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  • File : 1310689827.jpg-(38 KB, 300x443, Deathly-hallows-p2-1.jpg)
    38 KB ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)20:30 No.4720825  
    Are you going to Harry Potter tonight? yes?
    Are you going in costume? NO??
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)20:37 No.4720854
    I'm not going because I don't really care. I read the books because they were fun but I didn't have much interest in the series beyond that.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)20:39 No.4720868
    The only good one was PoA, with the last 2 being exceptionally shitty imo. Hope you have though, OP.

    I still like the books though.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 07/14/11(Thu)20:40 No.4720869
    no i am not
    i am going to see it, but it's just another movie to me, i dunno
    books were good
    i probably won't go in costume because
    well i never planned to
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)20:41 No.4720875
    I'm going as Luna Lovegood
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)20:43 No.4720881
    No, because I hate the books, but the movies are just ok. I'm going to go see Winnie the Pooh tomorrow though.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)20:43 No.4720884
    you already look enough like harry potter, you don't need to go in costume blue
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 07/14/11(Thu)20:44 No.4720886
    I might dig out my old HP shirt, but no...

    And I'm going tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)20:44 No.4720888
    >amount of people ITT saying they don't care much for Harry Potter

    I was fucking blown away.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)20:49 No.4720907
    I actually hate Harry Potter :(
    I hate western magic (LoTR, HP, etc.), but I love Japanese magic (Final Fantasy, etc.).

    Oh typical weeaboo me.
    >> Tim 07/14/11(Thu)20:49 No.4720910
    >Winnie the Pooh
    Bump it, homeslice. Fuck year.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 07/14/11(Thu)20:51 No.4720917
         File1310691088.png-(4 KB, 245x184, 1302732420437.png)
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    I'm not into Harry Potter or fantasy in general. I have no plans to ever see the movie.
    Excuse me while I go back to reading my physics books.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)20:52 No.4720920
    ohhhh I forgot you were british. Shit, you *are* Harry Potter.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)20:52 No.4720921
    Hell yeah!
    >> Tentpool !GKR6tM/6J. 07/14/11(Thu)20:54 No.4720930
    Fuck this movie, I'm seeing Winnie the Pooh
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 07/14/11(Thu)20:54 No.4720932
         File1310691276.jpg-(19 KB, 220x231, OHDAMNIT.jpg)
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    >you *are* Harry Potter
    >> o-slap 07/14/11(Thu)20:55 No.4720935
    Me too! The rest of my group won't get here for hours but I've been waiting in line with a friend since 3pm and are pretty close to the front. We've got snacks, chairs, a blanket fort, pizza, and a sick HP board game. It's pretty chill, the group next to us are big AVPM fans and keep playing the songs
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)20:56 No.4720940

    >dislike Harry Potter

    We should all hang out and be friends.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)20:56 No.4720943
    I'm not seeing Harry Potter because it's a shitty collection of random fantasy cliches and the Weasleys show off JK Rowling's latent hatred of the irish
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)20:57 No.4720945
    Nah. I usually avoid going to big flicks during premier night. Yeah, I love conventions, but I think I can handle only enough fandom craze once or twice a year. I usually watch movies during the day to avoid the evening fees and long lines. In this case, I actually plan on watching the film on another night after a dinner date. I plan on going somewhere nice and so I won't be in cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:02 No.4720972
         File1310691743.png-(260 KB, 500x463, soya.png)
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    she is ready. :3
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)21:14 No.4721024
    That cut/scar is kinda realistic looking.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 07/14/11(Thu)21:19 No.4721041
    I would go if I had seen the previous films/read the books. Looks interesting.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 07/14/11(Thu)21:20 No.4721050
    ...wait. how? the Weasleys were some of the best characters in the entire thing. They were awesome, kind, and weren't assholes like other pure blood wizards were.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:24 No.4721063
    Yeah it is, however, I'm pretty sure that Harry's scar wouldn't look like it's freshly bleeding. xD
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:32 No.4721081
    Because they were walking irish stereotypes
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 07/14/11(Thu)21:34 No.4721085
    So? They were still wonderful characters. If she hated the Irish, she'd have made them drunks with bad attitudes.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:35 No.4721091
    No, I've been putting off Harry Potter for awhile. I remember when I was in elementary school, my friend was always raving about how I needed to read it and watch the movies.

    To this day I have yet to watch any Harry Potter or read any of the books. Not very motivated to do so either...
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:38 No.4721098

    >Gigantic family of gingers
    >Dumbass father, overbearing mother
    >so many kids that the mother forgets how many they have on a regular basis
    >They're all clumsy idiots
    >slutty daughter
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:42 No.4721107
    I only liked the first Harry Potter movie, honestly. The rest kind of lost their magic for me...
    >> Tim 07/14/11(Thu)21:42 No.4721109
    They're fun, if anything, and because the series has had such an impact on pop culture, it might be kind of good to read them just to be on the same page as anything else, but don't let people pressure you into thinking that you HAVE to read them or that they're so fucking phenomenal that it'd be a sin not to read them. If you do, they're easy to get through and entertaining enough, and even if you don't like the main trio or plot, you'll probably find some aspect of the story or wizarding world that you enjoy. If you don't, well, whatever. There are plenty of other books in the world.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 07/14/11(Thu)21:43 No.4721111
    But...none of that is true except the first.
    Did you even read the books?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:45 No.4721117

    All of it's true, ffs
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 07/14/11(Thu)21:47 No.4721120
    No HP for me until next week. My movie partner won't be able to see it until next week cause he's got obligations for a con this weekend and I work tomorrow and am not willing to sit there in orientation for 8 hours on 4 hours of sleep. First HP that I'm not seeing opening weekend :<<
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 07/14/11(Thu)21:48 No.4721121
    No, it isn't.
    The father isn't stupid, he just likes muggles.
    The mother is just like any other mother.
    She hasn't forgotten how many children she has.
    Only Ron is a clumsy twit.
    Ginny isn't a slut. She dated like, 3 people between the ages of 11 and 17. And married one. Big deal. /I've/ done worse than that.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:50 No.4721128
    >Gigantic family of gingers
    >Dumbass father, overbearing mother
    You could interpret things that way if you want to ignore any sort of character development they had. I think of it as more eccentric father, exceedingly maternal mother.
    >so many kids that the mother forgets how many they have on a regular basis
    >They're all clumsy idiots
    Clumsy? I don't remember anything showing they're clumsy. Ron doesn't do well when he gets nervous, but he's a great Quidditch player. The majority of the family is good at sports.
    >slutty daughter
    Ginny dates two different guys throughout the entire series. What a whore.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:52 No.4721144
    No, because I haven't really cared for a couple years now.But now I kinda wish I did.

    I haven't even seen the last 2 movies. Now I wish I had because I feel like I'm missing out. I wanna join in on everyone being excited. :(
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:53 No.4721147
    The only ones she gets confused on are the twins because they fuck with her.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 07/14/11(Thu)21:56 No.4721159
    Are you going to Harry Potter Tonight?

    Because I get up at 6:30 in the morning to work.

    Damn whipper snappers.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:05 No.4721186
    i'm actually kind of annoyed with my entire facebook friends list fucking exploding over this.

    the series ended with the books, this isn't 'the end' - the end already happened a long time go. its just a movie ffs.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:10 No.4721201
    This. So hard.

    I liked the books 1 - 4 and maybe the movies 1 - 3, after that everything went to shit. J.K. Rowling can't write character development, romance or maintain any form of logical consistency in an over-arching plot.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 07/14/11(Thu)22:15 No.4721218
    >liking movie 3.

    wat. That movie was godawful.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)22:36 No.4721299

    Is Ginny cute? Don't Harry and her get married? Harry's ugly though ;A;
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:18 No.4721409
    >Watch the first 3 harry potter movies
    >shit my pants before and after the show
    >watch 4th. be disappointed
    >5,6 and 7-1 were all shit
    >no longer excited for the harry potter movies
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 07/14/11(Thu)23:21 No.4721420
         File1310700119.jpg-(142 KB, 1280x720, 1304801168923.jpg)
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    I like friends.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/14/11(Thu)23:24 No.4721428
         File1310700276.jpg-(189 KB, 377x600, DOUBLE_K___Rad_shades_by_capta(...).jpg)
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    Me too.

    Honestly, I can say I stopped caring for the movies after the third, and I stopped caring for the books after the fourth.

    Why? Because I grew up.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:26 No.4721432
    It's fine that you don't like the books, but it's rude to imply that people that do are childish.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:26 No.4721434
    no, I don't have enough money, so I'm going next tuesday with friends when I'll only have to pay $5 instead of $12

    I would if I had one
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 07/14/11(Thu)23:27 No.4721438
    Lol was just at the mall. Few thousand people there. Half were dressed up.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/14/11(Thu)23:27 No.4721439
         File1310700444.png-(145 KB, 337x297, 985412962.png)
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    >Are you going to Harry Potter tonight?

    Well that's the end of that; glad we got that out of the way. Thought really, I'm kinda sick of my facebook news feed being filled with nothing but HP talk.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/14/11(Thu)23:27 No.4721440
         File1310700462.jpg-(7 KB, 117x181, Not Bad I Guess.jpg)
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    Actually I wasn't implying it was childish for other all.

    I'm simply stating that I grew up, and lost any interest.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)23:27 No.4721441
    >dressed up

    You mean they were cosplaying ;)
    >> Aki !bloNd/iatI 07/14/11(Thu)23:29 No.4721449
    Ditto, my friend and I couldn't help but chuckle at the random people inside Forever 21 shouting spells with a wand.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:30 No.4721453
    The movies suck, so no, I'm not wasting money on them.

    I'd rather watch Twilight than watch Harry Potter.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:31 No.4721454
    Same here... Lost interest after the fourth book, which I think came out while I was in fifth or sixth grade.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:32 No.4721461

    All my friends keep saying stuff like "MY CHILDHOOD IS OVER NOW!!! D':"

    I mean, if your childhood ends because of a movie, then your childhood must really suck then
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:33 No.4721465
         File1310700806.gif-(486 KB, 500x211, tumblr_lcchy4P6vX1qzub73o1_500.gif)
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    fuck harry potter.
    when the hobbit finally comes out I'll be all up in the bitch in full out hobbit mode.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)23:34 No.4721467
    >if your childhood ends because of a movie, then your childhood must really suck then

    My childhood was over after Toy Story 3 ;_;
    And you're right, my childhood sucked ass.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 07/14/11(Thu)23:37 No.4721475
    Oh shit I almost cried during Toy Story 3...
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:38 No.4721478

    Oh, I did too. I just don't go around claiming that some movie made me grow up.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)23:38 No.4721479
         File1310701137.jpg-(153 KB, 900x505, toy-story-3-finale..jpg)
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    Almost cried? Almost???
    Wow... do you not have a heart???
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:41 No.4721485
    People keep coming into work to get fabric for cloaks and ties. Didn't the movie come out TODAY? One girl got a bunch of twill and was going to lay on it, have someone trace her, then sew the two "sides" together and cut an opening in the front.

    ... for a movie opening and a one-use costume, not a big deal, right? Right.

    She then told her brother that she plans to wear it to school this year.

    ... there is no face to express my horror.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/14/11(Thu)23:41 No.4721492
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    ALMOST? Dude, I cried.
    I'm such a little girl when it comes to those things.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 07/14/11(Thu)23:42 No.4721494
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    You are a little girl though.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/14/11(Thu)23:45 No.4721504
         File1310701519.jpg-(65 KB, 600x497, 4720%20-%20akiyama_mio%20hiras(...).jpg)
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    Welp. As you say...

    Image very fitting.
    >> Queen N 07/14/11(Thu)23:48 No.4721515
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    going tomorrow. the tickets sold in two minutes online here apparently. wtf.
    i'm excited, and i'm sad it's over, but i'm not too torn up about it. i'd be upset if they tore down the theme park and i never got a chance to taste butterbeer though.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 07/14/11(Thu)23:49 No.4721519
         File1310701753.gif-(164 KB, 463x500, 1301710556988.gif)
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    Nah, I'm just really weird.
    I shed a couple tears during X-Men: First Class, but I had dry eyes at the end of Toy Story 3.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:57 No.4721548
    >i'd be upset if they tore down the theme park

    Dude, don't say that. ;_____; I don't even want to think about the possibility.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/15/11(Fri)00:01 No.4721564
    what theme park?
    >> Queen N 07/15/11(Fri)00:05 No.4721578
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    they also have a cruise, which is a little over the top imo.

    aaaand now i'm thinking about cosplay cruises. ._.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)00:05 No.4721579
    The one at Universal Orlando. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)00:11 No.4721607
         File1310703080.jpg-(21 KB, 225x259, 1297962080328.jpg)
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    This. I've got Hobbit costumes to make.
    >> notcoolenough !Xw9jb.07iY 07/15/11(Fri)00:15 No.4721622
    I can't go to the premiere tonight, but I'm going to go see it tomorrow. Would it be weird if I still wore a costume?
    >> TurnipMelody !JQC7t3AaoU 07/15/11(Fri)00:43 No.4721721
    I'd be going if i had managed to get a ticket. Goddamned advance show. Going tomorrow night with a bunch of bros. Probably not dressing up though
    >> Gilgamesh, God-King of Uruk !!HtYpFD3adbf 07/15/11(Fri)01:01 No.4721785
    I'm going to see it sometime next week. I thought about dressing up as Hagrid, as I have the figure. However, I seriously lack the height for it.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)01:16 No.4721854

    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)01:29 No.4721896
    >maybe the movies 1 - 3

    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 07/15/11(Fri)03:18 No.4722278
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    i just got back from the midnight showing! ;_;

    it was.. HNNGH. i didnt dress up, but i did wear my scarf and sit in line for 6 hours. was third in line! heheh. Pic related, i took it around.. 10 pm?

    anyhoo. i want a 10 minute loop of voldemort hugging draco. so much awkward.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:40 No.4722325
    >i'd be upset if they tore down the theme park
    You mean like how they tore out a huge chunk of the mythos section of the theme park to squeeze at the engorged utters of the Harry Potter cash cow?
    It's hardly a theme park on it's own, it's merely a minor section of a major theme park that will vanish as soon as it's no longer profitable.

    >Are you going to Harry Potter tonight?
    >Are you going in costume?
    Not going to see Harry Potter in theaters at all. I never really got into the story, magical/supernatural school themes never really appealed to me.
    I won't attend any movie in costume. If I am wearing a costume, I want to walk around having people see it, not sit in a dark room for a few hours.
    Cosplay has it's time and place, theaters and movie premiers are among the times and places that are not really appropriate to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:42 No.4722332
    I cried through half the movie.

    It was beautiful.

    I'm heartbroken that it's over. It's the end of an era, truly.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 07/15/11(Fri)03:43 No.4722334
    I cried like a baby during Snapes memories. NO SHAME.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:44 No.4722338
    I couldn't hold myself together. I couldn't even see through my Harry Potter 3D glasses, man.

    Luckily I cry silently. I couldn't stop.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:44 No.4722340
    >wizards at sea

    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 07/15/11(Fri)03:45 No.4722341
    i cried straight through until Voldemorts weird laugh/hugging draco. then i just lost it laughing.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:46 No.4722342
    Me, too!

    Holy shit man.

    On a scale of 1 to Lord Voldemort, how awkward are your hugs?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:46 No.4722343
    I live in a small town and no one showed up in costume but me. Worked out though cause I got my picture taken and was interviewed by the newspaper. Also, I cried like a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:52 No.4722353
    I'm waiting until the crowds die down... And when I have more money. So most likely I'll be seeing it in August.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 07/15/11(Fri)03:54 No.4722356
    the crowds are half the fun, imo. i loved being in a theater filled with fans who cared enough to come at midnight. there way lots of cheering, laughing and "NOOOOOO"'s. maybe thats just me, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:57 No.4722362
    I agree.

    We clapped, cheered, laughed, cried, gasped, awww'd.. it was interactive and amazing.

    Especially at awesome moments, like Mrs. Weasley's "you bitch" line. Everyone cheered and clapped really loud.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:59 No.4722368
    Money is my main issue though. Plus, a month from now there will still be packed theaters, just not hour long lines.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)04:17 No.4722397
    You brought the thread to a halt by NOT seeing Harry Potter tonight - or even this month.

    Anyway, how many people are now making Harry Potter cosplay plans?

    My friends and I sure are. We haven't yet, which is surprising, but we want to celebrate the ending. We want to preserve it a bit, keep ourselves involved.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)04:19 No.4722400
    I've been for over a year now... Still haven't gotten it underway as of yet due to other costume ideas coming up. I am ashamed.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 07/15/11(Fri)04:21 No.4722406
    I feel like the only one that hates hearing people around me. :(
    I almost jumped over some seats and punched a woman who was shouting at the screen during one of the Transformer movies.
    Of course, it was a mostly empty theater too... last night of showing and I'm a dumb fan who watched that movie several times.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)04:21 No.4722407
    I've been planning stuff for over a year, too. I am held back because I can't decide which character I would rather dress up as.

    This Halloween we're having a huge Harry Potter part. Fuck yeah.
    >> o-slap 07/15/11(Fri)05:21 No.4722538
    brb bawling for the rest of my life
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)06:26 No.4722648
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    >don't really care much for HP
    >just went for a friend
    >did dress up nicely
    >not as a character

    >loling at everyone's tears at the end
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)06:37 No.4722664
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)06:38 No.4722667
    Went as a Death Eater. Went over well with the fans. Showed up at the theatre with a ticket for tonight instead of the midnight premiere. Got in anyway because the attendant was checking out costumes rather than tickets.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)06:44 No.4722673
         File1310726699.jpg-(159 KB, 900x1086, harry_freakin_potter___t_shirt(...).jpg)
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    1. I did 2. I did 3. with pride
    >> Katushka !!MMwVgUrCHqf 07/15/11(Fri)06:47 No.4722677
    Everyone was flipping their shit because me and my friends went in dude you're at Harry Potter don't go if you're just gonna be a bitch and hate on everything.
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 07/15/11(Fri)10:30 No.4722902
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    Not enough cosplay in this thread! Princess Butterface and I went as Hermione and Pansy respectively~. We also had a handful of other friends dress up, I didn't get a picture of all of us together.

    Overall I really enjoyed the movie, it's definitely one of my favorites. I didn't cry nearly as much as I thought I would, though. Fred's death barely made me cry, and I thought that'd be the hardest moment of the movie. But Snape's memories and the Resurrection Stone scene had me sobbing my eyes out instead.

    The epilogue was just awful, it totally killed the sentimental mood because our entire theatre was laughing hysterically. And Voldemort hugging Draco. If Draco didn't know he'd made some bad choices by then, being hugged by the Dark Lord must've certainly done it.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:02 No.4722927
    Couldn't go to the midnight premier but thanks for telling me.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:05 No.4722930
    I went as the Eleventh Doctor and got a surprisingly better reception than I anticipated. Much fun and joking was had.
    >> Logseux !kH8wjcKndo 07/15/11(Fri)11:08 No.4722933
         File1310742511.jpg-(58 KB, 400x382, 1309087473513.jpg)
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    Never watched any of the films/read any of the books.

    It's far too MAINSTREAM for me.
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 07/15/11(Fri)11:13 No.4722935
    Um, tell you what? I didn't spoil anything - just mentioned scenes that were already in the book/that have been plastered all over the Internet for over a year. And Voldemort-hugging-Draco was already mentioned in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:24 No.4722956
    And I wasn't saying you were. I was actually thanking you. None of my friends that got to go are online and you're the first person I've seen posting about it since yours was the updated post. I've read the books, there's no way it could be spoiled for me unless the movie pulled something out of their asses, but I was curious to see what the movie's highlights were.

    If I was pissed off at the spoilers I would have been like "RAAAAWR RAGE YOU ASSHOLE!!"
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 07/15/11(Fri)11:32 No.4722974
    Ohhh, okay! Sorry, I was so worried for a second that I'd given something away! I hate getting spoiled and I'm always so terrified of ruining things for someone else, so that gave me a mild heart attack.

    But in that case you're welcome! Yeah, Alan Rickman stole the show in this one, the Pensieve memories were just incredibly beautiful and heartbreaking. And the Resurrection Stone scene had my whole row of friends crying so hard, they just nailed it, exactly how it was in the book. Fred's death... not so much, it was honestly glossed over. Seeing Remus and Tonks made me cry harder and I didn't even like their characters that much towards the end.

    The Gringotts scene, though... Amazing. Just amazing. Everything about it was spectacularly perfect. I definitely think it's one of the best scenes from the entire series.
    >> Lilitu !!SXtzhYBl9ng 07/15/11(Fri)11:38 No.4722980
    I went and there were so many girls in Legs avenue costumes I wanted to cry. But there was a huge group off all of the professors and they were fabulous, other then them though it was a lot of closet cosplay, and one Death Eater who was pretty cool, him and his girlfriend (she was in a closet cosplay Belatrix) were very nice and gave me tissues.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:39 No.4722981
    I was really pissed off about how they did Fred's death too...If you were just someone who only watched the films, I don't think you'd realize that it was one of the twins laying there.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 07/15/11(Fri)11:48 No.4722990
    i felt that way with the ear incident as well. they didnt show how it got blasted off, it just.. happened.

    i would have been so more emotional if they put more effort into the death ;_; it didnt really effect me that much, not like it did in the book..
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 07/15/11(Fri)11:52 No.4722995
    Ugh, we had plenty of the Leg Avenue girls at our theater, too. So disappoint.

    Agreed! I want to know their reasoning behind doing it the way they did. Why leave that whole scene out? Budget? Time? I can't imagine they did it because "it wouldn't fit the flow of the movie," because come on, it's a giant battle sequence. It would've fit just fine.

    Exactly, when it happened in the book I cried so, so hard. I cried in the movie too, but not nearly as much.

    Also, speaking of this, did anyone else notice that George's ear was back to normal?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:55 No.4722997
    My friend and I went as a random Hufflepuffs. We got free candy off of a guy who ran up and down the line searching for Hufflepuffs, and we were the only ones there. Fun stuff.

    As far as the movie goes, it was pretty awesome. But as said before, not without it's flaws. The death of Fred was the biggest one. But I also felt like the death of Bellatrix was so randomly shoved in there. It felt jerky to me. But overall, I really did like the film.

    Also, Albus Severus looked like a tiny Justin Bieber and it bothered me more than it should have.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/15/11(Fri)11:56 No.4723000
    ITT: Spoilers >:(
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)12:01 No.4723007
    >on the Internet after the biggest movie release of all time
    >complaining about spoilers

    Might want to step away from the computer for awhile, you literally can't go on ANY site that enables people to communicate with each other without seeing spoilers.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/15/11(Fri)12:05 No.4723016
    I was just kidding, I thought the smilie face would get that message across, opps, my bad. Enjoy the thread, guise.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)12:08 No.4723020
    Ahhh my bad! Sorry, you never know with Harry Potter fans.
    >> o-slap 07/15/11(Fri)13:52 No.4723240
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    My bestie was such a cute Harry, she was popular with the Muggle ladies. Even my normal buddies were dressed up so we had a dementor, Hermione, Ron as a Death Eater, and a woman Harry. Everyone was super positive and waiting in line for nine hours was most certainly worth it.

    The movie changed a lot but it didn't matter. I had a tear every now and then but as soon as Hermione hugged Harry the floodgates were opened. My entire theater was sniffling, and then cheering and applauding at the right parts.

    19 years later has always gotten so much hate but the movie made it perfect, in my humble opinion of course. The trio conveyed so much emotion with only their facial expressions. Dat middle aged Ron happily looking on at his adorable family!

    It's not the end, because there'll always be more baby wizards ready for their minds to get molded ;_;

    They did Harry's death and mind trip fucking beautifully. Also loved the Malfoys, their family dynamic was shown really well. Narcissa looked hot, the skunk hair worked for me.

    Thank you movie gods for including Molly's, "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH", but fuck you for ruining Percy's redemption and Fred's last moment.

    All in all, despite some nonsensical shit like the Harry vs Voldy duel (hasn't it always been said that the whole point was that Harry's technical spell skill wasn't that great, so that the only way he could win was in a one on one with some love aidin'?), it was a great way to say good bye once more to a series that's been with us our entire lives.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)13:54 No.4723248
    I'm not seeing it till I can watch both parts in succession on DVD in the comfort of my own home. And sadly I seem to be the only person in my house who actually enjoyed the books and somewhat enjoyed the movies over the years.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/15/11(Fri)14:07 No.4723290
    I approve
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)14:11 No.4723306
    Saw Harry Potter the night before last, working in a cinema fucking rules.
    And dressing up tomorrow for work too, going as Bellatrix. One guy is coming as Dobby, cannot wait.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)14:32 No.4723359
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    I went as a Gryffindor student, but a couple people called me Ginny. I was with an asian friend who went as a Ravenclaw student, and people called her Cho, so that was pretty funny.
    There was one Trelawny cosplayer who was drop dead AMAZING, I didn't get a pic though. There weren't really that many people dressed up, but there were a weirdly disproportionate number of Bellatrixes.

    I pretty much agree completely with your view on the movie... especially about Fred, I wanted a lot more than that :( also, there were a LOT of awkward moments in this movie... I don't want to spoil anything but there was more than one "wtf am I watching" moment.
    I did love the way the Grey Lady turned out though.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)14:47 No.4723406
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    Pretty much ditto. I was disappointed in both of those scenes, they felt "tossed in" because they needed to be there. I felt like it should have taken up a few more minutes, particularly the fight with Bella.

    And yeah, Snape was amazing.
    Over all, just really enjoyed the film.
    Pic is me as a Slytherin (Pansy, Daphne, whoever) before we left for the theatre. I was glaring at my friend who went as Hermione, heh.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)14:56 No.4723433
    Don't want to brag (okay, maybe a little) but Matt Lewis (Neville Longbottom!) was at our theater!! His part starts about 2 minutes in. I saw him, but he didn't stop to take pictures or sign anything, just some TV interviews and handsome smiles and waves.,0,3642844

    Movie thoughts...Snape was the best character in this entire movie, and the pensive memories were amazing. The pre-epilogue ending pissed me off (Um, fixing Harry's wand, anyone?) but I loooooved the epilogue, I thought the aging was cute and a lot better than if they had gotten other actors or just not included it.

    Overall, I loved it, and the feeling of being in a theater with so many other fans was one I can't really describe!
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 07/15/11(Fri)14:56 No.4723435
    I'm dressing up as Gandalf.

    Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)14:58 No.4723442
    Chicago Brofist
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:01 No.4723452

    Makes sense what with Ian McKellan.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:08 No.4723477
    I was dressed as a random Ravenclaw student (costume wasn't very canon, but everyone said it was adorable), my friends were random Hufflepuffs, other friend was slinky Nagini, dude friend was Voldemort. All the Leg Avenue Gryffindors made me want to punch something. Our group got cat-called a few times, and we were all, "Dude, you're at a Harry Potter premier. How the fuck were you not expecting this? Also, 'Where's the Hogwarts afterparty'? Did it take you all night to come up with that?"

    BUT FUUUUUUUCK I LOVED THE MOVIE. Our audience was great. Everyone laughed and cheered at the right parts but shut the fuck up really quickly so we could hear what happened next. I got teary-eyed at Fred's death, but I expected to be bawling. Teary-eyed again at Snape's memories, but the floodgates opened at the forest. Just.... dammit, movie. Way to viscerally show the emotional turmoil and struggle of a 17-year-old boy willingly walking to his death. ALL OF THE TEARS WERE SHED. I loved the epilogue, it was just so sweet. Our theater was giggling, but in the "AWWWW BEER-BELLY RON AND BABIES, SO CUTE" way.

    All in all - one happy camper.
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 07/15/11(Fri)15:11 No.4723489
    You make a fantastic Bellatrix, you nailed that expression perfectly~!

    My issue with the epilogue (well, one of them, I honestly wish Rowling had never included it in the first place) is that they all looked so ridiculous. I wanted to take it seriously, I really did, but man. The fat pouches they had them wear, Ron's slicked hair and unbuttoned shirt, Draco looking like someone with a severe addiction to crack, etc.

    Our theater was just laughing so, so hard. Which is a shame, because the acting was phenomenal during it, and the kids were adorable, but the aging just detracted from all of it.

    So upset I wasn't back in Chitown for this! They interviewed my friends as Voldemort and Bellatrix, hnnngh I just want to live vicariously through them.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:13 No.4723491
         File1310757225.jpg-(9 KB, 130x200, bueno.jpg)
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    Dat perm
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:14 No.4723495
    >>4723477 here again
    The only thing about the movie that I really didn't care for was how they did Neville vs. Nagini. I can SORT OF see the logic from a filmmaking perspective, but in the book it was much more badass. Neville's singled out and mocked by the Death Eaters, oh but wait, sword, slash, boom, dead snake. Plus doing it that way would have let them do the Voldy vs. Harry duel uninterrupted, but I guess I can see how they wanted to draw Ron and Hermione into the final conflict too. Oh wells.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:20 No.4723512
    Hot damn. This thread just became relevant to my interests.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:24 No.4723526
    I actually really liked it when Harry was hugging his son. It was sweet, and almost looked like a real relationship there.
    All the females still looked the same age, not 19 years older. Harry wasn't too bad, Draco was better than what the stills had shown, but still not good.
    Ginny looked the same age as her children.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:28 No.4723536
    Jamming her old halloween store costume over her old convention dress. She sure is good at making costumes.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:54 No.4723602
    I only see her wearing one dress in this pic. One dress too many. It would look way better if she only had the gloves and heels on. ;)
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/15/11(Fri)16:04 No.4723624
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    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)16:08 No.4723634
    Seen it, wasn't terribly impressed. Dressed up with my buddies. Pretty disappointing really.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)16:22 No.4723669
    at our theater they showed them both. Part one at 8:25 and part 2 at midnight
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)16:22 No.4723670
    same :C

    I wanted to be covered in tears when I left the theater.

    I shed two D:
    >> DUKE DEVLIN !bCxKMg27sg 07/15/11(Fri)16:28 No.4723688
         File1310761703.jpg-(132 KB, 600x450, harry-potter-opening-022.jpg)
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    A radio station was there taking pics of fans. I was walking around and they snagged me and two guys for this photo. Didn't realize how retarded I look.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)16:33 No.4723704
    Me too, I packed tissues and everything. I spent Part 1 bawling so I expected the same from Part 2 because more of my favorite characters died, but it just lacked in the emotional department.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)16:40 No.4723731
    I managed to only get one picture of my ebony cosplay, with another person, lol. I'll probably throw it back on today without as much makeup to take pictures.
    Great movie, made me cry, but was anybody else just laughing their asses off when Harry died? The way Voldy said the spell had me out of my seat laughing.
    >> o-slap 07/15/11(Fri)16:56 No.4723792
    >(Um, fixing Harry's wand, anyone?)
    DUDE. When they were leading up to that I was like, "Harry you fucking idiot, fix your wand first- yup, now you have no wand", and my friend was all, "Who needs a wand when there's no dark lord!"

    I wasn't laughing at that because I was pretty mentally in the zone, but I did laugh at way more parts than were probably intended. Pretty much all of Voldy's scenes when I think about it... subtitled parseltongue, all those faces, Avada Kedavra'ing that guy who was all, "My lord..."

    So many people laughed during the pensive scene because kid!Snape made the most awkward fucking faces. Also a bunch of people laughed at bloody baby Voldy.
    >> TempusDominus !!9WYNJxcCb3V 07/15/11(Fri)17:14 No.4723846
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    Reporting in.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)17:22 No.4723882
    Saw it at midnight! So many people dressed up, but I didn't. I had screen-printed house shirts for my group, and it was pretty cool how we matched. Saw a pretty good Bellatrix and Death Eater in my theatre, but I didn't get a picture. They were really popular though, so many people wanted pictures with/of them.

    As a whole movie, I enjoyed it! Best of all the HP ones, imo... but, there were some parts that I didn't like.

    The way they handled the deaths of Fred, Remus, and Tonks... no. I was so ready to break down into tears and stuff... but they just flashed it like it was nbd. I did tear up at Snape's death/Pensive scene of Snape and Lily and then during the resurrection stone part, but that's it. I cried more in the first part than second.

    I also didn't expect to laugh as many times as I did... McGonagall's "I've always wanted to use that spell" was adorable.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)17:35 No.4723931
    >And I cried through out Snape's death and memories. "You have your mother's eyes." BAWW.
    So they did that part well? It's the part I'm looking forward to the most, and I just know I'm going to cry and cry at that part.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)17:48 No.4723982
    The lack of HP love in this thread makes me sad
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)17:51 No.4723995
    The bit towards the end of Snape's flashback montage where he's holding Lily and crying got me. I didn't cry, but it got me big time. I was got.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)17:55 No.4724007
    McGonagall and Snape win all the awards.
    Just saiyan.
    >> 0-slap 07/15/11(Fri)18:00 No.4724025
    McGonnagall had the best lines, Ron's were good too
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)18:07 No.4724045
    >greasy burned emo hair
    >> Rue 07/15/11(Fri)18:11 No.4724058
    I've always shipped Snape and Lily, so Snape dying and the whole memories thing had me weeping like a small child. Even when reading the book I cried.
    Manly tears were shed. Manly tears.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)18:14 No.4724068
    I thought they did. Alan Rickman is a genius, and the scene itself I thought was really close to the book.
    >> bramblehomie 07/15/11(Fri)19:16 No.4724286
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    I love the movie. It wasn't the best one but enjoyed it. I cried a lot too, especially at Snape's memories.

    I didn't really cosplay I just wore my Gryffindor scarf and and something that could pass off as a uniform. I did take some long exposure trippywizardshit photos with my boyfriend before we went to the movie.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)19:19 No.4724293
    I was there.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)20:38 No.4724603
    I went to the movies last night but not for Harry Potter.
    There was a little girl cosplaying a young Hermione.
    I almost b'awwd outloud it was so cute. ;__; her little cape.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)20:40 No.4724617
    I suppose it was a robe rather.
    cape, robe.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:23 No.4724747
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    >The lack of HP love in this thread makes me sad

    Books 5, 6 and 7 sucked, with suckage increasing linearly towards the end.

    The movies based on those books were much better then the books, because the director had some freedom to skip some of the repetitive bullshit, and although dramatic scenes in books are 99% about the buildup which gives them meaning (which Rowling totally fucked up,) movies can make those scenes BEAUTIFULLY DRAMATIC with slick directing, fantastic goddamn acting, and bitching CGI, all of which the movies had.

    Despite the perfect storm of bullshit Rowling unleashed with the last books, the movies were still awesome, Harry Potter is still tons of innocent happy fun and you should all feel good about yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:39 No.4724804
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    just wanted to post this.

    I have a school uniform but I think I am too old to look like a student now so I grabbed my long cloak went as a typical wizard with my broom. Really good reception, people asked for pics and even one wanted a hug.

    Also it was a good adaptation.
    For those of you complaining about spoilers... Stay the fuck out of HP threads until you see it. Jeez, where is your common sense. I stay out of threads about games I wish to play so I don't get spoiled.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:53 No.4724830
    I went as AVPM Draco, and I would post a pic, but all of the pictures my friend took were in crappy lighting, and I have atrocious red eye. Buh. But the girl judging the costume contest at my local theatre loves AVPM, and I got best costume, which was totally awesome! Won a fricken sorting hat for it.

    Pretty much all of this. Exactly. I kinda wish there was a little bit more of Snape, James, and Lily at Hogwarts in the pensive scene, but I love it all anyway.

    What was really odd was I ended up crying at Lavender Brown's death. Just...I dunno. It was weird seeing someone who was essentially a joke character with little depth just...dead. But, then again, I'm weird like that.

    And Mcgonagall was amazing in this movie. That is all.
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 07/15/11(Fri)23:30 No.4725157
    I'm shocked they actually killed her off! She'd only been unconscious in the books when Greyback went for her before Hermione intervened - but she was stone-cold dead in the movie. Totally wasn't expecting that but I'm not complaining, I think it was so heartbreaking because I didn't see it coming at all.

    Again I'm just so thrilled that Neville/Luna is canon now, at least in the movie-verse. That was always one of my favorite ships and I was so upset that it didn't happen in the books. So there were definitely some changes made in the movie that I'm really, really happy about.
    >> You-Know-Poo !FxT3/hP5Ho 07/15/11(Fri)23:32 No.4725166
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    Lol, that was me as Voldy... too fun that was. My favorite part of being in that was when I shouted at Mathew Lewis as he was leaving and he turned around, saw me, and gave a nice "OH SHIT!"


    Sorry for all caps, but it doesn't even properly express my rage at that.

    OTHERWISE, the film was fuck win, hands down these two parts are the best combined rendition of the Harry Potter series, and I do feel they mostly did everything as accurate as I imagined it to be!
    I said I wouldn't cry dressed in Voldy... but I so did, esspecially at Snape and Harry b4 the forest!

    pic of costume for lack of voldemorts in here,
    or just in general
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)23:37 No.4725185
    Wait shit what? I totally missed that. When did it happen? How long was it onscreen?
    >> Katushka !!MMwVgUrCHqf 07/15/11(Fri)23:46 No.4725226
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    Oh, geez I think that last night was the most fun I've ever had at a theater, didn't get to see the 3D but I still loved it, the only part that really irked me was before Nevile killed Nagini and it seemed like other people were going to kill her, I would have been pretty pissed if that happened.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)23:49 No.4725238
    Don't feel bad I didn't recognize her either at first.

    Poor Lavender.
    I remember wincing at all the dead kids I saw in the hall there were at least 7 of them on screen. So much lost due to that asshole Voldemort who had the nerve to say "They never learn do they." as they set up protection around the school. He never learned, Tom Riddle, never learned.
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 07/15/11(Fri)23:53 No.4725247
    The wand thing definitely bugged me at the end. Also the fact that Draco never got to find out he had been a master of the Elder Wand for the better part of a year. And that Snape's character was never redeemed in front of everyone else during Harry's speech that was cut out. Grumblegrumblegrumble.

    Seriously, for everything I loved, there's something I'm grumpy about, and vice versa. I really did love it overall though, I just need to stop thinking about it and analyzing everything until I can see it a second time.

    Just a second or two. There was a low-angle shot of Greyback biting Lavender's neck (or about it eat her? it was hard to tell in the movie), and her face was in focus, deathly pale, eyes open and empty. It's one of the most memorable scenes of the movie for me, it just stuck out so much. Poor LavLav.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)23:55 No.4725257
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    Is it bad that I just payed for 2 pairs of these on ebay so I could take my friend to go see it again? Living in England, we only got the regular glasses from the cinema...
    >> 0-slap 07/15/11(Fri)23:59 No.4725271
    It's not. Not a single scene suggested that Neville x Luna is canon. Friendly silence does not a romance make

    Who else thought that Harry and Luna had millions of times more onscreen chemistry than Harry and Ginny? I think the movies' greatest crime is raping Ginny's character up the ass
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 07/16/11(Sat)00:02 No.4725286
    Neville has a line something like, "Have any of you seen Luna? I've got it off for her, I figure now's about time to let her know!" I can't remember it word-for-word, but it was close to that. And that line taken in context with the scene of them sitting together at the end is enough for my little shipper's heart. <3
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)00:17 No.4725362
    Well I was a Harry/Luna shipper ever since book 5, so I'm inclined to agree with you. I just felt like they had a much sweeter, more believable relationship. I like Ginny, don't get me wrong, I just liked Luna so much more.
    >> You-Know-Poo !FxT3/hP5Ho 07/16/11(Sat)00:23 No.4725393
    and it also helps that the actress for Luna is ten time cuter than that for Ginny!

    I'm with you as well, totally bringing my Gollum csplay to the Hobbit movie!
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 07/16/11(Sat)00:24 No.4725403
    luna so kawaiides
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 07/16/11(Sat)00:26 No.4725414
    Not sure why my original post was deleted... but whatever.
    Holy shit man. That is a BAD ASS Voldemort.

    Thanks! I freaking love cosplaying her. One day I'll make it non-closet...

    Posting again just to say, Professory Mcgonagall was awesome. I loved how excited she was about that spell! Dame Maggie Smith fills me with such joy.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)00:27 No.4725419
    I thought it was better than the book, to be honest. I've always thought that Harry Potter makes for much better movies than books. For example, I didn't feel that sad for Snape when I read the books, but I damn near burst into tears when I saw the movie. Also lol, Voldemort Fetus.

    I was pissed of that they killed Fred off-screen, though, therefore leaving out Percy's awesome redemption. And Hermione and Ron kissed at the wrong part.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)00:29 No.4725428
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 07/16/11(Sat)00:34 No.4725457
    She's not nearly as moe as you though.

    When she stood to defend Harry from Snape... Ohhh, my heart. I teared up just from how much I love her. McGonagall is the epitome of badass.

    I'm a little upset the Ron/Hermione kiss wasn't identical to the one in the book... but at the same time I really liked how they did it in the movie. Both versions worked in the end. Plus I LOVED that we got to see Ron's attempt at Parseltongue!
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 07/16/11(Sat)00:39 No.4725477
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    I'm hard to beat~
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 07/16/11(Sat)00:44 No.4725496
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    On second thought she IS pretty moe. You may have some competition.

    Also, since no one's really discussed it yet - what'd everyone think of the Battle of Hogwarts overall? The soldiers, the protective charms, the Giants and Acromantulas, etc. Too much? Not enough?
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 07/16/11(Sat)00:45 No.4725501
    I thought it was pretty amazing. Just. Wow.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)00:51 No.4725521
         File1310791878.jpg-(43 KB, 491x581, Luna-Lovegood-with-Harry-Potte(...).jpg)
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    Who else thought that Harry and Luna had millions of times more onscreen chemistry than Harry and Ginny?

    With you right there. Back when Luna was introduced in the movies I don't think the books were done so I had been hoping he matched off with someone who understood him. Luna certainly did.

    Also knowing that Neville is the other boy who lived really pulls at my heart.
    >> Kagami !6FK967Ta9w 07/16/11(Sat)00:53 No.4725532
    This. Oh my god. Just looking at the movies, Ginny and Harry looks like it came out of no where, where as Luna and Harry would have made much, much more sense.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)00:55 No.4725537
    I wish they had done more with the forest creatures, and I didn't like the Harry & Voldemort duel (the death was rather disappointing as well) but I did like the general battle.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)00:57 No.4725541
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    Brofist. I went as Quidditch!AVPS Draco.
    The only pictures I have a shitty close ups with my friend who was AVPM!Ron and my other friend who was AVPM!Snape carrying me that I look like a complete fucking fatty in.

    (Also, costume contest bros. I went as Robes Draco to part one with a smiley face dark mark and won a free movie pass.)

    Now general movie thoughts:

    I thought it was really good but a few things pissed me off.
    I cannot believe they skipped the part where Percy comes back.
    He just kind of showed up in the background and during one shot of the crowd I was like 'what when the fuck did he show up' and that kind of goes with how they glanced over Fred's death too.
    I wanted it how it was in the book.
    They didn't even mention his name until Neville's fuckyeahHogwarts speech.
    I wanted to bawl my eyes out and fics of George dealing with it have made me cry harder.
    That's terrible.

    Fuck yeah pic related.
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 07/16/11(Sat)01:05 No.4725561
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    The theater I went to was the smaller of two local theaters, the bigger one is newer, fancier, had nicer seats, etc etc so they sold out months in advance. The one I went to actually had to move the 3D showing from the main theater room to a smaller one because not enough people bought tickets >:

    There weren't many people in costumes, mostly just muggles and people who threw on a cloak or a pair of Harry's glasses. I saw this Dobby though, she was so nice and her costume was awesome! Bawwwwww the knife! ;^;

    As for the movie I felt like I should've disliked the fact that it was basically one big scene the entire time- 80% of the movie was the battle at Hogwarts. It breaks like every rule of movie making, but at the same time it worked so well and I loved it. I can't imagine them trying to squish both movies into 2 hours, it would've been awful.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)01:05 No.4725562
    Oh, and I think Hagrid should have had more lines.
    His whole thing after Harry dies in the book make me cry like a bitch.
    In the movie it was like 'by the way, Hagrid is still here you guys in case you forgot'.
    Hagrid is just as badass as the other professors.
    Fucking Hagrid. ;_;
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/16/11(Sat)01:07 No.4725567
    is that you on the right?
    >> TikkiTavi !oTZJEtKjnU 07/16/11(Sat)01:09 No.4725573
    They had more chemistry in books too--the pairing that should have been (sigh)
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 07/16/11(Sat)01:09 No.4725576
    Yes. Inb4 "ur fat" "ur ugly" etc etc
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)01:10 No.4725579
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    I'm on the far right
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 07/16/11(Sat)01:16 No.4725597
    Dude I felt this way too! I was wondering where Hagrid was, I was thinking maybe he just wasn't in the movie and then OH LOOK IT'S HAGRID
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/16/11(Sat)01:18 No.4725605
    I... I was just gonna say you looked cute. But okay ;_;
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 07/16/11(Sat)01:20 No.4725616
    Aww thank you, pretty much anytime I post my picture people say UM YOU'RE TOO FAT TO POST HERE GO AWAY so I gotta expect the worst you know?
    >> TikkiTavi !oTZJEtKjnU 07/16/11(Sat)01:27 No.4725636
    Love the Dobby! I actually wish u had done a petti coat under the skirt, ur like half way to a Luna Lolita costume (stockings shoes Barrett etc) and I think she's the one witch who could get away with it ;p
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 07/16/11(Sat)01:55 No.4725715
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    I actually tried on a shorter petti under my skirt, but it looked odd because of the skirt's material. I also have a wig that I could've said was for Luna, but I decided to just be me hahaha. I figured it'd be fun to jazz the uniform up with some of my own clothes.

    Here's a pic of the outfit without the jacket or scarf.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)03:34 No.4725996
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    I dressed up to work at the 12:01am screening at my cinema, unfortunately I dont have any of the good quality photos my manager took of us yet :( i threw on the costume quickly here (without the shoes and sock and stockings etc.

    Got lots and lots of comments from customers : D was fun!
    >> uninsomnia !KM0N5DFMxY 07/16/11(Sat)03:36 No.4726002

    ... do you work at the Regal in Pioneer Place? /mightbeacreep
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)03:37 No.4726006

    Nah, I live in Australia :)
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)04:42 No.4726127
    The movie hasn't been out that long and I'm already sick of the "On a scale of 1 to Lord Voldemort, how awkward are you hugs?" meme.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 07/16/11(Sat)06:35 No.4726310
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    Well, this is what I wore last night. There was ONE other person dressed up, if you don't include my friend who I made wear my extra Gryffindor tie.
    It sucks to say it, but, I was disappointed. Probably because I'm a huge Fred fangirl and they happened to cut out a very important scene of his.

    I'm sorry for the...Er, odd photo. It was meant to be a jokey one but it turned out to the only decent one taken.
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 07/16/11(Sat)08:30 No.4726443
    I'm actually having trouble remembering- did they include Percy's "family betrayal" storyline in the movies? It's been ages since I've watched the fifth, but I can't remember it being included in any of the other movies. Maybe that's one of the reasons they scrapped Fred's death scene?

    Aww you look super cute! And poor Dobby, the knife is such a clever idea though!

    THIS. I will admit that I made this horrible choked sobbing noise when they showed him tied up. It's the first time you see him in the movie and I was just like, "NO, HAGRID! ;_____;"
    >> Flora88 07/16/11(Sat)08:57 No.4726469
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    I went.

    In fact, I was in the news. I'm so proud of myself, but I digress. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a book to write for children and women's rights.
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 07/16/11(Sat)09:24 No.4726488
    My friends all invited me to go. I did want to and all but when they said they were dressing up I just couldn't bring myself to go. Their version of 'dressing up' is wearing a black shirt and trousers, gelling their hair back and calling themselves Malfoy. Fuck that.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/16/11(Sat)10:09 No.4726566

    :0 legs
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)10:51 No.4726631
    I went, but only wearing a Gryffindor scarf. The 3D glasses I got were Harry Potter style though. I only saw a couple other people there that wore scarves and glasses, hat

    captcha: stick-slip sounar
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)11:05 No.4726652
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    >> Flora88 07/16/11(Sat)11:53 No.4726746
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)13:51 No.4727050
    That got me as well. Loved those scenes. Alan Rickman by far was the star of the film. I did love pretty much the whole film. Yes Fred's death I wasn't fussed about how they did it. Loved the Malfoys.

    I didn't dress up as I saw it today. I did take my Lucius snake cane/wand. But as I was the only one to have a wand I didn't do the 'fan' thing of "mischief managed!" (did anyone do that?).

    There were tears (I could hear a few sniffs), there were cheers and applause at the end. Thought the end wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

    Will I see it again? Most definitely.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)13:53 No.4727056
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    I want to see the Dark knight Rises trailer but don't want to associate with the Harry Potter freaks.

    What do? Why must all of you be so annoying?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)14:05 No.4727084
    I pulled together a 5 minute Draco cosplay.

    It bothered me throughout the night that I didn't have the proper tie. Either way, while while buying snacks at a grocery store I heard more that a few people talking in the isle all "is that Draco?" or "it's that other person from Harry Potter"
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)14:16 No.4727113
    That trailer was kick ass! Loved it.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)14:17 No.4727122
    It's really not that great, and there are cam rips on youtube.
    >> Katushka !!MMwVgUrCHqf 07/16/11(Sat)14:17 No.4727124
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    I thought it was for this for the first half of it.
    >> You-Know-Poo !FxT3/hP5Ho 07/16/11(Sat)15:00 No.4727255
    The trailer didn't show anything, don't worry, you didn't miss anything.
    >> 0-slap 07/16/11(Sat)15:03 No.4727263
    It was a pretty shitty trailer, just clips of TDK and Gordon mumbling incoherently. Sherlock Holmes 2 trailer was way better
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 07/16/11(Sat)15:24 No.4727325
    Voldemorte dies.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/16/11(Sat)23:08 No.4728995

    Calm your period. I didn't say anything lewd, dumbass
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)23:56 No.4729154
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)00:30 No.4729281
    The best part of the thread so far fffuck
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 07/17/11(Sun)01:17 No.4729553
    Thank you both!

    And yeah dude I was so pumped for that Batman trailer, I kept freaking out before every trailer hoping it'd be Batman! And then the Batman trailer was fucking boring :\ They used that scene of the Bat signal getting smashed and I felt cheated, didn't they use that in the trailer for The Dark Knight? And I couldn't understand anything Gordon was saying.

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