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07/19/11(Tue)22:18 No.4742952>*Your
most beautiful cosplay pictures are the ones you take yourself.
Photographers at cons don't have enough preparation or care to try to
make you look good.
So true. I have a friend who wants to
shoot my every costume at cons, and she's a really, really lousy
photographer. She can't use cameras to save her life and she picks
really shitty angles. Usually I just let her do it and take better
tripod+auto timing pictures myself later, but try to pick out the one
good photo she's taken so she won't get all butthurt.
people are the best cosplay craftsmen. Asians are the best cosplay
photographer/photo editors. Blacks and Latinos are the best at making
themselves look like cosplay failures.
I really want to know the truth behind why latinos suck at cosplay so fucking much. |