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!mRXaSPDgxw 07/11/11(Mon)01:58 No.4704809 File1310363925.jpg-(175 KB, 640x360, 2011-04-14 03-05-57.416.jpg)
 >>4704766 Well shit, I don't knwo hiw much I can teach over an imageboard. Especially considering I'm no pro. Z, X, and C are your main attack buttons, z being melee, x being magic, and c being fierce magic. A
while you jump, them hold a direction will make you fly, using up magic
power, and you also don't get hit by attack while flying. D will use
any spell youve stacked enough spell cards for, while I think S cycles
through the order of the cards. Once you have the controls down, practice is all you can do. OH and holding back arrow is shield. I guess that's important. AND THAT'S A LESSON FROM A DRUNK FUCKTARD WHO KNOWS NOTHING OF THE SUBJECT. |