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  • File : 1312082221.jpg-(104 KB, 500x667, MaidDave.jpg)
    104 KB Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 07/30/11(Sat)23:17 No.4788133  
    So, lets see cosplays from Otakon.

    I've been lurking and I'm hoping to get something good, for I failed to bring anything better than my shitty, dying phone camera.
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 07/30/11(Sat)23:18 No.4788138
    I lost my camera so all the photos I took are no longer with me.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 07/30/11(Sat)23:24 No.4788147
    Yeah, I have pics.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:25 No.4788148
    It's 11:11 on Saturday night. Anyone at Otakon who is sitting on the internet right now is a fucking loser even by convention standards and should have just flushed the money they spent to go down the toilet.
    >> Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 07/30/11(Sat)23:26 No.4788150
    Shit, that sucks. I have about 50 shitty, lensflare'd camera phone photos.
    Post 'em.
    My ride got sick, so I had to leave early.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:26 No.4788153
         File1312082818.jpg-(73 KB, 480x640, tumblr_lp6fkdsHxJ1qawb8zo1_500.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:27 No.4788156

    Who are you?
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:33 No.4788166
    I swear there is no Pleasing anyone I have been sitting in my room all day because the one girl I came with decided that everything she wants to do no one else wants tO do even though every fucking panel we have gone to has been one she wanted to go to and if everyone in the room wants to do something different and we dint all go as a group then she wants to bitch about it. Seriously though I don't understand why she can't just go to what she wants with her other friends and let us do what we want. I just couldnt deal with it so I lied and said I have been ill
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:34 No.4788170
    I have seen skirt-wearing John. I have not seen Maid Dave. I was one of the two Spades Slicks at the homestuck meetup, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:37 No.4788179
         File1312083429.jpg-(1.57 MB, 2016x3584, DSCN0966.jpg)
    1.57 MB
    Just gonna upload a couple faves, too tired for a dump
    >> Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 07/30/11(Sat)23:38 No.4788182
    Oh my. I am skirt-wearing fem-John. Maid Dave was just an old picture I pulled from my meager cosplay photo.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 07/30/11(Sat)23:39 No.4788189
    Don't tell me what to do.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:40 No.4788190
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:40 No.4788194

    Ugh, anon I know that feeling of having to deal with someone like that. I'm not at Otakon or anything, but had a similar issue with one person in our group for AX. I understand wanting to hang out here and there, but I want to see/do other things that they may not want to do and vice versa. I don't like staying as a group the whole time because I know everyone usually just wants to do things on their own pace. If we all want to hang together, it'd be best to just find something we all want to do and meet up, and not stay a group the whole time.
    >> Luca-Pyon !dhli6GN1EQ 07/30/11(Sat)23:41 No.4788196
    All of mine are on facebook. Which I don't want to share with people.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:42 No.4788197

    Ahah, nice. I wtf-ed a bit when i saw your outfit. Nice, though.

    Also, i noticed a couple odd trends. Like about half the gamzees being fucking whale sizes, and all of the vriskas being at least somewhat skinny. There were no fat vriskas. Good thing hussie wasn't there.
    >> Ukraine 07/30/11(Sat)23:42 No.4788200
         File1312083767.jpg-(881 KB, 2592x1456, 2011-07-29_19-55-06_503.jpg)
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    I won't have my photos till next week I was trying to edit them before I leave but ah well. Have Missile and spoiler!cat.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:44 No.4788208
         File1312083862.jpg-(1.58 MB, 2016x3584, DSCN0963.jpg)
    1.58 MB
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/30/11(Sat)23:47 No.4788220

    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:48 No.4788223
         File1312084086.jpg-(1.59 MB, 3584x2016, DSCN0961.jpg)
    1.59 MB
    >> Ukraine 07/30/11(Sat)23:52 No.4788244
    OUR UTTERLY AMAZING LYNNE MADE IT. She does take commissions!
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/30/11(Sat)23:54 No.4788251
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)23:56 No.4788262

    He popped in on Friday and wandered around. I high fived him.
    >> Ukraine 07/31/11(Sun)00:00 No.4788268
    I'm on my phone right now so I don't have her email but I think I have you on aim so I can send it to you later if you want a commission, she really is amazing. (Our whole group was just awesome)
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)00:00 No.4788270

    I had heard he was wandering around somewhere. Wasn't lucky enough to see him. Fuuuuuck.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/31/11(Sun)00:05 No.4788285
    Definately hit me up on that. Been looking for someone who could make those cats. I'd want a sitting-upright version though.
    >> Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 07/31/11(Sun)00:06 No.4788287
    Yeah. It was just too hot to hang out in long pants for me, so being the lazy fuck that I am, I threw that shit together and good enough.
    The gamzees weren't too bad. Homiestuck was great.
    Oh god I'm so jealous.
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 07/31/11(Sun)00:08 No.4788295
         File1312085280.jpg-(590 KB, 1536x2048, photo.jpg)
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    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 07/31/11(Sun)00:10 No.4788300
    Posing like Kiva for some reason...
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 07/31/11(Sun)00:11 No.4788302
         File1312085494.jpg-(283 KB, 2592x1550, master.jpg)
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    Master Chef from Road Rash.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)00:14 No.4788313
    It's meow-tan
    >> Ukraine 07/31/11(Sun)00:16 No.4788318
    She's the one that got me into plush making, I have the cutest Maya Fey she made. Idk what her schedual looks like but it def doesn't hurt to ask. I'll aim you next week with it!
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)00:24 No.4788328
    >everyone who isn't at a shitty rave is a fucking loser
    Sup my hipster friend
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)00:59 No.4788428
         File1312088361.jpg-(157 KB, 597x795, OtakonCandyLand.jpg)
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    I'm stuck at my artist alley table all con, so I can only photograph people who walk by
    >> Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 07/31/11(Sun)01:38 No.4788492
    You poor girl. What table are you running?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)01:42 No.4788498
         File1312090949.jpg-(60 KB, 640x489, MUDKIPZ.jpg)
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    Hooked on Chibis
    >> Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 07/31/11(Sun)01:43 No.4788502
    Oh yeah, I've seen your booth. Its pretty nice, glad to see /cgl/ has real talent.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)01:48 No.4788520
         File1312091315.jpg-(75 KB, 900x892, Heartless2.jpg)
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    u so nice
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)03:48 No.4788749
    Well the worst thing about it is she was obsessed with making sure I didn't invite any drama into the room because we had so much last year but now this year it's all her. On top of it I Paid for her room on Thursday at a cheaper Place because she was bitching about it and I wanted to avoid a fight, then I am paying all the parking fOr the weekend, she wanted pizza and refused to eat anything other then cheese which I ordered and yet again paid for to avoid a fight. Today she was mad because there were other people cosPlaying the same thing as her and no one asked for her Photo. She was calling other girls fat even though she is still over weight, and generally being bossy. She had the nerve to tell me that she didn't get to do anything she wanted to do, even though I was going to everything she wanted to go to and only got to go to the things I wanted to go to if she did too. So today I faked sick, slept in my room, and went to the Masq. just to get out of the room and not run into her. I am so annoyed it's like I love hanging out with her but at cons I can't stand it. At least last year she was too busy with her girlfriend to bitch at me and I was able to enjoy myself.
    >> Sandwich !Kd9ZSo7SyQ 07/31/11(Sun)03:51 No.4788754
    This is adorable <3
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)04:43 No.4788874
    I think I saw this booth as well was tempted to get one of those but I was stuck following the EVEE TRAIN
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)08:30 No.4789159
    thats meowtan/tempest paige.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)16:08 No.4790232
    >> ThatGirl 07/31/11(Sun)16:16 No.4790255
    Unfortunately, I haven't got a camera, so whenever I saw somebody I wanted to photograph during the weekend I flailed at one of my friends for theirs. Sorry!

    It was pretty good con, all in all. I had to get a replacement badge though, and I lost my flag for a couple hours on Friday night. My roomate found it though. I'd go into more detail but I'm still a little zonked.

    I was femme-Dave for the Saturday Homestuck shoot, by the way, along with Elie today and Steampunk Austria for a larger part of the weekend.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)16:19 No.4790263
    Where are you from anon? I think I know this girl irl.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)16:19 No.4790267
    Is she like a sweet Harley Quinn or something? What's she supposed to be?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)16:51 No.4790366
    polite sage, but to all Homestuckers: do any of you have photos of octopimp as Bro?
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 07/31/11(Sun)17:24 No.4790442
    I tried to find you on Friday but I think I ended up heading over to the Fountains you had already left.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)17:27 No.4790447
    yeah there's a bunch of them, check the otakon thread on the mspaforums
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)19:20 No.4790779
    where are all the pictures?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)19:29 No.4790824
    There was a really good Panty and Stocking there, didn't take a pic but would be cool if someone did.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)19:35 No.4790855
         File1312155322.jpg-(239 KB, 1000x667, otakon_1.jpg)
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    pictures, you say?
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)19:37 No.4790862
         File1312155440.jpg-(201 KB, 667x1000, otakon.jpg)
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    I'm not done editing my haul of photos yet, as I partied too hard during the con itself for photoshopping, and the hotel wifi didn't work anyway.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)19:38 No.4790867
         File1312155529.jpg-(256 KB, 667x1000, otakon_3.jpg)
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    still, I have a few I can show that I took this year 'round.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)19:40 No.4790872
         File1312155617.jpg-(230 KB, 667x1000, otakon_2.jpg)
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    before you get the wrong impression, I don't have any pictures of myself in here. I didn't really cosplay, I just wandered around in a horse head mask intermittently.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)19:41 No.4790879
    So moetron where
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)19:45 No.4790886
         File1312155955.jpg-(173 KB, 667x1000, otakon_4.jpg)
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    I really dig the style of coat this guy chose, the horizontal seams give it a very unusual feel compared to the traditional standard slendy jacket.
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 07/31/11(Sun)19:47 No.4790894
         File1312156046.jpg-(894 KB, 2048x1536, FILE0024.jpg)
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    Also have some GOOOOOOOOOKAIGER.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)19:47 No.4790895
         File1312156049.jpg-(213 KB, 667x1000, otakon_5.jpg)
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    at least there isn't any fucking cake.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)19:47 No.4790897
    It's "Harley Heart" from Artifice Clothing:
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)19:49 No.4790901
         File1312156157.jpg-(107 KB, 563x1000, 1341.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)19:49 No.4790902
    Anyone get that Misty cosplayer? THAT one. If you saw him you know what I'm talking about.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)19:50 No.4790910
         File1312156229.jpg-(232 KB, 667x1000, otakon_17.jpg)
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    not quite sure if this is supposed to be a cosplay of an actual character or just a generic anime girl costume, but whatevs. I'd do naughty things to her anyway.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)19:51 No.4790912
         File1312156266.jpg-(104 KB, 1000x563, 1336.jpg)
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    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)19:52 No.4790916
         File1312156326.jpg-(265 KB, 667x1000, otakon_20.jpg)
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    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)19:54 No.4790922
         File1312156442.jpg-(254 KB, 667x1000, otakon_32.jpg)
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    more extermination.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)19:59 No.4790935
         File1312156745.jpg-(247 KB, 667x1000, otakon_11.jpg)
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    dis fukken Misa, I mean goddamn.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:01 No.4790940
         File1312156879.jpg-(220 KB, 667x1000, otakon_12.jpg)
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    its by no means the most accurate Misa cosplay, sure, but for some reason she just pulls it together better than most of the misas out there.

    or maybe that's just my penis talking, I dunno.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:01 No.4790943
    >no wig
    >Hot topic corsette

    What the fuck are you talking about.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:02 No.4790945
         File1312156933.jpg-(91 KB, 1000x563, 1342.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:03 No.4790949
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    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:03 No.4790954
         File1312157037.jpg-(234 KB, 1000x667, otakon_14.jpg)
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    anyone else notice the ridiculous number of Lightnings this year? I swear they somehow managed to outnumber the yokos.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:06 No.4790960
    I just saw nyan cat everywhere, but that didn't really bother me
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:06 No.4790964
         File1312157190.jpg-(230 KB, 1000x667, otakon_26.jpg)
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    something something killing furries instead of deadites something, endearingly outdated pop culture references, end line.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:06 No.4790965
         File1312157213.jpg-(143 KB, 648x864, Otakon Cosplay 0152.jpg)
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    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:07 No.4790967
         File1312157251.jpg-(188 KB, 667x1000, otakon_13.jpg)
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    one more of that Misa.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:08 No.4790971
         File1312157320.jpg-(278 KB, 667x1000, otakon_9.jpg)
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    Link Mad.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:10 No.4790978
         File1312157422.jpg-(186 KB, 1000x667, otakon_18.jpg)
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    one more of Schroedinger's cosplayer.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:12 No.4790986
         File1312157529.jpg-(202 KB, 1000x667, otakon_31.jpg)
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    I'm fairly sure that these two do this gag every year, but its still amusing when it happens.

    pardon the blur, I was using a manual focus lens at the time and couldn't zero it in fast enough.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:16 No.4791000
         File1312157764.jpg-(236 KB, 667x1000, otakon_33.jpg)
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    more of the Dalek.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:17 No.4791006
    GlaDos isn't it? The fabric you used fits perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:17 No.4791007
    You should be proud! It's adorable.
    >> ThatGirl 07/31/11(Sun)20:19 No.4791010
    Ugh, yeah. That shoot. That horrible, horrible location. I had five layers on [undershirt, binding, dress shirt, waistcoat, cape] plus my metal gauntlets and some rather tight dress pants, and I was dying after ten,fifteen minutes out there. I only barely got rescued by my [awesome] friends doing Prussia and Germany, because I was on the verge of fainting. Outdoor fountains was the most retarded idea ever. Fourth floor next time, SERIOUSLY.

    Sorry I missed you though, I was trying to tough it out until you found me or vice-versa but I did not know what you were wearing. I feel bad.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:19 No.4791012
         File1312157977.jpg-(273 KB, 667x1000, otakon_30.jpg)
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    a pretty good looking Poison. her boyfriend made my penis sad, however.


    be proud! It's a good costume and a nice take on cosplaying a less-than-anthropomorphic character.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:21 No.4791020
         File1312158083.jpg-(225 KB, 2048x1365, 279835_2315200763189_134454152(...).jpg)
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    Holy shit, thanks guys. Here's another picture, just so you can see that the halfmask lights up.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:22 No.4791028
         File1312158149.jpg-(294 KB, 1000x667, otakon_29.jpg)
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    Wedding Witch.

    fun fact, I ran into this cosplayer at least three times in three separate occasions on friday. I was half tempted to ask her over when I ran into her at VAAD, but then I realized that I probably came off like some sort of stalker freak. I imagine that the horse mask didn't help that impression.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:23 No.4791035
    A word of advice: Don't take it being posted in an Otakon cosplay thread to mean it was a "success." Someone posted it because it was a cosplay at Otakon. This is 4chan; being posted here doesn't mean much. It's cute, but could definitely use improvement. So try not to get a big head about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:25 No.4791046
    >jealous fatty
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:25 No.4791048
    Another word of advice regarding the above poster: he is not attacking you personally nor trolling you. I think that it can be improved, but it is still a good cosplay.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:27 No.4791057
         File1312158450.jpg-(262 KB, 1000x667, otakon_34.jpg)
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    more Witch. I think I like this photo better, but that's just my fritzy compositional eye.


    mostly true, but as the person who took that one pic I did think it was a very good costume. Also a damn good showing for a first timer. But yes, just keep in mind that what may sound like attacks are usually just constructive criticism, which is the seed of all improvement.

    anyway, that's all for the pictures I have edited now. I may post a thread with them all, once I finish the post on them.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:31 No.4791068
    lol what a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:32 No.4791069
    Luka (Vocaloid) I think?
    Only guessing, it says "just be Friends" on her book, so I'm assuming it's that
    >> Funk Brothers !xi8/JKFwzo 07/31/11(Sun)20:33 No.4791071

    at BWI for moment. once I get home, I'm going to upload some cosplay and shots from the EGL fashion show. I hope to please the audience again as I did at ACen.

    also NYCC on the horizon?
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:34 No.4791072

    oh, one more thing just to fluff up my egocentrism. I had a few pictures taken of me, posed a couple times, all that jazz, but I never gave out an ee-mail to send them to because I'm a dense motherfucker. I was wondering if anyone's tracked any of them down, and if so they can post them here? I was that pudgy bastard wearing the button-down shirt and the horse mask.
    >> Shiy 07/31/11(Sun)20:37 No.4791080

    Judging by the red string it could be some derpy Just Be Friends Luka cosplay?
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:38 No.4791081

    I would love to go to NYCC, but I don't think I can afford the hotel, ticket, and spending money for it. if I can crash at a friend's place, maybe, but prospects are dim.

    I do hope to go to MAGFest and staff at Zenkai, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:38 No.4791082
         File1312159108.jpg-(571 KB, 868x1301, 5d3c49311ad392aeccb85775bac4f8(...).jpg)
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    why is white-face shiro catching on? why? y u do this cosplayers? :( her skin isn't the color of chalk, it's visibly a few shades darker than her hair. she's albino but albino people don't have white skin. they have very very pale skin.

    this is the second shiro that has used face paint for her costume and it just looks terrible and clownish. anons, if you are planning any shiro cosplays, go pale, not mime-makeup.

    here is the shiro that first used white makeup. she's adorable and her costume is great, but... dat chalky face. ugh. she would have looked so much better without it :(
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:42 No.4791086
         File1312159361.jpg-(1.82 MB, 2048x1536, Castlevania.jpg)
    1.82 MB
    Ill post a few. Sorry for the poor quality as my phone isn't a very good camera. Let's start with some Castlevania.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:45 No.4791092

    this reminds me, I totally plan to rip off 16-bit samus and do SCIV Simon Belmont for the next 'con I do.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:45 No.4791096
         File1312159532.jpg-(2.5 MB, 1536x2048, CloneTrooper.jpg)
    2.5 MB
    Now for some Classy Storm Trooper...
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:46 No.4791100
         File1312159606.jpg-(1.44 MB, 2048x1536, DocsnDalek2.jpg)
    1.44 MB
    From the Doctor Who photoshoot...
    >> Tachibana !!oM0Yi6jYhj0 07/31/11(Sun)20:47 No.4791101
    Horse mask...? I... I think I saw you... ... Did you go to that Stephanie Sheh panel?

    If not, there were two people walking around with horse masks...
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:48 No.4791107
         File1312159697.jpg-(1.3 MB, 1536x2048, FIRSTYOUMUST.jpg)
    1.3 MB
    Legends of the Hidden Temple...
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)20:49 No.4791110

    yeah, I went to the stephanie sheh panel. catwalk-side seat, too. I kept taking the mask off because it's hot as hell and I have a field of view maybe 3 degrees wide, but I got reactions every goddamn time I wore the thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:49 No.4791111
         File1312159783.jpg-(1.58 MB, 1536x2048, ITSTHETERROROFDEATH.jpg)
    1.58 MB
    Haseo. There was an Endrance too, but I was in a rush and missed that one.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:49 No.4791112

    Man if you only got more of the left side you could have got me in the shot. Apparently I was a pretty good looking Matt Smith.

    Anyone have more doctor cosplay?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:49 No.4791113
    There were so many Doctors staying at my hotel. It was like a fez convention.
    >> Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 07/31/11(Sun)20:52 No.4791120
    There was a really cute fem-doctor on the third day. Did anyone get any pictures with her?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:52 No.4791121
         File1312159924.jpg-(1.98 MB, 2048x1536, Elevens.jpg)
    1.98 MB
    Current uploader here, I've got more of that shoot I'll post. I was the one with the eleven with the non black pants since we didn't have much time to throw the outfit together.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:53 No.4791125
    Did you cosplay Russia from Hetalia?
    >> Spaceballs the Subject Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:54 No.4791128
         File1312160065.jpg-(1.81 MB, 1536x2048, SpaceBallstheCosplay.jpg)
    1.81 MB
    Spaceballs the comment...
    >> Kuroniji 07/31/11(Sun)20:54 No.4791130
         File1312160073.jpg-(22 KB, 300x300, portal-cake.jpg)
    22 KB
    "The Cake Baker" here!
    Honey you were amazing! I don't know how many times my roommates had to hear me talk about how cute and how wonderful you were!

    (Had to use crappy pic, camera is somewhere...)
    >> Tachibana !!oM0Yi6jYhj0 07/31/11(Sun)20:54 No.4791132
    I had to do a double take when I first saw you man, it was fuckin' weird. Awesome, but weird. You make it or buy it somewhere? If you made it, good job.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:56 No.4791139
         File1312160166.jpg-(1.51 MB, 1536x2048, YourArmsComeOff.jpg)
    1.51 MB
    If only they had a Percy to follow them with coconut halves. One more after this since I'm short on time.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)20:58 No.4791143
         File1312160337.jpg-(2.13 MB, 1536x2048, Jet.jpg)
    2.13 MB
    Last one!
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)21:00 No.4791150

    I wish I could lay claim to making that mask, but no, I picked it up off the internet for shenanigans.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:00 No.4791152
    I know its not "real" cosplay, but pleaseeeee someone post pics of maids from otakon
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:02 No.4791160

    I seem to recall you brofisting a large man dressed as Equius on friday. Am i correct in assuming that was, in fact, you?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:06 No.4791169
    Meow tan self posted. Lol.
    Is that your mom taking the pic for you?
    >> Tachibana !!oM0Yi6jYhj0 07/31/11(Sun)21:08 No.4791174
    Eh, it's still valid, as long as you had fun.

    ... I hate to sound like a nag, since I asked in the other Otakon thread but, did anyone see a Riza Hawkeye cosplayer? It was a pretty damn good cosplay and the chick was cute, but it was sleeveless for some reason. Creative choice or something I guess. Tried to get a picture with my camera phone but it came out fuzzy. Eh well.

    If anyone got a picture of the viera sisters or the Oichi walking around too, you're a saint.
    >> /p/hag 07/31/11(Sun)21:15 No.4791193

    oh yeah. gave him a brohug, too. I'm a homestuck fan, so I spent time during the rest of the con looking for other Equiuses to have photo-ops with, but none of the ones I found were nearly as cool as the one on friday.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:16 No.4791194
    Anyone got pics of the 40k cospalyers?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:17 No.4791196
    Any Assassin's Creed cosplay pictures?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:18 No.4791200
    Did anyone see any Repo! cosplayers? I thought I saw a Pavi in the Dealers' room, but I wasn't sure and I didn't get the chance to ask her.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:19 No.4791201
    I mean him. Wat.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:23 No.4791209
    Pretty sure there was a Repo! photoshoot, so that probably means there were Repo! cosplayers. No photos though, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:25 No.4791217
    Anybody got the [C] group from Friday? There were two Msyu's, a Q, a Mikuni and a Yoga
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:27 No.4791223
         File1312162075.jpg-(286 KB, 1920x1080, tom.jpg)
    286 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:28 No.4791226
    Just curious, cause I haven't heard anyone's take on the Masq this year. What were the better skits?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:31 No.4791232
    Anyone got the SMT/PErsona shoot? :l
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 07/31/11(Sun)21:34 No.4791239
    Did anyone take any photos of the Kuranosuke from Friday? She needs a copy of her picture and seeing how I lost my camera I ended up loosing the ones I took of her.
    >> Dr. Fluke Hawkins !NFbC/Kci56 07/31/11(Sun)21:35 No.4791240
         File1312162554.jpg-(61 KB, 720x538, chaos etc.jpg)
    61 KB
    There were some good ones on Saturday. Pictures are on my girlfriend's camera, though.

    I got the Khorne cultist on Friday, but there was a group yesterday- Khorne preist, cultist, another cultist, and at least one Inquisitor.
    >> Akumetsu 2 07/31/11(Sun)21:37 No.4791243
    Me and my friend were rotating on being akumetsu since I did not get my wig on time for the con. When I wasn't Akumetsu, I was Iron Man with a Hawaiian shirt and swim suit, while my friend did a cosplay of Chris Chan when he wasn't doing akumetsu.

    One of my other friends also wore my Iron Man masks and danced around the con naked with it, much too our enjoyment.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:43 No.4791265
    i was the shirt-less cultist in that group. unfortunately, i didnt have a camera so i wasnt able to get pictures of us worshipping. was hoping someone on here got some.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:48 No.4791285
    Does anyone have any pics from the SMT midnight photoshoot?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)21:57 No.4791323

    This -

    Some others. Too much dancing though.
    >> Man Miku 07/31/11(Sun)22:04 No.4791353
         File1312164291.jpg-(2.7 MB, 4000x3000, DSCN0971.jpg)
    2.7 MB
    The Legendary Super Saiyan
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)22:14 No.4791384
    anyone happen to get a picture of a guy in a ww2 uniform?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)22:28 No.4791439
         File1312165703.jpg-(89 KB, 720x540, 8.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)22:34 No.4791453
    Does anyone have one of the body paint Pikachu and Zubat? That was me and my friend, but we only took one picture and people are asking us for others.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)22:43 No.4791491
    Is that what he was, a zubat? Couldn't even tell.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)22:44 No.4791495
         File1312166660.jpg-(117 KB, 1600x1200, 1310949099182.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)22:49 No.4791515
         File1312166943.jpg-(104 KB, 720x540, khorne worship.jpg)
    104 KB
    >> captaincapslock !6gUxclhgZQ 07/31/11(Sun)22:49 No.4791516
         File1312166953.jpg-(2.75 MB, 3000x4000, Otakon 2011 032.jpg)
    2.75 MB
    not gonna lie, favorite pic of entire con
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)22:55 No.4791537
    Yeah, I told him to do longer wings so he would be more recognizable. I thought we did a good job on his face paint though. We took a bunch with other people in them. I'm just curious to see what pictures people took of us.
    >> Tachibana !!oM0Yi6jYhj0 07/31/11(Sun)23:00 No.4791550
    Is that motherfucking Hanbe in Masamune's helmet...?

    On that note, there were a lot of SB cosplayers there... Saw a Yukimura, 2 Masamunes, a Kojuuro, a Motonari, a Shingen, an Oichi... Now Hanbe. Was that it?
    >> captaincapslock !6gUxclhgZQ 07/31/11(Sun)23:04 No.4791561
         File1312167844.jpg-(2.75 MB, 4000x3000, Otakon 2011 031.jpg)
    2.75 MB
    I missed Shingen, Oichi, and Mitsunari... I finally saw an Ieyasu.

    I took that pic at the "Impromptu Sengoku BASARA Party" as they called it. My friend was helping Masamune get his swords out for a picture, so Hanbe was wearing his hat so it didn't get trampled.

    The gakuen Sasuke was pretty good, the ones with him, not so much, haha
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:13 No.4791590
         File1312168413.jpg-(351 KB, 500x750, IMG_0860.jpg)
    351 KB
    thought this misa outfit was pretty cool
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:15 No.4791600
         File1312168541.jpg-(2.56 MB, 2304x3072, SANY0925.jpg)
    2.56 MB
    One of my favorites from the con
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:25 No.4791627
         File1312169115.jpg-(65 KB, 562x421, anohana_review.jpg)
    65 KB
    Any Anohana cosplays?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:26 No.4791631
    Dunno, but I saw Gosick which was surprising.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:32 No.4791649
    I saw a Poppo and a Jinta on Friday, but I didn't get any pictures of them.

    All I had this weekend to take pictures with was my phone, so none of my pictures are going to look very good, but I'm getting them off of my phone right now.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:48 No.4791729
         File1312170495.jpg-(167 KB, 600x1003, 360773401.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:49 No.4791739
         File1312170556.jpg-(169 KB, 600x1003, 360537637.jpg)
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    >> Dr. Fluke Hawkins !NFbC/Kci56 07/31/11(Sun)23:52 No.4791766
    Anybody get pictures of a blue Heavy/Medic pair? My girlfriend and I were doing heavy/medic and we didn't really get any pictures of ourselves, but quite a few people took pictures of us. I was wearing a Tough Guy's Toque and she was using an Ubersaw, if that's any help.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:53 No.4791778
         File1312170833.jpg-(184 KB, 600x1003, 360448446.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:54 No.4791780
         File1312170841.jpg-(9 KB, 257x263, 1312167554442.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:54 No.4791788
         File1312170894.jpg-(165 KB, 600x1003, 359825533.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:56 No.4791797
         File1312171014.jpg-(1.17 MB, 2134x2848, 100_1308.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)23:57 No.4791800
         File1312171053.jpg-(994 KB, 1944x2592, IMAG0226.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:01 No.4791831
    Out of curiosity, did anyone get a picture of a Yosuke from Persona 4? My friend has been looking for pictures of himself.
    >> LeenyCap !AHk.6NfZ1. 08/01/11(Mon)00:02 No.4791839
         File1312171371.jpg-(2.09 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1587.jpg)
    2.09 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:04 No.4791848
         File1312171498.jpg-(75 KB, 600x358, 360774703.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:06 No.4791851
         File1312171561.jpg-(199 KB, 600x1003, 360775191.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:07 No.4791857
    fuck, thats adorable.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:07 No.4791860
         File1312171643.jpg-(151 KB, 600x1003, 360774245.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:08 No.4791861
         File1312171682.jpg-(151 KB, 600x1003, 359514004.jpg)
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    these two were fucking awesome
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:09 No.4791865
         File1312171744.jpg-(142 KB, 600x1003, 359831944.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:09 No.4791868
         File1312171776.jpg-(139 KB, 600x1003, 360807643.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:10 No.4791873
         File1312171849.jpg-(161 KB, 600x1003, 360772415.jpg)
    161 KB
    wheatley and glad0s
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:11 No.4791878
         File1312171890.jpg-(131 KB, 600x1003, 360449923.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:12 No.4791879
         File1312171944.jpg-(172 KB, 600x1003, 360807901.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:22 No.4791932
    i was yukiatsu on saturday, didn't get any pictures though...
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:35 No.4791982
    Anybody got anything from either of the PSG shoots? All I had was my shitty cell phone camera.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:36 No.4791991
    requesting this as well
    >> Decade !!GCDrKbHwher 08/01/11(Mon)00:41 No.4792016
    Awesome :D
    .......... OOO did it too......
    sorry I was busy! Trust me If I coulda Made it I woulda.

    lol captcha :GARO REQUIEM
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:52 No.4792062
         File1312174343.jpg-(267 KB, 800x600, DSC05549.jpg)
    267 KB
    I was really happy to see other Ash cosplayers
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:55 No.4792072
         File1312174536.jpg-(229 KB, 533x800, DSC05584.jpg)
    229 KB
    The weapons policy fucking sucked, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:57 No.4792078
    Gonna happen a lot.
    I saw you walking bye me a few times, snagged your picture.
    You ought to recognize me, but I ain't gonna name myself, it's rude.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)00:58 No.4792083
    I kept my weapons stashed in my bag until I needed them.
    Fuck their weapon policy, I'm not walking around with a big honkin gun for 2 days, then get asked on sunday if it's been bonded.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:00 No.4792090
         File1312174818.jpg-(286 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1815.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:03 No.4792100
         File1312175014.jpg-(282 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1820.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:04 No.4792106
         File1312175088.jpg-(217 KB, 533x800, DSC05761.jpg)
    217 KB
    And here I am in my Brolita outfit. I apologize for how Ita I look, but it's my first time. Please be gentle.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:05 No.4792110
         File1312175137.jpg-(250 KB, 600x800, DSC05847.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:07 No.4792117
         File1312175231.jpg-(216 KB, 533x800, DSC05818.jpg)
    216 KB
    I was very bad and wore my steel-toed boots because I forgot to buy lolita shoes.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:08 No.4792119
         File1312175281.jpg-(211 KB, 533x800, DSC05591.jpg)
    211 KB
    I was really surprised to see a Kenji from Katawa Shoujo
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:08 No.4792121
    Anybody get any shots of the Siesta sisters from Umineko?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:31 No.4792198
    Hey, did anyone get a picture of the Chrono Crusade cosplayers there?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:33 No.4792211
         File1312176829.jpg-(88 KB, 801x720, stocking gets angry and grits (...).jpg)
    88 KB
    >still no PSG
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:41 No.4792236
    oh god, I would have invited this person on a manly picnic
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:43 No.4792246
    Boring and overdone.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)01:46 No.4792256
         File1312177610.jpg-(4 KB, 156x137, ayanami rolls her eyes.jpg)
    4 KB
    As opposed to Homestuck, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)02:55 No.4792513
    i think its because the anime makes shiro look FAR paler than she is in the colored manga art
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)03:16 No.4792560
    Does anyone have any pics from that dj guy who was walking around? That shit was so cash
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)03:17 No.4792561
         File1312183030.jpg-(239 KB, 533x800, DSC05551.jpg)
    239 KB
    That guy was fucking awesome
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)03:19 No.4792564
    moar :D
    >> DJ (Insert Cosplay Name Here) 08/01/11(Mon)03:31 No.4792595
         File1312183860.jpg-(1.29 MB, 2592x1936, otakon 025.jpg)
    1.29 MB
    I've been looking for a picture of me all night, then i came here thinking there would be an otakon thread and there was :D
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)03:32 No.4792599
    Does anyone have pics of that fuckwin Lady Hawke? She was wandering around with a Q-Bee.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)03:36 No.4792617
    Nice samefag and selfpost. Fucking attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)03:36 No.4792618
         File1312184193.jpg-(41 KB, 540x720, 250274_111955358902265_1000026(...).jpg)
    41 KB
    is this supposed to be Poison Ivy? D=
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)03:59 No.4792668
         File1312185567.jpg-(69 KB, 540x720, 185290_10150331749615348_62324(...).jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)04:05 No.4792678
    did anyone get a picture of the little kids (like 10-12) dressed as sakura and li from card captor sakura? that was one of my favorites because it was so cool.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)05:57 No.4792916

    Anyone have more of these two?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)06:25 No.4792955
    I think she looks fine? So long as the makeup is even, I really don't see a problem. You're nitpicking needlessly.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)08:20 No.4793157
         File1312201254.jpg-(1.99 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0186.jpg)
    1.99 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:07 No.4793232
    Ohh my god, that was you? I seriously thought you were a girl! (An average-looking girl, but still.)
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:22 No.4793248
         File1312204939.jpg-(79 KB, 720x480, 285130_10150724628760109_54989(...).jpg)
    79 KB
    That was my lil brother and his friend. He made his outfit (took him like 5 months) but his friend bought hers. He was suppose to enter the HCC but thought the cosplay was too uncomfortable by the second day and took it off. Funny though, he brought the wrong wig to the convention, he had styled one, but by accident he brought the one that wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:26 No.4793252

    I loved you guys!!
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:27 No.4793255
    I didn't really get too many pictures. I was alone at the con all weekend, and spent most of my time wandering around. Luckily, though, the Pied Piper of Vidya Cover Music escorted me to the Jamroom. One of the Dans from Metal Metroid was there. Random Encounter was there. One-UPs and Rare Candy, too. It was awesome.

    So I spent Saturday afternoon at Bit Gamer Fest.

    I had a lot more fun alone there than I've ever had at any Linecon.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:29 No.4793258
         File1312205357.jpg-(220 KB, 1536x2048, assassin.jpg)
    220 KB
    I really liked how this pic turned out, with the blurred bystanders in the background.

    Surprisingly, the people who start shouting "ASSASSIN!" are less annoying than all the marco polo, buttscratcher, and ice cold water assholes.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:33 No.4793271
         File1312205582.jpg-(293 KB, 1536x2048, ayla.jpg)
    293 KB
    An Ayla cosplayer! I really like how her hair turned out.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:36 No.4793278
         File1312205776.jpg-(443 KB, 1536x2048, digital devil saga.jpg)
    443 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:37 No.4793281
    He's really happy because you said that! But too bad he didn't wear the outfit for longer, instead he wore Coop from Megas XLR for the rest of the con. Not a lot of people recognized him, but whoever did, complimented him a lot.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:39 No.4793288
         File1312205973.jpg-(259 KB, 1536x2048, excalibur.jpg)
    259 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:41 No.4793293
         File1312206073.jpg-(337 KB, 1536x2048, snoiping.jpg)
    337 KB
    I don't think I'll ever get tired of TF2 cosplay. This Sniper was pretty awesome due to actually being an older looking gentleman.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:43 No.4793297
         File1312206225.jpg-(393 KB, 1536x2048, cobra commander.jpg)
    393 KB
    A shitty picture of a Cobra Commander I ran into outside the con. I was amazed that he managed to walk outside in that getup.
    >> Dokta Roxo 08/01/11(Mon)09:48 No.4793305
    Man I did not expect to fucking see you in here. Go play your Shootem upside scroller games in which the name escapes me. Thanks for the weekend fun.

    Totally called you out.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:55 No.4793321
    Tiger and Bunny cosplays? There was an amazing dragon kid and a couple decent Kotetsu cosplayers iirc but alas, no camera
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:56 No.4793322
         File1312207002.jpg-(72 KB, 488x816, Colossus 2.jpg)
    72 KB
    Here's my Gaius cosplay. If anyone else has pictures, I'd love to see them since this is the only one I have so far.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)09:58 No.4793327
    Anyone else have more Doctor Who cosplay? Or the photoshoot from friday, I didn't have a camera at the time for the shoot.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:00 No.4793331
         File1312207227.jpg-(1.04 MB, 2748x3664, 4673.jpg)
    1.04 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:00 No.4793333
    Did anyone get the Megaman photoshoot? I missed it.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:09 No.4793347
         File1312207794.jpg-(42 KB, 384x512, securedownload (26).jpg)
    42 KB

    These two were the only ones I saw
    >> TL;DR 08/01/11(Mon)10:12 No.4793353
    Heh, funny you should ask now, I just saw your cosplay about ten minutes ago on the front page of coscom. Nice job on it.

    Good god...
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:23 No.4793374
         File1312208598.jpg-(96 KB, 1120x840, IMG00102-20110731-1127.jpg)
    96 KB
    All that I had was a crappy camera, posting what I could find that wasn't total shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:23 No.4793376
         File1312208636.jpg-(163 KB, 1344x1008, IMG00100-20110731-1127.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:24 No.4793378
    Is that a modified Sailor Moon wand he's using for his Sword of Omens handle?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:24 No.4793379
         File1312208677.jpg-(127 KB, 1120x840, IMG00089-20110730-1414.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:25 No.4793381
    aw ayu was there?
    can't believe i missed her ):
    >> Ratikal 08/01/11(Mon)10:25 No.4793384
    You don't know how awesome it was to NOT be called Harry Potter. It's even awesomer that you posted it up here. Thanks bro.

    Hehe, which one were you? Were you the guy that was next to me when I bought Ketsui? I was pretty stoked when I found that.

    This was my first Otakon, god damn it was a blast. Thanks guys.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:26 No.4793385
         File1312208796.jpg-(295 KB, 1664x1248, IMG00088-20110730-1333.jpg)
    295 KB
    You know, my neck was killing me after headbanging to Metroid Metal at Bit Gen, so, I didn't really move around much on Sunday and never got a closer look.

    But yeah, it would appear so, from the photo.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:28 No.4793392
         File1312208896.jpg-(329 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00087-20110730-1323.jpg)
    329 KB
    Anyone else annoyed by all the candy kids at the con this year? Fuckers didn't even show up to the con until it was about time for the rave. Like, more than half of them didn't even feign interest in the con itself.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:29 No.4793400
         File1312208993.jpg-(234 KB, 1664x1248, IMG00086-20110730-1238.jpg)
    234 KB
    He couldn't actually play, even without the suit, from what I heard. Kinda disappointing. I found a Finn that could play, but I was in line for something and couldn't nab a pic or a vid.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:31 No.4793402
         File1312209092.jpg-(109 KB, 1344x1008, IMG00084-20110730-1232.jpg)
    109 KB
    There was also a pack of like 4 Kiyoshi Warriors wandering around, but I found them in the dealers room. Wasn't really appros since the entire place was packed at the time, didn't want to hold people up by getting in the way. Didn't see 'em since.
    >> Ratikal 08/01/11(Mon)10:31 No.4793403
         File1312209099.jpg-(110 KB, 512x768, glass-of-water[1].jpg)
    110 KB
    >> bigdumbhippy !!sLz+fwCdMOg 08/01/11(Mon)10:31 No.4793404
    that shit was stupid and annoying
    >> Tachibana !!oM0Yi6jYhj0 08/01/11(Mon)10:32 No.4793406
    I usually went back to my place before the ravers got there, but really if you're paying ~70 dollars just to go to a rave for 2 days you're wasting your money.

    Thanks for those viera though, man, thought they were cool.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:32 No.4793408
         File1312209150.jpg-(264 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00081-20110730-1132.jpg)
    264 KB
    Mononoke doesn't get the respect it deserves.
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 08/01/11(Mon)10:33 No.4793413
    There were like 5 Yosukes. Was he the one who was using a Magician Arcana card during the photoshoot?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:37 No.4793423
         File1312209431.jpg-(53 KB, 1120x840, IMG00080-20110730-1102.jpg)
    53 KB
    Considering how much Starscape tickets run for, it's not that bad of a deal. I can see why they would think, "Hey, 4 hour rave over the span of 2 days = 8 hours plus we get full access to other shit!"

    I just think that they're forgetting to include certain facts. Like, where the rave will be held. How small it is. How there are no drugs unless you bring your own (Thanks in no small part to Otakon's "Bag check? Wat?" policy). The music is sub-par. There are no dancers.

    You know, a fake "rave".

    But anyway!

    Saw a Slenderman, had to distort the photo for the lulz. You don't "pose" for Slenderman photos.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:41 No.4793435
         File1312209678.jpg-(293 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00076-20110730-1050.jpg)
    293 KB
    There was some good Homestuck cosplay this year.

    There was a SHIT TON of really bad Homestuck cosplay.

    I think the Hetalia fans are jumping ship.

    I am scared.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:42 No.4793440
         File1312209741.jpg-(171 KB, 1344x1008, IMG00075-20110730-1049.jpg)
    171 KB
    Sorry for the delay, had to grab some Ibuprofen. My neck is still killing me from Saturday.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:43 No.4793446
         File1312209825.jpg-(199 KB, 1344x1008, IMG00073-20110730-1047.jpg)
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    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 08/01/11(Mon)10:44 No.4793447
    I noticed that too.
    And maybe it's me being rather optimistic about other people's skills, but I didn't see very low-quality Hetalia cosplays this time around. Did, however, see some really half-assed Homestuck cosplays however.
    Maybe the bad Hetalia cosplayers are jumping ship?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:45 No.4793451
         File1312209908.jpg-(420 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00072-20110730-1047.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:47 No.4793455
         File1312210024.jpg-(363 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00071-20110730-1047.jpg)
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    Considering all the over-weight Nepetas that were there, laying on the floor meowing at all the Ancestor cosplayers?

    Yeah. I'm going to have to agree with ya.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:47 No.4793459
         File1312210070.jpg-(177 KB, 1344x1008, IMG00069-20110730-1042.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:49 No.4793467
         File1312210190.jpg-(341 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00067-20110730-1040.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:50 No.4793471
    Is it just the Camera, or... is that Nepeta blue?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:51 No.4793476
         File1312210301.jpg-(247 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00066-20110729-2353.jpg)
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    I saw a single Ed, a single Spike, and a single Faye. No Manfaye. No pack of ten Spikes. Just those three.

    What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:52 No.4793481
    Nah dude. Blue. Blue-greyish, I guess, but from what I can tell the camera hasn't fucked up colors yet, just not the best resolution and quality.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:54 No.4793488
         File1312210446.jpg-(173 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00065-20110729-2245.jpg)
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    Stupid picture didn't upload.

    >onolly Faye

    Yeah, Captcha, I've already explained there was only one Faye this year.

    Jeez. What a tool.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:55 No.4793493
         File1312210538.jpg-(244 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00064-20110729-2242.jpg)
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    Okay, from here on out the pictures get even shittier and I don't know why.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:57 No.4793502
         File1312210668.jpg-(131 KB, 1664x1248, IMG00063-20110729-2231.jpg)
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    I am ashamed at how many Homestuck pics I have, but really, I just kept on running into these people. I also skipped pics I knew I was going to be able to find online right off the bat, like the Panty and Stockings and whatnot.

    Bad choice upon reflection. Wish I took more pics and dicked around less.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:58 No.4793506
         File1312210730.jpg-(122 KB, 1344x1008, IMG00062-20110729-2215.jpg)
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    All the Takuto were shitty.

    This one was fun, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)10:59 No.4793509
         File1312210744.jpg-(575 KB, 1200x1600, Photo084.jpg)
    575 KB
    I saw a few Spikes, and that really good Jet, and a Faye, maybe two.

    By the way, does anyone have any of the group shots from the Saturday night toku meetup?
    >> Hooded !!NIuWHZzgGgL 08/01/11(Mon)10:59 No.4793511
         File1312210781.jpg-(47 KB, 200x196, BIRD.jpg)
    47 KB
    >mfw my brother went as Demo-kun and was constantly stopped for pictures
    >mfw I went as Kirby and someone asked if I was a Pokemon
    >mfw this entire con with a friend that went for his first time
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:00 No.4793512
         File1312210808.jpg-(100 KB, 1344x1008, IMG00060-20110729-2135.jpg)
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    I couldn't believe I found an Emp, though. T'was awesome.

    The full-body shot came out all fucked up. I think I need to invest in an actual camera.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:00 No.4793513
    Aw man, I saw him in the dealer's room! He walked by before I could accept that I had just seen a tiny Coop, so I couldn't tell him how awesome he was.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:01 No.4793514
         File1312210897.jpg-(202 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00058-20110729-2125.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:02 No.4793515
         File1312210937.jpg-(218 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00056-20110729-2107.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:02 No.4793518
         File1312210973.jpg-(244 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00031-20110729-1404.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:03 No.4793520
         File1312211023.jpg-(365 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00029-20110729-1248.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:04 No.4793524
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:05 No.4793526
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:07 No.4793530
         File1312211224.jpg-(190 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00092-20110730-2216.jpg)
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    We interrupt your previously scheduled Shitty Cellphone Dump with the Irish Janitor in order to bring you

    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:07 No.4793531
         File1312211279.jpg-(42 KB, 752x564, IMG00094-20110730-2221.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:09 No.4793535
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    >> Sami 08/01/11(Mon)11:10 No.4793538
         File1312211449.jpg-(2.04 MB, 3648x2736, 004.jpg)
    2.04 MB
    best. thing. ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:11 No.4793543
    No madokas? I am surprised
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:12 No.4793544
         File1312211532.jpg-(27 KB, 752x564, IMG00097-20110730-2236.jpg)
    27 KB
    Fucking started a pit three times in that bitch, damn near broke my neck headbanging, was right up in front of the gyad dayum stage rockin' out alone. Fucking "friends" were at the Dealer's Room and Game Room the entire Bit Gen.

    When I showed up at the con, still panting after walking back and barely able to hold my head up, they honestly thought I just seduced a bunch of guys like I jokingly said I would. Shit was intense. I passed up Mayhem for this Otakon, and Bit Gen made me stand by my decision.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:12 No.4793545
         File1312211568.jpg-(568 KB, 1296x968, IMG_0366.jpg)
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    dont mind me, just reminding you its all over
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:13 No.4793547
         File1312211599.jpg-(43 KB, 752x564, IMG00098-20110730-2236.jpg)
    43 KB
    We now return to the Irish Janitor shitty cellphone dump already in progress.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:13 No.4793550
    That's almost kind of eerie.

    >Typical ncontr
    No, Captcha, it's not a typical encounter.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:14 No.4793552
         File1312211659.jpg-(315 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00025-20110729-1155.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:15 No.4793556
         File1312211721.jpg-(369 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00021-20110729-1147.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:16 No.4793557
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:16 No.4793560
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:17 No.4793565
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    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:21 No.4793578
    does anyone have pics of the female Hawke from dragon age 2 from saturday.?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:22 No.4793581
         File1312212121.jpg-(2.07 MB, 3648x2736, 061.jpg)
    2.07 MB
    anymore of the tauren!?
    >> ThatGirl 08/01/11(Mon)11:26 No.4793592
    >Knows Sis and the John with Fear No Anvil
    Actually due to that John I got to wander about as femme dave Saturday afternoon. Awesome person.
    If anybody has the group kids shot from Saturday, we were towards the middle and fist bumping.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:41 No.4793622

    That femme Bro was unfairly hot. Dat stomach.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:49 No.4793636
    I didn't actually talk to them. Or any of the other Homestuck cosplayers. Or anyone in general.

    I was really down and out this Otakon since I was alone the entire time.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:53 No.4793644
    There was a cute Panty/Stocking pair running around. Anyone get pics? I didn't have my camera....
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:55 No.4793650
    There was no cute panty and stocking at that con at all. All of the panties and stockings sucked.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:58 No.4793657
         File1312214320.jpg-(217 KB, 1536x2048, fef and vriska.jpg)
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    more of that feferi, and a vriska. Their body paint was pretty well done, actually.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:59 No.4793659
    Well, i think most people knew who he was but weren't too sure.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:02 No.4793667
    Your little brother has a loud mouth
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 08/01/11(Mon)12:03 No.4793671
    Aww ;~;
    Maybe next time we can chill together? :D That way you won't be so down-and-out!
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:05 No.4793673
         File1312214746.jpg-(323 KB, 1536x2048, sheperd front.jpg)
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    I'm Commander Sheperd, and this is my favorite convention on the Citadel.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:06 No.4793675
    Anybody get a picture of the Gene and Olivia from God Hand?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:06 No.4793676
    >that feel when you want to cosplay Slenderman but you're only 5'1"
    Regardless of the posing, that is a very nice Slenderman.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:06 No.4793678
         File1312214808.jpg-(259 KB, 1536x2048, sheperd back.jpg)
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    He had LEDs in the armor, unfortunately I'm not a good enough photographer to have gotten much of them. It was great though.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:11 No.4793688
         File1312215076.jpg-(1.17 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_0415.jpg)
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    >Dat face
    >Dem legs
    >Dat adorable lisp

    If anyone knows this girl and she's a major slut or something, please tell me so I can get her the hell out of my head.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:13 No.4793693
    Anyone get pictures of Daft Punk?
    >> Bearpigman !C8POqz/jE2 08/01/11(Mon)12:14 No.4793695
         File1312215241.jpg-(54 KB, 431x720, 224549_663545612296_18504764_3(...).jpg)
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    No Olivia, but a Gene
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:16 No.4793702
    According to that Gene, there was another Gene and a Olivia. I didn't get to see them.

    That's pretty funny.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:18 No.4793706
    HNNNGGGHH I think I just died.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:19 No.4793707
    What makes you think that? It's not that i don't agree with you, it's just that i'm curious to how you know that!
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:22 No.4793718
    >dem shoes
    pretty average, bro. But if you want something bad she obviously is a shitty cosplayer
    >> Agent of HYDRA 08/01/11(Mon)12:25 No.4793725
    got any of the BLUs?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:28 No.4793733
    Pic limit, I went ahead and started >>4793729

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