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  • File : 1310631107.jpg-(98 KB, 600x338, pokemon-men.jpg)
    98 KB Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)04:11 No.4718272  
    Ever notice there's a double standard with crossplaying

    Females crossplaying males poorly (no binding, poor makeup)

    >Girl is shit and should feel bad for being such a lazy ass.

    Men poorly crossplaying as women (no makeup, leave all facial and body hair, poor wig choice)

    Examples see Black Butler and Hetalia crossplayers

    >Holy shit did you see man (insert character name) he was so hilarious. God damn I wanna give that guy a hug and take his photo next time. What an awesome person!

    Examples see Pokemon Men, Brohous, Sailor Bubba.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)04:14 No.4718275
    OP you're a moron. This pokemon cosplay is clearly a joke. If you've ever seen the vid, you'd know this.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)04:16 No.4718279
    Because most of the time when females crossplay poorly they still want the attention and is doing it for the YAOI FANSERVICE POCKY GAME NYAA!!11!

    But when males crossplay badly most of the time it's intended as a joke and they bro out, awesomeness ensues.

    Really it's the attitude of the crossplayer in question, this has just been my experience in general.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)04:18 No.4718280
    that's why I listed other types of people. Still happens with Brohous and sailor bubba
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)04:19 No.4718284
    Well... you put them as your main image, people are going to think you're complaining about them specifically. Just sayin.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)04:21 No.4718287
    I don't disagree with the fact that there is a double standard, but I wouldn't be honest if I said I wasn't ok with it. The difference is that the type of gals that crossplay tend to be, and of course it's not always the case, trying to live out what it's like to be a guy. They refer to themselves as he, then trying to be in character so if their character is a douche they're a douche, and the most consistent drama in the cosplay community actually stems from crossplayers. And lets face it; the women that crossplay consistently tend to be a bit off. Don't deny it.

    Dudes are kind of tricky. You have your crossdressers and your crossplayers. Guys who are crossdressers tend to be relaxed and secluded because they don't want people finding out they're guys, and know the easiest way to figure it out is conversation. But guys who do crossplay, like the Pokemon Men, are obvious parodies, and it's clear to all that they're have a good time.

    Double standard? Sure. But it's a learned habit.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)04:24 No.4718293
    >the women that crossplay consistently tend to be a bit off. Don't deny it.

    I'd have to disagree with you on that. I crossplay mainly because I simply like the male characters more and would rather portray them at a con rather than the females that I don't particularly care for. Nothing to do with my sexuality or how I identify myself... it's just based on the characters I like.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)04:28 No.4718305
    So you're saying a male to female cross dresser in cosplay is not a crossplayer?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)04:45 No.4718331
    I think it's more of a question of intended accuracy. Most guys who crossplay aren't going for accuracy, they're doing it as a joke. Guys who do go for accuracy tend to do things like stuff and shave, but these are rare examples.

    On the other hand, most girls who crossplay are going for accuracy. If some girl wants to be a male character for costume sake then she better wrap up. If some girl is doing it for the joke of a woman dressed as a male character then I'm not gonna care.

    So yeah, when I see a Simon with obvious boobs I'm gonna think they're lazy. But that girl I saw with natural dreds dressed as Pickles the Drummer who only went so far as to crudely draw a goatee on her face? Fuck man, I'm cool.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)04:56 No.4718345
    Because it's funny when guys do bad crossplay, just like how when guys pretend to be girls it's funny, but it's not as funny when girls act like guys.

    (although, I have to say the touhou fandom is pretty bad about male vs female cosplayers, girl cosplayers get ripped apart for slightest inaccuracy while many shitty brohous get high fives and praise)
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)05:04 No.4718356
    Yeah, it's bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)12:58 No.4719271
    Cause touhou people hate it when people cosplay the characters without playing the games.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:21 No.4719335
    Its because women arent funny. Men do it as a joke.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:34 No.4719375
    For those of you saying it's funny when men pretend to be women but not funny when women pretend to be men, are you saying that there's something inherently not funny about it or that the women who do pretend to be men just happen to be doing it in a way that is not funny?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:38 No.4719384
    Ironic thing is at cons its more acceptable for a women to crossplay than a guy but when a guy crossplays people are way more forgiving.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:41 No.4719391
    It takes a lot more guys for a guy to put on a skirt than a girl to layer up and wrap some tits down.

    Though I do make sure my guy friends shave before they go out as characters showing a lot of leg in general.

    Also these guys are fairly entertaining even though its really stupid at same time
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:42 No.4719399
    yeah but when the thing is when a guy crossplays, he gets tons more shit than when girls crossplay.
    more people view it as a weird thing and get weirded out by it, but when there's a good cosplay of a guy you kind of expect for it to be a girl and surprised when it's not.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:44 No.4719406
    Culture dictates that women can't be funny. Why are there so many more (successful) male stand up comedians compared to female ones? Same reason. Women aren't suppose to be funny, or when they're being funny, they're only suppose to tell 'women' joke (Hey guys I'm on a period! You ever hear about one about...). They can tell 'universal' jokes with the exact same content, in the same tone, and with the same gestures as a male comedian, but people won't laugh as much because we're socialized to think men are inherently funny. Women are not.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)14:14 No.4719486
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    When the guys who poorly 'crossplay' as women but still leave all their facial hair on, it's not really considered crossplay because it's rarely ever serious. With Brouhous it's obviously a joke because Touhou is just all these cute witches you'd expect cute little girls to cosplay, so it's the opposite with all these manly men.

    I dunno. I love traps, male or female. Guys just have a better sense of humor. Girls tend to bitch about everything.

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