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  • File : 1312310046.jpg-(668 KB, 2048x2048, 1312304402936.jpg)
    668 KB Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)14:34 No.4798471  
    For those who do not remember the situation:

    Everyone who has not been on 4chan in the past 2 weeks will die. Those who have will have 15 minutes to gather what they can. You may only carry your own weight in stuff (IE: If you weigh 150lbs, you can only take 150lbs worth of stuff).

    You will then be teleported to the board you frequent most (see: pic) on a new world. What you see in the picture is what the world will be comprised of. The world will be completely enriched with resources, similar to our own Earth's resources before we started tapping into them. No pollution, no technology other than what you bring, just the new World.

    Each island will have boats that can comfortably passage 1% of the islands population to other islands in the archipelago. Each island will also have a healthy population of Raptors, but keep in mind -- in real life Raptors were but the size of Turkey's.

    So, /cgl/ -- I think we would die off quickly..
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)14:43 No.4798492
    Conquer that massive /b/ island with our superior intellect.
    >> Frankie !BieberJeUs 08/02/11(Tue)14:54 No.4798526
    Hey, at least we'd have props!

    ...and lots of drama.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:11 No.4798567
    I don't know about dying off. But some of the other boards that might think it through will realise that we're basically the only female population left and if they don't want the human race to die out they better save us from the raptors.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:15 No.4798575
    I dunno. We spend a good amount of time accusing each other of being jelly hambeasts, so it stands to reason we'd at least be able to carry a lot of shit with us. At least we'll be amused.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:18 No.4798580
    /k/ would probably take over the planet, seeing as they're probably the only board with enough weapons to take a small country.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:22 No.4798584
    So basically we're doomed to live on /women/ island... period discussion all day long until some other island starts raiding us like vikings for "brides"...
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:23 No.4798590
    You kidding?
    They'd all be shot to death in hours over an argument
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)15:24 No.4798592
    Create tree houses, be safe from the raptors.
    Not a hard concept.
    I reckon we'd be fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:24 No.4798594
    /cgl/ has the most hambeasts, so we'd have the most stuff. All we'd have to do is communicate to see who brings what and we'd be fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:26 No.4798597
    I'm fat as shit and I suspect most of /cgl/ is, too.
    I think we'll be pretty well off.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 08/02/11(Tue)15:32 No.4798621
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    Basically, /k/ is the largest threat out of all the islands.

    /a/ and /jp/ would die out pretty quickly from no reproduction.

    /v/ would live off S.T.A.L.K.E.R survival skills and somehow survive until the long war against /b/.

    /cgl/ would have lolitas crying from their ruined dresses.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:33 No.4798622
    I think /b/ would try to take over the islands, starting with either us, /soc/, /r/, or either of the wallpaper islands.

    Prepare for war, /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:35 No.4798631

    Except that I also go on /v/ and I own guns.
    Well, I guess I'd be hightailing it out of /cgl/ island. After mugging everyone, naturally. I'd take the most talented/athletic of the bunch with me.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/02/11(Tue)15:35 No.4798632
    I don't think I can survive on a deserted island. I am just gonna give up.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:35 No.4798633
    /tg/ here.

    Hello ladies, I couldn't help but overhear your problems.
    We also have similar problems.
    How about you all just come over to our island? It's bigger, we have the numbers to overwhelm nearly every surrounding island AND, surprisingly, many of us have survival skills.

    So, what say you?
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 08/02/11(Tue)15:37 No.4798638
    I can dig it.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 08/02/11(Tue)15:37 No.4798639
    I was kinda generalising the population, of course a few people would have the odd different item choices and such.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:38 No.4798643
    What's the talk about rape? By the way, are you sure there are any girls? Maybe you are mistaken and would be surprised to find out only guys on our island.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/02/11(Tue)15:39 No.4798644

    Hmmm... I didn't think about that. I guess /cgl/ probably has the most women out of all the boards.
    But I suspect /k/ would just invade us and take all the women.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:40 No.4798647
    I think us /m/en might could do pretty well, as soon as we killed off those "not /m/" guys. Not sure how well we could survive any attacks by larger boards, but our board is mostly made up of engineers, so I think we'd figure something out.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:42 No.4798656
    /v/ has a thread about this a week or two ago. It wound up being that they ran up against a board called /?/, in the upper atmosphere of the planet which turned out to be /m/.

    Turns out while /v/ as dicking around, /m/ had colonized the solar system with /tg/ or something like that.

    /v/ lost.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:43 No.4798659
    What are you talking about?

    Most of us are gentlemen, the rest are shy aspie beta-nerds that could not raise a hand against a woman if they wanted.

    We would welcome you with open arms.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:44 No.4798663
    /cgl/, tg/, /m/ alliance?

    Might work.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)15:45 No.4798667
    Add /o/ to that list, just to be safe.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:48 No.4798679
    may as well drag /sci/ onto that list.

    If we're going for a military victory we might actually not need /k/ if we have enough engineers.

    >/sci/ draws up the plans for the armored forces
    >/o/ is contracted to build the machines
    >/m/ pilots them.
    >/cgl/ designs the flight suits.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:49 No.4798686
    forgot /tg/
    >/tg/ commands the armed forces
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:49 No.4798688
    /vp/ is good.
    Y'know, with the Pokemon and shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:50 No.4798695
    >Implying /o/ would have the materials.
    >Implying /m/ can pilot shit.
    >Implying there will be anything to make suits out of.

    Also, attacking /k/?
    You people are mad.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:51 No.4798697
    How is /m/'s relationship with /cgl/? I know /m/ is bros with /tg/ and /toy/, but I've never seen anything happen between /m/ and /cgl/. The alliance sounds like it would work pretty well, though.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)15:51 No.4798698
    Awesome, we're set then.
    Let's just...not attack /k/. Maybe offer them /y/ or something. Y'know, they want girls, give 'em girls.

    Hmm. Nah.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/02/11(Tue)15:51 No.4798703
    I don't think they are gonna be able build mechas. Maybe just armored suits. Like the Iron Man suit or something.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 08/02/11(Tue)15:53 No.4798708
    /vp/ would be the most strategic island, and cover a lot of organizing and preparation in the early days.

    But they'll eventually wipe themselves out in a Smogonfag vs. Karanfag civil war.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)15:54 No.4798718
    /vp/ would go through the exact train of thought we've been through.
    "Who could we join up with to survive longer?"
    I can't see /vp/ having anything to offer the other boards.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:54 No.4798719
    >Armored suits

    Nigga, where are you getting the materials for that?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:55 No.4798725

    Utterly useless mouths to feed, at best they can be killed early on and looted.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:58 No.4798751
    /k/ is a definite no-no for attacking. Maybe we could negotiate a truce with them.

    The problem lies in making contact with the other boards. Most of our potential allies are in the southern hemisphere, and would take a long time to get to.

    We're also situated fairly close to /b/., which could be a problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)15:59 No.4798755
    Wait, what do y'all have to offer us /m/en? I'm sure /toy/ could help us with construction.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:00 No.4798763
    Would you REALLY want to give them underage, sorta chubby fangirls man? Also, if there's one skill that /cgl/ has, it's sewing fabrics and crafting...I guess.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:00 No.4798769
    /v/ here

    Our plans were relatively simple: move north against /a/ after making a truce with /k/

    /tg/ has allied with us as well, and /co/ will too, I think

    /b/ isn't actually as much of a threat as you would think, as they are naturally too chaotic to organize effectively and about 10 different factions would be raised on the first fucking day

    Also, I'm starting a text-based game based on this concept; I have a skeleton blog up and will be posting updates periodically
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)16:01 No.4798775
    good company and many stories
    Also, from what I've seen, /cgl/ is good at constructing things.
    So I dunno, we'd be a better ally than some other boards.

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:02 No.4798782
    We know how much you love traps. We're willing to trapify anyone who wants it.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:04 No.4798792
    Wouldn't /k/ be too busy lecturing us cosplayers about trigger discipline to attack us?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:04 No.4798793
    Our biggest enemy:
    They hate women.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)16:05 No.4798796
    /adv/ would die down the soonest.
    They have nothing to offer.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 08/02/11(Tue)16:05 No.4798797
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    >/v/ attacking /a/
    I really doubt that
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:06 No.4798800
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    I believe we should establish a city around either of these two areas. They can work as harbors for trading boats
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:06 No.4798801
    I still think we should build up alliances with the more intelligent boards then lead an assault on /b/. Conquer the island and set up a trade network between all in the alliance.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:06 No.4798802
    So do you think this is going to work out better for you than that time you tried to conquer 4chan? I guess /m/ isn't as much of a problem when they aren't hanging out in space from the beginning, and don't already have ridiculous mecha.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)16:09 No.4798810
    Offer /k/ the whole of Oldfag Isles if they help us take over, and then set up a trade network.
    /k/ would probably want more land.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:10 No.4798814
    Clearly, your knowledge of /k/ is minimal.

    They will stay on their island, avoiding each other. It'll be like a mix between Lost and Predator. Before long they will all be dead.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)16:11 No.4798819
    However, would it not be more fun to have a bigger island to kill each other among?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:12 No.4798827
    The girls of /y/ and /cm/ are a awesome bunch. I vote we ally with them and /fit/.

    If /k/ wants women just give them /fa/ instead. It's basically the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:12 No.4798829
    Actually /m/ would probably ally with you if you offered to make them some uniforms.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)16:13 No.4798832
    >ally with /fit/
    Hmm. And interesting idea. Not exactly the best, but still.

    Surely an alliance with /ck/ would be wise too?
    >> hungarian LARPfag 08/02/11(Tue)16:14 No.4798837
    /tg/ here
    We have an alliance with /k/ so they won't be a problem. Also your sewing skills are more important than you think, for making tents, blankets, cloths and whatnot
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:14 No.4798839
    Girls on /y/ and /cm/
    I thought only faggots went there.

    Could it be that there are more women that initially suspected?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:14 No.4798842
    I agree with the possition of these ports we should be able to trade with the largest land mass /b/ easily. People should bring fabric and sewing machines because the rest of the world will need clothing and we are the only board that can provide that kind of service. We'll need informational books on creating electricity and plumbing.

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:15 No.4798844
    /x/ here, lurker of /cgl/

    we're going to stay on our island of satanic rituals, ghosts, and haunted shit

    i think raptors or invasions are the least of our problems, but we have some fucking cool ass ghost hunts

    also we will talk about how strangely shaped our island is and how it is probably a mind conspiracy and looks similar to Rorschach tests
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:15 No.4798845
    The ratio seems to be about 60-40? There's a lot of guys there, but a ton of them are women too
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:15 No.4798847
    Wouldn't /ck/ already be allied with /co/?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:15 No.4798848
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    Assuming this large portion of the island is a volcano (doesn't mean it's an active one) then that would be a great place to build a fort overlooking the southern town. I'd put my money on that being easier to defend.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:15 No.4798849
    We could start a sex slave industry and sell off all of our namefags to /h/
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:16 No.4798852
    I would so play this and fight for team /cgl/. I used to play text-based games all the time.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 08/02/11(Tue)16:16 No.4798853
    I thought the split would've been 70-30 or something
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)16:16 No.4798854
    Thus, we make an alliance with /ck/, we make an alliance with /co/.
    More people the better.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:20 No.4798867
    It's partly guess work based on some of the few survey threads they have that I've seen. If it's 70-30, then the 70% is men.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:21 No.4798870
    You are all discussing amazing plans about alliances and ports, but you overlooked the most basic issue at hand.

    You will all die in the first month (week) due to your severe lack of survival knowledge. It would be a miracle if half of your are alive by the time boats start arriving, and that's considering the boats set off ASAP.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:23 No.4798874
    Some of us go camping you know. Sure it's not "survival" but it's close.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)16:24 No.4798876
    You're assuming none of us know about survival.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:25 No.4798879
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:26 No.4798882
    I think /cm/ has a larger proportion of women than /y/, though. /y/ does seem to have mostly dudes but I always get a very 'female vibe' from /cm/.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:26 No.4798884
    Dude, we build things at /cgl/.
    We can easily build boats, travel to /ck/, offer shelter in turn for food. We team up, they keep us alive, and we build more alliances.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:27 No.4798885
    >ally with /fit/

    /fit/ goes one of two ways, either we're all to busy mirin' on our own island
    the dreaded /fit/ler comes to power, and starts his holocaust against fatties. In which case, the hambeasts of /cgl/ will quickly be eradicated
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:27 No.4798892
    Close, but it still isn't it. There is a difference between living in a tent in a safe park while munching on some snacks that you brought along and stalking potentially dangerous animals through the woods, killing it, skinning it, being shoulders deep in its intestines and finally cooking it. All the while fighting off others of its specie. Did I mention gathering your own food?

    >Implying a tiny percentage that can will save the majority.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:29 No.4798894

    Why the hell not? They could carry a lot of shit, could whip our hambeasts into fighting shape and could supply brute force if we were ever raided.


    I've been lurking at /y/ and /cm/ for years now and I know the majority of both boards are females. There's less drama because we just want to trade porn and talk about videogames.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:30 No.4798896
    By the time that happens /cgl/ will have thinned out by working for shelter/ not having an easy supply of food.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)16:30 No.4798897
    Better than nobody knowing anything about it, I'm sure you'd agree.

    I think the question is, in this case, would /fit/ be willing to team up with us?
    I doubt it.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:31 No.4798902
    >Easily build boats

    You overestimate yourself.
    Building a boat, in those conditions, with non-electric tools will take you quite a long time. Especially since you will need to catch your food in the meantime.

    Also, /ck/?

    Why in nine hells would you go there? They can cook, but that does not mean they can gather their ingredients.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:33 No.4798907
    "Each island will have boats that can comfortably passage 1% of the islands population to other islands in the archipelago."
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:33 No.4798909
    We could just use our prop making skills to make spears from branches and rocks. That way we can hunt raptors for food. Eat them before they eat us.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:33 No.4798910

    Well, from the looks of things /cgl/ is the board most willing to admire their aesthetics. I hear they enjoy that sort of thing.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)16:35 No.4798914
    I guess it could work out.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:35 No.4798915
    >unrelated to the whole "building a boat" thing.

    Building a boat also takes a relatively considerable amount of engineering knowledge.

    Ladies, face it, you will revert to stone-age amzons.

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:35 No.4798916
    Reading this all I can think is that I'm glad I don't go on /b/ all the time anymore. If I got transported there I would surely be raped or worse as one of the few women.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)16:35 No.4798917
    I'll merely build a boat and travel with my partner to the farthest tip of /p/ or /y/ and we will live out the rest of our days there, or at least until everyone else has put aside their differences and there is true civilization again.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:38 No.4798925
    That's quite an understatement. Rape would be preferable.

    >merely build a boat
    We already discussed this issue, but let me repeat.
    With what knowledge?
    With what tools?
    Do you know how long it'll take?
    How do you plan on surviving while efficiently working on a boat.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:39 No.4798927
    I feel like /b/ is actually full of pussies who would be to wimpy to wage war. They talk a big game but how many of them would be willing to die for /b/. Very few.

    This reminds me of that book you have to read in grade school (at least at mine anyway) about the boy who has to survive after his plane crashed.
    If he could do it so could we as long as we worked together and didn't bring stupid shit with us like Lolita clothes.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:42 No.4798931
    /tg/ monitoring unit here.

    Ladies, a few number of things:

    1- the "Rape of the Sabines" was more in part with the whole grabbing wiminz huf huf typical troll buisness- although it is a historically proven method of diluting overly male dominated populations ( basically kidnapping) but since there are no family units to take anyone from , it would be more along the " Hey do you want to come over?"
    ( considering that /b/ is the size of Australia , any boats built here will be small, and no one wants uncooperative people on a small boat. - slave raids and the like are impractical at best, moronic at worst)

    2 concerning the military victory and whatnot.
    that is inconsequential.
    your first concern is survival.
    a.) finding a way to survive long enough until /tg/ can muster a evacuation or relief flotilla ( depending on how things go)
    b.) trying to build transportation yourself to relocate to a more hospitable place ( if you dont have a few sailors... doubtful this would be successfully)
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:43 No.4798933
    c.) actually manage to survive past the one year and two years mark.

    3. concerning armoured column and putting different boards on different military departments: nice idea, but.
    a.) no resources to manage even the most basic armoured cars without crippling our entry load ( our relative weight we can bring with) thus not allowing us to establish the infrastructure needed to support them.
    b.) Powered armour and mechs are rather inefficient on such a tech scale we will be scraping by.
    If you read Eric Flint’s 1632 series or Stirling’s Nantucket, you would get the general idea only it will be less pink then those books.
    Warfare will be most likely hunting packs and light infantry tactics until /k/ and anyone else can reload- then after running out of metal and if thy dont find a nice metal vein they will fall back to sharp sticks and rocks.
    /tg/ might manage the basics of a industry required for a pike and shot military configuration in a few years, but they would first go for bows, crossbows, javelins and spears.
    Although you can make and paint cloth, they would love your help in providing it. They will have requirements for most things though, and if you can work leather, that would be a nice .
    Tents, clothing, sails, ropes and the like will be quite in demand so you could get a nice economic pull and not need to rely only on the fact that you are the only reliable source of the fairer sex, if you manage to get in contact with /tg/ for an outsourcing deal or any board that might start some shit with such massive imports -/tg/ could focus on other things and star trying its hand at agriculture, mining, forging and building.

    I personally suggest you either pull a fast evac by your own forces, ( in a 1 year mark before serious raiding starts ) or go full survival on /cgl/ island. In both cases, aiming for a established cloth , tents, rope and leather clothing production would provide the trading goods you need if you can get some trade rolling.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)16:43 No.4798936
    Okay so, first things first.
    Everybody order a copy of The Castaway, and watch it just in case.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:44 No.4798938

    Do you really think lolis will leave all their brand behind to bring things like medical supplies, water and non-perishable food with them? If so, you are foolishly optimistic.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)16:44 No.4798939
    Scratch that, it's just Castaway.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 08/02/11(Tue)16:45 No.4798942
    This should be made into a game.
    It would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:50 No.4798954
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    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)16:51 No.4798957
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    I've done some amateur hull engineering. Given that this is /cgl/, plenty of prop makers should have tools. I will fletch a bow and arrows, then use my archery skills to bring down raptors. I will then barter for tools that I need with the meat of raptors I kill, while foraging for edible vegetation to supplement my diet of raptor meat. It should not take long for me to build a boat assuming at least some people bring power tools and there is suitable hardwood for construction.

    Besides, I can always take one of the ferries if need be. I only need to transport myself and one other person, after all. I would likely bring my disaster survival kit, which doesn't weigh all that much, and I would have just enough weight left for a few changes of clothes, a machete, one of my bows, a spear, seeds for farming, and some food, among other things.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:53 No.4798963
    Rapetor? It almost sounds like you're dismissing the threat posed by the rapetor.

    Try to imagine you're a woman in a dark street at night. You get your first look at this "rapetor" as you enter an alley near the nightclub. He moves like a bird, lightly, bobbing his head. And you keep still because you think that maybe his visual acuity is based on breast movement like the nerd - he'll lose you if you don't jiggle. But no, not Rapetor. You stare at him, and he just stares right back. And that's when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side, from the other two 'rapetors you didn't even know were there.

    Because Rapetor's a pack hunter, you see, he uses coordinated attack patterns and he is out in force today. And he stabs at you with... a six-inch cock that he keeps between his legs. He doesn't bother to slap your cheek like a prison con, say... no no. He stabs at you here... or here... or maybe here, slamming your intestines. The point is... you are alive when they start to rape you.

    So show some respect to the rapetor. They're dangerous. JC's totally right to fear them all. They'll sneak up on you and then plunder every orifice without lube or a reach around. And see, their camouflage is excellent. Any man with a penis is a potential rapetor, waiting for some fresh meat. If you're not careful, the rapetor will get you too.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:54 No.4798966
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    We should work on trying to protect ourselves from those raptors first. Invasion would take a while, and I guess each island is getting boats. Maybe a wall around settlements?
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 08/02/11(Tue)16:55 No.4798972
    i made that...
    and i am happy someone is using it
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:57 No.4798977
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:57 No.4798978

    Please consider good relation with /tg/, that is all i can ask for, from such fair ladies like yourself.

    That and please survive.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)16:59 No.4798980
    What would the the terrain be like? Jungle? And would raptors be the only animals there?
    I am assuming there would be something easier to hunt that them.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 08/02/11(Tue)17:05 No.4798990
    would definitally be bringing tent and one of the rifles from downstairs + as many bullets as I'm allowed. Maybe some knives and such? I think I'll be alright. I'll have food, in the least.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:06 No.4798998
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    So, what is everyone bringing?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:10 No.4799009

    I was imagining the terrain to be rain forest like. If so, there's a chance we wouldn't have to spend our days obsessively rationing clean water so that'd be a plus.

    It would make no sense at all if the only animals were Raptors.

    I'm assuming we could bring modern weapons. If so we could use our prop skills to build things such as bows, arrows and spears while having some guns and a supply of emergency ammo to fall back on when we get into serious trouble. I can't be the only person here who knows how to shoot a gun.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)17:15 No.4799024
    We are very few, my friend. Honestly, there's maybe four or five people I know on /cgl/ that have even been to a firing range before. To be honest, I'd rather bring a compound bow than a gun, though. We wouldn't have ready access to the materials needed to make more ammunition for a good long time, but any idiot can be taught to fletch.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:19 No.4799040
    My dad's collection of batteries, clothes, blankets, food, books. Anything that seems useful, like some bowls and cups and that collection of golf clubs that my dad has for no reason
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/02/11(Tue)17:22 No.4799049
    So does that mean that if /cgl/ had its own island, it'd be titled


    that being said, the first thing upon touching down immediately is finding my own place and warding all of you fucks off and immediately start to work on making a camp and finding food, either by hunting raptors or collecting fruit or both. Fuck raptors, I will spear you and eat your flesh you prehistoric shit-fucks. Eat sharp wood.

    Once I got the hang of that, I'd expand. I'd just spend my time making shit like spears and building a boat by myself. Everything by my own hands. My first instinct is to survive and figure out what I need to do next, and be able to adapt to this new way of life.

    Once I can take care of myself just fine, I'd welcome other people I could take care of. Maybe I'd want to leave the island pretty quickly, or start my own community. Either way I'd need people for that, and those people would need to count on me as well. Anyone that's still alive by this point should be useful enough, resourceful enough, strong enough to survive.

    At that point I'd be living to take care of my people and ensure we all come out just fine or better.

    Against groups of people, I'm pretty smart and diplomatic. I'm certain in my ability to use trade to my personal benefit or for the benefit of the people that want to join me.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:22 No.4799056

    You're probably right. There's no way we could bring and stockpile enough spare ammo to teach people how to properly shoot.

    We could split into groups I suppose. People who have experience hunting, people who could build shelter and people who could sit their asses on the shore and fish.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 08/02/11(Tue)17:24 No.4799063
    Bows sound like a good idea. Had I one, I'd have probably have said it myself... But I do have lots of knives, guns, and ammo. I'm no stick, so I should be able to bring along a decent amount of get along for some time... The guns could be scrapped for whatever else when they become obsolete.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:25 No.4799074
    Axes, crowbars, shovels, and other such useful weapons/tools.
    If I have weight left, then food and knives.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 08/02/11(Tue)17:29 No.4799097
    Since no one else mentioned it: something for fire. So you guys aren't sitting there rubbing sticks or scaping metal together. Preferably something easy like matches and lighter fluid.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:29 No.4799099
    Eventually, though, we'd run out.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:30 No.4799100
    I'm thinking plastic bottles. They are light, can store water and will last.
    A lighter, and maybe a flint or something that can be used to start fire once the fluid runs out.
    A hammer and saw, maybe some other tools.
    My favorite book, Lolita.
    A book on survival in the wild. There must be a good one. I figure it will come in handy.
    Warm clothes.
    I'm thinking a cast iron skillet too. You can cook a lot of things in it and it can be used at a weapon and it won't break. Only bad thing is that it is heavy so I could bring less stuff.
    I think nails would be really useful.
    A big bottle of rubbing alcohol.
    I don't know if I could even take all that. I only weight 130.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 08/02/11(Tue)17:35 No.4799121
    Then get a magnesium fire starter... Lol those last forever
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)17:35 No.4799122
    Hm. One problem I can see is that people will generally fall into one of three camps. The first is people who have a general idea of how to survive; they'll bring medical supplies, some food, a few light weapons. Then there's the people who have no clue, they'll bring useless stuff that won't serve much of a purpose. Finally, there are the people who go into it thinking they only need weapons, and they'll be just as useless after the first major firefight. I picture the first few days as quite Hobbesian in nature, eventually gravitating toward a more Lockean community, though certain people will remain useless and if we want to survive, we should just kick them out.

    We'll also need flint and some form of shelter. A tent, a sleeping bag, whatever have you. Unless we have adequate cover which we can then form into more permanent living accommodations.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:37 No.4799131

    Hmm, I'd want a good pair of solid, knee high boots to protect my feet and legs while hunting/gathering/building/fighting.

    A few sets of light colored clothing that could be easily layered to protect my self from the sun.

    A good knife, not for fighting since it'd be such close combat. But I'd use it for skinning animals for pelts and hides, for cutting ropes, for shaping arrows and bows. I'll whittle some fucking weapons to survive.

    Some fucking flint, because we'll need fire and we will run out of lighter fluid and matches.

    Some pots for boiling water and for cooking.

    Basic medical supplies.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 08/02/11(Tue)17:43 No.4799157
    Or like other's say: flint. It's what they use in that tv show Survivor.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 08/02/11(Tue)17:47 No.4799180
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:48 No.4799185

    I agree that kicking out the useless people would be a good idea. In the sense of good faith and not being a dick, they could have a grace period to either man up and learn how to survive or get out. We'd be in a heap of trouble if we had to devote huge chunks of time to defending people who have no clue what to do.


    Good idea on the books. We might need some kindling to get the fires going.
    >> Luca-Pyon !dhli6GN1EQ 08/02/11(Tue)18:01 No.4799217
    Let's ally with /po/ they're really nice (I go there a lot). And i think they have have like 20% women. But i'm not sure, since the board only has like 20 people.
    Joking! I know /po/ has a little bit more. And think of all the glue and paper they would have! We surely would need that!
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:06 No.4799238

    we could sell useless people to other boards for various stuff - they may be useless to us, but the to male dominated boards they are priceless.
    keep in mind the 1% population boats.
    We just need to make sure they are not robbed and captured in the process somehow.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:11 No.4799258
    If K was smart, they'd take over /cgl/ island. Then they'd have more land. Take the woman and enslave the weaker men into hard labor. They could turn the richer land into farmland.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:12 No.4799265
    /k/ would enslave anyone not of direct use.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)18:12 No.4799269
    A sex slave trade? I'm all for this.

    I will be reserving one woman from /cgl/ for myself though, so I'll be calling dibs on her. If you disagree, you can eat some of my Beeman Black Max carbons.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:12 No.4799270
    Lol @ people adding more and more boards to the alliances. Let's be straughtforward: EVERYONE VS /b/!
    >> motoko !!j+CvvVddZsH 08/02/11(Tue)18:15 No.4799283
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    >So, /cgl/ -- I think we would die off quickly..
    maybe you, but not me.

    thankfully my father taught me the joys of hunting and weaponry at a young age. I will sure as hell be bringing guns and ammo with me, as well as a crossbow.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)18:16 No.4799289
    Why has no one drawn mantoko yet in a drawthread?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:17 No.4799292

    I'm okay with this selling slaves ideas. That's some serious fucking motivation to not be a whiny bitch. I like it.


    We're not gonna stop you, Masao. You at least have an idea of how to be useful so go right ahead.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:17 No.4799295
    At least with /cgl/ and /tg/ working together we'd have more gear per person than any other alliance.

    My money is on /cgl/ having the only people who can actually MAKE fabric. At least one of you knows how, right? Right?
    >> motoko !!j+CvvVddZsH 08/02/11(Tue)18:18 No.4799298
    because I have not requested it yet. huuuur
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:18 No.4799299
    First thing we need to do is make bows and arrows. For everyone. We need them to hunt and for self defense. Almost any island may have a small group of males who decide to raid. Those who know how to make bows can teach the rest.

    We need to stay in groups so that the raptors aren't a threat and gather berries and stuff. We can use the useless people to test foods that we're not sure about.

    We also should pick a queen. Democracy is too difficult in this type of survival situation. We follow her orders and it ensures that we stay united and move quickly. We'll still discuss how she wears too much eyeliner behind her back.
    >> motoko !!j+CvvVddZsH 08/02/11(Tue)18:21 No.4799320
    I nominate Hatsuu as our queen.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 08/02/11(Tue)18:22 No.4799324
    >We also should pick a queen.

    Great. Then we would have groups of women sitting around discussing how much of a bitch and attention whore the Queen is. Horrible idea...
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:24 No.4799330

    Question! Who will teach you how to shoot a bow? I'm assuming you'd want us who actually know how to hunt to do it. Are we suppose to take shifts? Until you learn how to cover your ass that means we'd be teaching, hunting and defending while you pick berries.

    And picking a Queen would never, ever work with this board and you know this.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)18:25 No.4799337

    I'm picturing some Weavers style shit going down.

    Do it already fgt.

    I like you. I like you a lot. I'll teach people how to fletch and shoot a moving target.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/02/11(Tue)18:26 No.4799338
    >> Luca-Pyon !dhli6GN1EQ 08/02/11(Tue)18:27 No.4799343
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    >Pick a queen

    I thought PT was our queen!
    >> MatchaSherbet 08/02/11(Tue)18:28 No.4799349
    If we choose Pixiteriyaki as our Queen, NOBODY will complain.And if she wears skimpy outfits it only will make guys work harder...
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)18:28 No.4799350
    I propose Mika be crowned /cgl/'s King AND Queen. Any objections?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:28 No.4799352

    /tg/ monitor is always happy to offer practical and semi practical advice. hope it would work out, and you're envoys would not get robbed and captured the shit out of them

    More on my initial advice- send envoys inviting others to participate in this trade by coming to you, therefore not expose your navy and low male population or highly valuable fit female population to the high risk of capture.

    Also props and laurels for aiming for a full Amazon huntress-warrior population.

    May I suggest also the use of javelins and spears, that and traps, a lot of traps and ambushes. - you should aim to get some immigrants from either /tg/ or /k/ and double to functionality of those slave deals - this way you get double usage of the same trip
    1- disposal of useless and resource consuming members for valuable goods.
    2- influx of various needed talents at low to nigh zero costs ( being the largest female proportionate population makes you a prime immigration target, so you only need to convince the the talents you want and screen the chaff.)
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 08/02/11(Tue)18:29 No.4799358
    >Question! Who will teach you how to shoot a bow?
    We learned in high school. Most of the kids could hit the target. And since the only animal mentioned was a predator it's not like we have to chance it around the island and stalk it. Let it come to us. Just need someone as a decoy.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 08/02/11(Tue)18:30 No.4799365
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    >150lb limit
    I'm going full weeaboo.
    >bring kendo armour, swords ~ 20lb
    >30lb of books
    >50lb cooking utensils, tools, matches
    >50lb misc
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)18:31 No.4799371
    Speak of the devil.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 08/02/11(Tue)18:31 No.4799373

    I need to start spell checking my posts...
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:32 No.4799379

    Depends on the animal population, but we could fashion warm clothes out of pelts and possibly tan hides to create gloves and perhaps even some light armor.
    >> hungarian LARPfag 08/02/11(Tue)18:38 No.4799397

    don't worry we have at least to guys at /tg/ who know how to make fabrics
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:38 No.4799398
    We can go a little while without much protein. The point is to create a population that's self-sustaining. Girls who are out gathering berries will have their bows with them, so if they see a bunny they can practice. They'll miss most of the time, but eventually, they'll get better.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/02/11(Tue)18:38 No.4799399
    Oh Iowa high schools.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:44 No.4799437
    I do have the supplies and I do know how to work a loom/make basic linen fabric thanks to my grandmam but it would be shitty as hell. Feel free to disbelieve, it's the internet after all.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)18:46 No.4799449
    Aw fuck, /cgl/ is the board I frequent most. Oh well, I also go on /k/ quite a bit, so I'd be able to supply us with some neat guns and shit. Too bad I only weigh 135 lbs.

    Speaking of sex slaves, if we were close enough, I'd say we should enslave /d/. They'd probably enjoy it.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/02/11(Tue)18:51 No.4799484

    This is why living on my own is best until I'm strong enough to protect my people. People in a panic are annoying. So are people who think they know how to run things.

    Also spears are easier to make/less complicated to use. I have faith I can take down a raptor or even a few, all I need is a rock to grind a stick of fucking wood against, seriously. Raptors very likely probably beat me on foot, but who said anything about running. If they can beat me on foot, it's pointless to run. I will kill some fucking raptors, no matter what.

    Just wait out the pandemonium while you adapt and race toward exploiting your advantages and resources first. Be smart when it comes to encounters with other people. I have no doubts I can talk my way in and out of anything I want to.

    Also take the time to study the flora and fauna. Something as useful as setting a trap where there is a sink hole cleverly disguised with seemingly naturally occurring vegetation, only to have the victim fall into poison tipped arrows from a specie of frogs. That kind of advantage is crucial.

    Friends are important, as well as being on good terms with neighbors. I like my space, but I know being completely anti-social won't get you anywhere.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 08/02/11(Tue)18:52 No.4799490
    If I'm going to be stuck on an island I might as well get to play D&D I suppose.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/02/11(Tue)19:02 No.4799553
    I'd rather masturbate all day than to play D&D.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:06 No.4799575
    We can also get meat by scaring raptors away from their kills.

    Also fishing, gathering clams, crabs, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:08 No.4799594
    Good luck with the raptors by yourself after nightfall.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:10 No.4799606
    My thoughts exactly.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 08/02/11(Tue)19:11 No.4799608
    That's okay, I didn't invite you anyway.

    Also am I the only one who imagines /cgl island to be celtic with PT as our Boudica?

    /k would be like Rome at the stage of the empire.. if they managed to get along and strategise, anyway.

    /b would be a bunch of cavemen hitting each other with sticks.

    So we're screwed but probably not the most screwed.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:12 No.4799618
    >Cold blooded animal
    >after nightfall

    You're not cut out for this are you, anon?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:13 No.4799621
    Actually, /k/ would be something similar to a post-apocalyptic earth where everyone wants to kill everyone. As stated before, it'll be a Lost meets Predator.

    /tg/ would be Rome, with a fair share of Norse.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:14 No.4799628
    Best way to kill raptors, or anything deadlier than you: bait into canyon, rocks, tada.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 08/02/11(Tue)19:17 No.4799644
    /tg would have the better ability to strategise and plan for sure, but lack the weapon skills. Still if we're working together the two would benefit each other.

    But yeah. Not sure how we're going to tame the wild women here.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:18 No.4799650
    Why do I get this feeling /m/ would have steam powered boats rather quickly, but prioritized it over making clothing... Or shelter... Or finding food...
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:19 No.4799653
    Except no...
    There's a thread on /k/ and they are the 2nd most organized behind /tg/
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:19 No.4799655
    I wouldn't mind painting myself blue and running around naked with the rest of you.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 08/02/11(Tue)19:21 No.4799668
    Depends how cold it gets at night. If it's still warm and humid, they're going to be much more active.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:21 No.4799669
    Taming wild women?

    Oh please, after a month of fighting for everything they should be grateful for the first opportunity to reach a civilized society.

    As for the /tg/ isn't trained in warfare, I bed you to reconsider. /tg/ has many fech/tg/uys and anyone can be taught how to fight relatively quickly. /tg/ will eventually rule, because organized societies work far better than a mob of dudes with guns that like to live in tarp-covered holes, eat snakes and all the while hunting eachother.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:22 No.4799672
    Dinosaurs are not reptiles. They were likely warm blooded. Look it up.
    >> Tachibana !!oM0Yi6jYhj0 08/02/11(Tue)19:22 No.4799674
    The first thing we need to do after setting up an hierarchy to assure everyone gets what they need is... domesticate the raptors. Not only are they a valuable food source, but could aid us in attacking invaders. They're dangerous, yes, but all we must do is kill mothers who have recently laid eggs, then raise the hatchlings. Assuming they reach sexual maturity in ~2 or less years, we should have a good stock of domesticated raptors in about 4-6 years. Obviously not fully domesticated, but enough that they won't try to kill us. /an/ is too far away too assist us, which is why it is our first priority.

    Only >then<, we can go about establishing towns.
    >> Luca-Pyon !dhli6GN1EQ 08/02/11(Tue)19:22 No.4799679
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    Most boards like /vp/ are gonna be filled with 13-16 year olds.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:23 No.4799683
    That's because they're the two boards that spend their thine going through hypotheticals like this. When the shit hit the fan, /sci/ would kick everyone's asses. More engineering and medical knowledge than the lot of you combined. Would have desalination facilities by the end of the first week.

    Well, after the reverse inquisition was over...
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:24 No.4799687
    /sci/ would get curbstomped by nature in the month. You overestimate yourself /sci/guy
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:25 No.4799691
    Were they nocturnal? Point stands.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/02/11(Tue)19:26 No.4799694
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    We're definitely not gonna survive if we were to argue like this.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:27 No.4799704
    >implying anymore so than tg it Cgl

    Tg will be proper fucked when they realize none of them have the skills to execute their plans.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 08/02/11(Tue)19:28 No.4799705
    And feasting. I like feasting.

    I think you underestimate how mad most of the women here are.

    Also I wasn't putting one above the other, I agree. Still both would initially benefit from the other.
    >> Tachibana !!oM0Yi6jYhj0 08/02/11(Tue)19:29 No.4799712
    Yeah, raptors were probably not nocturnal. Their eyes were too small and there's no indication they had the sorts of things nocturnal animals with small eyes like wolves and such have. Now, if there were some Troodons, then we'd have trouble.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:29 No.4799713
    We'll come check on you after the first night to find out.
    >> Hatsuu !!+vbHxqaHFI4 08/02/11(Tue)19:30 No.4799718
    Oh, I don't know I couldn't possibl-

    W-well, if you insist...
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:32 No.4799725
    Good plan.
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 08/02/11(Tue)19:33 No.4799729
    the only board that would win is the one that has boats
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:33 No.4799731
    I visit this board more than any other, but I don't really want to be part of your society. Any chance I can just go to the far end of the island and make my own go at it?
    >> Aki !bloNd/iatI 08/02/11(Tue)19:35 No.4799741
    I am with you on this one.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 08/02/11(Tue)19:35 No.4799743
    >Each island will have boats that can comfortably passage 1% of the islands population to other islands in the archipelago.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 08/02/11(Tue)19:35 No.4799744
    >Obviously not fully domesticated, but enough that they won't try to kill us.

    You ever see those TV shows about people who raise wild animals from a young age? You know what happens to them? The animals eventually turn on their owner and attempt to kill them. Nearly every single time. Even none aggressive/predator animals.
    It more than likely won't work.
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 08/02/11(Tue)19:36 No.4799750
    i dont read this shit i just skim
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:37 No.4799751
    What are your orders, Your Highness?
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)19:37 No.4799752
    You can come with me and my waifu to the farthest tip of /p/ or /y/.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:37 No.4799753
    Okay, but that defeats the entire point :)
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/02/11(Tue)19:37 No.4799754
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 08/02/11(Tue)19:37 No.4799755
    Now you know.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:38 No.4799762
    Our "domesticated" raptors will most likely kill a few people occasionally. But it will be worth it for their extra hunting and defense against other raptors and invaders.
    >> Tachibana !!oM0Yi6jYhj0 08/02/11(Tue)19:40 No.4799769
    Were any of these animals birds? Because we're essentially dealing with slightly more intelligent birds here. As I said, not fully domesticated- there are going to be aggressive ones, if cassowaries are any indication. But most of them will be, at first, foodstock. We just need to put them in pits and feed them food.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:41 No.4799774
    I like to picture many generations down the line once civilization has taken hold what our island's people will look like (assuming we had only limited contact with outside islands). Frills everywhere. They will tell legends of the frillybutts of the old world. People with hair in all colors of the rainbow. And their holy gatherings called conventions.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:43 No.4799780
    Are we talking dozens of shitty rowboats or something more substantial? Trade is going to become important fast and the ability to move resources will ensure prosperity.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 08/02/11(Tue)19:43 No.4799786

    Not sure about birds. Usually it's large felines (tigers, lions, panthers) or something like a monkey or elephant. Though I'm assuming birds of prey could end up in the same fate. But keeping them in a pit for food is better than parading them around like "HEY GUIZE LOOK AT MY PURDY PET" which will somehow destroying someone eventually.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 08/02/11(Tue)19:45 No.4799795
    I'd like to think they'd be decent, but not big- they'd have to navigate the area, but not be too big to make it difficult to move.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:50 No.4799809
    It doesn't make much sense to feed carnivores meat in order to get meat.

    But, it only took 50 years for scientists to create a breed of domesticated foxes. I don't want to be the only island without domesticated raptors in 50 years.
    >> Aki !bloNd/iatI 08/02/11(Tue)19:50 No.4799810
         File1312329009.jpg-(28 KB, 500x281, shufflem12_09.jpg)
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    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 08/02/11(Tue)19:51 No.4799818
    I vote that if anyone turns out to be a hardcore weeaboo like the ones in the con horror threads that they are not aloud to come and should be pushed off the boat right away. We won't survive if we have those type of people running around.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:54 No.4799829
    so /b/ island is the only place with fresh water?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:54 No.4799833
    No, we need to keep them to lick frogs so we can find the poison ones for making our poison-tipped arrows.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)19:56 No.4799839
    If we're talking harems, I guess I'll have to take you, Pantsu, MJ, Supernova and Engarde along with me and my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)19:58 No.4799845
    How soon you want to bother with electricity? Or we going to hold off on industrializing and go through that lame agrarian phase? I can manage some solar chargers, large batteries, spotlights, and infrared motion detection eqip pretty easily. I mean, at very least it could help us guard or encampments, right?

    Also, binoculars, small telescope, and microscope.

    Don't worry about the quantities; I'm a fatty.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 08/02/11(Tue)20:00 No.4799851
         File1312329616.png-(46 KB, 369x165, Screen shot 2011-08-02 at 7.59(...).png)
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    How big are these islands exactly? There's no scale.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/02/11(Tue)20:01 No.4799858
    I'd bring 240lb of nice fabric, trade it for power among the seagulls who forgot to bring some for their cosplay. Rule /cgl/ with an iron grip untill someone invades. Appease the raptors by feeding them the fat lolitas.
    >> i hope im not putting to much thought into what im bringing Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:01 No.4799860
    >125lb limit
    i have a couple books on herbology and herbal remedy's.
    we will need to learn how to heal ourselves because we will run out of any medical supplies that will be brought. (5lb)
    and my father collects all kinds of knives, so i am in good supply with that. (20lb)
    2 sets of clothes (5lb)
    a small fishing box (10lb)
    2 goggles, to use in the ocean as well any lake or deep river. (>5lb)
    rain jacket, hoodie, hiking shoes (5lb)
    a large notepad and many pens/pencils to write down anything important. (5lb)
    thick blanket,many sheets, and a pillow. even if i couldnt make a shelter right away i could set up a little hut in a good tree. tie all my supplies with the sheets and hang them in the trees.(20lb)
    all kinds of rope, and a cloth meter tape(10lb)
    net, which can be used to catch large amounts of fish(5lb)
    foil, plastic wrap, plastic containers. used to store anything, plastic wrap can help trap rainwater, foil can cook food over a fire. (25lb)
    knife sharpener(>5lb)
    binoculars and a small flashlight(10lb)

    im pretty sure i got most of the measurements correct
    >> Hatsuu !!+vbHxqaHFI4 08/02/11(Tue)20:03 No.4799866
    I haven't read the thread yet, so who knows if this will work.

    Communication and trade routes are everything. We have the skills to provide clothing, blankets, shelter through props, etc.. Use the boats to bring these over to other islands, and, instead of currency exchange, negotiate for the rights to use their boats as well as ours to expand. Some islands have to reason to expand further than their island- we do.

    Negotiating with our closest neighbors would be first- /c/, /w/, /jp/. Using their boats, we can go further to /h/, /a/, /cm/ /y/, and so on.

    If possible, we can use their boats for further trade as well, or, in other cases, provide the shelter, clothes, etc. in exchange for military might. If we could secure /vp/, we have a strong military ally. We don't need to be the strongest- in fact, pretending to be weaker will work to our advantage- but we can be the smartest if we use trade routes and goods to gain protection.

    Importing goods using our excess of boats will also be important. If we import goods from /ck/, /k/, even /s/ or /toy/, we could build ourselves a merchant's country. The kind of place that could be rich with items, gossip, and a paradise. We're not far from the center- think of us as the vacation spot of the countries where our importing as seen lucrative results.

    As a country of merchants, I would propose remaining fiercely neutral. We merely need to have a quiet power.

    U-um... that's the idea, anyways. I'm gonna go run off now.
    >> Hatsuu !!+vbHxqaHFI4 08/02/11(Tue)20:05 No.4799876
    >some islands have to reason
    >some islands have NO reason

    >importing goods as seen
    >importing goods HAS seen
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)20:07 No.4799885
    >stay neutral
    >board with the most drama
    Your ideas are great, Hatsuu, but aren't practical given the average seagull. I must be extremely pessimistic to counter you optimism.
    >> Hatsuu !!+vbHxqaHFI4 08/02/11(Tue)20:21 No.4799951
    We are a dramatic board, but that suits a merchant country, which relies heavily on gossip. In fact, we'd do well as informants to other countries. Our neutral position means we could possibly sell information about other countries as well please, maybe even in exchange for goods. Since everyone comes to our country to obtain a wide range of goods at this point, it wouldn't be out of the question since rumors would float about everywhere. Let the others fight it out, we could use that drama to bring in profit.

    We could also establish leaders in different branches. Master Shambler could lead the Ministry of Finance with his financial experience, Vernedead leading the Ministry of Defense with his military experience and so on and so forth.

    I-I'm so sorry if I'm thinking things wrong aaah.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:24 No.4799962
    Suddenly you sell the wrong secrets to the wrong people and an invasion force curbstomps your Venice-like merchant state into oblivion.
    Have fun being sex slaves, ladies
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:25 No.4799966
    Take a boat to every other island. Burn their boats.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:28 No.4799981
    we also need to farm.

    seeds can be brought, as well as hoes, shovels, rakes, ect.

    we need to till out a semi large area of land to provide for the good amount of people on /cgl/.

    those tending to the crops can be those on /cgl/ who are too fat or wimpy to be of any use.

    also if we can get a cotton crop growing, we can start making thread, even if it might be incredibly shitty its still a start
    also boat ideas. others come to our island by boat, enslave them and keep the boat.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:30 No.4799986
    I like this idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:31 No.4799990
    Working the fields is hard work.
    How will you enslave those that arrives? With lolita dresses?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:33 No.4800002
    have hambeast attack them with brute force
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 08/02/11(Tue)20:36 No.4800014
         File1312331763.jpg-(70 KB, 1280x720, 1310929635316.jpg)
    70 KB
    The only thing I brought was vodka, so while all of you work I'm going to drunkenly sleep under the beautiful shade of a palm tree.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)20:37 No.4800020
    While you are asleep I will steal your vodka and trade it with /k/ for guns
    safety first
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:38 No.4800023
    It's alright. I'm actually a horse. What should I bring for my 1200 lbs of stuff?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:40 No.4800037
    Useful things.
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 08/02/11(Tue)20:40 No.4800038
    I'd like to see you try disturb my slumber. I'll turn into a ferocious bear and eat you.
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)20:43 No.4800049
         File1312332220.jpg-(37 KB, 640x435, bleach_kanonji0028.jpg)
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    >mfw I'm about a hundred pounds.

    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)20:43 No.4800050
         File1312332230.png-(1.37 MB, 1092x603, ikilledhim.png)
    1.37 MB
    >ferocious bear
    Well in that case I'd kill you and be the hero of the camp, having returned with vodka and a bear for food.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:45 No.4800057
    bring a 100lb of just sewing supplies
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:46 No.4800061
    Us light people would be useful for.. hiding in small places.
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 08/02/11(Tue)20:46 No.4800062
         File1312332383.jpg-(35 KB, 640x480, 1260038459301.jpg)
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    Sure, ok.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)20:47 No.4800066
    Bring a hundred pounds of needle and thread
    Can never have enough thread

    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/02/11(Tue)20:47 No.4800068
         File1312332450.jpg-(34 KB, 500x333, 1305268919332.jpg)
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    >>Be twice your weight

    Yeah, this would be interesting.

    I'm down for being a hunter.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:57 No.4800102
    Am I the only one who thinks this would turn into Lord of the Flies really fast?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)20:57 No.4800104
    Yep, a town on an inactive volcano would actually be very strategically sound. Ambushing us would be virtually impossible.
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)20:58 No.4800108
         File1312333097.jpg-(74 KB, 640x480, bleach_kanonji0021.jpg)
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    >mfw your large bulky ass will be crunching through the underbrush, while my small lithe form will travel silently through the trees
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 08/02/11(Tue)21:00 No.4800114
         File1312333241.jpg-(26 KB, 388x500, 1259115587820.jpg)
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    You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you..
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:01 No.4800117
    if the ground on the volcano is fertile enough, we can start a farm on the side of the volcano using a terrace style technique. it might take a little long but the food and materials will be more reliable than fishing and hinting after a while
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:01 No.4800120
    oh shi-

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:03 No.4800124
    Our queen has spoken. We are a neutral but armed merchant country with military and trade alliances with our neighbors. Yay for the best standard of living among the islands.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:05 No.4800133
    Nah, we're not kids and more matu--oh wait nvm.
    I think I'll just go into hiding and be a hermit.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/02/11(Tue)21:05 No.4800135
         File1312333527.jpg-(12 KB, 306x181, Oh Hell Yes.jpg)
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    >>Implying this is a challenge

    This is survival, not a challenge lol


    >Implying I'm loud and don't know how to move quietly.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:06 No.4800140
    But I think you got it anon. Also, there's plenty of underageb& tripfags and namefags on /cgl/ anyway.
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 08/02/11(Tue)21:07 No.4800147
    Yeah, that is a pretty shitty way to die. Piggy didn't have much of a break either.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:09 No.4800159
    are there any other threads on this?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:09 No.4800160
    I'm not fat and I don't wear glasses. I do have ass-mar, though. Shit.
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)21:10 No.4800167
         File1312333854.jpg-(45 KB, 640x480, bleach_kanonji0032.jpg)
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    It... It's kind of a challenge to survive. That's what this thread is about... Just sayin'.

    But WAIT. If we're supposed to be co-existing I suggest a tag team. Your manly bravado and noticeable stature will bring the fight to you. Then I will unsuspectingly take out the enemy from above.
    This could work....
    >> MMillen 08/02/11(Tue)21:11 No.4800173
    Eh, I've survived worse. We'd be fine don't even trip. Honestly, idk about you guys, but I'd genuienely enjoy being stranded on an island with you people right about now.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/02/11(Tue)21:14 No.4800192
         File1312334095.jpg-(33 KB, 426x426, ALWAYS.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:17 No.4800203
    C-can I be a part of your team? I can... cook spaghetti?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:17 No.4800204
    Why do you always feel like you have to prove yourself?
    No one really gives a fuck.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 08/02/11(Tue)21:19 No.4800215
         File1312334389.jpg-(88 KB, 410x600, 1311373139273.jpg)
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    That's why I'm bringing armour and weapons~

    >book it day 1 and keep to myself
    >have things to survive and stay sane
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 08/02/11(Tue)21:21 No.4800220
         File1312334473.jpg-(148 KB, 640x480, 1258924691964.jpg)
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    It's ok anon, I'll protect you.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:21 No.4800223
    You'd better do a better job at that then Ralph! But thanks.
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/02/11(Tue)21:23 No.4800228
         File1312334631.jpg-(319 KB, 940x2004, 1300489127913.jpg)
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    Got plenty of ammo and weapons. I'll probably live for a little while, assuming I'm not killed for them.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:24 No.4800232
    Actually thinking about it, I run cross-country quite a lot. That could probably help in some way, like if you needed spaghetti really far away from camp.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:25 No.4800237

    How is he trying to prove himself?

    You've got a case of "mad"
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/02/11(Tue)21:28 No.4800252
         File1312334916.jpg-(22 KB, 600x371, 1245603657672.jpg)
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    I'm taking my Dad's machete, my family heir loom knife, the Javelin my folks got during their trip to Africa, and 3 pairs of pants: 1 pair of martial arts pants, some swim trunks, and comfy slacks.

    Allying myself is wise but survival is key. I won't hold anyone's hands.

    Also WTF man, /co/ is so far away D:<
    >> JillyBean !!mfTMBcZaJs2 08/02/11(Tue)21:32 No.4800267
    Bringing my small loom just to get started, and so we can learn to make more. (and by small I mean the thing fits in my lap) and thread. Lots of thread.

    Also a plastic tea pot. One thing I learned in Senegal is all you all have to get used to going outside, no toilet paper. So I'll bring a small shovel and my plastic tea kettle to at least get some facility's going.

    Blue had the right idea with tree houses, but till we get those going huts. Their easier to make than one would think and their surprisingly good shelter.

    If we can organize it, get the light people to carry plastic bins and the like, so that we can have enough to get buy and hold water in.

    Other islands pose a threat but I wouldn't be concerned about them till we get our own civilization up and running.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/02/11(Tue)21:37 No.4800282
    now that I think about it, I'll bring my bracers from Gurren Kamina and the shoulder pads + Drill as well. Cheesy yes, but it's armor of some degree.

    And finally a very special Keychain someone bought me during comic con.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:37 No.4800284
    I'm fairly useless in terms of supplies within 15 minutes reach. I'd be willing to use some of my weight allowance to bring a wheely bin for water storage.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:39 No.4800289
    I'm bringing 130lbs worth of toilet paper
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:40 No.4800294
    we'd also be decent at sewing up wounds, are used to starving and making shit work when it needs to under great deals of pressure/time constraint. i think we have a fair shot.

    seagull priestess island sounds nice to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:40 No.4800295
    You have that laying around?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:43 No.4800306
    I live pretty much right beside a convenience store that stocks toilet paper so I could easily run over and grab it within 15 minutes

    Maybe not 130lbs worth, but hey
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/02/11(Tue)21:44 No.4800315
    Good enough
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)21:45 No.4800318
         File1312335923.jpg-(61 KB, 640x435, 4b79383c55b710_full.jpg)
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    Hush. That manly bravado is what is going to keep my sly ass alive.

    Do you make the pasta fresh? If not, you are dead to me.

    You do you, man. Yet again, ensuring survival over here.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:47 No.4800335
    Well then, good sir, I am alive and well.
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)21:49 No.4800341
    Oh hot damn, I do love me some pasta.
    You probably have great endurance, but how is your sprinting?
    A message runner is always handy~
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)21:51 No.4800352
         File1312336314.jpg-(17 KB, 264x198, 486185815v2147483647_480x480_F(...).jpg)
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    I'm sure that those of us with medical training will be doing the suturing.
    >> Suika forgot his trip !U5tEct/BcY 08/02/11(Tue)21:56 No.4800373
    I guess the manons and trip-bros make up the temple-guards?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/02/11(Tue)21:59 No.4800382
    Just don't fall behind~ Otherwise you just might be left4dead.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)22:00 No.4800387
    Sprinting's pretty good. Obviously distance is preferred, but in a pinch I can go pretty damn fast. Couple that with the threat of raptors boosting adrenaline and I'll be fine~
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)22:03 No.4800399
    >making a L4D reference at somebody who's favourite game is L4D2
    Y u do dis?

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)22:05 No.4800408
    Raptor bolognese? I think that's a given.
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)22:12 No.4800431
    Well look guys, I found us a handy temple runner-messenger.

    Matt, where you at, yo?
    Let's go hunt us some raptor.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/02/11(Tue)22:20 No.4800459
         File1312338005.jpg-(43 KB, 533x358, Wilson.jpg)
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    >meanwhile, in Masa's camp

    "Fuck that, Wilson. You've been hogging the goddamn bathroom for five minutes already. Give it a rest."

    Cast away fit is ideal for this situation, just need to be able to swim, trek long distances and survive in any weather.

    I'd survive, no matter what. And so would Wilson.

    (I need to be that fit anyway, world cup backpack south america trip fuuuuuu)
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 08/02/11(Tue)22:22 No.4800474
         File1312338178.jpg-(22 KB, 238x207, Bitch Im Crazy.jpg)
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    You forget, my stomach is bottomless.
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)22:30 No.4800510
    Oh great because I'm exactly the same. Unless, as Masa has learned, you liberally douse errthang in Tabasco sauce. Great way to Don-proof food. Probably shouldn't have told you that...

    >Meanwhile, in Camp Matt Kanonji

    We all gather around the fire eating raptor bolognese and listening to stories about how, "there was this one time, me and my buddy Keith..."

    I know which camp I'm rooting for. Just sayin'.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/02/11(Tue)22:30 No.4800512
    Unless it's 2 cheesecakes in my house.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/02/11(Tue)22:33 No.4800526
    You exclusive, close proximity to each other, bastards. Leaving me out.
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)22:38 No.4800540
    Technically, Maguma lives in SoCal.
    That defaults him into Masa's camp.
    Hopefully he likes volleyball....
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)22:38 No.4800541
    I feel that I would be pretty useless as I can barely lift 5lbs weights, can't run, burn up quickly, ect.

    I'm probably only good for cooking, trading, and bed warming. :v
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/02/11(Tue)22:42 No.4800549

    Nah. Maguma's a neighbor. I think we'd clash too much.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)22:42 No.4800552
    Can you cook pasta? If so, you are the official sous-chef of Camp Matt Kanonji. Also, I'll take you up on that bedwarming offer
    >> Aki !bloNd/iatI 08/02/11(Tue)22:55 No.4800602
         File1312340134.png-(232 KB, 640x360, shuffle_asa0221.png)
    232 KB
    I am opposite, while I can run and have a lot of energy, I can't cook.
    Everything I touch burns ;w;
    But I can clean and I can help people out with exercising and stuff so everyone can stay in shape
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)23:02 No.4800657
         File1312340555.jpg-(7 KB, 140x105, Don's the man..jpg)
    7 KB
    >mfw this is turning out to be a legit-ass camp
    >> Lilitu !!QX/7+4TXYci 08/02/11(Tue)23:02 No.4800659
    Seeing how I weigh the most out of anyone on /cgl/ I would have the most supplie. Then i would be take. As a bride do to my skills of cooking and my family's track record of producing many healthy children (great grandma has a mother hero award). I will then be spared the bitchiness of the period talk and ensure some to carry on the human race.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)23:03 No.4800661
    There’s only one type of exercise people are going to get with you.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:04 No.4800676
         File1312340693.jpg-(173 KB, 1440x1080, 258.jpg)
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    How do I fit into all this? I want in!
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:05 No.4800678
    I can cook pasta, omelets, pancakes, grilled cheese, soup, veggies, boiling anything. Everything I make is ugly, but tastes decent and won't give you the runs.

    Fair warning about bed warming: I get really cold hands/feet due to poor circulation.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/02/11(Tue)23:05 No.4800682
    penis! Oh wait, is she atractive, I forgot.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:05 No.4800684
         File1312340751.jpg-(89 KB, 1366x768, 1310916833936.jpg)
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    We share a treehouse.
    And adventures happen.
    >> Page !PageMe/drI 08/02/11(Tue)23:06 No.4800691
    I'm just there being all like.
    " Yeah " And i'll survive somehow.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 08/02/11(Tue)23:06 No.4800692
    I dont want to break your ego, but wow you are useless.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:06 No.4800693
    is there some kinda rp forum set up for this
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)23:07 No.4800696
         File1312340841.jpg-(26 KB, 360x372, 01.jpg)
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    You're part of my harem. We're laying low on /p/ or /y/ until the killing stops. You're not my waifu though.
    >> Postaway !bDXDtwmbHg 08/02/11(Tue)23:07 No.4800698
    Nope just this.
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)23:07 No.4800700
    Well, I can't take you, but anybody in my camp is welcome to. You would bring much to the table.

    Watchu got to give, yo?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:07 No.4800701
    You can wear a maid outfit that will be useful
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:09 No.4800713
    It's true. I don't even have good birthing hips, I'm terrified of getting pregnant and dieing in childbirth. :/
    >> Aki !bloNd/iatI 08/02/11(Tue)23:09 No.4800714
         File1312340986.jpg-(51 KB, 704x396, shuffle20b_asa21.jpg)
    51 KB
    Oh you so funny!
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:10 No.4800723
    You're hired!
    Don't you be sassing my sous-chef now. Our raptor bolognese will be the talk of /cgl/ island
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/02/11(Tue)23:11 No.4800728
    This is why the Cesarian was invented
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:12 No.4800735
         File1312341146.png-(288 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-308775.png)
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    What would out first adventure be?

    I am okay with that.

    W-well, knowing me, I'd take vast amounts of panties and cute outfits...and...oh! I can cook and be a good waifu! I'm sure there are more ways I can be useful, but I can't think at the moment.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)23:13 No.4800739
         File1312341183.png-(94 KB, 688x432, datsmile.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:13 No.4800750
    I know that.
    But on an island? I hope there's a good doctor.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:14 No.4800754
    lol derp
    I meant "our" not "out", Blue.
    Silly typos.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:14 No.4800755
         File1312341274.jpg-(36 KB, 513x360, 1300931691195.jpg)
    36 KB
    I'm not sure, after it though, we'd probably have to leave the treehouse.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:16 No.4800766
         File1312341404.jpg-(41 KB, 591x326, dizayum.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:17 No.4800770
    What makes you think I'm not a more useful engineer than all of /sci/ put together.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:17 No.4800776
         File1312341477.jpg-(13 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
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    Uh-uh...yes, of course. I'm just happy I share a treehouse with you. We can stay up at night and...TALK ABOUT K-ON! Hurr.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:19 No.4800790
         File1312341572.jpg-(107 KB, 870x1080, 32675.jpg)
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    Sounds like a plan.
    I call the top bunk.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:20 No.4800799
         File1312341629.png-(165 KB, 390x394, 189561.png)
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    Ooooh. That. Gotcha.
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 08/02/11(Tue)23:22 No.4800813
    Blue I have to say, I have noticed how you have become seriously fucking alpha lately.
    I commend you for it.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:23 No.4800819
    I-I have?
    Gotta be my new hair. Makes me manly.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:23 No.4800820
         File1312341811.png-(67 KB, 407x358, miosad.png)
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    Can we share a bunk sometimes? I tend to get scared easily.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:24 No.4800826
    Oh yeah, sure.
    You ever get scared of the raptors, feel free to jus' cuddle up under the sheets.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 08/02/11(Tue)23:26 No.4800843
    You are so going to get eaten.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:26 No.4800847
    aye with a bit of luck, that's what i was goin' for
    but don't tell pantsu
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:27 No.4800854
         File1312342072.gif-(182 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lm59jyUBCW1qd6621.gif)
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    D'aww. You're so kind to me. I'll make sure to keep that in mind. Boy, do I sure hope that island doesn't have barnacles...we all know how I react to that...
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:31 No.4800879
         File1312342284.jpg-(62 KB, 550x412, coalguys-k-on-06-8ba42fb0-mkv_(...).jpg)
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    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:32 No.4800895
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:36 No.4800925
         File1312342592.gif-(483 KB, 500x503, tumblr_ln3dadphEK1qjeazho1_500.gif)
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    Oh, I understood. I was just playing innocent.
    I'd like to eat you right up. Mmmm.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/02/11(Tue)23:37 No.4800932
    This shit's gettin' crazy. I'm off to /v/ four a couple hours
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:38 No.4800935
         File1312342686.gif-(1.78 MB, 333x194, 1306363995603.gif)
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    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:41 No.4800947
         File1312342872.gif-(441 KB, 251x192, 3d037bc0f4c138e7a6269eabda2077(...).gif)
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    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:43 No.4800958
         File1312342993.jpg-(42 KB, 206x206, 1265230759015.jpg)
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    I forget which episode that GIF is from.
    Hell, maybe that can be one of the ones we talk about.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:49 No.4800991
         File1312343374.png-(423 KB, 528x720, K-ON-12-Large087.png)
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    Well, we couldn't watch it, since, y'know, no TV, but, well, I could re-enact it for ya. Maybe show you what happens in that special episode...
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:52 No.4801012
         File1312343539.jpg-(47 KB, 540x480, 41746.jpg)
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    Sounds like a date.

    Damn Pantsu, continue on like this and it'll be VERY interesting when I get to Texas.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:52 No.4801015
         File1312343555.jpg-(44 KB, 600x505, 47000-04dfe0464012dcfa6cb2b26f(...).jpg)
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    I feel awkward still being in this thread
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:53 No.4801024
    it's just internet courting nothin' to see.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 08/02/11(Tue)23:57 No.4801049
         File1312343841.jpg-(51 KB, 600x450, 200904akiyama_mio6.jpg)
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    It'll still be interesting even without me continuing. Though, I suppose if I do continue, it would just be even MORE interesting. Hmm, I like that.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 08/02/11(Tue)23:59 No.4801069
         File1312343960.jpg-(84 KB, 570x1010, 32658.jpg)
    84 KB
    Hell, I like the idea too.
    But I do need my beauty sleep, and if we keep talkin' like this I'll be up all night.

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