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  • File : 1312408521.jpg-(45 KB, 445x541, Thinner.jpg)
    45 KB Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)17:55 No.4803731  
    Do you guys frequent any other board besides /cgl/? What ones?

    Which ones do you refuse to go to?

    What is your opinion of /b/?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)17:57 No.4803737
    /a/, /cm/, /ic/, /toy/, /x/, /ck/, /k/, /v/, /co/, /m/

    Everytime I go to /b/ I manage to find a coupon thread within five minutes, so I've got no problems with that board.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 08/03/11(Wed)17:59 No.4803741
    That picture makes me so happy. As for the boards I visit, /an/cgl/ck/d/k/s/v/wg/. I think that's all of them but I'm not sure.
    Coupon threads? I'm jealous, where are you finding those? Every time I go, it's gore threads, dicks, and camwhores.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 08/03/11(Wed)18:00 No.4803744
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    /fa/ /ck/ [a/ /c/ /fit/.

    Never been to /b/, what do they have?
    >> Frankie !BieberJeUs 08/03/11(Wed)18:00 No.4803745
    /cm/ and /w/ right now
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 08/03/11(Wed)18:02 No.4803749
    I went to /lit/ when it first opened, and /vp/ until Black and White came out. I look at the wallpaper boards too sometimes.
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 08/03/11(Wed)18:02 No.4803750
    /mu/, /v/, /po/, /p/, /wg/, & /b/.

    /b/'s a pretty fun place.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:04 No.4803754
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    /a/, /cm/, /x/, /g/, /fa/
    Fuck /soc/ and /b/
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:04 No.4803755
    /ck/, /adv/ for lulz, /fa/ for lulz, /ic/ for eyecandy and drawfagging, and /v/ to catch up on games I missed.

    Recently went to /y/. That was certainly interesting.

    Used to go to /x/ alot, but I'm trying to get some sleep since school's in less than a month.

    I dislike /b/. It's just cancer, cancer everywhere in there. The pony threads are funny, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:05 No.4803758
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    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 08/03/11(Wed)18:05 No.4803759
    /v/ and /co/.

    Sometimes /tv/ or /fa/ if I'm feeling bored.

    >/cgl/ - Questions & Surveys
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:05 No.4803760
    I go to... /a/ /cm/ /y/ /u/ /ck/ and /co/

    I'm not all that interesting.
    >> Mstski 08/03/11(Wed)18:05 No.4803761
    /v/, /co/, / adv

    I went to /soc/ once out of curiosity... I've never seen so much cam whoring & penis threads in my life, never again

    I absolutely refuse to go to /b/ something tells me I'll be mentally scarred for life
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:06 No.4803763
    /a/, /ic/, /t/,/3/, /co/, /jp/, /fit/(I'm a fattie though).

    Every now and then I'll hit up /cm/, /adv/, /soc/, /int/, /trv/(might become a regular), and /y/.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:07 No.4803766
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    >I dislike /b/. It's just cancer, cancer everywhere in there. The pony threads are funny, though
    >The pony threads are funny, though
    >The pony threads are funny
    >pony threads
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:08 No.4803770

    Exactly. :D
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:08 No.4803771
    /a/, /u/, /c/, sometimes /h/ or /gif/. I used to go to /y/.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:11 No.4803781
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:11 No.4803782
    Well /soc/ was specifically made for cam whoring and sex. You socialize in every board here but /rs/ already.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:16 No.4803797
    /co/, /v/, and /fit/.
    /b/ is good for a laugh.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 08/03/11(Wed)18:22 No.4803815
    /a/ , /c/ , /cm/
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:24 No.4803823
    /x/, /y/. Sometimes /vp/, /int/, /ck/, /h/, /ic/.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:25 No.4803827
    I occasionally go to /p/. I don't usually stay long. It moves even more slowly than /cgl/.
    >> Lilitu !!QX/7+4TXYci 08/03/11(Wed)18:26 No.4803831
    /cm/ - I'm a hetalia fan, and sometimes too lazy to surf pixiv myself.
    /y/ - see above.
    /po/ - I love wasting my time folding paper and like to go there to find more things to make.
    /a/ - a friend of mine recently got me into going there and watching people freak out over shit. I enjoy the Uta no Prince-sama threads the most.
    >> Kenmichi !!lT9Ulp8FHEs 08/03/11(Wed)18:27 No.4803838
    /w/, /k/, sometimes /ck/. Which sums me up pretty well, funny enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:30 No.4803849
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 08/03/11(Wed)18:32 No.4803861
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    I used to frequent /b/ before I got tired of it and moved over here. Sometimes I hit up /wg/ /int/ /v/ /fit/ /co/ and /a/
    but /cgl/ is the only one I keep coming back to
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 08/03/11(Wed)18:35 No.4803870
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    /a/, /b/ sometimes, /c/, /d/, /e/, /s/, /fit/, /jp/, and /x/

    /b/ makes me laugh.
    >> TL;DR 08/03/11(Wed)18:36 No.4803872
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    /co/ is the only other board I frequent, though I'll go to /v/ /x/ or /adv/ sometimes if bored.

    And /b/ once in a blue moon, just to remind myself why I don't spend much time on /b/

    It's like /cgl/ but faster.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 08/03/11(Wed)18:36 No.4803875
    /co/ /x/ /adv/ /v/ /soc/ /an/ /b/
    If I get really bored I'll pretty much go to whatever board, like /ck/ or /fit/

    I like /b/
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:44 No.4803902
    /fit/ /cm/ /y/ /d/ and /cgl/ are my main 5. I'll sometimes swing by /ck/ /u/ and /c/ but those are it really. Maybe /adv/ if i'm really bored.

    /new/ used to be my favorite board until it turned into /stormfront/ and got deleted. I still have hope that moot will bring it back.... again....
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:46 No.4803908
    /stormfront/ was my favorite board tll it was deleted
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:00 No.4803956
    Same here, bro.

    Refreshing /a/ once, I accidentally clicked /b/. Instantly knew it was wrong since the background changed, but oh well, scroll and look for curiosity?
    First thread was porn that went against all my fetishes.
    >getting out of there
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:00 No.4803957
    I can't stand /ck/. I detest looking or reading about food because it will make me hungry. I'll watch the cooking channel though.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:01 No.4803959
    /co/ /v/ /ic/ /an/ /ck/ /x/
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 08/03/11(Wed)19:02 No.4803962
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    /m/ of course, and sometimes /a/
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:02 No.4803963
    frequent /b/, /adv/, /fit/ /tg/

    sometimes /cgl/ (though i've been going on a lot more recently), /a/, /v/, /g/ , /o/, /k/, /ic/, /lit/

    /x/ ,/tv/,/wg/,/w/, /gif/, /vp/, /i/, /sp/,/sci/, /co/,/po/, /trv/, /an/, /3/,/ck/ and once in a blue moon

    won't be going on /cm/ or /y/ any time soon nor will i actually frequent /mu/ /fa/
    /b/'s great for a laugh
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:03 No.4803968
    /tg/, mostly. /a/, /v/, /co/ (and /cgl/) for random stuff. /d/ for porn, obviously.

    /b/ very rarely now.

    /rs/ whenever I want something.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:06 No.4803979
    /v/, /x/, /d/, and /u/.

    /b/ was fun when I was younger. But it's a lot of the same stuff so I steer clear nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:07 No.4803980
    /fa/, /int/ /sci/
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:10 No.4803988
    I'm only ever on /cgl/ and /b/.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 08/03/11(Wed)19:11 No.4803993
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    /a/, /v/, /ck/, /lit/, and /trv/
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 08/03/11(Wed)19:12 No.4803996
    i'm a regular on /ck/, /x/, and /y/ lol
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:13 No.4803999
    I can't despise /b/.
    I can't stand /soc/.
    I don't go on /x/,/sp/,/toy/,/tg/, or any of the porn boards.
    I avoid /mu/, and /adv/.
    I frequent, /a/ , /g/, /v/, /cgl/, /co/,/fit/, /vp/.
    I avoid summers on /a/, and /v/ though.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:20 No.4804018
    /a/, though I mostly stay in the tiger & bunny thread. I read bleach threads for lulz sometimes.

    /cm/ and /y/ for my fanart/fap fix, it's like distilled pixiv.

    the last time I was on /b/ there was an audio embed of someone narrating Snape killing Dumbledore, back when this was actually new information.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:23 No.4804028
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:25 No.4804033
    /a/ and /m/ are my other main boards. occasionally I'll drop by /lit/, /vp/, /c/, and /cm/ as well

    I'm not sure if there are any boards I wouldn't visit at least once

    /b/ is complete shit, what else is new
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:26 No.4804035
    /tg/ and /co/ mostly.

    I only stop by for the Storytimes this board has. seagulls write the best stories.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:35 No.4804057
    i despise *
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)21:25 No.4804470
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)21:27 No.4804480
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/03/11(Wed)21:29 No.4804492
    I mostly browse /k/ and /fit/ aside from here. /fit/ is useful for exercise technique critiques occasionally, but mostly it's gay porn so I don't go there much.

    /k/ is my second home.

    Used to browse /a/ and /jp/, but eh, they're even shittier than they were when mootykins decided to split them.
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/03/11(Wed)21:35 No.4804522
    sorta surprised to find as many /k/ommandos around here as there are in this thread.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/03/11(Wed)21:54 No.4804601
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    /tg/, /cgl/, /fit/, occasionally /co/ and /tv/, and every blue moon is /x/.

    I don't readily refuse to go to any board, since I just have no interest in the others.

    Also, I view /b/ as a conglomerated ball of nonsense and first time 4chan viewers who are typically under the age of 16.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)21:57 No.4804615
    Somebody needs to teach you English.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/03/11(Wed)22:00 No.4804630
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    Actually, besides forming compound words, I've followed the "guidelines' of the English language; despite the mess that is really is.

    Aso, Inb4 Grammar Nazi. This is 4chan, so I don't readily give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:01 No.4804639
    Asides from /cgl/. Just /co/. I cannot keep up with /a/, I'm not weeby enough. (I don't even know a quarter of the shows they post)

    I used to only go on /b/ when I first started, but comehow ended up on /cgl/ one day
    how did that happen
    and from there i discovered MLP while looking where these mlp gifs were coming from
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:02 No.4804643
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    /soc/ & /b/ are full of porn, I try to avoid those
    /co/ is okay dont go there too much

    frequent here and /x/ an equal amount

    pic realted, its what i wanna be, a kirei onii-chan
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:06 No.4804663
    I visit /a/, /cgl/, and /mu/ often.
    I visit /mu/ and /soc/ for the lulz.
    I visit /fa/ when i'm in the mood for hipster shit.
    I visit /b/ when all the other boards are slow or boring.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:11 No.4804683
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    Uhh, I go to /c/. Don't think much about /b/, and the only board I tend to avoid is /y/.
    >> chiibiusa !!uRtzhrq7CU1 08/03/11(Wed)22:15 No.4804703
    i spend most of my time on /cgl/, although i lurk /sp/, /fa/, and /vp/. and i'd like to try some of the recipes on /ck/ sometime~

    i don't really refuse to go to any of them, but the ones i just mentioned are the only ones i really frequent. /b/ can be entertaining at times.
    >> Viral !RzYNC.KNwI 08/03/11(Wed)22:17 No.4804714

    I'm not really a fan of /b/
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/03/11(Wed)22:19 No.4804724
    /co/, /v/, and most recently, /e/....

    I stopped going to /e/ though.... I ended up saving entire threads.. literally, I was archiving them. Friendly people who please to deliver though.

    I refuse to go to /o/ and /p/ or /mu/ because they're all kind of elitists....
    >implying /cgl/ isn't full of elitists
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:20 No.4804734
    /a/ /sp/ /int/
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:20 No.4804738
    /tg/ is my bread and butter.
    /cgl/ comes up second when there is a con on, otherwise it's
    I hit /adv/-/tv/-/a/ when bored.
    I avoid /mu/-/jp/-/vp/
    I hate /b/, /soc/ and /v/, will lurk each for the gems one can find.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:25 No.4804760
    /cm/ For more pictures on my folder..
    I only go on /b/ for laughs or when threads are slow.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:25 No.4804761
    /vp/ is the only other one I frequent.


    >> OUTRAGEOUS 08/03/11(Wed)22:25 No.4804766
    /co/ is my baby. I also frequent /lit/ when people aren't assholes on there at least.

    I won't go near /b/ or any board that resembles the pointlessness and stupidity of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:25 No.4804767
    Nowadays, only /cgl/.
    I used to frequent /r9k/ before it got deleted, despite a lot of trash, the good threads were REALLY good.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:30 No.4804781
    and fucking /int/

    I used to go on /b/ but it's kind of boring to me now.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:32 No.4804795
    /co/- Cool people, like cartoons, good board

    /v/- ...Video games? They've been ok lately as far as video game related threads being made.

    /fit/, /int/- the lolz/ to troll.

    /cgl/- I wanna say the cosplay. But /cgl/ doesn't have any cosplay related things. Only drama and

    I avoid /b/ for the most part. I won't refuse to go to any board, but I've had no reason to go to the others.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)22:37 No.4804823
    /co/, /mu/, /x/, /ck/, and /wg/

    I refuse to go on /soc/

    I used to enjoy /b/ but the faggot amount has gone up 10 fold so I only visit on rare occasions.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:29 No.4805737
    /y/ /u/ /b/ /a/
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:35 No.4805763
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    >> Engarde 08/04/11(Thu)01:37 No.4805778
    /d/ /h/ /gif/ /x/ /int/ /sci/ /ck/ /k/

    Kinda just browse the other boards on a whim

    I don't go to /b/ anymore, its the same shit different day.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)13:30 No.4807235
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)13:38 No.4807257
    /fit/ /tg/ /v/ /sp/ /tv/

    I don't really find the other boards interesting

    I stopped going to /b/ when I realized there were other boards
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)13:40 No.4807260
    /a/ and /toy/ mostly.
    I don't go on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)13:42 No.4807265
    /a/, /mu/, I used to love /x/, /vp/, and my true love /cgl/.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 08/04/11(Thu)13:43 No.4807268
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    i frequent /h/, /u/, /w/ and /p/.

    /h/ and /p/ are my big boards, im on there as often as im on cgl. sometimes when im bored i do picture dumps on /c/

    i go to /b/ when im bored at 2 am and need something to pass the time with.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/04/11(Thu)13:44 No.4807270
    /a/ for the animay, /fit/ because i'm alpha, /ck/ because i like to cook, /co/ for the HSG, /x/ for slendy, /fa/ for fashion, /soc/ to feel better about myself.

    also what is /BEE/
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)13:53 No.4807281
    /a/, /cm/, /y/, /m/, /v/

    Used to also go to /mu/, /co/, /jp/.

    /co/ was alright last I checked, /mu/ is a bunch of elitist faggots, and /jp/'s delusional and batshit crazy for the most part (not to say /a/ isn't, but I go there to gauge popularity of whatever's on that season).

    Haven't been to /b/ in years. It was sucking worse and worse then, I can't imagine it's gotten any better.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)13:57 No.4807288
    /a/ ; /c/ ; /e/ ; /g/ ; /u/ ; /jp/
    i only go to /b/ for loli threads
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 08/04/11(Thu)15:15 No.4807486
    I also frequent /sp/, and I occasionally stop by /co/, /ck/, and /vp/.
    >> maryjane !zmlklASUKA 08/04/11(Thu)16:22 No.4807727
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    Only other board I go to on 4chan is /d/. I do however enjoy a few other *chans.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)16:38 No.4807779
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    /x/ an /v/. I like my paranormal and horror and video games.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:26 No.4808135
    I spend more time on /m/ than I do here. I'll also occasionally visit /a/, /v/, and /co/.
    >> 9-K 08/04/11(Thu)18:45 No.4808191
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    /a/, /u/, /ck/, /sci/, /x/
    I go to a lot less than I thought I did.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:46 No.4808193
    /a/, /cm/, /c/, /w/, /toy/
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:50 No.4808200
    I've been spending a lot of time in /co/ lately.

    I used to lurk /y/ quite a bit but it bores me now.

    /b/ threads haven't hooked me for a very long time. I last remember it being funny (to me) circa 2008.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:52 No.4808206
    /x/, /co/, /c/, /v/ sometimes.

    That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:52 No.4808207
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    if not /cgl/ then /co/ mostly.

    I use to go on /cm/
    sometimes /tv/ to see what's up
    and /vp/ when I get into a Pokemon mood
    /ic/ if I feel artsy and want to learn some things

    /b/ only if I get extremely bored.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:54 No.4808213
    Aside from /cgl/, I frequent /v/, /a/, /cm/ and /y/.
    I don't have any boards I refuse to go to. I like to browse different boards when there's nothing interesting on the ones I frequent. There's never anything even slightly interesting or amusing on /b/ so I have no reason to go there.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)18:56 No.4808219
    /a/, /fit/, and cgl ery day.

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