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  • File : 1311173924.jpg-(188 KB, 853x921, Untitled.jpg)
    188 KB China !0eICAU0W1A 07/20/11(Wed)10:58 No.4745286  
    I've had it with this bitch.

    All she does all day is post pics on Chinese twitter that she saved off /cgl/ without citing the sauce nor specifying the cosplayer/Lolita in question. Myself and countless others have told her it's plagiarism and have given her the sauce but she just persists saying shit like "but my followers want to see the pics!" or "I cited 4chan as the source!".

    Scroll down and you'll recognize all the pics from threads we've had in the last day or so. The dress porn thread, the amazing cosplay photo thread, even the Sailormoon at Walmart is there a page or so back.

    Is there any way for the mods (if /cgl/ has any) to perma-ban her? I'm not sure if she actually posts or just lurks and steals pics.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:06 No.4745303
    I save pictures off 4chan all the time without knowing the source, repost them to 4chan, or occasionally to my cumblr. I don't see the difference.

    Why so buttmad op?
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 07/20/11(Wed)11:10 No.4745309
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    i do this all the time, OP. i see pictures i like posted and i spam them to my tumblr.

    you seem butthurt. sad she has more followers than you? ;_;
    >> Kalmia !!KFdVmO8Gwgh 07/20/11(Wed)11:10 No.4745310
    actually a lot of us just lurk and steal pictures.

    where do you think 95% of what gets posted is from? nobody cites sources here.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:12 No.4745313
    Why's everyone so mad lately?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:14 No.4745317
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    >on 4chan
    >complaining about reposts
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:14 No.4745318
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:15 No.4745320
    It's all the kids on summer vacation who still believe in the Internet Police.
    >> China !0eICAU0W1A 07/20/11(Wed)11:25 No.4745356
    Not a summerfag nor trying to utilize you guys as my personal army, but she's actively posting stolen pics REPEATEDLY without citing the source even when others (such as the owners of the pic) ask her to cite them or take the pic down.

    Guess /cgl/ doesn't have mods after all.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:30 No.4745359
    >/cgl/ mods
    >Stopping some chick from posting pictures posted on 4chan

    Did I misunderstand or....?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:33 No.4745362
    ..."stealing" pictures from 4chan? Really?

    A girl can't have a blog where she posts cool stuff she finds on /cgl/? think you can ban her from here for that reason? I mean, if 'plagiarism' is the issue, then why don't you bring it up with tumblr?

    And even if that was cause for banning from 4chan (which it's not), if she's just lurking and saving pictures they'd never find her. Unless she specifically posts "Hey I'm going to post this to my tumblr at this address", they will never know who is her.

    I would kindly suggest you take the rake out of your vagina and calm the fuck down.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 07/20/11(Wed)11:33 No.4745364
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    we dont have specific mods because we dont really matter. we're a slow board. there are mods who hop between us and other slow board, but why would anyone bother to ban her?

    95% of cgl is reposts without credit. if she stole a picture YOU have copyrighted, take it up with the website she's posting them on. but even then.. it's the internet, suck it up. if people post pictures on a public website, they should be ready for it to be reposted.
    >> China !0eICAU0W1A 07/20/11(Wed)11:34 No.4745365
    I just want her to be blocked from this board, she refuses to cite sources even when others give them to her and is unapologetic for everything and refuses to take down images even when the original creator asks her to.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:37 No.4745369

    Nobody gives a fuck, you're being pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:38 No.4745370
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    How does any part of what you just said sound realistic inside your little head?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:38 No.4745371
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    In honour of OP
    Source: My Computer, D:\4Chan\Cosplay

    But seriously guise, this is OC do not steal!
    If you do post this picture, please cite my computer as source kthxbai
    >> Kalmia !!KFdVmO8Gwgh 07/20/11(Wed)11:40 No.4745374

    well, like tenleid says, it's something you'll have to take up with where she's posting them, not where she's getting her pictures from.
    >> China !0eICAU0W1A 07/20/11(Wed)11:42 No.4745381
    Please guys! Seriously! It's just disrespectful!
    >> TL;DR 07/20/11(Wed)11:42 No.4745382
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    I can kind of understand why you're upset at this person, but I'm not sure why you think any of the 4chan mods (or anyone on /cgl/, honestly) would care. She's not violating any 4chan rules so the mods have no reason to pay any attention to it at all, let alone take action against her. Being "unapologetic" is not grounds for being banned from 4chan. If anything it's the norm here.

    If she's done something to you personally, such as stolen some content that you have rights to, then I'm sure there's some way for you to take action against her through the site where she's reposting things.

    >tl;dr this has nothing to do with /cgl/ or 4chan, you're barking up the wrong tree.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:42 No.4745383
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    >about "stealing" pictures
    >she found on 4chan
    >by posting them on a Twitter-type site

    Jesus fuck.
    >> TL;DR 07/20/11(Wed)11:45 No.4745386
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    Ugh. Dammit, right when I finish that post you drop the charade.

    7/10, I had my suspicions but you still got me. Well done.
    >> China !0eICAU0W1A 07/20/11(Wed)11:49 No.4745391
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:49 No.4745392
    If this is really a troll then it's the best one we've had in a long time. 7/10 I wasn't mad, just confused.
    >> TL;DR 07/20/11(Wed)12:08 No.4745418
    See, I really should've known right at
    with the whole "summerfag/personal army" bit. Throwing around 4chan-speak like that should have tipped me off that you weren't quite new enough to be so ignorant of how 4chan works.

    Did you make the trip just for this, or did you have it already? It led me to assume you were a Hetalia fag who was new to the board and thought they needed a trip to fit in, which made me buy into the story all the more. Serves me right for assuming!

    Again, well done, I'd say to try and make it less obvious next time but it was so effective this time...
    >> China !0eICAU0W1A 07/20/11(Wed)12:15 No.4745434
    I actually use the trip to post help in Taobao threads and the such because I'm an ABC.
    >> TL;DR 07/20/11(Wed)12:20 No.4745449
    Ah, that explains why I haven't seen you around.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)12:45 No.4745530
    How is any of this stealing? People take pictures from the internet all the time and repost them over and over, not just on 4chan, but EVERYWHERE. It's only plagiarism is she turns in it and claims it as her own work (mostly if she profits off it).
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)12:55 No.4745570
    OP is confirmed troll guys.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 07/20/11(Wed)13:02 No.4745581
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