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  • File : 1311737964.jpg-(18 KB, 207x78, OTABUTTS.jpg)
    18 KB Otakon Thread Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)23:39 No.4773173  
    Two days till day zero of Otakon.

    Who's going, what are you doing?

    Meetup at Pickles Pub will be at 9:00pm on Friday and the Fountains meetup will be at 10:30pm on Friday.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)01:48 No.4773732
    madoka, madoka, madoka...

    ffff, two days and i'm 90% done on my mami cosplay. it was 80% four weeks ago, but i procrastinated. :(
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)01:55 No.4773756
    I just found out monday that my boys are paying my way to get to otakon after me having lost my job earlier this year.
    I have spent the last few days scrambling to get shit done, and make sure I can reprise my Louis cosplay.
    >> Kyuubey !!ZX+PqvxlY7A 07/27/11(Wed)02:02 No.4773789
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    This pleases the incubators
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)02:34 No.4773889
    Why is the meetup so late?
    >> SamtheGuy !!RGo3r6wYmea 07/27/11(Wed)02:38 No.4773900
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)02:46 No.4773919
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    I finished my scorpion costume tonight. Glad I got that out of the way. Most likely will go to the fountains meetup since I'll be with my friends till then. Still hoping to find either a yoko or asuka body pillow for my friends birthday this monday as a gag gift.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)03:33 No.4774060
         File1311751985.jpg-(187 KB, 697x878, collabdesusign.jpg)
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    If we are talking about meet ups, can I post this picture?
    >> M 07/27/11(Wed)04:04 No.4774104
         File1311753849.jpg-(63 KB, 540x720, 284162_125767487514924_1000024(...).jpg)
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    oh hey awesome scratch can i have pictures with you?
    i'll be dave/eridan
    you going to the photoshoots? (which ones, preferably?)

    pic related but it was a makeup test so hair isnt done up.
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 07/27/11(Wed)04:13 No.4774119
         File1311754423.jpg-(191 KB, 1301x579, otaplans.jpg)
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    I need to finish my costumes.

    and my panel.

    And my costume for my panel.

    >> Kalmia !!KFdVmO8Gwgh 07/27/11(Wed)04:15 No.4774121
    boyfriend will be there. ;_;

    we just moved into a new place too ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:06 No.4774212
    Goddamnit. Please don't let otakon be homestucon.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:06 No.4774287
    (Posted this in the progress thread as well, but since I'm desperate for an answer and it is Otakon related-!)

    Hey guys, I have a question. How retarded would it be to apply fiberglass resin on top of clay that isn't completely dry? I'm afraid I don't have time for it to dry and do everything else I need to do for Otakon. Think I'd be safe?

    >all this Homestuck

    Oh boy I'm sort of overwhelmed by the amount expected-! I'm going as Derse dreamer Dave. The question above is in reference to the Royal Deringer I'm making, actually.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:09 No.4774292
    As someone who is cosplaying from the series, I hope it isn't either.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)09:05 No.4774514
    why are you even a namefag?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)10:49 No.4774696
    First Otakon, cosplaying as Naruto.

    Is this ok?
    >> Tachibana !!oM0Yi6jYhj0 07/27/11(Wed)11:37 No.4774800
    Oh God if it is, I will be pretty mad. That series just rubs me the wrong way.
    Yeah sure, why not.
    >> LeenyCap !AHk.6NfZ1. 07/27/11(Wed)11:42 No.4774805
    Gave up on some costumes. But I'll be there.
    And hopefully finish mostly.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)11:52 No.4774826
    Just finished sewing on the fur to my Izaya jacket. Almost all packed, save for a few essentials that are still in the washing machine.

    I'm ready for OtaDrunk.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)12:25 No.4774888
    >stop liking what I don't like

    Homestuck isn't my cuppa either, but let people have their fun.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)12:26 No.4774890
    I think ACen takes the cake for that one
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)12:39 No.4774920
         File1311784754.jpg-(45 KB, 450x638, Presea-Force.jpg)
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    Who else is in costume frenzy right now? I'm at work when I have so much to get done at home!

    Saber Lily I finished last night, but I'll be snipping threads in the hotel room Thursday night. Otakon's weapons policy is so strict I'm glad I ran out of time to make her sword.
    Presea and Colette from ToS still need boots and wig styling but at least my giant axe is done.

    Had to push my Midna costume until the next con, which makes me mondo depressed but I'm cheered up thinking about wearing my Katamari costumes with my sister again instead.

    I'll probably be up until the AM sewing and then get up early to clean up my sewing mess and pack tomorrow.

    First Otakon....ah. Can't wait!
    >> ThatGirl 07/27/11(Wed)12:41 No.4774925
    I'll be there! I had to drop Sanji since the wig is probably doing the thing all my wigs do, which is slouch around NYC for three weeks, but I will have Hippie America, Elie, and Steampunk Austria, which I am quite happy with so far. Still finishing up a load of things, like a over-capelet thing for Austria. It would have been an overcoat but, well, sort of began to run out of time. Still need to cut and style Elie's wig, get a couple of extra things for America, and finish the pole for Austria.
    Unfortunately, the wig for Austria is looking really, really retarded currently. I need to fix this.

    Also, still need to figure out the different types of makeup I need to do, since it's crossplay-noncrossplay-crossplay and I just don't wear makeup a whole lot.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 07/27/11(Wed)12:43 No.4774929
    It turns out I'm not going.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)12:44 No.4774932
    i'm in frenzy too. i have to finish my boyfriend's minigun in a day oh hoho. because he refuses to help me..

    but idgaf. i'm makin magic brownies at the same time :F
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)12:45 No.4774935
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    >implying that's not a good thing
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)12:46 No.4774937
    I am going. Bringing mostly stuff from other cons but debuting my Eureka cosplay. All and all I don't care I just really want to enjoy this weekend.
    >> Iris 07/27/11(Wed)12:53 No.4774948
    I'm doing little bits and pieces right now. I'm STILL packing from a day or so ago. I've been having space problems.

    I still gotta do a few more last minute stuff but I THINk and I'm really hoping I'm almost done.

    I'll be at the meetup (both) and will be dragging a few people along! I hope to see you guys there!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)13:27 No.4775038
    why wouldn't you guys go during happy hour??

    2 for 1 drafts and pitchers
    $3 rail, $2.50 domestic bottles
    2 for $5 micro-brew bottles
    $6 16 inch pizza
    $5 dozen wings

    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/27/11(Wed)14:06 No.4775205
    ...Shit. That sounds great.

    However I won't be there at all for the meetups anymore (and after all I did to try and get everyone on the same page) since the Union game I thought was on Saturday, is actually on Friday (7:30-9:30).

    Still out to lunch whether it's worth going down Friday night at all (get there around 11), or what... Either way, I know wearing Mikuni will have to wait til Sat morning. Unless I take off work and go down early Friday, leave for the game, then come back.....

    Ugh. How the hell was that game in my calendar for Saturday all season... totally fucked things up...
    >> Autismal Akumetsu 07/27/11(Wed)14:48 No.4775360
    Cosplaying as akumetsu and chris-chan. Updating my blog today or tomorrow with photos of the finished products. Also posting what days i'm cosplaying as what if you want a picture or something.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 07/27/11(Wed)14:51 No.4775369
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    Finishing Mina tonight. Leaving tomorrow. Working the Last Exile and Madoka promotions. Will be at the Madoka Gathering on Saturday.

    EXCITED. Still need to figure out how I'm getting my giant carrots there...
    >> Kyuubey !!ZX+PqvxlY7A 07/27/11(Wed)15:16 No.4775456
    Why am I not surprised they have you working the madoka promotion?

    You better be wearing madoka lingerie version.
    >> Ukraine 07/27/11(Wed)15:17 No.4775464
    Ahhh I hope I see you on Fri at least!
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 07/27/11(Wed)15:17 No.4775467
    Lmfao, it's kind of ridiculous how many people make that joke...

    I was really really tempted to go get a pink afro today.
    >> Yuuki !Girlm.WryU 07/27/11(Wed)15:17 No.4775468
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    I'm going, pretty much to fuck around.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 07/27/11(Wed)15:18 No.4775470
    Are you only going on Friday?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/27/11(Wed)15:52 No.4775620
    Decision made: Fuck work, going earlier Friday, leaving for the game like 5-11, coming back, be around half of Saturday.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 07/27/11(Wed)16:01 No.4775680
    FUCK YEAH! Jenni and I were thinking 1-4ish

    Going to get Economical all up in Otakon's shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)16:03 No.4775694
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    Going as Rau from Kuroshitsuij on Thursday, Ash from Army of Darkness on Friday, and a Brolita on Saturday. IDK what's I'll do on Sunday.

    Also, does anyone know when and where the Madoka photoshoot is going to be?
    >> Ukraine 07/27/11(Wed)16:04 No.4775702
    I'm coming down Thurs and then I'll be there all day Fri. I have to leave Sat for a trip to Mexico!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)16:06 No.4775707
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    Also, does anyone know if my boomstick and chainsaw will be allowed under the weapons policy? I'm ditching the metal gauntlet for a rubber metal hand since live steel isn't allowed.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 07/27/11(Wed)16:07 No.4775712
    Oh man! I hope I see you then! We didn't get to see much of each other at ANext. I'm easily distracted.
    >> Jessie//RuffleButt 07/27/11(Wed)16:10 No.4775733
    Also, have a safe trip and what not. Don't drink that water!
    >> Ukraine 07/27/11(Wed)16:12 No.4775740
    Definitely! I'm trying to squeeze about everyone I can in two days if I can (probably mostly Fri ahah). And I'll make sure to avoid that. I hope to mostly have booze.
    >> captaincapslock !6gUxclhgZQ 07/27/11(Wed)17:23 No.4775981
    going as Chunk from the Goonies on Saturday
    see you cool cats there
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)17:32 No.4776008
    I have work on thursday and have to wait until friday to get my badge and shit ;_;
    but i pre-regged so the line will be shorter, at least.


    If i could take a picture of my spades slick costume i would, to respond to that.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)17:34 No.4776014
    so what are these meetups like?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)17:51 No.4776070
    Ugh. I was planning on hanging out with my best friend at Otakon, but now he isn't coming. No costume, no good friends, no idea what I'm going to do.

    Lame. Debating about just not even going.
    >> Tachibana !!oM0Yi6jYhj0 07/27/11(Wed)17:54 No.4776079
    Very well, very well...

    Chris-chan...? Oh God, don't act in character...
    >> Kyuubey !!ZX+PqvxlY7A 07/27/11(Wed)17:55 No.4776082
    Are you female? Are you good looking?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)17:56 No.4776086

    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)17:57 No.4776090
    Friday, third floor terrace, 7PM/after the screening and panel.
    Saturday, 2:30 at the Aniplex booth? I think?
    >> Funk Brothers !xi8/JKFwzo 07/27/11(Wed)18:16 No.4776165
    >and a Brolita on Saturday


    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)18:43 No.4776239

    OMG me. My life schedule right now is work at 8, get off at 5, sew till 3 then repeat.

    Also, you seem to have good taste in vidya. Hope I see one of your ToS costumes!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)18:46 No.4776250
    Question: How do I get to and from this thing without being murdered or paying $30+ a day for parking? I'm going to be alone and I'm scared with how sketchy Baltimore is. It would seem that staying after dark is out of the question unless I could find a don't get murdered buddy.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)18:50 No.4776258

    The area around the convention center is very touristy and well lit. There's some panhandlers but nothing dangerous in the immediate area

    There's also a lot of parking garages but it'll cost ya. $12-20 for a day, though you might find some deals.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)19:13 No.4776331
         File1311808418.jpg-(68 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110722_2.jpg)
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    What will you be wearing? I'm planning to wear this Bodyline JSK and blouse, but I don't know if I'll be ready in time for the BtSSB fashion show at 10am. We can meet up afterwards, though.

    Also, I'll be throwing a Galloping Galla room party in the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel on Saturday Night after the dance. You can ask me for an invite, though I might have to decline if there are too many people. It's BYOB since there might be underage people there. I'm gonna be checking for ID. Bringing pastries and other baked goods will be appreciated. We'll also be playing pin the cutie mark and groove to music by DJ-PON3.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)19:26 No.4776371
    I see. I guess I will just have to drive around and hope for the best. Thanks for the encouragement.
    >> Luca-Pyon !dhli6GN1EQ 07/27/11(Wed)19:31 No.4776396
    One of my cosplays is Coop from Megas XLR but i'm afraid to wear it cause NOBODY will recognize me, and then i'll look like a fool!
    >> Rubica !!A0QSU4SNwyT 07/27/11(Wed)19:36 No.4776413
         File1311809801.jpg-(61 KB, 500x391, 1247678359721_f.jpg)
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    I'm guessing you haven't been to many cons before. The density of people at Otakon guarantee you'll be recognized.

    Now who digs giant robots?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)19:38 No.4776422
    WEAR IT.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)19:42 No.4776435
         File1311810121.jpg-(1.18 MB, 1536x2048, DSC05538.jpg)
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    Or I might wear this dress without the white ribbons on it. Which do you think makes me look less Ita?
    >> Luca-Pyon !dhli6GN1EQ 07/27/11(Wed)19:42 No.4776438
    Would it be more recognizable if i brought any prop like a burger or something? Cause I have been to many cons it's just that I have a bad experience with not getting recognized and i don't want it to happen again.

    ok then!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)19:46 No.4776450
    this dress is terribly ita in itself, but if you insist on wearing that PLEASE wear a petticoat or 2 with PLENTY of volume
    >> TK-421 07/27/11(Wed)19:51 No.4776465
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)19:51 No.4776472
         File1311810701.jpg-(52 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110719_21.jpg)
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    Blouse and JSK it is, then. I have a petticoat already, but I'm not wearing it in the pic. I've also detangled the wig and my friend is going to help me with makeup.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)19:54 No.4776482
    Honestly, the bows aren't that bad. They aren't great, but they aren't what makes this odd. As many have said a petticoat will improve this tenfold. But, those sleeves are off. Do you have a photo with your arms down? The floppiness of the sleeves is highly distracting. It's the worst part of the entire dress, in my opinion.

    Though I would like to add that you have a very pretty smile.
    >> Funk Brothers !xi8/JKFwzo 07/27/11(Wed)19:55 No.4776487

    i'm wearing my BTSSB versailles rose bouquet.
    >> NewcomerDC 07/27/11(Wed)19:57 No.4776499
    Dude, I love your Coop cosplay. I'll try to find you at the con. As for the Galloping Gala, I would like to check it out yet don't want to miss out on the Masquerade, a bit of the Otaku-rave, and the Cosplay Burlesque.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)20:01 No.4776521

    I have pretty muscular forearms so that's the reason why I wore a blouse underneath the dress. I could wear it without the blouse or tighten the sleeves around the wrist if that will make it any better.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)20:02 No.4776526
    The galloping galla will start at like 2 or 3 o' clock after my friends and I are done dancing.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)20:04 No.4776532
    Do you know if BtSSB will have a booth selling their burando? I know they make some plus-sized items and the clothes that fit me are like in 2L.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)20:07 No.4776553
         File1311811628.png-(255 KB, 708x354, Picture 11.png)
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    Ffffff, I'm breaking on finishing up my Sakura cosplay for dinner, and I'm leaving for B-more at ten in the morning. Good bye sleep.
    >> Luca-Pyon !dhli6GN1EQ 07/27/11(Wed)20:12 No.4776577
    You we're suppose to say "I DIG GIANT ROBOTS!"
    That isn't me, it's a very common picture that's everywhere online
    >> Funk Brothers !xi8/JKFwzo 07/27/11(Wed)20:12 No.4776579
    i know that tokyo rebel will probably be there. dunno about BTSSB/AATP

    also i'm not fat. i've lost ten pounds in the last two months. i'm now down to like 130 or so.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)20:26 No.4776632
    Nice job! The only reason I wear 2L is because I have a broad upper body and my arms are kinda muscular. I'd probably tear a regular burando dress to pieces like the Incredible Hulk if I wore one. I'm 5'6" and weigh 154 lbs though I am trying to get down to 145 or 140.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)20:36 No.4776666
    For parking rates, check this site out:
    You put in the date and times you're coming in/leaving and it gives you the price of every parking garage in the area.

    DO IT!
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 07/27/11(Wed)20:45 No.4776705
    oh yeah leaving NC at 6 in the morning
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)20:55 No.4776758

    Leaving sc at 11 pm, tonight!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)21:07 No.4776802
         File1311815243.jpg-(335 KB, 700x700, 29bbf3ca5779aa00be38a6dd431a88(...).jpg)
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    Thank you, this will really be helpful. I tried to find prices myself, but didn't have any luck. Now I can at lest have a few good places to aim for.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)21:08 No.4776806
         File1311815292.jpg-(47 KB, 233x311, 1282029150790.jpg)
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    Having friends stay the night tomorrow, leaving bright and early Friday morning, bout an hour drive.

    I'll be Boa Hancock and my boyfriend will be Luffy from Strong World. My best friend will be Kneesocks. Look for us, we are friendly as all hell.

    Oh, and at night my friend and I have a Zebra and Horse mask. Troll'n around.

    See ya'll soon! <3
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)21:11 No.4776821
    No. No.

    Male. Skinny. Long hair. Ponytail. My buddy and I were going to go as a bike riding Pokemon trainer and a Mountain Climber trainer and spew random NPC lines all day line, and demand that people have locked eyes and must battle.

    But he's not coming.

    So eff it.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)21:28 No.4776910
    Depending on where you live, you could drive to a lightrail station and ride into the harbor.. most stations have free parking and round trip is about 3.50$$ cash

    I've always parked at hotels cause they are pretty cheap, $10 every time I went
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)21:29 No.4776915
         File1311816591.jpg-(20 KB, 211x240, 604479.jpg)
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    Tricolor Airline Miku is finally finished. FUCK YEAH. I'm so happy, I dont know what day I'm wearing it yet. My Luka and Rin just finished too, so I'm seriously excited.

    Now I need to remember how to tie a tie.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)21:33 No.4776928
    Do people usually cosplay to the /cgl/ meetup?
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 07/27/11(Wed)21:43 No.4776966
    I just finessed packing after doing a full costume in about five hours I know I will have trouble sleeping tonight.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)21:44 No.4776973
    There are still going to be Pokemon cosplayers walking around. Bring your costume, go to the panel, and meet some new friends.
    >> Iris 07/27/11(Wed)21:46 No.4776981
    Not really but you can if you want to if you have a photoshoot soon or something.


    **PLEASE**be safe on the way there and back! Make sure you have your flight/bus/train tickets and drive SAFE! Triple check everything! Especially normal clothes and pjs! ( I always forget about them) AND CHARGERS!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)21:52 No.4777007
    I'll be going!
    I'm cosplaying as Shiemi from Ao no Exorcist and JBF Luka

    I'll try to at least walk by the /cgl/ meetup too if I can
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)22:08 No.4777078
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    Oh gosh. I hope you're prepared to do the truffle shuffle.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 07/27/11(Wed)22:14 No.4777099

    Godspeed good sir
    >> eggmanl33t 07/27/11(Wed)22:19 No.4777122
    Lets make the meetup earlier so we can all buy each other drinks and foods.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)22:26 No.4777152

    I'm sick of the mothering type attendees.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/27/11(Wed)22:30 No.4777169
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    Not a bad idea. Maybe 8.
    (Not that I can join in since I'll be gone from like 5-11)
    >> Iris 07/27/11(Wed)22:42 No.4777206
    Make sure you bring your water too! And sunblock! <3
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 07/27/11(Wed)23:06 No.4777285
    augggh I wanna go to the meetup but there's so many things back-to-back ;-;
    >> Melvin 07/27/11(Wed)23:10 No.4777295
    I hope I see you guys! Those outfits are so cute.

    I'm trying to fight through my migraine to finish up last minute things and pack. And I just ran out of black thread, but I have a friend on her way to bring me some, thank goodness!

    Friday: Himiko (P4), FeMC (P3)
    Saturday: Sailor Neptune, Catherine (Gundam Wing)
    Sunday: Maybe nothing, but I'm thinking about bringing along my Matryoshka Rin stuff just for fun.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)23:12 No.4777301
    Trapped in the artist alley...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)23:14 No.4777311
    What the fuck, there is no L4D photoshoot this year.
    That means I gotta bomb the RE and TF2 shoots. Gotta find them.
    Lol sunblock. I may stop in for the meet up, but fuck, so many guests I wanna see it hurts.
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 07/27/11(Wed)23:26 No.4777351
    Oh hey, another Persona cosplayer! Nice~
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)23:47 No.4777432
    The TF2 shoots pretty much got turned into all-inclusive Valve shoots.
    >> LHC !!6okAHTBtkbF 07/27/11(Wed)23:51 No.4777452
    This might sound horrible, but what if I can only attend one day and I would want to solit the cost of the badge to someone who can only go on Saturday and Sunday, is this illegal?

    If not, anyone willing to split the cost?
    >> Badonkadonk 07/27/11(Wed)23:51 No.4777456
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    -First sweep of dealer's room
    -Enter Tekken 6 tournament, lose
    -Enter Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition tournament, lose

    -Quantum Ranger costume, don't know what to do

    -Don't know what to do

    Putting both of my tournaments on the same day seems like I'll be done for the weekend by 10pm Friday. Any Power Rangers/Tokusatsu photoshoots or meetups?

    Pic is of the Morphers I'm bringing: Quantum Morpher for costume, custom DragonBuckler for morphing on costumeless days and custom mastodon Morpher in case I run into JYB.
    >> LHC !!6okAHTBtkbF 07/27/11(Wed)23:53 No.4777467

    Fucking iPod...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)23:55 No.4777479
    Yay, crowded.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)23:59 No.4777495
    Counting down to the Mass Effect shoot

    Saturday, 6pm, Fountain Lobby Escalators
    >> eggmanl33t 07/28/11(Thu)00:01 No.4777503
    I know someone who might but then again there's almost no way to reach him lately.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/11(Thu)00:06 No.4777520
         File1311825991.jpg-(89 KB, 480x640, Photo on 2011-07-27 at 13.53.jpg)
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    hey boy let's hang out

    I'm super pumped also worried oh my goodness BRING IT ON THOUGH BRING IT ON

    this will be my first otakon without three costumes oh well
    >> Anonymous 07/28/11(Thu)00:09 No.4777531
    My roommates and I are going as Stronger, Kaixa, and Black.

    Expect the Stronger to start wailing on any sentai or heisei riders.
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 07/28/11(Thu)00:10 No.4777533
         File1311826218.jpg-(64 KB, 341x600, kyuubey.jpg)
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    Mu status:
    Almost done! Need to make the tassles for her cape and paint a few things and I'm good to go. everything is little....mediocre looking though, haha. worst costume ever.

    Nia: I need to sew in the blue wefts in the hotel, an glue on the gems. other than that we done! Lookin good~

    Need to trim the wig and I'm good!

    I'm leaving Bridget at home, 3 costumes is...a lot for me! haha. I'm so excited the end is in sight. I'll pack in the morning and get on my way~
    >> eggmanl33t 07/28/11(Thu)00:12 No.4777544
    This goes out to any people who aren't gonna be using a pass the whole weekend. If you aren't gonna be using your pass on Saturday email me cuz I know my buddy who lives in the Bmore area would like to go on saturday.
    >> eggmanl33t 07/28/11(Thu)00:16 No.4777557
    woops forgot email link.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/11(Thu)00:22 No.4777582
    hmmmm, like the wig , but the dress seems odd, not sure if its just the way youre standing though
    >> LHC !!6okAHTBtkbF 07/28/11(Thu)00:27 No.4777610
    Dude, just tried to email you. It said it didn't exist.

    >Captcha: problem signals
    Fucking Captcha, it mocks me.....
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 07/28/11(Thu)00:30 No.4777621
    It's a little weird. Though I literally made this 'costume' out of shit I had in my room and a bottle of pink fabric dye.

    So I'm pretty content with it, just a shitty closet cosplay.
    >> eggmanl33t 07/28/11(Thu)00:30 No.4777623
    Goddamn autocorrect man sorry. It's a hotmail link. Iphone saw @ and was like GMAIL.COM RIGHT! NAILED IT!

    lol captcha >ancract email:
    incorrect email
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 07/28/11(Thu)00:35 No.4777648
    I think there's a toku photoshoot on Friday, 7:30.
    >> LHC !!6okAHTBtkbF 07/28/11(Thu)00:38 No.4777658
    Fuck it, I'll just ask you here; is he willing to split the cost? It might be 50/50 or 33/66, depending on how my Sunday looks. Also, I can't really stay in Baltimore on Saturday, are you going? If so, can I entrust the badge to you to give to your friend?
    >> eggmanl33t 07/28/11(Thu)00:43 No.4777683
    Basically he's a brokeass he doesnt get money from the govt until the school semester starts so I don't think he'll be splitting it. I live in DC and have fams in Bmore so I'm gonna be down the street from the place when I'm not there all weekend. You could call me give me the badge I give it to him for sat and then if you come back sun I can give it back to you.
    >> Badonkadonk 07/28/11(Thu)00:45 No.4777692
    Shit, that's registration for AE. CosCom has one listed for 11pm Sat as well, guess I'll try to make that one.
    >> LHC !!6okAHTBtkbF 07/28/11(Thu)00:49 No.4777711
    Ehh. No can do. I am looking for someone to split the costs with. Sorry.
    >> Zeeky 07/28/11(Thu)00:50 No.4777716
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    Oi, I was the Doctor for AnimeNext and plan on recycling and expanding on it for Otakon, along with doing Ed from FMA for the later half of day 2.

    Anyone here want to join me for geeking out and playing ascension in Otakon after hours? Can teach you to play, nothing required but a willing brain!

    Aim: zk5201
    >> bigdumbhippy !!sLz+fwCdMOg 07/28/11(Thu)00:50 No.4777719
         File1311828638.jpg-(22 KB, 332x447, 1.jpg)
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    i finished tobli. time to pack.

    this is a pic from before i finished
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 07/28/11(Thu)00:56 No.4777744
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    Hemming the gloves and gluing on the last resin pieces to the hat and this shit is done (this pic was from last night).

    Pack and leave tomorrow. Say hi if you see me.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/11(Thu)00:56 No.4777746
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    This is such, such a shitty picture of the costume, but I'm gettin ready for Otakon :D
    >> eggmanl33t 07/28/11(Thu)01:06 No.4777803
    Update I was able to find him idling his favorite mmo free2play he has 800 bucks and would be willing to do 25$ for the saturday which is the third of the price. but he needs to know if it'll work in advance because he'd have to leave early to get there and everything.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 07/28/11(Thu)01:08 No.4777814
    FUCK YOUR SPHERE GAME SHIT. But thats an awesome costume dude.
    >> LHC !!6okAHTBtkbF 07/28/11(Thu)01:13 No.4777847
    Hrmmm. Tempting. My only question is how would I get that $25 or the badge to him, since I would be leaving Late Friday night.
    >> eggmanl33t 07/28/11(Thu)01:19 No.4777884
    The way I see it friday before you go you call me we meet up in the convention center/pratt street area. You give me the badge. I might end up giving him a ride on the saturday I give him the badge and get your money. Sunday you call me come back get badge and 25 dollars cash.
    >> LHC !!6okAHTBtkbF 07/28/11(Thu)01:25 No.4777915
    That sounds solid, but that all hangs on me coming back Sunday, which I might not do.
    Let me see what comes up. My aim is in the email.
    >> eggmanl33t 07/28/11(Thu)01:28 No.4777934
    Just tried to message you says you are offline. If you don't plan on coming back then what use is the badge after friday anyway?
    >> LHC !!6okAHTBtkbF 07/28/11(Thu)01:31 No.4777943
    That $25 would pay for parking. Lol I'm not worried bout the badge, although it would be a nice token of my time there, it's the money. Like I said, parking man. Lol
    >> eggmanl33t 07/28/11(Thu)01:36 No.4777962
    Ok so then I'll stop by his place on thursday give the money to you friday before you leave and then he has his badge for sat.
    >> LHC !!6okAHTBtkbF 07/28/11(Thu)01:38 No.4777973
    Done. :3 i'm on aim right now; I'll pm you my cell.
    >> The Cosplay Cop 07/28/11(Thu)01:43 No.4777990
    You gotta love per diem government hotel rates...

    They blow the con rates outta the water if you're a Fed employee. (Staying at the Hilton again)
    >> SamtheGuy !!RGo3r6wYmea 07/28/11(Thu)02:18 No.4778115
         File1311833899.jpg-(87 KB, 640x480, Photo 83.jpg)
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    >mfw I am finished packing and waiting for it to be 1:30 a.m. so I can leave for my 6:15 flight

    Love you /cgl/
    >> LHC !!6okAHTBtkbF 07/28/11(Thu)02:21 No.4778130
    Well shit. That plan fell thru. Nice guy though.
    Anyway, I'm willing to split the cost of the badge 50/50 or 33/66, depending on how many days you need it. My aim is my email also. Drop me a line if anyone is interested.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/11(Thu)03:18 No.4778300

    Hate to break it to you. Spec ops will be looking for you. Buy a badge cheapskate
    >> LHC !!6okAHTBtkbF 07/28/11(Thu)03:36 No.4778344
    I am going to anyway, dumbass, I was just trying to cut down the cost.
    Looks like I'll be solo again this year. :( no one can go with me. Anyone going to the alchemy 101 panel?
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 07/28/11(Thu)04:01 No.4778409
    I can't sleep I am so excited try to decide if I should leave an hour and a half early or not. my main concern is catching the light rail to Penn station, my bags are too heavy to carry the two blocks. I really wish I didn't have to go to DC too pick up my make up before going back to Baltimore.
    >> The Cosplay Cop 07/28/11(Thu)04:03 No.4778423

    But if you're law enforcement, you can use the badge that's issued by your agency to stroll on in...
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 07/28/11(Thu)06:33 No.4778753
    The weird weeaboo with the Lolicon that is in his 59s is on the bus next to me. Luckily though he is distracted by the guy in the Gundam Shirt but he saw my wigs.

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