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  • File : 1311536467.jpg-(1.33 MB, 1952x3264, IMAG0157.jpg)
    1.33 MB MrFreeman !ktsMdKEYYo 07/24/11(Sun)15:41 No.4762295  
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/24/11(Sun)15:42 No.4762303
    Wrong trip, Damn phone
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 07/24/11(Sun)15:42 No.4762304
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    >> Iris 07/24/11(Sun)15:42 No.4762309
    You have nice legs by the way. I am jealous
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 07/24/11(Sun)15:43 No.4762313
    freeman you are my fucking hero
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)15:45 No.4762321
    I love you both.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 07/24/11(Sun)15:45 No.4762324
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)15:45 No.4762326
         File1311536747.jpg-(19 KB, 280x374, 1310723100495.jpg)
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    I saw you at SDCC and was horrified.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/24/11(Sun)15:46 No.4762332

    was this planned??
    >> TL;DR 07/24/11(Sun)15:47 No.4762336
         File1311536844.gif-(12 KB, 300x300, happy.gif)
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    This is pretty damn awesome.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/24/11(Sun)15:47 No.4762338
    More importantly. Is she nice?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 07/24/11(Sun)15:48 No.4762346
    Yes she's nice.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)15:50 No.4762359
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)15:58 No.4762390
    post more pictures please
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)16:02 No.4762410
    She's actually pretty nice, I just felt bad because she had a herpe sore on her lip and she tried to cover it with foundation but it just made it more prominent. :(
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)16:05 No.4762426
    I don't really care for Nigri but I rolled my eyes at this
    >> piplup !Ebgln4OHzA 07/24/11(Sun)16:06 No.4762432
         File1311537972.png-(154 KB, 320x240, Dawn_eyebrows.png)
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    you're right...
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)16:07 No.4762437
    This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/24/11(Sun)16:07 No.4762438
    Check fox news soon
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)16:08 No.4762443
    It's actually true, I saw it too, but you do know that a herpe sore is a cold sore right? he should have just put some Abreva on and it would have taken care of the problem.
    >> SariaCrossing !wBW8YlZZyU 07/24/11(Sun)16:09 No.4762445
    Well, I guess I can die happy now.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)16:17 No.4762489
    YOU, sir, deserve a fucking MEDAL.
    >> Hatsuu !!+vbHxqaHFI4 07/24/11(Sun)16:24 No.4762529
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    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/24/11(Sun)16:39 No.4762593
    Well, this just made my day.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 07/24/11(Sun)17:19 No.4762744
    freeman, you have glorious legs. also, you are a brave man for walking around a con in heels.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/24/11(Sun)17:27 No.4762788
    bumping this thread.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/24/11(Sun)17:31 No.4762804
    Freeman and Nigz confirmed for bros
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)17:32 No.4762809
    Even though he originally made that costume to try to attack and make fun of her.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)17:37 No.4762834
    >Freeman confirmed for bro
    >and Nigz confirmed for Ho
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:12 No.4762971
    Absolutely fabulous!
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/24/11(Sun)18:12 No.4762977
    Cool made up story bro.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 07/24/11(Sun)18:14 No.4762989
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    Mr. Freeman is my favourite trip.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/24/11(Sun)18:15 No.4762991
    So How did you guys plan this? Do you have her # or something?
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 07/24/11(Sun)18:23 No.4763029
         File1311546208.png-(242 KB, 400x488, 1310077270412.png)
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    his next post will be asking if he can have it
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:24 No.4763032
         File1311546260.png-(44 KB, 261x585, tumblr_ldwd41RwHD1qzsyk0o1_400.png)
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    Freeman you need to cosplay Senor Cardgage.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/24/11(Sun)18:25 No.4763037
    damn it dan
    always ruining my plans
    >> jiru-chan !!BGzIfEqmLpj 07/24/11(Sun)18:36 No.4763087
         File1311546980.jpg-(29 KB, 350x197, 20h47m51s33.jpg)
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    This is glorious.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:44 No.4763132
    Such nice legs.
    >> itaqueen !!60RF7p3/Emf 07/24/11(Sun)18:49 No.4763156
    holy shit freeman, you're my hero
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 07/24/11(Sun)18:50 No.4763159
    Freeman your skirt needs to be shorter.

    For accuracy.

    Okay, I lied. So we can see more of your legs.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno !Zqpd5FCvYY 07/24/11(Sun)19:04 No.4763226
         File1311548651.gif-(25 KB, 100x100, 1276401188339 - Copy.gif)
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    Freeman, I love you and your glorious legs.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:08 No.4763241
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    >> Lass Giselle 07/24/11(Sun)19:53 No.4763445
    Goddamnit Freeman
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:55 No.4763454
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/24/11(Sun)19:57 No.4763459
    "Go ahead, take a shower
    I won't Pikachu."
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)20:06 No.4763485
         File1311552392.jpg-(102 KB, 373x355, thispleasesgaga.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)20:12 No.4763515
    i prefer freeman than jnig
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 07/24/11(Sun)20:13 No.4763517
         File1311552798.jpg-(208 KB, 410x530, freeman-the-pervman.jpg)
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    You have such great ideas Todd
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/24/11(Sun)20:56 No.4763719

    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/24/11(Sun)21:59 No.4764007
         File1311559187.jpg-(465 KB, 1536x1152, sexichoot.jpg)
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    Now that I'm home, proper reply time:
    I apologize, I must make it up to you somehow.

    Todd, it started in a thread on /cgl/. I had no other communication with or from her until last night. Another trip had her number and had been playing middle-man for a while, but she finally texted me during the masq when her phone was charging. She was also very kind, polite, and really sweet.

    The costume was always made and intended for shock value at ALA, where a lot of /cgl/ was going to be. I had no strong feelings for Jessica's cosplay abilities one way or another at the time, but I do think she has improved. The costume was retired when I took it off at ALA out of respect for Jessica. I felt wearing it more than once would, in fact, be a sign of disrespect.

    Also, to help ensure this happened, in interviews as Sexichu, I stated that I was challenging Jessica for a photoshoot, and I would donate $250 to charity for just wearing the outfit, but would double it to $500 if we did the shoot. I told Jessica about this and she wants to pitch in the other half, and we are looking at donating to Red Cross Japan for Tsunami disaster relief ala Cosplay for a Cause.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)22:08 No.4764051
    I'm pretty impressed. You are the best of us, Mr. Freeman.
    >> Ergheiz Zero !!ek5eJGAYEE3 07/24/11(Sun)22:15 No.4764085
    Freeman x Nigiri, my OTP

    Now that you've done Sexichu with Nigiri, how's about time you pull JJ out and we do Spidey and JJ at some other con we go to no?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/24/11(Sun)22:22 No.4764108
    I remember that thread. I still can't believe it was actually her, haha! Ok well I am saving those pictures, don't be creeped out. Do you have more pictures?

    >I told Jessica about this and she wants to pitch in the other half

    Wow... that's... actually really nice of her.
    >> Precious !!kGW3mvg3DSW 07/24/11(Sun)23:37 No.4764460
    That's a really inaccurate costume.

    She doesn't even have a beard.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/25/11(Mon)00:06 No.4764607
    I was kind of irritated when I found out she changed her heels and added Pikachu's stripes to the fashion belt.

    She said she was particularly proud of the fact that I didn't have matching yellows. I told her that with my dimensions, I couldn't be picky with what I could find.

    We also gave each other the Pikachu ears we had made, and signed them. It was a very cute gesture.
    >> AnimeGamer 07/25/11(Mon)07:24 No.4765825
         File1311593049.jpg-(2.06 MB, 2176x3872, SDCC11 Day 4 075.jpg)
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    Lurking cruddy photographer here.

    MrFreeman - You sir, are awesome. I think I told you that though after the shoot. (I'm the photog who was looking for the Pokemon gathering, which ended up being on the other side of the convention, lol.)

    I wonder if there is a picture of myself, MrFreeman's friend who I will not name out of respect (his photos have made front page of Kotaku before), and Eurobeat King who came by a minute or two after the photoshoot ended with Nigri snapping her Pikachu tail in half and tossing it into a nearby dumpster. I kinda wish I had taken a picture of that, but oh well.

    I happened to actually like what Nigri said to EBK - "You always seem to be with a hot girl!" lol!

    Anyway, everyone I mentioned is super super cool and awesome. Pic related to topic to prove I was there - I only took one photo out of respect of the photoshoot.
    >> itaqueen !!60RF7p3/Emf 07/25/11(Mon)07:30 No.4765841
    You're such a sweety. <3
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)07:41 No.4765861
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/25/11(Mon)09:30 No.4766049
         File1311600644.jpg-(261 KB, 800x533, 5973373531_a8c240c971_b.jpg)
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    Ah, then you arrived pretty late, haha! But I'm glad you got to see it, and I appreciate all the nice comments.

    Also, it seems the photos are trickling in from the shoot!
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)10:44 No.4766240
         File1311605076.jpg-(25 KB, 500x350, 2mmb9u1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)10:54 No.4766259
    so much amazing.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)10:58 No.4766271
         File1311605939.png-(109 KB, 502x474, 1307196921606.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)14:29 No.4766929
    CGL loves Nigri!
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)14:31 No.4766942
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/25/11(Mon)14:33 No.4766944
    She looks kinda weird in that picture, haha.
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 07/25/11(Mon)14:40 No.4766969
         File1311619241.png-(26 KB, 150x213, cit_FotNS_-_manly_tears[1].png)
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    Well done Freeman!
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/25/11(Mon)15:54 No.4767285
    It's the fisheye lens on the camera. I think it made the whole shoot look hilarious.
    >> Queen N 07/25/11(Mon)15:56 No.4767299
         File1311623804.png-(181 KB, 282x352, N Scared.png)
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    dem eyelashes.
    holy shit, they look painful.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)16:03 No.4767328
         File1311624183.jpg-(353 KB, 506x900, 1311593049650 copy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)16:16 No.4767378

    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)16:22 No.4767404
    My daughter when she saw this picture: "Look, they're trying to be pikachus! They look cute as pikachus."
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)16:31 No.4767443
    This is all I could think for this entire thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)16:38 No.4767463

    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 07/25/11(Mon)16:39 No.4767465
    So glad this actually went through!! It was a blast meeting you btw,just wish I hadn't been so fucking busy.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 07/25/11(Mon)16:42 No.4767477
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/25/11(Mon)16:50 No.4767498
    I kept looking for you yesterday and pestered the eFX booth, but they kept saying to check the CBS booth, and CBS said that they hadn't seen you all day.

    I really wanted a picture with dat green makeup.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)16:53 No.4767506
    Jessica's face looks really old in these pics and she has no curves. Am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)17:43 No.4767634
    Freeman, I'm so jelly I only got to talk to you for a few minutes Friday night. (I was the USO girl whose hair you thought was a wig.) You're my goddamn hero, let's hang out.
    >> Volpin !jKicgoGHZw 07/25/11(Mon)17:49 No.4767651
    >we are looking at donating to Red Cross Japan for Tsunami disaster relief ala Cosplay for a Cause.

    A+ sir. Things like this give me hope for the community.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)18:35 No.4767808
    aawwww I'm so sad I didn't get to see you while I was there, I was looking forward to it :(
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)18:41 No.4767833
    Marry me.

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