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  • File : 1310715626.jpg-(18 KB, 500x392, 1310592700261.jpg)
    18 KB Cosplay/convention Win Thread Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:40 No.4722326  
    We always have cosplay/con horror story threads. How about cosplay/con awesome stories? Stuff that made you feel amazing or were just too epic or funny to forget.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:41 No.4722329
    >Go to first con
    >Get the 20 McNugget, 2 large fries, and 2 large drinks deal at McDonald's
    >Awwww yeahhhh
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)04:33 No.4722437
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    >First US con
    >Have Ash, Selphie, and team rocket cosplay
    >Day of ash cosplay
    >everyone called me a faggot and stupid shit like that saying im a bad trainer.
    >Get chased by team rocket through con center.
    Fun but bad day for the most part
    >Day of Selphie cosplay
    >Only 3 people know who Selphie is. Even KH cosplayers couldnt figure out why I looked familiar
    >Some weeb ripped my wig off my head because she didnt believe it was real hair
    Shitty day. Froze for no reason. How can you play KH and not know the characters who arent axel, riku, roxas, kairi, or sora? really!?
    >Sunday. Last Day of con.
    >Team rocket cosplay
    >Go around con all day telling everyone that they are not cats and then tried to make everyone exercise with us. Lots of lunges and jumping jacks involved

    Met some cool people who thought my crew was awesome. Made lots of friends who hate weebs as much as me. Good day. Made up for the rest of the con.
    >> Kuroneko !RuriipgIaY 07/15/11(Fri)04:43 No.4722458
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    Momo are you a girl? You have to go to with me to see yuri things at cons~

    Anyway kind of a funny con related thing.
    >First time at Fanime, go to eat lunch with a friend
    >Eating at some Thai place
    >Large family sitting next to us
    >Overhear them talking about the con
    >"Whats with this sexy nerd convention? I didn't know there was a day for freaks to dress up"
    >Lol forever at mention of "sexy nerd convention"

    They were pretty dickish about it but I still had a good laugh over it.
    >> Melvarkie 07/15/11(Fri)04:43 No.4722460
    > First con, first cosplay
    > Wearing a shitty miku cosplay, but do have this awesome huge leek plushie
    > Still be recognized as Miku and lot of people ask me to do the leek spin.
    > Fuck yeah!
    >> Melvarkie 07/15/11(Fri)04:46 No.4722471
    God dammit, i thought i removed that link.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)04:52 No.4722483
    Off topic but where's the Thai place near fanime?

    Sage for off topic.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)04:52 No.4722484
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    awesome stories

    I have none
    >> Kuroneko !RuriipgIaY 07/15/11(Fri)04:58 No.4722502
    I believe it's House of Siam. Googled images and it looks like the place I ate at. Had some pretty good food when I was there. This was like two years ago though haha.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)05:03 No.4722512
    Snow miku is top tier, post them please!
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 07/15/11(Fri)05:20 No.4722536
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    >first time at a con
    >about 12pm, roommates start fighting about something
    >decide to go down to the lobby for a while till they cool off
    >sit around in the lobby wearing a cat eared hat and playing my psp
    >suddenly SOMETHING ATTACKS MY HEAD, it turns out I was being snuggled by a tiny asian felicia cosplayer
    >extremely weirded out but at the same time she's cute and likes darkstalkers so I'll let it slide
    >she ends up being really awesome and likes a lot of the same stuff as me
    >we end up just sitting around in the lobby talking about games and anime we like until about 7am
    >we still meet up every year and always have an awesome time

    probably the coolest person I've ever met at a convention
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)08:45 No.4722787
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    I d'awwwed at that, I really did.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)08:59 No.4722797
    I dawwww'd a lot harder than necessary!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:00 No.4722799
    >convention dance with friends
    >having a kick ass time
    >see a kid sitting alone in the back of the room looking at the floor
    >he looks real sad and depressed
    >decide to go talk to him
    >ask him to come dance with my friends and I
    >he looks sort of scared but agrees
    2 months later...
    >out of curiosity I check the convention forums
    >he's been looking for me since the Sunday he got home
    >contact him
    >he lives miraculously close
    >we hang out a lot
    >also it turns out he wasn't actually sad and alone
    >he had whacked himself in the nuts with glowsticks right before I saw him
    >9 months later
    >he reveals he's had a crush on me since the first time he saw me
    >we start dating
    >4 years later
    >we're still together, happy, and engaged
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:19 No.4722809
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    So I've been to three cons already, and I don't have much to tell as far as stories go, though this was rather fun for me.

    This year was my second year at Ohayocon (which is a blast, and if you get to, I highly recommend it).

    Thursday: registration and all that: My friend and I get to the hotel, get settled in, and then go down to locate registration and generally give the place the once over. In the year since our last visit, they'd opened up a comic book and collectors shop inside of the convention center, which was surprising but neat. The two of us decide to investigate and see if there was anything worth picking up (my friend actually scored an in box Finster figure from the original MMPR line, so the weekend was made alone there), and not even five minutes pass than what should walk in? Carmen Sandiego and Waldo, together, and they were actually a couple no less! My friend and I thought this was too perfect, commended them on that, and they laughed it up with a round of "Pics or this never happened!" Fun times were had by all, and we even scored a picture of the happy pair.

    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:20 No.4722812
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    Friday I don't remember much of, although I did get stopped by two girls at one of the tables outside of the rave room because they recognized my Den-O belt, and even got a kick out of it when I did the posing and called out "Ore, sanjou!" Naturally I'm a bit of a ham, and couldn't pass that up.

    Saturday though, that was fun, cosplayed as Shotaro from Kamen Rider W, but that wasn't the best part. Later that day I broke out my standby outfit for these affairs, carrying around a heavyweight title belt and dressing like a masked wrestler (always gets a lot of nice reactions and people wanting to pose with the belt, definitely a crowd pleaser), but the awesome part was when we were heading to the food court, and this cute and nicely made up Yoko cosplayer and her friend stop us. Apparently the friend of the Yoko cosplayer said she liked my outfit, and wanted to get a hug, and of course, it's a nice girl in a Yoko cosplay, and me being the big teddy bear I am, well I couldn't say no, now could I?

    That was one of the highlights of that day for me. We always have fun at these events, and we're hoping to make it back for a third round next year.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:23 No.4722820
    > Cosplay Pokemon Breeder at last convention.
    > Sitting in a hallway while my friend volunteers, selling raffle tickets for charity.
    > Three little kids walk over, one plops down his Pikachu plushie and asks me for some potions to heal it, thinking I'm a Pokemon shop keeper.
    > Best mistaken costume moment ever.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:44 No.4722838
    Just remembered a really funny one that we still joke about.

    > Animazement '08
    > Early Friday morning in the convention.
    > Really masculine female friend is crossplaying Ichigo from Bleach.
    > Has bandages for torso/arm but needs help.
    > I go into the empty girl's bathroom with her and start pinning the bandages and end up standing behind her.
    > She's facing the bathroom door and much taller than me so I'm hidden.
    > Carmen Sandiego cosplayer walks in, sees friend dressed as Ichigo.
    > "Sorry, I must be in the wrong bathroom!"
    > Moves to leave the bathroom as quick as possible until I pop out from behind friend.
    > "Nonono! It's the right bathroom!"
    > Ichigo friend looks ready to crack up any minute, I hurry to finish her bindings and we leave.
    > Have greatest convention story for years.
    >> MOMO !!A8BrPmZzO+j 07/15/11(Fri)09:47 No.4722849

    >confessed to you in /cgl/ crush thread
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:58 No.4722857
    Not funny, but an epic story for me.

    Last year. My friend is a very very very hot girl, used to be an atenttion whore and being center of atenttion, all guys love her and her tits. Charismatic, pretty ass, face, body... She always get the guy she want.

    > At big con, she's Poison and I'm Selphie.
    > See an Irvine, a really good Irvine.
    > OH MY GODDDDD ITS IRVINE *nosebleed* yeah, we're such a fangirls.
    > YEAH, he's hot as fuck. My god.
    > Friend asks him a photo and starts to flirt with him. I'm like "I wanna my photo too, bitch"
    > Irvine repears at me and and asks for a photo. We start to talk. Friend is pissed off because she's not the center of atenttion.
    > Irvine asks for a few fanservice pics. He loves Selphie.
    > But I'm very shy so I refuse.
    > My friend is like "haha, puritan" and says something about being too shy is bad, that I'm a kid and blablabla.
    > Irvine starts defending me. Friend gets angry and left.
    > "Oh fuck, I'm alone at con".

    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)10:05 No.4722865
    >Go to convention to see The Protomen
    >Some of us posted on The Protomen forums prior to this, suggesting a meetup
    >I had posted a picture of my planned outfit.
    >Walking around on Saturday
    >See someone with a "Light Up The Night" vest.
    >Tell him it's a cool jacket. He turns around.
    >"Hey, you're from the internet!"
    >We totally bro it up.
    >Run into another guy from the Protomen forums
    >Walk around with them all day, everything is hilarious and we have a great time.

    Seriously one of my favorite times of my life, they were both funny as hell people.Some specific moments that stick out from that day:

    >Go to the merch table
    >Buy some merch
    >Walk off
    >It wasn't until about half an hour later that we realized we were buying the stuff from the members of the band


    >Walking around the lower level of the convention center
    >Suddenly, the police come by, dragging a congoer who's freaking out and screaming "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"
    >We stare with mild bemusement as he's dragged off
    >Turn around
    >A huge line of people in fursuits are standing with their hands on their hips, watching the person get dragged off
    >"Disapproving furries" becomes a large source of amusement for the rest of the day.

    It turns out the guy took a Brawl tournament too seriously and smashed the controller and got violent. Sigh.

    Other awesome shit happened, but there's too much to remember. I've had nothing but awesome experiences at cons so far thankfully.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)10:12 No.4722869
    Oh man, the band part! That's happened to me before and I'm horrible at recognizing them out of their stage gear.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)10:15 No.4722872
    Yeah, we finally figured out it was Murphy Weller who sold us our stuff. We didn't figure it out until we saw Gambler and Bakker walking to the Food Court. It was a pretty funny moment, one of many.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)10:16 No.4722874
    >Dressed as Ike from Fire Emblem
    >Holy crap Ike is popular, I'm getting photo requests every 20 feet
    >Get challenged to a mock duel with a Link from Legend of Zelda
    >We're in front of a bunch of people and they cheer us on
    >Crowd starts chanting "We like Ike! We like Ike!" the cheer from Smash Bros.

    Man, I gotta pull out Ike again, just thinking about that
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)10:19 No.4722882
    Animazement 2010
    > Waiting with friend for elevator on our hotel floor, arms full of stuff for our gameshow panel.
    > Stuff includes bike pump, bag of packing peanuts, traffic cones, kiddy pool, bag of ballpit balls.
    > Elevator opens, Uchuu Sentai NOIZ (jrock band for the convention) is inside.
    > We stare at them, they stare at us but they look way more confused.
    > Manage to ask "Going down?"
    > Guitarist shakes head and points up.
    > "Oh, okay. Thanks."
    > Continue to stare at each other until doors shut.
    > Me and friend are stunned silent for a good ten seconds until realization kicks in. Promptly spazz out.
    > Spend entire weekend facepalming ourselves and wondering what they could have been thinking to see two girls carrying totally bizarre items like that all at once.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)10:28 No.4722896
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    Convention win
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)10:29 No.4722899

    These two made me baww out loud.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:29 No.4722968
    bumping because I've been enjoying this.
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 07/15/11(Fri)11:31 No.4722971
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    >Last year, AnimeUSA
    >first con ever, excited
    >We had planned to meet up at the metro station near where I live around 11:00
    >Get there early
    >no one's there, figured maybe they got there early and already left?
    >Call them, no response
    >Well fuck, what do?
    >Figure I'll just make my way over there myself.
    >Crystal City
    >Waiting around metro station, perhaps they were just a bit late?
    >All of a sudden I see a Larxene, an Axel, and a Music Meister(?) come out
    >Somehow manage to start talking with them
    >Become bros
    >Walk around the underground mall with them in cosplay (I didn't cosplay)
    >Really friendly and nice
    >Don't see them later on, feelsbadman
    >Remember their names, add them on FB
    >All's well
    >A couple months befoer AB
    >Axel invites me with open arms to go with them to AB
    >How could I refuse? :'D
    >Awesome time at AB, especially with Cospaly Night Court
    >On the Loooooooooooooooong ride home, stop in Salem, MA
    >Larxene and Axel were cosplaying Badou and Heine from DOGS
    >unofficial photographer
    >take badass pics
    All in all, they're really awesome and I'm totally glad that I chilled around the Metro when I did - otherwise I wouldn't have met them :3
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:42 No.4722985

    Where's part 2?

    Also, >>4722874 aww! I wish I could have seen that!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:44 No.4722987
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    Oh lord that is too adorable. The best part is that he hit himself in the nuts, poor guy, but at least he met you!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:46 No.4722989
    Haha, I remember taking my friends to Natsucon last year and we finally went to McDonald's after searching all over for a restaurant that wasn't a pub or required a reservation. Two people in the group got the $10 for 50 McNuggets. I think I ended up eating the rest or the leftovers were spoiled the next day ;_;

    I know that I shared this story before, but in spite of ACen 2011 being pretty crappy, what made it worth going was being able to stay at the Hyatt with my friend even though I thought I was staying at some other place a few blocks away from the con's center.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/15/11(Fri)11:48 No.4722992


    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)12:25 No.4723050
    Todd, it never fails that you're ridiculously happy about anything involving my relationship.

    Thanks for congratulating my engagement yesterday, btw.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/15/11(Fri)12:51 No.4723090
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    Anytime I have to run anywhere in costume I get cheers from people for no reason. "GO LUFFY" Even to this day.

    The first AX I ever went to (2006) I got lady-play just for being Luffy. That same night I ended up going to the dance and some cute asian chick recognized me from my cosplay earlier in the day. That was my in. 'Cause after that it was pretty easy to talk her up and go from there.

    pic related, funny enough

    AX2006 was some fun times. Some Narutards back then tried giving me shit for "PIRATES SUCK BOOO" I'd purchased an airhorn prior to coming to AX that year, so I just sighed and blew it right in his face. Fuck him. He must've jumped back a good 6 feet from it. "Pirates." I simply said, and left calmly.

    At the time, Sogeking was still a new character so when I'd seen a Sogeking cosplayer, I wanted to take a photo with 'em. I was pretty excited about it all when some douchey looking white bros that looked like they came out of an 18+ club with their baseball caps off at an angle decided to talk shit. "Look at this faggot all excited"

    "What's up motherfucker you got a problem?" I don't think they'd ever expect anyone at an anime convention to respond, because they did this backpedaling movement with this awkward face that looked like they'd just swallowed a lemon, while doing some lame ass crotch grab as they walked away. Fuck them.

    Back then I had no tolerance for alcohol. After about two rum and cokes I was pretty toasted in the hotel room. "You are slurring your speech dude."

    In my mind, I wanted to let them know I was coherent, but I guess it came out as "NOIMNOT, I'M KOREAN"

    So it stuck ever since. :/
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/15/11(Fri)13:08 No.4723125
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    AX 2008 we did a skit that referred to /cgl/ for the masquerade. I was invited by a friend to do it, but the problem was that the masquerade ran concurrent to my panel. I ended up talking to a the guy in charge of all live programming at the time to see what he could do about scheduling her skit early in the masquerade to give me a chance to dash off to my panel. I manage to get around the 10th spot, cool. The trouble was, that my friend and her friends were making the I arrive an hour prior to performing at the Nokia theatre, and I have pretty much that time to learn how the skit is actually going to go. :l Fortunately it was only like 4 lines for me, so it wasn't hard at all.

    The funny thing is, in the skit they mention I'm supposed to be running my panel, and that's when I dash off and exit the stage. That wasn't a joke though, 'cause I had about 30 minutes. :/ I really did have to get to my panel. So from there, I went and did Last Comic Standing that year. And then we partied. Oh did we party. Till four in the morning, with a bartender and DJ, out of a tiny cramped Holiday Inn room hahah. I'm surprised we didn't get any noise complaints, because there had to be 20+ people in one sitting moment..
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)13:17 No.4723140
    >wearing Lying Figure costume
    >riding elevator down to con with my handler
    >we can hear young girls jabbering away on the 2nd floor before the door opens
    >unspoken exchange between myself and handler
    >handler presses himself against the wall and I prepare myself with some fucked up leg posing
    >door opens
    >girls look in
    >I start gurgling, screeching, and chase them down the hallway
    >they scream and run
    >one is crying
    >I actually have to stop chasing them because I'm laughing so hard
    >people come up to high five me
    >I have no hands in the costume
    >people trying to five me and I have a good lol and they pat me on the back and take some pictures

    This happened all weekend and has been my favorite costume so far.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)13:23 No.4723156
    >at day 0 of con
    >hanging with people, helping out with set up by moving boxes around
    >pedobear appears
    >movers brought in a large push-cart to make moving stuff easier
    >loads the cart
    >pedobear pushes the cart
    >another girl and me (both of us around 5') got next to pedobear to push as well
    >someone yells "it's pedobear with lolis!"

    Some people took pictures and video but I never saw them surface.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)13:27 No.4723167
    >same con
    >there is another awesome lying figure
    >we keep running into each other
    >later in the day we spot each other near the food court
    >"MY TWIN!"
    >"MY BUDDY!"
    >run towards each other for hug
    >mid-run we both realize we have no arms
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)13:35 No.4723188
    I seriously doubt you're getting that much attention and "lady play" from that shitty closet cosplay.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/15/11(Fri)13:36 No.4723193
    >>4723190 Continued
    The final flop of this performance was when my friend who ran the panel was cosplaying Zappa and had to do a back bend. Every time he went for it his gloves just slipped clean off the stage so he fell through as I was about to plant my hands on his stomach to cartwheel over him. Luckily I saw and a much worse scenario was avoided.

    We finish the skit, get off stage, and wait for the inevitable awarding of performances and costumes. In the end, we won best in show for sticking it out, performing such "dangerous" stunts on such a tiny stage and using moves and techniques that are completely in character.

    From that point on it was decided that my friend (zappa) and I went on to aim for the personal achievement of winning an award 3 times in a row together. Which we ended up doing~

    Unlimited Cosplay works.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/15/11(Fri)13:45 No.4723213

    No, I just get it for being me. But that year I got it for being Luffy for sure. :p
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)13:51 No.4723237
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/15/11(Fri)13:57 No.4723262
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    I'm not going to go back and forth on this, so if you don't believe me that's ok
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)14:01 No.4723270
    Nothing you say is believable.


    It's like you're perpetually stuck in middle school.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)14:03 No.4723278
    >Hey guys it's summer! I'll go on this sweet new 4chan forum!
    >oh look sea gee el! I love cosplay XD
    >i'm sooooo kewl cause i hate on trips cause that's the kewl thing to do C:
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)14:07 No.4723291
    I kept getting warned at AX this year about him having date raped girls with roofies at convention parties before
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/15/11(Fri)14:09 No.4723299
    I'm sorry but the people who warned you are fucking tools and idiots. :/ Masa aint everyone's favorite man, but he's a good guy at the end of the day.
    >> Fuko !YqpqfV8h6U 07/15/11(Fri)14:15 No.4723323
    What? I LIVE in SoCal, and I have NEVER ever heard that before, and I know a good deal of people in the cosplay community that are also Seagulls. I always hear he is a nice guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)14:20 No.4723333
    Masa, you going to SDCC? I want to smoke you out and make out with you.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/15/11(Fri)14:51 No.4723418
    PMX 2007
    >The Candy Spooky Theater actually comes to fucking America to play
    >Rock out with sister at their micro concert

    ALA 2010
    >Mr. Horse

    Sakura Con 2010
    >Japanese voice actress for Luffy was there at the con (the whole reason I went to the con in the first place) and she showed up to the One Piece gathering.
    >Crazy homeless lady starts causing shit and everyone's frozen and doesn't know what to do.
    >Bloody Zoro comes out and escorts the crazy woman away
    >Literally Zoro saving Luffy
    >We all start singing Bink's Sake and doing the Franky dance
    >best gathering EVER

    Fanime 2010
    >FLOW Concert

    ALA 2011
    >singing in the courtyard with the rest of /cgl/ during gathering

    AX 2011
    >Masquerade green room, couldn't have been more chill if it wanted to be
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/15/11(Fri)14:57 No.4723438
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    That's ok, I don't ask that you believe me. :D


    It IS the cool thing to do. Didn't you know??


    Good, then don't come. :)

    Just what we need, more people to mooch off the free alcohol


    That's a myth, I'm really a loan shark and I break people's thumbs

    not nice at all


    When is that, next weekend? I could ask for the weekend off, but I don't have a badge.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/15/11(Fri)15:00 No.4723448
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    >ALA 2010
    >Mr. Horse

    >> Kuroneko !RuriipgIaY 07/15/11(Fri)15:08 No.4723478
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    >confessed also

    Yuri friends forever!
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/15/11(Fri)15:22 No.4723517
    Come hang with your homies. We'll get you in somehow :D
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/15/11(Fri)15:23 No.4723521
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    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/15/11(Fri)15:40 No.4723570

    Getting in to any con/any event is never a problem. I attended the Black and White ball at Fanime just fine. :) And that was way fun.

    We'll see. :o
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/15/11(Fri)15:48 No.4723590
    If you make it give me a call good sir.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/15/11(Fri)16:02 No.4723617
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    This just happened.
    >> MOMO !!A8BrPmZzO+j 07/15/11(Fri)16:06 No.4723628
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    >> TK-421 07/15/11(Fri)16:33 No.4723703
    >Sakura Con 2011.
    >Cosplay as the Scout from TF2
    >Meet an awesome group of other TF2 players.
    >chill the whole weekend
    >share Steam and X-box live usernames
    >Play one another all the time
    >hold regular matches together

    best group ever!
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 07/15/11(Fri)16:40 No.4723733
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    >Cosplay as Teddie
    >Head over to Persona gatherings and hear people quote the comics
    >Always jump in as Teddie
    >Get stopped and asked to quote random Teddie lines from the games and comics

    Seeing the look on people's faces is always priceless.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)18:20 No.4724094
    at least did you fuck? if not I think your post is the biggest failure horror story
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)19:11 No.4724266
    >Fanime 2011 staying at the fairmont
    >Friend(C)and I are coming out of my hotel room and heading to the elevator
    >Two members of FLOW come out of the elevator (Koshi and Iwasaki)
    >Don't recognize them at first but C is cosplaying the girl from Durarara who asks what you're looking for (I don't know what to call her, I don't watch DRRR)
    >C asks what they're looking for and asks that they write it on her notebook.
    >Laugh a little bit then get on the elevator
    >Me: Uhh C, wasn't that 2 of the members of FLOW?
    >We both realize that it was and freak out.
    >Later that night I need something from my hotel and go back and see Koshi walking out.
    >Joke and ask him if he found what he's looking for.
    >We both laugh
    >Go to concert on Saturday and have a good time.
    >Sunday morning C and I finish eating breakfast at the little cafe by the Fairmont and see FLOW walking by.
    >Catch up to them, Koshi remembers us and talk a little bit saying that we really enjoyed the concert last night.
    >See FLOW again at the Q&A and autograph session.
    No exciting stories about that except that mostly only Koshi remembered us.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)19:48 No.4724416
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    >got hugs from cookie monster
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 07/15/11(Fri)20:25 No.4724560
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 07/15/11(Fri)20:39 No.4724610
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    Otakon is too soon from AX and my funds just can't handle a big con that's across the country.

    I'm beary sorry to disappoint. Anything super amazing happening there that I should kick myself for missing?
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 07/15/11(Fri)20:41 No.4724618
    Persona meetup, for one. BUt if you're in CA, then I understand. C:
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 07/15/11(Fri)20:47 No.4724635
    CA person here, I would love to hang out with the East Coast SMT crowd and see those folks as I always love the costumes that come from Otakon.

    If you want I can record something for you to take to the gathering. Got a request?
    >> Pickled Pepper !8lBEjKOhI2 07/15/11(Fri)20:52 No.4724650
    >Be Kasumi Todoh of KOF
    >Nobody gets who I am, they think I am Kaoru of Rurouni Kenshin or some off version of Motoko
    >Getting a little distressed about the whole thing, I head back to my room to take it off and change
    >Run into a group of people who are at least 5 years older than I am at the time
    >They have an Athena a Yuri and a Terry
    >Recognize me and seeing that I am alone ask if I want to hang out
    >I hang out with them all day Saturday and Sunday, get my picture taken

    The was my first convention experience alone, but meeting them made it fun, all day Friday I was pretty convinced I was going to head home mid Saturday. They lived in GA, but I saw them next year at the same con, and again I went alone so I ended up hanging out with them all weekend. They totally made the con experience for me those two years.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:12 No.4724720
    Youmacon '08

    >Cosplaying as Mario
    >Walking along merrily, minding my own business
    >Little kid runs up to me shouting "MARIO!!!!"
    >Kid seriously thinks I'm Mario, tells me he lost his mom
    >I say "Follow me!" with a cheesy Italian accent and look for the kid's mom
    >We find her
    >She thanks me, gives me $5
    >Blow that money on pocky
    >See the kid again, he says he wants to be like me when he grows up
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:20 No.4724741
    Awwwww, this story gave me butterflies!

    >cosplay Daisy last year
    >Guy taps me on the shoulder and I turn to find him holding a camera. Asks nicely if I can pose with his teenage son. Says to me his son loves Daisy and thinks I'm cute. Son hits him on the arm and groans.
    >Talk in Daisy's voice and stand with his son. Man giggles and holds camera up
    >Tells his son to get closer. Son is embarrassed as all hell so I put my arms around his shoulders to try make it more comfortable
    >His arm hesitantly goes around my waist. Boy goes pink as the photo is taken
    >Man thanks us and winks and as I gather my dress, hear man saying "See? Cute girls that cosplay are nice too!"
    I was happy I made his day.

    >Con just gone, wearing my last Hetalia outfit for the day. Privateer England
    >walking with gf and friend and hear behind me:
    >"Johnny, hey Johnny! Mr. Depp, WHERE'S ALL THE RUM GONE?!?!"
    >Laugh and walk off going "I'm LOOKING for Mr. Depp now!"
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:23 No.4724749
    >Talk in Daisy's voice
    This is something I'd like to hear
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:30 No.4724774
    Youmacon '10

    >Walking along on Thursday night, touring the Ren Cen, mapping out friday, ect
    >Feel bad that I can't really afford anything this year
    >Come across a really awesome looking plush Germany from Hetalia on the floor
    >Pick it up thinking "SWEET! Free stuff!"
    >Walk around feeling great that I got stuff
    >See a woman with a roller luggage thingy that has a bunch of the plushies hanging off it
    >Feel like an asshole
    >Walk up to the woman and told her I found it on the floor
    >Get a hug
    >Feel like a good guy for the rest of the con

    Yeah, not really a moment of epicness or anything. Just made me feel really good about myself for the weekend.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:54 No.4724835
    Okay, I'll bite.

    Animaritimes 2011 (So just a few weeks ago)

    >First big Con I've ever really gone to.
    >Have 2 costumes, Ellis and RED Soilder.
    >Costumes are nothing too fancy, Soilder costume was something I used for Halloween at my college since game design was a big thing there.
    >Have a rocket launcher, it's nothing too fancy, but it sure isn't too shabby looking, especially since it was probably the 3rd biggest prop there.
    >People see it and cheer, give me thumbs up, people constantly asking me to do a rocket jump.
    >Make lame jokes back about having to keep it prop safe, quote Meet The Soilder, generally feel like a boss, having a fun time.
    >Walking out to car to head home for the day, in the parking lot when a trio of of young kids drive by on bikes/scooters.
    >My buddies I was traveling with all just kinda stop and laugh.

    Fun times all around. Damn it was hot out though.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)22:00 No.4724856
    Forgot to mention: Saturday I cosplayed as Tommy Wiseau (with my friend as Mark) and got to play football with lots of people. LittleKuriboh and 1/3rd of Team Fourstar freaked out and started quoting The Room with me
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)22:10 No.4724896
    Haha, I would but my voice is screwed up from a cold. My friend told me to stop it because I was annoying her. But that's the whole point of Daisy's voice, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)22:14 No.4724907

    That's so... beautiful? Yes, it's beautiful. I sniffled.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)22:23 No.4724940

    Do you have any pictures of this? I would have loved to see this costume!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)22:25 No.4724944
    this makes me want to meet the both of you
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)22:27 No.4724953
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    Actually I do. It's nothin special, just a long black wig with a suitcoat
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 07/15/11(Fri)22:34 No.4724975
    Too bad its not true.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 07/15/11(Fri)22:46 No.4725003
    >AN 2011
    >first srs cosplay
    >Momo Hinamori from bleach
    >separate from my group for a bit
    >mostly go unrecognized when i'm alone (cuzz hurr hurr, bleach characters everywhere, and no one likes Momo)
    > get stopped by a ladt, no cosplay, mid - late twenties
    >"excuse me, can i get a picture?"
    >me: "Of course!!!"
    >takes my picture, smiles this ridiculously huge smile
    >"thanks! oh my god, my brother is gonna die! he loves Momo"
    >huge smile the rest of the day
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)22:48 No.4725007
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    Well, it's possible. We still do cons.

    Yup. I have nothing better to do than lie about my relationship on the internet. You caught me. I must be hallucinating the ring I'm wearing, too. I'll bet he's not even real and I've just been imagining him this whole time.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)23:52 No.4725245
    I got another story from Youmacon, but it's not really an awesome story. It's more of one of those ones where I deal with a stupid person who happened to be at the hotel while the convention was going on.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)00:14 No.4725341

    feel free to share anyway
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)00:41 No.4725485
    Okay, so youmacon '10

    >I'm relaxing in the little lounge/bar area at the con
    >Cosplaying as Rorschach
    >Some guy that looks like Louis from L4D walks up to me, talking on the phone
    >Asks me "What is all this?"
    >Confused by what he means, ask "You mean my costume?"
    >"No, all this stuff going on here. What is it?"
    >"Oh, it's an anime convention"
    >Says "He says it's an animated convention" with a dumb smile and sense of excitement into his phone
    >"Sir, it's an anime convention. Y'know, like Japanese cartoons"
    >ignores me
    >"So what are you supposed to be?"
    >"Oh, I'm Rorschach from Watchmen. It's a comic character"
    >Says "He says he's a some sort of Shark from a Watch Man" with that same stupid look on his face
    >Think "fuck it" and walk off
    >See the man in line for registration, smiling like an idiot at all the cosplays
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)11:54 No.4726748
    This is an old one that probably everybody's heard by now. Hell, a book has even been written based off of it.

    So this girl who knows absolutely nothing about anime gets dragged along by her friends. Different town, so road trip! Yaaay! And then they dump her there. Booo. Normally this would be a bad story...

    ...if a group of people hadn't of noticed this crying girl. Finding out her story, they decided to band together to A) make what would have been an otherwise miserable experience for her an awesome one, B) introduce her to anime in the best possible way, C) get her home after the con was over. Nobody took advantage of her or anything, even. It went from the worst possible weekend to a truly awesome weekend.

    Yes, crappy telling, I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)13:12 No.4726967
    There's a book about cons?
    >> ThatGirl 07/16/11(Sat)13:22 No.4726986
    There is, at the very least, two separate murder mysteries about cons.

    Also Fringe Festival has a play about William Shatner getting murdered at a convention.
    Apparently writers think conventions are a great scene for murder.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)13:30 No.4727008
    Took me a minute to find it. Four Day Weekend, by Serdar Yegalup. Not a bad book, but his cover design seems to be inspired by Vertical, which I'm not a fan of.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)13:34 No.4727016
    What are the titles?
    >> ThatGirl 07/16/11(Sat)13:45 No.4727033
    Bimbos of the Death Sun by Sharyn McCrumb
    We'll Always Have Parrots by Donna Andrews. That's part of her 'Bird-themed mysteries' series featuring Meg Langslow. She also wrote one taking place during a reenactment of the Battle of Yorktown and another at a computer gaming company.

    And if anybody is in DC next week, see if you can go see Who Killed Captain Kirk? at Fringe, it looks to be hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)15:43 No.4727379
    Not really "my" story, but whatever:
    >>few years ago at my first con AX
    >>I'm standing in line w/ my friends getting our tickets
    >>Friend notices a girl dressed up and asks me if I know who it is b/c he thinks it's cool or something
    >>She's some one off character from Shaman King and I don't remember her name or if she even has a name
    >>I tell him, "Oh! She's from Shaman King, not sure what her name is though..."
    >>Girl overhears me and goes, "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE THE FIRST PERSON TO RECOGNIZE ME! THANK YOU!" or something to that extent.
    >>I kind of jump b/c I didn't realize I was so loud

    Well, at least she was happy that someone recognized her and I'm pretty happy that I vaguely remember who she was supposed to be.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)01:02 No.4729482
    This makes me think of a guy at AKon this year. He wasn't at all derpy though.

    A buddy and I were heading out to my car to stow some loot before we went out to eat. Neither of us are in cosplay, but I have bright teal-green hair for fun. I assume this is what made us stand out as congoers to this guy.

    Someone calls out to us and we turn around and there's this fellow in a business suit, early-mid twenties. He asked if we were going to the convention, and if they sold costumes there. He really wanted to go, but didn't have time to make a costume and didn't want to stand out.

    We tried to reassure him that street clothes were perfectly normal and that he could just go without worrying about costumes. I really, really hope he did.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)12:49 No.4731162
    Bumping for wonderful thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)13:29 No.4731243
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    >Last day of Animenext 2011
    >Dressed up as Rau from Kuroshitsuji and go to Dealer's Room
    >Noticed that the Guest of Honor Table is empty.
    >Proceeded to occupy the table and become the Guest of Honor
    >Waved at people passing by, engaged in small talk with whoever stopped by, convinced a couple of people that I was Kanon and signed autographs.
    >Con Staff Member stops, looks at me, and then continues walking while muttering "I'm too tired for this shit."
    >Became the Guest of Honor for about an hour until two staff members who weren't too tired for this shit kicked me out.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)00:30 No.4734198

    Okay, that's pretty pimp admittedly.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)00:38 No.4734230
    >Be Ema Skye and friend as Gumshoe
    >Friend being Edgeworth is always fucking late

    eh, it was pretty much the most fun I ever had, one of those you just have to be there.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)20:50 No.4737751
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)20:56 No.4737776
    LOL I remember getting my picture taken with you at ANEXT, not while you were at your Guest of Honor table though. lol
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)21:03 No.4737815
    Dressed as Near from Death Note(this is back before the Weebo DN cosplayers) and i saw an L. He was SUPER tall and his wig/hair was really good. I went over to take his pic, and he started talking
    >Hello Near...
    >Im not the only L you know...
    >There is ANOTHER!
    >I have chocolate in my pockets... and i pulled one out
    >He pulled out a strawberry!
    >He may have won that round... but next time ill be the best L...
    He randomly pulls out a strawberry from his pocket, pops it in his mouth and walks away...
    He was HIGH AS FUCK
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)21:08 No.4737840
    We were in a panel for George Lowe (he did the voice for Space Ghost on Space Ghost Coast to Coast) at DragonCon, and it was in a room with one of those thin moveable dividers (think of those folding walls they use to divide most school gyms)...

    So they were having a battle-bots battle in the room next door and people were cheering so loud it was drowning out George. He tolerated it for a little bit, and then he stopped the panel and told everyone to turn toward the portable wall and cheer as loud as we possibly could, which we did. Hilariously enough, the room next door wasn't very loud after that.

    Another more brief memory is the Venture Bros panel at DragonCon 2010, where Doc and Jackson ran & danced around the room as the Donohue themesong played...
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)01:18 No.4738949
    Really? Who were you?
    >> Badonkadonk 07/19/11(Tue)02:29 No.4739254
    >AB 2011, Friday
    >First con ever
    >Dressed as Quantum Ranger
    >Nobody recognizes my costume, as expected
    >Go up to Tenth Doctor cosplayer to ask for a picture
    >He looks at my BDU gear and says (in character) "Your uniform looks familiar - Are you from UNIT?"
    >I say "You've probably never heard of my team" and show him my Quantum Morpher
    >His eyes light up "Ah, Time Force!"
    >We're both ecstatic and his friend takes a picture of us

    I still wish that I could find that picture, it was one of the coolest things ever. Fuck, I should have stuck around and talked to them.
    >> NYCAnon 07/19/11(Tue)02:52 No.4739314
    Happy stories? Oh sure I got plenty. Have these for now:

    >go to Shonen Jump Kick off in NYC back in 2003/2004
    >I'm one of only two girls that were there, not counting Laura Bailey
    >sound goes out on the video for YuYuHakusho
    >Chris Sabat comes in and does the dialogue/makes up some for it until it's back on
    >I'm painfully shy at the time, but somehow manged to talk to Chris Sabat for a bit
    >Chris says I'm too sweet, takes a Sharpie out and puts the Majuin "M" on my left hand

    Flash forward to 2009

    >go to SDCC (already epic as it was a birthday present)
    >get stuck waiting in hotel lobby
    >notice Eric Vale and Chris Sabat are walking by
    >say "hi" and then have a 20 minute convo with them learning about the best/worst bait and switch ever
    >Chris then remembers the Shonen Jump even in NYC and how he sharpied my left hand and...did it again. It's now tradition for him to Sharpie my left hand. =D

    >finally get into SDCC and wander around dressed as Envy
    >wander near G4 and get pulled to stand in front of the crowd for a shot of the con for live TV because they loved my Envy wig

    >later SDCC, going back to Hotel
    >realize Mark Hamil is randomly walking in front of me & my friend
    >get to talk to Mark Hamil for a bit and got to see him fanboy over voice the Joker for Arkham Asylum
    >go home happy as anything cause dude I just met Luke Skywalker/The Joker
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)06:17 No.4739652
    Yay! This thread is still going! There's still the light of hope on /cgl/!
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)07:05 No.4739699
    It's not as awesome as any other these but it still makes me laugh

    >Be at con, see ex-boyfriend
    >He was a massive douche, claimed he had a 16 inch which became his nickname
    >Nudge friend (who only knows him from online) and point at him, telling her who he is
    >She turns round to look and turns back
    >Suddenly shouts 'SIXTEEN INCHHH' as loud as she could
    >It's crowded as fuck so you can't tell where it came from or who shouted it
    >He turns round
    >Me, her and another friend take turns shouting it
    >Double over and laugh so hard it starts hurting
    >Shout it every time we pass him
    >He says 'Who keeps shouting that?!' and gets really mad

    It was so god damn funny.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)07:17 No.4739714
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    >second con, first cosplay. god tier Aradia from hamsteak
    >hanging in the back of the gathering taking pictures
    >asked to step out a few times so people can take my picture
    >what seriously my costume is awful FLATTERED THOUGH
    >continue picturing
    >get pulled away again
    >handed this

    Drawgirls, I love you, 0kay?
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 07/19/11(Tue)08:19 No.4739767
    >First ever con
    >travel interstate alone.
    >Same hotel as the convention the night before. trying on my Kaworu plugsuit (eva 2.0 ver)
    >Hears Yelling in the hallway so I go to look outside. Get jump-tackled some guy in kaito cosplay was on top of me. His Miku cosplaying friend gets him up.
    >introduce ourselves. Miku cosplayer needed help with her zipper Kaito guy unhooked her bra for fun hence the commotion.
    >See them the next day and take a few photos. See another Evangelion group that consisted of a Mari, Rei and Shinji. Hang out with them and take a few photos.
    >Kaito cosplayer from the night before storms up to me, grabs my head and kisses me.
    >He turns around to the Shinji cosplayer and tells him to "F**k off" I run away from the place behind one of the merch booths face was red like a tomato ....My first kiss. FULL OF WIN!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)09:44 No.4739879

    Heheh, that's pretty cool. Way to go!
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)09:54 No.4739898

    We love you, too~
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)10:25 No.4739974
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 07/19/11(Tue)10:40 No.4740004
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    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)10:54 No.4740034
    Hey, I was at Ohayocon and remember Carmen Sandiego and Waldo walking around together. I thought it was pretty great.

    It was also my first con. My body was not ready for the sheer awesomeness of the costumes, or the size of the dealer's room. Hot damn.

    I think I might have seen you in the lucha mask, might have even given you a compliment. I was wearing a suit jacket, a Protomen shirt the first two days and a Nexus shirt the third day, and some circular sunglasses, and was trying to see how many people I could fool into thinking an anime called "Diamond Dallas Page" existed. (Total count: 6 before my ruse was discovered by a fellow wrestling fan).

    There were so many cool costumes at the con. I was kicking myself for not having a camera.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)11:39 No.4740147

    Dude! That's awesome! I totally remember you! Small world, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)13:45 No.4740545
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    Haha yeah, crazy. Can't wait until January. Ohayocon 12 can't come quick enough. I'll be cosplaying as this glorious motherfucker, so if you see me be sure to give me a shout. If you do the lucha mask thing again, we need to have a match for the title!
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)15:09 No.4740915
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    I'm not too much of a greentext person, but...

    >Live in Berlin
    >Go to France for a convention
    >Meet awesome japanese guy, he wants a picture of my cosplay, we end up chatting for the whole day
    >Exchange mail adresses
    >He comes to my house a few weeks afterwards for sightseeing
    >Romance mode ON
    >I'm going to his house in Tokyo next winter
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)15:53 No.4741123

    Woo! All I can say to that is...


    (Sorry, couldn't resist!)
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)23:47 No.4743301
    I have a lot of pleasant con stories, but i'll keep it simple. I was cosplaying my shitty closeted version of Yoruichi (Bleach) at AX09 [3rd con and 1st cosplay at the time], when I saw this really cute japanese guy cosplaying Ichigo. I asked him for a pic and he said sure... long after the pic was posed online someone told me who the guy was. Turns out it was Kaname and i've been drooling over him ever since haha.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 07/19/11(Tue)23:56 No.4743352
         File1311134181.gif-(1.78 MB, 300x200, 1302005808527.gif)
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    >At a con
    >Eating lunch at local popular shopping plaza.
    >Friends and I are discussing anime and recent events in anime and other nerdy shit.
    >Discussing FMA:Brotherhood
    >Friend in a really loud angry voice [She also has the cutest funniest voice and I wish I had gotten this on camera]:
    >"AND MUSTANG HAS THIS RETARDED FUCKING MEXICAN BEARD. I MEAN WHAT THE FUCK MUSTANG. I fucking hate his Mexican beard it looks so stupid."
    >Mexicans walk by.
    >Stare at us
    >We stare back in our brightly colored hair and our friend who looks like Spike from Buffy.
    >They keep walking.
    >Everyone busts out laughing until we can't breath.

    She didn't mean it to be racist, but it came out that way. Was hilarious though.
    It doesn't help that she was cosplaying America.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)00:07 No.4743414
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)02:49 No.4744314
    Since when is realizing you are a faggot a Win thing?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)02:53 No.4744332
    >At Anime Boston
    >Friend gets migraine, so I chill in the manga reading room with her for a while
    >She feels better and wants to go back in the Dealer's Room
    >We go, buy things, then head up to the Artists' Alley
    >Go up escalator, something falls in my peripheral vision
    >She's all, " that what I think it is?"
    >It's a wrapped condom.
    >We look up, only to find it literally fell from nowhere
    >We name it "Sky Condom"
    >Fondest con memory from '09
    Seriously, that was one of the funniest moments of our lives.

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