight the government that is manipulating, scheming, and fucking up this country too. But no, you fight your fellow citizen that you can be teaming up with. When you really can be helping each other. Then the end result would please both the fatties and the skinny fags.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:04 No.4820385
    "fat shaming" is a term made up by fat people, and I'd make a longer post, but you'd see why people can't just "team up" with fat people and help them lose weight from a fatty-hate thread on /fit/.

    A lot of them don't want to be helped and scorn on healthy, normal people. And when you suggest changing their diet from fried lard to a balanced diet they go all PTSD on you about the word "dieting" and say you're fat shaming them, then proceed to eat their deep-fried lard while blaming their "genes".
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:09 No.4820405
    That being said i have nothing against fat people in general, just the ones who do what i just described.

    Just like i have no problems with feminists, so long as they aren't the super-crazy misandrists you see at those "slut walks".
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:14 No.4820424
    Fuck you, why do fat people have to be babied? Do you fat lards need pampering every fucking step of the way, or you'll go back to washing down your deep fried twinkies with mayo?

    Imagine if an unemployed person screamed and whined like a fatty about how OMG YOU'RE NOT SUPPORTING ME! UNEMPLOYED SHAMING! THIS IS WHY I'LL NEVER GET A JOB! Would they get sympathy? Fuck no, they'd be told to shut the fuck up and quit whining.

    Fuck you, fat bitch, the rest of us don't get to whine about not having any help with their problems. This sort of mindset is why people hate fatties.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:22 No.4820461
    Medical-Fatty here: My friend once posted my picture on CGL in a thread about homemade lolita outfits. Nothing but fat hate ensued. "Put down the burgers and eat a salad." "Man the harpoons!" "Hambeast detected!" and all the rest of the hateful, fat-shaming comments.

    >You should not take offense from criticisms of fat people who eat too much if that's not you. If anything, you should be right on board with taking them to task. You have a medical problem yet you have to put up with people thinking you're a pig because the vast majority of obese people are just that.

    The way *I* see it, though, the problem lies in others thinking it's their right to pass judgement, not on the fat people. Their lies make it harder for me to get taken seriously when I say I have an honest medical reason, but at the same time I shouldn't HAVE to give a reason to the public. They shouldn't HAVE to feel they must lie.

    It's my body. I'm doing the best I can to get things better. Who the fuck is anyone on this earth to judge me? I'm just tired of this bullshit.

    Earlier this year, these skinny bitches tried to shame me out of the university sports center, saying fat girls don't belong there and they don't want to look at me while "spot toning" their arms for spring break in Cancun. Fuck them and their snickers and mooing while I'm busting my ass to lose one of them in weight.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:29 No.4820487
    If you can't handle fat hate, maybe you shouldn't fucking post your picture in the most fat-hating place on the internet this side of ana/mia forums?

    There are plenty of "safe spaces" on the internet to post your pictures, but guess what? This isn't one of them.

    Just like /cgl/ has a right to call out "MAN THE HARPOONS! THAR SHE BLOWS, THE GREAT WHITE WHALE OF OUR TIME" when you post your fat ass here.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:41 No.4820523
    I didn't post it, it was posted by my friend who took the picture and thought I looked cute. "Oh, here's a 'homemade lolita' thread, I'll post this cute pic from Christmas!" (She was new to /cgl/ so I forgave her.)

    I know better than to post my picture here, anon, and I can handle the overused memetic insults. The point was that you can't tell someone's situation from a picture, and even though a lot of people claim to support fatties who have actual medical reasons or are working hard to not be fatties any more? Regardless of how much progress they've made? There's nothing but hate, not support, despite all the noise made to the contrary.

    Maybe it's just a case of different anons. Maybe.. I don't know. It's hard to form words about the disconnect between what people say they would do and what it actually experienced.

    I'm still not used to being considered fat. It's only been about four years total this whole ride.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:49 No.4820530
    everyone knows it's a lie. there is absolutely no medical reason to excuse being fat. put down the cheeseburger, or at least eat it while running on the treadmill.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:00 No.4820552
    Woah there buddy, people bitch about EVERYTHING. I see a lot of people whining about being unemployed and they have the fucking right to do so. I see people daily whine about their issues. Hell, go to /ic/. Wah I can't draw. Go to /adv/, /fit/ or stay in /cgl/. Wah women are sluts. Go to /a/. Forever alone. So yes, people do whine about that stuff and they do get sympathy for it every single day.

    However I never said I was whining or that I needed pampering. I'm just saying I'm a human too dammit and I do my part in this world. Probably more than most people do. I've had my share of problems that I have overcome just to live and I would at least like to be at least intellectually respected and not judged as fat lazy dumb ass slob based on my weight. People can call me all the fat names they want. Hell, they can go call all the fat people whatever the want thinking it will do something. I mean hell, that is true, I'm fat. But I will not stand for someone to stand there and say I haven't earned my place in this world. To say that I'm lazy and don't do shit. Those are people that can just fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:33 No.4820667
    Ouch, I'm sorry. Getting posted here (without self-posting) sucks a big fat one. Friends don't post friends on 4chan, even if they mean well.

    Disregard everything I said previously, you seem pretty alright.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:38 No.4820688
    >Fuck them and their snickers and mooing while I'm busting my ass to lose one of them in weight.

    What's a good way to congratulate/cheer on bigger people at the gym?

    There's a bigger girl who works out around the same time as me, and I always want to say "I don't know you, but I'm proud of you. You really inspire me to work harder when I see you," but (because I'm pretty small myself) I'm terrified of sounding patronizing, so all I do is smile at her. Should I just keep it to myself?
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/07/11(Sun)18:41 No.4820701
    I think that's good, except the part about how she inspires you.

    That part sounds like you're talking to a homeless person and saying "You inspire me to better manage my money"
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:46 No.4820712
    Yeah, I can see that.

    (Even though that's totally not what I mean, btw! It's like... she's working really hard, and I can see and appreciate that, so it makes me want to work hard too? ;_; I don't know, I'm socially awkward, that's why I spend time here).
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:48 No.4820725
    I feel no sympathy for a lazy fuck that doesn't want to lose weight. If I had it my way it would be illegal to sell anything about an XXL and all the fat fucks would either have to make their own clothes or lose weight to fit in with the rest of society.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:47 No.4820941
    MediFatty here again. If they're working hard, odds are they won't be in the mood for conversation. I hate chatty people in the gym. I don't like the feeling of earbuds when I'm sweating, but that doesn't mean I want to chat about my personal program. Just being courteous and maybe, if you catch them on a water break and they smile back, maybe mention that you've seen them there a few times, and that you're inspired by their intensity and drive, to try to attain that drive for yourself. If they're srs about fitness, they'll know what you mean.

    Or just be courteous. Offer to spot if they're headed for the weights. That might lead to casual talk fitness stuff which could lead to a casual talk about not-fitness stuff.

    I found a great work-out partner that way. Our schedules alligned pretty well and we usually work out at least twice a week together. It's nice to have someone you feel safe with in the same area when the angry "this area is for thin people only" crowd rolls in.

    I thought he was going to slap a bitch the first time a little coed tried to take the machine I was getting ready to use. (Had my towel on it, just went to refill my water bottle literally 4 yards away, she saw me "claim" it and there were plenty of other machines, but mine apparently had the best view of the Jersey Shore TV.) I didn't have to do anything since he told her off.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:51 No.4820959
    lmao at all the fatties in denial in this thread
    can we just be clear on the fact that there are no such things as fatter/slower metabolisms??? everyone has the same ~*~*~speed~*~*~ metabolism gdi
    so usually when you hear people complaining "i eat so little but gain weight!!!" or saying like "i can eat sooo much but not gain anythinmeng!!!" it's a matter of mental perception. usually the first group has been brought up eating big servings for each meal and now believe that kind of shit is normal. the second group lives a healthy lifestyle and so can eat a lot (of healthy food) and not gain weight.

    example: if you're eating raw foods like berries and nuts and uncooked vegetables, you can eat a ridiculous amount more than if you were eating like chips or those dumb 100-calorie packs. inb4 "but vegetables are gross!!!!" this should be common knowledge but for some reason fatties think it's ok to eat those dumb processed weight loss foods like lean cuisine and still complain about gaining weight. the healthiest food is raw food.

    ask the daughter of a nutritionist anything....
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:59 No.4820987
    I know most of this board is below the age of 20, so I am going to laugh at most of you who talk about being small and people are fat and they're disgusting.

    First off, your metabolism will most likely come up and bitch slap you in the face so hard it'll make you sob. Mine was great until I hit the working world, where you sit on your ass most of the day and by the time you get home, you feel drained.

    Second off, I do think seriously obese people are disgusting. If you have some extra pounds I give no fucks, but once you start needing "women's" sizes I find no pity for you. As many have said, unless it's a serious medical issue, like PCOS I know can be hell on a woman or something that makes it so you can't exercise such as a ruptured disc, it is your lifestyle choice that makes it so you are fat. If you want to stop being looked at as if you were disgusting, lose the weight.

    No, losing weight isn't fucking easy. It means you will suffer. You will feel hungry sometimes, you will have to get off your lazy ass and exercise, you will hurt, and it can be boring. It took me a year to lose 30 pounds and I'm still working on it because you know what? I was sick of being fat and needing size 16 pants and L-XL shirts. Now I'm size 12 comfortably and size M-L shirts.

    Weight Watchers is a great program provided you get off your fat ass and work out as well. You don't have to go to the gym. I do karate which is great cardio and it made me want to go to the gym to work on toning my muscles. Do something that interests you. Ski in the winter, swim in the summer. Anything that gets your heartrate going for an hour or so.

    As far as the OP goes, the only thing I WILL agree with is I wish women's clothing was done in inches as well, only because I think it'd be easier to understand what the store's concept of a size is. Fashion Bug, one of the few places that has petite sizes, has a completely different idea of size 12 compared to DEB or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:31 No.4821093
    Wow, has this already gone past bump limit? So much rage lol.

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