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    34 KB Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:09 No.4719928  
    I have this friend who introduced me to cosplay, and subsequently we've done all of our cosplays together. I thought we would be friends forever, but we fought a few weeks ago and I don't think we'll ever be able to be friends in the same way. Tell me your stories about breaking up with friends.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:15 No.4719953
    I have many stories like this, but I am honestly too lazy to type it out.
    Lets just say that I won't ever make a best friend out of someone I met at a con. Its a bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:18 No.4719964
    All of the friends I've ever lost, I've lost to moving away, or simply losing contact.

    Though tehre was a pair who just sort of phased me out of their lives. It made me unhappy, so theb est I could do was phase them out of my life too.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:19 No.4719971
    >I'm thinking about cosplaying Italy soon
    >From Hetalia?
    >Yeah! Its so fucking funny.
    >If you say so.
    >What? Oh jeez are you another mindless hater?
    >Sure because I can't generally dislike something right?
    >Whatever. So I'm guessing you don't want to join in the group then?
    >Yeah I'll just work on something else, have fun with that.

    And we've never cosplayed together since...she just keeps picking different characters from the series...
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:22 No.4719982
    I had someone similar. Intro'd me to cosplay, we did stuff together. There was a second very close friend who was dating friend #1at the time, and friend #1 fucked him over BIGTIME.

    Friend #1 got kicked to the kerb, still QQ's to this day. I miss the good times, but don't miss them enough to forgive and forget.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:36 No.4720022
    I've only done it to three people anyway. Here are the condensed versions:

    >>female stoner friend who harassed me constantly and called me on average of 30 times a day. She dropped out of highschool. Refused to get a job or further her education. Lusted after a 14 year old boy at 22. Hid her stash of pot in my dorm room, didn't tell me. Almost got me expelled because she wouldn't own up to it. That's when I said good by.

    >> male friend and my bro since 5th grade. Fabricated stories about being sent to a mental hospital, lied about being bi-polar/etc. Lied several times about attempting suicide. Faked his own death. Everyone at my uni thought he was dead for a month or so. Finally cut him out of my life completely when he pulled a gun on my friends and I. Now a diagnosed sociopath.

    >>Female I befriended senior year of highschool. Didn't mind that she always treated me like I was an idiot who couldn't take care of himself. Figured she was insecure and needed a verbal punching bag. Cut her off when she took my cellphone from me during a party (had it out only to tell my brother when I'd get home) I tried to take it out of her hand she clawed my ear, the side of my face and my neck. She told all our mutual friends she did it as a last resort to defend herself because I was "trashed". I only had one beer. Worst Halloween ever.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:37 No.4720036
    I moved in with my old cosplay partner. We went to high school together, but I hadn't seen her in almost a year since she went to a different college. I was just excited to live with someone else who liked anime.

    Well, not only was she the worst roommate IMAGINABLE, but a few days after we moved in, it came out that she had never actually liked anime. Her two previous boyfriends did and she just watched whatever I/they watched. She didn't want to talk about anime/cosplay, she treated me like shit whenever she would catch me watching anime or working on cosplay, she argued with me about putting up my posters and figurines, and since anime was one of the few things I had in common with her I honestly had no idea what to even talk about around her. And this on top of her being an ABSOLUTELY GODAWFUL ROOMMATE.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:43 No.4720056
    my girlfriend just broke up with me recently and it's been messy. Even before we were going out she's made or mostly made all of the cosplay I've worn for the last year and a half. So I'm working on stuff I can do without her.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:46 No.4720065

    >Having a hard time with life in general.
    >Quit hanging out with everyone, especially my "bff" because she was getting creepy.
    >Three "good friends" decide to bash me for this and harass me to the point of removing accounts/screen names and shit.
    > Really down, problems get worse.
    >Fuck them. They sucked anyways.
    > Now have way cooler friends who help me out rather than get butthurt at my problems.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:46 No.4720066
    My best friend and I had a falling out. I was so tired of how she treated me. For example
    >Abandoned me at a party when she knew I couldn't drive (I didn't have a license)
    >Got pissed at me when I had a panic attack and couldn't go to a museum exhibit with her
    >Threw a plate and screamed at me in front of everyone in the university cafeteria
    >Constantly made snide remarks about my small boobs
    >Mooched all of my weed
    >Threw a tantrum when I invited her to my home for Spring Break and sat in my room reading her Kindle all night instead of coming to dinner
    >Shit talked me on Twitter

    It just goes on and on. I put up with her behavior because I'm a bit of a door mat, and I knew she acted that way because she was very insecure. I have problems with insecurity, too, so I tried to be very sympathetic. I finally realized that her emotional abuse was greater than the good memories and times I had with her.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:53 No.4720084
    I've lost a lot of friends due to mental illness and not being able to treat/cope with it through my teenage years. I'm better now, and the last time I lost friends was a mix of crappy friends and transferring out due to bullying.

    I have awesome friends now.

    I wish one of my ex-friends that I really hate would stop obsessively checking my blog, and convincing others to do it. It makes me nervous to update. He thinks I'm obsessed with him, and convincing others I'm out to get him, but I'm not and don't even talk about him.

    Baw, I want my safe writing space back.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)16:57 No.4720102
    >have panic attacks
    >smoke weed

    I don't usually care if people smoke or not, but if you smoke weed to help with panic attacks, which I don't know if you do or not, you might as well look in anti-anxiety drugs.

    I'm going to make a lot of pot fans mad who think incorrectly that I don't have panic attacks and never have smoked, but in the long run, it doesn't work and makes it worse.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)17:03 No.4720140
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    Fuck okay. I had a friend from the Philippines that I met through Gaia Online, we were pretty tight buds. She was a lot older than me, and we loved each like family, she was like an aunt to me. Turns out she was also a cosplayer, something that I was always interested in. She sent my first cosplays, the jacket from Persona 3 and Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei's outfit. She partly made them herself, even hand-painting the crosses on the kimono. But for some reason, we had a falling out, I don't even remember why. I ended up barely talking to her anymore, it was just so awkward for me.

    A few weeks ago, a mutual friend told me she had passed away. I felt so goddamn shitty. I had meant to eventually patch things up with her but I never did, and now I will never have that chance. It also donned on me that she was the person who practically introduced me to cosplay, a hobby that has a become a big part of myself, introducing me to so many friends I have now. Even typing it out right now makes me cry.. I wished I could've thanked her for everything.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 07/14/11(Thu)17:04 No.4720146
    >former girlfriend and I cosplayed our favorite couples all the time
    >have had an on again off again relationship for a bit, not going to get into details, it's complicated
    >things got really shaky especially around May, when we were set to travel to Fanime
    >everything seemed to go fine, we get there and it all runs smoothly
    >or so I thought, she breaks up with me over the weekend.
    >I'm a good sport so I shrugged it off for the sake of having a good time
    >it was harder than I thought
    >our cosplays are all heavily couple based so cosplaying with her over the weekend feels incredibly awkward for me

    We're still friends and we still cosplay together but... geez man.
    I don't like to do blatant couples with her anymore.
    Duos sure, but... not much else.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)17:12 No.4720183
    >have friend for eight years, we do cosplay and lolita together
    >she's acting really weird at a lolita meetup, pointedly running away from me, she never does this normally
    >tell another friend she's acting weird and i wish she were online to talk
    >friend tells me she's been online tons lately, is online now, and is blocking me
    >call her up
    >she screams at me that it's good that I finally got the clues she'd been dropping, she's hated my guts for years, and only put up with me because I have money and a car and am willing to use both on my friends
    >too chickenshit to explain to people who ask exactly why I'm not wearing frilly dresses with her anymore
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)17:14 No.4720196
    I had a best friend that treated me like shit and constantly made herself the center of attention. She had zero self-esteem and always over-compensated by lugging me around and treating me as her sidekick. I didn't really care though, because I was beta as fuck. Things came to a head when things started going pretty badly in her life. Grades were low, boys didn't want to go out with her loud-mouthed horse face, and her club started tanking in members.

    So naturally, she blamed me for all of that and ripped me apart. She said that I made her life miserable for 2 years and I was a horrible person who will never know what true friendship is. Hurt, I moved out of our apartment and into a place of my own and decided to start anew.

    The next day, she started acting like nothing happened. I was PISSED OFF. I didn't want to be her fucking friend after she bitched at me like that. But I decided that the best way to get revenge for how badly she hurt me was to be the best person I could be. So I just keep my distance now and talk to her when she talks to me.

    Sure enough, her true personality and 7th grade mentality began to show to everyone else. Now very few people can stand her. Everyone in our old apartment kicked her out and asked me to come back (I refused) and I have some true friends who I trust as much as they trust me. Life's pretty good for me.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)17:22 No.4720219
    I have no friends except my bf. It's better to even have friends to "break up with" in the first place than to have none at all :(

    Feels bad, man.
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 07/14/11(Thu)17:28 No.4720245
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    I'll be your friend~
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)17:29 No.4720248
    >Have great friends.
    >New friend joins group.
    >Get pushed out of group.
    >Never wanted to cosplay when I asked them.
    >Considering cosplaying with new friend next year when I move countries.
    >I have no friends.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)17:34 No.4720257
    My roommate turned my best friend against me. I had a fight with my roommate and it got hashed out on twitter and the roommate ran to my friend about it. She stopped following me on Twitter, making her position really clear. I update about her on twitter too, and she calls me later that night, crying, being super melodramatic over the tweets, when she was the one stalking my profile after unfollowing me! I explained everything to her, but we don't really talk anymore. I guess we're frenemies?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)17:34 No.4720259
    I've had to deal with a lot of different types of friend break ups, which has led me to be very cautious when trying to befriend new people. In high school it was guys who kept trying to ask me out, and when I declined they just stopped talking to me.

    Best friend left me for her shitty boyfriend at the time who later knocked her up and now they're separated. Most other friends I've made in college/cosplay hobby ended up showing bad cases of mental illness that were not controlled(severe OCD, bi-polar to the point of putting me and others in danger due to thrown objects, etc.), they were overall unhealthy/disgusting, or they were an insane attention whore.

    Currently, I have three friends that I can actually trust besides my boyfriend, and I don't really care if it stays that way for a good while.

    Why are so many people so goddamn fucked up?
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 07/14/11(Thu)17:34 No.4720260
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    Anon, let me tell you right now, that is not good at all. I was in the exact same boat you are in right now just a couple months ago. Me and my former girlfriend only had eachother. We isolated ourselves from everyone else and over the years became virtually friendless because we depended so much on eachother. When we broke up, it was incredibly difficult for me to cope because I had no one to turn to. Now I value any of the friends I have and work hard to make new ones.

    I strongly advise that you make a bigger effort to expand your social circle, it will seriously do you a world of good.

    Speaking of which, I love you so much /cgl/. You guys are an amazing group of people and I'm happy to have decided to come here.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)17:36 No.4720269
    Interesting to see how girls view friendship as some kind of pact, almost like you were constantly at war.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)18:04 No.4720357
    Yeah, I definitely think that it's partly BECAUSE I've been with him so long that I have no friends (and no, I'm not blaming him at all, it's more that I depend on him too much.) We've been together for 6 years now, since we were in high school. We've gone through some rough patches, too, where I was so broken up over him that I basically closed in on myself and stayed in my dorm room all the time except to go to classes.

    Now, I'm realizing this, and I feel like it's too late for me to even make any friends. I've forgotten how. I am a recluse; I try to be nice to people but I am awkward and shy.

    Where would a 23 year old who's out of school go to make friends? I can't even get a job because I have no job experience and am overqualified for many minimum-wage jobs.

    My life sucks right now.

    D'aw, thanks anon <3
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 07/14/11(Thu)18:05 No.4720367
    accept that people can be shotty and never speak to them again
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)18:09 No.4720384
    I wouldn't call how I view friends a "pact" so much as I would a contract that has terms and conditions. Of course friends hang out with each other, talk and have a good time, but they also respect and trust each other. By becoming to my friend, you are agreeing to meet the minimum of these standards and can expect me to return them in kind. Repeated violation will lead to a termination in our contract and all bets will be off. It would be irrational (not to mention un-enjoyable and a waste of my time) to be around someone who treats me like shit so why should I bother?

    Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only female who doesn't understand the concept of frenemies. My other female friends will invite girls they don't like to gatherings when hardly anyone gets along with them and talk shit about them when they leave. If I don't like someone, I try to avoid contact with them. If it's unavoidable, I won't be a bitch unless I'm reciprocating their behavior, but I won't bend over backwards either. Sometimes, they do it because the girl is friends with another girl who wants her to come even if she doesn't get along with anyone else. I think that's ridiculous, especially if I'm the one planning the get-together and I don't like the person in question.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)18:23 No.4720419
    Urgughghghrghrghhghg I had a best friend all the way through high school and most of primary school, the older we got the more she made snide remarks at me and tried to make me feel left out. We were always on the outside of all the other friend groups but then I became a massive weeaboo and she put up with me for a while, but once we got friendly with a bigger group of people, she started ignoring me, only talking to me when she really had to etc. I was pretty heartbroken because at that point I couldn't see what I had done wrong. I regret becoming such a huge weeaboo. She ended up being just not very interesting and not exactly nice, but I still occasionally have dreams where we're best friends again. Sad.

    Good thing is, I have 3 amazing best friends now and I'm much more free and happy than I was with her.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)18:55 No.4720500
    >girl, R, lives in FL for a few years
    >works at my dad's office
    >become friends after I watched her cats for her on time
    >hang out, have fun
    >R moves away
    >R always posts on FB about where/who she should visit
    >suggest FL/me
    >"I never really liked FL. It was too hot and boring."
    >R goes and visit her other friend she met here who now lives in NC
    >other friend always ditches her to fuck some random guy/smoke weed/get drunk
    >this time not different
    >friend posts on LJ complaining about visit
    >console her because that must suck

    I'm tired of it. It's like a slap in the face. She may not realize it but she's basically saying she would rather hang out with somebody who will, without fail, ditch her than to hang out with somebody who won't do that.

    >R visiting soon
    >Invited herself over pretty much
    >Said she was going to see other friend but other friend had plans
    >Dreading it

    I'll see what happens during her visit but I get a feeling I'll be emailing her to say the friendship is over. I hate being a dick but I don't like being made to feel like I'm second choice and only second choice because nobody else is available. I don't think it's because I'm not fun. We do tons of things together, mostly things she wants to do. I dunno.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 07/14/11(Thu)18:56 No.4720502
    The group of em all turned on me. Check I was with ended up sleeping with two of them, one of which I thought of as my best friend at the time. He was a back stabbing asshole.

    Oh and the other time was when a bottle of rum ruined a 16 year friendship. My bad.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)18:58 No.4720508
    ;_; Florida may be hot and suck, but there's cool shit to do here. What a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:03 No.4720522
    Ugh nowadays I don't even see the point of having friends. I'm an antisocial girl and blah blah blah.

    >Only friends with a girl, R, for a long time.
    >R starts dating another girl, H.
    >Me and H start hanging out and become friends.
    >Later R and H tell me that H is a vampire and is sucking R's blood.
    >Okay with this because I don't want to be completely friendless and I find it amusing either way.
    >One day R and H hold me down, H cuts my arm open and fucking licks my blood. I go home.
    >Still friends but I tell them not to ever affiliate their blood fetish vampirsm crap with me.
    >H tells me and R she can't see us anymore since she's become a more intense Christian.
    >A week later H apologizes to me, we become friends again.
    >R finds out and gets pissed and wants to fight me. I decline, she gets more pissed and never talks to me again.
    >Friends with H for awhile w/o vampire stuff.
    >Months later she says she's in love with me and wants my blood.
    >Don't talk to her again.
    >It's been a month and now I'm friendless, but not in a fucking nuthouse.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:05 No.4720523
    Thanks anon. I really don't get what her problem is. Yeah, some things here are expensive but there is tons of shit to do that isn't. What truly gets me is the fact she actually seems to have fun while she's here.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:08 No.4720527
    Well it's dumb that she can't just come here to see a friend and hang out. If the area sucks, who cares? Company makes fun time worth while in most cases. :/ But being like "Meh, too hot there" is like saying "You're not worth the trouble of me sweating a bit."

    You have every right in the world to tell her to shove it.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:12 No.4720539
    H also always says I'm her legit best friend. But she doesn't include me in her best friends list on FB either, and is always updating her status about her best friends (not me), and she NEVER responds to my texts.

    But I guess I'm just that butt hurt and lonely to be friends with a secret depressed lesbian vampire.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:15 No.4720549
    Don't feel bad. At least you can go make sane friends. Those two will be making crazy homo vampire friends and contracting aids or some other blood disease.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:18 No.4720559
    When I was in Highschool, I met my boyfriend. My best friend and two others friends dumped me because before him, I had not had any boyfriend. I was the single girl to whom they could tell their lovestories, or the shoulder on which they could cry.

    My boyfriend's brother was a good friend of mine before we were together. I was 17, my boyfriend 18 and my "brother in law" was 23, and married. So I never saw him as a sexual partner/possible boyfriend. But at the time, he told me once : "If only I could have had a girlfriend like you when I was in highschool, bla bla bla..." but as the same time was like : "Don't worry, I don't see you as possible girlfriend, I am happy with my wife, you're like my little sister to me". Si I didn't care much, as he was a nice guy (I konw it doesn't seem to, told like that, be he really was) and was respectful.

    We saw each other (boyfriend's bro/his wife/boyfriend and myself) a lot. several times a week, if not every day of the week. And BF's bro and I had a lot of projects together (video games, music, short movies, etc ...). He was my best friend for several years, and we had a group of 8/10 really good friends (only men, as I don't trust women). These years were the best of my life.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:18 No.4720563
    But my bf's bro grew more and more like "touchy feely". He was always saying that I was beautiful, that I had grown into a beautiful woman, that he was attracted by me, etc ... I tried to take it like "huhu, you're not serious/I don't see ou as a sexual partner/I am happy with bf". So he was like "just kidding, even if I think you're hot". But one day, we were alone heading to work (I worked at the same place as he) and he slipped his hand on one of my boobs. I pushed him away, was in a total panic. He apologized thousands of times, saying he didn"t know what went through his mind. but I didn't sleep for 4 days, and was afraid to go back to work. I was also torn between the fact of saying it to BF(knowing that he would go into fight with bf's bro, even to death) and the fact of not saying it. I didn't tell anything, but I put distance between me and BF's Bro.

    Things chilled.

    But one day, one of our friends dumped his girlfriend, who had a huge crush on my BF'Bro (and he, himself, had a crush on her). So of course, she ran to his house to cry on his lap when she was dumped. Things started to be crazy. What I didn't know is that she was extremely jealous of me (I don't understand why, she way cuter than me ...). She lived at my BF's Bro house several months (she didn't work at the time) and was sleeping in the same bed as he and his wife (without bein a threesome, as the wife of my bf'sbro bitched about her being a whore later).
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:19 No.4720564

    One day, we were doing some stuff with friends, and my bf'bro completely ignored me. Not kissing me hello, when I tried to talk to him, he walked away, etc ... I asked one friend what was going on, and he told me the whole thing. It is too long to write it down, but it was like : "bf's bro don't talk to you anymore, because you're a slut and you tried to seduce him and to sleep with him. He told his wife, and she's almost wanting to sue you. She bitch about you all the day, saying that you give her headache, etc ...)"
    I was completely devastated. Only a few months before, I had helped them both, because they were unhappy together. Things went crazy for a year and a half. BF's Bro calling us to scream on us for shit. Mutual friends when in uneasy situation, as my bf's bro tried to turn them against us. Tension was permanent. During family meetings, they acted like normal, and bitched in our back as soon as we were leaving. I ended not coming for months, in order to not see them, as the situation was growing worst and worst (my BF was on the edge of fighting his bro).

    I can't tell all the story, as it would fill an entire thread.

    It calmed down when the whore they had at their house left when she found a boyfriend (which she had not told BF's bro at first, as she was afraid of his reaction). But I can't trust them anymore, and I don't think i will ever.

    Our group of friend is completely split (as the whore made a lot of drama) and my bf and I are the only one who are still seeing everyone of our former group (not together at the same time of course).

    It sucks that all the bonds that you have made over years can be destroyed in a few month thanks to a female with self-conofidence issues.
    >> tuesday 07/14/11(Thu)19:26 No.4720579
    In 8th grade I met Victoria (name not changed because I hate her that much) Now I had come from a different school because the "program" I was in was moving to the school i was going to. I had no friends and she was in the same special class I was. soon I found out that she loved drawing as much as me and we Started to become buddies, the told me about hetalia and got me into that and YGOTAS. now I would spend every free moment with her, I was an antisocial faggot who would only talk to certain people. but as the yeas went on I started to talk to more people and got out of the special class. now as I started to mature I noticed that whenever there was something she didn't want to do she would yell at the teacher and shut down. She was really a brat but it didn't bother me that much.
    summer came and we only hung out once.
    fast foward to freshman year we still hung out till we met some other kids who were "alternative" and started hanging out with them.
    I started to notice she got into steam punk fashion. now Victoria is poor, I mean like dirt poor, so I was surprised when she came to school with some 80$ combat boots I know her mom bought it for her (her mom is single and works in a bead shop to support her 2 children) later I notice she started wearing more expensive things, she also started acting like she was some high upper class sophisticated princess. she kept going on about her german heritege and how special it made her when nobody really gave a fuck. she also got really pissed when someone said she was wrong about something like in math when the teacher told her she did a problem wrong she would have a hissy fit and say he was being immature. (i kid you not) Later she got her hair dyed strawbery blond and got her eyelashes tinted darker (she was really pale) it was after I got a boyfriend she stopped talking to me but I didn't really care. I think shes a lesbian which is hilarious because shes such a stereotype. (butch, short hair, chubby)
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:26 No.4720581
    How's she gonna sue you for her man being a hoe?
    :c Man. Fuck people like that. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that crap.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:27 No.4720583
    I don't understand why you would be friends with someone you don't like either. I'm a shy person, I'm generally well liked and have a few close friends. If I don't like you though/if you do something shitty to me, I'll tell it to your face and then not hang out with you. Even at the cost of being along for awhile. Why should I spend my life hanging out with people I don't like/don't like me, when there are other people out there?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:37 No.4720613
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    I was friends with these girls for a while. They were the types who liked to talk about people behind their backs but made an effort to prove that they weren't like that in person. We had fun together but they were always very quick to get their panties in a wad over insignificant things. I flat out stopped talking to one at a point after she let her Dog rip up something I let her borrow and she posted something I said in private in a public place. The other still acted nice to my face while she was selling things I gave her and talking about me with the other one. She unfriended me from some stuff one day and I guess it was supposed to hurt my feelings, but at that point I just didn't care anymore.

    I try to keep most of my Cosplay friends at a distance now.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)19:56 No.4720669

    >8th grade

    I think you're a bit too young to be here.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 07/14/11(Thu)19:57 No.4720675
    I moved around a lot growing up, so naturally I didn't have many friends. Add onto the fact that I was one of those loud obnoxious kids with ADD, and you can see I was pretty alone most of the time. When I finally got into highschool, I met a girl named Heather. Heather was a free spirit, a modern day hippie. Despite me being an idiot weeaboo, and her a stoner with a messed up family, her and I became fast friends, and were inseparable for several years. One day, during our third year as friends, she told me her family was moving to Calgary. I was heartbroken, but we promised we would keep in touch. Several years passes, and we did indeed stay in touch. A mutual friend of ours named R.J. moved out there to be with her, and everytime they had a quarrel, she would come to me, and I would always be there with words of support and encouragement for my best friend.
    Eventually, my Mom decided to retire and move to P.E.I. to open a bed and breakfast. By this time, I really only spoke with friends on the internet, so when my mom asked me if I wanted to come with her, I agreed, since there was very little to keep me in Ontario. We agreed to move in three months, so that mom would have time to tie up loose ends and break the news to my grandparents and three uncles.
    >> TL;DR 07/14/11(Thu)20:06 No.4720723
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    Wait, wait. H is a lesbian vampire and SHE wanted to stop seeing you and R because she was too Christian to be around you? wtf
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 07/14/11(Thu)20:08 No.4720735
    Now that we had decided we were going to move, I rushed to my computer to tell my best friend, knowing that she would be completely supportive and happy for me.

    Jesus christ, I sure got that one wrong.

    Instead of understanding, I get a new asshole ripped into me, about how I'm immature, and why haven't I grown out of that stupid anime shit (by this time I had learned to hide my power lever, but I digress) and basically calling me a loser. She was so worked up in fact, that she deleter her facebook account, and blocked me on MSN.
    Shocked and bewildered, I sent a message to R.J. asking him what happened. You see, Heather's mother is crazy, but its the kind of crazy that can be treated with proper medication. Too bad the crazy is hereditary, and Heather was starting to show the symptoms of it as she got older. R.J. Told me hat she didn't mean any of it, and that Heather was just having one of her not so lucid moments.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)20:20 No.4720787
    I see why you were in that "special" class.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 07/14/11(Thu)20:36 No.4720851
    Alas, R.J. was mistaken.
    Shortly thereafter I received a message. Heather had reactivated her account.
    It was a wall of hateful text. Essentially it boiled down to this: She meant every word, I was a pathetic piece of shit who was wasting my life, and she hoped I got brutally raped in an alleyway.

    All because I was doing what she did, and moving to another province.

    So I blocked her everywhere, and for good measure, blocked R.J. too, so that she couldn't contact me through his accounts either. I didn't need that shit.

    At first I felt horribly betrayed, now I just feel bad for R.J. if he's still with her.

    so to summarize in greentext:
    >Gain awesome hippie friend in highschool
    >fuckyeah bros forever
    >she moves to Calgary, and shortly after mutual friend moves out to be with her too.
    > we stay in touch, all is awesome.
    > my family decides to move to P.E.I.
    > she flips her shit, and says horrible things.
    > I no longer have an awesome hippy friend.
    > much sadness
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)20:41 No.4720873
    Yep, apparently. She's tried to kind of force her religion on me too. But the church she goes to is like on the verge of being a cult.
    >> tuesday 07/14/11(Thu)21:03 No.4720975
    I was held back because I was an antisocial faggot
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:05 No.4720982
    So you were held back for 4 years, seeing as you have to be 18 to be on here.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:09 No.4721002
    I had a friend who gradually became more and more fucking insane over the course of the year. He was doing stuff like starving himself to try to get a girl to like him, claiming he's open to selling drugs and wanting to be president of my school's anime club REALLY REALLY badly. So at the end of the school year when it came time to vote for officer positions, he lost. He pretty much blamed it all on me and threw a fit like a little kid because he thought I didn't vote for him.

    Then he became a hipster
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)21:21 No.4721055
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    >South Korea 1999
    >Culture shock up the ass, no social skills
    >can't speak Korean for shit
    >end up being the weird kid until 4th grade
    >bullying get worse, move schools
    >same shit different people
    >Middle school was horrid dude, they knew everyone but I knew no one
    >pull the naruto shit and act like an ass for attention
    >backfires hardcore
    >diagnosed with depression
    >therapy continues, parents scared as fuck

    Man I hated those days. Didn't want to go to school, didn't want to go anywhere. I used to go to amusement parks with my parents, cause I didn't have anyone to go with me. I was this 12, 13 year old kid whining if I could go to the new rides with them, without any people my age to go with.

    I was so pathetic I can't even believe it...
    I'm a lot better now though. I have a crippling fear of being alone as a by product from back then.
    >> Pickled Pepper !8lBEjKOhI2 07/14/11(Thu)21:24 No.4721065
    >>Nerdy all throughout my educational career,
    >>met a girl who was really timid and shy in my class who was new in town and wore a Totoro t-shirt.
    >>Pretty much every body thought she was weird, she didn't really wear nice make up or do her hair, it looked like she just tied it in a ponytail after she got out of the shower.
    >Became her friend, told her to join Tennis and X-Country with me, helped her learn how to do her hair and make up, and hide her power level a little better by not reading manga during class and making literary comparisons to anime characters in English Class.
    >>She started to loose weight and look really nice, and therefore got more attention from guys and more accepted from girls.
    >>Started dressing kinda more main stream and slutty and doing party drugs and the like
    >>We were still friends, she went to the con with me in cosplay but the entire time pretty much hated it
    >>Summer came and we stopped hanging out I didn't have interest in being around her particular group of new friends
    >>Now she does E and acts like a rave-slut, her grades slipped entirely

    Its been a few years but i still think about her and wonder what happened to her. She grew to resent anime and video games and really got into the main stream music and television programes.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:28 No.4721074
    >Make friend with neighbor girl down the street in 9th grade
    >Lol at Bleach and Naruto together for years
    >Help her with cosplays, twin lolita on occasion
    >Suddenly she becomes obsessed with facebook and tumblr
    >I don't really want to make either
    >Lose contact for months because she refuses to text/call, only wants to talk on facebook
    >Look her up online out of curiosity a few months later (we have both graduated high school now)
    >She's become a hipster brat and has a bunch of extremely lame tattoos, posts pictures of her and her super "cool" friends (all underage) getting shitfaced and breaking stuff/going crazy in restaurants and malls
    >Well, damnit.
    At least we had good times together.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:44 No.4721114
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    >this whole thread
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:47 No.4721118
    >Got into anime, cons and cosplay through high school friends
    >They start to drift away from the hobby while I just start to get into it
    >Actively look for and meet new people at cons, since circle of friends isn't very interested
    >Meet some cool bros who cosplay without being complete shut-ins or stereotypical weebs
    >Old friends want to cosplay and go to cons again
    >Old friends make cosplay group plans, then drop out. Want to get in on hotel rooms, then drop out last minute. The rare times I get them to come, they complain and whine about being bored, and sit in the hotel and play on their DS the entire con, or sleep
    >Stop inviting old friends to cons
    >Old friends do nothing socially, sit around playing video games, DnD or watching moe moe bullshit, engage in no other hobbies or interests, won't go out, won't party, won't do amusement parks or movies, won't do anything outside their basement.
    >Still hang out with old friends, but refuse to play DnD.
    >Get accused of dropping them for a cooler crowd, being a bad friend, etc
    >Don't give a fuck, because people drift apart after high school. It simply happens.
    >Still have same cosplay friends five years later, have evolved into roommates and lifelong friends.
    >No regrets
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:47 No.4721119
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    When I was in middle school I found out that my neighbor who was in the same classes and on the same bus had similar interests. I wound up going over her house every week, sleeping over, and we became best friends. Because of her I stopped hanging out with my other group and we'd just play videogames all the time. She was kind of spoiled by her parents and they'd buy her whatever games she asked for. On the other hand my parents would never buy games for me, I'd have to either wait for a special holiday or earn my own money. It was fun to be able to play them with her, since I'd hardly ever get any of my own until a while after they came out. Her parents would also take up to stores and stuff, too.

    We would hang out and have our sleepovers for a couple years, and by eighth grade we started getting into manga and anime too, which then brought up yaoi. She became obsessed with it, from writing Kingdom Hearts fiction, to role-playing with people on the internet, to reading/watching junk like Gravitation. Her internet friends were becoming her main interests, as well as yaoi. She had also started getting her parents to buy her video games that I’d just mention being interested in getting, and then I’d have to watch her play them at her house. At one point when I was at a store I ran into her father while he had been sent out by her to get a game (which was one I told her about). It just frustrated me because I felt more like a toady that she had so she could talk about these things outside of the internet rather than being a friend. She’s also started copying from my homework and making me do assignments we were supposed to work on together, so she could stay home and play vidya or talk to her internet friends.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:48 No.4721122
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    Before we entered high school I decided to stop hanging out with her because it just wasn’t fun anymore. Maybe I was jealous because she could get whatever she wanted, but I knew hanging out with her wasn’t right. And that was something that bit my other friends in the ass later on, too, while I became more of a witness to these events.

    SO as high school went on I had my gaggle of friends, a few which still talked to her. Nothing really happened for the first two years, but junior year she began to date one of my friends. Since we all still had similar interests I wasn’t worried about it until he had a party at his house that she was also attending. She didn’t talk to him the entire time, or anyone else there for the matter. She and a couple of her friends (not really in our group) just went upstairs and used the computer for a couple hours, then left. They refused to eat anything that we made, help us out, hang out, or anything. After they left we went up to use the computer and they had left their stuff open. It was a bunch of torrents for Kuroshitsuji and they had been watching some pedophile-catching show. At this point I began to worry that she was just using my friend to get her anime or whatever else that she wouldn’t be able to download at her own house - he also mentioned before that she was still really into doing yaoi-roleplays online too. She had also dated another guy before him that she had become pretty obsessed with, but he broke up with her for someone else. This made it seem like this friend was a rebound for her, and she wound up breaking up with him a little while later. But it wasn’t over yet.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:51 No.4721131
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    About half of senior year passed uneventfully until she started getting close to our friend again. She had typed up a letter for him asking if he’d be interested in dating again. He asked us for advice; we all gave out NOPEs, since she was the one who broke them up originally. But our discouragement failed and they wound up getting together again. A lot of people noticed that they didn’t really even seem that interested in each other despite dating, and about a month and a half or so later a mysterious interbutt message popped up to my friend - from someone who apparently knew his girlfriend on the internet. It included a post she had made on her Livejournal account about someone that she had fallen for …and it wasn’t him. It was another girl on the internet that she had been talking to all the time. This really knocked our friend out of the loop and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. At the same time another friend was beginning to get annoyed too – she had confronted his girlfriend after finding out she had been cheating in classes they were in together and she didn’t even bat an eyelid about it (and these are all AP, NHS, A+ , Valedictorian students I’m talking about).
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:52 No.4721141
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    By prom things just turned completely sour and she decided to break up with him again, except this time instead of saying it to him she just changed her relationship status on Facebook. This opened up a whole new shithole of rage by the people who saw it and commented on the post, because she didn’t even bother to keep it private or talk to the guy after. An even bigger tear was made when the ex-boyfriend’s best friend found Livejournal entries mocking him and other students at the school. At this point the damage was completely done, and everyone refused to talk to her anymore. The friend who had asked her about the cheating also admitted to me that while she was friends it felt like she had been used by her too – like how I felt years before. And like a little epilogue later ex-best friend tried contacting her ex-boyfriend to try to clear things up…by demanding that he apologize to her, because everything was his fault. Safe to say no one has bothered with her since.

    All in all I was kind of glad to have avoided everything that happened in the end, but it was also disappointing to see that someone I used to have so much fun with turn out that way.

    Also as a tip for those with giant-ass stories like mine, type them out before you paste them here. Saves a lot of time and hopping around looking for posts. Sorry if my story is boring but I just wanted to get it off my chest.
    >> tuesday 07/14/11(Thu)21:53 No.4721151
    im not 18 so go ahead and report me if you want
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 07/14/11(Thu)21:54 No.4721153
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    >Be a Catholic/Christian
    >Not one of those in-your-face-YOUNEEDSOMEJESUS Christians, just one of those ones that offers the good advice from The Bible [I find The Prodigal Of The Son to be a good story for my friends who are estranged from their fathers]
    >Am best friends with agnostics and atheists and the like and all of them respect my beliefs and I respect theirs and we just have fun.
    [I love my one friend because he'll be like "I know you're a Christian and you can't say it so I'll say it for you: That bitch is a dumbass ugly little cunt."]

    >One of my really good friends who I first cosplayed with starts getting all Christian hating.
    >Every other thing she says is "Christians are retards! HAHA DUMBASS RETARDS YOU ALL SUCK I HATE YOU ALL."
    >It hurts, but let it go.
    >Then that whole end of the world thing happens
    >Get so much shit from her for being a Christian
    >It hurts because she's one of my closest friends and I have the best memories with her
    >Friendship ends

    I mean...I understand a lot of people don't like Christianity. I do, and I have come to accept that. But it upset me that a friend could say such hateful things and get so nasty, and she never used to be that way.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:57 No.4721166

    ;_; I'm sorry man, that's just not cool at all. I'm not the biggest fan of organized religion either, but I've grown up enough to realize that it's important to other people and it's totally lame to shit all over it like that.
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)22:00 No.4721170
    Oh god dude. I had buddies like that, and I used to get a lot of shit for being a Catholic like my parents. Shit was uncomfortable to say the least.

    I've whooped their asses for that a couple of times though.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:01 No.4721174
    >Talk about cosplaying Chocolat and Vanilla from Sugar Sugar Rune together
    >Literally have been discussing it since our first year of friendship, never get around to it
    >Return from con trip confident our friendship is repaired
    >Log on
    >Her signature is "I'm wanna cosplay Chocolat from Sugar Sugar Rune, is there anyone who wants to be my Vanilla?"

    And the last one:
    >Cosplay default Panty and Stocking together
    >Hugely successful and make front page of DA
    >Cosplay other version of Panty and Stocking together
    >We look awesome yet again
    >Talk about doing the traffic cop version at con, super excited
    >Get back
    >"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot I already promised cosplayer L to do it with her."

    What. The. Fuck. You do not just up and do a duo partner cosplay with someone else, especially when you've already done those characters with your partner in two other versions. Fuck. I'm just so pissed right now.

    The only condolence I have is that I've had 2 boyfriends before whereas she's never been kissed, one of whom is actually a really good guy friend of hers that I'm certain she has had a crush on forever. Too bad he's a huge fucking moron and a lying bastard. Also my grades are amazing, 2nd - 3rd in my grade, and she has shit scores. Fuck yea.

    >> sour9 !Xz32tYSYNE 07/14/11(Thu)22:02 No.4721179
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    >best friends since 2nd grade with my BFF
    >8th grade we drift apart a little, BFF becomes friends with a girl who is dating the guy i recently broke up with (he left me because i wouldn't have sex. wat we were in 8th grade.)
    >new girl hates me because i'm her boyfriend's ex (idon'teven)
    >BFF leaves me for new girl
    >BFF knows all my passwords to everything, they proceed to hack it ALL and destroy my social life
    >slight anxiety/paranoia/depression turn into major disorders frm the cyber-bullying, and the fact that BFF knew everything about me, so the two fucked with my head constantly
    >freshman year, life is hell. new girl (a dropout btw) comes to wait outside school to pick up BFF everyday, and try to catch me to beat the shit out of me.
    >my mother has to leave work early everyday to pick me up, or i wait in the art room with my best-friend-teacher until the two leave
    >begin doing horrible things to myself, anorexia, cutting, typical highschool depression shit, but seriously dark time in my life. contemplating suicide because i have panic attacks about leaving my house.
    >land myself in the psych ward for a week. awesome.
    >BFF's mother begins speaking to mine about the situation because she hates the newgirl and basically bans BFF from seeing her
    > slowly but surely things begin to get better. newgirl is arrested and such for other things.
    >BFF and i are "ok" sophomore year, but not back to normal until junior year after much patching up and apologizing on her part.
    >consider ourselves sisters at this point.

    hopefully; if you work at it, you can be friends again. think about what made you friends in the first place.

    sage because this depresses me.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:06 No.4721189

    I would have never been friends with that person again. Who says she won't fuck you over again?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:06 No.4721190
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    I'm actually really worried about my friends breaking it off with me. I'm bi-polar, my mood changes so fucking constantly even WITH my medication. I can't stand it, it's so hard to control. I love these people to death, but sometimes I think I'm just an awful person and I don't deserve them. Or that they don't like me and just put up with me. I'm so scared that they'll just abandon me. Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth having friends. I'm pushing them away because I don't want to hurt them, and I don't want them to hurt me. The worst part is that I've done this before, I pushed my group of friends away because of my own insecurities and eventually they just ditched me. (But I can't really blame them.)

    For now none of them know about my insecurities. But my mask is slowly slipping, I don't know much longer I can keep up this happy-go-lucky thing. I want to tell them all what I've told you... But I don't know how. I've always bottled up my feelings, it's really hard to break a habit like that. /rant
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:06 No.4721192
    >The Prodigal Of The Son you mean The Parable of the Prodigal Son?
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 07/14/11(Thu)22:08 No.4721197
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    Yes, my bad.
    Thank you for correcting me.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:11 No.4721202
    >I've had 2 boyfriends before whereas she's never been kissed, one of whom is actually a really good guy friend of hers that I'm certain she has had a crush on forever. Too bad he's a huge fucking moron and a lying bastard. Also my grades are amazing, 2nd - 3rd in my grade, and she has shit scores. Fuck yea.

    You sound like the fucking awful friend here.
    >> sour9 !Xz32tYSYNE 07/14/11(Thu)22:11 No.4721204
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    because i was such good friends with her before. people do stupid shit in highschool and she openly admitted that. i've been out of highschool since 07, and it took the rest of highschool and a year after for me to really trust her again, but she's proven herself.

    if it helps, she never actually threatened me, just helped the other girl get into my accounts and was like her little henchman, never actually doing any of the things that hurt me, just standing behind the newgirl and allowing these things to happen. some people have power over others to make them do stupid shit, and newgirl was one of those people. we never talk about it because she feels so bad that it all happened.
    again.. it was highschool, people do really stupid shit in highschool.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:12 No.4721205
    I've been in a similar situation. My best friend since middle school and I got into Lolita at the same time, bought our first things together, and always wore it together. We always talked about how we were going to someday have closets filled with brand and go to cons together. Then, she started acting like an enormous asshole to me, to the point where we would always argue and make the rest of our time together super awkward. A month or two later, the only thing we had in common was Lolita. I apologized for acting like a bitch and later confronted her about her behavior, and she got super pissed and defensive. Eventually we stopped talking all together, and a week after that I saw her selling all of her Lolita on the comm sales. Now I see her around a lot (we go to the same uni, taking the same classes) and I'm always tempted to talk to her, but I know that I'll just be disappointed since we don't have anything in common anymore. To be honest, I feel super lonely without her company, but part of me feels relieved that I don't have to deal with that bitch anymore.

    Sorry for tl;dr, This all happened recently and I just needed to vent.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 07/14/11(Thu)22:13 No.4721210
    My story is nearly exactly like this. But I like greentext so here we go.

    >BFF and I cosplay together for years, always room together, always go to cons together. BFF inside and outside of the cosplay world
    >One year, she cosplays from a different series than I, no biggy, we sometimes have different interests
    >Makes friends with people from said series, no biggie, I make other friends, too
    >Suddenly ditches me and goes to convention with said friends, leaving me out, not telling me, getting into her own drama, etc
    >Acts like she's "e-famous" now that she is pretty popular, and good, cosplayer, but complains all the time about drama
    >I offer to help with said drama, she says no
    >We still talk, kinda drifted due to college, but no biggie
    >Suddenly is all like "oh we should cosplay together! You should cosplay this series that i really love but you hate"
    >"Uh, no thanks, BFF, how about we cosplay from this series that we both enjoy?"
    >blows it off, never does it, never does anything related to cons with me anymore
    >Doesn't even realize how much we're drifting, and now it's affecting our relationship outside of cons/cosplay

    I want to bring it up to her, that I feel like we're drifting and I want to do cosplay with her again. But I don't want her to blame herself or think I hate her, because I don't. I just miss being BFFs all the time and sharing hobbies.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:13 No.4721212
    Ha, yeah. So what if she's doing a duo cosplay with someone else? The first thing does seem inconsiderate, but maybe the poster didn't seem like she'd ever follow through and her friend got tired of waiting for her to be her Vanilla.
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)22:14 No.4721215
    I know this sounds really corny, but if you keep bottling that shit up, its going to explode one day when you least expect it. Explaining it to friends and trying to make them understand would make them feel more secure with you, and not to mention feel like having a bond that was not there before.

    Besides, if they are good friends, they will stick with you regardless of what happens. I personally have a friend who really let himself go after he broke down in front of his parents, but shit I'd die first than renounce him in any way.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:16 No.4721221
    Girls are weird.

    I have no stories. All my friendships are

    >met this person. He/she was cool. We hung.


    >met this person. What a douche. Avoid.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:18 No.4721228
    >Besides, if they are good friends, they will stick with you regardless of what happens.

    That's what I believe.
    I'd still like to know why she won't talk to me at all, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:19 No.4721231
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    Happened to me like 2 years ago.
    > friends with girl for like 6 years. became interested in Cosplay/Lolita together, shared fandoms, ect. were enough alike to have tons of things in common, but not carbon copies.
    > Helped her with some deep ass family shit way back when were first were friends. always there for her.
    > Find out Dads cheating on mom, whole familiy is a lie, mom never wanted a serious relationship with dad and was knocked up. only person i tell is here.
    > ' oh i'm really sorry that sucks.' is all she says.
    > become really really depressed, she seems to notice, but doesn't give a shit.
    >depression getting worse and worse til i start cutting and planning death. she see's cuts. falls for ' they're cat scratches.' i don't have a mother fucking cat.
    > finds new friends, starts ditching me for them, talking only about them, lieing to me.
    > starts sleeping with another friends crush, which she was trying to hoop the two up.
    > imfuckingdone.jpeg.
    > confront her. tell her she changed and is hurting people who really care about her.
    > looks confused.
    > avoid her and don't hear from her for a good 2 months.
    > she gets the balls to ask whats wrong.
    > somewhat make up. go to her house a few days later to hang out. she ignores me and talks to her boyfriend all night.
    > never talked to me again after that.
    > okay.jpeg
    I miss her a lot, but she really broke my trust, i don't have any cosplay or fandom friends anymore..... feels bad man...
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)22:22 No.4721240
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    she sounds like a horrible person Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:24 No.4721249
    I want to tell them so badly, I know bottling up my emotions is bad but it was just how I was raised. I just... I don't know how to tell them or how to approach them about it. Do I tell them individually, or as a group? I've been avoiding all of them the past few days because of this.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:24 No.4721251
    When I went out with the guy I didn't know she liked him, or was even friends with him. I broke up with him after 2 months, this was 3 years ago.

    Also my friend and I go to different schools so the grades thing doesn't really matter, I don't gloat about it in front of her but it just makes me feel good inside.
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)22:30 No.4721274
    individually, group, that doesn't matter. Throw that shit out of the window. What you need to know is this; You are a wonderful person (despite your flaws) who deserves friends. And those friends, if they are really good ones, will be with you through thick and thin. If they don't then its not your fault, you can't change somethings. If they just fall away because of your flaws, they weren't good friends anyway. But if you keep on pushing them away because of your insecurities, because you feel afraid that you would lose them, or because you think you're a burden, that's only going to be dark and depressing for you.

    Never think too less of yourself. There's humble, and then there's self deprecation. You are a wonderful person, and people should like you for how amazing you are, and not disregard you because of whatever number of problems you bring onto the table in the long run. The fact that you think you are pushing them away and avoiding them is a bad sign. Confront them with your fears, confront yourself with courage, and see how things pan out. You sound like such a sweet person who cares about your friends. Its high time they cared about you.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:30 No.4721275
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    Merrion if you're reading this thread, know that I fucking miss you.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:31 No.4721280
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    you shoulda punched her in the mouth im sure she gives bad blowjobs
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:31 No.4721281
    The thing is Sugar Sugar Rune has always been our dream cosplay, something that we always talked and planned meticulously. We talked about doing it all the time but never put a date on it, she didn't tell me she wanted to do it either. Then she just goes off and starts hunting for another Vanilla.

    If she'd said "Hey, let's do Sugar Sugar Rune next month!" I would have been immediately up for it. Now I just feel like she doesn't want to cosplay it with me.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)22:33 No.4721285
    Why did you move to Korea?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:36 No.4721295
    worst part is she was a cutter too for like 5 years. wtf man?
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)22:36 No.4721296
    Dad was only in the US for his PHD in engineering (HA SO ASIAN) and we moved back. Well they moved 'back.' I moved 'away' from my home.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:37 No.4721300
    Your words really mean a lot to me, thank you so much. And you're absolutely right, I'm going to tell them tomorrow whether I want to or not. They're my friends and they tell me everything and are completely honest with me... It's about time I do the same. Thank you again.
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)22:37 No.4721303
    Its always the cute ones...
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)22:39 No.4721308
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    Go get 'em kid. I'm behind you 150%
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)22:39 No.4721309
    So you're fluent in both Korea and English? Wow.

    >Dress like a kpop idol
    >get bitches
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)22:40 No.4721310
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    >implying I look good in general
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)22:42 No.4721318
    you look fine. Just gotta dress well.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:43 No.4721321
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    i'd do you
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)22:44 No.4721324
    I should wear suits everyday. Its the only clothing that makes me look nice.
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)22:45 No.4721327
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    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)22:47 No.4721331
    Then they're shitty friends dude. The world is full of better people. Its just a matter of looking over whatever happened before and looking for more people to be friends with.

    being alone isn't what you want to be. trust me. I know.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)22:49 No.4721333
    see? there you go! :D

    You look fine, bro, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:54 No.4721345
    >best friend ever, never felt so connected and in tune with someone. Loved her with all my heart in a platonic way. Thought we'd be together forever
    >friends since grade 2, we got into animu together, got into everything together. Completely connected
    >I hate being on the phone, but I could talk to her for hours and would feel sad when she hung up
    >when she quit school, I felt so lonely without her at school and I didn't really like anyone else there besides her
    >Eventually I quit school, too
    >we get super close, she comes to my house 3+ times a week
    >we do almost everything together, go to cons together
    >I probably had a bossy personality with her and for some reason small things about her that should just feel 'different' began to bug me
    >She is the kind of person that lets the world come to her and doesn't reach out a lot or share her feelings, and this makes me feel a bit unloved
    >Tell her how I feel and that I care so much about her and sometimes feel like maybe the only reason we're such good friends is because I'm the one steering the friendship while she just goes with the flow
    >She throws a huge list of things she hates about me at me, accusing me of things, basically saying in nicer terms she hated my guts and was done with being my friend
    >I admit I had probably made some big mistakes but I was mad that she had never told me any of this and just let it be bottled up and suddenly explode out
    >Stop calling or texting her, block her on MSN
    >Don't talk to her for MONTHS
    >Somehow we talk again, I forget how... I say I realized I must not have been that important because she never even bothered to call or text to continue the conversation
    >She says she didn't want to because I was expecting an apology and she didn't want to apologize
    >I wasn't, I wanted to work out our issues, apologize to each other and remain good friends
    >We break apart completely

    >Skip to an event months later, I'm a bit nervous about seeing her
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 07/14/11(Thu)22:55 No.4721349
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    Shut up man, you're adorable.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:58 No.4721356
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    >She doesn't talk to me at all, or even glance at me even though we're talking in the same group (she's friends with my friends)
    >Finally break the silent awkwardness by spouting out something about an artist we both like
    >We act like the good ol' times, almost no awkward tension other than what there always will be between two friends who have a disagreement
    >Think all is fine and dandy
    >She decides everything is awkward even though I'd done nothing to make it awkward, was over it, and was ready to just have her as a friendly acquaintance
    >fucking what ever

    >Offer a ride to a different friend to a con. She says she'll ask ex-bff because they're going together
    >refuses ride because "it'll be awkward"

    >fine then bitch, take the fucking 9 hour bus
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)22:59 No.4721361

    That sucks.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:00 No.4721363
    I'm totally going through some hard times...
    >have a BFF from college for about 4 years
    >decides to be a nice person and give 2 "friends" that I haven't met before a ride to Fanime this year
    >I tell her its a bad idea and you should just come along with us
    >Ignores my advice and ends up going to 2 different locations about an hour or two apart to get them
    >oh by the way they apparently they got kicked out for one being "transgender" oh btw they are both "boys"
    >Con is over and she puts on FB "I might get new roommates soon :D"
    >tell her its a bad idea 'cus they have no vehicle and no jobs
    >ignores me cuz she knows I'm pissed
    > apparently the deadbeats are now mooching off the state
    >Tell my friend I won't hang out if she brings them along because I'm trying to be the more adult person
    >She hasn't talked to me since Fanime
    >now i am friend-less hooray D:
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:02 No.4721367
    I should mention this all happened after 10+ years of being BFFs.
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)23:03 No.4721371
    I'm sensing some kind of "he/she was drifting away due to other people" trend. That sucks dude.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:05 No.4721376
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    Long story short, I had a best friend for years. Sex got into it. I was totally in love with him. We weren't a couple. And then he became obsessed with this other girl who'd become his girlfriend. She was a total bitch, backstabbed and dicked people left and right, tried to turn his friends against him. I tried to be her friend, she backstabbed me and used me to get to him. She also lied about him sexually assaulting her, but my friend worshipped the ground she walked on, so he yelled at me for lying, and I was the bad guy. I said it was me or her, and I wouldn't have anything to do with them if they dated.

    After that, I was very trusting and would be backstabbed by attempt to make friend after friend. At the time, I felt like something was wrong with me, but I just made bad choices in friends.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 07/14/11(Thu)23:05 No.4721377
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    Man, why is everyone friendless in here?
    I'll be friends with each and everyone of you, no jokes.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)23:07 No.4721381
    I'll be friends with you, as long as you're not creepy!
    >> sour9 !Xz32tYSYNE 07/14/11(Thu)23:09 No.4721386
    where are you. i will come over and take you shopping.
    >fashion major, i got this shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:10 No.4721387
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    that would be..... oh so lovely!
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/14/11(Thu)23:11 No.4721388
    Wait... you can major in fashion?? Shitttt I wish I knew that.
    >> Korea Bro !b7yBn6fz8I 07/14/11(Thu)23:11 No.4721390
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:13 No.4721392
    Former BFF was very bitter toward me...I spoke up about the one time that the BFF had pushed me into having sex with him when I was underage, as the now girlfriend said the only way she'd get help for being raped was if I did it. I was very naive and trusting. My BFF thought I lied because "there's no way she'd hurt me like that!" and of course it was my word vs. hers. Said sexual assault, it turned out, never happened. He'd talk about how everything was my fault. Turned out he did rape some people, and other shady stuff, so I'm better off but I felt so betrayed at the time.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:16 No.4721399
    Can we all just be friends :'D?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:17 No.4721405
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    I'll be friends with you, anon!
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/14/11(Thu)23:19 No.4721410
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    D-does this include me, oh creepy bunny one? I'm not friendless, but I wanna be included.

    I'm cool with it just as long as, y'know, you don't mark on my territory.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:20 No.4721413
    After that, there was a girl who still tries to ruin my life to this day because I said no to her once--spread rumors about me and shit, and then there was my attempt at friends in college. The girl across the hall's boyfriend started being super nice to me, as we were, well, bros. Absolutely no sexual attraction. Girlfriend flipped, was very popular, and despite also being friends with the girlfriend, she turned a ton of people against me and I ended up bullied for being a homewrecker.

    I was very emotionally fragile, and ended up somewhat jaded, cold, and mistrusting. Also very bitter. One time I talk to my ex-best friend in a fight he picked with me, and he tells me it's my fault that I'm no longer a sweet girl, that I had complete responsibility how I turned out.

    I don't know if it's true or not. I just can't trust people the same way. I don't want friends beyond what I have.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:23 No.4721422
    I feel better after rambling.

    Although I know he loved the carefree sweet side of me, and because of that, I won't ever let him see that side of me if he talks to me. I'm still sweet, but I'm much more saavy and not so stupid. Le sigh.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:25 No.4721431
    Should we get a contact thread started? I'd gladly talk to any of the lonely seagulls.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/14/11(Thu)23:26 No.4721436
    Okay okay so this is totally irrelevant to the thread but I keep forgetting to ask; What skit were you at the AX masquerade this year?
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/14/11(Thu)23:32 No.4721460
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    I actually wasn't in a skit, just a walk on. I was the angel Stocking with my angel Panty from PSG. Most people mistook our walk-on for a skit, since it had the whole chant they do in the transformation haha.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:34 No.4721468
    >>4721190 here. I'm with >>4721431. Contact thread?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:50 No.4721524
    my boyfriend is close friends with this girl I can't stand

    relevance to the thread: we used to be friendly with each other but we had a falling out (which I admit is my fault) and ever since then I haven't been able to feel really comfortable around her
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:57 No.4721552
    >meet girl via DA
    >live 30 minutes away, score
    >meet her at the con a week later
    >Have crush on her for a while
    >try dating, she says shes worried about commitment
    >accept the fact i need to move on, still have feelings for her but find an attractive girl whos a friend of my best friends
    >DA suddenly starts to treat me like her gf
    >I get confused, but act like a friend
    >she ruins my birthday
    >i tell her that and to stop being a bitch
    >she tells me that i should stop pretending we're dating
    >I tell her thats a low blow
    >all seems fine
    >getting closer to mutual friend, DA comes back
    >makes plans to do extreme couple cosplays with me on our day out
    >take her home, she goes "btw i have a girlfriend"
    >feel used, dont contact her
    >find out shes bitched to all my friends about how weird I have gotten because I refuse to be her doormat again
    >find out mutual is interested in me
    >we're now dating
    >everything went better than expected
    SO in a sense, I'm glad this bitch was all "I WANT A GLORIOUS AZN GF DESU!!!!1!!", because I wouldn't have tried to make moves onto my new gf. But shes still a bitch. And If some people come across it they'll know who I'm talking about. Her gf is ugly and a nosey bitch so they deserve each other.

    I have many more, but this one is most recent. It happened beginning of this year.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 07/15/11(Fri)00:00 No.4721560
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    Every single one of you.
    I'll dump my info in the contact thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)00:03 No.4721570
    ^me. I couldn't wait until tomorrow so I made a note on Facebook, basically poured my heart out into said note, and made it private so only my closest friends could see it. I'm really nervous but I'm also relieved that I let this all go.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)00:36 No.4721697
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    Hugs for everyone in this thread.

    It's looks like I'll be telling R to piss off soon as some other posters suggested. Green texting.

    >get email from R listing things she wants to do for the 3 days she'll be here
    >2 Disney parks and Universal Islands of Adventure
    >says it'll be cheap for me because I'm an in-state resident
    >for just one park (based on last years trip to WDWMK) my total per park including admission/parking/meals would be roughly $150 to 200.
    >work part time in retail, move back in with parent, pay half of my share of rent/utilities/food twice a month (so I at least have some money per paycheck)
    >have school (tuition/books/art supplies) to pay in the end of this month
    >she's coming to visit in 2 weeks
    >can't even afford 1 park let alone 3
    >she knows how expensive they are and of my living situation
    >email her back letting her know I could maybe do one park
    >emails me back saying she'll think about it and maybe we can do only 2 parks
    >email her back again telling her I can barely pay for one park and then we'd have to pick things that don't cost anything to do
    >waiting for reply

    I'll see what she says. If she still insists on 2-3 parks she can just rent a hotel and go on her own.

    friend states she doesn't visit it me bc FL sucks, treats a visit to me like it was her only option, and wants to go to do expensive shit even though she knows I'm fairly poor and student
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)00:46 No.4721731
    Just today I cut out two "friends" from my life who were causing more trouble than they're worth. Don't feel like going into details but they were pretty awful.

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)00:56 No.4721766
    >Have amazing online bro, like almost all the same stuff
    >She starts getting into cosplay and meeting anime fans locally
    >I lose most of my friends due to RL drama
    >She's one of the few people who don't hate me and she's meeting new people
    >Get kind of clingy, but she never complains
    >I start meeting new people, making new friends
    >Shell out a bunch of money to go see her
    >She either blows me off or takes me out with her friends and ignores me
    >I realize I should stop acting like a jealous girlfriend and accept that we have nothing in common anymore
    >We eventually stop talking

    It was fun, Venus. I miss your AMVs.
    >> ThatGirl 07/15/11(Fri)00:56 No.4721768
    There is a friend I wanna break up with.
    She flat out lied about what happened at a con between her and a lovely person who I am now friends with, saying said lovely person was a jerk, but after finally get other person's side of the story it is obvious that she lied when she told me what happened. This is not the only thing of it's sort to happen.
    But i am to much of a pussy to confront any of my friends about crap.

    I did manage to cut off this one bitch recently, though, with the help of aforementioned lovely person.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)00:58 No.4721778
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    >Perfectly pleasant conversations with everyone, all the time. Old-timers at work, fellow students, weekly DnD group, younger coworkers, little old lady waiting for the bus (I'm not joking, we talked about the insanity of general weather in Quebec), people on internet, etc.
    >Talk with someone for a week, and even withdrawn types will open up about their family issues, personal history, fears, fetishes whatever. (I occasionally think it's a very minor super-power, then I stop day-dreaming and decide that and that most people don't need much prompting to talk about themselves)
    >If ever I call friends up, talk for two hours at a time, easy.
    >No one ever starts a conversation with me
    >When I can't attend DnD, no one bothers trying to work in a weekend game I can attend
    >Stop starting conversations
    >Realize I have no friends Q.Q
    >Stay strong and positive because I'm awesome and won't let the world drag me down
    >... but I die a little more inside everyday
    >Pic related, the shades are hiding (figurative) tears
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)01:01 No.4721782
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    Few things wither the soul more then slamming the door on somebody that changed your reality.

    Her name was Katie; tall, blonde and beautiful, and she was talking to me. I had no damn idea why, since I was overweight, ugly, unsociable, weird, a total dork. A *smart* dork, but still a fucking dork. I sat next to her in AP Economics, just by chance, and we talked some before and after class for the rest of that year.

    First year of college, out of the blue my phone rings and it's Katie, wanting to go to a movie. So we go. And then to another one, and another one, during which time she spills her guts to me, detailing all the fucked up shit she used to do, the druggie psycho fucks she used to hang with, the deal she cut with the cops to turn canary in exchange for getting out of serious charges - the works. Basically latching onto me tighter then a French limpet mine to a Greenpeace sailboat. (I told you I was a fucking dork.)

    I'm a raging white knight, so of course there was no goddamn chance I was going to turn away a dropkicked puppy looking for affection - and of course she was PRETTY and BLONDE and most importantly not an airheaded bimbo, so of course that was thrilling.

    In short, I started to think I meant something.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)01:16 No.4721852
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    Enter Heathcliff.

    That's not his real name, of course, but it's remarkably apt, as I'll explain momentarily. He was her "ex" boyfriend, and after she cheated on him, he choked her from behind while fucking her, whispering into her ear that he'd kill her if she ever did it again. (According to her.) I don't know about the choking, but I do know that Katie'd ignore my existence for weeks on end, and then I'd get an emotional call out of the blue after he fought with her or otherwise hurt her feelings.

    I resented the hell out of this, of course, and many an incensed e-mail was posted, all for naught. After watching her behavior around me and my other male friends, it eventually dawned on me that she considered herself hot shit: after all, didn't all the boys want her?

    And yet she was one of the best friends I'd ever had. Unlike anybody else I knew, we could just hang out, sit around and shoot the shit. Didn't need the dice'n'minis out, didn't need a reason, it was just enough to be together.

    That didn't last.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 07/15/11(Fri)01:25 No.4721882
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    To be honest, I just didn't know what to say.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)01:27 No.4721888

    Eventually there came a day when she was getting pretty... catty with me. Not happy with the way I drove, not happy with the way I talked, just bitchy in general. And after months of the Heathcliff yo-yo act and other assorted insults, I was in no mood for her shit.

    She eventually blew up on me, and demanded I make with the ass-kissing, or she'd walk out the door.

    "That's your prerogative," said I, and she stormed out.

    And that was that.

    I was *done* with her, truly done. With one sentence I'd cut away somebody who'd been a major part of my life for over a year, changed me from a few-friends nerd recluse to somebody who actually got up and went - and yet the cut was clean and the wound cauterized.

    She waited two weeks for me to come crawling back like a good little puppy dog, and when I didn't bite she came around to troll a line in the water. She literally jumped into the backseat of a friend's car heading over to visit me, and made a point of parading 'round my kitchen while talking about how "she wouldn't have broken up with so-and-so if he'd just called her more."

    I shrugged and vacuumed the living room or something equally mundane.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)01:29 No.4721900
    This all happened in my first year of college.

    >have best friend/cosplay buddy since 6th grade. Let's call her C
    >we go to the same college and room together despite everyone else telling us it's a bad idea
    >we have lots of cosplay plans and pretty much want to make this first year amazing
    >Our schedules don't let us see each other a lot
    >I meet this other girl who seems pretty cool so I invite C to hang with us whenever we decide to
    >She declines every time and eventually starts ignoring me and making things awkward between us
    >Find out C has a blog and has been complaining about me
    >Whatever, I ignore it and still try to get her to hang with me and this other girl
    >Come back to the room one day and find her side of the room moved out
    >Didn't tell me about moving out at all
    >Leave a note that says, "Sorry things didn't work out"
    >first friend lost

    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/15/11(Fri)01:29 No.4721901
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    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)01:31 No.4721911
    >Two of my other close friends went to the same school as C and myself (we all came from the same high school)
    >Let's call them B and H
    >B and H were also mentioned in C's blog and they were more offended by it than I was
    >H starts hanging out with me more while B does her own thing
    >Find out that B is still hanging out with C and talk shit about me
    >Shrug it off
    >Soon B and H meet two other girls from their dorm and start excluding me
    >I confront them about it
    >They make excuses like, "well you're in another dorm, it's a hassle to let you in every time we hang out and the other girls are right down the hall"
    >My dorm is right next door
    >Boy J comes into the picture
    >I fooled around with him for a little bit before realizing I was his emotional tampon
    >Talked to B and H about him while I was fooling around with him and they advised me to stop worrying about him because he was using me
    >I listened and stopped
    >B and H start excluding me again and talk about their group plans while i'm around
    >I ask if I can be invited next time
    >they laugh

    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 07/15/11(Fri)01:31 No.4721913
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    Now I feel like a fool for disappointing you.
    Shit, we could have had something going on.
    I still love you though.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)01:32 No.4721917
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    >Find out they hang out with J all the time
    >J lives in the same dorm I do
    >Feel betrayed
    >Cry a lot
    >I stop talking to them for a little while figuring, if they want to talk to me, they will
    >H confronts me asking why i've been such a bitch lately
    >I lose it and tell her how i've been feeling
    >We come to a conclusion to stop being friends but stay on semi-good terms
    >Ask B if she has anything to say, says nope
    >a week later B texts me asking to talk about things and asks to be friends again
    >Lose two more close friends
    >All the friends i've made at college so far has been through them
    >Left with no friends

    >Boyfriend has been with me and talking me through that bullshit the whole time
    >Thought he was the one
    >Go on vacation to visit friends and family in Korea for the summer
    >Breaks up with me because he thought we were growing distant
    >Every time I tried to Skype with him, he was playing LoL
    >no friends
    >no boyfriend
    >feels bad man

    sorry for writing a god damn essay ;_;
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/15/11(Fri)01:34 No.4721932
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    No homo?

    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)01:42 No.4721966
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    Looking back now, I can understand what was going on. It's a very simple dynamic that the myopic misogynists from the happily deceased r9gay board completely misunderstood as "ladder theory." I recognized the pattern from conversations with another girl I know, who isn't manipulative, merely crazy. She's convinced that people should enjoy lust with one person and love with another, and much like proton packs, one must never "cross the streams."

    This girl also happens to have a major lady-boner for characters like Heathcliff.

    That's all it boils down to: some girls, often crazy ones, have a real thing for the "dark, edgy, abusive asshole," but since such men can't exactly be lived with, they find someone else to provide actual emotional intimacy. The idiots think that they should tear their shirt off in some attempt to out-gorilla the other male - yes, their solution is to (literally) ape the Heathcliff, instead of loathing that loony fucker and all like him. There are no ladders, and women are not won by flinging shit and waving the biggest branch upon first meeting: these girls are just bent like that, and some of them know what they're doing so well they can openly codify the philosophy. 99% of girls grow out of the "Heathcliff/Edward/Byronic Stalker Asshole is awesome" phase at age 13, but the ones that don't? They often attend cons.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 07/15/11(Fri)01:45 No.4721973
         File1310708703.jpg-(40 KB, 211x252, 180173557.jpg)
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    No homo.

    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 07/15/11(Fri)01:45 No.4721979
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    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/15/11(Fri)01:50 No.4721995
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    Yay, no homo love!

    pic related

    Ohhoneybabysugarpiesweeiemasterdarling, I still love you, forever, even if I love others, you are at the top of my list. <3
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:03 No.4722035
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    Hey. You.

    Yeah, you.

    Cheer up.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:03 No.4722038
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    But sometimes... knowing this doesn't help.

    The night we sat in lawn chairs in the side-yard, just us two beneath the starry night sky. Our words were intimate and heartfelt, and we gripped each others hands tightly, talking straight from the heart.

    All else be damned, that was real, and occasionally I think of it still.

    Months after I slammed the door, a mutual friend told me Katie said she badly regretted screwing things up with me. I'm sure she did, but there really is no going back.

    That's the story of Katie, the only friend I've ever deliberately blown off. A little while after that, I fell for another girl who was much more like me - literary, philosophical, the works.

    She's the one who won't "cross the streams." As I eventually learned.

    These days I've drifted away from all the friends I used to have - even through Internet. IRC channels just bore me with pointless drama, and I don't even turn on my IM clients anymore. I'm not aware of feeling lonely, or isolated, but every now and then I wonder if I'm mistaking numbness for indifference. Because despite my utter and genuine disinterest in human contact, sometimes I feel utterly lost, and wonder if I'm hurting and just don't know it.

    So of course I go onto /cgl/ and type all this shit up, with no clever image macros, no dramatic stories of psycho-vampire-dragonkin roomates wielding toasters, and not even any greentext, because somewhere along the line I let myself believe all the happy posts with supportive image macros meant /cgl/ has people who actually give a shit.

    I know this isn't true, and that nobody will reply, but I don't give a shit anymore. I just needed to say it.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:19 No.4722090
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    I don't have "Friends", therefore there is no friends to break up with.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:21 No.4722098
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    >spend 10 minutes trying to think of a competent response
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:27 No.4722115
    It's true. There are incredibly supportive people here.
    Many of us have had hardships and sympathize with you. I don't like seeing people sad, and I don't want you to be.
    I'm not very inspirational, but what I'm trying to say is that I want you do be happy.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:30 No.4722127
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    Fuck logic, indeed. I've had enough of logic. I've had my fucking fill of logic. You can work the logic out ten times over, it doesn't make the conclusions any better.

    It just... I don't know what it just is. It's just the way it is.
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 07/15/11(Fri)02:35 No.4722147
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    >Make friends with woman 12 years my senior.
    >We're as close as kin. Hang out. Go places together.
    >She shows more and more odd behavior. Including writing her own furry mutant hentai, being openly afraid of being mistaken for a lesbian, defensive over a online pet/kennel game, saying that all the guys who dated her only wanted her for her body, etc...
    >Slowly starts turning all our outing into cosplaying opportunities. Including trips to the county fair, Disneyland, and eventually tried to turn a beach trip into one. The last one she wanted us to go way out of the way just so she could go cosplay at a pier. Even going so far to tell me that "Oh, you don't have to cosplay!" When I told her I didn't want to deal with cosplay.
    >Her degrading behavior is actually from long before I even met her. I was just blind and naive to her behavior.
    >Any time something negative would happen, she'd always blame other people. She never once took responsibility for her actions.

    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 07/15/11(Fri)02:37 No.4722152
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    >Finally told her after she threw a temper tantrum at me that she was a selfish person and cared more about cosplaying then she did her own friends.
    >After friendship broke off, found out she'd been lying about me behind my back. Blamed the whole friendship falling apart on me.
    >She even tried to butt in on events we were attending after we were no longer on speaking terms, and even so far as to try to get an event organizer to not allow me to bring my pet dog to their event at a public park(organizer just asked me to keep the dog on a leash) and openly bitched about me to the organizer, in which the organizer pretty much told her off.
    >Mutual friends tell me of her antics and just gave them a "told you so" when she started treating them the same way she treated me.
    >Haven't seen or spoken to her since.

    and I'm all the better for it. I've made a new circle of much more sane friends. Also add in the fact that I've gotten married and looking forward to the future. I can only laugh at the woman who's almost 40 and driven herself into a selfish state of existence. I've probably gained more in the time that we've been apart then she's probably ever had in her entire life.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:38 No.4722159
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    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:40 No.4722163
    >Friends haven't been online for a while
    >Asked if I could hang out with them, says sure
    >Then says she has plans
    >Recently asked if I could stay in the same room as they are
    >Nope, too full
    >Feels like I'm being left out on purpose and it feels bad man
    >Tried to call if they like to hang out
    >No answer

    Maybe I'm just being paranoid, knowing they have a habit of changing their numbers and not telling people unless they live nearby (I live in another city from them). Occasionally, they will invite me to something if I bump into them in person.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:40 No.4722165
    A fact that needs to be said before I can tell my story, is that I have horrible insomnia. Can't sleep, can't stay awake, sleep but wake up every ten minutes, nights and days are reversed, every night is different really. Mostly I can't get sleep, and usually go days without a wink of sleep.

    Anyway, I had a friend that I was incredibly close with. We met at (at the time) my best friends 16th birthday party. We instantly clicked, and had a lot in common, exchanged e-mail addresses, and kept in contact, and in time became best friends. Since we live an hour away, she invited me to stay over for a week one summer. I was a tad hesitant, since my sleeping habits are non-existent and I didn't want to disturb anyone. She kept saying it was fine and I accepted, since I missed her a lot, and wanted to spend a lot of time with her.

    I went over, and the first day was awesome! Laughs, jokes, swimming, snack food, the works! Then it was 'time for bed'... she knew about my insomnia, but would always joke about it. She said that I didn't have it, and I was just lying for attention. She made me lay there while she slept, so I just ended up staring at her ceiling for the first night. The next day, I fell asleep while watching the Labyrinth. She got really mad at me and said if I was so bored I should leave, and I felt horrible, I even LOVE that movie and didn't want to fall asleep, but I couldn't help it! Every day that week, my insomnia managed to fuck something up. I went home at the end, and our communication was strained... for the first week after that, then it was like it never happened.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:41 No.4722166
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    Goddamnit, /cgl/. None of the other street gangs will respect me now that I fucked up spoilering.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:45 No.4722182
    /cgl/ has no spoilers. You were outcast before you even started.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:47 No.4722188

    Fast forward three years. She still thought I lie about it, and just intentionally keep myself up at night, and all day. No matter how much I tell her I wish i could sleep. She starts nagging me on how not sleeping is bad for my health, maybe I should up my dosage of medications, and how I need to stop begging for attention.

    Fast forward another four months, where she gets a boyfriend who coincidentally, has insomnia. She stayed over at his house after a month of dating, where he slept, but would wake up every few minutes, and he eventually gave up and just lay with her. She went on and on about how insomnia is such a horrible thing that someone could have and that she feels so bad about him. when I mentioned that mine is about the same thing, she told me that mine isn't 'real insomnia' and that I just like to lie. Then she proceeded to tell me that she 'knows what insomnia is like' because of that one night. (prepare for mini rage)


    The only thing she replied with is that she gets dark circles sometimes when she stays up studying. Then she called me a bitch for using caps lock over something so stupid. I haven't talked to her since. I don't know why I let her call me a liar and treat me like shit for so long. It's not like I asked to have this disorder.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)02:56 No.4722224
    There was this boy my senior year. We weren't BFFs or anything. I was too emotionally broken down and too sick (CVID) to make friends.

    Do you know how two people are instantly drawn together? That was us. It was the damnest thing. He was one of the smartest people in school, I was barely holding on. We didn't have much common.

    But it didn't stop us. There was a strange relationship between us. He'd always laugh at my jokes, we'd chat to each other. We'd end up playing footsie at bookclub. Near the end of the school year he signed my yearbook with love forever, hugged at his graduation party and said goodbye. We never became close friends, he was shy, I was shy, and I wouldn't let people in. But we had a relationship of some sort.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:03 No.4722245
    We went our separate ways and drifted apart. College does that.

    But the thing is, he's the only thing that kept me from killing myself. I'm no longer suicidal, I'm very happy, and thankful everyday I'm alive. I wish I could thank him. But I don't want to weird him out.

    I miss him. I don't mean to be a creep, but he was a very unique person, and without him, there is a void that will never be filled. I dream of him a lot.

    I feel like I met a soulmate or important person like that and blew it. Not that I want to dwell on it, I'm happy and in a wonderful relationship. I just want to thank him for his existence keeping me from killing myself.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:15 No.4722272
    I have recently gone through a string of bad friendships over the past couple of years. My life was fine and dandy until I got into cosplay, then it seems things have not really looked up since. I could start back when I was 16 when everything really started, but that would take forever for me to type, and nobody wants to hear that anyway, so lets just go back two years.

    I made friends with two girls, who helped me through a real rough patch after breaking up with my girlfriend of 1 year. They were super cool, really nice, and one of them was a founder of a small con.
    Things were great for over a year, no problems, we were the best of friends. In fact, girl 1 moved in with me during my sophomore year of college. Everything was pretty awesome until girl 2 graduated and moved up as well. Now, I understood that these two were long time friends. I gave them lots of time to hang out on their own, but you know, I like to hang out with my friends sometimes, too. Apparently girl 1 was getting jealous of me, and thought I was trying to steal her friend away, while girl 2 was thinking the same thing. We eventually worked things out.
    The day of our con came around and girl 2 and I were cosplaying as the con's mascots for the 5th year (If they are reading this, they know who I am now.) Together, we were supposed to parade around the con. Girl 1 wanted us together as often as humanly possible. Girl 2 ended up being with her boyfriend most of the time and didn't may much mind to me. This obviously got on my nerves by day 2. I expressed my concerns to Girl 1, and a few other people.

    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:17 No.4722277
    This entire thread makes me heartbroken and paranoid.

    I've drifted apart from friends, but never fallouts like this.

    I could probably cry for all of you...
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:20 No.4722285
    I honestly only said that I was upset that she was neglecting the plan and was upstairs sleeping with her boyfriend while I was told that I couldn't change out of costume while I was being STALKED by two very large men, who were really starting to scare me. I wasn't allowed to leave the con to protect myself, but girl 2 was allowed to ditch out and go have a nap with her boyfriend.
    The con is pretty much over, and girl 2 bursts into the room yelling and screaming at me that I am a backstabbing bitch. I calmly tell her to settle down so we can talk like adults, but she won't have any of it, and storms out of the room.
    Girl 3, whom I had broken down to entirely earlier is in the corner looking like a kicked dog. I suddenly realize that she had twisted everything I had said into poison. She had a history of pitting friend against friend to get what she wanted.

    Its a few days later, and I am at home for spring break and my 21st birthday when I get an email from girl 1. She said she had moved out and gave little to no explanation as to why. And sure enough, I come back home and she is totally gone. I try to mend what is left of the friendship, and I try to set up a meeting with 1 and 2 to work things out and talk them over. The sooner the better, right?
    Neither of them respond. It is surprising to me to think that it has been nearly 5 months since we have spoken, and yet I STILL don't know what I did and why they hate me.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:22 No.4722289
    There's just something off about me that makes me not able to keep friends and maybe I'm too self-centered to realize... but I wish someone would tell me what it is.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:23 No.4722292
    This made me... really happy. An ethereal wave of contentedness just washed over me.
    I'm so glad that you had this period of joy in your life.
    Thank you for being happy now. Thank you for surviving.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:23 No.4722296
    And due to my emotional backlash, I ended up loosing my boyfriend as well. I was upset, and he was never very supportive when it came to my emotions. He accused me of cheating on him, and I just kind of... blew up because of how I had just lost every single one of my friends. Now I am pretty much completely alone in this town. I have gone days without even speaking to anybody. I am downing anti-depressants like candy (metaphor, promise)
    Life sucks, dude.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:27 No.4722304
    Well I will share my story. I had whole new friends from Highschool since my gradeschool friends all went to different highschools and such. I feel like these "friends" that I have I dont totally connect with and feel left out since I dont know a whole lot of inside jokes and watch alot of anime's they do. So hopefully since college is starting up slowly break off contact with them, start my new cosplaying hobby and get whole new friends that I can hopefully connect with from college or from cons. Nothing too interesting, just why can't I find friends who have the same things in common like me. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)03:28 No.4722307
    Femanon here. geez, some of you girls are so complicated.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)04:48 No.4722474
    That sounds similar to a friend I used to have.

    Everyone now feels sorry for me for putting up with her shit for as long as I did. At the time, I didn't see her making up drama to play victim to. Most of the time it was her and my other ex friend bringing my name up to defer the drama to me to deal with.

    I have younger friends now; and they seem to be so much more mature than the ones I used to have my own age.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)06:00 No.4722604
    >Best friends with this guy
    >Guy has a crush on me
    >Turn him down nicely
    >Still want to be friends with him and his friends
    >Says if I don't love him he doesn't want to speak to me anymore
    >Start crying
    >Tells me one of our friends made an account on a game we play
    >add him
    >Friend won't stop asking me if I love best friend or not
    >another breakdown
    >best friend tells me he lied and he was just acting like my friend
    >Never leaves classroom during lunch break so I don't run into him and start crying
    >Go to the bathroom, come back and he's waiting for me
    >Grabs me and tells me to stop being a bitch
    >Run back to room
    >Unsocial for the rest of my life for fear of something like this happening again
    >Guy finds me on skype
    >Won't leave me alone and I'm too nice to tell him to
    I'm a moron for still putting up with his shit, but I can't handle being hated by someone for not loving them.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)06:04 No.4722608
    Last line sounded stupid, must rephrase
    I don't want to lose one of the few people that doesn't hate me because of something stupid like a kiddy crush. He doesn't talk about it anymore, but it still makes me feel like shit when I'm talking to him.
    >> JJ 07/15/11(Fri)06:55 No.4722683
    I met this friend in middle school, but we didn't really become friends til after high school. 4 years to the present, we have become really close friends, I grew to think of him strictly as a Big Bro (i'm a girl btw).. and just last week *sigh* I found out bro has feelings for me.. how? we were at a mutual friends party and I happened to meet a nice lad so we chat up a storm out on mutual friends balcony. We were having a really good time.
    > Bro sees this ( is slightly tipsy/ almost sober ) and goes out to balcony and starts raging. (note; He is usually extremely nice and has a friendly demeanor while sober.) so i was kind of shocked.
    > Starts implying I'm a slut who flirts around with everyone but him, and tries to drag me inside to 'talk about things'. At this point I am just shocked & appalled, so I refused.
    > Bro rages some more and starts using force, grabs me by the arm hard repeatedly and tries to take me inside, after a few tugs I start panicking so I kind of screamed at him to let me go..Nice Lad had to intervene and take Bro's hands off me, which causes Bro to lose his marbles, so Bro ends up pushing me hard against the screen door and hurling himself at Nice Lad. But before things got super crazy 2 guys came and stopped the almost fight.
    >Bro gets taken inside but still wants to fight, and Nice Lad rushes over to me to see if things are alright..moments later Bro is taken home but before he leaves he gives me a death glare and calls me a Hoe ;__; .. Party gets ruined. A few days later Bro starts txting, facebooking, and calling.. none of the messages explain his actions or are apologetic.. so I don't respond to any of it cause I don't really know how..
    > Next day I get more msgs, this time he starts calling me names, and states that he never wants to see me again..And so far I've obliged X(
    In all honesty, I kind of miss our friendship, but I'm kind of worried about his behavior.. so I guess it's better this way ..
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)07:59 No.4722743
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    It's almost been a year, but we used to cosplay together so..

    >Acquire friend.
    >Have awesome time. Talk about everything, plan cosplays.
    >She tells me we can only be best friends if I become friends with her childhood friend.
    >Yay! More friends!
    >Always had to pay for them. They never had enough money, even paid for their cosplays one time.
    >Swear to pay me back. Never do.
    >The only gifts I ever got from them were from Savers. Sometimes none at all.
    >Insisted on cosplaying while constantly bitching about how poor they were.
    >Put me through constant emotional abuse. Too fat, not smart enough, untalented, the list goes on.
    >It's okay, because they're just joking.. right?
    >"If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't even have friends."
    >Always tried to make me do things for them because "That's what friends do."
    >Three years later, try to slowly drift away from them.
    >Realize they can no longer get anything from me.
    >Get replaced by a new leech who's also super poor, but willing to please them.
    >They give her all my spots in cosplay groups and start treating me even more like dirt.

    >> Sheepeep 07/15/11(Fri)08:02 No.4722746
    Ooh, I like where this is going... Do tell!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)08:02 No.4722747
         File1310731349.gif-(488 KB, 400x164, tumblr_lk1qzvuayc1qh1mzno1_400.gif)
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    >At AV '10, plan to break up with them afterwards.
    >They spend the whole first day whining about the heat, boredom, and hunger.
    >They're those people who don't go to anything and just sit in the hallway, hating everything.
    >I finally snap and ditch them. Don't answer texts, calls, nothing.
    >They don't bother to find me or talk to me in person.
    >Whatever. Busy actually having fun.

    >After con, get swarmed by texts, both of them going full out on me.
    >I'm a horrible person, I'm spoiled, I don't deserve anything or anyone, I'll never find happiness.
    >Anything and everything negative that you can think of, they sent it to me.
    >Five months of depression and identity crisis.

    >All the time and money I wasted, I'll never get back.

    There's quite a bit of shit they did to me, but I just included the main points.

    I guess I was pretty stupid to have stayed that long, and truthfully, I wasn't that great of a friend myself.
    I usually refused to go out anywhere and was always very distant. They were always making me feel bad for not doing what they wanted.

    You know, when I think about it, they were pretty much real life versions of Mother Gothel from Tangled.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:20 No.4722814
    >Best Friends since we're 12
    >Have a few fights but she's one of the few people who understand how my brain work and understand my stupid jokes
    >Finish High School we go to different college
    >She goes to a medical college, it's super difficult so she doesn't have the time to see me even thought it takes me 5 min to go to her house.
    >Keep texting her but lately she doesn't answer anymore (Like "Hey how are you ?" once a month)
    >Try calling
    >She changed her number

    I'll be moving out next month and certainly never see her again, I'm really angry but I want to know why she did that. Last time we hang out everything seemed cool and normal ...
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:21 No.4722816
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    Little background info first. This guy I used to be best friends with ended up just not talking to me anymore. No idea what I did, but it just sort of 'ended'. He works for my dad and cannot get into University due to low grades during school, which is something he's constantly pissed off about.

    >Really good friends with a guy, used to hang out and do everything together, were into the same music/TV shows, etc.
    >I start hanging with a different crowd, some guys I knew a few years ago. Have a lot of fun just drinking, talking and relaxing. First time I've felt 'right' with a group of people in a while. Also start becoming more vocal about my weed use (not like OMAGAWD WEED IS ORSUM LEGALIZE DIS SHIT), just randomly posting news stories about legalization, etc. every couple months or so.
    >Get accepted into a Bachelor of Law for University next year, which annoyed him.
    >Go to his 18th party (he's a year or so younger than myself and most of his friends). Hug him and tell him I still want to be friends. He agrees.
    >Go to sit in my car for a few minutes, he opens the passenger's door and sits down. He tells me he's 'extremely concerned' with my marijuana use, and that he wants me to stop, despite me telling him I smoke it at most once a month, and only ever with friends. (I see marijuana as an experience, not a 'fix' or something to do while bored. It's hard to explain, but if I want to get wasted, I have alcohol).
    >He gets INSANELY drunk and passes out for the entire night.
    >Doesn't talk to me ever again, even when I send him messages or try to call him.
    >Whatever. His loss. I have a new group of friends now. I do miss him, but he's always been very immature, and I'd rather not have to deal with people like him.
    >> this may be a little long... Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:23 No.4722819
    I recently had a falling out with basically my first friend at university. She was kind of bossy, a loud mouth, and insensitive but she reached out to me when I didn't have any friends and we became really close. I spent almost all of my time at her dorm because my roommates were huge assholes. We always hung out together and had a great time. I remember when she was driving us to a friend's house and Eric Clapton's Wonderful Tonight came on. We decided it was our song and we would be friends forever.

    Things changed when she got kicked out of her sorority. I tried to be as supportive as I could to help her through it, because the sorority was such a big deal to her, but she would just get angry at me, that I couldn't understand because I wasn't Greek. I gave her some space for a while and she eventually warmed up to me again. But things were different after that. She became really hostile towards me, like I was the cause of her problems. She blamed me for her lack of friends, because we had gotten so close that when she left the sorority, I was her only friend. When I gave her more space, she accused me of not wanting to be friends anymore. Then I found out that she was shit talking me to everyone. She was always really open about how she felt about people, but I never thought that she would bitch about me the way she bitched about other people. I was really hurt, so I started hanging out with her roommate more. She was really nice and kind and we clicked.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:24 No.4722821
    My best friend really freaked out about that. I didn’t understand it at the time, because she didn’t seem to want to hang out with me, but now I realize that she was probably jealous that I found a new friend. When I would come over, she would be rude and borderline insulting before going to her room and locking the door. I tried to reach out to her, but she just pushed me away more. I stopped going over to her dorm and just invited her roommate to come over to mine. Then things really blew up.

    Apparently, when I befriended her roommate, things went downhill in their relationship. She was openly aggressive towards her, and started to steal her things and throw them away. Both the roommate and I are pretty beta, so we didn’t really know what to do but try to avoid her. Then one night I went to a frat party with the roommate, and my friend happened to be there. She was very upset that we went to a party together, and made a huge scene (she was pretty drunk). She started screaming, calling us lesbians. She threw a drink at the roommate, so we decided to leave before things got worse. It was too late. She followed us, and grabbed me by the shirt and pushed me down some stairs. I don’t really remember what happened after that, but I do know she was banned from coming to any more parties at that fraternity and was punished in some way by the university.

    The funniest thing about this whole mess is that sometimes I still really miss her. I remember what she was like before everything went so terribly, and I miss that person. I don’t like to listen to Wonderful Tonight anymore.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:45 No.4722842
    >go to sleep
    >Wake up
    >Playan vidya for some hours
    >get back to see sexy wimminz
    >Thread still here
    oh wow
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)10:06 No.4722866
    Have a lesbian's tale of woe

    >Move and change elementary schools when my mom marries this guy
    >Meet several girls in a "clique" and become besties with J
    >Middle school I come out of the closet with J and we date.
    >Highschool we date on and off, but never take it personal and stay very close friends even when not dating.
    >Go to the same college; her in dorms, me in an apartment off campus.
    >My first roommate becomes an asshole, I spend every night till 3am at J's dorm.
    >We start dating again, get serious and move in together our second year of college.
    >J takes Chinese, makes a ton of new friends who don't like me because I am basically an anime-obsessed cosplaying nerd.
    >Stops inviting me to hang out, stops carpooling to class with me, stops eating dinner with me, brings people I don't know over at midnight and later and has parties until dawn.
    >Comes into my room one day, "So hey, we aren't dating anymore right?" while on phone.
    >Stumble out "ugh... I guess not..."
    >She leaves. I cry.
    >J moves out on really bad terms, got tired of me, hates me, thinks I'm a weirdo
    >Year later(no contact since she moved), find out through an mutual old friend that she tells people we never dated and that I'm basically crazy.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)10:18 No.4722880

    I love your writing style though.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)10:31 No.4722903


    >turn straight
    >meet guy
    >get married
    >have 3 kids
    >everything went better than expected
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)10:34 No.4722904
    No. Why don't you go back to /b/?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:00 No.4722926
         File1310742037.gif-(384 KB, 250x150, tumblr_lk70ysobLu1qct8wm.gif)
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    Pic: How I act around her (chick I'm talking about in this story) or when I think about her these days.
    Seems kinda more like a rage story, but then let it be that, it still describes how I broke it off with a friend of mine.

    >>Has awesome friend.
    >>Makes her watch Kuroshitsuji that I have been a fan of since summer 2009.
    >>Small con is coming up.
    >>Lent her my Drocell cosplay for small con.
    >>She winds up joining a cosplay-group. (a.k.a stealing credits for my stuff.)
    >>I joins the group too, just to keep track of my costume.
    >>Group is consisting of a bitchy leader whom cosplays Ciel with her gf as Sebastian, and a bunch of other people.
    >>Some haven't even seen the complete series yet, some others have seen it just ower a long marathon.
    >>They think they know more than someone whom has been watching the series and has been involved with it for years.
    >>Realize they are all weebos, and they treat me like shit.
    >>Leaves group. At this point my friend has her own costume of Drocell.
    >>Contacts friend every now and then.
    >>Get's ignored to. And lied to.
    >>Sends messenge that she can fuck off.
    >>Blocks her. Never hear from her again.

    This was yesterday and today, and I regret nothing, c'us according to her, the groups bitching and her defending it is nothing that has happend. Ever.

    (Sorry if anything is misspelled/oddly phrased. English is not my first language.)
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:32 No.4722973
    >In a big circle of friends, some of us hang out IRL and some are long distance.
    >Having a big birthday party, invite everyone.
    > Having trouble contacting long distance friend. Already inviting mutual friend who knows her irl so ask her to pass along the invite when she sees her.
    > Long distance friend flips her shit because I didn't invite her ~*~PERSONALLY~*~
    > Doesn't seem like a big deal to me but apologise anyway because I didn't want to upset her
    >Everything is good, long distance friend comes to party and bring an apology letter. Hugs and loveliness.
    > Few months later, long distance friend hasn't been talking much. Not too weird because we didn't talk that much before.
    > Find out she has decided she is no longer friends with anyone in the group
    > Wait what
    > Try to message her to ask what's up. Everything is ignored. I have no idea what we've done but apologise for it anyway.
    > Mutual friend asks why she suddenly hates us. She admits that she doesn't know herself
    > To this day, no idea what we did wrong
    >> Kenmichi !!lT9Ulp8FHEs 07/15/11(Fri)11:41 No.4722983
    >2006: Meet who was to be my best friend in college
    >2006-2008 Epic hijinks are had, tons of fun, hanging out, mutual interests and hobbys, is truly defined as best friend.
    >2009 I host a party, invite all our friends.
    >Friend doesn't come, accuses me of not inviting him
    >Girl he was after was invited, she was a close friend and nothing more, I was taken and not a threat
    >Gets mad about situation, says I betrayed him
    >All this takes place over 1 night, throws away 3 years of friendship
    >2 years later still won't talk to me, still thinks I betrayed him

    I will never understand this, ever. I guess if he was so willing to throw away our friendship so whimsically then maybe he really wasn't my best friend.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:57 No.4723002
    I know that feel. The only person I've openly told about my vaginismus is my boyfriend and he has been so patient and good about helping me fix it.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)11:59 No.4723004

    similar story:
    >friend I knew in high school, 2 years old than me, takes me to con
    >work on cosplays together, lots of fun
    >she transfers to 4 year uni
    >suddenly she is out drinking and pretending she is korean and banging guys and wears way too much makeup than is flattering
    >not interested in talking to me anymore, thinks I am a weirdo for cosplaying
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)12:00 No.4723006
    I bet you take it in the ass then :3
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)12:03 No.4723010
    My friends want to drink/get high/find ~boys~ (if they're girls) all the time.
    I don't like being under the influence more than a couple times a month, and I'm really not interested in finding "cute boys" as I have a boyfriend, and even if I didn't, I wouldn't care.
    Every time I try to find new friends, they just end up wanting to party.
    WHY is there no one around here that doesn't want to do stupid shit every single day?
    Forever alone ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)12:05 No.4723012
    So you make your friends feel weird for wearing makeup?

    Yeah, that's shitty.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)12:05 No.4723014

    Where are you from, anon?
    >> Ivy !EihVUOzAKE 07/15/11(Fri)12:05 No.4723015
    Oh man

    >Be into cosplay at about 13/14
    >Eventually get my brother and his girlfriend into it
    >She and I become insanely close, best friends, cosplay partners
    >At 16 get a boyfriend and convince him to start cosplaying with us
    >Meet even more friends and create a small group that cosplays and go's to cons togethor
    >I go to college
    >Shit hits the fan. Through a lot of changes she is now dating my ex-boyfriend.
    >No longer even on speaking terms

    Feels bad. It sucks losing two cosplay partners and the group has more or less fallen apart.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)12:08 No.4723021

    No, actually, it's because she has toxic relationship with all the boys in her life and apparently loves to dramallama it up all the time now. So we don't talk anymore, I haven't said anything to her about her choice in makeup.

    The too much makeup thing just adds to the awkwardness. Asian girl with small eyes trying to imitate that raccoon makeup that scene chicks do? Yeah, awkward.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)12:09 No.4723022
    Oregon. I live in a small-ish city, so maybe they're all just really bored, haha. But still.
    >> MOMO !!A8BrPmZzO+j 07/15/11(Fri)12:21 No.4723042

    I would've been fine with it if she didn't hang out with the "LIEK AMAGAD TEXT ME BABEZ OXOXOXOXOXOXOOXOXOX DID YOU SEE HIM? OMG HE WAZ SOOOOOO HAWT!!!!111!!!!" type of people.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)13:33 No.4723183
    she pushed you down the stairs?! what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:07 No.4723471
    I just googled vaginismus.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:09 No.4723484
    >Confess to friend
    >She rejects me and feels bad
    >I tell her it's fine and hope we can still be friends
    >She gets in a relationship
    >Still try to be friends with her despite being hurt knowing she's with someone else, but suck it up and just hope she's happy with him
    >He doesn't like that we cosplay together and respectfully asks her to not. Fine with her going to the con alone with me for 3 days, trusts her enough and is overall a pretty cool dude
    >She doesn't want him feeling uncomfortable so we don't even split costs on rooms anymore
    >We met less and less at cons
    >She stops going entirely
    >Not much time to hang with her
    >Pain builds up too much and I tell her without thinking
    >She tells me it may be better if I distance myself more because she doesn't want to see me hurt and has noticed it for a while
    >I don't want that, but I agree

    Regret it a lot. I'm such a weak piece of shit, I couldn't stay her friend because of my feelings fucking me over. I don't keep in contact with her anymore because when I think about her it hurts still. Beta as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:10 No.4723486
    >Tell best friend my biggest secret and she promised to never tell anyone
    >Fast forward, she's a huge bitch and I finally end the friendship
    >She's never been that great at keeping secrets
    >Is the type that thinks if someone tells her a secret, they understand that she will tell her friends
    >What was I smoking when I told her my secret?! What if she tells everyone?!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:18 No.4723507
    The only thing you should regret is the bit of lingering towards the end. Sounds like you needed to cut all ties because everything after that point makes it worse for you.

    The sooner you find someone new to think about, the better your life will be. Cuz it was never going to be love with her.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:42 No.4723576
    I'm 24, she's the only person that's even caught my interest even a little. I'm too picky, but it's not really my fault that I don't fall for people. I don't really have any hopes I'll find someone else I like. It's been 2 years by the way.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:54 No.4723604
    Then you need to be meeting more people. Go join some clubs or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)15:58 No.4723613
    I don't want to experience intimate feelings again, I'm not strong enough to handle them really. I do thank you for your help though, my friends try to get me to do the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)16:04 No.4723621
    Oh stfu, you're whining for attention and it's perfectly obvious that if an attractive girl actually seduces you instead of you having to chase them you'd give in to it in a heartbeat.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)16:27 No.4723686
    I've had girls confess to me though.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)18:53 No.4724198

    Family "patterns." I meant family PROBLEMS.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)19:09 No.4724257
    I'm amazed that never came up once until 2 years had passed. That's a long time for a relationship on such shaky foundations to last.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)19:20 No.4724296
    More then anything, I hate when someone suddenly dumps you as a friend, you ask why, and they won't tell you and just block you instead.

    Right now, I care more about the fact they can't be half-arsed to tell me then the fact they don't want to be friends. Is it really that hard to tell someone?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)19:27 No.4724319
    I became best friends with buddy, she told me a lot of secrets and we invested a lot in each other. Said I was good for her, helped her get a job, helped her get straight [big weed used, multiple times a day, didn't do much else]. I was proud of her because I grew up in a very anti-drug family and still can't get over my dislike for it. Cut to a few years later,we're living together, roommates, she's smoking every day again, snapping at me, won't do any household chores, won't clean her own room, gets angry when I borrow a button down for work but loses the things I let her borrow when she goes to her dealer's house. She yelled at me the other day for not folding her clothes after I washed them [to save water/electricity I just did one big load] for her. I miss my best friend.

    >feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)19:28 No.4724324
    This. I was friends with this girl for years and she won't answer why she stopped talking to me. I even told her I want to know because it's going to haunt me forever otherwise.
    But nope, no fucking answer. Guess all those years of supporting her meant nothing.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)20:07 No.4724498
    For some reason, that always seems to happen in threads like these. I wonder if it's a janitor.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)20:15 No.4724531

    >Vaginal climax thread on the front page

    >implying we have a janitor

    el oh el
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)20:36 No.4724597
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    >Group of cosplay friends in the region, all of us get attention for our costumes
    >Suddenly, after many years of poor self-esteem going away due to losing weight, I'm interested in dating and hooking up
    >Go to huge, busy con with a guy I'm seeing and his friends/my other friend group
    >Don't spend as much time with cosplay friends due to all of our schedules not lining up
    >They mad
    >Call me a slut
    >Shame me on the interwebs
    >Hate myself again, gain back a lot of the weight
    >Deleted account and now I don't cosplay or go to cons
    >Fuck you guys
    >I am better than this
    >Do other things and be happy with life

    Haters gonna hate.
    >> Jacuzzi 07/15/11(Fri)20:45 No.4724630
    >Make two great friends in high school after dealing with a few years of trust issues
    >We're really close, all love the same sorts of things
    >All go to different colleges, their interest in anime fades with time, mine does not
    >During a couple breaks in my last year of college, invite them over to watch a couple anime series I think they might like, even if their not as into anime as they used to be
    >They complain the first break they come over. I figure they're not digging the series, it is a little confusing at first, I'm happy to just chat instead
    >The next time I plan this party around the series I want to show them. I invite them weeks ahead of time, get food, make sure my parents will let me use the TV all day, etc.
    >Bailed on by one friend, M, last minute, other friend, A, decides we should go out to eat instead and completely throws off my party plans. But… at least we can hang out together!
    >A couple months later, I'm planning on going to a talk on manga at a library about an hour north of my home
    >M invites me to meet her boyfriend in her college town on the same weekend. It's not far, but I don't have a car so I'd have to rely on A to give me a ride up there
    >The weekend's plans seem to include all sorts of things I'm not into and everyone else is going to be there with their boy/girlfriend. My boyfriend is not invited.
    >Decide to go to the talk because it's being given by someone I work with and because I'm freelance, it's important to maintain my work contacts. Plus I don't want to be the third wheel with everyone during the weekend with M.
    >She writes me this incredibly angry email telling me I don't try to maintain friendships and I'm such a mean person, and this and that.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)20:51 No.4724648
    Mine is pretty lame.

    >Friends with girl for over 10 years
    >Did maybe 3 cosplays together
    >Friend gets mad I'm spending more time with a new friend
    >Friend goes BATSHIT INSANE for 3 months
    >She's angry that I've started planning two cosplays with the other girl
    >Find out friend was talking shit about me and new friend
    >Friend causes me too much stress
    >Say fuck it, no longer friends with her
    >Then she comes crawling back wanting to be friends again 3 months later
    >Fuck this shit, not dealing with it

    The girl I used to be friends with is the biggest drama queen I've ever met. She's fucking older than me and acts like she's 12. The way things went, it was like she was the psycho ex. Kicker is come to find out later, she's "discovers" she's bi-sexual. What the fuck is this, I don't even...
    >> Jacuzzi 07/15/11(Fri)20:54 No.4724659
    >I couldn't make the 4 hour drive to visit her when I was in college because I had no car and the train takes like 16 hours, I had a full time job and class and all that. She never visited me either. So I don't know what she was spouting. I was often the one initiating conversation, inviting her over, etc. So I don't get what she was talking about
    >Turned out it wasn't just to meet her bf, it was her going away party because she was going to graduate school, but no one told me (though they insist they did)
    >A's dad passes away the day she was going to go to M's, so my would-be ride up there would have been unable to take me anyway.
    >Still totally makes me a horrible person
    >All my high school friends I'm still in constant contact with except for one talk about me behind my back, saying I came up with this "manga talk" at the last second because IT WASN'T POSTED ON MY LIVEJOURNAL. I'm seen as the mean one, the bad guy, the bitch of sorts for about a year.
    >Now have a somewhat permanent position as the "immature" one, I guess, even though I'm the only self-sufficent one, all because I didn't want to meet my friend's boyfriend and I decided to maintain work contacts instead.

    It took two years to talk to M again, but now we're on… pretty good terms, so that's nice.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:03 No.4724693
    No, we have a janitor. Not that they are around a lot, but I've seen threads get cleaned up.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:06 No.4724702
    >Fuck you guys
    >I am better than this

    These are the parts that should've come before the hating yourself and putting weight back on part.

    You should be able to do what you love despite whatever these dipshits say.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:37 No.4724798
    I can't speak for those that just suddenly stop all contact. But as someone who couldn't stand another person's shit; it's easy to ignore them. Because you feel like they should wake up and realise what a bitch/asshole/faggot they were being. Telling them just makes you look like you're coming back for more in my opinion. Which is why I have no quams in making it known I dislike the girl in >>4721552 story. My best friend tried to talk to her to see if the issue would be brought up, but she bitches and lies to her gf instead. But now that I've moved on, guess who wants to know about my life? Yes, DA was using her gf to sniff around.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:40 No.4724808
    I had a friend whom I've latched on to as an elementary child. We would spend most of our afternoons in the sewing factory where our parents work karaoking sailor moon songs on a makeshift stage.
    Fun times were had by all, but mostly at my expense of not being able to sing at all... We had a similar interest in anime back then before we even knew what it was... DBZ, Cyborg 009, Inuyasha, all the old toonami stuff.
    She was a year older than me so she left for middle school before I did. She was my first friend and I watched it all far apart.
    She went to the local school, which was unfortunate because we live in a ghetto neighborhood. My parents send me to a different school via school bus.
    Anywho, as time started passing on, she fell into a bad crowd and we drifted apart. It didn't help that my parents noticed the "bad" influence she had become and forbade us from contacting each other.
    She began to dye her hair, go out at night, ditched school, and ignore her parents.
    Shit really hit bottom when her father dies from an attack of some sort (I'm not sure, I wasn't able to find out) on the toilet and she was sent to juvie due to some incident that I'm not aware of the details.
    I think she's better now..... I don't know because this was a relationship long gone. I woefully regret not being there for someone I care about but there is nothing I can do really.
    When I try to think about some of the things I could have done, it makes me sad. There was nothing I could do to help her through her troubling times. And I hated myself for it but I've moved on. Now I will do anything to help my friends.

    >Childhood friend falls into bad crowd and hits dirt bottom at a very young age.
    >Nothing I could have done would have help, too young at time.
    >Woefully regret it but its futile to dwell upon.
    >I resolved to never let it happen again.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)21:48 No.4724823

    ...I thought you were making Wuthering Heights into a bad friendship story for a minute there, LOL.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)23:43 No.4725210
    This girl was two years behind me in high school, but we were in the writing club together and were both some of the heavyweights. She was really mousy and quiet, super-anxious all the time, and I was loud and boisterous. I kind of took her under my wing to teach her to have fun. We wrote an entire comic series together, and I supported her because her parents were neglectful and borderline abusive (her life was seriously like fucking Cinderella... they once told her she wasn't allowed to have a phone and then gave her eight year old sister a phone for shits and giggles).

    I kept trying to keep in contact, but she kept kind of avoiding me and not being available after I went to college. I finally found out she was into anime (Naruto, of course) when she called me and begged me to let her in my room at Acen. I was going with a school group, so I had to pull some serious strings, including paying for the room up-front in cash for me, her, and her boyfriend. She swore up and down her boyfriend was a great guy, employed, and no shit, taking care of his sickly mother.

    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)23:43 No.4725212

    Later, she calls me and wants to back out of the room, and refuses to pay me. I explained to her waay back that she was going to owe me money no matter what, and she got super-butthurt and said her boyfriend couldn't pay and she couldn't afford to pay for him. His "job" was 10 hours a week at a grocery store, and his mom took care of him, and oh, he used to deal drugs.

    I refused to back down about the money, and finally she agreed to pay. She shows up wearing an OC Naruto outfit that didn't even have a headband. She had the money for her spot but pouted when I told her she still needed to pay for his. "THIS $60 IS ALL I HAVE FOR THE WHOLE CON, ANON."

    Saturday she's gone. Went to stay in a room with 12 people and her boyfriend for "free". I cut off all contact with her until she pays me my money, I'm so sick of being used. A couple months later she calls me to "come out"...not gay, just a furry. I'm completely shocked and demand to know why she told me this. "Well, I have the right to tell people about this important part of my identity..." I ask about my money, and she hangs up.

    Goddamn, I wasted so much money and time and years trying to keep her from being a loser, and nothing helped. What a waste.

    tl;dr: the girl I took under my wing screws me out of money and becomes a furry, friendship is lost.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)23:53 No.4725249

    The worst part is that she's still talking to her abusive fucking parents. I know some people grow up and try to have nice, distant, formal relationships with shitty parents, but she wants them to love her so bad she allows herself to be used. They refused to take her to the doctor for several painful and easy-to-solve medical conditions. I used to bring her medications from the drugstore to help her. They tried to break our friendship several times, because I was a "bad influence"... a college-bound nerd in the creative writing club who didn't drink, smoke, do drugs, or attend a single party in high school. They used to leave her at school for 2-3 hours after her extracurricular activities were over because they were "too busy" to pick her up, but wouldn't let her have a phone to call me or someone else for rides. I'm so angry that she chose them over me, guys. I miss my friend. I miss out stories and our characters, and I'm so angry she lives with her druggie boyfriend in a crappy apartment somewhere.
    >> ®öri♪♫ 07/16/11(Sat)01:13 No.4725588
    Jesus man.. I just want to give you a hug right now
    >> TK-421 07/16/11(Sat)01:19 No.4725613

    >2 years later
    >Home on leave.
    >have a great time visiting my home town.
    >See old(use to be)friends sitting together at Subway.
    >they look at me saying OMG
    >hug me
    >shower me with affection
    >I tell them to fuck off.
    >use to be friend shocked
    >I tell them what they did to me in high school
    >how they treated me like a leper after I told them about my career choice.
    >they tell me that was so long ago, we were kids.
    >Some elephants never forget
    >I made an adult decision to join the military.
    >you made comments saying I was going to die.
    >still alive, death can eat a dick
    >you are all dead to me.

    It's the fact that after all these years you did not have the decency to say you were sorry for how you treated me. You hide behind the oh were were children defence. Not good enough.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)01:24 No.4725626
    They were more than assholes, dude, but you should have been the better man and cordially told them how you felt instead of flipping your shit.

    Now, anon, you are the petty assholes.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 07/16/11(Sat)01:25 No.4725630
    Damn, I am sorry ;A;
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)01:26 No.4725632

    No dude. That may be the right course of action in a regular situation, but they told this dude to his face that he was going to die. That is never okay.

    I think military-bro did the right thing by telling them to fuck off when they tried to pretend they never did anything wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)01:28 No.4725638
    Your ex-friends are (were, whatever) complete assholes and you definitely deserve better. I'm glad you eventually got to give them the righteous "fuck you" they deserved.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)01:31 No.4725646
    Don't get me wrong, those dicks deserved to be told off, but I think a cold, stoic reaction would have been much better than "FUCK YOU! YOU ARE DEAD TO ME! I WILL NEVER FORGET!".

    Don't give them the pleasure of knowing they pissed you off so bad, I guess is what I'm trying to say. Let them know that you could not possibly give less of a shit about them instead.

    But giving advice for something that happened in the past is meaningless. Good for you, militarybro, for actually saying something and not just letting it slide and pretending to be buddy-buddy.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)01:45 No.4725678
    I dated a friend for quite a few years. Now that we're not together, she treats our relationship like we were never anything more than best friends and is trying to be all buddy-buddy with me. I appreciate the effort, but there's something about having dated someone that makes them as annoying as shit to you after. I feel bad because I've been putting distance between us, but that's the way this friendship is going to end.
    >> TK-421 07/16/11(Sat)02:02 No.4725737

    To clarify, those are not my exact words. When I say "dead to me", I mean if they ever say hello to me on the street, I'm walking away. If they send me an apology, I will then reconsidered engaging in conversation with them. I did however tell them fuck you. The whole time I was deployed, there words gave me motivation. I was going to set put and prove that I am going to come back in one piece.

    There was however a very harsh rumor that they spread while overseas. This is what set me off.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)02:12 No.4725772
    Never have lost a friend over a fight or anything.
    We just get bored with each other and stop talking.
    >> Giant 07/16/11(Sat)02:19 No.4725808
    My best friend of three years told me that i was a horrible person, and treated him like shit, even though all I ever did was care about him. He was the only person i trusted talking to. I could talk to him about anything! he's dating my best friend, and refuses to talk to me...... It kills me every time I think about it. I could never tell his gf (my little big sister) this, but i can't even look at her some days, because all i see is him. I almost want to make as miserable, and upset as he's made me, but I can't stand the thought of hurting him like that. I guess he didn't care that much for me
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)04:16 No.4726081
    I didn't really have much friends who were into anime in HS, Although VHS copies of Evangelion were passed around the Video production class.

    Ok. Had a current situation:

    Go on Craigslist. Searched "Anime" in community section.
    Find listing for an anime club in my area.
    Write email, totally honest ( 29/M wish to interact with 18 and older.)
    Get email back from poster
    18/F with younger sibling who wish to start the club.
    Stared at email for ten minutes before writing reply.
    Stated it wouldn't be a good idea because of the age difference. Gave ideas I could think of ( checking college for anime clubs, etc.) Wished her luck.

    I don't know how anons here have established groups or clubs, but just curious for those like me who may want to start one for adults. Best sites to use, rules/guidelines, etc. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)08:38 No.4726455
    wth? So what if some kid is there? If it turns into a big club it'll probably have people 15-40 going. It's not like it's an orgy, so who gives a fuck?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)09:00 No.4726471
    Me and my BFF started cosplaying together a couple of years ago. She was insecure before we started, but it didn't take long for her to become a huge attention whore because of the size of her chest. Now she cosplays really slutty characters to get the attention. She is sickenly sweet to everyone to their face but will be the opposite behind their back.
    I don't even know who she is anymore. Cosplay turned her into a monster.
    We aren't friends anymore but i have some really good cosplay friends now that are the complete opposite of her, thank christ.
    I feel bad for her because i overhear that a lot of her friends are only using her to get popular themselves. Well it was her own loss.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)10:55 No.4726642
    My post got deleted. What's up with that?
    >> Jacuzzi 07/16/11(Sat)11:43 No.4726729
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    I didn't start it, but in the club I was part of in college, we had a set schedule every week. Our schedule generally started out lighthearted and slowly get darker/more mature as the night went on, and I would tell this to any adults that wanted to bring their kids (though there really weren't many at all). The children would usually stay for the first few hours and their parents would pick them up before we got to any series that might be inappropriate for them.

    To keep this on topic, here's a story about friends ditching me:
    >Change schools in fourth grade
    >Was sort of a super star in my previous school, treated like a freak in my new one (tbh I was a pretty strange kid)
    >Finally make friends in fifth grade, but I'm going to a different school for 6th grade than them, so sad times at the end of the year
    >Early 6th grade they invite me to a sleep over
    >Super excited, get chips and dip, head to the designated house
    >Turns out the friend that lives there is sick and has no idea what I'm talking about
    >Other girls made it all up to trick me
    >Mom hopes I'm too young to figure out what they did
    >Nope, totally get it
    >Unable to trust people enough to make friends for the next three years
    >Finally told myself I wasn't going to let their cruelness continuously ruin my life
    >Now I live every day to the fullest, love life, have awesome friends, things are fantastic
    >But I do want to punch them in the face if I ever see them again
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)11:47 No.4726734
    Bad janitors/mod perhaps. Too bad this thread also got overrun with a load of circlejerking halfway through, too.
    >> TK-421 07/16/11(Sat)13:39 No.4727023

    As did mine. WTF man?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)02:27 No.4729914
    Wow, I have a bunch of things I could contribute to this thread, sadly.

    I was perpetually the new kid from about 4th grade onward. Thats alright, I'm pretty friendly and dont mind walking into a room of people I dont know.

    >8th grade new school with only a few months left in the year, meet Jane.
    >Jane introduces me to anime.
    I never really got into it, but I read some webcomics with her and we would draw together and just nerd out.
    >Start highschool. Still really close to Jane. I do sports and she doesnt, so we have almost no classes together. Hang out every day after school and chat on msn even later.
    >Jane gets a boyfriend. Highschool, 19 year old dropout. Her parents hate him, I think he's immature slime, she is in lovelovelove.
    >He pressures her to have sex, she says no, he breaks up with her. They get back together.
    >She tries to enlist my help in lying to her parents so she can sneak out.
    >I tell her I want no part of it.
    >He starts calling my house, trying to get me to help him sneakily talk to her on the phone/meet up at places and then ditch them so they can have a date.
    >tell him to shove it.
    >They breakup again because he was cheating on her. Then get back together.
    >continue to tolerate him because of her, but hoping she'll get rid of him.
    >Move in the middle of the year, dont see her anymore.
    >Slowly stop talking to her on msn because her boyfriend is taking it over.

    >wonder forever about her and what happened to her every time I see terrible webcomics and sweet but awkward weeb girls.

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